Geral W. Sosbee    
 *fbi high crimes and insanity exposed by me
category picture4 Nov 2015 @ 00:24
The fbi successfully depended on my honesty, reliability, expertise and credibility in a highly cited and publicized civil rights case against a brutal Chicago cop turned criminally violent:


Then, the fbi featured me & my service in the official fbi history book:


Today, as I outline the unconscionable crimes by fbi against me and others, the fbi tries in vain to discredit me while they also torture and try to kill me in a vendetta of proportions almost unheard of.


Thus, I submit evidence of the insanity of fbi:


*'fbi' means all employees of the fbi including special agents , operatives, informants, street thugs, and Mafia figures.

 Consequences of fbi high tech assaults on our people
picture3 Nov 2015 @ 20:56
From: [link]
Re: Cointel Program fbi Operative Falsely labels Combat War Vet a " Murderer"
In my previous reports on line I provided proof that fbi operatives who are busy torturing me with DEW (directed energy weaponry) as well as assaults by chemical/biological agents and psychological assaults operations by fbi thugs & assassins, actually come online and fraudulently label me as a ‘murderer’ or a ‘possible mass murderer’ as a result of my combat duty in service to the USA in Viet Nam.
Today I realize that in fact the fbi intends that their victims of DEW and ELF (extremely low frequency sound waves) sometimes do in fact go crazy and engage in violent reactions to the torture that they endure. Two individuals listed below (May and Alexis) are examples of the consequences of fbi assaults by DEW.
1)Myron May, JD, is another victim of government torture via DEW assaults:


"He believed government "stalkers" were harassing him and using a "direct energy weapon" to hurt him."


2)Yet another victim is Aaron Alexis:

False report that attempts to cover up DEW attacks on Aaron Alexis::

"Aaron Alexis was under "the delusional belief that he was being controlled or influenced by extremely low frequency electromagnetic waves"

In fact both Myron May and Aaron Alexis were under attack as I am. See another false report on me that seeks to discredit my decades of documentation:


In the following report by Paul Baird he shows examples of such horrible, but often predictable consequences to assaults on people by the neurophones and related high tech weaponry.
In my case I react to the DEW assaults by documenting online, in court and in Congress the fbi’s unending crime spree against me.

I am grateful to Paul Baird for the data which is borrowed from his site shown below:
“The following is a brief list of criminals known / suspected to have been “triggered” by agencies using Neurophones”:

First two are
* Timothy McVeigh Executed Oklahoma city bomber.
* David Koresh Killed at Waco siege massacre.

See full list on Paul Baird's site:

[link]  More >

 My letter to Congressman Vela in reference to FOIA denials by USPI
category picture3 Nov 2015 @ 17:26
November 3, 2015

1) Congressional District 34--Congressman Filemon Vela
Washington D. C.

2) Christopher T. Klepac
United States Postal Service, General Counsel
475 L Enfant Plaza S W Washington D. C.

3)Priscilla Jones, Department of Justice
U OIP/NYAV-11050
Washington D. C. 20530

Re: DOJ FOIA-2015-04006; US Postal Service (USPS) FOIA Appeal No. 16-013; US Postal Service FOIA No. 2015-FPIS-00106

Dear Congressman, et. al.

I request assistance under the FOIA in asking the U S Postal Inspector to stop denying my lawful requests for the investigative report filed on or about April 30, 2013 on me by:

Trey Knipfing, Postal Inspector, 14800 Trinity Blvd., Suite 600 Fort Worth TX 76155-2675 (817)359-2765, Fax: (817)359-2708 RMKNIPFING@USPS.GOV

Here is the essence of my original request for the report:

This is a formal request for release of information and disclosure of same to me, under the Freedom of Information Act and the Open Records Laws of the United States and of the State of Texas. Specifically, I request all information, all documents, reports, findings, memos, emails, internal notes of investigators, police reports, court documents, copies of my various articles & websites, and any other item of any kind that relates to the person of Geral Wayne Sosbee (DOB:8-30-45; SSAN) that is in the possession or control of the United States Postal Inspector’s Office and the Texas Department of Public Safety.

Additional background data is available at these two links:



The USPS now trashes and ignores my requests each 6 months that I send it to them; the USPS General Counsel places superficial roadblocks and thereby de facto denies my lawful requests for the Knipfing report. Here is the last notice of requirements sent to me from USPS Counsel:

“Copy of request, denials and related correspondence, statement of the action from which appeal is taken, reasons why requester believes the action is erroneous, statement of relief sought.”

My responses to the above requirements:

My original request is shown above and the denials are not available; the action taken is the trashing and ignoring of all my FOIA requests; *the actions by the USPS and its General Counsel are contrary to law; I seek a copy of the Knipfing report on me.

*Please note, Congressman, that over a decade ago the USPI also trashed my reports of mail theft and I documented the unlawful denials at this link:

[link] .

The investigation at my home unlawfully threatened me and my wife and unnecessarily disrupted the lives of my brothers in Dallas, Texas. The postal inspector investigated an alleged crime that in fact was staged by the fbi , whereby my name was planted at the scene.

I notified the USPI that I need the report so I can post it on line. The phony investigation of me by Inspector is designed to intimidate me by leaving the case open indefinitely as directed by the fbi. Please see my affidavit 2014 on line.
Finally, the efforts of the USPI General Counsel to prevent me from access to the record is in itself further evidence that the USPS continues to cover up crimes committed against me by the fbi; in this sense the USPS employees (including the inspectors) are engaged in the crime of ‘cover up’, and the USPI General Counsel provides his imprimatur to the unlawful charade. All of my previous FOIA requests and denials are available to the USPS and USPI (& Counsel) in their own offices.

Thank you kindly, geral sosbee, p o box 1548, Brownsville, Texas 78522, (956)xxx-xxxx.
This letter is transmitted via electronic email to Congressman Filemon Vela and by US mail to Christopher t. Klepac and Priscilla Jones, at the addresses shown above.

This letter is also published at

 Beware The Tyrants Who Appear As Big Government
picture3 Nov 2015 @ 05:08
To kneel, stoop, bow or or otherwise submit prostrate (literally or figuratively) to any person or authority is contrary to the nature and dignity of man, though many have surrendered their fundamental integrity to murderous tyrants throughout history.
Today the crimes against humanity are committed by
Fbi,cia,nsa,dod and their kind who operate under the name of the USA and its allies. These very crazy government officials tax men's patience to the limit worldwide and cause foreign and domestic reactions which are symptomatic of a global backlash to extremely corrupt & insupportable authority. This situation is on track to worsen because few men stand up and say 'NO' to homicidal sociopaths who presume to insanely dictate how men think, feel, act, and live, in contrast to the liberated way our Maker intended. Beware therefore the twilight of human enslavement be upon us.

[link]  More >

 Compelling & inspirational Message From Paul Baird
category picture3 Nov 2015 @ 02:18
Compelling & inspirational Message From Paul Baird

paulb wrote:
Hi Geral,
I can certainly understand why you would feel that nothing will be achieved in your lifetime...Whistleblower protection is non existent, the politicians, mass media personnel, agency, military, law enforcement, legal, medical professions and others are either saturated with corrupt personnel or controlled by bogus "National Security" flagging. Those working around the more corrupt are given "non official cover", fed rumours, blackmailed over their careers, manipulated by their greed, ego etc. It's a sorry state of affairs. People who could make a difference end up marginalised or treated like your good self. Personally, I believe that a direct challenge to the nature of "National Security" itself is the key. Exec order 13526 expressly forbids using classification to cover crime, but then Murder is illegal too and yet they both happen every day. It's just words on paper. However....having said all that...
It is my belief that they cannot hide these crimes forever and they know it...hence the use of all manner of subtle adjustments to the psyche of the general public...Reality TV, CCTV, The Snowden revelations, social media, selfies, security searches at airports etc etc ...It's all preparing people for accepting a total lack of privacy, even to encourage voyeurism and exhibitionist behaviour with some. Terrorism, false flag operations, digital false flagging, the allowance of pedophilia and other crime also works to encourage people to fear others and surrender their hard won rights to the's all evidence that they know the penny will one day drop. EG. The covers used through the psych' profession (paranoia, schizo', delusional stuff) could evaporate overnight if there was any real voice given to the millions targeted worldwide. Also a small group of insiders could always turn on them, hence the monitoring 24/7 of public figures, usually without harassment.
Nothing beats word of mouth and the number of people aware of all of this is growing all the time. The number that care...well, given the dumbing down and egocentric emphases thrown our way by the MSM, finding people that care is going to be far more difficult. We also need representatives that are honest enough to want the truth, intelligent enough to recognise it and brave enough to act on it. Currently, the agency sifting removes all such people from positions of power and sees them targeted and mocked by those they position in authority or bestow with celebrity.
Like yourself, I've been at this for decades and there are times when it seems hopeless. It predates us and may continue after we're dead but our efforts will help those that eventually resolve this. Like many struggles throughout history, it takes the lifetimes of endeavour that people like you offer to make progress. Apparently lost causes are often the most important and hardest fought. Look at the histories of enslaved and oppressed peoples...we're no different. Today's celebrities are no less hypocritical, today's leaders no less treacherous. It''s up to ordinary, decent people to make the difference. With God's help I believe this will be resolved one day.

