 Page 283 comments
picture9 Aug 2002 @ 23:23
The synodic period in the revolution of planets
is the time within which a planet moves
From a certain position with respect to the Sun
as seen from Earth
back to the same position, or elongation.
For Venus-Quetzalcoatl the movement is from
Inferior conjunction between Earth and Sun

Through Western elongation in the morning Eastern sky,

Through superior conjunction on the other side of Sun,

Through Eastern elongation in the evening Western sky,

Back to inferior conjunction.

584 days mark one cycle.

For every eight Earth solar years,
five synodic revolutions of Venus-Quetzalcoatl pass.
Two days without name
between end and beginning
mark the time of transition.

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 Page 270 comments
picture8 Aug 2002 @ 09:13
The Rock is squared
and Rocks are gathered together
by We who build mountains and observatories.
The key to the Lock is in finding the significance
of two-hundred-sixty,
the number of days in one ceremony,
which times one hundred
is the number of years
in one cycle
of precessional movement.

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 Page 266 comments
picture6 Aug 2002 @ 07:31
Lord of Light and Lord of Night
Each emerge
from the mouth of a Serpent on fire.
Twin serpents meet
Tongue to tongue,
Lord of Light to Lord of Night,
Knife to knife.
Twin serpents meet
Tail to Tail,
on the keystone date
named thirteen Reed,
at which point
returns to beginning.
Lord of Light is feathered serpent, Quetzalcoatl.
Lord of Night is smoking mirror, Tezcatlipoca.
The rotational pattern of visible planets
Is counted in days
Through counting markers
Engraved in the skin
Of twin serpents on fire.

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 Page 252 comments
picture3 Aug 2002 @ 19:54
The vault is quiet Movement,
turning on an axis
inclined toward Polaris,
which marks a point on a cycle of 26,000 years,
which centers at the belly of the Dragon,
in the North;
and on the oar of the ship,
Canopus in Argo,
in the South.

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 Page 240 comments
picture2 Aug 2002 @ 08:10
Each day of 22 hours
is named for one of twenty symbols
within the circle within the calendar
between the inner world, and the outer.
Each day is numbered by one through thirteen.
The twenty symbols occur in succession
In a twenty day period,
and each day is given a number in succession
from one through thirteen.
Thus designations of days follow in order,
as through:
Two flower . . . three alligator . . . four wind . . .
Five house . . . six lizard . . . seven serpent . . .
Eight skull . . . nine deer . . . ten rabbit . . .
Eleven water . . . twelve dog . . . thirteen monkey . .
One grass . . . two reed . . . three jaguar . . .
Four eagle . . . five vulture . . . six earthquake . . .
Seven knife . . . eight rain . . . nine flower . . .
And so on so that within 260 days,
All combinations of sign and number are counted.

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 Page 232 comments
picture31 Jul 2002 @ 09:33
Earth spins once on Her axis
In the twenty-two hours
of a single day and night,
The thirteen Lords of Day
And the nine Lords of Night.
Each day of light is signed entirely
By one of thirteen Lords of Day.
Each day of night is signed entirely
By one of nine Lords of Night.
The week of days is 13 days,
Each for a different Lord of Day.
The week of nights is 9 nights,
Each for a different Lord of Night.
Within the 260 day ceremonial cycle of the calendar,
Each of the thirteen Lords of Day
presides over twenty days,
and each of the nine Lords of Night
presides over 29 nights,
with two Lords of Night presiding
over the last night of the ceremonial cycle.

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 Page 220 comments
picture30 Jul 2002 @ 10:37
Tongue is the Knife,
for Speech across centuries.
The time of the solar year is 365 days.
The time of the ceremonial cycle is 260 days.
In the time of 52 cycles of the solar year,
The ceremonial cycle turns 73 times.
Thirteen days without name are counted,
The sum of 52 quarter days of leap year time,
Before beginning a new count
Of the 52 solar year - 73 ceremonial year cycle.

The Face through the Center speaks
of the measurement of coordination
in the cycles of our planets.
Who reads this Rock
from time past
and time future
to find Sound
within the planets
of our solar system.
The difference between yesterday
and tomorrow,
is the alligator eating the fish,
as the end of one cycle of time
meets the beginning of a new cycle.

22  More >

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