Geral W. Sosbee    
 Army Intelligence resents fbi cowards who attack combat vets
picture27 Jan 2016 @ 21:04
Few fbi/cia thugs serve the *USA in combat, yet the assassins in these two agencies run counterintelligence plots against many of us who actually defended this corrupt and murderous regime on the battlefield.  I am one such Target who aggressively  resists such low punks in fbi/cia. My name is Geral Sosbee. 


*US Army Intelligence regularly studies fbi criminal and vindictive efforts to kill or imprison me, and some in the army do not like  the fact that fbi cowards and punks (including the fbi operatives in USPI - Knipfing, et. al.) illegally and inhumanely  attack this  combat veteran  who defended this nation in war. Here is the visit today  by USA to my material at

Domain Name  (Military)IP Address 143.85.75.# (Headquarters, USAAISC)ISP Headquarters, USAAISCLocation Continent : North AmericaCountry : United States  

State : ArizonaCity : Fort Huachuca

Time of Visit Jan 27 2016 2:16:50 pm

Last Page View Jan 27 2016 2:16:50 pm 

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 usa is unconscionable and unspeakable
picture25 Jan 2016 @ 06:34
Herein is my insight into the high crimes and sick minds of those who control the usa, the land of the enslaved and the home of the depraved.


The USA engages in unconscionable crimes associated with DEW & psychological- torturous  assaults which then mature into unspeakable and monstrous games including: forced  suicide on queue, watching in real time and in  apparent satisfaction or delight as the Target (I.e. victim) collapses, goes crazy, and slips into a trance which is brain entrainment
and kills himself. The high tech  seizure of one's brain and the concurrent & macabre destruction of a human life  by these subhumans (as I name them) are evidence of our failed civilization. All who do nothing to stop the madness of the USA government are parties to the inhumanity that many of us outline. The USA is thus the world's leading ''assassination nation".


The Germans have no monopoly on inhumane and unconscionable crimes; the USA takes the prize.


PS: Three entries:


fbi continues psychological assaults as well as increased DEW 24/7:

Apparently the fbi poisons me at Starbucks again and sends me a notice of their poisoning by turning on my car lights; the fbi message to me is multifaceted:

1) we poisoned you ; 2) we present a civil court order against you so that everyone knows that when you enter the facility, you are under investigation and are a criminal; 3) your car battery is drained of energy (as are you); 4) we are on your case with 24/7 surveillance (physical & electronic) globally for the rest of your life; 5) we enter your car at will and tamper or destroy your car and personal items at will; 6) no one can stop us.


On January 28, 2016, I send the following message to T-Mobile, but the message is ignored:


Geral Sosbee



Geral Sosbee

My phone number is xxx-xxxx

Mr. Freier,

Please permit this summary and question:

I am a former fbi intelligence special agent and I am now considered a whistleblower.

The fbi has an extensive harassment, torture and attempted murder program against me.

One type of harassment is the destruction of every computer that I acquire.

A few months ago I received a free T-Mobile Tablet (tab) with a service agreement for two years. I enjoyed the tab, but I experienced many problems with the tab as an apparent result of hacking by the fbi. I tried to report these events, but the T-Mobile representatives could not address my concerns about fbi hacking.

The fbi apparently destroyed three such T-Mobile tablets every time I reported to T-Mobile that the tab quite woking. T-Mobile sent me a total of three tabs over time.

In the end, T-Mobile refunded the fee to my account, and I deceided that I am not allowed by the fbi to have neither a computer of any kind (except my smart phone), nor a tab.

My question is this:

Is there anyway I could purchase a T-Mobile tab with a complete lifetime warranty, so that I am protected from future problems. Please note that the fbi may be less likely to destroy or incapacitate the tab if I have a full warranty from T-Mobile.

Thank you, and thanks also to your superb manager at the T-Mobile Corporate Store at the Brownsville, Texas, Mall, FRIEDA, who has always assisted me and my wife in her store.


I filed a complaint with the Chief Disciplinary Counsel of the State of Texas against the DA in reference to the Posada adventure.

[link]  More >

 'DEW', Weapons used against us
picture24 Jan 2016 @ 05:23

Dr. Seth Farber (Ph. D. psychology) wrote: “Directed energy weapons are among the high-tech arms of the century. They hurt and kill with electromagnetic power. Microwave weapons can be aimed at computers, electrical devices, and persons. They have strong physical and psychological effects and can be used for military and terrorist activities. These weapons are also part of crimes (in Europe) that almost nobody knows except the victims and the offenders. Until now they make the perfect crime possible. No doubt, these weapons have a terrible future.”

Doctors, police, fbi et al fraudulently deny the use of DEW against me, and such authorities threaten me for reporting DEW assaults .
[link]  More >

 fbi corrupts law and order and all agencies of government, tripartite
picture19 Jan 2016 @ 21:34

-------------------------------------HEIL FBI

January 20, 2016

Texas Secretary of State
Executive Division
P.O. Box 12697
Austin, Texas 78711-2697

Rep. René O. Oliveira
District 37
Room 3N.6

P.O. Box 2910

Austin, TX 78768

AG File # 598043

Ken Paxton

Attorney General of Texas (AG)

P. O. Box 12548

Austin, Texas 78711-2548

Reference: GERAL W. SOSBEE, complaint against the Brownsville, Texas Police Department and Detective Adrian Posada

Dear gentlemen,
This letter is sent to the above recipients for the following purposes:

To the Secretary of State: I request that an inquiry be made at the Cameron County District Attorney’s (DA) office as to why that office refuses to inquire into the crimes committed by police officers against me and my wife as set forth below.

To Rep. René O. Oliveira: I request that the office of the DA Luis Saenz, at the address shown below, be contacted in order that his office might perform its legal duty to investigate crimes by the Brownsville, Texas Police Department (BPD).

To the Texas Attorney General Paxton: I request that the BPD, the Cameron County District Attorney Luis Saenz and his investigators, police officers Adrian Posada, Rolando Vasquez, James Paschal, et. al., be ordered to comply with the Texas Open Records Act regarding the AG file number referenced above.

Specifically, Commander Paschal admitted to me that he investigated my report of vandalism (as set forth herein) and that he agrees that my report is factually correct and that Detective Posada’s report is wrong on a number of issues; Officer Paschal promised to send me a written report via email within twenty four hour, but he did not keep his promise. The DA is in receipt of emails from me on the crimes and cover ups committed by the BPD and their associates (who are fbi operatives engaged in felonies against me), and he now pretends that this matter is of no interest to him or his office.

Evidence also suggests that the DA or his investigator contacted the fbi who in turn discouraged the DA from investigating the crimes by the BPD; on this link I show that just after I visited in person with the DA, the fbi came to my website as a kind of usual notice that they are in touch with the DA in efforts to slander me:


My brief statement below is followed by additional background data in the link:
Over the past decade the fbi in its vendetta has committed a long string of crimes against me (some unprecedented in human affairs), my wife and our property. The crimes involve felonies committed by fbi operatives and include attempted murder, assaults and battery, destruction of my cars and other offenses set forth in my affidavit 2007 online.

Recently, I and my wife are able to gather evidence of felony stalking and vandalism of our car; when we tried to file a police report on November 20, 2015, at the BPD, Detective Posada intentionally failed to take the report and he threatened me and my wife by intimidation with these words, “ Filing a false police report is a crime.” He also impugned my sanity and my veracity by direct absurd statements to “take your medicine.”

Subsequently, Detective Posada wrote a false report on the incident on orders from his police lieutenant to put something in the file.
I then investigated Posada’s false police report and I confirmed that in fact Posada intentionally wrote a false police report to cover up his original cover up of the crime that I and my wife tried to file with him. His own commander, James Paschal, admits that the Posada actions and inactions are wrong.

For additional background data please see the following link , the contents of which are already in the possession of the AG and the DA.


Please note that the DA now refuses to open a public integrity case on Posada and the DA investigator, George Delaunay, refuses to talk with me on the crimes that I document against the BPD and its officers.

I regret the necessity that compels me to conclude as follows: All parties to this matter including the high level police, the DA and his staff, the AG, the US Attorney,, are now on record as yielding to the very criminals in the fbi who commit serious crimes against me and my wife with total impunity. Those officials who take no action thereby impliedly grant the fbi assassins the right to continue their extreme offenses against me and my wife.

