11 Jun 2015 @ 23:58
After 25 years of physical & psychological assaults on me by the fbi, including torture and discreet attempts on my life, the low thugs of the fbi, congress and the courts have revealed (by virtue of my documentations)their own macabre cultures and destructive/ inhumane agendas. My work and the efforts of others who also document atrocities committed by the USA against them, lives vibrantly now and far after I depart. Such realization in itself is heartening because I know that the assassins and filthy torturers of the fbi/cia yet hardly awaken to their own self imposed nightmare which previously was delivered to their selected victims.
Thank you kindly.
fbi/cia de-mystified & obsolescedSome individuals may be judged by the size and strength of their enemy and even though countless dozens of you (armed with your high tech killing toys) have over the past several years ceaselessly attacked and hounded me, I cannot claim to be judged by such a standard because you are mental dwarfs a…
sosbeevfbi.com · More >
10 Jun 2015 @ 18:31
Thoughts On Modern Police Action Against Our people
Crimes against humanity by the USA and its allies serve the elite, the ruling class and the murderous agenda of the offending nations. The kingdoms and monarchies of the world are among the most corrupt allies of the USA and some of them are listed here: UK, Thailand, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Spain, Norway, Denmark, Japan, Kuwait, Netherlands, Belgium, Bahrain, et al.
All local police authorities engage in crimes against the people every day, 24/7/365 in support of the federal global agenda of world inhumane domination. Most police leaders in the USA (and many from around the world) are trained by the professional killers, torturers and mass murderers of the fbi,cia,dod.
A *war crimes trial or a Nuremberg Trial cannot stop the ongoing crimes by corrupt regimes (such as the USA and its good buddies around the world) because the raison d’etre of such nations is to dominate earth and space forever and always for the benefit of the ruling class and to the detriment of the poor and the marginalized.
The daily abuses of people by the police and by the fbi are evidence that all local police at every level are a part of the killing machine sponsored and championed by the fbi,cia,dod. The millions of individuals imprisoned by the USA and allies are first and foremost victims of a economic and political paradigm which is out of balance with the fundamental values of human beings everywhere (such as those concepts enumerated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Declaration of Independence and the original unadulterated US Constitution).
The world’s police community, as represented for example in the fbi,cia,dod,mossad,mi6, etc., contribute very little to the furtherance and preservation of human values such as life, liberty and happiness because their job is to enforce illegitimate laws on behalf of the ruling elite by killing or imprisoning presumed violators. The net contribution of such police thugs is often a negative figure compared to the achievements, professional work and life’s accomplishments of those tortured, imprisoned and murdered by the police community. The killing of our people by the police community is always a violation of rights because such deadly action is not necessary. Alternate methods to subdue confused people are available, but ignored in favor of a public show of mayhem and atrocious action against the suspect.
Slamming people in cages is also cruel and inhumane, especially as other ways of helping people and society are always possible:
The so called criminal justice system (CJS) is a criminal enterprise orchestrated by the fbi et al.
Furthermore, the typical suspect, (i.e.: a person tortured, imprisoned or murdered by the police) in most instances has a far greater record of contributions to society than do those cops/fbi who seek to put him away or kill him. This dichotomy of opposing interests in itself demands reconciliation for the benefit of the human species: the often accused but well intentioned and hard working individual defender of human rights vs. the programmed police/fbi who are bent on killing and incarcerating. The resolution of violent and conflicting forces in society (the people vs the police community) is not likely today because the ultimate authority which has the imprimatur of the ruling class are the homicidal sociopaths in the fbi.
Thus, all the work, all the accomplishments, and all the contributions by a given Target (of the fbi/police inhumane agenda) are trashed by the lowest form of people in society: the thugs in blue and their associates and operatives in the fbi.
Thank you kindly. More >
8 Jun 2015 @ 19:14
The fbi and the police at all levels often engage in provocative assaults on our people and encourage a mob mentality in the fbi’s Counter intelligence (Cointel) operations which are sometimes intended to turn society against the political target. Social or public policy is thus sometimes formed by gangs of individuals (thugs) who, at the direction of the fbi, engage in an horrendous and violent vendetta against an innocent and unsuspecting Target.
In other words these are groups of “like-minded individuals coming together” thinking that they are righteous in committing crimes against a particular person, but actually act as though they are infected with a kind of violent and base virus. [“A mob mentality phenomenon has occurred throughout human history, whether witch burning, religious zealotry, political protests or reaction to perceived racial micro aggressions.”]
Violence as Virus:
The dangerous mobs in our culture consists of all police agencies, all citizenry who ‘get on board’ the harassment campaign, and all government agencies (tripartite) who seek to show support for the fbi. A kind of insane *public policy is thus forged as law by the very criminals whom the law seeks to hold accountable.
Insanity of fbi
Wrong deemed right:
Thus our society is often ruled by the most base instincts of man.
As I have shown In many of my reports the fbi gathers wide ranging public support for their torture and attempted murder efforts against their Targets, as though public policy requires a mob lynching without legal process. The fbi thus circumvents the law at will to cover up crimes actually committed by the fbi.
and does so with the implied assistance of the mass media:
See baseness in the hearts of men:
*Mark Twain perhaps captured this truth as he said,
" A crime preserved in a thousand centuries ceases to be a crime, and becomes a virtue. This is the law of custom, and custom supersedes all other forms of law."
CJS Is Too Corrupt & Inhumane To Reform:
In short the Fbi's murderous and cruel inhumanity shocks the conscience.
Below are some examples of the fbi’s unending crimes against this author.
Many offenses by the fbi against me are facilitated by a combination of corrupt and murderous fbi/police/judge who often commit or authorize crimes and attribute same to the political or ideological (and innocent ) Target.
The many so-called 'law enforcement officers' (more correctly known as low minded thugs in blue) from federal, state, and local agencies have personally threatened and harassed me in my face, as though to provoke a response. Some have actually come into my home on fictitious grounds to pretend that I am under investigation, knowing full well that the fbi commits crimes and plants my name at the scenes. Some cops pull me over to ticket me for alleged traffic offenses that they know I did not commit. Another cop boldly plants toxic fumes in my residence in a manner similar to the toxic fumes that an fbi operative used to send me to the doctor for an acute bronchitis attack.