Some of Paul Baird's wonderful work on behalf of victims of government atrocities may be accessed here: [link]

 This diseased nation
category picture2 Nov 2015 @ 03:45
History now records the unconscionable crimes by fbi,police, cia,dod, and their friends, against people worldwide and my documentations against the torturers & assassins of fbi also stay on the fabric of this overthrown and siick regime indefinitely. Cruel, sadistic and inhumane techniques used against us are accepted and at times cheered by the mesmerized populace and no explication of their atrocities & no apology could ever soothe the pain (physical and mental) which are intentionally & criminally inflicted on our people, on me and my friends, and on countless
unknown other victims of this ungodly quasi demonic culture. May the heavens ever echo the lamentations of those under attack and never allow the wicked ones to forget the macabre manifestations of their spiritual depravity


 fbi tries to prevent my tsunami of data offered globally
picture31 Oct 2015 @ 21:07
The fbi now expands the global intimidation campaign against all who study my material. In the *link below the fbi operative in Poland threatens the reader and simultaneously attempts to discredit my reports. The threat is that the visitor to my site will have ‘trouble’ and maybe a ‘heart attack’ if he stays on the site for more than a few seconds. The exact type of problem may be (in my opinion) a virus attack on the user's computer followed by Polish Intelligence covert actions against the user. These kinds of fear tactics are used by the USA and allies globally. See


Note that Poland assisted the cia in the rendition, torture and unconscionable crimes against suspects. As in Nazi Poland the sociopaths in power kept the people in fear and forced them to accept Hitler (and now the fbi/cia) as rulers. See also my report on the similarities between USA and Nazi Germany:



The correct link to the above Polish post is the 3rd link on this page:


10. Sosbee vs FBI

» Zobacz także: 15 najdziwniejszych podpowiedzi Google


Są flagi, są jakieś zdjęcia żołnierzy, sekrety, odznaki, nazwa FBI... czego chcieć więcej? Nie do końca wiadomo, o co chodzi na tej stronie, ale to zapewne sprawa wagi państwowej. Polecamy ją więc szybko opuścić, aby nie narazić się na kłopoty... i zawał spowodowany brzydotą witryny.


"These flags are some pictures of soldiers , secrets , badges , name the FBI ... what more could you want ? We do not know exactly what's going on this site, but it is probably a matter of national importance . We recommend it so quickly leave so as not to expose yourself to trouble ... and a heart attack caused by the ugliness of the site."-

Geral Sosbee writes:
The fbi also now limits the display of all site meter entries, showing only a small fraction of world visitors to my site at Additionally, the fbi and the cia direct the media to provide great coverage of Edward Snowden and NSA crimes in apparent efforts to distract the national attention away from the more compelling revelations from fbi and cia agents and employees such as Geral Sosbee and Barbara Hartwell.

Snowden evidently is allowed to assist in the production of a movie on the subject of NSA activities; again, the United States government seeks to focus the national debate on surveillance issues and not on the more egregious and unconscionable crimes that I and others document including torture, forced suicide, attacks by directed energy weapons (DEW), murder (often by discreet means such as chemical and biological assaults). The larger goal of world inhumane domination by the USA and allies is almost never mentioned in most reports, See my “World In A Box” on line and also consider my comments on eugenics at


The world governments who vehemently cooperate with the fbi/cia/doj/dod are prepared to even treat some civil rights activists and their sympathizers as criminals.


So, I invite the reader to recognize the real and severe threat to all mankind by the USA. See

My reports at


Thank you.

PS Threats To Privacy: Lawrence G. Walters

[link]  More >

 Fbi pranks on line
category picture31 Oct 2015 @ 05:32
fbi plants misleading data on Internet to mislead.

In the fbi's desperation to detract from my work online the fbi invades an administrative ranking service and plants fraudulent references & images intentionally meant to publicly mislabel my work and associations.

See fraudulent images planted by fbi on the *following site in efforts to confuse the public by showing fictitious images associated with SOSBEE v
See the false images here:


The images of DHS have no relevance to my reports of unconscionable crimes by the fbi, except to show my legitimate **medical clearance.

*The DHS images are planted here:


The 'nerdydata' group is also not properly showing legitimate images associated with

DHS, by allowing fbi to control administrative functions/records/associations, is a de facto operative for the fbi's counterintelligence operations and is therefore an instrument of oppression against the reporters of fbi/cia atrocities.



 A Reminder of Nazi Germany: USA is a Nation of Traitors
picture29 Oct 2015 @ 19:18
I have shown by incontrovertible evidence for the past fifteen years that the employees of the fbi and the cia (including their agents, operatives, police associates, informants and often co opted members of the general public who take directives from the intelligence community) are *traitors because they engage in the following practices against our people: harassment, threats, 24/7 psychological assaults designed to drive the subject (i.e., Target) insane, mayhem, torture, forced suicide, imprisonment, murder (often by discreet methods), gross violations of fundamental human and civil and constitutional rights; the traitor is more to fear than a murderer because the traitor undermines the government that they pretend to serve and because such a renegade represents an affront to all that is respectable and decent in humanity.

*The fbi and the cia at once betray the trust of the American people and violate their sacred obligation to protect and to defend without exception all laws of society. In essence these terrible sub humans (as I name them) exemplify all that mankind detests in its own species even as they hold themselves out as respectable.


Some of my reports on topic are located at the following site:

Collapse of our government by the traitors within:


**As in Nazi Germany where Hitler gained popular support, the people of the United States now support the traitors who run the USA:

The USA provides the ruling class with huge tax breaks; to the middle and lower class the USA provides social security and medicare benefits that give the illusion of stability. The USA also pretends to address the issue of hunger in the country. Even with the USA at constant war taxes are seldom levied against the working class people. The USA has a media blitz in superficial support of ‘’pampered soldiers’’.

** [link]  More >

 Victory For First Amendment Against fbi Thugs
picture28 Oct 2015 @ 19:31
Intro:The Freedom of Speech right under the United States Constitution, like many other fundamental rights, are often subverted by the fbi at will.

A week ago I posted online that the Texas Bar Journal improperly in my opinion blocked the publication of *my proposed advertisement for the November, 2015, issue of the Texas Bar Journal. My report may be seen here:


Today, the Texas State Bar Journal reverses the decision to block the ad as stated in this email to me from the Texas Bar Journal:

from: tbjmail
to: ""
date: Wed, Oct 28, 2015 at 10:59 AM
subject: FW: for review

Dear Mr. Sosbee:

After editorial review, it has been determined that your classified advertisement submission will be published in the next issue of the Texas Bar Journal.

We have decided to waive the advertising fee for this submission, in consideration for any inconvenience the delay in publication may have caused.

The Texas Bar Journal


For the record I intend to offer my expertise in court or in administrative hearings on the subject of fbi’s unlawful activities and macabre culture for the benefit of individuals charged, pending charges, about to be charged, already convicted, or on appeal in any case (civil or criminal) where the fbi had any input into the proceedings via fbi testimony (including by fbi operatives & informants), laboratory results, field investigations, etc.

