The Sandorian Grove: Logs of JD Flora #3043: Can a TransRealist really reflect upon himself?    
 Logs of JD Flora #3043: Can a TransRealist really reflect upon himself?1 comment
picture27 Jul 2016 @ 16:06, by Max Sandor

JD Flora Log #3043: Can a TransRealist really reflect upon himself?
July 27th, 2016, in a jungle hut somewhere in Brazil

No, really, it's not in a hut in the jungle, it's in Facebook. But where is Facebook located?? In a transrealist TranceReality, in the jungle of collective minds in the year of the Lords 2016?

There, lo and behold, after more than two decades of sheer ignorance, I found a link to a Guardian article posted by Sepp Hasslberger on Jon Rappoport's Facebook page, describing what 'The Logs of JD Flora' are all about: Transrealism.

Of course, 'The Logs' are also PhiloFi, PHILOsophical FIction, alright. But maybe it really is Transrealism. Or both..

Quoting from the link above: "Transrealism has 30 years of history behind it, but it’s in the next 30 years that it may well define literature as we come to know it."

Which means, that, in the beginning, JD Flora was some 30-50 years ahead of its time but also 9 years late. Oh well. It asserted itself well enough. Being published as an e-zine from April 1995 onward, it also appeared in one of the precursors of today's BLOGs, the Daily Logs of yours truely at the New Civilization Network around the same time, alongside recipes for Aloe Vera, instructions on how to make Colloidal Silver for yourself, and excerpts of seminars of mine at Ojai, California, for the Krishnamurti crowd, all along with soundbites of my latest didgeridoo creation, and the like, not that much different from today's BLOGs.

What I asked in Ojai in June 1995 was "Being part of a reality, can one really say what is reality and what is beyond? For a boat, immersed in a stream, touching the river banks is a fatal danger. You can dream within a dream, alright, but can you be so awake as to be absolutely positive that you are not dreaming being awake?"

Let that sink in at full volume: Reality is what you see, it's reality! Is what you see it's reality?, cruelly excerpted from Shango Overdrive by Maximilian Sandor.

In the end, the answer to my own question is still the same: one needs to look from the OUTSIDE in, to answer it. Once INSIDE, you're toast.

At least, today, I could put my new-found knowledge about the word and concept of transrealism to the test. In the very the moment I received this strange message in Facebook's chat from someone hiding under a funny pseudonym:

Dr.Wxxxxg:I got this weird thing there on my table today, Log 60 or something...

me:I don't know you, Dr. Wxxxxg, do you happen to be Dr.Bollenberg?
me: aah, you mean this. Log #60? (link)

Dr.Wxxxxg: First, my name is Wollenberg, you asshole, not Bollenberg
And then that's all nonsense what you wrote
all silly fiction, it never happened

me: Oh well, then it's all OK, it never happened

Dr.Wxxxxg: Yes. Now erase that shit..

me: what are talking about?

Dr.Wxxxxg: That stupid Log sixty or something of JD Flora. I read that bull just now..

me: How? This stuff was published more than 21 years ago..

Dr.Wxxxxg:Revoke it! Immediately, or else..

me: No need to, JD Flora is an example for TransRealism.
In there, you are the Trans, the rest is Realism

Dr.Wxxxxg:you nitwit mo**erfu**er, son of a bitch

me:all is well, Dr.Bollenberg, if it's you, don't worry be happy..

Dr.Wxxxxg:you got 24 hours, smartass...
[end of conversation]

Reality catching up?? If I would comply, if I really could, just how would I erase the timelines that JD Flora spawned over the decades, such as On the trails of JD Flora, and other such droppings of fate?

See here, what it was all about:
Log #60 posted on this BLOG here -

or get your copy "The Logs of JD Flora 2: Within the Sphinx"!

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1 comment

1 Oct 2016 @ 00:12 by Conseil Fitness @ : Thank's
Thank you for this amazing post !  

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