6 Jul 2002 @ 11:07
WHO are "the Elect" of God, anyway, the "Fundy" President? Is HE part of God's "Elect"?
...Yehoshua [Jesus] said: "By their fruits shall ye known them."
...New English Bible, II Cor. 8:10-15, Paul of Tarsus wrote: "For you know how generous our Lord Jesus Christ has been: he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that through his poverty you might become rich. Here is my considered opinion on the matter. What I ask you to do is in your own interests. You made a good beginning last year both in the work you did and in your willingness to undertake it. Now I want you to go on and finish it: be as eager to complete the scheme as you were to adopt it, and give according to your means. Provided there is an eager desire to give, God accepts what a man has; he does not ask for what he has not. There is no question of relieving others at the cost of hardship to yourselves; it is a question of equality. At the moment your surplus meets their need, but one day your need may be met from their surplus. The aim is equality; as
Scripture has it, ´The man who got much had no more than enough, and the man who got little did not go short.´"
THIS, then, is what defines the person who is participating in the Kingdom of God, THE WILLINGNESS OF INDIVIDUALS TO SACRIFICE OF THEMSELVES, TO AND FOR EACH OTHER.
Anybody doing anything ELSE, anything LESS, is NOT fulfilling the Master´s Covenants. They are Christian in words, but not in deeds; nor are they following the example that Jesus set--of sacrifice on behalf of the Body.
I guess that pretty much settles, what our current leaders ARE, doesn´t it? They are profiteering off the war they created. That is not "the Christian way," NO MATTER WHAT PIOUS WORDS THEY HAPPEN TO SPEAK when in the company of Christians.
The Administration is unmasked, in a moment, for what it is--wolves in sheeps´ clothing.
I wonder if we Americans can breathe enough oxygen, to breathe some life into saving ourselves.
6 Jul 2002 @ 07:26
...Is the Bible right on, or is it a thousand years behind the times?
...Is the Rapture coming, or did it occur a thousand years ago?
...Is the New Jerusalem still in the formative stages, or is that Level/dimension of experience operating simultaneously with Heaven and Hell now?
...How can and do physicists describe reality, in three sets of compacting particles, yet they have no sense of Reality as three levels of awareness--Hell, Physical and Heaven?
...Where are we?
...Events are rolling over us; and it's not a simple matter to predict whether they will move this way, over us, or that way, and move us onward.
...Peace is an effect. It's an effect that does not appear to exist at the level we are, and about which we are speaking.
...What appears to be the primary and predominant sense of this place is actually "Torment."
...Who do YOU KNOW, who is NOT TORMENTED by "what might have been"?
...I don't know ANYBODY.
...Now, think about this long and hard.
...Peace is the sum/total of works plus dreams. What we cannot accomplish in TIME, we must accomplish IN and BY reflection, in the Subjective while we sleep.
...There is no short-cutting the process to creating peace.
...If peace does not exist HERE, than the HERE we have accepted is not the Kingdom of God because THAT is NOT HERE.
...You can't just GO DO THAT, as if you were baking bread according to a recipe.
...You can't COMMAND the cooperation of others; nor the love; nor the respect.
...In fact, my experience says, you can't even command a hearing ear AROUND HERE.
...I am working on the issue of, "WHO is the chosen of God today?" AND "Where are we? Are we actually IN the Physical Kingdom of God [among us], or are we somewhere ELSE?
...Why is the nation of Israel in torment? WHY are the Jewish people today under accusation? Why are the Christian people today, also under accusation? What does THAT say about God and His physical earthly Covenants?
...I contend, God's Covenants are not operating HERE. So, where is HERE?
...God Yahweh was very clear that He has a people. Okay, I'm dealing with figuring OUT who that is.
...I'll let you know, when I get to a place that makes sense in view of what we are seeing with our eyes.
4 Jul 2002 @ 17:31
...Ennui has gripped America, and we are catatonic.
...It has been shown that to the American people:--
...that a great deal of the evidence against Arabs and against the Taliban are LIES!
