 Burning Hope10 comments
picture29 May 2004 @ 02:45
May twenty-eighth into May twenty-ninth, Friday into Saturday.
The wealth of reported and analytical information
about the current state of greed, lust for power, and selfishness
is entirely to the point of our planetary concern.
The developing effect of the unfolding causation
shall become our experience.
It is well to keep track of the details along the way, in the pursuit of insight.
Then there is the place where we already are,
where the solution resides,
and there is no way to get there or tell anyone else
how to get there, except to be here.
Who is content and who is not content in this world,
and what on Earth are you or I or anyone else striving for?
The paradigm shift is developing, and there may be a
watershed, each to his or her own. When I am ready,
I will see and understand the path I must take
to fulfill my reason, such as I know it, for being here.
The planet is so much older than our ridiculous little
species, it is ridiculous. Nobody needs to save the planet,
because the planet does not need to be saved.
There will be some people left over, in isolated pockets
of the globe. Will they remember the lessons of their grandfathers
and their grandmothers? Will they remember that the only way to live,
is together? The Earth has plenty of time to experiment with a new species if this one doesn’t work out. We have looked through the galaxy to the furthest corners of the universe and to the beginnings of time and its predecessor,
and think we have a brain that knows something, while
our brothers and sisters are locked into the prisons of servitude and ignorance. The flame of hope illuminates the darkness.  More >

 Medicine Wheel1 comment
picture10 May 2004 @ 17:15
(Monday morning, May tenth.) The Great Medicine Wheel centered in the Tetons came together in a meadow on the slopes of Turquoise Mountain, New Mexico.
The opening ceremonies began before dawn, and the sacred grounds were marked for the day’s ceremonial unfolding. Parallel rows of six small mounds of dirt aligned east to west represent the mountains of the Four Corners of the Navaho nation. The fire circle is at the west end of these chains of mountains, and then another slightly larger mound of earth rises like a mountain in this miniature landscape. Throughout the day and into the night, there were, I understand, some 200 or so people here. This was not my day to be here.  More >

 Random drawing3 comments
picture20 Apr 2004 @ 22:57
Several years ago, in a kitchen one night with some itinerant friends, I was asked to draw something, rather spontaneously, on the spur of the moment, so with random pencil and paper, I generated a random assortment of lines which coalesced into this arrangement. It is, to this day, one of my favorites.
Just for fun.
on another note: When you have nothing better to do, and might be looking for a video to watch, check out
A Midnight Clear. I just finished seeing this 1992 movie for the first time, and it is worthwhile.
////////////////////////  More >

 From One to the Other0 comments
picture3 Apr 2004 @ 23:18
Final drawing in the series, from an Achaemenian armband, two griffins meet face to face, wings outstretched, in profile. Facing one another through the sky, their torsos are embedded in the twin continents of Ollin and Tethys; their legs and feet stretch their roots into soil, the one soil, at the root from which both have been born into the world. The death of one is the death of the other; likewise their lives. Here is an image of what we are to one another. There is wisdom from the past embedded in the piles of rocks strewn around the globe. They are markings for a path around the globe, coordinated with celestial patterns. Follow the lines across the stars, through the forests and across the mountains and the seemingly endless sea, to the place we started from. Here is the point of departure and the place of return. Rooted in the Earth, we return to the Earth, after the brief blossoming life of a vision shines through the blue empty sky, of a brother and a sister, partners on the path through the black tunnel to who we are becoming.
from The Treasure of the Oxus
Towards the bottom of the page.
_*/  More >

 Symmetry0 comments
picture17 Mar 2004 @ 21:34
All of these places are connected,
Giza, Stonehenge, Tikal, and Rapa Nui,
on a line which includes consideration
for the intersection between our equator and our ecliptic,
at this longitude which traverses the Atlantic,
which interestingly enough
approximates the mid-Atlantic ridge.
Harappa, Tonga, Rapa Nui, Cuzco, and Giza
are on the line of the ecliptic in this configuration.
-. *_.*^/_>.*/-*
For anyone who would care to interpret this configuration,
or comment in any way,
this log is open to discussion,
for at this point, this is all I know.
_//_  More >

 Pattern0 comments
picture17 Mar 2004 @ 21:31
*/_<*/_^-_/<_-*-_  More >

 Voyage of Circumnavigation0 comments
picture28 Feb 2004 @ 12:21
-_/**/(-_#^*.>/*  More >

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