At the University of Texas (UT) a group of cops engaged in a decade long harassment and threat and criminal assaults/battery program against me at the direction of the fbi; the provocative crimes staged by the UT police and the fbi continue to this day and are designed to ultimately arrest me. A kind of witch hunt continues by the university and its chancellor, president, deans, staff, cops,etc.
Witch hunt led by the witch (fbi):
My work to expose the criminals in government and society is, unlike the work of fbi assassins, designed and intended to save lives, not take them. The outrageous efforts of the US government with the full support of the courts and the congress to torture and to silence me is now a recorded fact as per my thousands of posts, reports, articles, law suit, affidavits, appeals etc., many of which are online. Some references to my reports are contained in the links shown below.
My testimony on the pure corruption of the fbi:
I have witnessed many of the crimes that I allege against the fbi:
Fbi and Boston police murder an innocent man (mode of operation):
fbi’s sweeping crime spree:
fbi as Gestapo:
Some crimes by fbi/police are jointly conducted by a corrupt and murderous fbi/police who often commit crimes and attribute same to the political or ideological (and inocent ) Target:
An unlawful CJS framed and forged by the fbi:
Sex crime by the fbi:
Harassment and murder of individuals by police and fbi in USA are recurring events:
A dictatorship via a fourth branch of government:
Criminal methods to control world:
The devastating effects of the illegal and traitorous activities of fbi/cia/police Cointel programs are profoundly embedded in the national psyche and are inherently and imperceptibly destructive of American rights and values.
So that today many Americans in their blind trust in and support for so-called leaders have become 1) insensitive to atrocities and 2) participants in or accessories to the many felonies committed in their name. Wars, assassinations, torture, all are ongoing today here as well as "over there". (See my affidavits 2007 and 2014 for specifics) .
Humanity at risk:
Save the human species:
Dilemma facing every man:
More examples of criminal offenses against this author:
A military intelligence officer files a fraudulent harassment complaint against me with the police who then issue a fraudulent BOLO (be on the lookout) against me, so that I am harassed and threatened every time I enter onto the campus.
A UT cop states to me in my face, “I may have to arrest you”. Another UT cop refuses to take my report of a crime against my person on campus; and in a separate instance the cop falsifies my report of another crime against my person. These intentional police offenses in violation of public integrity and in breach of duties are all dictated by the UT high level cops at the San Antonio, Texas, UTHSC and are fully documented in many of my reports and court case. Yet the harassment campaign against me also has another and equally sinister twist as described below.
The fbi follows along everywhere I go, spreading calumny and even asking street thugs and gang members to assault and provoke me here in the USA, in Mexico, Japan and Thailand. In the two links at the bottom of this report I summarize the many crimes committed against me and ongoing today by the fbi and for the past 25 years. Fbi operatives appear anonymously online in efforts to discredit my work. The people of the world surely do not agree that my reports of crimes against humanity committed by the cowardly dod,cia,fbi agents, police, operatives, soldiers, assets and street thugs, are imaginary , or are a 'joke.' See my report on alienation.
Human experimentee:
[link] More >
6 Jun 2015 @ 18:43
In many of my reports I have shown how the fbi gathers wide ranging support for their torture and attempted murder efforts against me. The many so-called 'law enforcement officers' (more correctly known as low minded thugs in blue) from federal, state, and local agencies have personally threatened and harassed me in my face, as though to provoke a response. Some have actually come into my home on fictitious grounds to pretend that I am under investigation, knowing full well that the fbi commits crimes and plants my name at the scenes. Some cops pull me over to ticket me for alleged traffic offenses that they know I did not commit. Another cop boldly plants toxic fumes in my residence in a manner similar to the toxic fumes that an fbi operative used to send me to the doctor for an acute bronchitis attack.
A military intelligence officer files a fraudulent harassment complaint against me with the police who then issue a fraudulent BOLO (be on the lookout) against me, so that I am harassed and threatened every time I enter onto the campus.
The fbi follows along everywhere I go, spreading calumny and even asking street thugs and gang members to assault and provoke me here in the USA, in Mexico, Japan and Thailand. In the two links at the bottom of this report I summarize the many crimes committed against me and ongoing today by the fbi and for the past 25 years. Today I receive a message from a military type who writes, "you are a joke." The people of the world surely do not agree that my reports of crimes against humanity committed by the cowardly dod,cia,fbi agents, operatives, soldiers, assets and street thugs, are a 'joke.' Indeed, my work unlike the work of assassins is designed and intended to save lives, not take them.The outrageous efforts of the US government with the full support of the courts and the congress to torture me is now a recorded fact as per my thousands of posts, reports, articles, law suit, affidavits, appeals etc., many of which are online. Some references to my reports are contained in the links shown below.
I fully understand how so many people and nations would consider the USA as the enemy of mankind.
Based on the tactics that I describe, the military and the fbi/cia are in many instances cowardly terrorists who drape themselves in the American flag and pretend to be patriots. They are not only NOT PATRIOTS; they are traitors attacking our own people when convenient and waging phony wars around the globe.
Thus, I conclude that the America that I knew is overthrown by a group of quasi Gestapo thugs in fbi/cia/dod and their police affiliates globally.
The people may need to study the uncomfortable facts and to realize that the United States of America is today run by the lowest form of (sub) humans ever to live on the planet and this nation is become the principle threat to mankind on the face of the earth today.
Thank you kindly.
US ARMY & fbi feloniously attack US combat veteran to cover up their atrocities.
World at risk :
If ever a demon appear incarnate on earth, we see its shadows by the atrocities committed by fbi,cia,dod.
The United States of America, a nation unworthy to defend, sends our best men into unjust wars and useless battles for a murderous & inhumane agenda:
Lowest common denominator rules USA:
I consider the US military and its defenders/supporters/apologists as the cause for most of the suffering and deaths in the world over the past 50 years. They are by definition professional killers, torturers and misanthropes who bring disaster wherever they go . Their small minds rule the world.
fbi crimes against me:
my affidavits:
[link] More >
6 Jun 2015 @ 12:44
Brian Mahoney sends a gratuitous *hate message to me as follows: "You are a joke".