Also, my testimony is expected to refute evidence in some instances submitted to the courts by other federal and state agencies that sent their own investigators to gather evidence/statements on the directions (overt or covert) of the fbi.
For additional information on these subjects see my sworn affidavits dated 2007 & 2014 at:


Note that in any case where the attorney for the defense may suspect fbi perjury, or fabricated/suppressed evidence (by any person affiliated with the fbi) is of interest to me. Pro Bono cases which are in the ‘suspicious fbi’ category are also included in my work because my purpose is to stop the thugs, torturers and assassins of the fbi from their unconscionable deeds. Judges who authorize fbi’s otherwise illegal conduct may also be revealed in my testimony. All such judicial officers should be impeached and removed from the Bar. See my Writ and the Rodriguez case:


Here is my proposed ad which is now scheduled to appear in the next issue of the Texas Bar Journal:

"FOR THE DEFENSE in cases prosecuted by FBI: Geral Sosbee, witness to macabre culture and unlawful practice of the FBI."
For more background data on me see the fbi history book online and see the following link where my first name is mistakenly spelled as ‘Gerald”. [link]  More >

  *The United States of America: The World’s Assassination Nation
picture28 Oct 2015 @ 16:16
As I have shown for the past fifteen years, the United States government is run by homicidal sociopaths who are put in office by the ruling (rich) class and their followers. The actual dirty work that keeps the tyrants and their media moguls in power is performed by murderers, trained assassins, torturers, and an army of fbi agents, operatives (including their street thugs), police, military and citizens from all walks of life. The inhumanity and barbarity that I have outlined in my reports of fbi assaults in their failed efforts to silence me include continuing torture, attempts on my life and constant mind games by methods that I have previously listed in “My Story In Detail” and related links and articles. A general summary of the fbi’s crimes against me are here:

The general population supports the criminals in high office (congress, courts and executive departments & administrative agencies) by not questioning their murderous tactics; doctors, lawyers, academics and other professionals actually become operatives for the fbi’s macabre programs which include mayhem, torture, forced suicide, discreet assassination, etc. See “My Story In Detail” (including part 20) and see


The fbi also turns citizens against a political or ideological Target in order to provoke a response. Many such citizens have criminal records including murder, counterfeiting, assaults and battery, theft, fraud, tax evasion, wife beating, etc. Some of these Americans actually gain employment in high paying federal jobs as a result of their cooperation with the fbi, secret service, etc. In other words the worst personalities among us are attacking some of the hardest working and most accomplished people in society. Something is terribly wrong in the USA when such atrocities are accepted as norm, even given the general recognition that a police state is formed here.

See the following report on Anti War Blog for a reminder of how the fbi engages in mass murder and other crimes including the killing of children; also there, see my comments which have links to several of my posts on topic:


Persons (including the popular media personalities) in this country who promote or support the ruthless tactics used by the fbi and the police to imprison or kill our fellow human beings are ignoring a central issue: the USA engages in similar sub human conduct globally in order to consolidate power with key allies whose leaders are similarly motivated to march in lockstep toward the dual goals of world inhumane domination and political control of outer space. See my report on “World In A Box”. As I do not accept such insane conduct by Americans and their leaders, I am certain that others who live in the far corners of the world also take a dim view of such violence visited upon them by this overthrown and preposterous regime.

Thank you and God’s speed to those who are still among the living.


*The title is borrowed from Seymour Hersch ( see my “World In A Box”).  More >

 In my element
picture27 Oct 2015 @ 02:41
All my 70 years of life I have encountered & overcome (like all of my friends & associates here) challenges which often taxed me beyond measure. Nothing though could have fully prepared me to endure as I do today the unending torture and attempts on my life by the quasi demons of our society ( principally the fbi). Daily, I must acclimate to the unimaginable terror that is similarly forced on many in our company, and I (perhaps like you) once again rise to the occasion. Indeed, I now recognize a fact that I never before accepted: that I am in my element in tumultuous times and painful ordeals.
I suspect that many of you share this perspective. Thanks.

My advantage over psychopaths:

[link]  More >

 My Domains
picture27 Oct 2015 @ 02:04
Thanks to all, especially The Conspiracy Zone/Joe Lanier, for working with me to make our domains the tremendous success they are today.
Domain Geral W. Sosbee vs. fbi, Whistle Blower, ex-FBI Agent of the United ... FBI/CIA ARE TERRORISTS - fbi/cia's own torturers, assassins ... Statement Geral W Sosbee | Texas Tech University - ELF High Tech Assault geral sosbee · Profile · Disqus Affidavit-2007 State Bar of Texas | Find A Lawyer | Geral W. Sosbee Overthrow Of United States Government By fbi/cia | Geral W Sosbee ... The Conspiracy Zone : STOP FBI/CIA TERROR & TORTURE  More >

 World News Groups Cover Up Story Of The Millenium
picture26 Oct 2015 @ 20:56
50 years, $50 million in fbi's crime spree in failed efforts to silence or kill me.

The *British news service sends me a message concerning my 'Excellent" performance, but they never cover the story behind my documentations of fbi atrocities because their government likewise uses British intelligence agency MI6 to torture, imprison and murder activists and other Targets. Below is the **site meter image showing the visit to my site with the subliminal message within. Shame on the organization for not covering a story that the world and all mankind needs to know.

*The location of the News group is:

Their statement of purpose:

"What we do

We tell the stories that matter. Seed ideas and stir emotion. Capture moments, meaning and magic. Make sense of the world."

Geral Sosbee writes:

So I must ask their owners, 'What do you do' when your misrepresentations are known the world over?

For more information on the failure of world news groups to cover crimes against humanity see my reports:

Media responses to my work to expose crimes against humanity:


and my notice to media: [link]

**Here is the image of their visit to my site:

By Location > Visit Detail
Visit 186,143
Domain Name ? (U.K.)
IP Address 143.252.199.# (Times Supplements Limited)
ISP Times Supplements Limited
Continent : Europe
Country : United Kingdom (Facts)
State/Region : London, City of
City : London
Distance : 5,081 miles
Language English (U.K.)
Time of Visit Oct 26 2015 11:29:35 am
Last Page View Oct 26 2015 11:29:35 am
Visit Length 0 seconds
Page Views 1
Referring URL [link]

Visit Entry Page [link]

Visit Exit Page [link]

 More >

 Barbara Hartwell & I share a passion for * truth which reveals the evil of USA
picture25 Oct 2015 @ 19:34
From my very best friend for over twelve years, the splendid Barbara Hartwell who is in my opinion a national treasure.

Excerpted from [link]

"This report began with an examination of the counterintelligence operations run by FBI Chief Ted Gunderson and continued with testimony from former FBI agent/whistleblower Geral Sosbee, whose career was sabotaged by J. Edgar Hoover, Ted Gunderson and their cronies, and who has endured relentless persecution ever since, all for standing up for Liberty, for honoring his oath to defend the Constitution, for defending the unalienable rights of all, as protected under the Constitution.

Geral Sosbee's detailed and extensive documentation of government persecution, and the neutralization campaign against him, is by far the most comprehensive and credible I have ever seen. And because I have been priviliged to be his friend for nearly a decade and a half, I have also been privy to much of the unpublished documentation in our personal conversations. I know his testimony to be truthful. I myself have become a witness to many of the atrocities, the torture, the relentless assaults.

I have direct personal knowledge, as does Geral Sosbee, of every issue addressed in this report. This report has not been based on speculation, or theories, but rather on real events, real persons, identified and quoted, using their own words….

The government in fact drives the people into poverty, pushes drugs on the population (drugs for arms operations), and makes enemies around the world via their wars of aggression, conquest and nation building.

Then, they call other nations “terrorists”, when in fact they may be only defending themselves against invasion and corporate imperialism fomented by the U.S. Government and its accomplices in the United Nations. The U.N., which masquerades as promoting peace, justice and universal human rights, all the while working for a One World Totalitarian government, which accords no respect whatsoever for the unalienable rights of the Individual, which are subsumed by the purported “rights” of the collective."


* "Thus, 'truth' involves both the quality of "faithfulness, fidelity, loyalty, sincerity, veracity",[11] and that of "agreement with fact or reality", in Anglo-Saxon expressed by sōþ (Modern English sooth)."
Wikipedia.  More >

 A Tribute To My Friends, Unsung Heroes All
picture25 Oct 2015 @ 03:43
In the far spanning history of resistance to inhumane governments and their mindless supporters in the general populations few individuals merit more acclamation than our very own friends & associates here in the matter of DEW, assaults, mind control, etc. now before us. Thank you, God Bless and be assured of your high places in the annals of man's epic struggle for liberty.

[link]  More >

  The lives of a few in return for control of all others
picture24 Oct 2015 @ 19:45
The lives of a few in return for control of all others

No law can deal with the atrocities that are committed against the few in order to control the many.

At long last I must conclude that the brutality that permeates the United States of America (an overthrown regime) cannot be stopped, that attacks on individuals by DEW, fbi's street thug operatives, fbi, police, etc., cannot be mitigated, and that all mankind is destined to live in an inhumanely controlled environment where surveillance, drone attacks, torture and killings by police/fbi, of the selected members of the populace are not negotiable. The fbi,cia,dod,nsa,nsc, etc., have a mandate that is much larger than one man’s (or a billion million men) suffering at the hands of the terrorists of the USA’s government: total control of earth and space for the benefit of the ruling class which directly benefits from the wars and conflicts spreading globally.

“The world is learning that in the last half of the twentieth century, scientists developed a device/method that allowed them to locate, focus on, and lock onto a person’s brain by remote to manipulate that person’s thoughts and thus his actions. Mind control assaults now loom as one of the main challenges to human rights in the 21st century.”

