A small circle    
 We And They2 comments
picture17 May 2004 @ 13:20
Photo: TFF: Jan Oberg, Basra Faces

We And They
by Rudyard Kipling

Father and Mother, and Me
Sister and Auntie say
All the people like us are We,
And every one else is They.
And They live over the sea,
While We live over the way,
But—would you believe it?—They look upon We
As only a sort of They!

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 54%17 comments
picture27 Apr 2004 @ 15:23
Photo: Mark-13, Hardware (1990)

This is what you want, this is what you get. This is what you want, this is what you get.
This is what you want, this is what you get. This is what you want, this is what you get.
This is what you want, this is what you get. This is what you want, this is what you get.
This is what you want, this is what you get. This is what you want, this is what you get.
This is what you want, this is what you get. This is what you want, this is what you get.
This is what you want, this is what you get. This is what you want, this is what you get.
This is what you want, this is what you get.

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 The Schmürz9 comments
picture24 Apr 2004 @ 14:32

In Shakespeare, it’s the fools who tell the truth, though in jokes and riddles—somersaulting on some wall that’s neither in the garden nor in the palace.
—Stephen Leigh Morris

City Garage presents:

In Vian's brilliant 1959 dark comedy, a respectable middle class family is prompted by an indefinable terror (a strange, unknown and terrifying Noise) to flee upward from apartment to apartment, into ever more substandard and constricting circumstances while maintaining a semblance of calm and denial. While they feel temporarily safe, confident they are building their own personal empire on earth, they are constantly on the run and their world is forever narrowing. Their only release seems to come when they beat on a mysterious, dark-skinned, bandaged man (the Schmürz,) a pitiably denatured person, who appears in the corner everywhere they go and whom they continually flog and maltreat, yet whose existence they refuse to collectively recognize. But the Schmürz always awaits them and the Schmürz never dies.  More >

 What would you ask?2 comments
picture7 Apr 2004 @ 13:10
After initial resistance to the idea, the White House agreed last week to allow National Security Adviser Condoleeza Rice to testify publicly before the commission investigating the U.S. government's preparedness and response to the attacks on September 11, 2001.

In anticipation of Rice's testimony this Thursday, MSNBC has been asking:

What would you ask Condoleezza Rice if you were serving on the commission?  More >

 Does the end justify the means?25 comments
picture5 Apr 2004 @ 16:54

"Sometimes people invent [or distort] facts because they believe that the conclusion that it would lead people to is true, so they convince themselves that, in some deep way, they're not really lying or they're not really being dishonest because the message they're conveying is one that's true."

—Lee Ross, Stanford University (Social Psychologist)
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 And we, who are we anyway?3 comments
picture31 Mar 2004 @ 11:47
And we, who are we anyway?

It happened again: Synchronicity! I was thinking about my good friend R. Little, today, and all the Stuarts Little of the world, and was reflecting about my good friend Flemming Funch's post, The Singularity and the Fifth Dimension (good stuff there), and, what do you know, this book by David Darling (“Zen Physics”) literally landed on my lap and fell open to the following passage:  More >

 Candles in the Sun - A culture of hidden violence5 comments
picture25 Mar 2004 @ 13:17
Synchronicity strikes again: in a recent entry, Julie Solem-Roe (Scarlet Jewels) asks a very interesting question: “…are we trying to shine the light of illumination upon where our individual and collective psyche's are still split --- or are we still trying to look smarter, bigger, more evolved, than our brother/ sister?”  More >

 "The Province of All Mankind..."9 comments
picture8 Dec 2003 @ 16:10

According to the United Nations "Outer Space Treaty", signed by the US, the Moon and other worlds "shall be the province of all mankind".

In the "Moon Treaty" it is further elaborated that it cannot be anyone's property.

To some, this is a major road block preventing us from doing business in space. A rule limiting our freedom and imposing Earthly laws and bureaucracy to the free realms of space. To others, it's a very beautiful idea - that the heavens belong to all of us - and a strong mark against the export of old territorial thinking to this new frontier.

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 Wayfarers1 comment
picture2 Dec 2003 @ 13:19
Photo: EPA

Peace is far too serious to be left exclusively to governments.
— Richard Dreyfuss

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 Wayward4 comments
picture30 Nov 2003 @ 16:40
Photo: Koyaanisqatsi

We live in a world of knowledge and technology aplenty, but one that is clearly lacking in wisdom and spirituality. We are taught to want money, to retire as early as possible, to get ahead whatever the cost to others, to worship at the altar of the self, and to be in control of everything and everyone at all times

But those values are a recipe for extinction, a blueprint for human destruction. They are precisely the values that have destroyed the rainforest, melted the polar ice cap, and deprived peasant farmers of their lands. These values have left babies of color dead in their mothers' bony arms, old women to sleep in public parks, and one out of five preschool children in the United States in poverty. In the richest nation in the world, 20 million are hungry and 40 million have no health insurance.

— Joan Chittister
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 The American Way35 comments
picture20 Sep 2003 @ 15:42

"When I was in the military, I took an oath to support and uphold the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution is a constitution about freedom and liberty. It doesn't say that it's okay to mislead people, it doesn't say the end justified the means."

Wesley K. Clark, 7-11-2003, Fox News
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 Evolve0 comments
19 Sep 2003 @ 22:38
We live at an unprecedented time

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"The eye sees what it brings the power to see."
---Thomas Carlyle

"A small circle", a reference to the Arts, is about intensity, effortlessness, and the spirit of accepting the energies coming our way while turning them in a positive direction.

"A small circle", also means that I am hoping we can create a larger circle.

Previous entries
  • We and They: The Polarization of America

  • 2006-03-04
  • The Age of disinformation

  • 2006-02-20
  • Political Fiction---or is it?

  • 2006-02-04
  • The Unfeeling President - An essay by E. L. Doctorow

  • 2005-02-22
  • O Superman

  • 2004-12-05
  • A Report on the Banality of Evil

  • 2004-11-10
  • "Family Values"

  • 2004-10-18
  • One Nation Under God

  • 2004-10-10
  • Consistently Dogmatic

  • 2004-08-23
  • The Planet is Fine...
  • Imagination vs. pride & nationalism

  • 2004-08-08
  • The Times They Are A-Changin' Back

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    To the Muse

    As if the sea should part