I consider the US military and its defenders/supporters/apologists as the cause for most of the suffering and deaths in the world over the past 50 years. They are by definition professional killers, torturers and misanthropes who bring disaster wherever they go . Their small minds rule the world.
https://m.facebook.com/comment/replies/?ctoken=10152866828546232_10152866962616232&ft_ent_identifier=10152866828546232&gfid=AQBSTcn7QrHiFDgC&ref=m_notif¬if_t=share_reply&actorid=1592257926 More >
5 Jun 2015 @ 16:08
If ever a demon appear incarnate on earth, we see its shadows by the atrocities committed by fbi,cia,dod:
Below are links to some of my reports online wherein I show that the world and the people are in serious peril or hidden crisis due to unchecked and murderous operations, conflicts, wars, etc., by the USA’s fbi,cia,dod.
The examples of unconscionable crimes by the fbi against me offer an insight into the attitude that the overthrown government here has toward all human beings. Indeed, my reports of abuses of my person 24/7/365 by fbi operatives whom I refer to as sub humans-because their crimes reflect a complete loss or absence of a moral conscience- are a microcosm of the types of inhumane assaults ongoing now against others worldwide.
The reason that people should pay attention to my reports are as follows:
1) As the USA gains political and military power over the world by the use of deadly force, imprisonment, torture, etc., the USA will need to continue to employ the same type of atrocities in order to maintain and expand its powers.
2) Current crimes against humanity committed by the fbi,cia,dod around the world are similar to the ones that I describe in my reports of fbi/cia attacks on me; such crimes include: constant surveillance, uninterrupted for life, life threatening torture by chemicals, biological & viral agents, and by directed energy weaponry (DEW) also 24/7 for life, forced suicide while the victim is being monitored by the fbi,cia,dod, imprisonment (often within the victims’ own home or body), selective assassinations and mass murder, psychological operations where the government sociopaths watch the victim in order to find new ways to harass or provoke him. The types of such harassment include: destruction of his car repeatedly, tearing up his clothes in his home, discreet tampering with common objects in home and car, causing the victim to question his own sanity and other ‘gas lighting’ techniques which generally destroy the victim’s life in every respect.
3) Once the USA has gained complete control over human beings and over all nations, no opportunity may exist to stop the inhumanity because the USA also champions genetic manipulation and thus controls the destiny of the human species through advances in human genome research.
Below are the links to some of my reports (See also :
https://ttu.academia.edu/geralsosbee ).
Combat war vet smeared by fbi in vendetta (3 links)
war vet assaulted by fbi for service in defense of the USA:
war vet abused:
Collapse of constitutional government:
Truth about USA:
Evil nation USA:
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5 Jun 2015 @ 02:02
A new and evil country has been formed from the remnants of our beloved and benevolent United States of America. Many among us conform to the unlawful demands of the murderers in charge and others live in delusion that the USA is the same as before; after all the trappings of the former nation appear on the surface to be intact such as the courts, churches, law makers , press, etc. However on close Inspection, one discovers that the press is a fraud in support of the tyranny all around us, law makers are corrupt and controlled by the assassins & blackmailers in power, churches are social gatherings where thugs often mingle with hypocritical and delusional zealots and the courts hopelessly and cowardly have become instruments for the quasi Gestapo sociopaths who imprison, torture and kill dissidents . Oppression prevails amid a fearful, trembling culture.
One must awaken to reality and stop pretending that we live in the United States of America because we most certainly do not. Thank you.
See my report on fbi's gross and prolonged criminal abuse of this combat war vet who exposes unconscionable crimes committed by the fbi:
*http://la.indymedia.org/news/2015/05/268089.php More >
4 Jun 2015 @ 15:24
What does America really think of its war vets?
See my reports and ask who would serve in combat knowing that upon return home he would be treated as an experimental dog by the USA intelligence and police communities
which fraudulently label him a *murderer (and a possible mass murderer) for his service in combat for the United States of America.
fbi in a vendetta falsely labels whistleblower as a murderer/mass murderer for his combat duty on behalf of the United States of America:
The fraud that is the USA today:
Finally, the news media assists in the charade by pretending that such stories as mine don't exist:
[link] More >
4 Jun 2015 @ 00:52
The fbi,cia,dod commit crimes against humanity everyday, globally and lie to the people all the time. Domestic murders, torture, false imprisonment, forced suicide while the suffering is being monitored , psychological warfare, etc., exemplify the inhumanity and the barbarity of the USA which is controlled by fbi,cia 's own terrorists. My reports represent a microcosm of the unconscionable assaults on our brothers and sisters globally. One must open eyes and listen with heart to the cries of mankind under unprecedented & heinous attack by USA.
This post us not a pleading, for no man begs another to be nice and allow one to live.
Thank you kindly and good night. Bedtime reading:
A witch hunt society led by the witch (fbi):
USA ruled by the lowest common denominator:
Police and fbi deadly MO nationally:
[link] More >
2 Jun 2015 @ 23:50
Fbi/police abuses and killings of innocent individuals is a recurring event and reveals in the details of each deadly assault both the disturbing mentality of police/fbi and their usual mode of operation in such unconscionable criminal offenses. The most recent murder by fbi and a Boston cop moves me to write the following report on this topic:
fbi/Boston cop murder an innocent man
*Boston police and fbi kill an innocent man today who was under surveillance and was harassed like me 24/7 for extended periods of time. In my case 25 years of illegal and constant surveillance/harassment, torture and attempts on my life are followed by outrageous and false comments by fbi operatives that I am a murderer and a possible mass murderer and terrorist .
Then, two dangerous high level cops (Knipfing & Rodriguez) come to my home under fraudulent pretense to "talk to me", as occurred in the above referenced incident. I did not want to talk to the two foolish and homicidal cops , and similarly the murdered suspect mentioned above did not want to talk to the fbi and Boston cop. So, they murdered the man and claimed he is a terrorist. See my reports and links to my affidavits here:
Then see my report here that the fbi and police across the nation are homicidal sociopaths who are on a killing spree that expands unquestioned right in our face, and understand that every man may be confronted at some time in his life with such violent police/fbi thuggery and that every man may be faced with an inevitable dilemma :
Also, see my papers here for additional evidence of the complete corruption of the fbi, police,cjs, etc.:
*Below is the summary of the killing today of an alleged terrorist by fbi & Boston police assassins:
"ROSLINDALE, Mass. (WHDH) -A man under surveillance by the FBI and Joint Terrorism Task Force was shot and killed Tuesday morning in Roslindale after Boston Police and an FBI agent fired at the suspect.