I consider all such individuals as traitors and cowards.

I request a reply from each recipient of this letter.

Thank you kindly

Texas State Bar # 18855625
P.O. Box 1548
Brownsville, Texas 78522

I certify that I send this date a copy of this letter via US mail to the following individuals:
Luis V. Saenz

Cameron County and District Attorney’s Office (DA)

964 E. Harrison Street

Brownsville, Texas 78520
James Paschal
Commandant, Brownsville, Texas Police Department
City of Brownsville | Police Department
600 E. Jackson St. | Brownsville, TX 78520


After I posted the above report, I filed a complaint against the DA with the Chief Disciplinary Counsel of the State of Texas.  More >

 fbi has destroyed America
picture16 Jan 2016 @ 00:16
Fbi corrupts police & undermines law and order:

On 1-14-16 I met with Cameron County District Attorney (DA) Luis V. Saenz

Address: 964 E Harrison St, Brownsville, TX 78520

Phone:(956) 544-0849

I confirmed with him that his office is in receipt of my unanswered requests for a *public integrity inquiry concerning the Brownsville, Texas Police Department (BPD) and Detective Adrian Posada.

DA Saenz advised that I am required to provide the details to his chief investigator and that I may not now discuss the matter with an attorney in the DA's office. He stated that the investigator would contact me next week.

The next day, 1-15-16, the fbi visits my website, indicating that the DA or his investigator apparently contacted the fbi (probably the San Antonio office) to investigate ME. See the fbi visit to my site below.

Thus, I currently expect a call and an appointment with the DA's office in my efforts to resolve the unprofessional (and apparently criminal) treatment of me and my wife by the

gens d'armes of the BPD.

The outrage: fbi thugs and assassins attack me, my wife and my property in felonious assaults (including destruction of my car, attempted murder, etc.) and I try to have the police perform their sworn duty; but then at the direction of the fbi the police treat me as the criminal; the police then threaten to arrest me, impugn my sanity and my veracity and tell me to take "medication". This type of police corruption permeates the USA and puts many people at grave risk.


* [link]



See the fbi thugs visit my site in apparent response to my meeting with the DA:

Here we go again, the cowardly thugs and criminals who blackmail, torture, force suicide, imprison and murder Americans come out of the woodwork in response to my recent visit with the DA and my
reports on fbi high crimes.


See the Fbi on my site, even as they surveil and torture me 24/7/365 with DEW, etc.

Domain Name (Unknown) IP Address 153.31.113.#(FBI Criminal Justice 
Information  States  (Facts)State : West VirginiaCity : Clarksburg
Visit Exit Page Click  Time Zone UTC-6:00Visitor's Time Jan 15 2016 4:54:33 pm

Domain Name (Unknown) IP Address 153.31.113.#(FBI Criminal Justice Information Systems)IState : West VirginiaCity : Clarksburg
Visit Length 6 minutes 47 secondsPage Views 1Referring URLVisit Entry Page Exit Page

This nation sinks into police state and fascist rule mainly at the direction of the fools in fbi (the 'burro').
Public trust is irreparably destroyed, and the law corrupted by fbi. See my reports at and


I ask this question:


Thank you.  More >

 fbi begins 2016 with a flurry of high crimes
picture14 Jan 2016 @ 14:56
The fbi begins the new year 2016 with a dramatic increase in attacks on me and on my wife.

After I documented fbi and police crimes against my person and property in Brownsville, Texas, the fbi began a new round of criminal assaults including painful attacks by Directed Energy Weaponry (DEW), felony stalking, vandalism, terrorist threats and psychological operations .

See the following link for my efforts to show some of the fbi/police crimes against me:


Other police crimes including criminal assault and battery by fbi/police operative Alonzo Yanez are reported at the parts 19, a,b,c, of "My Story In Detail" at sosbeevfbidotcom.

On the night of January 14, 2016, the fbi increases the 24/7 DEW assaults to a level of about 10 (on a scale of 1-10, 10 being the most painful). The assaults, if continued would produce brain entrainment (BE) as formulated by the US Marines:


The primary effect of the BE is sleep deprivation, but now I also notice increase in high blood pressure and pulse rate with irregular heart beats. See other symptoms that I have documented at part 19 of "My Story" mentioned above.

Stalking and assaults by fbi operatives continue as I type this report at the UTHSC, Harlingen, Texas; in fact the same fbi thug who for several years harassed and assaulted me with the full knowledge of the library and police officials on campus now enters the library to make his pitiful presence known. The UT campus police falsified my prior report of the thug's repeated and provocative assaults.

The fbi also regularly takes over the remote controls of my car and TV, as evidenced by remotely setting off the car's alarm in my garage in the middle of the night, locking and unlocking the car doors, opening the trunk, killing the battery, changing TV channels.

This report is brief because the purpose is simply to show that after thirty (30) years of terrorist assaults, the fbi freely continues same with the authority of a judge or magistrate (probably federal) whom in all likelihood I managed to meet in person as a licensed attorney in the court.

That judge or Magistrate and all other judges who issues secret civil orders, fraudulently ordered for the fbi in its vendetta against me, is a criminal and should face trial for multiple felonies, including attempted murder, torture, and multiple other felonies stretching over 30 years. So many offenses have been so committed that the judge would face life in prison in a court of law.

I am not the only victim of fbi, police, congressional and judicial corrupt and macabre practices against our people; and I am grateful for the friendship and association with others who similarly seek to stop the horrible attacks that I and they describe.

Note finally that the fraudulent or false medical report issued by an apparent medical doctor under the influence of the fbi is now used by the Brownsville, Texas PD to discredit me and to impugn my sanity and my veracity. See my report of fbi invisible bullets in the Austin Indy media link above for more details.

About me:


My service to the overthrown regime that calls itself the USA includes work as a fbi agent for 71/2 years and as a soldier for two years.

 More >

 A nation ruled by hoodlums:usa
picture13 Jan 2016 @ 02:16
Also available at:


The fbi (i.e. the 'burro')continues daily their assaults by thugs in apparent efforts to provoke a response. The provocateurs are brazen in their stalking and intimidation, and they generally appear in shops and malls monitored by surveillance cameras.
These covert crimes by the burro against me are authorized by a secret and thoroughly corrupt judge who is also ready to issue any order needed by the burro, provided that some slight evidence be manufactured to support an order.


*This type of low & dirty burro campaign, together with the DEW assaults 24/7/365 and other operations, often with police support, render me (and perhaps all others under similar attack) quite tired, especially after 30 years of defending myself. The secret burro plots of torture, forced suicide, false imprisonment and assassination are now forever revealed to the world via my reports. Others may now come forward to document their own suffering at the hands of burro criminals who are licensed by USA to kill.

Fbi's invisible bullets:


Fbi's Cointel Program:


The burro commands the subservience of all police and of all other branches and departments as though they are all federalized upon burro command. All such underlings obey burro orders (both express & implied) and all engage in crimes for the burro on queue.

Fbi & police breach of public integrity:


Although I grow weary of the burro thugs and high tech assaults, I know that the burro is now universally exposed as subhuman for their unconscionable crimes and that my efforts against the burro hoodlums shines a big light on the fraud that is the overthrown regime known as the USA. I am saddened that I am one of many who chronicle this fact, as I lived for a third of my life believing in both the integrity of the USA and in the values most of us hold dear (I.e., the preservation of human, civil, and constitutional rights). Today anyone who still has faith in this murderous government is truly delusional.


Thus, the real state of this union is best described as a 'gigantic and evil fraud on the world stage.'

Thank you.  More >

 From the margins
picture10 Jan 2016 @ 17:10
A perspective from outside the box is often most compelling.

From the margins we experience, observe and address the murderous tyranny of government & society.

Fbi,cia,dod have our world in a box:


Corruption of police & fbi:


Fbi invisible bullets:

[link]  More >

 Barbara Hartwell on
picture10 Jan 2016 @ 00:38
See the Barbara Hartwell report on the liars in the Brownsville Texas Police here:

[link]  More >

 The fbi's invisible bullets
picture9 Jan 2016 @ 18:45
The invisible bullets of the fbi & company
by geral sosbee --->

For three decades the fbi in its vendetta engages in covert assaults on me (and on many others) using the following invisible techniques in order to hide their atrocities:

1) DEW 2) Chemically induced kidney stone 3) tracking device implantation 4) psychological operations

Each of the various attacks are in a sense invisible bullets that are intended to intimidate, control, injure, maim, incapacitate, demoralize, force final exit, or kill the Target.

