10 Dec 2002 @ 15:53, by craiglang. Inspiration
Reading Shakti's post on the Earth Sanctuary struck a similar chord within me. I awoke this morning with the sense of not being able to see where the next step was.
The most meaningful metaphor I have heard yet, for ones life path is the concept of following the breadcrumbs. The trail will lead you to where God wants you to go. God alone knows how you will fulfill your life purpose, and destiny. Yet today, when awakening, I realized that I was not able to even guess where the next breadcrumb might be. How could I begin to get there? Is it close? Is it far? Does it even exist? Or even, did the birds eat it? There was the sense that life's path is taking me square into a brick wall. The dream that seems so clear on most days, today seemed to be a distant mirage. Somehow, the road had dead ended. Or had it?
As I got ready to go to work, and as I did my morning moment of meditation, What I was reminded of again is that which I am often reminded of during prayer, meditation, and in the events around me. And this is to know that the time when things look their bleakest can be the very time when the hope can be the brightest.
In the Bible is a statement that "Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen" (Hebrews 11:1). And on those days when the next step in the road seems to be far away - when the road seems to go nowhere - it is only faith that keeps us moving.
Shakti speaks of persevering through thick and thin (I won't say what the thick and thin material was...). The highest compliment I could possibly pay her is to simply echo what she says. And sometimes it is only faith - the belief in the dream, hope for that which is not seen - that enables us to continue.
In the end - Faith Manages
CL Note 12/10/2002 21:45 CST - Added a post-script about living in the NOW. Check out "More", below... Read More
6 Dec 2002 @ 21:00, by craiglang. Diary
A week of work is done. The job stress that I was grousing about in the PSI room has passed, at least for a few days. And the next day or two will be for just spending time with family, doing healing work, and exploring the unknown.
In my posting in the PSI room, I noted that psychic and intuitive abilities seem to be supressed under stress - which was abundant at work this week. Now the pressure is off for a few days. It is as if a pressure cooker lid was released - and as if on cue, the synchronicities started happening once again. They are minor, and barely noticabile, but definitely there - a reminder that the God consciousness is always there for us even when we are blind to it for a while.
The Universe is a wonderful and mysterious place indeed...
-Craig Read More
30 Nov 2002 @ 21:09, by craiglang. Articles
I finally saw the second Harry Potter movie tonight. It seems to have a wonderful emotional appeal to it. While the first movie was an excellent introduction to the series, the second movie does a great job of bringing out the deeper themes.
It seems to tickle an archetypal desire in the soul to do wizardry - to transcend the rationalistic constraints that seem to bind us to a material lifestyle. It's as if, deep in our memories, there remains the knowledge of how to do something just a little bit beyond - how to transcend just one little physical law.
Watching that movie was reminiscent having a dream where you could fly, or of having some form of extraordinary power. And when the dream is over, one is left with the feeling that if you wish it, if you do the right thing, and if your aim is pure, the gift could be within your grasp.
I've heard it said that prehistory is analogous to the subconscious of humanity. Most historical legends do seem to trace back to times before this cycle of written history - back into our civilization's collective subconscious. And so, perhaps buried deep within our collective soul, there is that little glimmer of the extraordinary, just waiting to be awakened again.
And I think that movies like the Harry Potter series, The Lord of the Rings, etc. take us, if only for a while, back to that wonderful realm where magic is the true way of the world. Read More
28 Nov 2002 @ 15:38, by craiglang. Thoughts
This weekend, while spending a few days with my extended family, I realized something was do-able now, that only a few years before would have been impossible. I realized that it is possible for two friends anywhere in the world to keep in touch, via any internet connected PC, anywhere in the world.
In this case, while my wife and I are visiting family, I was able to check my e-mail on-line. I found that I had recieved an e-card from a friend of mine. This friend had until recently lived in Minneapolis. In the last few months, she had moved to New Zealand, and is getting married there. At first I had thought that the connection between us would be all but severed, as there was now a half a world between us. Still, my reply was an electronic wedding card to them, which included a well-wishes message from my wife and I.
In another case, last week, another friend of mine gave birth to her first child. While delivering, she suffered what in an earlier time, would have been a fatal complication. Without the best that health technology has to offer, she would have died for sure. But with medical technology - maligned as it is - she is alive, recovering, and grousing about being stuck in "this damn hospital bed".
What I realized once again, is that, as technology matures, it can be what it was intended to be - an extension of our own mind and body - a tool for the soul.
My day job is as an engineer, working on biomedical electronics. Many years ago, I worked in the defense (aka WAR) industry. As such, I have seen both the good that technology can do, and technology at some of its most diabolical. And like fire, the knife blade, etc., it can either make life more liveable, or it can destroy life.
When it makes life easier, we have time for things beyond survival - such as spirituality, charity and writing in newslogs. It allows us to converse with people half a world away, as if they were next door.
Yet when high technology becomes a tool for the dark side, we see many of the darker current trends in world events. We find ourselves lost in a sea of complexity. We find our privacy threatened, and our very security imperiled by those who would misuse it for ill-gotten gains. On some days, I would give anything to simply scrap my computer, my phone, my car (with its power steering, electronic ignition, etc...), and embrace a low tech, agrarian lifestyle somewhere.
But it is on days like today, while dialoging over NCN, and when learning more of my friend's close brush with mortality, that I am grateful for the gift from God that is technology. We can only pray that we are also granted the wisdom, compassion and discernment to use it wisely.
