more on the euro vs the dollar1 comment
category picture22 Feb 2003 @ 23:19
I beleive that the firs Euro vs dollar report posted here and that I can no longer find on the net speaks of something very real, a plan for supreme power by the only superpower the world has the US...that this in just one a series of manipulations that we have yet to fully understand the repercussions of
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 as we suspected...Iraq is only the begining1 comment
picture22 Feb 2003 @ 13:59
As a race of beings who are only now just realising how corrupt the US has become, it is essential now to realise that we have to stay ever viligant. That as a group of concerned individuals we need to be informed and keep abreast of what is happening under our very noses and join with others to ensure that the widest possible audience also knows.

what follows is something I found at the end of a news report on something entirely different.

read on  More >

 sweden offers free speech refuge to US officals3 comments
category picture22 Feb 2003 @ 00:37
Sweden Offers Free-speech Refuge To U.S. Officials
By Dennis Hans
Scoop.co.nz | Fiction/Satire

Friday 21 February 2003

Sweden Providing Platform for U.S. Officials Cowed by Bush intimidated bureaucrats regain their voice as protected guests of a genuinely democratic regime.

STOCKHOLM - Blaine Williams hasn't stopped grinning since he arrived in Sweden two weeks ago. Several times a day he'll approach a complete stranger, offer a handshake and a smile, introduce himself as a former CIA analyst from America, and proceed to tell the bewildered Swede all the things he knows that directly contradict President George W. Bush's declarations about Saddam Hussein's intentions and capabilities.

"Free at last!" Williams exclaimed to a reporter as he sat on his front porch and waved to new neighbors. "I was stuck in a totalitarian bureaucracy for 14 months. What a relief it is to say in public who I am and what I think."

Williams is the first of dozens of former U.S. government employees expected to take refuge in Sweden over the next several months, courtesy of a bold project of the new social democratic government.

On October 15, the Swedish Parliament appropriated 500 million dollars for the "Palme Plan." Named for former Swedish president Olaf Palme, it promotes the virtues of free and honest speech among government officials in underdeveloped democracies.

"Swedes have always been generous in providing economic aid to countries with underdeveloped economies," said Erland Carlsson, the parliamentarian who conceived the Palme Plan. "But we've done little to promote democratic development in underdeveloped democracies."

Some leaders of underdeveloped democracies have welcomed Sweden's "democracy teams," encouraging their efforts to create a culture of candor and transparency in the corridors of power. Those efforts comprise the overt component of the Palme Plan. The covert component kicks in when a leader is hostile to the very notions of candor and transparency.

Palme, who was Carlsson's political mentor, believed his greatest failure as president was his inability, during the Vietnam War, to persuade U.S. officialdom of the virtues of public candor. "Palme believed that if the national security bureaucracy had not been cowed into silence in the face of a torrent of deceit from a determined White House, the U.S. would never have invaded and destroyed Vietnam," Carlsson said.

An October 8 story in the Houston Chronicle, by Jonathan Landy and Warren Strobel ( [link]), convinced Carlsson that the same suffocating environment had enveloped key sectors of the Bush administration.

Thirteen officials from the CIA, State Department and Pentagon, many with vast experience in the Middle East and South Asia, told Landy and Strobel the same thing: The White House has squelched dissent, imposed conformity and silence, demanded skewed analyses to justify its hard line, and repeatedly exaggerated or falsified intelligence information to inflate the Saddam threat.

What most alarmed the Swedish MP was that none of the analysts were willing to be quoted by name. Some were too frightened even to be quoted anonymously.

"I couldn't help thinking that if these informed, respected patriots could raise their voices openly and in unison, they'd stop the administration's chicken hawks in their tracks," Carlsson said. "Public and congressional support for the war path would whither, and the president would be exposed as the world's most crooked 'straight shooter.'"

Borrowing Bush's Brilliant Idea

When Bush insisted that U.N. weapons inspectors be able to take Iraqi scientists and their families outside of Iraq for interviews, thus protecting the scientists from possible retaliation by Saddam's secret police, Carlsson had the solution that had eluded Palme so many years ago.

"That's it!" he told a colleague. "We'll offer U.S. bureaucrats and their families safe passage to Sweden and a secure environment from which they can speak freely and publicly to the folks back home. They can stay here at our expense until a climate of openness and honesty prevails in the Bush administration."

In addition to Williams, 28 other bureaucrats and their families are en route to Stockholm. All were spirited out of Washington by a team of Swedish secret agents who had honed their rescue skills in Yugoslavia and the Congo.

Once the former officials settle into their new homes and get comfortable with saying who they are and what they think, they'll spend their time giving speeches an interviews.

Former CIA analyst Williams is already a sensation on Swedish TV as a regular guest on the top-rated chat show, Nugen Farger ("Hard Rugby"). On a recent edition, he parsed a string of Bush's statements on Iraq, including assertions at a Republican fundraiser that Saddam Hussein hopes to deploy al Qaeda as his "forward army" against the West, and that "we need to think about Saddam Hussein using al Qaeda to do his dirty work, to not leave fingerprints behind."

