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 3 Story Underground City, found.5 comments
20 Jul 2004 @ 17:08
Hmm, this lost underground city in Iran, looks like its cut into the same kind of rock layers here in Sedona. The tunnel size from the pic below comes very close to the 2 carved underground entrances I found here in Sedona as well.


Three-Story Underground City Unearthed in Central Iran
Iranian archeologists have discovered a massive three-story city in central Iran, probably dating from the ancient or Islamic eras, Iranian Cultural Heritage News Agency reported.

During the first season of excavation, a team of archeologists, architects and history and geography experts have managed to unearth the outlines of a city of labyrinth-like architectural structures, 2.5 meters under the topmost layer of the earth, in the central city of Noush Abad, near Kashan. They have discovered, indeed, three layers of urban constructs, said Zahra Sarokhani, head of the researchers.

“The first story is 2.5 meters deep, while the third layer is 16 m deep. The height of each story is 1.8 m,” she added. “It is unprecedented in our excavation history to dig out such a place, arguably making it unique in the whole world. The city can lead us to learn many things about this style of architecture.”

The underground city has corridors, rooms and other architectural structures, all interconnected to the upper or under level with flights of stairways. Archeologists speculate it was built during the ancient or Islamic eras, though they have no wild guess about the exact area of the city due to their limited excavation works so far.

Kashan is an oasis city lying in a desert at the eastern foot of the Central Iranian Range. Kashan was earlier an important station on an important caravan route between Kerman and Isfahan. Kashan has several ancient monuments. Most famous are the mausoleum of Shah Abbas 1, the 12th century Friday Mosque and the Safavid royal buildings southwest of the city centre.
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 Forced Druggings, murder HIV kids?4 comments
17 Jul 2004 @ 11:03
All for the love of money, the bastards that think they own you and your kids, recycling chemo drugs that didn't work, being used on HIV positive orphans, such evil.
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 Illinois Mystery Cave, Update.21 comments
picture12 Jul 2004 @ 23:16
And for you language desypherers, there are loads of artifacts, with inscriptions and glyphs, some have been figured out, but, there are many that havent. It's a very intresting find, in that some of the stuff talks about the Emperor of North America. And his pic stamped into a coin, so now we know what he looked like. Check it out, they think this stuff they found is from the time of these people, Alexander Helios, King Juba II, Cleopatra VII, Cleopatra Selene and Octavia, Augustus Caesar's sister. Who were the ones that accualy built the tomb, and carted all this stuff in there from all over the world, and in that time period. Could it have been the escaping Phonicians?
The pic on the coin they think is King Alexander Helios, the forgotten Emperor of North America.

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 Blast wave from the Sun.4 comments
picture9 Jul 2004 @ 23:12
This is pretty cool, we are still tracking that record setting solar flare from last year, and get this, they expect it to expand our solar bubble.

Image: Scientists predict that within 10 months the boundary separating our solar system from interstellar space will be pushed as much as 400 million miles farther out as a result of the blast wave. The heliosphere is a sort of bubble blown by solar wind that envelops our solar system. Its boundary is fluid and changes with the cycles and activity of the Sun. Credit: NASA  More >

 Saturn's Rings4 comments
picture1 Jul 2004 @ 22:36
Wow, is all I can say, and just think this spacecraft is going to be out there sending back stuff for 4 years and is going to launch a probe to land on Titan. Voyager got some great pics of Saturn's rings, but Cassini-Huygens has beaten all, we accualy sent this craft thru one of the gaps in Satrun's rings and entered perfect orbit 1 second later than predicted. Man, they are getting good at hitting the target, lol. My first impression I got from this pic was wow, what the heck could make chunks of rock and ice that varys in sizes from sand grains to houses, in a mixed state to look like that. It looks like a sound vibrations frozen in time, it may never be solved how the rings have such sharp edges. I think maybe there was moons that vacuumed it up and somehow was ejected later by something. One other thing about Saturn is that it has a perfect magnetic field, this basicly means its axis of rotation is the same as the magnetic north and south, and considering that Earth and Jupiter are the only other planets with a magnetic field except the rotational axis and magnetic axis are not the same. Maybe the rings of Saturn give its magnetic field some stability? This spacecraft also got a pic of Jupiter's ring when it passed by. What a huge step, and even Nasa admited last night during the insertion into orbit, that they will have to rewrite the science books with all the data they have been getting since it was launched. Well you will just have to surf thru thier site, that spacecraft got all sorts of pics and data on the way, including the sound of that huge solar flare last year. :}
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