According to Boston Police, the male suspect, identified as 26-year-old Usaama Rahim of Roslindale, was wielding a military-style knife and went after an officer around 7 a.m. Tuesday. " More >
2 Jun 2015 @ 11:14
My work as suggested online is to remove the fbi from our society by confronting them and their criminal agents,operatives, informants and supporters with the truth of their *insanity; at the same time I attempt to teach the public the subject of police/fbi murderous corruption.
See my site at http:// www.sosbeevfbi.com and other data on line to verify these comments.
"Geral Sosbee | Federal Bureau of Investigation | ZoomInfo.com
Attorney (Inactive), Teacher at Federal Bureau of… ·Washington Dc, District of Columbia
Mobile-friendly · View Geral Sosbee's business profile as Attorney (Inactive), Teacher at Federal Bureau of Investigation and see work history, …"
Fbi corruption of cjs, etc.:
Lowest common denominator rules
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1 Jun 2015 @ 02:41
I wrote the following 4 reports because the cjs and the cjis are run by serial killers, mass murderers and pathological liars in the fbi & cia; all inmates therefore deserve a new presumption of innocence
1) All prisoners are innocent:
2) A new perspective:
3) fbi As Criminal Sovereignty:
4)fbi creates an illegal quasi cjs using corrupt judges :
Additional evidence of fbi's crimes in 2 reports:
Fbi illegal efforts to silence ex fbi agent (counter intelligence specialist) by committing crimes and trying desperately to attribute same to their Target, Geral Sosbee, even as the fbi tortures and tries to kill him.
1) Fbi commits Sex crime:
2) Looking in the mirror may be useful for those persons enjoying fbi witch hunts and buying fraudulent criminal stings & perjurious testimony by fbi agents and operatives against innocent political Targets:
About me:
31 May 2015 @ 18:32
This report suggests in its links how the general population assists the fbi,cia,dod in mass murder, selective assassinations, torture and widespread inhumane assaults on people globally. The purpose of the report is to hold a mirror up for all to see the evil that is USA society and the threats implied therein against the good people of the world. A few rotten or putrid fruits infect the basket.
In the reports below (perhaps between the lines and amidst the images conjured up therein) the reader may discover as though looking at a mirror some elements of his (her) own perversions and criminality; for all who participated in any way in the fbi’s illegal vendetta against me are guilty as accessories to torture, attempted murder, and myriad other crimes that I have outlined for the past quarter of a century. In “My Story In Detail” the reader may even find his name and a description of the offenses committed; in most cases the thugs who assault me, including doctors in all fields, are not named because the libel laws protect them from responsibility for their heinous and cowardly assaults on me and my property. In two instance the doctors actually threatened me with legal action for reporting their torture of my person.
So, after reading this material the reader is invited to study the details in My Story which provide specific instances of crimes referenced herein; also one can see my Writ to the SCOTUS and my pleadings to the congress in efforts to stop the fbi’s crime spree against me and many others which continue uninterrupted to date. Note that any operative, informant, associate, or citizen who engages in the crimes that I describe are, notwithstanding their official US government or private employment status ( or Mafia type background) are directly identified as acting on behalf of the fbi, or its cjs and cjis; and in actuality these unkind folks are the Cesspool that I describe in one of my reports.
Lowest common denominator rules USA
Crimes and coverups by USPI and Texas DPS:
Crimes committed by police, fbi, and the general public as accessories as suggested in my affidavits 2007 and 2014.
People beware:
Presently, the Texas legislators and governor pass an open carry firearms law which Imperils all because most who seek to kill others (with firearms and permits or invitations to be armed in public) are affiliated with 'police state' enforcers and the sociopathic murderers inside the police & the fbi.
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30 May 2015 @ 20:14
A patriot is never afraid to aggressively expose his government as murderous and overthrown, but is always saddened to do so.
All Americans who knowingly aid or condone the stealth coup of USA, or who otherwise ignore their duty as citizens to object to the overthrow of the government by the intelligence, police and military communities are cowardly traitors who benefit from the fascist state that seeks world inhumane domination at any cost.
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30 May 2015 @ 05:22
When government attacks a person with the intent to *publicly destroy & alienate him, and when such unscrupulous machinations succeed, the real loss is found not only in the suffering of the victim ( by loss of friends & kin) , but also in the collective conscience of the culture that fosters such unkind deeds. For they lose good will and the unique human capacity to feel.
"Alienation is the process whereby people become foreign to the world they are living in."
In the material world where position and financial status are most valued, the loss of associations may in some instances be a death sentence; and this fact coupled with government efforts to torture and force a final exit on the victim ( i. e.,Target) are tantamount to premeditated murder. See my suggestion on how the people of a nation could deal with the abominations of wholesale abandonment of human decency that evolves into crime disguised as public policy such as we see committed regularly by fbi/cia. As for the victim, he and she must discover that alienation is the door to liberty and to a new universe of self discovery.
More Information :
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10201009869720400&id=1576880190 More >
28 May 2015 @ 18:37
The quality of something is poor because it is designed or intended to appeal to the largest possible number of people
This report presents evidence that the United States of America (USA) is controlled by the lowest form of human beings who represent in a sense the lowest common denominator of the national intellect and whose machinations are designed to appeal mainly to the ruling elite and by guile to the masses.
In other words those who run the U S government and who seek to rule the world in the name of the New World Order are the simplest group in our population. They have the simplest opinions, the simplest views and the simplest lifestyles; because these government employees and operatives do not think as much as you and I, they tend to be more naive and more gullible to gut feelings, and to the ingrained culture and social laws that are around them than others who are more adept, more intellectual and infinitely more visionary. (Urbandictionarydotcom) I sometimes refer to such individuals as mental dwarfs because they are incapable of grand thought on a universal scale.
As suggested below, many of such small minds are engaged (on behalf of their superiors) in heinous crimes, including torture, forced suicide while being monitored, assassinations and mass murder. Many of their victims such as this author, actually served in battle and on the streets to defend the USA. The realization that very small minds rule the nation through their employment in administrative agencies and departments led me to explain the causes for the collapse of the government here. (See: collapse-of-the-constitutional-government-of-the-united-states-of-america-by-geral-sosbee). I also explained that such low minded hoodlums in the USA’s intelligence communities (intel) are in their global crime spree responsible for the 911 attack on the USA for two basic reasons:
1) The world’s people do not accept USA’s perpetual wars, killings, imprisoning, torturing, etc
2) The USA intel community is incompetent in part because such government thugs as described below are obsessed with silencing the voice of liberty whose best spokesmen are often whistleblowers against government atrocities.
