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Category: Articles 4 comments 4 Oct 2010 @ 19:57 by stimoceiver @ : Orunla.org Remodelling?Hi, A few days back I was trying to refer a friend to the PNOHTEFTU, a book I have yet to finish reading myself, and I noticed that orunla.org appeared to be down. After checking sandorian.us for any indication of its demise and noticing few new postings since August, at first I was concerned for Max, and secondly for the small but significant treasure trove of information contained in orunla.org. I was, and still am a bit worried that the PNOHTEFTU might be on its way to that great /dev/null out beyond the stars, vanished like so many temporal manifestations of humanity's ongoing quest for truth on these impermanent internets, and left to be found by only the most assiduous researchers willing to search for whatever may remain of it in places like archive.org or the google cache. But now I see it is likely closed not due to vacancy but rather due to the slightly more reassuring reason of remodeling. I was worried I'd hafta start referring people to the only two other copies I know of extant on these interwebs, the one at http://www.freezoneearth.org/littlepurplenotebook/index.html and the one at http://www.trans4mind.com/clearing/Clearing/PurpleNotebook/ . At least the one at freezoneearth is indexed on their Technology page. I dunno if Peter Shephard or whoever runs the site knows that copy at trans4mind.com is even there anymore. And for some reason google's link: operator doesnt show anyone linking to either copy, nor anyone linking to http://www.orunla.org for that matter, not even http://sandorian.us. Can it really be this obscure? So, are you planning on putting the PNOHTEFTU back online at some point? Also, while I suspect some of the magic of such works as PNOHTEFTU and the Ghost Danse may come from their obscurity - and perhaps also from the fine layer of web 1.0 era dust on the sites where I tend to find them - and while I realize a lot of the material within both documents has been brought up to date, compiled and included in Polar Dynamics, I am guessing I am probably not the first person to inquire if you would ever consider bringing the PNOHTEFTU to print. I'm sure I would not be the only one rushing out to buy a copy. Call me an old timer but theres something reassuring and satisfying about the kinesthetic sensations attendant to holding an actual bound 'book' in ones hands and the turning of the pages thereof. Something that oft seems lacking when browsing the same information thru the medium of transient symbols on a flickering screen. By the way, speaking of flickering screens, I'm sure you know your recent vacating of content from orunla.org has broken a few of the pics and links on http://www.sandorian.us besides the beloved PNOHTEFTU. Anyway, as always thank you for making your writings available so that many may benefit. I look forward to what new delights you have in store for us, the internet at large, at http://passion4truth.org! best wishes, stimoceiver 4 Oct 2010 @ 20:46 by mx @ : thnx thanks for your nice words. yes, the server collapsed and I took it as signal of the Universe to regroup my presentations in a new way. The copies at freezoneearth and trans4mind are well maintained so I don't see the necessity to have yet another copy on my site. Thank you for directing people to there! Many things are in Polar Dynamics, yes, and one day Polar Dynamics 2 will be out or another book. For now I am focusing on the preparations for a workshop worldtour (still in the works http://countdown2012.ws ) all the best to you.. PS:and join me on facebook too, if you want to, (look for Max Sandor) 15 Oct 2010 @ 09:07 by mortimer : Time for Semantic Pause? To understand what I'm about to say you first need to understand that for last 30 years, or more, there has been mobilization to bring awareness to the truth about Columbus day. And during 2010 it went viral. The topic was raised this year in class rooms across America. The following 5 minute video exemplifies it well - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wm0EvTk8o4 The miners rescue (Oko) on Columbus day reeks of social engineering. The most effective first step towards resolve would be that 'the powers that be' stop making decisions from a place of fear. 24 Sep 2016 @ 17:28 by xender for pc @ : xender MAX SANDOR Very use full and interesting xender for pc Other articles in Articles 23 Sep 2016 @ 17:18: A summary of the summaries of Max Sandor's projects 23 Sep 2016 @ 17:04: Project Summary 6. Game Theory - why and how do we manifest? 23 Sep 2016 @ 17:02: Project Summary 5: Polar Dynamics - theory and praxis of polarities 23 Sep 2016 @ 17:01: Project Summary 4: Quantum Fá - a practical guide to this Universe 23 Sep 2016 @ 16:45: Project Summary 3: The Book of Numbers 22 Sep 2016 @ 16:12: Project Summary 2: UrTon - the basis of spoken languages 18 Sep 2016 @ 00:32: Project Summary 1: The ConCur Paradigm - the structure of Reality 9 Aug 2016 @ 14:35: Robot Psychologist (by Awaz) 9 Aug 2016 @ 14:35: Project Summary 7: Archetypology of the Human Being 1 Aug 2016 @ 00:40: Victory, submission or what else? Sign and symbol of the Rio 2016 Kickoff