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A small circle: Does the end justify the means? |
Category: Diary 25 comments 5 Apr 2004 @ 18:06 by Aiden @ : An old questionA very contemporary one also, since, obviously there are people who believe {link:http://www.newciv.org/nl/newslog.php/_v97/__show_article/_a000097-000104.htm|it does}. I think I'll just have to stand with {link:http://radicalacademy.com/adlerendsmeans.htm|Mortimer} on that one: "If an action is morally bad in itself, it cannot really serve a good end, even though it may on the surface appear to do so. Men in power have often tried to condone their use of violence or fraud by making it appear that what they did was for the social good and was, therefore, justified. But since the good society involves justice for all, a government which employs unjust means defeats the end it pretends to serve. You cannot use bad means for a good end any more than you can build a good house out of bad materials. It is only when we do not look too closely into the matter that we can be fooled by the statement that the end justifies the means. We fail to ask whether the end in view is really good, or we fail to examine carefully how the means will affect the end. This happens most frequently in the game of power politics or in war, where the only criterion is success and anything which contributes to success is thought to be justified. Success may be the standard by which we measure the expediency of the means, but expediency is one thing and moral justification is another." 17 Jun 2006 @ 20:37 by i2i : Moral Relativism: Various historical and cultural events and practices, including the Holocaust, Stalinism and communist atrocities of the 20th century, Apartheid in South Africa, genocide, unjust wars, genital mutilation, slavery, terrorism, Nazism, etc., present difficult problems for relativists. An observer in a particular time and place, depending on his outlook (e.g., culture, religion, background), might call something good that another observer in a particular time and place would call evil. Many people in other times and places thought slavery, for example, acceptable, even good; while many (though certainly not all) today view it as a great evil. Many writers and thinkers have held that one can justify any number of evils based on subjective or cultural preferences, and that morality requires some universal standard against which to measure ethical judgments. {link:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moral_relativism#Critics_of_relativism|link} Anyway, Lukas, do you really believe that "speeding illegaly to save a life" compares with either this, {link:http://www.newciv.org/nl/newslog.php/_v97/__show_article/_a000097-000104.htm|Noble Lies?}, or that, {link:http://www.newciv.org/nl/newslog.php/_v119/__show_article/_a000119-000057.htm|Did Claremont professor fake anti-Semitism against herself?} 16 Nov 2007 @ 17:51 by tlingel : Ethics 101 {link:http://www.askphilosophers.org/question/602|Ask Philosophers} ;-) The question is a popular one in high school. One would have expected that Claremont Professor to known better - don't they teach Philosophy in College anymore? The question does come up, now and again, {link:http://www.askphilosophers.org/|here}, under one form or another. This one is dated November 2005: Dear Scholars: At what point can the end ever justify the means? I am particularly interested in your response in the context of criminal justice. For example, is it ever acceptable for a police officer to perjure himself/herself to ensure a conviction of a defendant he/she knows to be guilty? Pete C. I liked the way this one was presented as it offers a context. Contexts help, even (or, perhaps, especially) when it comes to answering abstract questions. Whether we know it or not, we all abide to one degree or another by our philosophies, some mistaken, some far reaching. Philosophy is fun, Philosophy is powerful - It comes heavy with consequences (like the Philosophy that resulted in thousands of troops being flied to Iraq). Ethics is one of the three main branches of Philosophy, the other two being Ontology and Epistemology. Generally speaking, Ethics is a subpart of axiology, that is, the answer to the question: "How do I make judgments?", whether ethical, aesthetic, or otherwise. It asks such questions as "How should I act?", "What is the proper way for people to behave?", or, for that matter, "Is there a proper way to behave?" and "Should I care?", Etc. While attempting to provide an answer to such questions, the Philosophy student is cautioned that there is usually no "right" answer per se in Philosophy. (There are bad answers to philosophical questions, there are also many different good answers.) Anyway, here was Jyl Gentzler's take on the the question: What else could justify the means other than the end? The question, though, is what end we should have in view. In the case that you imagine, it seems that the relevant end is getting a guilty criminal in jail. Let's assume for the sake of this discussion that we have no reason to doubt that such an end would be a good thing. Let's assume that the person is truly guilty of a violent and unprovoked crime and that he's very likely to continue his life of violence if left unchecked. We then weigh the good end of preventing further violence against the bad means of lying and it looks like, on balance, the goodness of the end outweighs the badness of the means. Not only, it seems, are we permitted to lie; in fact, we're morally obligated to do so. The problem with this line of reasoning is that it doesn't take into account all of the relevant ends. In this context, when we are considering the ends, we must also consider the ends of the entire criminal justice system- namely, to protect the interests of all citizens, not only the interests of victims or potential victims of crimes, but also the interests of the accused. It's very important to all of us that we have a system in place that minimizes the chances of being wrongly accused and convicted for a crime. We need to feel confident that we ourselves will not be mistakenly convicted, that our friends and family will not be mistakenly convicted, and that the truly dangerous, rather than the mistakenly convicted, will be stopped. To achieve this end, we agree to put certain rules into place which constrain the ability of any one of us to make decisions on the basis of a short-term cost-benefit analysis. It seems that overall and in the long run, we're more likely to learn who has committed what crime if all of the witnesses are speaking the truth rather than deciding on their own whether the wrongness of deceit is outweighed by the benefits gained from conviction. For this reason, we put a rule against perjury in place and we back up that rule with a threat of punishment. An interesting question is whether it is ever rational for any of us to consider ourselves exceptions to {link:http://www.newciv.org/nl/newslog.php/_v97/__show_article/_a000097-000104.htm|rules that we ourselves endorse}. Jyl Gentzler teaches at Amherst College. Before coming to Amherst, she studied at Bryn Mawr and Cornell. Currently, she's working on an assessment of the main argument of Plato's Republic, tentatively entitled Defending Justice. 