See my report on “sosbeevfbi.com/911caneasilyrevi” on my site.
Another tragedy associated with being ruled by fools is that corporations exploit for profit the programs which send our young men and women off to fight unjust wars and useless battles, only to come home mangled, in body bags, or off balance as a result of their gruesome experiences. See my reports:
“opednews /populum/pagem.php?f=US-Army-Lies-To-Our-Young-by-GERAL-SOSBEE”
In the same reports (which the US Postal Inspector used to threaten to arrest me) I describe how the US Army Lies To Our Young men on ‘Behalf of FBI/CIA Assassins’; they in the intel community find ways to fraudulently create wars abroad while similarly creating ‘criminals’ at home. Such ‘intel’ we can do without. Thus I write that the lowest common denominator is at work in our nation killing our best and enriching our worst.
Here is a summary of the small minds of intel attacking me in every conceivable way, short of killing me by firearms:
The USA’s military intelligence, chancellor and top officials of the University of Texas, police thugs from federal, state, and local departments all conspire with the fbi to provoke, harass and threaten me. See parts 19, a,b,c, of “My Story In Detail” and see also my two affidavits dated 2007 and 2014.
Notice also that the UT police generate a fraudulent BOLO (be on the lookout) against me so that all library employees and all campus police harass me every time I enter the library. The chief of police refuses my request for an internal affairs investigation because he knows that his top officers committed crimes against my person.
As the fbi has grown weary of my thousands of reports online, they send their best spokesmen (from the same common denominator) to attempt to discredit both me and my articles. See two examples of how the fbi operatives, using different aliases, come on line and falsely call me a murderer for my service to the USA; and notice the insane additional name calling by the fbi operative as he libelously labors to show the public that the fbi considers this veteran, ex-fbi agent in counter intelligence, doctor of jurisprudence, teacher, lawyer, activist, as a possible ‘mass’ murderer.
The US Army should be outraged that the fools in the fbi are accusing a US combat veteran of being a murderer for his service to the country. Instead, the Army helps the fbi to shut me down.
1)Note that the fbi operative shown below proclaims:
Hypocrite 25.Feb.2014 08:05
Monique Abu-Jamal
“You brag about being a murderer in Viet Nam, then complain about imagined torture by some evil fbi folks on people elsewhere. You are a fucking hypocrite and as loony as Daffy Duck without the cuteness. “
2)Here the fbi operative does his very best to label me as a mass murderer even as the same fbi operative engages in torture of my person by DEW 24/7/365.
The most incompetent government agencies in the world 26.Feb.2013 13:30
paint me doubtful
“Millions upon millions of dollars and man hours wasted watching this imbecile and no results. What in the world justifies spending so much time and money watching this goober? They must think that he is planning an act of terrorism, or maybe he is getting ready to shoot up a school or theater. I think it is time to find out what the fbi knows about geral, and why he is such a danger to the public. He is obviously mentally incompetent, so maybe, just maybe another mass murder will be prevented by this surveillance.”
Many other examples of low, demented assaults by the fbi against me are set forth in My Story for anyone who seeks to know the truth about this sorry, God forsaken nation.
So, ‘be not coy, but use your time’ and make a vote for competent leadership in the USA by removing the congress, the courts and the miscreants in the executive & administrative branches and agencies from their dens of evil and iniquity. Vote for high level leaders whose vision might reverse the deadly course we are presently on globally.
A War Crimes Trial Is Needed:
Thank you kindly, geral
28 May 2015 @ 02:01
Economy of words abundance of meaning :
One veteran against the murderous, traitorous government of the United States of America.
[link] More >
27 May 2015 @ 17:48
The devastating effects of the illegal and traitorous activities of fbi/cia Cointel chiefs such as Ted Gunderson (Gun), Al Smith, James Brien Comey, et al, are profoundly embedded in the national psyche and are inherently and imperceptibly destructive of American rights and values .
So that today many Americans in their blind trust in and support for so-called leaders have become 1) insensitive to atrocities and 2) participants in or *accessories to the many felonies committed in their name.
Wars, assassinations, torture all are ongoing today here as well as "over there". (See my affidavits 2007 and 2014 for specifics) .
Gun and his defenders hide the truth from the public because an enlightened people cannot tolerate a murderous, inhumane government which will stop at nothing to achieve its **outrageous objectives. A righteous domestic uprising will certainly be met with mass murders and incarceration by USA gens d'armes and Cointel operatives.
Thus the people are metaphorically hog tied by the homicidal psychopaths who dictate national policy and who by guile and trickery have the confidence of the general population.
*USA crimes against humanity:
See my reports that indict the government of the United States of America and all who support or serve as accessories to USA's crimes against humanity."
"The stakes were high then in Nazi Germany and today are even higher: the total subjugation of mankind, the manipulation of the destiny of the human species, the permanent control of and power over earth and space, and the permanent removal of any competing agenda or political/religious/original dogma." More >
26 May 2015 @ 03:05
I charge the United States of America (USA), including the fbi, their associates, operatives, and some members of the general population
with crimes against humanity which include the following acts:
A) torture, forced suicide (or attempts at same),
murder;imprisonment (including in one's own body) enforced sterilization, or any other form of sexual violence; DEW assaults.
B)other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering or serious bodily or mental injury such as I describe in 'My Story In Detail' in twenty parts at SOSBEE vs. fbi dot com and in my hundreds of posts online.
For specific examples of the USA high crimes referenced herein see my reports on line and the daily news reports of police and fbi murders and false imprisonments and dod's atrocities around the globe.
To more fully comprehend horror of the macabre and murderous government of the USA (as spearheaded by fbi,cia, dod, nsa, police) see my documentations, court filings , affidavits and papers.
Then, ask this question of yourself:
Do I support the regime that calls itself the USA?
If you answers 'yes', then you are de facto guilty of similar felonious offenses either as a supporter of or as an accessory to the unconscionable crimes that I and many others labor in excruciating pain and suffering to report.
My work to inform the world of the insidious nature of USA 's atrocities is punctuated with your response to this message which is directed globally to every living human being.