Max H. Williams

The convolution of sentiment of the general population from civility to barbarity now spreads across the earth (like an artificially synthesized disease) under the authority of and in concert with USA sponsored wars which are vehemently pursued by the fbi/cia, et al. The result of the program to turn ordinary individuals into occasional government *assassins and torturers is a world in chaos because the individual’s will power is often undermined by corrupt and murderous government agents and provocateurs. People conform and assist the murderers in power for fear of reprisal (in the form of torture). After all, no one wants to be sleep deprived or otherwise molested in this life.

The world is become in a sense a battlefield for all inhabitants, not just those wearing military uniforms; the inimical animosity spreading across our global village portends ill for the future of mankind; the ordinary citizens seem quite willing to join in the fbi/cia's ever growing cesspool of assassins.


People are reduced to a fearful, trembling lot as a result of fear and the desire to escape conflict all around them. Torture and the thought (or fear) of torture, both physical and psychological, move the average citizen to surrender himself and his family unto the will of most corrupt authority.



"What makes psychological torture appear less repugnant than physical torture is that the methods—sleep deprivation, stress positions, solitary confinement—taken individually do not seem unendurable. It is their combined use that destroys the adult structures of the person”

Author unknown

In the physical world only a soldier can conquer, or liberate. We have a dire shortage of liberators. [link]  More >

 Update On The Misconduct By the Texas State Bar Against Me
picture22 Oct 2015 @ 17:35
This is an update to my previous reports on the apparent corruption of the State Bar Of Texas by the fbi. See the *link below ,or


Apparently the same Texas State Bar Official (TSBO) who improperly prevented the publication of my **ad for the November, 2015 Bar Journal, again reviews my material online as shown in the site meter image below. On the visit the tyrant studies the medical clearance data which contradict the fbi vicious libel campaign against me; thus, the TSBO may be in possession of the fbi smear campaign which the TSBO may have used as an illegitimate reason to block my lawful ad.

GERAL W. SOSBEE vs. fbi By Location > Visit Detail Visit 186,044
Domain Name ? (Commercial)
IP Address 71.42.144.# (Road Runner Business)
ISP Road Runner Business
Continent : North America
Country : United States (Facts)
State : Texas
City : Austin
Lat/Long : 30.3037, -97.7696 (Map)
Distance : 228 miles
Time of Visit Oct 22 2015 11:10:00 am
Last Page View Oct 22 2015 11:11:03 am
Visit Length 1 minute 3 seconds
Page Views 5
Referring URL
Visit Entry Page [link]
Visit Exit Page [link]
Out Click
Time Zone UTC-6:00
Visitor's Time Oct 22 2015 11:10:00 am
Visit Number 186,044

** my proposed ad wrongfully blocked from publication by the Texas State Bar:


"FOR THE DEFENSE in cases prosecuted by FBI: Geral Sosbee, witness to macabre culture and unlawful practice of the FBI."


Note that the Texas State Bar is far exceeding its legitimate function by allowing the fbi in any manner to prevent me from reaching other attorneys and the general public via the Texas State Bar Journal with regards to massive fbi murderous corruption and unconscionable crimes against my person. For details see "My Story In Detail" and related links & sites on line. In summary, the TSBO who is busy trying to justify the violation of the First Amendment to the US Constitution by the TSBO also serves the interest of the very torturers and assassins in the fbi who are the focus of most of my research and writing, and who continue to torture and try to discreetly kill me as I type this update.

The police state is thus forced on the people by such bureaucrats who assist the fbi in their wholesale crime spree against me and others at will and with total impunity. The nation is kept in the dark by cowards hiding behind keyboards in positions of power.


 More >

 The State Bar of Texas Against This Attorney/fbi whistleblower
picture21 Oct 2015 @ 18:01
The State Bar of Texas Engages In Questionable Practices Against This Attorney/ fbi Whistleblower

This report is intended to show evidence of the fbi’s unlawful interference with state and federal agencies (inter alia) and their employees in efforts to prevent me from enjoying all the rights and privileges to which I am entitled by law as a citizen and as an attorney, teacher, researcher and *publisher. So, one must ask why the Texas State Bar would repeatedly act so unprofessionally, improperly and probably unlawfully against this attorney as I have documented.

The Texas State Bar is aware that I am a licensed attorney in good standing, that I have never received any adverse action on my license, that I have never been accused of any offense (civil or criminal) in my life that I am aware of, and that my credentials as a former fbi Special Agent (intelligence section for national security) and as an adjunct professional instructor of law at several colleges and universities is well established.


fbi history book with a copy of the American Jurisprudence Award:


My four reports online regarding the State Bar of Texas:

January, 2001, Texas State Bar Journal Ad:

2006: The Texas State Bar misrepresents the status of Attorney Geral Sosbee by falsely indicating that he is not eligible to practice law:


2008, My response to a Texas State Bar Journal Article (not related to me):

Committed To Healing, A Fraud


Texas State Bar Journal Rejected (unlawfully and unethically in my opinion) my proposed ad for the November, 2015 issue:


Here is the proposed ad:

"FOR THE DEFENSE in cases prosecuted by FBI: Geral Sosbee, witness to macabre culture and unlawful practice of the FBI."

Note that the Texas State Bar representative apparently visits my site at several times prior to the rejection of my ad; then after I requested the reason for the rejection, the same Bar employee apparently visits my site again, and also visits & reviews some of my papers that are published at the site as follows:

16:35 Oct 20 Profile Austin, TX

As of this date no response is provided to me from the State Bar of Texas regarding their blocking of my proposed November, 2015 ad referenced above.
Inasmuch as the Texas State Bar is a part of the state judiciary (i.e., the Supreme Court of Texas) I am not generally allowed access to their records as to why the ad was rejected and who made the decision to block the ad.

For evidence of fbi unlawful interference with other state and federal agencies and employees in order to intimidate me and to unlawfully prejudice my fundamental rights, see these links:

Texas Workforce Commission:


US military intelligence, university police extensive assaults on me:

and parts 19a, 19b, 19c.

Federal and State cops unlawfully descend on my home in fraudulent fishing expedition:


False medical reports:

medical fraud:


Texas State Board Dental Examiners:


For more data see “My Story In Detail” and related links online.
See Also:


* and:
top 1%, 7,096 Total Views

Note that

“ is a social networking website for academics. It was launched in September 2008[3] and had over 21 million registered users as of April 2015. The platform can be used to share papers, monitor their impact, and follow the research in a particular field. was founded by Richard Price, who raised $600,000 from Spark Ventures, Brent Hoberman, and others.”

Thank you.


PS: fbi operative at Department of State sends me the harassing message shown below on behalf of his friends/assassins at fbi. Note that the US Department of State is run by cowards who by negligence or malfeasance allowed the torture and murder of the USA Ambassador in Benghazi. The fbi/cia/state department (DS) all pretend that the attack was no big deal. Even Hillary states regarding the Benghazi attack, "it doesn't make any difference?'' So, these are the people (fbi,cia,DS) who allow the fbi/cia to engage in all kinds of crimes globally and who also harass me as I have documented.

By Location > Visit Detail
Visit 185,994
[<<] [>>]
Domain Name ? (U.S. Government)
IP Address 169.253.194.# (U.S. Department of State)
ISP U.S. Department of State
Continent : North America
Country : United States (Facts)
State : District of Columbia
City : Washington
Lat/Long : 38.8932, -77.049 (Map)
Distance : 1,443 miles
Time of Visit Oct 21 2015 12:41:44 pm
Last Page View Oct 21 2015 12:41:44 pm
Visit Length 0 seconds
Page Views 1
Referring URL
Visit Entry Page [link]
Visit Exit Page [link]
Out Click
Time Zone UTC-5:00
Visitor's Time Oct 21 2015 1:41:44 pm
Visit Number 185,994

For Update to this report see:

[link]  More >

 State Bar Journal Deletes My Ad
picture20 Oct 2015 @ 18:00
The Texas Bar Journal today refused to publish my advertisement for the November, 2015 issue
which reads in part as follows:

“Geral Sosbee, witness to the macabre culture and unlawful practice of the FBI. “

In the ad I made no reference to my main site at [link] , but I referenced the following site:

Here is the State Bar Journal message to me:
from: Pam Dudley
to: ""
date: Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 11:37 AM
subject: Texas Bar Journal Classified Ad

Mr. Sosbee,
Your classified ad was not published in the Texas Bar Journal. We will be sending you a full refund this week.
Texas Bar Journal
State Bar of Texas
PO Box 12487
Austin, TX 78711

Apparently the State Bar visited my main website twice yesterday as shown in the following site meter image:

By Location > Visit Detail
Visit 185,941

Domain Name ? (Commercial)

IP Address 71.42.144.# (Road Runner Business)
ISP Road Runner Business
location Continent : North America
Country : United States (Facts)

State : Texas
City : Austin

Operating System Microsoft WinNT

Time of Visit Oct 19 2015 5:50:19 pm
Last Page View Oct 19 2015 5:50:54 pm
Visit Length 35 seconds
Page Views 3
Referring URL

Visit Entry Page

Visit Exit Page
Out Click
Time Zone UTC-6:00

Visitor's Time Oct 19 2015 5:50:19 pm
Visit Number 185,941

Note that after I placed the ad the fbi punished me by DEW attacks and by remote manipulation of my car features and TV. I consider this action by the State Bar as a gross violation of free speech by a government entity; I also view the person who deleted my ad as a cowardly supporter of the assassins and torturers of the fbi.


la indymedia has a fbi operative who hides, hacks, or deletes my reports. The most recent offense by the LA Indymedia coward is here:


The report is hidden by fbi indymedia LA deals with he corruption of the Texas State Bar as I have described here:


About Geral Sosbee

[link]  More >

 The cjs is cruel and unusual
picture20 Oct 2015 @ 17:09
This report on the corrupt & murderous cjs offers a framework for further studies.