1)The DEW assaults …


… cause a variety of symptoms, a few of which are listed here:


2)The synthetic production of an artificially induced kidney stone (hereinafter referred to as ‘ks’) in the body of the Target is summarized in the two links below; the first link contains my experience with the stone and the extreme pain occasioned thereby. The fbi achieved the ‘stone atrocity’ by placing chemicals in my food as ordered by a corrupt judge/magistrate. The fbi also purloined my insurance card prior to the chemical attack, so that I would have problems of admittance into the hospital; also, just prior to the ks attack the fbi sends a Hispanic female operative wearing a nurse uniform to assault me in her car (I was on my motorcycle); the woman began a strange verbal assault and held her hand out with the little finger and index finger pointing at me as though to suggest (by also twisting her fist) a spell on me. The fbi also made sure to contact the hospital administrator to ensure that an incompetent doctor be assigned to this patient.


After I survived the ks attack I realized that the fbi had just tried to maim or kill me; so, I began contacting scientists online to confirm my suspicions. The following laboratory conducted the experiment that verifies the dirty science of ks production ‘in vivo’:


"Conclusions: We present an environmentally safe, technically simple procedure for the formation of artificial kidney stones of predetermined size and shape. The technique does not require the use of hazardous solvents or post procedural processing of the stones. These stones are intended for use in standardized experiments of lithotripsy efficiency in which the shape of the stone as well as the mass can be predetermined and precisely controlled."

Kidney stone labs:


My ks conforms to the same type in terms of

“predetermined size and shape” as other stones reported by people in different countries.

People in India, Thailand, Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, etc. regularly study the ks data on my site in their apparent efforts to confirm that the intelligence groups in their respective nations (under the control of the USA) are using these same invisible bullets on them.

[Make no mistake, the ks attack causes the victim to feel as though he has been shot right in the kidney.]

3)The assault by a tracking device implantation causes several life threatening injuries as I have documented: cerebral vascular disease is one of them, but the device also allows the fbi and their associates to torture via DEW the Target 24/7/365, every moment of his/her existence for life.


Any victim who tries to report the high tech and strange criminal assaults are fraudulently labeled as paranoid.:


4) Psychological operations include physical and mental torture by medical doctors, dentists and others by methods that I have listed in “My Story In Detail” at and other sites online for the past fifteen years.

Other mind games include the fbi’s manipulation of the electronic or robotic features of my car, so that the fbi turns off the engine, opens the trunk, sets off the alarm in the middle of the night while the car is in the closed garage, locks and unlocks the doors, etc. Occasionally, if my car is still under new car warranty the fbi mildly vandalizes the car as I describe in “My Story In Detail” and in the report shown in the next link below (note that when my car is not under new car warranty, the fbi causes thousands of dollars in damages by destroying the radiator, rack & pinion, brakes, transmission, etc., additionally, the fbi drives nails and screws into the tires repeatedly for the past twenty five years.)

As I have documented countless times, fbi thugs regularly vandalize my car, send operatives to assault me nearly everywhere I go, use the police to engage in some offenses, and perfom a variety of psychological warfare tricks including the invasion into my home to destroy my clothes and to tamper with personal effects, and to poison me.

Thus, by understanding the tactics used by the fbi,cia,dod, and their friends globally, one may see that we as a species are under attack by the most sinister and deranged human beings ever to walk on God’s green earth.
This is truly the Age of Madness.

No remedy to the insanity of this regime is possible and no government or media figure addresses the abominations that I and many others report. Perhaps they fear the possible use of invisible bullets on them.  More >

 Hate message to me via Twitter from Dieffenbach (a complete stranger)
picture9 Jan 2016 @ 02:02
Craig Dieffenbach @CSDueff sends me the following tweet at 12:03AM, 03 Jan 16:

@gsosbee "You are not as smart as you look, and you don't look that smart to begin with".


Facebook:  More >

 BPD's Paschal, Posada, Vasquez
picture9 Jan 2016 @ 00:33
Commander James Paschal falsely stated yesterday that within 24 hours he would email a statement to me wherein he would confirm his agreement with me that someone in fact vandalized my car and that Posada did not accurately report on the crime that I documented. See the following link for more on Paschal:


So, the top Commandant of the BPD is a liar , as is the BPD Internal Affairs Officer Rolando Vasquez who similarly failed to keep his word.

As for Posada, the reader can deduce for himself the low moral nature of this dangerous cop.



Texas gets D- grade in 2015 State Integrity Investigation  More >

 Public Integrity case is requested against Detective Posada, Brownsville PD
picture8 Jan 2016 @ 00:11
January 7, 2016 AG File # 598043

Ken Paxton

Attorney General of Texas (AG)

P. O. Box 12548

Austin, Texas 78711-2548

Luis V. Saenz

Cameron County and District Attorney’s Office (DA)

964 E. Harrison Street

Brownsville, Texas 78520

Re: Continued intentional violation of the Texas Open Records laws by the Brownsville, Texas Police Department and Detective Posada

Open Records AG File # 598043; Public Integrity Case Against Brownsville Police (BPD) Detective Adrian Posada (Posada)

Enclosed is one copy each of the following documents:

My “Summary of Facts to Date”, Statement of Marco Gonzalez undated, delivered to me in person even date by Charlie Clark Nissan (CCN) Dealership Supervisor Eddie Villareal, copy of the false Posada police report # 1512-2240, dated December 16, 2015

I request that the AG order the BPD, Detective Posada, Internal Affairs Officer Rolando Vasquez (Vasquez), Commander James Paschal, the Lieutenant, name unknown, who ordered Posada to conduct inquiry at CCN on December 16, 2015, the records chief and any other person or official at the BPD to release each and every piece of information in their possession relating to my report of vandalism on my car (described in the Marco Gonzalez statement enclosed); this request includes all internal memos, notes, emails, verbal conversations, etc., relating to this case.

I request that the DA consider the evidence of official police corruption presented herein with respect to the initial cover up of the crimes that I tried to file with Posada, the subsequent false report written by Posada in efforts to cover up the initial cover up, and any other offense warranted by the law, public policy or ethical standards. I request that the BPD order Vasquez to open an Internal Affairs case on Posada, but if Vasquez continues to stonewall, then I ask the DA to order the inquiry and to include Vasquez in the cover up adventure.

Please note that as of the typing of this letter, I await the promised message from Commander Paschal on this matter and I will include same if and when received, possibly by separate cover.

Seldom does one have an opportunity to show how the fbi interferes with local police nationwide; as I have previously documented the University of Texas police at the direction of the fbi refused to accept my reports of crimes, falsified a separate criminal episode, sent a thug named Alonzo Yanez to commit assault and battery on my person on campus, unlawfully threatened me with arrest, and harassed me every time I came on campus. Other such instances of fbi’s use of police to commit crimes are documented on line. Also, on several occasions I and my property have sustained assaults and vandalism which I reported to the BPD, but no follow up investigation ever took place by the BPD. The BPD has several such reports of crimes on file.

This situation with Posada demands serious consideration because the fbi turns police into criminals at will nationwide, and no police official has the courage to state the facts of such illegal interference. I have never been accused of any offense (civil or criminal) in my life that I am aware of and no action has ever been taken against my law license. Commander Paschal’s statement that “if I have a problem with the fbi, then contact the fbi” is at once misleading and insulting given the current apparent cooperation by BPD with the thugs of the fbi to my detriment. My problem with the fbi is that the police engage in crimes in order to help the fbi, as I set forth herein and in other letters on topic.

IF all authorities refuse to cooperate with these requests, then the fbi will continue to unlawfully torture, harass, imprison and kill our citizens wi th police participation everywhere.

I certify that I deliver this date via US mail a copy of this letter to the following person:

Commander James Paschal

Brownsville, Texas Police Department

600 East Jackson Street

Brownsville, Texas78520

Thank you.

