 Page 350 comments
picture26 Aug 2002 @ 20:39
Through the time of the Nine Lords of Night,
Follow the story told through the necklace ecliptic.
Dawn-Usha returns from the River of Night,
bringing color to the sky,
for the time of the Thirteen Lords of Light.
Dawn-Usha encircles our sphere
from North to South,
the eternal Ring
between the Lords of Night
and the Lords of Light.
Never forget to follow Dawn-Usha
on either side of today and tonight,
at the interface.
Each is One, and each is divided,
Lord of Light by thirteen - Lord of Night by Nine.
River the Wind - VAYU
through every signifier of Time.

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 Part 3: Page 341 comment
picture23 Aug 2002 @ 22:46

From Night into Light,
First dress of Dawn-Usha is gray,
and necklace ecliptic fades
through Violet into Rose and Blue.
From Light into Night,
Last dress is through Rose
into Violet and Black.
Dawn-Usha may be seen Twice a Day,
through the time of transition
between Blue and Black.
Count eight Earth solar years
for five synodic revolutions of
Venus-Quetzalcoatl to pass:
Two thousand Nine Hundred Twenty days.
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 Page 333 comments
picture21 Aug 2002 @ 22:16
The civilization of the Desert
separates each of the four civilizations of the Forest,
One from Another.
The civilization of the Desert is Itself
separated by the Ocean.
The civilization on the Pacific
and of those who everywhere
live by the Ships of the Sea
is a steppingstone.
The civilization of the Ocean is One.
The civilization of the Desert is Twin.
The civilizations of the Forest are
the four leaves of the clover.
We who Live
within the Temple of Her-by-the-Lake
may turn our personal light and in-sight
into the Order of Listen and Speak.
Listen to the Voice of the Watery planet.
This is the first step.
Dawn is the Bridge between Life and Death.
She may be seen Twice a Day.
The Wo-Man in Blue in the Void of space
is the Sound in the stars of Our children playing.
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 Page 322 comments
picture20 Aug 2002 @ 09:03
Snow light drifting. . .
Crystals dancing . . .
Through the open window.
Isotopic snowflakes
drift gently to the Lake
and through the open window
of the City by the Snow.
Isotopic particles
gather gently
in the marrow of our blood.
Earth is a Rock on fire
with an onion skin layer of water and air.
Isotope follows the wide spread wind, VAYU,
and the Rock on fire drifting through Air,
may find a cell wall
within which to stay
for as long as its own half-life.
Heart of Rose consumes Violet.
Blue Sky never return.
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 Page 310 comments
picture16 Aug 2002 @ 23:29
At the time called Dawn emerging,
From the City at the side of the River,
The Voice of Her-by-the-Lake
May speak across centuries.
Here is what someone has known,
What is left of what can be told
Through the silent inscription.
The necklace ecliptic of stars
Rings the planet with a story
Which goes through a cycle of 26,000 years.
The serpent of Time returns.
Nine lunations of 29 days each is 261 days,
the standard time of human conception to birth.
Twenty-six thousand years is the approximate time
for one cycle of the precession of the equinoxes,
and two hundred sixty is the number of days
in the Aztec-Maya ceremonial cycle.
The ring of twenty symbols is the window of flesh
between the Heart of the solar system
and the Fire of our Heart.
Life within Rock finds its way to Heart,
and flesh is the window
between Rock and Sun Surya.
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 Page 301 comment
picture14 Aug 2002 @ 08:42
Wisdom from the Culture of the Rock and the Star
is gathered through Speech
before the written record.
Unrecorded voyages circumnavigate the sphere.
The line of connection from the pyramid of Giza,
through the Circle of Stonehenge,
the Calendar of the architects Aztec and Maya,
and the silent Rock faces of Rapa Nui,
Circles the Gathering of the Tribes of the Earth
on the twin continents:

The Voice
Of the Culture of the Rock and the Star
Is for We who Listen.

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 Page 290 comments
picture12 Aug 2002 @ 20:32
The eyes of the Earth embedded in the dirt
are staring up into the sky,
and to all who stand
and reflect into life within humus.
Such as it is before descent into the underworld.
Cross the black river of Night.
Paint a picture on the wall.
The writing on paper,
and painting on walls,
provide a window.

Civilizations pass away
as well as memories of written tongues.
Inscriptions may be interpreted.
That which passes through Speech is sure.
One way to see the other side of the mountain
is to take a boat across the ocean
which envelopes the globe.

The life of our body is tied to Rock
through the marriage of fire and water.
Gather around the Circle of Rock
which points to Surya and Luna.
The path of planets will always be Here
to follow and measure and weave tales through.
29  More >

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Pages from my book of poetry,
The Gathering of the Tribes of the Earth.

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