The USA’s cjs Is Cruel & Unusual

The United States (US) criminal justice system (cjs) consists of the fbi, police agencies and legal maneuvers designed by this government governments to mandate individual crime and to exact severe penalties for the violation of standards. The leader of the members of the US police agencies are the fbi who absurdly take pride in themselves for training most police leaders in the US. Law enforcement generally spends large sums of money for their operations which are estimated at around a hundred billion; the cia spends an estimated fifty billion, but their budget and that of the fbi are mainly secret, as are their revenue sources. See, for example
My reports on fbi/cia corruption and criminal activities globally.

Today’s cjs “…disconnects people from their communities, fills prisons and jails, and costs taxpayers billions.”


The beating and killing of our people on the streets (and in our face) reflects the unbridled arrogance of the fbi and their subordinate cops at every level who seem to think that they have a popular mandate and a right to engage in their macabre acts.

Thus, the current evidence of the formation of a police state in the US compels one to examine the culture that permits the atrocities that we see daily (and 24/7) that are committed by the police, fbi, prisons, attorneys, etc. Such an analysis (or a working framework for additional study) is not possible when the government attacks those who shine the light on the murderous system whose members threaten, harass, beat, torture, imprison, force suicide, and kill the Targets.

As I have shown, whistleblowers are often driven out of society by the fbi at will and with the cooperation of the general public which accepts as valid the lies and misrepresentations and calumny spread by the fbi and associates in the private sector.

The fbi’s stranglehold on the nation is thus achieved and perpetuated by a sinister and deadly program that most citizens neither recognize, nor comprehend.
fbi’s secret and murderous CJS:

The ‘Age of Madness’ is upon us by the fbi/police expansion of powers within the corrupt CJS.


I propose the elimination of the fbi,cia,police and all the trappings of the modern, decadent cjs that make this society a living hell for many people and that threatens all of us in one way or another. The death penalty for example and the new law that authorizes the fbi/police to kill a suspect fleeing in a motor vehicle are signs of our failing civilization.


Massive incarcerations by the millions in the US evince a cjs out of control. Additionally, the fbi and their friends now have expanded the incarceration methods to included forced imprisonment in ones own body by the use of directed energy weaponry (DEW) which incapacitates innocent individuals as the fbi and their covert operatives (judges) may dictate.


As a fbi whistleblower, I am subjected to the high tech assaults by DEW and by 24/7 harassment by fbi low level agents and street thugs. For details see “My Story In Detail” online, and see:


Additional data:

The formation of a global cjs seeks to imprison civilization and its inhabitants in a box:


Innocent people terrorized by the madmen of CJS:

A new perspective:

Finally, let us remove the cjs and thereby free the billions of dollars currently used against us; the money can be better spent by helping people in crisis and turning this nation into a humane leader of nations for the betterment of humanity.

Thank you.  More >

 A United Front Is Required Against Cruelty, Torture & Murder
picture18 Oct 2015 @ 18:57

A United Front Is Required Against Cruelty, Torture & Murder

Many individuals who are pursued, harassed, and maligned by government assassins/torturers (and their vigilante friends/accomplices) are homeless, in war zones, on the run, in prison and jails, or are otherwise often not able to describe in writing the horrid ordeal that they experience; they have no means of asking for and no viable hope of receiving assistance from attorneys, the press, the congress, nor the courts (not that anyone in these groups would be inclined to help people in crisis); so, these folks (God's children, all) are totally abandoned by their fellow citizens unto the cruel tongues/weapons of sociopathic soldiers, cops, fbi, cia, judges, etc. who are obsessed with bringing them great harm.

Now, I must put this question to all Americans of conscience on behalf of our abandoned kin everywhere:


I hope that…

…I may live in the hearts & minds of those persecuted/prosecuted/imprisoned/tortured/murdered by the deranged sociopaths who dress in the attire of law men and soldiers, or who otherwise drape themselves in the colors of our national flag; that in the end the aggression which aims to preserve the decadent ruling class and the murderous, inhumane government of the United States of America must
S T O P!

Educate the people:


Defender of Liberty against all murderous tyrants , foreign and domestic.

[link]  More >

 why do fbi/police torture, imprison, or kill innocent men?
category picture18 Oct 2015 @ 01:44
The government has no just way to rule innocent men; so, the fbi. & police community just *kill, torture, or fraudulently imprison them:


Educate the people:


So, one may logically conclude that the true criminals among us are often those decadent minds of fbi and police who perpetually seek to kill or harm us.


To all, from 'We The Living':

*The United States of America engages in unconscionable & cowardly crimes
( torture,**forced suicide, false imprisonment & murder ) against our people with the implied support of the citizenry. So, 'por favor' do not sing in public about America The Beautiful, nor the home of the brave because you should keep such delusional dreams to yourself. Thank you.



Media boasts that most Americans approve the cia torture methods recently disclosed. Such truly twisted minds who approve of bestial & inhumane torture & killing of fellow humans reflect a macabre culture now spreading globally whereby heinous crimes by fbi/cia are deemed virtuous by public acceptance and insane rationality. I reject all such popular madness.


"Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter."

Isaiah 5:20

The violent government of this nation (the United States of America) is supported by the cowards in congress and the courts; the sanctioned tortures and murders by the USA are carried out by tens of thousands of thugs in the fbi,cia,dod globally as I have shown in many of my reports. Let the world beware that the media is also an integral part of the torture and killing machine (by hiding and not reporting atrocities and by misrepresenting the facts) that has seized power in the USA and that now threatens the world with even more inhumane methods than we have seen in the Nazi Germany era.

 Educate the people against violence
picture17 Oct 2015 @ 21:29
Educate the people against violence

Much of the violence in the world today and for the past century is directly attributable to the fbi, cia, dod, doj, police, and their friends in congress and the courts. The fbi and police seem to take pride in the killing of people on the streets in the United States of America (USA). Often, after the police and the fbi shoot the suspect/subject, the news media assist the fbi by feeding this line for consumption: “the suspect/subject has a history of mental illness” or “ …he stated he was angry and would not be taken alive”. The unjust wars and useless battles waged by professional murderers (and snipers) in the employment of the dod and the cia also sometimes inspire some in the world to defend aggressively against perceived threats of more killings from the USA.

So, let’s set the record straight:

The 911 attack on the USA and many other deadly assaults on Americans (including the Benghazi slaughter) was in response to USA murderous aggression abroad.


In the USA the police state threatens most citizens and keeps people on edge; watch for example the police car behind you and question whether you are being studied by the cop; then, remember that the SCOTUS authorizes the police and the fbi to kill you if you flee in your car.


Additionally, the fbi and the police (with the support of the doj and State Attorneys, District Attorneys, et al) all engage in calumny and active harassment of political Targets at will and nationwide. This type of provocation is not always seen by the general public, until the police and the fbi kill the individual. Yet, as I have shown many men and women simply experience extreme stress at the assaults on them and sometime they evince signs of neurosis.

Thus, when you and your children seek to report strange or unusual conduct in the neighborhood and at school, take care not to accept the programming (such as the warning, “the signs are generally there, shooting in the cafeteria at 3PM”) and waiting to make you an accessory to government overkill and unwarranted assaults. I am intimately aware of the awful program of harassment by the fbi who go to great length to discredit me in public, to hound and harass me 24/7, and to apply unrelenting torture against me for life.


I see the only defense that I have is the pen against their swords, and I make judicious use of this opportunity to educate the people.

