One Seeker's Journey    
 A close call - The precariousness of life4 comments
22 May 2003 @ 10:56, by craiglang. Thoughts
Yesterday, something happened that made me once again realize just how precious life is, and how one should never take anyone or anything for granted. I got a phone call early in the morning that my wife had been in an auto accident. While both parties in the accident were OK, it could easily have been far worse.

At times like this we realize just how lucky we are to have the company of our loved ones. On some days we may find ourselves grousing about life - less appreciative than we ought to be of those who love us most. Yet at times like this we realize most of all, how in an instant those we hold dearest could be taken from us.

For better or for worse, we live at the crossroads of synchronicity. Any given moment might just end up being one of good fortune - or one of potential catastrophe. And I was again reminded yesterday just how lucky we are to be alive and loved, and what could have happened.

Although it turned out OK, this one was close. It is once again a reminder from God of just how important family and friends are in our lives.  Read More

 Skywatch Visitors (?)2 comments
picture21 May 2003 @ 17:19, by craiglang. Diary
I'm wondering if we might have had some unexpected company during a Minnesota MUFON skywatch on Saturday (May 17, 2003).

If you look above, to the left, and in front of the group, you will notice some spots of light. Not sure what these are, but they look like some classic "orbs".  Read More

 More Thoughts on The Day the Earth Stood Still10 comments
4 May 2003 @ 09:45, by craiglang. Articles
I got some interesting feedback from a reproduction of my article The Day the Earth Stood Still: Thoughts on Why They're Here in the May/June issue of the Minnesota MUFON Journal. One reply in particular was particularly eye-opening. This was an observation that we are already carrying our military activity into space. While we do not yet have star travel, we can cause a problem for any visitors who do come our way.

The respondent sent me a link to the U.S.Air Force Space Command website, where the US strategy for the control of space was presented. There, laid out in PDF format for all to see, is the U.S. Doctrine on the control of the high frontier.

In the Disclosure Project Briefing Points Dr. Stephen Greer makes the statement that the U.S. Militarization of space is a direct threat to the cosmic community, and that this could have trememdous consequences down the road.

While this exact scenario might or might-not have been envisioned by the author(s) of the "Day the Earth Stood Still", I am once again reminded of just how far-sighted, this movie was. And it is somewhat disconcerting to think that Klattu was probably right. We are indeed close to becoming a threat to the neighbors - perhaps earlier than I had initially imagined.

-Craig  Read More

 Update from The Close Encounter Working Group2 comments
picture1 May 2003 @ 14:29, by craiglang. Articles
Hi Folks,

We were discussing within the CE4 working group, that there must be a larger number of NCN'ers who have had anomaly and close-encounter experiences than we have learned about so far. We decided to re-issue an invite to anyone to write me if they are interested.

To maintain confidentiality, I keep the gate so that anyone who wants can confidentially request entry. We agree within the room that anything said in the room stays there. So we can discuss anything UFOlogical or phenomenological there, including personal experiences.

The room is intended for anyone who is an experiencer, or who has a serious research interest in the topic. And so I invite/encourage anyone to drop me a message if they are interested.

I welcome you to the group.
-Craig  Read More

 The Promise of a New Unknown4 comments
picture16 Apr 2003 @ 14:59, by craiglang. Thoughts
This weekend, my wife and I went to the OmniFilm festival at the Science Museum of Minnesota. While there, I noticed an interesting map projection - a world-map design built into the tiles of the lobby floor. It was a physical map of the earth, and showed suggestions of the regions of the continental shelves. While I had seen this before, I had never really thought a whole lot about it. But this day, it provided a perspective that made me think - alot...  Read More

 Who's We?3 comments
13 Apr 2003 @ 20:32, by craiglang. Articles
A few years ago, as several friends and I were talking about going to a rather popular restaurant, one friend quipped "Oh, nobody goes there anymore. It's too crowded...". I smiled yesterday afternoon, as I was reminded of this remark during a discussion we had at the most recent Minnesota MUFON meeting.

On the second Saturday of each Minnesota MUFON holds our regular meeting, which is open to the public. During the last half-hour-or-so, of each meeting, we often have an open mike session - discussions where anyone can make comments. I had just given a talk on the topic of ET contact, and so, the general discussion centered around possible open ET contact at some time in the near future. I indicated that I didn't feel that this was likely. I suggested that humanity is not ready for contact, simply because it's single biggest endeavor is war (see the article "The Day the Earth Stood Still: Thoughts on Why They're Here" for some thoughts on this topic).

I indicated that at the present time "We" (meaning humanity) are very much dis-united. Individual humans give their allegiance to smaller units within our overall world civilization - nations, religions, individual leaders, etc. As long as we generally think in terms of "I", or a smaller-scoped "we" [and at times this author is certainly not immune to this thinking, either], then humanity will probably not be a very good neighbor.