"I can assure you," Williams told Swedish viewers, "that no one at CIA believes a word Bush said. What's more, no one at CIA believes that Bush believes a word Bush said."

Strong words, and Williams anticipates an echo chamber as more of Sweden's newest residents regain their voice. But he wonders if members of the U.S. news media, particularly those he calls "the boobs on the tube," will dare to listen.

- Dennis Hans files fantastic stories from cities he's never visited for the Wishful Thinking Express. He is a freelance writer whose work has appeared in the New York Times, Washington Post, National Post (Canada) and online at TomPaine.com, Slate and The Black World Today (tbwt.com), among other outlets. He has taught courses in mass communications and American foreign policy at the University of South Florida-St. Petersburg. Dennis is a contributing writer for Liberal Slant and can be reached at mailto:HANS_D@popmail.firn.edu  More >

 an insidous power elite...Part 11 comment
picture21 Feb 2003 @ 22:42
With the gains made over the last weekend when 10 million or more stood up and where counted comes some incredible realisations...."George " I don't listen to protesters" Bush and Tony "dito/echo"Blair are the heads of two very powerful nations. But Nations are not the only things these men belong to...they are part of a much wider group of powerful and influential individuals and there is more at stake in the potential war in Iraq than we first assumed...its not simply about oil, nor the euro vs the dollar...what we fail to understand is that there is a well ochestrated long term plan that has been in place for years with tentacles in every place of influence and power. For Blair it has to do with the Mont Pelerin Society and the Bilderbergers, the european elite...Bush is also connected to this group...their power lies in their secrecy and the concealment of both their conncections and their identities.

For instance an ever so small brief of the Mont Pelerin society so that you in other countries can connect the dots in your area......Mont Pelerin society is, the chief economic warfare unit of the biritish crown deployed to destroy nation-states worldwide to the financial and political advantage of teh worlds financial oligarchy. Therefore her majesty has snhowered knighthoods and even higher honors on key Mont Pelerin operatives...However the American constitution forbade any American citizen to accept any foreign order of chivalry. Mont Pelerin was founded by friedrich von Hayek on the slopes of Mont Pelerin in Switzerland in 1946....at that time Hayek lamented that the war..wwII had drastically strengthened nation states which he said "must be broken up and into smaller peoples to be ruled by a one world empire at the top, an international authority which effectively limits the powers of the state over the individual will be one of the best safequards of peace"....this is an insidious group whose mask is one of the utmost respectabity...

Yes there is more that we have to awaken into and much if not all of it will come as a surprise to many and a horror it will be. But for us who are connecting the dots, it is vital that the information is passed on as widley as possible, for there are many of us who are realising that we have but scratched the top off a very infected pimple that is in danger of infecting the entire face of humanity against our will and in our name.

There will be more to this as the dots are connected....however read this latest from truthout which reveals...at least to my mind that this realisation is only now reaching further into the grass roots of freedom...we are realising perhpas for the first time just how deep the poision of infection. This is good cos healing can't occur or change happen if we keep covering this blasted pimple up with makeup.....we need now to change our diet from junk to healthy food with real substance...good old fashioned down home honesty as ol ma used to say

Thank the goddess for the www everything we need to know someone has already explored and the info is there for all of us to expose and share so that we all become aware
read the latest from truthouts William rivers Pit  More >

 Power to the people2 comments
category picture20 Feb 2003 @ 00:35
Wow 10 Million people stood up and where counted last weekend... It made me cry....in joy of course that we as individuals made a stand....the silent majority has stirred.

Remember the 100th monkey affect...well this was it even if figures where exagerated or modest the critical mass numbers where reached and the figure given in news papers all over the world didn't count for all those who had to work, or just couldn't make it...such a fantastic display of human outpouring the world had ever seen.

Bush and Blair have already lost, no matter what their actions are from here forward, they have lost and we the people have gained the support and confidence to stand strong...to voice our opinions...even though both Blair and Bush et el...have arragantly dismissed us they have done so at their peril for what has been done cannot now or ever be undone and there is much more for us to do now that we have the confidence....they are the few and we are the many

So I would like to take this opportunity to thank us all for this momentus time in our living history....we have only just begun.....as the song says

power to the peaceful  More >

 what is it that has bought us to this8 comments
category picture13 Feb 2003 @ 02:12
What is it that has bought us to these times in history ? This question has been on my mind all day. and although each of us can come up with some answers the thought still remains...what is it that has bought us to these times today.

Here we sit, in the suposedly enlightened 21st century and we are witnessing the most arragantly powerful nation on earth show the most callous disregard for human life. what has bought us to this place ?

The world watches in sheer horror as the war machine of this powerful nation defies the rules of International law not to mention the voices of its own people..who themselves march in their millions.

Calls for impeachment .....who amongst them will stand up and raise their voice...risking their entire career and possibly life to do so...who amongst them inside the congress wil stand up and say no more...is there anyone ?

What can be done to stop this insanity?

Know that when the first bomb drops....all of us will feel the shame and the sadness as millions of people die over our need for oil...why...because we are all one.

what has bought us to this point in time?

