 Fences3 comments
picture11 Aug 2006 @ 05:41
Fences: August 10, 2006
Imagine the day when there were no fences on the North American continent. Pick any continent you want, or pick ‘em all. We are all surrounded by fences, with corridors of asphalt threading our cities together. When someone wants to get-out-of-town, they follow one of those corridors to its remote end lost in the forest or the prairie, or the desert or wherever it leads to that is not another city. All of the cities are one city, attached to the wilderness through a few loose threads. No one goes through the wilderness from one city to another. One goes back and forth on the road between the city and the wilderness. The road within the city extends through corridors that have nothing to do with the wilderness except in so far as the latter is background scenery. When the horses are unhitched from the chariots, those chariots shall be essentially useless, likewise their asphalt corridors. Where will be the places that one will go, to and fro? As the corridors become meaningless, the fences will fall into disrepair and irrelevance. Communities finding each other and themselves through trusting relationships shall last forever, and the others are marking the path of mutually assured destruction. Keep a candle burning for your friend in the darkness.
******-----*********  More >

 Creativity for Peace3 comments
picture30 Jul 2006 @ 18:52
Following from the discussion on War Games with i2i:
Creativity for Peace
Camp in Glorieta, New Mexico
for teenage Israeli and Palestinian girls.

Also the following:
[link]  More >

 Rainbow Spirit3 comments
picture23 Jul 2006 @ 19:11
Rainbow pictures

"i met a man at this years gathering who was taking photos with very
professional equipment.
he said he would be putting his photos up on his blog for all to enjoy
he has
just sent me the link to the photo slideshow here:


watch with music on, it's even better. beautiful and moving we are. :)


Katia...."  More >

 White Rose1 comment
picture18 Jul 2006 @ 03:29
Brothers and Sisters in the NewCivBlog.
Read these little leafets, four little leafets,
Written sixty-three years ago, by a small group of twenty-somethings
At the University in Munich.
Something in the words might resonate.
Do you gotta wonder who
put those short essays together?
There is a photograph
and a movie.
Caught it Sunday afternoon.
Watch for it. If it’s coming by your way,
Take a Look.
If you’ve read the leafets first,
Your sense for the characters will be enhanced.
Rather well done.
Please duplicate and distribute.
The Leafets of the White Rose Society
&*_-  More >

 Mother-of-Pearl0 comments
picture27 Jun 2006 @ 04:31
Here is a four-page article that will take another few of those extra minutes out of our lives. Of course we all know already that the Greenland Ice Cap is melting. Seems like good old physics is upping the ante just a tad for the way the collective consciousness has been looking at the game. The bet is against time and each and every one of us has a little stack of chips at our corner of the table.
Greenland’s Ice Sheet Is Slip-Sliding Away
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 Convergence2 comments
picture31 May 2006 @ 05:56
All so very often, issues of importance to all of us become framed in an Us versus Them paradigm. Who amongst us here harbors for a moment the thought that there is an avenue for agreement, common cause, and coordinated and compatible action between the Rainforest Action Network and the Corporate-Banking Empire. Yes, the RAN, that “anti-capitalist, anti-American, anti-business, illegal, immoral, radical, dangerous, socialist, communist, pot-smoking, draft-dodging bunch of hippy freaks.” What are the possibilities that such an organization might be involved in a reasonable conversation with Citibank, Bank of America, and J.P.Morgan Chase, amongst others? Here is an article which when printed out comes to ten pages, and therefore might take a few extra minutes to read through, and leads to the thought that there might be just some slim possibility for a “shift in the fundamental architecture of the economy”; and that there might come a time in some not too distant future, “when we were looking over the abyss – there would be a quantum shift in thinking that would bring about profound systemic change to the way we deal with food, energy, transport, and manufacturing, changes that would then bring about an ecologically sustainable society in our lifetime.”
Perhaps . . .  More >

 Weatherman9 comments
picture24 May 2006 @ 04:16
The world is going up in flames. The great fire is beginning. Nuclear weapons are no longer necessary. The planet is cooked. More and more individuals are going to make more and more decisions about what they think they need to do.
You don't need a weather man
To know which way the wind blows
Ice-Capped Roof of World Turns to Desert
By Geoffrey Lean
The Independent UK
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