Geral Sosbee

Attorney, State Bar # 18855625

P.O. Box 1548

Brownsville, Texas 78522


Summary of Facts to Date:

On November 20, 2015

I and my wife tried to file a vandalism report with Detective Adrian Posada at the Brownsville, Texas Police Department (BPD), Brownsville, Texas. During the meeting Posada turned quasi hostile and began insulting me as he stated as follows:

1) filing a false police report is a crime

2) He and the BPD accept as fact any report of a medical doctor (referring the false medical report of 'paranoia' recorded in the medical charts of Dr. Holder. see:


3) that I should take the medication (referring to the Holder false finding of ‘paranoid delusional disorder’

4) Posada also asked my wife (out of my hearing) where she met me

During the entire 20 minute meeting, Posada did not ask me any questions regarding the vandalism that I tried to report. He did nothing on the case for 27 days, *pretended to provide me with a police report number which in reality I later learned was his own phone number, and ignored my efforts to reach him.

Only after I complained to various authorities did the Lieutenant of the BPD order Posada to go to Charlie Clark Nissan (CCN) to make a report. So, on December 16, 2015, Posada performed his creative writing report # 1512-2240 which is a transparent effort to justify his prior prejudicial and unprofessional conduct (failure to accept the report of a crime and failure to timely file a police report) as described herein. Posada never contacted me for any information about his report # 1512-2240. His report is contradicted by the BPD Commander James Paschal and by the entire service department employees of CCN who had anything to do with the right front headlight vandalism incident.


The fact that Posada now refuses to add a supplement to his report, that the Commander refuses to order Posada to correct the report, and that the Commander now suggests to me to contact the fbi about "my problem with the fbi" are all indications that the BPD is influenced or corrupted by the fbi.

I continued my inquiry into Posada’s malicious actions as follows:

On January 7, 2016, the Service Director of Charlie Clark Nissan, Ruben Reyes, 2547 N. Expressway 77/83, Brownsville, Texas 78520, provided the following information regarding the November 20, 2015 repair of the right front headlight on my Nissan Sentra:

The dealership has never had an instance where the right front headlight apparatus fell out of the socket. Upon

speaking with the service manager Eddie Villareal, Reyes states that no wires apparently came loose in my car, that the entire apparatus had become disconnected probably by someone who put his hand into the socket area, turning the knob to release the locking device and pulling out the lighting apparatus. No possibility exists that wires were pulled out or fell out because the wires are all contained within the apparatus that was removed from the socket.

The 'electrical connection' cannot come loose because they are also held in place by locks to secure the wiring within the apparatus.

Reyes also asked the mechanic to confirm this finding; the mechanic who reinstalled the apparatus into the socket is Marco Gonzalez who states as follows: the "...right side headlight bulb with socket out of place" and "This is not a common characteristic of 2014 Nissan Sentra." Marco Gonzalez's statement is attached hereto by


Reyes also stated that he has never seen any Nissan Sentra, nor any other Nissan car where the entire right side headlight bulb with socket comes out of place as suggested by Posada and that a wiring problem does not exist in my Sentra. Reyes also explains that there was no "re-connecting the electrical connection" ( in the words of Posada) because the entire apparatus contains all such electrical components which are contained within the larger lighting apparatus.

On the same day Commander James Paschal , Brownsville, Texas Police Department, stated as follows:

1) He spoke with the Ford Dealership and the service manager there advised that there are no instances where the entire apparatus of the right front headlight just falls out from vibration or movement of the vehicle.

2) If I have a problem with the fbi, I should contact the fbi.

3) He will not ask Posada to write a correction of the police report dated November 20, 2015 because it is the record, but that Commander Paschal would send me a brief statement of his own on this matter via email. Previously, Commander Paschal stated that after he reviewed the evidence, it appears to him that someone in fact entered my car, raised the hood and manually disconnected by unplugging the right front headlight apparatus

Regarding the police report filed by Detective Adrian Posada, here are some of his statements in the report dated December 16, 2015, all of which are inconsistent with the facts recorded by the Charlie Clark Service Department:

"...the technician who worked on ...vehicle...said that the electrical connection had come loose from the right front headlight." "This disconnection can occur due to the vehicle's movement and/or engine vibrations." "He explained to me that there were no signs of any type of tampering. "He explained to me that his service department has had similar reports from other Nissan Vehicles and have repaired them by re-connecting the electrical connection. "Furthermore, he advised that it would be difficult for a person to enter the vehicle to disconnect the vehicle's headlight without having access inside and opening the opening the hood."

The full Posada report, PDF, is here:


Detective Adrian Posada was and is today unprofessional and prejudicial in his actions and inactions concerning the crimes of felony stalking and vandalism that I reported to him. He obviously did not intend to write a report, but did so about a month later when his boss ordered him to file a report. His report is clearly an effort to try to justify his violations of BPD policy and public laws; Posada also seeks apparently to cover up his deceitful actions and his scare tactics used against me and my wife. His report #1512-2240 is a sham and Posada, Paschal, Vasquez, and the Lieutenant all know it, and they all join in to protect their own: Adrian Posada and his fbi contacts.

This situation is exemplary of how the fbi corrupts at will all police departments across the country.


*As my wife and I were leaving the BPD I asked Posada for a police file number so that I could have a copy of his report; he stated just a minute and went into the dispatch room to obtain a file number. When I returned two days later for a copy of the report the records clerk stated that the number I provided to her (as provided to me by Posada) was Posada’s phone number, and that no record exists on the vandalism incident.

My other summary and brief report on the fbi's corruption of police departments across the country is at:

[link]  More >

 USA's inhumane power grab
picture7 Jan 2016 @ 01:50
The inhumane power grab by USA:




The United States of America (a corrupt overthrown regime that tricked me to defend it on the battlefield) must stop the threats,
torture, imprisonment, beatings and murders. I reserve what life I yet hold free from the inhumane tyranny inflicted on me ongoing today and for 30 years by fbi assassins.

This assertion to protect my life and my mind is a 'no brainer'.

Exploitation link- disabled by fbi:

The fbi disables the Exploitation link which is availble at
[link]  More >

 the low nature of fbi operatives & supporters
category picture6 Jan 2016 @ 01:50
The fbi, police and their civilian operatives engage around the clock in activity that reflects sick character which is thereby permanently lowered due to the macabre practices that such low minds embrace. They
harass, assault, threaten, arrest, beat, imprison torture, force suicide and assassinate. Such are the actions of men and women who allow their own demented nature to act out in violent, illegal and hateful campaigns against innocent Targets.

All who support the fbi by actively
assaulting or otherwise seeking to harm the Target of the fbi's attempted murder campaign against that Target are accomplices to the crimes committed by the fbi. Police and civilians alike eagerly provide their services to assassins in the fbi as though they are a part of the fbi's government homicidal apparatus. For these collusions the community of police & fbi have destroyed our society, undermined our laws and converted the USA into a fascist state.

See two links below for more data on topic.



 Our dilemma
picture4 Jan 2016 @ 17:14
Our dilemma

Never in the history of the United States ( US) have the people been so inhumanely treated by their government. The police and the fbi kill, imprison, torture and otherwise abuse at will and with the complete support of the courts and the congress. Even when the victim of such abuses finally reaches the US Supreme Court (SCOTUS), the so-called justices there throw out his pleadings and deny all relief.

I have come to understand that the fbi controls the judges and the magistrates when needed, especially to silence whistleblowers in the intelligence services. Indeed the magistrates and judges depend on the fbi for clearances in order to be appointed to the bench; once in office the judges and magistrates at the federal level also depend on the fbi to protect the judges whose chambers are always available to the fbi as needed. Such judges then sit in their marbles offices and sign orders submitted by the fbi that are patently illegal. These orders are secret and sealed, and they are presented in summary form to local police and others who 'need to know'.

The fbi also uses the unlawful orders to poison and to drive to near neurosis the Target/victim who endures an unending stream of crimes committed against him/her by the fbi, police, and citizenry.

See the links below for more information on the above statements. Note that, as I am active with the State Bar of Texas, I have discovered the possible identity of a judge/magistrate who engages by proxy in the atrocities that I describe; he and other judges/magistrates across the country authorize in criminal collusion with the fbi the unconscionable crimes that I have documented for the past thirty (30) years.