Many persons do not try to explain to the world the dirty tricks and unfair harassment put upon them by government thugs and vigilantes; such Targets may become disoriented, confused, depressed, or otherwise exhausted by the gauntlet of violent advances upon his person and against his name. Such an insensitive public may also contribute to the dilemma facing him as he is being illegally and immorally pursued by the police, the fbi, and their secret operatives throughout society.


The brutal criminal justice system and the quasi-evil forces that run it are also part of the problems of unmitigated violence in our society and the world.


In my recent report I showed how the USA is with all of its violence, corruption and lack of leadership leading all mankind to a destruction of the humanity that distinguishes man from beast.


Over a decade I also tried to show that this nation in a sense brings upon itself the carnage that the USA puts on others globally; few read my report.


For more information on the violence in the world, and especially as caused by the USA see the following two links (note especially the link with the first report below to the ‘illegal CJS’ forged by the fbi:


Here the news media falsely characterizes the confused and distraught killer as suffering from ‘delusions’:


Finally, note that the fbi is fully aware of how to provoke their Targets into inappropriate behavior so that he may be arrested or killed; indeed, the Behavioral Science Unit at the fbi’s Quantico and headquarters locations are counseled by psychiatrists and other experts on how to drive a person truly crazy.

So, beware America of your trust in this overthrown regime, lest you unwittingly become an accessory to the most murderous band of government thugs in human history: your very own fbi,cia,dod,doj, etc.

Thank you.


[link]  More >

 USA Leads Humanity To Destruction
picture16 Oct 2015 @ 18:14


The former United States of America- USA (now an overthrown fascist-police state as molded by the most ruthless and murderous human fiends ever recorded in history), [link] makes one strategic and fatal error in their march with allies toward world inhuman domination.

*In the war against all resistance the fbi,cia,doj,dod,nsa,nsc,mossad, surete, German SS, etc., and friends are on a worldwide killing, torturing and imprisoning spree which has no end, no restraint, no legal nor moral basis, and no conscience. War for the sake of war, killing for the sake of killing, and imprisonment to remove malcontents & the disenfranchised all support the USA economy, further empower the ruling class and falsely propping up the valuations of the dollar on the financial markets. This means in part that most nations support the USA attack on humanity and such nations presently reconsider their role in the onslaught.

In the sweeping juggernaut of death and destruction started and perpetuated by the USA , this nation overlooks this simple and obvious fact: The thugs who run the macabre war machine lose all good will everywhere and transform the world’s population into accomplices or fearful/terrified supplicants. The former then enforce in civil society the barbarism that defines the nation and the latter offer no constructive or creative solution to the dilemma that entraps them. [link]

A few in the general population hold fast to their God given rights to self identity and self worth as they recognize that civilization is ethically bankrupt by corrupt, greedy and power crazed lunatics. [link]

As the USA loses its support of the most creative and talented humans among us, so too the USA forfeits any claim to humane leadership because no one in his right mind supports a government whose motto should be publicly exposed as Murder Incorporated. [link]

For more specific information see world in a box at


and see:


and the last three links below.



Fbi attacks on me:


My papers:


Thank you.  More >

 Global significance of USA crimes againt me
picture15 Oct 2015 @ 18:26
Global significance of fbi,cia,dod,doj crimes against me

As I have documented in my online articles, my writ, letters to congress and related media, the fbi shows no restraint, legal nor ethical, in their attacks on me in efforts to silence my voice and to prevent me from reporting the atrocities. This post represents a summary of some important information which all people might want to understand. In the links below (and related links) I show a few of the methods and practices of the fbi, cia, doj, Texas DPS, UT police, US PI and other cops at all levels (together with the implied backing of the thugs in both congress and SCOTUS) which include assaults 24/7/365 for life, torture and attempts at murder of my person by fbi low minded special agents and operatives who are armed with high tech torture and killing tools such as DEW and chemical/biological weaponry.

The failure of the United States (USA) government to reign in the excesses of fbi,cia,dod with regard to their criminal attacks on me have a larger meaning on a global scale. The unconscionable crimes committed by the USA against people and governments worldwide also show no slowing by these murderous groups (fbi,cia,doj,dod, etc.); no oversight by any authority exists and no appeal is possible to human beings subjected to the atrocities ongoing.

With regard to my reports and my main website at, I notice that many visitors come to the site from fbi approved and sponsored smear sites against my material, so that the visitor will appear simply as one who is looking for information on Geral Sosbee by searching for ‘over the top websites’, or ‘the worst website in the world’. In this way the visitor to my site may feel less vulnerable to fbi retaliation for interest in my material.

Here are links to my reports with brief descriptions before each link:

Dominant alpha group:


War on disenfranchised:

Destroy lives, imprison & kill people:


We are the meanest:


Fascist State:


My papers:

Age of Madness ( a methodology):


USPI & Texas DPS with fbi via wireless surveillance:


Criminal abuse of global disease surveillance system:


Torture Target (victim) with high tech, space based technology which is hidden from public view by government and by main street media, By Institute of Science in Society:


Recent assaults on me at public libraries:


While I am not a vindictive person, I believe that others globally may not share my peaceful posture as they too are being tortured and murdered by this overthrown government and its equally misguided allies.

Thank you.  More >

 The fbi continues to assault me in the library
picture15 Oct 2015 @ 15:50
As I have previously documented the fbi sends their operatives into the public libraries in Brownsville and Harlingen, Texas, to assault and to criminally commit battery of my person.

See: [link]

and: [link]

Sometimes the fbi tears up my car which is parked at the Veterans Memorial, adjacent to the library in Brownsville.

The fbi also uses the same operative who tried to kill me and my wife over a decade ago by pouring toxic fumes into my residence:


and: [link]

The same beast of a human being continues to enter the library to make presence known. Usually, such an appearance is followed by increased sleep deprivation. The librarians ignore my reports of crimes against my person, and they even seem to avoid seeing me in the library. The fact that the fbi continues to use this same serial stalker and apparent assassin against me is in itself evidence of the complete abandonment of any sense of law and decency in the USA by the fbi, congress and courts.

On several occasions the fbi sends different thugs into the library to interrupt my work on the computer by touching me on my back or shoulder, or by asking me for assistance in guarding their paper bags, or by asking if I have a gasoline container in my car, etc.The fbi knows (by their 24/7 surveillance of me-both video and audio- in my home) that this kind of provocative battery on my person is particularly disturbing to me as a result of my service in the US Army, Viet Nam.

The motive for the assaults is to discourage me from making my reports online, especially as I and my wife recently contacted several high level Mexican officials regarding crimes against us and our property in Mexico. Indeed, after our recent contacts with the Mexican officials, they made some inquiry on behalf of my wife. Then, I notice visits to my reports on fbi crimes against us from 'anonymous proxy' (possibly in Mexico)as shown in the following image from

[link]  More >

picture15 Oct 2015 @ 15:26
The following group has allowed the fbi to enter into my account and to delete all of my recently attempted posts, about 100 (perhaps even all posts to date):

I am thus in effect banned from Disqus.


Detected as spam"

My previous record of positive feedback:

Comments 5802

281 Upvotes ◾brownsville,texas
◾Joined Sep 21, 2009

I deleted my Disquuis account today:

"Delete Your Disqus Account

This can't be reversed, so make sure you're sure this is what you want.



Also these groups cooperate with the fbi thugs and block me from posting:


"Your IP address has been blocked due to excessive spam comments. Please contact us if you believe this is in error."  More >

 fbi contributes to Mexico's challenges
category picture14 Oct 2015 @ 04:44

Fbi interferes with and commits crimes in Mexico.

This link is repeatedly disabled by fbi:


Here is the sequel:


 fbi illegally prevents sale of our property in Mexico
picture13 Oct 2015 @ 21:22
Spanish: El fbi fraudulentamente impide la venta de la propiedad en México
Este informe complementa mi informe de octubre de 2015, en relación con el acoso, difamación, acoso y vigilancia, asaltos, etc., de mi esposa y yo (sucesivo ' nosotros '') en México como nos intentan vender su casa en Matamoros, México. Aquí está el enlace del informe en Inglés:

Durante la última década hemos tratado de vender la casa como nueva en un barrio agradable, ubicado en Matamoros, México. Aprendimos en los años que algunos agentes son enviados para hacer citas para clientes ficticios ver la propiedad. Incontables horas se gastan como viajamos hacia y desde México para mostrar la casa a compradores falsos que a menudo no se presenta en la casa.