14 Jan 2008 @ 02:56 by i2i : Context Excellent analysis. Thank you. More specifically, the title of the post is a not too subtle reference to Machiavelli (as strongly hinted by the picture.) In that context the question was a direct allusion to The Prince, whose most relevant passage I'll post here for reference: "Everyone understands how praiseworthy it is for a prince to remain true to his word and to live with complete integrity without any scheming. However, we've seen through experience how many princes in our time have achieved great things who have little cared about keeping their word and have shrewdly known the skill of tricking the minds of men; these princes have overcome those whose actions were founded on honesty and integrity. (...) Having good qualities and always practicing them is harmful, while appearing to practice them is useful. It's good to appear to be pious, faithful, humane, honest, and religious, and it's good to be all those things; but as long as one keeps in mind that when the need arises you can and will change into the opposite. It needs to be understood that a prince, and especially a prince recently installed, cannot observe all those qualities which make men good, and it is often necessary in order to preserve the state to act contrary to faity, contrary to mercy, contrary to humaneness, and contrary to religion. And therefore he needs a spririt disposed to follow wherever the winds of fortune and the variability of affairs leads him. As I said above, it's necessary that he not depart from right but that he follow evil. (...) In actions of all men, especially princes, where there is no recourse to justice, THE END IS ALL THAT COUNTS [emphasis mine]. A prince should only be concerned with conquering or maintaining a state, FOR THE MEANS WILL ALWAYS BE JUDGED TO BE HONORABLE AND PRAISEWORTHY [emphasis mine] by each and every person, because the masses always follow appearances and the outcomes of affairs, and the world is nothing other than the masses. The few do not find a place wherever the masses are supported." ----Niccolò Machiavelli, The Prince (1532 CE) Quidnovi has a couple of related entries on a very similar topic: {link:http://www.newciv.org/nl/newslog.php/_v97/__show_article/_a000097-000005.htm|here} (The Anti-Machiavel) and {link:http://www.newciv.org/nl/newslog.php/_v97/__show_article/_a000097-000104.htm|here} (Noble Lies?). 17 Dec 2008 @ 08:04 by The Harry One @ : Culture Contrast I concur that the Godliest product does not justify an ill strategy. The ill part of the strategy will ALWAYS produce repercussions in one way or another. With that said, have y'all heard about the cultural differences between Europe & America? In southwestern Europe, many coasts are free of dress code like it's the most natural state of being in the entire world. People tend to grow up practicing seeing God-given glory of the "fairer gender" shamelessly & thinking nothing of it. People are taught there by their parents to relax on the beach not caring that they see "all" that God created (w/o any mystery) & still resist Satan's carnal temptations of "Come get me!" That's the strategy Europeans use to prevent perversion. If they've practiced that successfully all their lives, what's any harder about succeeding now? As to the American strategy, people don't practice the nudist way b/c parents don't know of such a thing (or believe it's wrong). Parents use extreme eye-shelter on their kids, believing that keeping them "ignorant" throughout their innocent minor-years will prevent perversion. They shame them into clothed households expecting it to make them disgusted w/ what (specifically) God created. That has worked for some Christian households. But this is the deal: Studies have shown that the concelist way (like in the states) is counter-productive & that the nudist strategy (like in Europe) "kicks trasero". I've read that STD's, unwanted pregs, & sex preds are far FEWER in Europe (the nudist continent) than here in the states. What now? Do American readers of this still believe that what southwest Europeans do is wrong? The European strategy is the one I wanna use when raising whatever kids I may have in the future (God only knows). I'm (pardon the pun) "pretty" sure it's part of unitist Christianity, not a cult full of compromise. Rare as it is in the states, rather, there IS a place in Florida for that. I count that strategy as "innocent until proven guilty". But if nudism is "guilty" (and thus not justifiable), I need to know that b4 I die! If I were to live life believing I'm a "mind-widening" unitist Christian only to find out on Judgement Day that I've been compromising via a "mind-poisoning" cult, then (pun again) it won't be "pretty"! When I get a reply or two (or more), I expect Scripture as backup! Quote to show me content; location (book-chapter-verse) to show me where to find it. Furthermore, if anyone's been a missionary to nudist places in the world (especially Africa), input from THAT experience is also helpful. With that said, I'll be waiting for an answer or two (or more). By the way, anyone else in the world who, like me, ever pondered THIS very mystery? 10 Jan 2009 @ 14:40 by patrick addis @ : machiavelli thanks for the interesting article on the end justifying the means. i am writing an essay on machiavelli and have to answer the question'is it true, or always true, or sometimes true, that the end justifies the means?'i have to say what i take this claim to mean, what i think the conditions are, and i'll need to give reasons for my view of those conditions.in doing so, i should draw on both the arguments and the examples provided by machiavelli.i would be grateful,therefore, if you could help in any way. many thanks, pat 13 Dec 2014 @ 01:48 by oakleysunglasses @ : sadasd http://www.oakley-sunglasses.in.net/ http://www.oakley--sunglasses.in.net/ http://www.oakleysunglasses.jp.net/ http://www.rayban-sunglasses.in.net/ http://www.raybansunglasses.in.net/ http://www.polo-ralphlauren.in.net/ http://www.poloralphlaurenoutlet.in.net/ 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