Thus, as the executive branch of government is totally out of control and lawless and the congress is slovenly, corrupt and useless to the victim of the crimes I describe, the only avenue for one asserting human, civil and constitutional rights is the judiciary. Today the judiciary is generally engaged in criminal conspiracies with the fbi, the cia, the nsa, etc. wherein the courts directly and secretly authorize the torture, imprisonment, and killing of our people who have no other recourse to address the life and death issues facing them. [link]

Here are some links with brief descriptions:

Collapse of government by Judges, magistrates and fbi:


Judges out of control:


Insane cops/fbi kill, torture and imprison people with no real accountability:


Corrupt judges and federal magistrates allow the fbi to subvert the law, to formulate secret, inhumane public policy (i.e.: law) and thereby provide the fbi with the authority to commit crimes in the name of the secret judges:

An example of fbi corruption of local police nationwide in efforts to provoke the Target, or to deny the Target the equal protection of the law, while the fbi commits court authorized crimes against the Target:


My Writ:

[link]  More >

 The insane imprisons the sane
picture4 Jan 2016 @ 05:18
As many of us globally endure atrocities committed by fbi,cia,nsa,dod, mi6, Surete, SS, etc., we may finally conclude that "Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
John Lennon

Indeed, the fbi and their friends forge exactly the nightmare scenario envisioned by Lennon.

Become acquainted with the people in charge, as I have, and even the most pro-government supporter will avoid the officials at all costs because they are the living dead (LD)among us.


The LD also twist the law to serve their decadent purposes:


EG: After the fbi's insane, *decades long attacks on me, the sociopathic torturers and serial killers direct social workers, police and mental health employees to assault me in order to evaluate my mental state.

In other words the crazies in authority are analyzing the sane who document the former's crimes and insanity.

*See the summary in the link below showing the mentaly ill ( police & medical doctor) trying to project onto me their own dangerous sickness:


See Also:  More >

 The Posada Adventure, II
picture3 Jan 2016 @ 23:40
January 4, 2016 ID# 598043

Ken Paxton
Attorney General of Texas (AG)
P.O. Box 12548
Austin, Texas 78711-2548

1) AG letter dated 12-22-15 to James Pashchall, Commander, Brownsville Police Department(BPD), 600 East Jackson Street, Brownsville, Texas 78520
2) Continued violation of the Texas Open Records Act by BPD and Detective Posada (Posada).
Enclosed is a copy of the three page Posada police report.
Dear Mr. AG,
I have documented with your office repeated and intentional violations of the OR laws by BPD and Posada in connection with the above referenced AG ID #598043. A brief time line is set forth here:
11-20-15: I met with Posada and BPD Internal Affairs officer Vasquez and requested a police incident report. I learned that no report was made even though Posada performed cleverly in a ‘put on’ charade that he would provide me with a report. I previously provided the AG with the details of the Posada charade.

The BPD and Posada officially indicated in writing that no police report exists on my (and my wife’s) visit with Posada on 11-20-15.
Almost a month later, Posada pretended to investigate the matter, but in reality he made no true effort to investigate; he asked me no questions; he never again contacted me after the 11-20-15 meeting in his office; he did not return my call; Officer Vasquez similarly pretended to be interested, but he also violated his word by not following up on a promised call to me; both of these high level police officials repeatedly lied to me.
Posada told me in the 11-20-15 meeting that he accepts as fact the false *medical report showing ‘paranoia’, that I should take the medication, that filing a false police report is a crime; and then he asked my wife a totally irrelevant question : “where did you meet your husband?” Who is Posada, I ask, to presume so much with so little authority to make such preposterous statements, aside from the threat evinced by his badge and gun?
Posada’s police report case number 1512-2240, dated 12-16-15 is delivered to me around December 24, 2015 and represents an admission that Posada never filed any kind of report, until his commander and the AG made inquiry; Posada contacted the repair staff where he made every effort to discredit my report of vandalism, even making reference to loose wirings on some Nissan models in efforts to suggest that no vandalism occurred on my Sentry (I learned that no wiring problem existed and that someone unplugged the headlight). Posada made no real investigation of the crime, but he focused instead on how he might cover up his original cover up of the offense that I tried to document.
Posada admits the possibility that someone entered my vehicle, opened the hood and disconnected the light (see last sentence, second paragraph of the Posada report). Yet, he never asked me about the details of crime which involved felony stalking and vandalism. His report is evidence of his own unprofessional activities toward me and my wife.

BPD supervisor approved the Posada report.
12-24-25, 2015 two BPD commanders called me to ask about my concerns. No one in the BPD provided me with any kind of explanation as to why Posada pursued an hostile agenda against me. For more data on the Posada adventure see my **report below. Also note, please, that I have been ***victimized by the fbi assassins & torturers and by police extensively for three decades.
For more information on fbi/police coordinated provocative assaults see the fraudulent BOLO issued by University of Texas cops who also sent a police- fbi operative (one Alonzo Yanez) to attack me in the bathroom on campus.
January 4, 2016
Today the BPD and Posada continue to withhold the invoice from Charlie Clark Nissan showing the repair of my vehicle. The invoice consists of two pages and may have notes from Posada, a file stamp, or other data which I have a right to see. Thus the BPD and Posada continue to lie as they tell the AG Education and Enforcement Office that they have complied with the OR law.
I believe that Posada is a dangerous man whose intelligence level should not qualify him to serve as one who ‘serves and protects’ the public. His apparent use of the fraudulent doctor report and his focus on data here
Reflect his obsession to help the fbi silence me; he and his fbi friends fail.
*False medical report:

**Posada report and a comment:
*** Fbi corrupts all of our society:
I certify that I deliver via US mail this date a copy of this letter (without enclosure because the BPD has the enclosure) to Commander Paschall (or Paschal) at the address shown above in the reference section.

Geral Sosbee
Attorney, State Bar # 18855625
P.O. Box 1548
Brownsville, Texas 78522

Enc: 3


Posada report in PDF is also here:


On January 4, 2016, the top commander of the BPD, James Paschal, called me to advise that he has reviewed the evidence on the crimes of vandalism and felony stalking that I tried to document with Detective Adrian Posada and that Commander Paschal finds that the probability is that I am correct, that someone entered my Nissan Sentra, opened the hood and unplugged the right front headlight.
I requested a new or supplemental report which corrects the false entries made by Detective Posada in this case.  More >

 The defective detective police report of Posada
picture2 Jan 2016 @ 22:49
The Posada Police Report
Posted by geral sosbee

The defective detective *police report by Posada who I documented (in the links below) refused my report, investigated nothing, insulted me by trying via sneaky implication to hang two labels on me: insane and criminal. This detective should not be allowed to investigate as much as rat infestation in the city hall.

Background data on Detective Posada's outrageous and prejudicial conduct toward me and my wife (in our faces)



Posada's Misleading Police Report pdf at


Detective Posada provides me with a police report Number 1512-2240 relating to the crime (which he previously refused to investigate) by the fbi against me as reported in the above link.

The Posada police report misrepresents the facts and pretends to show an effort to investigate the crime, but he never gave me an opportunity to provide details. He never asked me any questions about the crime.

He apparently used for his report the Cameron County Sheriff's report that I filed with them after he and the BPD stated that no record exists on the crime. Instead of truly making even a minimal inquiry for his so-called police report, he just went over to the repair shop seeking a way to further discredit my report and to cover up his sloppy and unprofessional work.

So, by asking the service representative (not the actual mechanic who fixed the unplugged light) Posada asked leading hypothetical questions which are irrelevant to the crime. He even spun a deceitful fairytale web of intimations about Nissan's completely unrelated "loose switch" or loose wirings events on some vehicles which were totally inconsistent with the actual damage I documented at Nissan.

Finally, Posada points out that anyone who unplugs the headlight would need to enter the vehicle, open the hood and reach into the headlight component. This particular remark by Posada reflects in fact evidence of the crime that Posada previously attributed by inference to me. Posada's effort to cleverly falsify the record achieves the opposite and confirms that he sought primarily two main goals;
His purposes in the report appears to be two fold:
1) cover up his unprofessional actions and 2) discount my report that the fbi thugs committed the crime.

In fact the repair mechanic advised that someone disconnected the light from under the hood; Posada says that the car's vibration caused the disconnection of the light.

Posada also says that there were "no signs of vandalism"; this statement is misleading as the fbi routinely leaves no evidence of vandalism when they destroy or damage my cars over the past 25 years.

