One Seeker's Journey    
 Synchronicity and Midlife: Traveling the Winding Road10 comments
picture4 Apr 2003 @ 09:26, by craiglang. Diary
How many of us baby-boomers have said to ourselves: There must be more to life than this. But what is it? How do I find it? Where to from here - where does the path lead?

How many have found the answer? And how many of us know how to ask the question? Some interesting experiences over the last few weeks have helped me come to terms with the question, even if I haven't come any closer yet to the answer...  Read More

 Journey to the Citadel5 comments
picture2 Apr 2003 @ 11:03, by craiglang. Stories
The recent events of the war, environmental degradation, and the endless scandals from human greed, recalls to mind a metaphorical journey I experienced a few months ago - an experience that occurred while in the deep trance of a hypnotic "Life-Between-Lives" session.  Read More

 A Respite in the Storm2 comments
28 Mar 2003 @ 22:24, by craiglang. Thoughts
Over the last two weeks or so, I have been asking as many people as I can, what they noted of the overall emotional currents. Some were sensitives, and others were just ordinary folks... This little impromptu project was accidentally timed to cover the week before, and then the start of the war.  Read More

 The Number of Close Encounter Experiencers3 comments
4 Mar 2003 @ 11:36, by craiglang. Articles
[Also posted on the CE4 Working Group newslog]

After doing a series of lectures on UFO encoutners at a SF convention this weekend, I was approached at different times by people, who described their own experiences. From these, I get a sense of many more experiencers than most of us think.

Click on "More" and "encounter" the results...
.  Read More

 Anyone Else Observe an Overall Grumpiness?28 comments
25 Feb 2003 @ 21:42, by craiglang. Thoughts
Hi All,

Just wondering if anyone else has percieved this. I've noted a larger than typical level of grouchiness out there. I've seen this at work, on the road, in peoples' posts on various e-forums, etc... Others have commented about this, too - so I don't think it's purely my own perception.

I wonder - is there any one specific cause? Is it the world situation? Are people perhaps just getting tired of the N. Hemisphere winter? Or is it something else?

Comments anyone?
-Craig  Read More

 Patriot II - Some pretty spooky stuff8 comments
11 Feb 2003 @ 10:49, by craiglang. Articles
Hi All,

I just read this today, and it made my blood curdle. Read it and I think you will have the same response.

- "Night and Fog" editorial on
- Draft of Security Enhancement Act of 2003
- Article on bill

I'm open to comments here. What do you think?
This is some pretty dark stuff. If it's all true, then the storm is upon us?

-Craig  Read More

 Space is our Destiny2 comments
picture2 Feb 2003 @ 15:32, by craiglang. Articles
An earlier newslog article makes the claim that the Columbia disaster might be the end of the US Space Program. But somehow I doubt it. I believe that space is our destiny. And I also believe that the USA will remain a part of that destiny. Whether it is alone or in partnership, we WILL continue. We will bear the risks, and we will learn the lessons of being on the leading edge of exploration.  Read More

 The Dream of the Hummingbirds6 comments
picture27 Jan 2003 @ 10:40, by craiglang. Dreams
An interesting dream on Saturday night/early Sunday AM.
I was in a house (yes, the house stuff again...), and in one room at the base level was a large window to the outside. I noticed at the window that there was a hummingbird flying around - looking for a way to get through the glass. I knew that in the past there were birds that had not escaped, and this one was very much trying to avoid that fate. Also, on the outside of the glass was another hummingbird, it's mate, who was trying to rescue it.

I looked around for something with which to gently capture the bird, to take it outside and release it. I looked all around the house, but all I could find were a large number of Tupperware bowls, none of which had lids (my wife sells Tupperware). I was getting concerned as there was a whole closet of these bowls, and yet no way to cover them once I had enclosed the bird.

The dream bordered on lucid, although I did not feel as though I had full control. It was more as if I were a participant in a script - not fully voluntary, yet not simply a passive piece of a dream as well. I was very much concerned with how to solve this problem of capturing then releasing the bird, without harming it.

Finally I managed to find a lid of some type, and was able to carry the bird to safety. So the story had a happy ending. It seemed to be quite meaningful, and looks like one for the dream-analysis books...

(Note: I also posted this in the PSI room)

-Craig  Read More

 The Inner Circle: Who's in and Who's Out?30 comments
picture22 Jan 2003 @ 10:24, by craiglang. Thoughts
I got some fascinating and thought-provoking reactions to my posting of the link to the "Whitley's Journal" article. In his article, Whitley Strieber takes a very unconventional view (at least from the perspective of the antiwar movement). Thank you to all who wrote. Your views, whatever they may be, are important for an expanded view of the issues.

One of the comments posted in response to the W.S. article was that he has "Blue Blood". The comment seems to suggest that W.S. might be somehow part of the inner circle - or at least supportive of it. This is interesting for many reasons.

The primary reason that the biggest focus of W.S.'s work is in the UFO-encounter area, and the interaction between the ET presence and our civilization. On his radio show "Dreamland", one of the things he discusses frequently is the impact of the coverup (UFO and otherwise) on the lives of close encounter experiencers - and on everyone else, too. Many of the biggest issues there are about the inability of the government, news media, and industry to accept a more far-sighted out-of-the-box view.

Another thing I have noticed as I have written (mostly) about the anomaly and close encounter topic, is that responses (not just to me, but to many, in many different fields) tend to be very polarized (yes I know, that polarity thing again). In many arguments within the UFO field and elsewhere, I often hear the implication - or even the overt statement - that the other side must somehow be part of the coverup, in league with the shadow government, etc. Yet this is the first time that I have ever heard this mentioned in relation to Whitley Streiber.

So I ask: Just who is the inner circle? What is the shadow government and what comprises the coverup? Who is part of it, and who is not? Is there just one group? Or are there many different ones? Is "them" different for different people? And if so, why?

To me, this is a fascinating thing to consider. And I suspect that as we find the answer, it will suprise us. Because in the end, I believe that we will find that "They" are "Us" - we are all one.

-Craig  Read More

 Polarity8 comments
20 Jan 2003 @ 22:51, by craiglang. Thoughts
One fascinating thing that I note in many of the discussions on the upcoming war is the degree of polarity involved. There is a deep (and very legitimate) anger over the behavior of the world's (materially) wealthiest nation.

Most interesting is the philosophy behind opposition to the war. This is the idea that we can achieve peace by opposing war. In the causal, objective world this makes sense - there is a pressing need to prevent this awful thing looming ahead of us, so political action is vital. Yet when I see this I am reminded of the Law of Polarity which is core to so many spiritual traditions: "That which we oppose, we bring power to...".

While I feel complete revulsion at the coming US "adventures" in Iraq, I wonder if by intensely opposing war we are actually energizing the very conflict we oppose. In being "ANTI"-war, could we simply be creating another conflict - this one about conflict itself?

So, how can we work for peace besides being "anti"-war? I wonder if the true pacificst is actually the peacemaker - the healer, rather than the divider. While activisim is important, perhaps it is at least as important at this time to be sure to observe one's spiritual tradition. Now more than ever, praying for peace, meditating on peace, and above all - practicing peace in daily life, seems to be truly important.

As within, so without. In many ways, peace begins at home. Some food for thought on a cold January night.  Read More

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  • 2008-01-11
  • a-d: Dear Craig,
  • craiglang: Interesting comments

  • 2008-01-09
  • a-d: I wasn't very clear....
  • bushman: lol,
  • a-d: Good thinking ,

  • 2008-01-08
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  • freo7: Earth is Shifting *ITS SELF NOW*

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