 Jury of Conscience1 comment
picture19 Jul 2005 @ 16:47
"It should become a weapon in the hands of journalists, writers, poets, singers, teachers, plumbers, taxi drivers, car mechanics, painters, lawyers - anybody who wishes to participate in the resistance."  More >

 Planet Oceanus24 comments
picture29 May 2005 @ 20:44
[Oceans cover more than 70% of the Earth's surface. In fact, as author Brad Matsen and artist Ray Troll have pointed out (Matsen and Troll, 1994), an appropriate name for our planet is Planet Ocean. (The term Planet Oceanus has also been used: Pinet, 1992.)] [link]  More >

 Moonlight through Leaves4 comments
picture24 May 2005 @ 07:56
Monday evening into Tuesday, May twenty-third into the twenty-fourth. Every speaker has his or her turn during presentations week. Tonight the teamworkers of Group Dynamics covered three topics: the HIV-AIDS virus and epidemic and treatment at the state and global levels; history of internet, software, and media piracy in all of its various forms, and how it should be dealt with strategically and ethically; and the troubling issues and situations that many of today’s children have to face and deal with, including divorce of parents and their possible remarriage, abuse by one or both parents, verbal or physical, socialization issues from pre-school to adolescence and what or any concept of the future are they developing? Eighteen presentations altogether, eight minutes each, no more than ten. Shall see many of these same students in their portfolio and professional procedures class next quarter. Guided awareness training in how to develop an effective prospective employee persona. How to write up a one-page definition of where you come from and what you know how to do. Tomorrow evening, there will be a total of seven presentations covering three separate topics. Teams of two, two, and three, covering the effects of three specific U.S. based transnational corporations and the countries they operate in or through, either directly or indirectly. Could be very interesting if done well. Everyone gets a turn to tell the rest of us what he or she has taken some trouble to find out. The fruits of labor are spoken.
Image from: [link]
A rather evocative image.
*/-^/.*  More >

 Gulf Stream18 comments
picture15 May 2005 @ 15:34
Here is something on the current state of the Gulf Stream and some ideas about possible emerging scenarios. *-_*/
The Sunday Times - Ireland
May 08, 2005
Ireland faces big chill as ocean current slows.
Jonathan Leake, Science Editor
CLIMATE change researchers have detected the first signs of a slowdown in the Gulf Stream — the mighty ocean current that keeps Ireland and Europe from freezing. They have found that one of the “engines” driving the Gulf Stream — the sinking of supercooled water in the Greenland Sea — has weakened to less than a quarter of its former strength. The weakening, apparently caused by global warming, could herald big changes in the current over the next few years or decades. Paradoxically, it could lead to Ireland, Britain and northwestern Europe undergoing a sharp drop in temperatures.  More >

 waves of sea0 comments
picture14 May 2005 @ 06:40
Friday evening suburban sunset into an inner city dawn. May thirteenth into the fourteenth. Desert flowers surround the tall twin headed yucca, flowerless itself this season, waiting for its time. River runs full, while sparse vegetation on volcanic slopes shimmers in sunlight. Ribbon of water rises and falls with the passing seasons in the valley between the mountain forest and the volcanic desert. Sunrise over the forest. Sunset over the desert flowers. The time is transition between darkness and light. Soil receives the root while our air receives the branch. Every thing begets itself anew. We are becoming something else. Who we were disappears into memory. Who we have been becomes whom we will be, and those of us whose sight is clear may show us a way. Those of us who look for and listen for truth shall find it. When all of the lies have melted into the endless waves of sea, we shall be who we are meant to be, and join the interstellar community.
*-/\-_*^  More >

 If It's not . . .3 comments
picture8 May 2005 @ 16:44
"If it's not in the paper on or TV, it cain't be true."
Columnist and editor of the Chicago Tribune Media Service, Robert Koehler's article on election fraud was rejected, for first time in his career.
Both the rejected article (1) and his response to it (2) are below.
With introductory commentary from Brad's Blog.  More >

 Snowtree10 comments
picture21 Apr 2005 @ 04:57
There is a path they call peace, and they think of it as a place as in a destination, while another way of looking at it, is as a path, which extends limitlessly without destination. Who passed by in your world today?  More >

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