So, Detective Posada provides me with a report that he previously refused to accept, refused to investigate, and he accused me indirectly of 'insanity' and 'filing a false police report', and presently he intentionally misleads the reader regarding the crime that I reported to the Sheriff.

This post is submitted for the record.

On January 4, 2016, the top commander of the BPD, James Paschal, called me to advise that he has reviewed the evidence on the crimes of vandalism and felony stalking that I tried to document with Detective Adrian Posada and that Commander Paschal finds that the probability is that I am correct, that someone entered my Nissan Sentra, opened the hood and unplugged the right front headlight.
I requested a new or supplemental report which corrects the false entries made by Detective Posada in this case.


After the Posada adventure, on Jan 2, 2016, a BROWNSVILLE, TEXAS visitor sends me a reminder via  that I am under blanket surveillance & harassment.

Even if Posada did not play the game shown here, I consider him a deceitful and dangerous little hoodlum.
Here is the visitor:

Domain Name ? (Commercial)IP Address 70.124.24.# (Road Runner)ISP Road State : TexasCity : Brownsville
Jan 2 2016 10:56:43 pmVisit Entry Page 


Then, at 1:40 AM a caller reaches my unpublished cell phone and does not respond when I call their number at 10AM.
THEIR NUMBER IS 956 312-2943.  More >

 A brief time line
picture2 Jan 2016 @ 01:52

30 years ago the fbi high jacked my life. 25 years ago I struggled to figure out what happened as I was treated as a de facto fugitive at large. 15 years ago I sued the assassins in the fbi, started my website, placed the attached photo to my Hollywood Reporter advertisement, and devoted my life to the destruction (intellectually) of the "burro"- the federal bureau of investigation. Today, I consider my efforts and those ofmy friends & associates globally as the most significant work of the century in human rights.  More >

 corruption of society by fbi assassins
picture1 Jan 2016 @ 23:31
Below are a few examples of the fbi/police corruption which reveal a hidden agenda by the law enforcement community to cooperate with fbi against a given Target. Understand that the felonies committed by police and fbi are SOP.

The fbi's abandonment of respect for constitutional rights of citizens is reflected across the nation by incidents of fbi misconduct and criminal activity; all law enforcement agencies follow fbi dual standards of unbridled arrogance and accelerating decadence. The growing chasm of distrust between the people and traitorous government agents threatens the very fabric of our constitutional government. 
Click Here For Statement On The Intentions Of The fbi Against Targets.

LA POLICE: Arambula & Thomas


Gardena Police:


Brownsville Police refuse to investigate, upon order from AG attempts to cover up police offenses:


UT Police, *Texas DPS and USPI engage in extended & prolonged crimes against me in concert with fbi assassins in failed  efforts to arrest me.


Plus fraudulent UT  BOLO:


* [link]



Criminals employed in fbi and police agencies are no different from serial killers and torturers in the general population:


The general population acts as coopted fbi/police operatives in crimes against me:





Only the small secrets need to be protected. The big ones are kept secret by public incredulity ~ Marshall McLuhan

Today fbi/cia continues the practices of notorious psychopath Nazi Joseph Mengele and the two murderous agencies engage around the clock in similar atrocities as were committed by Mengele himself. Few tried to stop him and he evaded capture the rest of his life after the fall of Nazi Germany.

Fbi/cia torturers similarly engage in torture, forced suicide, murder, and as they are allowed to operate anonymously will never be held accountable for their crimes against humanity. We modern victims of such fiendish crimes (including those committed by medical doctors, dentists and other health care providers, as I have touched on in my reports- see part 20 of "My Story In Detail") represent a microcosm of the new holocaust now underway. While we may number now in the tens of millions, all the earth's inhabitants live under the threat or fear of joining our ranks.

As the heinous crimes of our millennium mount, the people cower & tremble under the omnipresent, and menacing images of fbi/cia/police murderers. Ironically, we who are now being tortured and murdered are in a sense freed from substantial fear because all is taken from us, except our last breath. When relief comes, many of us will thank God for deliverance from the torture and pain. 

Meanwhile, the at large population and future generations will not generally live free of fear because they will have accepted the standard of mind control, the threats of torture/forced suicide and the possibility of bad death at the hands of the most atrocious killers of all time: fbi, cia, police, operatives, and quasi robotic members of the controlled communities globally.

Thank you kindly. geral

[link]  More >

 Shame on Wikipedia
category picture1 Jan 2016 @ 18:19
Thanks for the two points highlighted today.
Fraudulent entries by fbi,cia on Wikipedia reflect their (fbi,cia,Wikipedia) control over many online sources used by the general public:

The reference to 'mental illness' and 'delusional' in the Wikipedia report also shows how the intelligence community seeks to label as 'insane' those of us who report crimes against humanity (torture, forced suicide,murder) by fbi,cia,nsa,dod etc.

Wikipedia is hereby identified as allowing dangerous trash and lies under their banner and in their name.
A false medical report on me:


2) The fbi also often deleted my reports as I try to type them.

 fbi high jacks my life and the USA
picture30 Dec 2015 @ 05:13
This report combines several other posts as evidence that this government and the people are held hostage by murderers in the fbi and their supporters.

I have proven that the fbi/cia with the informed consent and implied approval of the congress and the courts, corrupts and turn into assassins (and accessories to high crimes such as torture, forced suicide , false imprisonment and murder) doctors, lawyers, judges, police and average citizens at will. All such persons in service to the fbi engage in unrelenting felonious assaults on me 24/7 for almost three decades with not a single bit of resistance from any quarter. Some recent assaults on me are shown here


High level cops join as operatives for the fbi and act as criminals in failed efforts to arrest, or kill me.


At the same time the fbi tortures me with DEW and enlists a medical doctor to mistreat, mislabel, falsify medical records, and seek a way via his medical credentials to 'shut me up.'
See the method of torture here and see the fraudulent medical report in many of my articles on line.


Ask what you would do if your life is high jacked by government killers and if your sanity is intentionally attacked by homicidal sociopaths:

[link] report:  More >

 fbi assaults evince a sinister objective
picture29 Dec 2015 @ 21:00
Recent Events:

[link]  More >

 shopper not.
picture29 Dec 2015 @ 03:24

In the mall in Brownsville Texas, December 2015  More >

 shopper not.
picture29 Dec 2015 @ 01:14



In the mall today, Mcallen, Texas.  More >

 usa, war, violence, hatred, mortal enemies, etc
picture27 Dec 2015 @ 03:39
USA's fbi,cia, dod, and police champion the continuation of mankind's most heinous & universally recognized decadent follies: torture, imprison, and assassinate those who defy murderous oppression. Such thugs presume 
to lead and rule the world, but the truth of such hideous and subhuman activities must open an unfamiliar door for humans where a new age of enlightenment and a civilization free of war, conflict and violence invites our participation. 
"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." — Albert Einstein

[link]  More >

 fbi & police often team up poisoning the well (1)
picture25 Dec 2015 @ 02:09
Fbi and police often team up.
I first met detective Adrian Posada, Brownsville Texas Police Department (BPD), when he came to my residence to investigate vandalism of my residence. On a different occasion I tried to file a report with Posada on vandalism of my car.

To my great amazement Posada refused my report.

* Here are some of the details of the meeting with Posada:

Detective Posada (D.P.) in apparent retaliation against me recently refused to take my and my wife’s report of vandalism, questioned my sanity and impugned my veracity, covered up the crime that I reported, made no effort to investigate the crimes (stalking and vandalism of our car), apparently began a bizarre investigation of me, intentionally and repeatedly violated the Texas Open Records laws by not revealing the data in his possession, and generally engaged in unprofessional police activities designed at least to intimidate me, or to fabricate a crime which he might then attribute to me.

On or about December 15-16, 2015, he apparently appeared at the repair shop that fixed the vandalized headlight and he investigated my activities there. Both he and the BPD presently maintain that no report exists regarding the vandalism on my car on November 20, 2015.

On Christmas Eve Commander Henry Etheridge(BPD), called me and invited me to file the report that Posada refused to accept. I advised Etheridge that I filed the report with the Sheriff when I realized that Posada had not made an incident report and that Posada insulted me as mentioned above.