This is a war that opens the door to sheer terror ......funny how the human race has the pathological ability to completly deny its own reality

humanity I weep for you.
yet I welcome your return  More >

 hot off the press1 comment
picture8 Feb 2003 @ 01:42
There's an important story developing tonight at the Justice Department. The non-partisan Center for Public Integrity obtained a closely-guarded document that shows plans for a sweeping expansion of the government's police powers.
Until now, few people outside of the department, not even members of key congressional committees have seen this draft legislation. It could lead to increased surveillance and greater secrecy - all in the name of the war on terror. It raises questions about how we balance liberty and security - the rights of individuals versus the rule of law.

Bill Moyers talks to Chuck Lewis about the significance of the Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003 and how it would affect civil liberties.

Read the Department of Justice Response (PDF)

See who received the draft legislation (PDF)


Download the high resolution version (PDF)

Download the low resolution version (PDF)

Get Adobe Acrobat [link]  More >

 Blair plagiarized off grad student5 comments
category picture7 Feb 2003 @ 21:27
- News of Bogus UK Intelligence Report Sweeping the Planet

- Blair Government Facing Imminent Crisis

- Revelation May Speed Up Iraqi Invasion

Britain's Intelligence Dossier on Iraq
was Plagiarized from a Grad Student

by Michael C. Ruppert

Feb. 6, 2003, 2230 hrs, PST, (FTW) - A story is sweeping the world tonight and it says a great deal about those who are forcing the world into a war it does not want. The famed dossier presented by British Prime Minister Tony Blair to his Parliament was plagiarized from two articles and a September 2002 research paper submitted by a graduate student. Worse, the Iraq described by the graduate student is not the Iraq of 2003 but the Iraq of 1991. So glaring was the theft of intellectual property that the official British document even cut and pasted whole verbatim segments of the research paper, including grammatical errors, and presented the findings as the result of intense work by British intelligence services.

U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell both praised and quoted that same British report in his presentation at the United Nations yesterday.

It is important that readers see and understand the enormity of this violation of public trust for themselves. The story was first broken by Britain's Channel 4 today and it is appearing in more papers and web sites by the hour. The following links lead directly to the Channel 4 story, to the British "intelligence" report and to the original student paper.

What was also disclosed was that certain portions of the academic report were altered by the PM Tony Blair to make them more inflammatory. In one cited instance Blair changed "aiding opposition groups" to "supporting terrorists."

The Channel 4 story is at:

The Official UK intelligence report is at:

The original student research paper is located at: [link]

In the context of merely preventing or slowing a war with Iraq this would be earth shattering news. But in a world that is slowly beginning to feel the pressure of and admit the reality of dwindling global oil supplies the fallout from the story may actually accelerate hostilities. British Prime Minister Tony Blair will be, by tomorrow, facing monumental challenges in both Parliament and from British public opinion that is overwhelmingly opposed to an Iraqi invasion. The event could be enough to topple his government and cause new elections which might well result in a new government that is not mind-melded with the Bush administration.

The Bush administration, faced with its own embarrassment over the issue, cannot wage a successful war without England. The first thought that came to my mind when I saw the story was that George W. Bush must pre-empt this story and make it moot to save not only Blair but himself as well. The only way to do that is to have the war begin before the justified outrage of the electorate which has been treated with utter contempt can make itself felt.

I noticed tonight that the Associated Press and Yahoo news had reported that the 101st Air Assault Division based at Ft. Campbell, Kentucky - the Army's premier "door kickers" - had been given their deployment orders for the Gulf this afternoon. As I have previously reported, the 101st, along with units like the 75th Rangers can be deployed and operational within 96 hours, anywhere in the world. When the 101st heads out you know the war is going to start very soon.

These are incredibly dangerous times, made more so because there is no turning back for the Bush administration. This story is incredible proof of the cynicism, dishonesty and callousness of the tyrants pushing the world toward destruction. And Iraq is merely the first stop on a sequential plan for control of the last remaining oil reserves on the planet. I encourage all who read the information contained in these links to spread it far and wide and also, by whatever means at their disposal, to tell the mainstream press, members of congress and the White House itself that we will not follow; we will not obey; and we will not kill on the orders of those who lie to us and who demonstrate the integrity of thieves and intellectual cowards.

This might be our last chance before the bombs start falling, before young American men and many innocent Iraqi civilians are reduced to blood and ash.

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 nukes in space1 comment
picture5 Feb 2003 @ 16:59
As our minds are turned to the pretense for war and our energies occupied in getting our voices heard....not to mention the loss of freedoms that lost, just in america, but in all the western nations, who have chosen to implement the paraniod anti terrorism act...some thing has been happening in the space above us, the cosmos, the universe above our earth....revealing even more insainty.  More >

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  • sweden offers free speech refuge to US officals

  • 2003-02-21
  • an insidous power elite...Part 1

  • 2003-02-20
  • Power to the people

  • 2003-02-13
  • what is it that has bought us to this

  • 2003-02-08
  • hot off the press

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  • Blair plagiarized off grad student

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