See Also :
Fbi fraudulently brings all cops down on me:
insanity of fbi:
[link] More >
26 May 2015 @ 00:13
Memorial Day A Sham And A Distraction From
USA ' s Crimes Against Humanity, As Spearheaded Globally By fbi,cia, dod, nsa, congress,scotus, etc.
Global Police State:
Civilization In Crisis:
[link] More >
24 May 2015 @ 03:53
Hitler’s Mengele made the statement (shown below) which is now also the implied predication by the fbi,cia,nsa,dod to me and to many others globally. The stakes were high then in Nazi Germany and today are even higher: the total subjugation of mankind, the manipulation of the destiny of the human species, the permanent control of and power over earth and space, and the permanent removal of any competing agenda or political/religious/original dogma.
The fbi is to the United States of America the same subhuman force that the Gestapo was to Nazi Germany. Gestapo, aka, Geheime Staatspolizei, "Secret State Police" was the official secret police of Nazi Germany and German-occupied Europe.
The fbi and the cia now secretly occupy the USA and seek to control the world through inhumane murderous *methods and, as they are maniacal serial killers, torturers and mass murderers, they must be **put out of business.
More papers on topic on behalf of Everyman of conscience who yet has good will toward fellow man, even as the United States of America programs the world’s population to be brutal and homicidal toward one another:
Fbi/USA crimes against humanity viewed by the mind controlled and often insane public as virtuous:
Many crimes in the USA are actually provoked, caused, or committed by *fbi,cia,police,uspi,, dps,nsa,prosecutors,etc , and are encouraged & covered up by **US CONGRESS and SCOTUS. See the following links if one be interested:
Fraudulent investigation and assaults against me by multiple foolish and dangerous cops:
*Good men hounded and provoked by mad men:
In honor of all so - called outlaws who are currently tortured, imprisoned, murdered by cops/fbi: You are ironically among the few who understand the injustices and the evil of our times.
** Congress & SCOTUS:
The SCOTUS has become the primary tool of the intelligence and police communities to corrupt all laws as needed, to authorize murderous actions by the enforcers of the police state USA, and to set itself up and overlord supreme on earth and in space.
Personal Note:
While I was being tortured by the hounds from hell in the fbi, I managed with great difficulty and pain to climb the stairs to the SCOTUS, to present my case to the little ‘justices’ there, and to survive attempts on my life and sanity all the while. The SCOTUS, therefore, can never be forgiven for its role in the Gestapo type society which is forged here by the fbi; and the statement by Mengele (quoted above) is attributable to SCOTUS equally as it is attributable to the fbi/cia/police/nsa/dod, etc. See Also: My Story In Detail in twenty parts: [link]
The following Indymedia blocks publication of this post:
https://linksunten.indymedia.org/en/node/144249 More >
23 May 2015 @ 23:09
As the *darkness is forced on the world by the assassins of the United States of America (fbi, cia,nsa,dod) all men must realize that this is an historic moment in civilization and that **surrender to evil is not an option.
[link] More >
23 May 2015 @ 19:54
Wherever and whoever are identified as cowardly, traitorous, corrupt cops and fbi, they must be held accountable for their continuing crimes. They must be
prosecuted, imprisoned or put to death in accordance with law for their crimes against humanity. Such persons are associated with or directed by fbi thugs:
[link] More >
21 May 2015 @ 19:08
Many crimes in the USA are actually provoked, caused, or committed by *fbi,cia,police,uspi,, dps,nsa,prosecutors,etc , and are encouraged & covered up by **US CONGRESS and SCOTUS. See the following links if one be interested :
Fraudulent investigation:
Papers on topic:
*Good men hounded and provoked by mad men :
In honor of all so - called outlaws who are currently tortured, imprisoned, murdered by cops/fbi:
USA is a criminal regime supported by lunatics in the public sector and commits crimes which are often insanely viewed as virtuous:
[link] More >
19 May 2015 @ 23:15
My High School Years, my L I F E (learning, Involvement, friendship, excitement).
SOSBEE, GEARL WAYNE. August 30, 1945, Carlsbad, New Mexico. Social Studies, English, Mathematics. Staff Sergeant, 2 Orange Ribbons, 18 Service Ribbons, 2 White Ribbons, 2 Honor Wreaths, Little Theater, Projectionists Club, Junior Achievers, Advertising Manager, Cursus Honorum, Science Club, Band, Orchestra, Musicals, Solo Contest, First Division Winner.
Woodrow Wilson High School - Crusader Yearbook (Dallas, TX) online yearbook collection, 1963 Edition, Page 226
My adventures continue 53 years later (to date) and with the same enduring themes:
Learning, Involvement, Friendship, Excitement.
NOVEMBER 10, 2015
To all my former associates at WW High School, I wish you well and I will always cherish my memories of those wondrous years, even though one in our numbers now joins in cowardly service with the lowest form of human being ever to live on God's green earth. I miss all of the WWW classmates and I trust that many of you will be as disappointed as I that one (or more) of our class is at this late stage in life an accessory to high crimes by fbi against me and many others globally .
18 May 2015 @ 04:26
Memorial Day & "Enemy of the State" (?)
Memorial Day organizers and veterans groups prevent the publication of this veteran's report as shown below; by so blocking my notice the moderators, acting as government censors of free speech, exemplify the corruption that I expose in my writings. Here is my report:
USA, a nation unworthy to defend
See how the USA is viewed by those who actually risk life & sanity to defend it
Understand if one may that most Americans who utter the words below (excerpts from the pledge of allegiance and the star spangled banner), including members of congress, courts, military and civilians are liars, hypocrites, cowards, traitors and sometimes sociopathic killers who in truth often attack many of us who actually provide meaning to such words by our real service on foreign battlefields; then upon our return home we discover that a police state grips the nation and is forged in our absence and ironically through our service to this country which is now an overthrown regime run by torturers and murderers of the intelligence & police communities:
"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
O say can you see by the dawn's early light,What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming...."
For these reasons I write that God has nothing to do with the USA and the word 'dawn' is actually a horrid and foreboding *twilight that brings a darkness over this diabolic nation.
USA is a disgraceful country, unworthy to defend, and whose people torture, threaten and often kill our very own combat veterans:
Post Script:
When tyranny becomes law as exists today , resistance becomes one's duty, especially in the face of murderous custom that I illuminate.