Recientemente nos enteramos de que el fbi continúa su vigilancia 24/7 cada vez que nosotros (o cualquiera de nosotros) entrar a México. El fbi y sus agentes mexicanos (que operan bajo la autoridad de la policía federal) en contacto con cualquier persona que este interesada y con el fin de disuadirlos de que ofreca comprar la casa. El operativo del fbi/mexicana dice al comprador prospectivo que la casa y el propietario están bajo investigación de la policía federal por delitos. La naturaleza de los delitos no es revelada a nosotros por el guardia de seguridad que proporciona la información con respecto a la interferencia con los intentos de vender la casa. Vecinos de la zona también se dan vuelta contra nosotros y realmente destrozar la propiedad, o tirar piedras, basura, animales muertos, serpientes, etc., en el patio delantero. Algunos personas en carro pretension interes en comprar la casa y besinos hacer gestos obscenos a nosotros por razones desconocidas.

Para nuestra sorpresa algunas mujeres en contacto con mi esposa y pretenden urgentemente interesados y muestran esfuerzos e interes, nos preguntan acerca de la casa. Entonces, la mujer mexicana hace citas falsas para poder cumplir con un notario o un abogado para hacer una oferta. Estos escenarios un medio día o así y no son productivos al final como el posible comprador detiene abruptamente contactos. De vez en cuando un macho de mujer llega a la casa por la cita a hacer preguntas que evidentemente no pertenecen a la propiedad. El banquero que utilizamos puede también aber sido contactado por el fbi/mexicano 'federales' para ganar su cooperación en la prevención de una venta.

Así, hemos determinado que cualquier venta de la propiedad será difícil o imposible porque el fbi y sus amigos se consideran casi Mafia y personas temen cualquier contacto con nosotros o con la casa. Entiendo que los mexicanos cooperan con el fbi porque (los matones mexicanos en el gobierno) quieren robar la casa, con la esperanza de que le abandonemos la propiedad. El fbi y la policía en los Estados Unidos regularmente se apoderan de bienes de criminales a lo largo de los Estados Unidos, pero son necesarios algunos documentos de la corte. En México, al parecer los matones que tratan de robarnos de la propiedad con un similar, menos complicado sistema para apoderarse de propiedad abandonada. Uno de los agentes de bienes raíces que nos contactaron y que puso en un gran espectáculo de interés se revela ahora como un fraude y un ladrón como sigue: datos de la inmobiliaria intentaron nos obligan a firmar un contrato de servicios, sabiendo que los datos de la inmobiliaria no intentaría vender la casa y datos de la inmobiliaria eventualmente sería capaz de hacer una reclamación por Gran Comisión cuando la casa se convierte por medio de una conbersion (es decir, robo).

Cada vez que viajamos a México, el fbi y sus amigos nos siguen para asegurarse de que nadie nos contacte se conoce a los matones, para que después hagan sus habituales observaciones calumniosas contra nosotros en los esfuerzos para evitar cualquier venta.

Tenga en cuenta que el fbi interfiere igualmente con mis esfuerzos para comprar o vender , bienes raíces en cualquier lugar en los Estados Unidos.
Esta información es presentada para el registro.

Yo soy abogado en USA, Texas Bar # 18855625, y nunca en nuestra vida emos sido acusados mi esposa o mi persona (ni criminal, ni civil) contra mi y ella.

English: The fbi fraudulently prevents the sale of our property in Mexico
This report supplements my October, 2015, report regarding the harassment, slander, stalking and surveillance, assaults, etc., of me and my wife (hereinafter referred to as ‘we’’) in Mexico as we try to sell her house in Matamoros, Mexico. Here is the link to the report in English:

For the past decade we have tried to sell the like new house in a nice barrio located in Matamoros, Mexico. We learned over the years that some realtors are sent to make appointments for fictitious clients to see the property. Countless hours are spent as we travel to and from Mexico to show the house to phony buyers who often do not show up at the house.
Recently we learned that the fbi continues their 24/7 surveillance each time we (or either of us) enter Mexico. The fbi and their Mexican operatives (who operate under the authority of the federal police) contact any person who is interested and in order to dissuade them from offering to buy the house. The fbi/Mexican operative tells the prospective buyer that the house and the owner are under federal police investigation for crimes. The nature of the crimes is not disclosed to us by the security guard who provides the information regarding the interference with the attempts to sell the house. Neighbors in the area are also turned against us and some actually vandalize the property, or throw rocks, trash, dead animals, snakes, etc., into the front patio. Some neighbors drive buy and make obscene gestures at us for reasons unknown.
To our amazement some women contact my wife and pretend to be urgently interested and show elaborate efforts to question us about the house. Then, the Mexican female makes bogus appointments for us to meet with a notary public or a lawyer in order to make an offer. Such scenarios take a half a day or so and never are productive in the end as the prospective buyer abruptly stops contacts. Occasionally a male of female comes to the house by appointment to ask questions that obviously do not pertain to the property. The banker that we use may also have been contacted by the fbi/Mexican ‘federales’ in order to gain his cooperation in preventing a sale.
Thus, we have determined that any sale of the property will be difficult or impossible because the fbi and their friends are seen as quasi Mafia and people fear any contact with us, or with the house. I understand that the Mexicans cooperate with the fbi because they (the Mexican thugs in government) want to steal the house, hoping that we will abandone the property.The fbi and the police in the USA regularly seize assets of criminals throughout the USA, but some court documents are needed. In Mexico, apparently the thugs who seek to rob us of the property have a similar, less complicated system to seize abandoned property. One of the realtors who contacted us and who put on a big show of interest is now revealed as a fraud and a thief as follows: the realtor tried to force us to sign a contract for services, knowing that the realtor would not try to sell the house and the realtor would eventually be able to make a claim for big commission when the house is converted through a seizure (i.e. theft).
Each time we travel into Mexico, the fbi and their friends follow us to make sure that anyone we contact is known to the thugs, so that they may later make their usual slanderous remarks against us in efforts to prevent any sale.
Note that the fbi similarly interferes with my efforts to buy or sell realty anywhere in the USA.
This information is submitted for the record.  More >

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March 18, 2017

Our efforts (mine & my associates)reveal the macabre destiny of mankind, unless we prevail in the pursuit of a general enlightenment of the populace. In any event we are the unacknowledged legislators of the world by awakening in others a fundamental respect for humankind and by indicting the torturers and assassins of our era. The United States of America, by virtue of our work here, is now forever known as a BEAST (Brain EntrAinment State) , a country w/o conscience, a people w/o heart who are cursed with a national character predominantly w/o soul :



For Compelling Reports, See The One And Only
Official Site Of

Barbara Hartwell vs. CIA


This is the real fbi which uses the methods and incorporates the values of the notorious Mafia:


Sosbee reports from the field:
get your own fbi/cia terrorist badge at:
See cia data:

...and see my documentations of fbi/cia crimes at:

The greatest threat to mankind are the murderers and torturers of the fbi/cia. Sosbee comments:

Invade my country (or alienate me in it) I will invade yours;invade my *brain, all bets are off.
A slogan to be remembered:

The Few, the Proud, the Brain Entraining Fiends of the US Marines.

*Regarding Brain Entrainment,
[Note: The perennial search for peaceful solutions to the fbi/cia torture & killing spree globally is the paradox of my life under attack.]


"I suspect that all the crimes committed by all the jailed criminals do not equal in total social damage that of the crimes committed against them."
Karl Menninger, M.D.
The Crime Of Punishment
The Viking Press, NY, 1969

"The laws are like cobwebs: where the small flies are caught, and the great break through."
"...the individual cannot delegate the task of defending his basic human rights-to dignity,liberty, and responsibility-to any group of protectors,..." be they clergy, doctors, legislators, fbi, mafia, police, judges. "For if the protectors are successful, they inevitably become
O P P R E S S O R S..." who should be publicly categorized as


NOTE: The inmates, prisoners, and accused in custody around the world have redeeming qualities that should allow them their freedom in most cases; the fbi, police, all cops at every level, have no such redeeming characteristics; for they kill, stalk, lie, steal, falsify records and calumniate for a living (a profession) 24/7, for 20 to 30 years..


-------------------Caution: Adult Content:

See Robin Head's data:
Note that Robin refused to join in the illegal fbi sting against innocent persons:

Sosbee's Tribute To Our Brothers And Sisters Jailed Anywhere On Earth:

We all owe a debt to the millions of persons imprisoned by the corrupt criminal & civil justice systems worldwide, for THE IMPRISONED have surrendered their lives so that we may pompously pursue our demented imaginings on the progress of a failed civilization. See:
and see:
["You must contrive for your future Rulers another and a better life than that of a Ruler, and then you may have a well ordered State; for only in the State which offers this, will they rule who are truly rich, not in silver and gold, but in virtue and wisdom, which are the true blessings of life." Plato, The Republic.]