As I was referring to "humanity", I casually used the term "We". And that's when the fun began...

As soon as I had made my comment, a person sitting in the back row jumped up and shouted angrily, "Who's this 'We'? Don't count me as part of this 'disunity' you're talking about!" At this point the person sitting in front of him replied that the responder had just proved my point. Like my friend's remark of a few years ago, this was one of those delghtful paradoxes in logic. And it just made me smile...

To me, it is plausible that humanity is not yet ready for membership in what I imagine is a "Galactic Club" out there. This will be the case until there is a deep, underlying shift in the global human consciousness. As a species, and for each human as an individual, there must come this shift in focus from I and small-we, to Global-WE [and just like this author, most of us probably still have alot to learn]. Until that time, very little overt contact will likely take place - and humanity will remain isolated from the rest of those "out there".

I offer the guess that if our civilization can survive the coming generation or two without destroying itself, we may well accomplish the needed shift in consciousness. And networks such as NCN, and other similar efforts pave the way to this paradigm shift - bringing us into coming Awakening.

In the mean time, while I suspect that there are many members of the "Club" out there, perhaps watching us closely - I would bet that few of them actually visit Earth. As long as we make comments such as "Who's WE? - Don't include ME in that!" - I suspect that the Visitors will probably limit their involvement to observation, abduction and other such covertness. There will be minimal contact with our overcrowded and dangerous world.

And so, maybe, my friend's comment takes on new meaning. Perhaps, indeed, almost nobody goes to Earth because it's too crowded...  Read More

 A Beautiful Spring Day7 comments
10 Apr 2003 @ 10:58, by craiglang. Diary
This morning began with the sense that today was going to be another day in a rough stretch of days at work (yeah, I know, you've already heard about that...). There was a grayness, that heavy feeling that you get when you realize that there is uncertainty and challenge ahead.

Normally I take a few moments to update my dream diary, and then get ready for the day. But this morning, the dream memory was blank - nothing to write. As I still lay in bed - for just a few moments more - I could hear the roar of the distant traffic on the freeway about six blocks from my house. I was trying focus, to bring my consciousness back into the present moment, then get out of bed... :-)

Then I looked out the window. There to greet me was one of the most beautiful sights I have ever seen - a delightfully ordinary, and truly beautiful Spring day. The sky was clear, blue and warm. The sun was out. In the yard, I noticed that plants were just beginning to leaf out. Just outside my window, a bird sang a welcoming chirp to who(or what)ever was listenning.

Forgetting about the grayness of a moment ago, I instead was awed by what I saw. The feeling was one of getting a gift - but one that we always have. This gift is one which God needs to remind me of every-so-often. It is the assurance that, even in times of challenge - big or little - real or percieved, there is always hope.

To me, Spring days are just that - bringers of hope to a world of polarity. They are climatic/meteorological messages from God reminding us that God is really here. God gives us what we need - when we need it - though seldom in the ways we expect. Smiling, and laughing at myself a little bit, I opened the back door and let the dog out.

Spring Fever is a wonderful thing...  Read More

 The Rectangle2 comments
8 Apr 2003 @ 10:48, by craiglang. Articles
I recently went to a talk on a new personality typing paradigm called "psychogeometry". It reminded me of many other personality typing schemes that I had read about, but it had a different twist. This one recognized avant-garde explorers, and people in transition, as personality types in themselves. This was the first I had seen that actually seems to do this....  Read More

 Sunday Afternoon Synchronicity1 comment
7 Apr 2003 @ 11:05, by craiglang. Diary
The last couple of days have been incredibly synchronistic (yes, I know this again...). During the weekend came the blessings of time to do hypnotic healing work, plus work on some articles, my book, etc. Quite a few things fell into place - almost on their own. Including one tiny but fascinating little event on Sunday afternoon.  Read More

 The Day the Earth Stood Still: Thoughts on Why They're Here4 comments
picture5 Apr 2003 @ 21:58, by craiglang. Thoughts
As a UFO researcher, I am often asked my view on why I think "They" are here. My answer is always "I don't know". I believe that we know very little about close encounters. Yet some late night thoughts came to mind while watching the classic movie: "The Day the Earth Stood Still"....

I wondered, is the movie right? Are we a danger to the cosmic neighborhood? And might "They" be here to fix the problem in their own unique and very alien way?  Read More

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  • 2008-01-11
  • a-d: Dear Craig,
  • craiglang: Interesting comments

  • 2008-01-09
  • a-d: I wasn't very clear....
  • bushman: lol,
  • a-d: Good thinking ,

  • 2008-01-08
  • bushman: Hmm,
  • freo7: Earth is Shifting *ITS SELF NOW*

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