The crimes committed by the fbi/cia/police preserved in a hundred years cease to be crimes and become viewed as virtuous.This is the law of custom which supersedes all other forms of law. (Mark Twain).
Anyone who exposes such absurd custom is deemed by government to be unbalanced and a threat to the ruling criminal regime . More >
16 May 2015 @ 17:10
The violence & indignities forced upon sane men by mad ones are the primary source of suffering and conflict in the world.
Top secret: fbi,cia treason and atrocities [link]
16 May 2015 @ 06:26
Unforgiveable & unforgettable crimes by fbi/cia
Introduction :
Fbi/cia covert & murderous crimes against humanity are under serious scrutiny globally, partly by virtue of my documentations. Thanks to all who investigate and disclose fbi/cia/dod high crimes.
The fbi's extreme and apparently extended for life intentional infliction of mental & physical trauma on this and many other Targets of the fbi/cia's inhumane and felonious covert/murderous operations, as I have documented for 25 years, are assaults on and are not to be forgotten by all mankind because the evil inherent in such crimes is of universal significance and remains in the collective psyche of human beings of good will forever.
The disturbed personalities whom I describe in most of my articles and papers compound their sins (associated with the unconscionable attacks) by enjoying and profiting from the suffering that they impose; such subhumans with heartless psychopathology in their souls are the hallmarks of the twisted and sick fbi/cia and are noted by all who endure USA ' s abhorrent murders, imprisonment, and torture operations globally.
I am furthermore undeterred in my work, even as legions of insane cops descend around and threaten me.
Finally, the fbi has a slight problem with their attacks on me: many people are watching as I outline the fbi's crimes; many fbi and other government agents (including active and retired fbi/cia) eagerly tune in to my reports as though they too will benefit from any fbi success. For such human monsters, I have a message :
Thank you.
https://ttu.academia.edu/geralsosbee More >
14 May 2015 @ 02:58
To the fbi, their operatives and those under their influence:
No weapon, no sharp wicked tongue shall silence me, nor prevail against me.
13 May 2015 @ 16:02
I have proven over the past 15 years that the fbi,cia,dod, police, et al (& with the full complicity and assistance of congress & the courts) secretly torture, force suicide and murder our people via chemical, biological, viral and DEW assaults (as well as false imprisonment of large numbers of innocent persons), inter alia; therefore, the representatives and employees of the US government, individually and severally in all branches & departments are by their role in such atrocities best described as cowardly, creepy assassins, though most pretend to be perfect examples of morality/leadership for the people. [link] More >
<< Newer entries Page: 1 ... 15 16 17 18 19 ... 35 Older entries >> |
March 18, 2017
Our efforts (mine & my associates)reveal the macabre destiny of mankind, unless we prevail in the pursuit of a general enlightenment of the populace. In any event we are the unacknowledged legislators of the world by awakening in others a fundamental respect for humankind and by indicting the torturers and assassins of our era. The United States of America, by virtue of our work here, is now forever known as a BEAST (Brain EntrAinment State) , a country w/o conscience, a people w/o heart who are cursed with a national character predominantly w/o soul :
For Compelling Reports, See The One And Only
Official Site Of
Barbara Hartwell vs. CIA
This is the real fbi which uses the methods and incorporates the values of the notorious Mafia:
Sosbee reports from the field:
get your own fbi/cia terrorist badge at:
See cia data:
...and see my documentations of fbi/cia crimes at:
The greatest threat to mankind are the murderers and torturers of the fbi/cia. Sosbee comments:
Invade my country (or alienate me in it) I will invade yours;invade my *brain, all bets are off.
A slogan to be remembered:
The Few, the Proud, the Brain Entraining Fiends of the US Marines.
*Regarding Brain Entrainment,
[Note: The perennial search for peaceful solutions to the fbi/cia torture & killing spree globally is the paradox of my life under attack.]
"I suspect that all the crimes committed by all the jailed criminals do not equal in total social damage that of the crimes committed against them."
Karl Menninger, M.D.
The Crime Of Punishment
The Viking Press, NY, 1969
"The laws are like cobwebs: where the small flies are caught, and the great break through."
"...the individual cannot delegate the task of defending his basic human rights-to dignity,liberty, and responsibility-to any group of protectors,..." be they clergy, doctors, legislators, fbi, mafia, police, judges. "For if the protectors are successful, they inevitably become
O P P R E S S O R S..." who should be publicly categorized as
NOTE: The inmates, prisoners, and accused in custody around the world have redeeming qualities that should allow them their freedom in most cases; the fbi, police, all cops at every level, have no such redeeming characteristics; for they kill, stalk, lie, steal, falsify records and calumniate for a living (a profession) 24/7, for 20 to 30 years..
-------------------Caution: Adult Content:
See Robin Head's data:
Note that Robin refused to join in the illegal fbi sting against innocent persons:
Sosbee's Tribute To Our Brothers And Sisters Jailed Anywhere On Earth:
We all owe a debt to the millions of persons imprisoned by the corrupt criminal & civil justice systems worldwide, for THE IMPRISONED have surrendered their lives so that we may pompously pursue our demented imaginings on the progress of a failed civilization. See:
and see:
["You must contrive for your future Rulers another and a better life than that of a Ruler, and then you may have a well ordered State; for only in the State which offers this, will they rule who are truly rich, not in silver and gold, but in virtue and wisdom, which are the true blessings of life." Plato, The Republic.]
The united states of america is a government of torturers & traitors supported by cowards and fools who often can be heard echoing the sentiments of the torturers and assassins of the fbi/cia/pentagon against their victims as follows:"We have Little tolerance for losers and those constantly whining or needing attention."b>
June 6, 1944: The D ay that Enslaved the world.
This is my News Log.
All statements in this site are the opinion of Geral W. Sosbee, except where otherwise indicated.
All work authored by Geral Sosbee in this website and at www.sosbeevfbi.com is registered with United States Copyright Office, For a Work of the Performing Arts, # PAu 2-587-209, effective 10-10-2000, entitled "Intelligence", in accordance with title 17, United States Code. All Rights Reserved.
All logos and trademarks in this site are property of their respective owner. FAIR USE NOTICE: This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. I make such material available in efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. I believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml
The entire content of this site is subject to international copyright. Unauthorized reproduction will be vigourously pursued to the full extent of the law.
I believe that the **war mongers and cutthroats must not be allowed to rule the world any longer; their methods fail.