The united states of america is a government of torturers & traitors supported by cowards and fools who often can be heard echoing the sentiments of the torturers and assassins of the fbi/cia/pentagon against their victims as follows:"We have Little tolerance for losers and those constantly whining or needing attention."b>

June 6, 1944: The D ay that Enslaved the world.

This is my News Log.
All statements in this site are the opinion of Geral W. Sosbee, except where otherwise indicated.

All work authored by Geral Sosbee in this website and at is registered with United States Copyright Office, For a Work of the Performing Arts, # PAu 2-587-209, effective 10-10-2000, entitled "Intelligence", in accordance with title 17, United States Code. All Rights Reserved.

All logos and trademarks in this site are property of their respective owner. FAIR USE NOTICE: This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. I make such material available in efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. I believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to:
The entire content of this site is subject to international copyright. Unauthorized reproduction will be vigourously pursued to the full extent of the law.
I believe that the **war mongers and cutthroats must not be allowed to rule the world any longer; their methods fail.
"And so long as they were at war, their power was preserved, but when they had attained empire they fell, for of the arts of peace they knew nothing, and had never engaged in any employment higher than war." Aristotle, Politics
Rick Stanley
Constitutional Activist:
RE: psychotronic torture being used on sosbee and others NOW (2008):

Read: Inner Voice, Target Tracking,And Behavioral Influence Technologies
See Project Zombie :
[link] sosbee&rnum=2&hl=en&safe=active

[Consistent with the COPPA laws anyone under the age of 13 (thirteen ) in the United States is required to have their parent's permission before sending any information about oneself using this site. Also, anyone who sends an e-mail or other personal data to Geral W. Sosbee is affirming that he/she is 13 (thirteen ) years of age, or older, or has parental consent, and accepts responsibility for all representations made.]

*Also See Report This Site Dated and Entitled:
'Every child belongs to us': today's unsung fbi slogan
25 Jul 2007
_________Spread the word. Get your own FBI/CIA TERRORISTS badge

Regarding ELF assaults see:

[link] -----------------------------

___ As President Theodore Roosevelt said in his 1906 State of the Union address, "No man can take part in the torture of a human being without having his own moral nature permanently lowered." ______________________________________
ATHOUSANDWORDS-for students of physiognomy:
**The cowards of the United States government who engage in (or who permit or fail to stop) the mind control, psychoelectronic harassment/torture, and other so-called cover research human experimentation programs are the same individuals who share the responsibility for the fall of this country; I intend to share with all of the world, until my death, the tremendous fraud that the U.S. has become in its efforts to colonize the world by murderous and inhumane methodologies; in my work, my primary goal is to expose these low life perpetrators and misanthropes for what they are : assassins and torturers who should face an international war tribunal for their crimes against Humanity. Equally important in my life are the efforts to help others through education and friendship. I extend to my associates everywhere my sincere gratitude for your courage in striking the evil ones with your hearts and souls.
Compelling history is in the making by you & me.
Finally, the general lack of interest by the public at large regarding the ongoing torturing and killing of Targets by the fbi/cia (and their operatives) at home and abroad provides fertile ground for expanded inhumane assaults on mankind by these and other agencies ( as well as the lunatics in the private sector who also engage in the torture of selected Targets).
Finally, we must all begin to take the hoodlums of the fbi, cia, and other police agencies ( and their supporters in the general civilian population) MOST SERIOUSLY (if individual liberties are to be regained).

See 'murder in progress' , Brussell Sprout :

and See:

"Presbyterian Book Of Order
Challenge to Presbyterians of Conscience"

...and consider


"You must contrive for your future Rulers another and a better life than that of a Ruler, and then you may have a well ordered State; for only in the State which offers this, will they rule who are truly rich, not in silver and gold, but in virtue and wisdom, which are the true blessings of life." Plato, The Republic.

How To Stop The uSA Global Killing And Torture Spree:
The Formation Of The
(This means that the people must throw out the merchants of death in every government on earth):

SOSBEE's message to punks and cowards: U.S. Senate Sergeant at Arms (little mr. Gainer),Senators Grassley, Leahy, Cornyn and their criminal associates in Congress:
This soldier is moved by your sickness, but you are all in the rear and not on the front lines; so, you are viewed as cowards and traitors to those of us fighting the battles. Thus, I will not be able to help you when the people arrive on the scene.
To Congressional Traitors/Cowards From Einstein regarding the corrupt and fraudulent MDs in the decadent and homicidal practice of Psychiatry:
For more on the corrupt fbi see:



The fbi falsifies records and spreads fraudulent reports in both civil & criminal matters. See my medical clearances at


and an update in the documents below.

Note please that my former employer (fbi) has for two decades falsely reported my medical records in their smear campaign; I wanted the PUBLIC to have the correct info on me. Appropriate medical records, including *recent blood tests and medical exam are documented by letter dated December 14, 2012, and are available at:


Previous entries
  • Fbi assassins rising

  • 2016-10-23
  • USA under fascist & murderous rule

  • 2016-10-21
  • Fbi/police community are a threat to our people

  • 2016-10-20
  • Shame on Portland Indymedia (PI) for trashing my reports

  • 2016-10-19
  • Hallmarks of f b i

  • 2016-10-18
  • Fbi as human monster

  • 2016-10-17
  • Horror Story In USA
  • Fbi interferes with protocol of search engines

  • 2016-10-16
  • Sociopaths Among Us
  • A Prayer in Prose

  • 2016-10-15
  • Tru,p, Crooked Hillery ( CH ) and fbi / cia are all in a battle to control W H
  • News from Geral

  • 2016-10-13
  • Implied Threats of Arrest & Imprisonment/Death Hang Over This Target

  • 2016-10-10
  • Fbi Agents, Operatives and Friends Are Seriously Mentally Ill

  • 2016-10-07
  • Creation of Artificial Kidney Stone In Vivo By Skilled Criminals with M, M, O

  • 2016-10-04
  • ...And Then They Came For Me ............... fbi is today's Nazi Gestapo

  • 2016-10-03
  • Biography

  • 2016-10-02
  • Today's Police/fbi Traverse the Lines of Human Decency

  • 2016-09-30
  • Evidence that USA is run by criminals

  • 2016-09-27
  • USA's President Has Almost No Power Over fbi / cia Assassins

  • 2016-09-26
  • This is your country, your people, not mine

  • 2016-09-24
  • Counterintelligence Operations Against A Target Are Global

  • 2016-09-23

  • 2016-09-18
  • Homo homini lupus

  • 2016-09-17
  • Fbi illegal methods and criminal agenda exposed

  • 2016-09-16
  • Republication in different format: University of Texas/fbi joint crimes ag/ me

  • 2016-09-15
  • Faculty & Students Awaken
  • Wrap Up From SOSBEE
  • USA's fbi/MAFIA, a real life monster

  • 2016-09-11
  • An Eternal Fraud

  • 2016-09-09
  • Nazi criminals live today in fbi/ cia

  • 2016-09-07
  • My message to the US JUDICIARY

  • 2016-09-06
  • Our World & People Under Attack

  • 2016-09-04
  • Global Mandate To Stop fbi/cia from their  torture & kill programs

  • 2016-09-03
  • Macabre Crimes Committed By fbi, Tacitly Approved By Congress/SCOTUS

  • 2016-09-01

  • 2016-08-31
  • The Reach of

  • 2016-08-29
  • Update on evidence against DA, fbi, et al
  • Wicked men of the fbi

  • 2016-08-28
  • American dismissiveness in the face of its own crimes against humanity

  • 2016-08-27
  • Biographical Data on Geral Sosbee by Mr Cliff Huylebroeck
  • Macabre USA, (a repost)
  • Casual reading of an urgent nature

  • 2016-08-25
  • Police State sponsored by fbi sends clear message to Targets in one letter ( T )

  • 2016-08-24
  • Medical Clearances of GERAL SOSBEE

  • 2016-08-23
  • To fbi Director James B Comey

  • 2016-08-20
  • fbi corrupts our nation
  • My L I F E !

  • 2016-08-18
  • The sick mindset of USA's population

  • 2016-08-17
  • I document more crimes against me by fbi

  • 2016-08-16
  • Fbi hacks my OPM account
  • A Dim View

  • 2016-08-07
  • Fbi reveals its filthy mind, followed by biographical data on me

  • 2016-08-06
  • Fbi hoodlums and criminal sociopaths at work 24/7

  • 2016-08-04
  • Capitalism is Dead

  • 2016-08-01
  • Unversality of geral's documentaries

  • 2016-07-31
  • American Terrorists
  • Fbi, police, army intel, et al are often criminals

  • More ..

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  • Dreams (31)
  • Information (105)
  • Inspiration (65)
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