....The War Against Terrorism is actually about reinstituting heroin traffic in Asia, which the Taliban interrupted.
Pakistani General Confirms Publicly That 'War On Terror' Is All About Heroin, By Joe Vialls - January 2002, Pakistani Major General Zafar Abas has gone on the public record, confirming my claim that the American military has not in the past, and is not now, bombing Afghan drug assets including heroin laboratories and drug dumps. Speaking on Australian SBS Television on 14 January, Major General Abas said, "It is common knowledge that southern Afghanistan, which is infested with narcotics dumps and factories, has not been bombed by the Americans at all." Major General Abas, commander of the southern Baluchistan Province of Pakistan, agreed to the interview after his troops intercepted and seized a large shipment of pure heroin on its way to Europe. This single half ton shipment, the first intercepted since the "downfall" of the Taliban, is estimated to have a street value of US$1 billion. The shipment was dispatched from Afghanistan by tribal warlords who controlled the country until 1996, and who were recently reinstated by the CIA on behalf of the American Administration and the American people. The public statement by Major General Abas on 14 January 2001 is very rare from the Pakistani military, which normally bites its lip and says nothing. What the statement itself indicates is growing frustration bordering on desperation. Dealing with drug dealers and American CIA spooks on a daily basis, must make the Pakistani military wonder how anyone in the west could really believe that "The War on Terror" has anything to do with Osama Bin Laden
or the attack on the World Trade center. Smack, anyone?
...that Bush is not law-abiding in business.
...and he’s making money hand-over-fist on this war he started.
... the stratosphere is occupied by all kinds and shapes of stable aircraft;
....that the sun is undergoing profound physical changes, which heat up the entire solar system; [link]
....that hundreds of UFOs are being sighted daily, all over the world;
....that bioweapons—anthrax, AIDS, and mad cow disease—are running rampant. So what? says the US. [link]
....and that America is in danger from military testing of electronic weaponry;
....When are we going to start dealing with some of this treachery?
...This is a little out of character for newciv, but I'll come get it just as soon as the Abuzz server is back up.
...I just want to get this group's TAKE on it, and then I'll get it out of here, if it's too harsh a condemnation.
1 Jul 2002 @ 17:51
Astronomers at cyberspaceorbit.com are wondering HOW it is, the Sun appears to be getting hotter, all by itself.
I don't see any MEANS for the sun's heat to INCREASE, offhand. I mean, usually, the car engine doesn't just SIT THERE and start itself up and get hot. So, what's the deal? Do we have any science-types here?
1 Jul 2002 @ 05:32
...People who are deceptive, are unaware of consequences they are creating.
...Those who need to make an impression, are unaware of their soul's path or their real selves.
...Accusations fill the mouths of those who simply lack clarity about causes and effects.
...Obfuscating is a defense against incoherence, a strategy for waving away uncomfortable situations.
...Whenever someone has no standing or remains silent, his adversary will take up his time in shame and abuse, to build an ego where there is no wisdom or understanding.
...Blasphemy, people think, will get God's attention.
...Yet, it is cruel to merely conquer blasphemers.
...They haven't acquired Wisdom, that's all.
...No one can reckon what's Right from what's broken; and there's no getting directions from one who is inappropriate.
...He can't deal yet, with what he is still unaware of.
...What is truly not appropriate is what is unsafe.
...But if something or someone is broken, that or they are merely insufficient and lacking spirit-derived direction.
...Framing a judgment about real effects is the ONLY intelligent parsing there is: opinions don't count, polls don't count, preferences don't count. Even beliefs don't count.
...No judge can relate to what he has never investigated.
...And so, the egos among us will never reckon Truth; it is only those who have experience and knowledge who can do so.
...There's no point in merely draining people, by forcing judgments on them; forcing dogma on them; forcing rules on them.
...And there's no LOVE in keeping people weak and dependent.
...Wasting lives in Hell, Confusion and Oblivion is not living by the Truth either.
...We must cease detaching ourselves from the effects of processes, procedures, regulations and laws, and from the shame those create.
...More suffering only breaks everything.
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