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Quidnovi: NCN: The Practical and the Poetic |
Category: Inspiration 8 comments 17 Jul 2002 @ 13:26 by jazzolog : Setting SailLooks like either folks don't dare cast the first pebble into the pool or else they can't fathom what the ol' puzzle-maker is saying here. Either way, somebody has to break the ice---and it ain't gonna be me! Any more tea at this table, Francis? 17 Jul 2002 @ 14:34 by scottj : I will just say this is one of the most thought provoking logs i have read in a long time - since all answers ultimately depend on the questioner most good ones do no more than suggest what the right questions may be and hint in the general direction of some probabilities. Knowledge of things may be impossible and we need always to look at the interaction and duality to understand anything. 17 Jul 2002 @ 15:35 by quidnovi : "One hand clapping..." :-} :-) Richard, I should have known, you'd be the one to break the ice! "If there's no meaning in it, that saves a world of trouble, you know, as we needn't try to find any."---Alice in Wonderland ;-} And the Cheshire cat would certainly have been one to agree with you, Scott: "Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?" "That depends a good deal on where you want to get to," said the Cat "I don't much care where--" said Alice "Then it doesn't matter which way you go," said the Cat "--So long as I get SOMEWHERE," Alice added as an explanation. "Oh, you're set to do that," said the Cat. Thank you both for the feedback. 17 Jul 2002 @ 23:18 by yashmir @ : Now THIS is what I call superb. Occasionally, every few weeks or so, I stop by to read the logs. Good to see my gregarious and enthusiastic friend Richard still breaking the ice everywhere. I think he's one of the greatest assets to NCN, makes it altogether a more friendly and human place. :-) But this log, oh YES. NOW we are talking. Or rather, viewing, shifting stuck paradigms, self-reflecting.....it was so brilliant, that it prompted me to actually post a comment (and it's rather nice that I have the facility, even though I am no longer a member of NCN). Thank you for one of the most refreshing, base-line, poetic, artistic, philosophical, consiousness-tweaking entries I have ever read here! :-) Kind regards, Yashmir. 18 Jul 2002 @ 04:50 by istvan : Sounds of footprints on a tin roof... I have read this post a few days ago and been touched by the depth of inquiry depicted within the quotes and words. Naturally immediately I was moved to make a comment. Since than I have thought of numerous comments, but not posted any, because they did not match, nor been able to surpass the wisdom presented therein and so, none could satisfy or fulfil my own sense of self importance. This morning I have read it again and , the what to say and what not to say dilemma still present I gave up on a comment. At this time a large bird landed on the thin roof if my trailer and the sound of pattering footprints woke my dog , her growling gave me the answer of what we are doing at NCN. No words, just a presence , but within it contained all the questions and answers and echoed the words of Sengstan from the 14th century: Emptiness here, emptiness there, but the infinite universe stands always before your eyes. The bird flew away, the dog stopped barking, the vision vanished. Thank you for wading deeper into the troubled waters of the human mind. 18 Jul 2002 @ 06:56 by jazzolog : A Life Of Its Own Yashmir is the bird Zendancer growling Maybe there are infinite universes... 20 Jul 2002 @ 10:44 by chaiyah : Some are not afraid of thoughts. ...How many times, walking down the street, was I bombarded with an argument that heard minutes before, on the radio? ...How many times, do the lyrics to a familiar but-not-recent melody awaken my consciousness, to the issue being portrayed? And it's MINE! ...How many times, do the people who presume to tell me how to live right, speak at me, and I just know they are full of horsefeathers? ...Toughts come and thoughts go. ...The ones we take up and look at and turn over and mull on, are the ones that become milestones, or capstones, or cornerstones. ...The rest is just trash, even if it is what our mother or mate says. ...What is special about NCN is, nobody here is afraid to do this. ...We're all combing through words, and feeling senses and wondering how they FIT. Nobody's sense of FIT is any less-worse or more-better than anybody else's. ...It's all just a big experiment in taking, giving and validating tests. ...And the people here have fun at it. Thanks, Guys. 20 Jul 2002 @ 14:29 by quidnovi : And some are not afraid of questions "Some are not afraid of thoughts" and neither should they be! Nor should anyone be afraid of the questions we encounter along the road either, as we go on exploring our universe (mutiverse, Richard?) Quest-ioning has always been an all-consuming process which goes on inwardly as well as outwardly. It has a long tradition and I have found it to be a quality that burns strong into the heart and mind of many younger NCN members, such as Invictus and ButterflyKiddo. And, Chaiyah, "the rest" is NOT "trash" (but you knew that, of course.) One person's trash is another's treasure, or "milestones, or capstones, or cornerstones" (So does my brother-in-law tell me. He has the astounding ability of conjuring up the most amazing things from garage sales and unheard of places that I can't even begin, or care, to imagine---A true magician, in all the senses of the term.) But, I think Kay put it best in one of her posts (the one adapted from Theodore Roszak): "So I make this promise to you, my friend: I will impose no identities upon you, But will invite you to become yourself without shame or fear. I will hold open a space for you in the World, And defend your right to fill it with authentic life. For as long as your search takes, you will have my loyalty." Authenticity is ALL and so is intensity! And Chaiyah is right, of course, FUN is the key. And so is the ability of not taking life---or oneself---too seriously. Laughing at oneself is a most invigorating exercise and the fire screen of our sanity. The Jesters of old, those professional quest-ioners, knew it. I am not a Jester, myself (I wish I were) but, fortunately, the tradition is not lost. So grab on the Mad Hatters hat (its the best seat in the house) and do take a side trip to: http://www.cosmicircus.com/twisted.htm Other entries in Inspiration 20 Apr 2003 @ 21:02: Ten million years of uncertainty 30 Mar 2003 @ 14:48: The choice is Life 13 Mar 2003 @ 00:51: The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters 11 Mar 2003 @ 22:39: Las Palabras del Diario 7 Mar 2003 @ 19:45: "The World As I See It" 26 Jul 2002 @ 17:06: The Child Next Door