17 Nov 2002 @ 22:03
The Aztec symbol for the Union of Fire and Water. More >
14 Nov 2002 @ 22:34
Counting the Days and Nights
of the intertwining
circles of Light. More >
12 Nov 2002 @ 23:20
The New Civilization is as ancient as you can imagine.
Rooted in our expression of Love without Fear.
The flowering of civilization issues from this Source.
The journey to Venus – Quetzalcoatl is close to our Heart.
Quetzalcoatl is the Wind
With all of its unpredictability
And the planet Venus
As She travels through the regularity of her synodic period.
She is the force which binds two hearts together
Regardless of their distance.
The New Civilization is a labyrinth
Of aesthetically intertwined
Expressions of creativity, insight, and sharing.
In sharing my fragment,
Throwing it into the swirling, cascading waters
Flowing through this blossoming labyrinth,
My creative instinct is nurtured
As the past disappears and the future emerges.
* More >
1 Nov 2002 @ 23:42
Live with the Star of Peace,
the sphere of Blue Light
this planet is
in outer space,
the flash of Blue Light
between the Heart
and what is known to be True.
From one side of Our Globe to another,
Listen at Dawn, Twice a Day.
Listen in Blue and in Black
and through Dawn.
The path of Peace on Earth
is Now Follow Our Love.
59 More >
30 Oct 2002 @ 22:37
The Rock and the Sky
are the children of Fire and Water.
Life is the breath between Rock and the Sky,
burning the fire of the Blue flame
within our Heart.
Rock is the film between fire and water.
Rock comes alive through the touch
of whom through a chisel
sees the carved stone face.
The Voice through the Rock
is for We who Listen and Speak
around Rock given life through the chisel.
Of the Wind, the Rock, the Tree, and the Lake:
The Tree is a fire burning the Rock.
The Wind is the knife which cuts down the Tree.
The Lake is the pool into which the Rock falls.
The Sound is for We who know Listen and Speech.
Climb the cliff and listen to hawk soaring
through the valley over the Lake.
Hawk carries a message
from the room in the cliff on one side of the lake,
to the room in the cliff on the other side.
The light of Sun on feather of the hawk,
may be called Hawk Feather through the Wind,
the Sound of the Message.
58 More >
26 Oct 2002 @ 17:30
The dark waters at the bottom of the pool
are glossed over by the light on the surface.
The Rock is on Fire with invisible flame.
Wind carries the heat to all parts of our flesh.
All Movement is measured and balanced,
so as through the symbol of Tao,
so as through the symbol of Ollin,
The Twin Rectangles
at the Heart of the Aztec calendar stone.
The sphere of fire is covered by water,
and through the surface of interaction
emerges the Rock and the Sky.
The Earth is colored Blue
all the way around from the outside,
and the forest is a patch of moss
growing out of the Rock.
The spores of the lichen may cling to the Rock
and may eat the Rock.
From out of the Rock grows Tree-by-the-Lake.
Roots draw water to the Leaf,
where exchange occurs with the Sky.
57 More >
24 Oct 2002 @ 08:28
Surface of Sky covers the Dome.
Surface of grass covers the plain.
Surface of cloud covers the sky.
Surface of Sea covers the emptiness.
Twin turtles of Ollin are linked
through the Isthmus of Yucatan,
the Caribbean archipelago,
and the celestial river of stars, MAYU, our galaxy,
which crosses the necklace ecliptic.
Listen to the voice of several geese
flying through Dawn over OLLIN,
under the thick gray cloud
between Blue and the Lake.
The Ancestors of the calendar stone speak
through the Voice
between the flying goose and the turtle,
another version of the feathered serpent.
56 More >
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The Gathering of the Tribes of the Earth. |
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