"And so long as they were at war, their power was preserved, but when they had attained empire they fell, for of the arts of peace they knew nothing, and had never engaged in any employment higher than war." Aristotle, Politics
Rick Stanley
Constitutional Activist:
RE: psychotronic torture being used on sosbee and others NOW (2008):
Read: Inner Voice, Target Tracking,And Behavioral Influence Technologies
See Project Zombie :
[link] sosbee&rnum=2&hl=en&safe=active
[Consistent with the COPPA laws anyone under the age of 13 (thirteen ) in the United States is required to have their parent's permission before sending any information about oneself using this site. Also, anyone who sends an e-mail or other personal data to Geral W. Sosbee is affirming that he/she is 13 (thirteen ) years of age, or older, or has parental consent, and accepts responsibility for all representations made.]
*Also See Report This Site Dated and Entitled:
'Every child belongs to us': today's unsung fbi slogan
25 Jul 2007
_________Spread the word. Get your own FBI/CIA TERRORISTS badge
Regarding ELF assaults see:
[link] -----------------------------
___ As President Theodore Roosevelt said in his 1906 State of the Union address, "No man can take part in the torture of a human being without having his own moral nature permanently lowered." ______________________________________
ATHOUSANDWORDS-for students of physiognomy:
**The cowards of the United States government who engage in (or who permit or fail to stop) the mind control, psychoelectronic harassment/torture, and other so-called cover research human experimentation programs are the same individuals who share the responsibility for the fall of this country; I intend to share with all of the world, until my death, the tremendous fraud that the U.S. has become in its efforts to colonize the world by murderous and inhumane methodologies; in my work, my primary goal is to expose these low life perpetrators and misanthropes for what they are : assassins and torturers who should face an international war tribunal for their crimes against Humanity. Equally important in my life are the efforts to help others through education and friendship. I extend to my associates everywhere my sincere gratitude for your courage in striking the evil ones with your hearts and souls.
Compelling history is in the making by you & me.
Finally, the general lack of interest by the public at large regarding the ongoing torturing and killing of Targets by the fbi/cia (and their operatives) at home and abroad provides fertile ground for expanded inhumane assaults on mankind by these and other agencies ( as well as the lunatics in the private sector who also engage in the torture of selected Targets).
Finally, we must all begin to take the hoodlums of the fbi, cia, and other police agencies ( and their supporters in the general civilian population) MOST SERIOUSLY (if individual liberties are to be regained).
See 'murder in progress' , Brussell Sprout :
and See:
"Presbyterian Book Of Order
Challenge to Presbyterians of Conscience"
...and consider
"You must contrive for your future Rulers another and a better life than that of a Ruler, and then you may have a well ordered State; for only in the State which offers this, will they rule who are truly rich, not in silver and gold, but in virtue and wisdom, which are the true blessings of life." Plato, The Republic.
How To Stop The uSA Global Killing And Torture Spree:
The Formation Of The
(This means that the people must throw out the merchants of death in every government on earth):
SOSBEE's message to punks and cowards: U.S. Senate Sergeant at Arms (little mr. Gainer),Senators Grassley, Leahy, Cornyn and their criminal associates in Congress:
This soldier is moved by your sickness, but you are all in the rear and not on the front lines; so, you are viewed as cowards and traitors to those of us fighting the battles. Thus, I will not be able to help you when the people arrive on the scene.
To Congressional Traitors/Cowards From Einstein regarding the corrupt and fraudulent MDs in the decadent and homicidal practice of Psychiatry:
For more on the corrupt fbi see:
The fbi falsifies records and spreads fraudulent reports in both civil & criminal matters. See my medical clearances at
and an update in the documents below.
Note please that my former employer (fbi) has for two decades falsely reported my medical records in their smear campaign; I wanted the PUBLIC to have the correct info on me. Appropriate medical records, including *recent blood tests and medical exam are documented by letter dated December 14, 2012, and are available at:
Previous entries
Fbi assassins rising
USA under fascist & murderous rule
Fbi/police community are a threat to our people
Shame on Portland Indymedia (PI) for trashing my reports
Hallmarks of f b i
Fbi as human monster
Horror Story In USA
Fbi interferes with protocol of search engines
Sociopaths Among Us
A Prayer in Prose
Tru,p, Crooked Hillery ( CH ) and fbi / cia are all in a battle to control W H
News from Geral
Implied Threats of Arrest & Imprisonment/Death Hang Over This Target
Fbi Agents, Operatives and Friends Are Seriously Mentally Ill
Creation of Artificial Kidney Stone In Vivo By Skilled Criminals with M, M, O
...And Then They Came For Me ............... fbi is today's Nazi Gestapo
Today's Police/fbi Traverse the Lines of Human Decency
Evidence that USA is run by criminals
USA's President Has Almost No Power Over fbi / cia Assassins
This is your country, your people, not mine
Counterintelligence Operations Against A Target Are Global
Homo homini lupus
Fbi illegal methods and criminal agenda exposed
Republication in different format: University of Texas/fbi joint crimes ag/ me
Faculty & Students Awaken
Wrap Up From SOSBEE
USA's fbi/MAFIA, a real life monster
An Eternal Fraud
Nazi criminals live today in fbi/ cia
My message to the US JUDICIARY
Our World & People Under Attack
Global Mandate To Stop fbi/cia from their torture & kill programs
Macabre Crimes Committed By fbi, Tacitly Approved By Congress/SCOTUS
The Reach of www.sosbeevfbi.com
Update on evidence against DA, fbi, et al
Wicked men of the fbi
American dismissiveness in the face of its own crimes against humanity
Biographical Data on Geral Sosbee by Mr Cliff Huylebroeck
Macabre USA, (a repost)
Casual reading of an urgent nature
Police State sponsored by fbi sends clear message to Targets in one letter ( T )
Medical Clearances of GERAL SOSBEE
To fbi Director James B Comey
fbi corrupts our nation
My L I F E !
The sick mindset of USA's population
I document more crimes against me by fbi
Fbi hacks my OPM account
A Dim View
Fbi reveals its filthy mind, followed by biographical data on me
Fbi hoodlums and criminal sociopaths at work 24/7
Capitalism is Dead
Unversality of geral's documentaries
American Terrorists
Fbi, police, army intel, et al are often criminals
More ..
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