Then, on Christmas day (today) the top cammander of the BPD (James Paschal) calls me and invites me to come into police headquarters, or permit him to come to my home, to discuss this matter. I declined and suggested to him that he might first consider asking Posada about his outrageous and apparent unlawful actions against me. Meanwhile, I notify the Texas AG and the local DA of the sordid affair.

Now, I must ask why did Posada turn hostile against me, who influenced Posada to impliedly threaten me for (in his deceitful words) 'filing a false police report', and why did Posada suggest to me to 'take the medication' for paranoia. I asked BPD internal affairs officer Rolando Vasquez to inquire, but to no avail.

I believe that someone illegally and fraudulently influenced Posada to improperly respond to my request for a police report on the vandalism incident of November 20, 2015, and that Posada assumed the role of criminal investigator against me on behalf of the same person who thereby prejudiced him against me.
I suspect that the fbi is involved in the matter in a manner similar to fbi efforts to provoke me, or to fraudulently set me up for imprisonment as I have shown in the following links,two of which involve fbi and UT Police joint crimes against me on campus.

* See:

Note that both Internal Affairs officer Rolando Vasquez, and a female records clerk are witness to the tricks by Posada concerning his false statements (as shown below & as represented in the above Barbara Hartwell link).

EG:As we were leaving the building, I asked X for a case number so I could obtain a copy of the report; he answered, ‘just a moment’. He then went into the dispatch room to obtain a case number; when he returned, he gave me his card with a number on it. When I presented the case number to the records office a few days later, the clerk advised me that the number that I provided to her was X’s phone number, and that no record exists regarding my report of vandalism of my car on November 20, 2015.

(X in the above paragraph refers to Detective Adrian Posada )

1) Probably the fbi and DPS/USPI fed prejudicial or poison data to Posada. See above affidavit.
"Poisoning the well (or attempting to poison the well) is a rhetorical device where adverse information about a target is preemptively presented to an audience, with the intention of discrediting or ridiculing everything that the target person is about to say. Poisoning the well can be a special case of argumentum ad hominem, and the term was first used with this sense by John Henry Newman in his work Apologia Pro Vita Sua (1864).[1] The origin of the term lies in well poisoning, an ancient wartime practice of pouring poison into sources of fresh water before an invading army, to diminish the attacking army's strength."

See Also The Age Of Madness:






Posada's Misleading Police Report

By geral, Thu, 12/31/2015 - 2:48pm

Re: fbi & police often team up poisoning the well (1)

By Anonymous, submitted on Thu, 12/31/2015 - 2:45pm

On December 31, 2015, Detective Posada provides me with a police report Number 1512-2240 relating to the crime (which he previously refused to investigate) by the fbi against me as reported in the above two links.

The Posada police report (attached hereto as PDF) misrepresents the facts and pretends to show an effort to investigate the crime, but he never gave me an opportunity to provide details. He apparently used for his report the Cameron County Sheriff's report that I filed with them after he and the BPD stated that no record exists on the crime.

His purposes in the report appears to be two fold:

1) cover up his unprofessional actions and 2) discount my report that the fbi thugs committed the crime.

In fact the repair mechanic advised that someone disconnected the light from under the hood; Posada says that the car's vibration caused the disconnection of the light.

Posada also says that there were "no signs of vandalism"; this statement is misleading as the fbi routinely leaves no evidence of vandalism when they destroy or damage my cars over the past 25 years.

So, Detective Posada provides me with a report that he previously refused to accept, refused to investigate, and he accused me indirectly of 'insanity' and 'filing a false police report', and presently he intentionally misleads the reader regarding the crime that I reported to the Sheriff.

This post is submitted for the record.

 More >

 A Song For Us
picture21 Dec 2015 @ 04:06
Those in our company search everywhere for an answer to the evil heaped upon us by torturers, misanthropes, and murderers whom we now recognize as almost inhuman; our profound love of life and shared sense of responsibility toward our fellow human beings provide the strength we need to follow the dream that our lives may someday be returned to us.
We appeal to them to stop; we humbly ask lawmakers and courts to address our legitimate needs; all pleadings are in vain and are answered by more attacks on our bodies and our minds.
Perhaps our suffering awakens in our souls a universal, but often muted, human quality that few ever fully know, or experience: an heightened sensitivity to all that is beautiful on earth, in the heavens and in mankind.
We therefore may rejoice during these holidays especially as we share with our special 'friends' in our journey of life the bond which is in a sense a song from the heart that stays with us 'for as long as we live'. God Bless Us All. Love To All.

From The Sound of Music:

"Climb every mountain,
Search high and low,
Follow every byway,
Every path you know.

Climb every mountain,
Ford every stream,
Follow every rainbow,
'Till you find your dream.

A dream that will need
All the love you can give,
Every day of your life
For as long as you live."  More >

 History of the fbi
picture18 Dec 2015 @ 18:03
Meet the only former fbi agent alive (and featured in the official fbi history book) who aggressively and credibly exposes (in court,congress,& internet) the fbi as cowards, criminals, traitors, torturers, fools and murderers.  More >

<< Newer entries  Page: 1 ... 8 9 10 11 12 ... 35   Older entries >>
March 18, 2017

Our efforts (mine & my associates)reveal the macabre destiny of mankind, unless we prevail in the pursuit of a general enlightenment of the populace. In any event we are the unacknowledged legislators of the world by awakening in others a fundamental respect for humankind and by indicting the torturers and assassins of our era. The United States of America, by virtue of our work here, is now forever known as a BEAST (Brain EntrAinment State) , a country w/o conscience, a people w/o heart who are cursed with a national character predominantly w/o soul :



For Compelling Reports, See The One And Only
Official Site Of

Barbara Hartwell vs. CIA


This is the real fbi which uses the methods and incorporates the values of the notorious Mafia:


Sosbee reports from the field:
get your own fbi/cia terrorist badge at:
See cia data:

...and see my documentations of fbi/cia crimes at:

The greatest threat to mankind are the murderers and torturers of the fbi/cia. Sosbee comments:

Invade my country (or alienate me in it) I will invade yours;invade my *brain, all bets are off.
A slogan to be remembered:

The Few, the Proud, the Brain Entraining Fiends of the US Marines.

*Regarding Brain Entrainment,
[Note: The perennial search for peaceful solutions to the fbi/cia torture & killing spree globally is the paradox of my life under attack.]


"I suspect that all the crimes committed by all the jailed criminals do not equal in total social damage that of the crimes committed against them."
Karl Menninger, M.D.
The Crime Of Punishment
The Viking Press, NY, 1969

"The laws are like cobwebs: where the small flies are caught, and the great break through."
"...the individual cannot delegate the task of defending his basic human rights-to dignity,liberty, and responsibility-to any group of protectors,..." be they clergy, doctors, legislators, fbi, mafia, police, judges. "For if the protectors are successful, they inevitably become
O P P R E S S O R S..." who should be publicly categorized as


NOTE: The inmates, prisoners, and accused in custody around the world have redeeming qualities that should allow them their freedom in most cases; the fbi, police, all cops at every level, have no such redeeming characteristics; for they kill, stalk, lie, steal, falsify records and calumniate for a living (a profession) 24/7, for 20 to 30 years..


-------------------Caution: Adult Content:

See Robin Head's data:
Note that Robin refused to join in the illegal fbi sting against innocent persons:

Sosbee's Tribute To Our Brothers And Sisters Jailed Anywhere On Earth:

We all owe a debt to the millions of persons imprisoned by the corrupt criminal & civil justice systems worldwide, for THE IMPRISONED have surrendered their lives so that we may pompously pursue our demented imaginings on the progress of a failed civilization. See:
and see:
["You must contrive for your future Rulers another and a better life than that of a Ruler, and then you may have a well ordered State; for only in the State which offers this, will they rule who are truly rich, not in silver and gold, but in virtue and wisdom, which are the true blessings of life." Plato, The Republic.]

The united states of america is a government of torturers & traitors supported by cowards and fools who often can be heard echoing the sentiments of the torturers and assassins of the fbi/cia/pentagon against their victims as follows:"We have Little tolerance for losers and those constantly whining or needing attention."b>

June 6, 1944: The D ay that Enslaved the world.

This is my News Log.
All statements in this site are the opinion of Geral W. Sosbee, except where otherwise indicated.