-Craig Read More
27 Nov 2002 @ 20:54, by craiglang. Articles
On the eve of the Thanksgiving holiday in the United States, there doesn't appear on the surface to be much to celebrate. We teeter on the brink of war. The environment seems to be lurching toward oblivion. We seem to be caught between one faction of the world that wants to terrorize us, and another that wants to tyranize us.
Yet even while the world seems to be going to Hell in a handbasket, there is still room for hope and thanks giving. Why? Because we are human. We care, we love, we think, we feel, and above all, we ARE.
At this time, when the material world seems to be at its bleakest, we need to realize that it is just that - the material world. And we are spirits living in the material world - warm little sparks of God, living in human bodies. And when things in the outside world get realy hosed, we still have this for comfort.
So when it seems like there isn't much to be thankful for on this day, we can remember that we are still able to form that or any other viewpoint. This means that we are conscious, spiritual beings with free will. And to me, that in itself is enough to be thankful for.
-Craig Read More
19 Nov 2002 @ 11:23, by craiglang. Dreams
Hi Folks,
Another interesting dream for the dream diary.
When I awoke this morning, I felt as though I had just recieved a briefing, and had been given an assignment. This assignment was to "find out what went wrong". There was something seriously amiss, and it was my job to be a trouble-shooter of some type.
Somehow associated with this was the image of an overstuffed chair with a slip cover over it. The cover was stretched taut, making it difficult to sit on the chair.
Also associated with the dream was someone named Howard. I assumed that it was a particular person I know by that name, but I'm not really sure of this. I also wonder if "Howard" was the person who was giving me the assignment.
Open for comments on this....
-Craig Read More
19 Nov 2002 @ 10:11, by craiglang. Stories
Sunday, during our monthly Dome Healing Meditation circle in Minneapolis, an interesting and rather irreverent image came through to many of us. The vision was of a troupe of medieval comedy players entering the village square. Their purpose was not to convey any message, nor was it to accomplish anything momentous. It's mission was levity. It's goal was to poke fun of the authority which viewed itself as being above the townspeople - to mock the rigid system which held the people in place.
There was a piper, a drummer, and several players. However, The key member of the troupe was the "fool". This character wore the typically abnoxious bright garb, cap, and slippers of a joker. His acts continued to poke fun of the mayor, who became more and more annoyed as his antics went on. All this was of course, to the delight of the towns-people, who had not had this much fun in months.
At one point, many of the soldiers who normally guarded the city walls, cast their swords aside and came down from their guard stations to join the fetivities. Even the stern expression on the statue of the town's patron and founder turned to a smile. (reminiscent of the movie "Chocolat")
By the end of the meditation circle, although we had all remained in deep trance, the laughter among us seemed to have, in itself, become a living entity. It did wonders to break the seriousness of what many of us had felt in previous days - the sense of impending darkness and danger. For a moment the heaviness was gone, replaced by lighthearted fun.
One person in the circle wondered if this was the trickster (Coyote). But that explanation seemed to have too much meaning. This moment was one which was free of content, but completely and delightfully full of laughter. At this moment, we could ignore that which would otherwise be considered important. We could poke fun of the the politics, the message and the rules of authority.
And this was the "non-message" of the jester: Sometimes we can cast the seriousness aside, ignore our concerns and simply spoof the system. Just for a moment, we can be the fool.
-Craig Read More
14 Nov 2002 @ 20:00, by craiglang. Dreams
Just wondering, have other folks been remembering dreams more lately? I have found this happening more and more. Also, more and more synchronicities.
My sense is that this is a universal thing - part of the emergence and awakening that is taking place.
Comments anyone?
-Craig Read More
8 Nov 2002 @ 17:47, by craiglang. Projects
I would like to invite you to join me in forming a new working group. This mission of this team will be to conduct wordwide PSI experiments, publishing the results on the team page. Read More
6 Nov 2002 @ 10:22, by craiglang. Diary
I was rather dismayed, to say the least, with the election returns last night and today. In front of my eyes (at least when I could bear to look) I saw the vote count piling up in support of the Bush Brothers, etc. I saw the senatorial candidate (Norm Coleman) who opposed the late Sen. Wellstone win - apparently with the support of the same energy companies that have gotten us into this mess.
But in a democracy, the peoples' voice is final. Having heard nothing yet to the contrary, I assume (perhaps nievely) that the election was clean. So I must conclude that the results do portray the will of the people - at least to some extent. Yet, the direction this decision takes the western world - and perhaps humanity - seems to be directly into the abyss. So what gives?
My only conclusion can be that a whole lot of people don't get it. The aggregate field consciousness of the US public seems to still be wishing for a convenient, materialistic, comfortable, don't-rock-the-boat world view. There seems to be an aggregate willingness to overlook the impending war. And it is more comfortable to ignore the coming environmental collapse. The blindfold fits well, and is very comfy to wear.
It is indeed difficult to change course. A western democracy has a very wide turning radius. And if our course is heading for oblivion, then to some it seems easier to cover one's eyes than to struggle to turn the steering wheel and avoid the collapse.
So, the (apparent) wishes of the people have been expressed. As the saying goes "be careful what you wish for, you might recieve it". And I suspect that recieve it we shall...
-Craig Read More
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