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A small circle: Lebanon civilian deaths morally not same as terror victims -- Bolton |
Category: Articles 3 comments 29 Jan 2015 @ 07:40 by Saif @ : orxdRvNBCVZjLWhy?Marketing.We're conditioned by the media to coeltceivlly freak out about terrorism and to address crime, and gun violence, in general with little more than shoulder shrugs.I think Cohen misses the mark a bit. Americans have reacted… reacted strongly… to mass public killings. We've seen that. And Americans have reacted strongly to gun violence locally and regionally. That's rarely covered in the national media. Unless it's sensational… then it might get a blurb or two… like the horrific murder of an little girl that locked down Valley Springs, CA. just like Boston, or the shooting death of a two year-old by her five year-old brother in Kentucky, ( … just one of those crazy accidents. ), but even that can't compete with the Terrorist Porn saturating the major media outlets.If Cohen wants to see Americans' reactions to crime and gun violence, maybe he should get out more.And as far as minority rule goes…Talk to the Democrats. They gave away control of the Senate to the minority when they gave away the nuclear option back in January. It's a One Party country now, and we are NOT invited. 29 Jan 2015 @ 17:31 by Desy @ : OQvLvLjkIGimf I believe local news reeotrpd yesterday that the two cops referred to have been placed on desk duty. Those two cops need to be suspended for a good while, without pay, or fired altogether. As Howard Finkelstein (the public defender turned people's advocate on WSVN) put it, if those two cops were willing to twist the story when they had nothing, or very little to gain by it, what would they not be willing to do to twist a story if they really had something to gain by it. 30 Jan 2015 @ 06:23 by Cubacaliente @ : fzVbDzLhKfsJCZpMSAVH Yes, Hussaini, your post is very offensive. The phtoos exist and are real, so however rare, some significant number of people interpret your same bizarro sky fairy tale differently than you do. Blame your (non-existent) allah-walla-walla for that, since he'd be the one too incompetent at the god game to get a consistent message out.But your last line is great. I have a coldless heart, for sure. Allah-walla-walla-shebang-bongo-boingo to you, girlie.RAmen. Other entries in Articles 8 Aug 2004 @ 21:43: The Times They Are A-Changin' Back 8 Dec 2003 @ 16:10: "The Province of All Mankind..."