Geral W. Sosbee: Goals and Reach of Sosbee vs fbi assassins    
 Goals and Reach of Sosbee vs fbi assassins
picture12 Nov 2014 @ 18:46, by Geral W. Sosbee

Goals of



Sosbee vs fbi


The present endeavor seeks to reverse the Police State in the United States by halting abuses by the *fbi,police,cia in a manner that has never been seen before. This means that the fbi must be dismantled, the cia replaced, the police re-trained and generally disarmed, the courts remade, and the criminal laws turned upside down in the following ways (among others): 

Remove the criminal code from existence and use a new, unfamiliar civil error system in all cases, except rape, murder, torture and similar atrocities;

Educate the public about the need to help the victim and the accused in order to provide peaceful alternatives to complex issues facing mankind today; tear down all prisons & jails;
Find productive employment for lawyers, psychiatrists, judges, probation/parole/wardens/prison guards, etc., so that they can at long las do something helpful to humanity;

Encourage business and industry to seek progressive avenues toward 100% employment for all who seek it.

All in this movement are relentless in pursuit of justice for the victims of the current police state and all are by definition indefatigable by virtue of the eternal dedication of our members.

*The current abuses that I and others have documented include (among others) imprisonment, threats, harassment, torture, forced suicide while being monitored and recorded in real time, selective assassinations by a variety of methods including discreet assaults by chemical, biological, viral, and directed energy weaponry (DEW), and general intimidation by the very presence of armed police/fbi around us.



For the benefit of the human race: end the USA police state.

Reach of





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