 timeSigns : Sf today3 comments
category picture16 Feb 2003 @ 21:23
Here's some inspiring and creative expressions of unityProtest from San Francisco, courtesy of an attentive activist...they are the signs from our
local day of unity for mutual uplift.  More >

 whiteRabbit5 comments
category picture14 Feb 2003 @ 08:21
During my contact event, this was the first 'name' given to me. It relates to the rabbits in watership down (fiver specifically), the Alice in the Looking Glass rabbits, and especially the white rabbit in Mayan 'mythos' (which isn't mythos at all but instead translation). It relates, specifically, however, to those rabbits who seek the deadly holes first, so that others may avoid is a story from about a month ago, after my contact had quieted... I really needed this tiny signal that night. Perhaps, more now, than then. But I leave that to those who send such signals...

This is my valentine's day story. It's dedicated to my most passionate and humble adoration for my misunderstood mother. We call her, locally, Earth. It means dirt. But in the case of our planet, it means 'dirty princess'. In other words, Cinder - Ella...and I think I know something interesting about that prince, and, perhaps even more significantly, about a 'glass slipper', that turns a princess into a Queen...and, er, that 'fairy godmother'? She's more real than mathematics will ever possibly be...  More >

 Questions, Time, Predators & Heroes1 comment
category picture12 Feb 2003 @ 02:37

What if it was possible to create a cognitive virus out of symbol-metaphor linkages, such that, in any human population capable of interacting with the symbols in conscious cognition, the 'messenger structure' gained scalar domains of elaboratory potential?

What if language is precisely such a construct, in all of its manifestations, including the non-human and asymbolic?

What if asymbolic language is a precursor of symbolic language, or vice versa?

With such questions clearly in mind, if one desired to do the single most heroic possible thing for the planet, and the human species, what would be an elementally powerful selection?

Decode their languages and give them back the powers over their cognitive sources and potentials.

And help them to understand: Where all these toys came from.

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 A Question of Children2 comments
category picture12 Feb 2003 @ 01:33

On a living world, simulations are important. Especially when a race of creatures like humans becomes more fascinated with simulations than with survival. Yet there are certain elemental simulations that can pay off, when we can locate the right species of questions to inagurate our quests.

Here's a game we play all the time, without noticing it — or, some of us notice it in ways different than others.
It's the kind of a game that can save worlds, played hearfully.

It wold be fun to teach each other together again. With games of questions.

We used to be circles of circles...instead of a lot of agitated dots. At least, I remember circles of circles...of raindrops falling together into water...under a fascinating star...or a scalar blanket of them.

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 Apple:Clock6 comments
category picture10 Feb 2003 @ 05:17
I am working on a computer. Above the ‘window’ in which I am typing, on the Right there is a Clock. The Time is 6:05, according to this piece of systemSoftware. On the Left in the ‘other corner’ is an apple. It’s rainbow colored. It implies that the apple, and light from a star, are linked. The clock implies that my life is not my own, and is finite.  More >

 UnityFlower: Awakening in Rings0 comments
category picture9 Feb 2003 @ 16:45
We can see, in human and biospheric history, that there are, at the core, two basic kinds of societies: Exploitative, and Unitive. Since exploitative cultures don't value people or ecosystems except barriers to growth or resources to be converted, most of the living exponents of the unitive systems have been silenced, erased, or converted.  More >

 Hyperorgans: Magnetite in Sentient Suspension0 comments
category picture9 Feb 2003 @ 04:33
In the summer of 2002 I experienced the contact I'd dreamed of, and hoped for during most of my life. I was expecting spaceships, and they were involved, but not in the ways we expect. They aren't actually 'ships', and my visitors weren't entirely 'alien'. It's incredibly dangerous to talk about these things with adults, for reasons which are just as difficult to get them to see. But one of the stories my visitors showed me was that there is an ancient organ in your 'guts', that is a miracle of intersystemic connectivity, and one of its features is that it is recombinantly magnetic. This organ is a sentience net that arises in microbes (in us) which contain magnetite. And basically, it's in constant contact with the Sun...amongst other interesting features...  More >

 Machines in the lifeRing: psybiocognitive disorder1 comment
category picture9 Feb 2003 @ 04:13
We believe ourselves to have arrived, at this point in our cognitive evolution, at a kind of a platform where we can survey our histories and perhaps even some of our potentials ‘from above’. The basic presumption is that we are ‘more clear’ now about some of our questions about history, evolution, science, the nature of the universe, our position in it, etc. Perhaps this illusion is enhanced by our addiction to ‘flat pictures’. For us, in the way this is real — it is deadly, even though, as we shall see, there are amazing and even useful purposes in such addictions.  More >

 We, the Children of a Sentient Planet...1 comment
category picture8 Feb 2003 @ 01:09
We can and must, as a human people get outside our stories and realize that there are now some 50 serious threats which will easily serve to replace war entirely and unite humanity in pursuit of mutual and biospheric survival and uplift. We can admit our error, and act upon it immediately, for should we now choose to continue to ignore, deny, and generally allow their expansion, these threats will permanently sabotage our human and biospheric future, right now. We can now honestly acknowledge, together, that many of the most serious threats to biospheric and human survival are created by our own industry, and our insistence on commerce in punishment, biocide, and murder.  More >

 Here, is a miracle of rescue...0 comments
category picture8 Feb 2003 @ 00:56
There is a miracle in our hands at this moment that can accomplish and insure world peace, environmental sanctity and protection, and the liberty and unity of our human peoples to pursue the destinies of our real inheritances, and birthrights.  More >

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  • It is Light

  • 2003-02-16
  • timeSigns : Sf today

  • 2003-02-14
  • whiteRabbit

  • 2003-02-12
  • Questions, Time, Predators & Heroes
  • A Question of Children

  • 2003-02-10
  • Apple:Clock

  • 2003-02-09
  • UnityFlower: Awakening in Rings
  • Hyperorgans: Magnetite in Sentient Suspension
  • Machines in the lifeRing: psybiocognitive disorder

  • 2003-02-08
  • We, the Children of a Sentient Planet...

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  • Michael Lewis: the planet

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  • Kenny B.: Teachers

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  • rayon: left to do what one

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  • vaxen: Maybe so...

  • 2007-04-17
  • Dave Patterson: Mrs. Flintoff

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    Cognitive Activism offers the tools to give us the revolutions we have longed and struggled for during the last 3000 years. Free. Now. In small rings of the children we are, committed to mutal uplift, and rescue.