 Page 550 comments
picture22 Oct 2002 @ 18:35
Emerging from the ground
of North Turtle and South Turtle,
connected through the Isthmus of Maya
and the Caribbean archipelago,
One Voice alternates
between speech from yesterday
and speech into tomorrow.
The bridge is RoseViolet at Twice-a-Day-Dawn.
The point of departure and destination
is the necklace ecliptic
from Tree-by-the-Lake.

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picture18 Oct 2002 @ 22:13
The symbol of a symbol
is a symbol further removed.
The thunderbolt of penetrating wisdom
opens the door to the clear light.
The emergence of thought
is through reflection upon an event,
the point of meaning within.
This verse is from RoseViolet
through the Calendar Stone
to the Black-top pit.

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 Page 530 comments
picture17 Oct 2002 @ 22:47
Between the Wind and the Rock,
to forge the Link between opposites,
in creation of our myth,
is to pass from one sphere to another
and to cross a wider stream.


From Gibralter through Crete,
the axis of the Mediterranean
extends in an arc through the Caspian,
the Aral, the Balkash and the Baikal,
to follow the curve of the Aleutian shelf
to the string of the five beads of water
on North-Ollin.

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picture16 Oct 2002 @ 22:20
Where the Chain of Rock spreads two arms,
One South and East, through the Java Sea
to the Coral Sea, to the Tasman Sea,
where the Indo-Australian archipelago
reaches into the West Wind Drift.
While the other reaches North and West
through Himalayan-Caucasus to the Alpine-Pyrennes
on the northern shore of our Mediterranean Basin.
The center of Tethys is Giza.
The center of Ollin is Tikal.
The Culture of the Rock and the Star
tells a Story for whom-ever
would know this planet
through the nature of place where She is.
Within the timing of the calendar stone,
and the knots of the necklace ecliptic,
and the celestial river - MAYU, our Galaxy,
and between the twin turtles
of North-Ollin-South,
is one Source for our thought
through Twice-A-Day-Dawn.
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picture11 Oct 2002 @ 22:11
The Culture of the Rock and the Star
circles the globe with a story
told through the necklace ecliptic.
In the quartering of the Earth from Cuzco
one may follow the Star through the necklace ecliptic,
down the Western slope of the Andes,
through the Pacific archipelago,
across the southern rim of Himalaya,
through Giza,
across Sahara and Atlantic,
across Ollin-South,
returning to Cuzco.
One may follow the Rock, the Chain of Rock
from Tierra del Fuego, the point of the Horn
of Ollin-South, along the path of the Andes,
through the Isthmus of Maya and Aztec,
to the Chain of Rock of North-Ollin.
Between OLLIN and TETHYS,
the Strait of Yuit-Kinugumiut
links the Arctic-Atlantic to the Pacific.
Follow then the Chain of Rock
through the range of Dzhugdzhur,
Past the East rim of Tibet,
to the Isthmus of Kra
and the Strait of Malacca. . . . .

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picture9 Oct 2002 @ 22:47
In Speech through Wind-VAYU,
One Voice speaks around a single theme,
the life of flesh and the source of mind
within our Heart.
Our voice is the bridge
across Night between Twice-a-Day-Dawn.
From the western shore of Ollin
to the Eastern shore of Tethys,
the northern route is overland
following the mountain chain,
while the southern route is by wind over water
following the necklace ecliptic.
We wanderers who follow the Rock and the Star
through our Speech,
may find a time and place on occasion
to carve a Face into Rock,
to site a landmark on the route.
Her-by-the-Lake as a place for Gathering,
is a Temple of the necklace ecliptic
carved into Rock.

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 page 490 comments
picture8 Oct 2002 @ 23:30
The necklace ecliptic circles the globe
Through the language of geometry,
Between the sites of construction at Giza,
Titicaca, Rapa Nui, Tonga,
and Harappa-Mohenjo-Daro.
Horizon over mountain peak vanishes
into horizon at sea-level vanishing
into horizon through Wind-VAYU.
Horizon of Speech draws the Line of a Story
through the necklace ecliptic.
Listen for the Story, and look over Horizon
of necklace ecliptic.
The timing of eclipse of Surya,
and eclipse of Luna,
is measured by the geometry of rotation,
and the Story told through the necklace
is of the revolution as well as of the precession.
The line drawn across the land
and through the stars,
is a mark for the path across the water.
The theme between places is the Face in the Rock,
looking over Dawn's horizon
towards the source of speech
in the Story within the necklace ecliptic.

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