One Seeker's Journey    
 Stars in our eyes? More on the question: 'Are we ready for the Cosmos?' 2 comments
10 May 2009 @ 23:02, by craiglang. Articles

I've gotten several fascinating comments on various blogs that receive the feed of One Seeker's Journey via RSS. On one, I got the comment, roughly paraphrased, that unless we clean up our act on Earth, we will never reach the stars. while I certainly agree with his sentiment that we need to take care of our own world, my own belief is that in the next few hundred years, we will go to the stars regardless of whether we deserve to or not.

This will happen unless one of two things occurs:

  • We destroy ourselves
  • Someone "out there" intervenes to prevent us.  Read More

  •  Star travel sooner than we think?1 comment
    4 May 2009 @ 14:51, by craiglang. Information
    I recently saw the YouTube postings, Further Conversations with Jack Sarfatti ( Part 1 thru Part 6. The implications astound me. After a period of pessimism about the future of humanity in space, today I am more optimistic than I ever was that humanity's destiny is in the stars.  Read More

     What will/would the Awakening be like?9 comments
    3 Jan 2008 @ 15:50, by craiglang. Thoughts
    For years, many including myself have been writing about a coming shift in consciousness - a psychic/spiritual emergence or Awakening. Since this sie is all about the coming New Civilization, I thought I'd pose the question here as to what people here feel that might be like.

    I am currently writing a novel series about the transition, the time in which we make the change in consciousness, the apocalypse, the transitioning to the fifth world, or whatever one wants to call it.

    There will most likely be a series of books (the first of which is pretty much done and looking for a publisher). The final book will be that in which we make the above-mentioned transition, whatever that might look like. I am currently trying to form a picture to the conclusion in my mind as I write a general backstory for the series.

    My questions for the general NCN world are this:
    1) How do you think a transition will actually occur (if it does)?
    2) Will it be associated with 2012, or some other time? Gradual or sudden? etc...
    3) What do you think the world will look like after such a transition?
    4) What would life be like in such a world?
    5) Will it be Psychic emergence? Some form of enlightenment? Something else? Or will we simply learn (somehow) to live together in a better way?

    I have a zillion questions about this, and I've played with some ideas myself. But I'm most interested in the perspective of people in NCN, since this group is about the New Civilization.

    Let me know what you think.
    -Craig Lang  Read More

     The Dream of the Trail0 comments
    9 Oct 2007 @ 15:32, by craiglang. Dreams
    Another entry transferred over from my Yahoo 360 diary. This one is on a recent dream I think is symbolically important to the life path of myself and others. Read on and let me know what you think...  Read More

     Not everyone is a skeptic...4 comments
    3 Oct 2007 @ 15:56, by craiglang. Experiences
    A fried of mine who teaches aeronautical technology, invited me to present a lecture on UFOs to her Aerospace/Aeronautical teacher's group. So last night, I presented my "UFO 101" lecture to their group. While I was expecting them to be at least somewhat skeptical, I found that the reception was positive, almost surprisingly so. I found that several in the group had had sightings, and at least one person had apparently experienced a close encounter.

    My conclusion from this small data point is that the phenomenon reaches into nearly every corner of our society, bringing the contact experience to all walks of life. I also note that it is becoming increasingly accepted in areas of society where in an earlier time, it would have been rejected out of hand.  Read More

     The Ark and The Grail - An evening of fascination and discernment6 comments
    2 Oct 2007 @ 20:26, by craiglang. Thoughts
    I posted this on my personal blog, but I thought I'd add it here, too.
    It's a note on the lecture I went to last night, by the author and historical researcher, Frank Joseph.

    I'm not an expert, by any means, on these topics. Yet I found them both fascinating and a bit reachy. What do you think?  Read More

     Notes from NGH 20071 comment
    picture14 Aug 2007 @ 17:32, by craiglang. Reports
    We just got back yesterday from the 2007 convention of the National Guild of Hypnotists, in Marlborough (Boston) Mass. A truly fascinating time - and for me, a totally unique experience.

    This time, I spent most of my time in the vendor room, selling The Cosmic Bridge rather than in seminars and workshops. However, I did sell lots of copies of Bridge and got to know a lot of folks in the guild that I probably would not have met otherwise.  Read More

     Synchronicities positive and negative - Catch God on a whisper3 comments
    3 Aug 2007 @ 21:51, by craiglang. Diary
    (Adapted from article on my Yahoo 360 blog site)

    This week has been a helluva week - and beneath it, I sense a very meaningful chain of synchronicites.  Read More

     Announcing global release of The Cosmic Bridge5 comments
    picture31 Mar 2007 @ 15:54, by craiglang. News
    Announcing the global release of my book, The Cosmic Bridge, Close Encounters and Human Destiny.  Read More

     A Symphony of Change3 comments
    17 Oct 2006 @ 02:40, by craiglang. Articles
    I was struck yesterday, by the way things seem to fit together - for better or for worse. I had an interesting thread of synchronicities over the weekend, involving dreams, a Minnesota Orchestra concert, and an earthquake in Hawaii.  Read More

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    Exploring the emerging consciousness, the Universal Mind and the coming changes - as well as other general stuff...

    Previous entries
  • A Symphony of Change

  • 2006-07-24
  • Aliens, Allies and Discernment

  • 2006-07-07
  • Hidden Contact -- The Fermi Paradox and The Deardorff Hypothesis

  • 2006-07-01
  • UFOs, Rainbows and Bare Earth

  • 2006-06-23
  • Response to 'Ten Alien Encounters Debunked'

  • 2006-02-03
  • More spooky 9/11 stuff

  • 2006-01-10
  • New FTL and Hyperspace Theory

  • 2005-12-23
  • 'Fun' in the literature world

  • 2005-10-24
  • The Republic of Vermont?

  • 2005-07-18
  • Seth Shostak's Glass House

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  • Recent Comments:
  • craiglang: Origins and Cycles

  • 2009-05-11
  • a-d: Now,Craig, don't

  • 2009-05-04
  • bushman: Hey :}

  • 2008-01-11
  • a-d: Dear Craig,
  • craiglang: Interesting comments

  • 2008-01-09
  • a-d: I wasn't very clear....
  • bushman: lol,
  • a-d: Good thinking ,

  • 2008-01-08
  • bushman: Hmm,
  • freo7: Earth is Shifting *ITS SELF NOW*

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