All work authored by Geral Sosbee in this website and at is registered with United States Copyright Office, For a Work of the Performing Arts, # PAu 2-587-209, effective 10-10-2000, entitled "Intelligence", in accordance with title 17, United States Code. All Rights Reserved.

All logos and trademarks in this site are property of their respective owner. FAIR USE NOTICE: This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. I make such material available in efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. I believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to:
The entire content of this site is subject to international copyright. Unauthorized reproduction will be vigourously pursued to the full extent of the law.
I believe that the **war mongers and cutthroats must not be allowed to rule the world any longer; their methods fail.
"And so long as they were at war, their power was preserved, but when they had attained empire they fell, for of the arts of peace they knew nothing, and had never engaged in any employment higher than war." Aristotle, Politics
Rick Stanley
Constitutional Activist:
RE: psychotronic torture being used on sosbee and others NOW (2008):

Read: Inner Voice, Target Tracking,And Behavioral Influence Technologies
See Project Zombie :
[link] sosbee&rnum=2&hl=en&safe=active

[Consistent with the COPPA laws anyone under the age of 13 (thirteen ) in the United States is required to have their parent's permission before sending any information about oneself using this site. Also, anyone who sends an e-mail or other personal data to Geral W. Sosbee is affirming that he/she is 13 (thirteen ) years of age, or older, or has parental consent, and accepts responsibility for all representations made.]

*Also See Report This Site Dated and Entitled:
'Every child belongs to us': today's unsung fbi slogan
25 Jul 2007
_________Spread the word. Get your own FBI/CIA TERRORISTS badge

Regarding ELF assaults see:

[link] -----------------------------

___ As President Theodore Roosevelt said in his 1906 State of the Union address, "No man can take part in the torture of a human being without having his own moral nature permanently lowered." ______________________________________
ATHOUSANDWORDS-for students of physiognomy:
**The cowards of the United States government who engage in (or who permit or fail to stop) the mind control, psychoelectronic harassment/torture, and other so-called cover research human experimentation programs are the same individuals who share the responsibility for the fall of this country; I intend to share with all of the world, until my death, the tremendous fraud that the U.S. has become in its efforts to colonize the world by murderous and inhumane methodologies; in my work, my primary goal is to expose these low life perpetrators and misanthropes for what they are : assassins and torturers who should face an international war tribunal for their crimes against Humanity. Equally important in my life are the efforts to help others through education and friendship. I extend to my associates everywhere my sincere gratitude for your courage in striking the evil ones with your hearts and souls.
Compelling history is in the making by you & me.
Finally, the general lack of interest by the public at large regarding the ongoing torturing and killing of Targets by the fbi/cia (and their operatives) at home and abroad provides fertile ground for expanded inhumane assaults on mankind by these and other agencies ( as well as the lunatics in the private sector who also engage in the torture of selected Targets).
Finally, we must all begin to take the hoodlums of the fbi, cia, and other police agencies ( and their supporters in the general civilian population) MOST SERIOUSLY (if individual liberties are to be regained).

See 'murder in progress' , Brussell Sprout :

and See:

"Presbyterian Book Of Order
Challenge to Presbyterians of Conscience"

...and consider


"You must contrive for your future Rulers another and a better life than that of a Ruler, and then you may have a well ordered State; for only in the State which offers this, will they rule who are truly rich, not in silver and gold, but in virtue and wisdom, which are the true blessings of life." Plato, The Republic.

How To Stop The uSA Global Killing And Torture Spree:
The Formation Of The
(This means that the people must throw out the merchants of death in every government on earth):

SOSBEE's message to punks and cowards: U.S. Senate Sergeant at Arms (little mr. Gainer),Senators Grassley, Leahy, Cornyn and their criminal associates in Congress:
This soldier is moved by your sickness, but you are all in the rear and not on the front lines; so, you are viewed as cowards and traitors to those of us fighting the battles. Thus, I will not be able to help you when the people arrive on the scene.
To Congressional Traitors/Cowards From Einstein regarding the corrupt and fraudulent MDs in the decadent and homicidal practice of Psychiatry:
For more on the corrupt fbi see:



The fbi falsifies records and spreads fraudulent reports in both civil & criminal matters. See my medical clearances at


and an update in the documents below.

Note please that my former employer (fbi) has for two decades falsely reported my medical records in their smear campaign; I wanted the PUBLIC to have the correct info on me. Appropriate medical records, including *recent blood tests and medical exam are documented by letter dated December 14, 2012, and are available at:


Previous entries
  • Fbi assassins rising

  • 2016-10-23
  • USA under fascist & murderous rule

  • 2016-10-21
  • Fbi/police community are a threat to our people

  • 2016-10-20
  • Shame on Portland Indymedia (PI) for trashing my reports

  • 2016-10-19
  • Hallmarks of f b i

  • 2016-10-18
  • Fbi as human monster

  • 2016-10-17
  • Horror Story In USA
  • Fbi interferes with protocol of search engines

  • 2016-10-16
  • Sociopaths Among Us
  • A Prayer in Prose

  • 2016-10-15
  • Tru,p, Crooked Hillery ( CH ) and fbi / cia are all in a battle to control W H
  • News from Geral

  • 2016-10-13
  • Implied Threats of Arrest & Imprisonment/Death Hang Over This Target

  • 2016-10-10
  • Fbi Agents, Operatives and Friends Are Seriously Mentally Ill

  • 2016-10-07
  • Creation of Artificial Kidney Stone In Vivo By Skilled Criminals with M, M, O

  • 2016-10-04
  • ...And Then They Came For Me ............... fbi is today's Nazi Gestapo

  • 2016-10-03
  • Biography

  • 2016-10-02
  • Today's Police/fbi Traverse the Lines of Human Decency

  • 2016-09-30
  • Evidence that USA is run by criminals

  • 2016-09-27
  • USA's President Has Almost No Power Over fbi / cia Assassins

  • 2016-09-26
  • This is your country, your people, not mine

  • 2016-09-24
  • Counterintelligence Operations Against A Target Are Global

  • 2016-09-23

  • 2016-09-18
  • Homo homini lupus

  • 2016-09-17
  • Fbi illegal methods and criminal agenda exposed

  • 2016-09-16
  • Republication in different format: University of Texas/fbi joint crimes ag/ me

  • 2016-09-15
  • Faculty & Students Awaken
  • Wrap Up From SOSBEE
  • USA's fbi/MAFIA, a real life monster

  • 2016-09-11
  • An Eternal Fraud

  • 2016-09-09
  • Nazi criminals live today in fbi/ cia

  • 2016-09-07
  • My message to the US JUDICIARY

  • 2016-09-06
  • Our World & People Under Attack

  • 2016-09-04
  • Global Mandate To Stop fbi/cia from their  torture & kill programs

  • 2016-09-03
  • Macabre Crimes Committed By fbi, Tacitly Approved By Congress/SCOTUS

  • 2016-09-01

  • 2016-08-31
  • The Reach of

  • 2016-08-29
  • Update on evidence against DA, fbi, et al
  • Wicked men of the fbi

  • 2016-08-28
  • American dismissiveness in the face of its own crimes against humanity

  • 2016-08-27
  • Biographical Data on Geral Sosbee by Mr Cliff Huylebroeck
  • Macabre USA, (a repost)
  • Casual reading of an urgent nature

  • 2016-08-25
  • Police State sponsored by fbi sends clear message to Targets in one letter ( T )

  • 2016-08-24
  • Medical Clearances of GERAL SOSBEE

  • 2016-08-23
  • To fbi Director James B Comey

  • 2016-08-20
  • fbi corrupts our nation
  • My L I F E !

  • 2016-08-18
  • The sick mindset of USA's population

  • 2016-08-17
  • I document more crimes against me by fbi

  • 2016-08-16
  • Fbi hacks my OPM account
  • A Dim View

  • 2016-08-07
  • Fbi reveals its filthy mind, followed by biographical data on me

  • 2016-08-06
  • Fbi hoodlums and criminal sociopaths at work 24/7

  • 2016-08-04
  • Capitalism is Dead

  • 2016-08-01
  • Unversality of geral's documentaries

  • 2016-07-31
  • American Terrorists
  • Fbi, police, army intel, et al are often criminals

  • More ..

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  • Dreams (31)
  • Information (105)
  • Inspiration (65)
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