Geral W. Sosbee    
 fbi assassins show their evil intent
picture19 Apr 2012 @ 17:25
Journey if you will into the sick, criminal minds of the fbi/cia's own homicidal sociopaths (i.e. agents/operatives) and serial killers as documented by this author over the past several years.

The reader is invited to venture into the mind(s) of the fbi’s homicidal sociopaths in order to comprehend the clear and present danger posed against our citizens by the very officials who are sworn to protect and defend our fundamental human, civil, and constitutional rights. One method to gain an insight into the twisted thinking patterns of the murderers and torturers of the fbi/cia is to read their filthy comments which are recorded by Geral Sosbee as evidence that 1)the USA is destroyed from within by the fbi/cia agents, operatives, street thugs, assassins and torturers, such as J.Robert Upton and Johnny Smith and 2) all of mankind is threatened by the same unbridled brutality that attacks those of us Targets who are being harassed and tortured 24/7 for decades or for life.

Note: My best friend and colleague Barbara Hartwell also provides her assistance in the documentation of the criminal cyberstalking described herein.

Here are the links for a study of the abnormal psychology of the United States officials at all levels and in all branches of government because all of them have largely ignored my reports and have thereby given their imprimatur to the criminal conduct reflected in the passages below. Note that in the first report below the fbi operative Upton comments on the food and drink that I consumed in my home (i.e.: wine and cheese); only one of the assassins who monitors me 24/7 and who enters into my home at will under the authority of a fraudulent court order (signed by a corrupt judge/magistrate)could possibly know the type of food and drink that I consumed on a given evening:


high tech crimes:




Barbara's documentations of the fbi's cyberstalker/assassin:


Kill yourself message (* see original message at last link below):


clandestine murders:


USA at risk of another attack:


Sosbee's message to armed forces:


Guantanamo Prison:


fbi fraud and coverups:


* Hate Message: "Kill Yourself Geral Sosbee" :


The fbi/cia/police/vigilantes have a message for the Target:


[link]  More >

 2009 Conspiracy to violate civil rights of geral sosbee covered up by officials
category picture17 Apr 2012 @ 23:34
On or about 9-24-09 I filed a police report against one Alonzo Yanez (dob: 11/5/42) for class 'c' assault, Harlingen Police Report # 2009-00045954; the assault occurred on the campus of UTHSC, Harlingen, Texas, as I have documented at:



I subsequently filed a sworn complaint before Judge Valerie Garcia of the Harlingen, Texas, Municipal Court, against Yanez (Case Number 09-45954). I requested to be allowed to testify against Yanez.

(I was never notified of the time and date of the court hearing.)

The same person, Alonzo Yanez who assaulted Sosbee as reported at

is currently employed in the Harlingen, Texas Public Library where Sosbee frequents the computer terminals.The original court complaint # 09-45954 of 'Simple Assault' against Yanez was finalized in the MunicipalCourt, 1018 Fair Park Boulevard, Harlingen, Texas 78550 on June 17, 2010 as follows:

Yanez received a 90 days deferred adjudication (probably with the aid of fbi assassins), paid court costs of $114 (probably paid by fbi operatives), and the case was subsequently dismissed by the court. This kind of court action is unethical and possibly corrupt due to the apparent involvement of fbi provocateurs directing the actions of Yanez. Sosbee, the victim in the case, had a legal right to appear in court and to testify against Yanez. This right was trampled on.

Regarding the police, I explained in detail the aggravating circumstances of the assault on me by Yanez, but Detective Delua did not record all the facts as I reported them. For more on the facts that I reported to Detective Delua please see:


and related links/pages.

I also requested under the Texas Open records Act (ORA) a copy of all records in this matter in the possession of Detective Delua; in response Detective Delua released only the brief report referenced above. He did not release the files in his possession regarding references to (and duplicated copies of) various pages of my website at

Nor did he release any of his notes on the case. Detective Delua responded to the Texas AG order to release records inappropriately by withholding evidence in his possession regarding the full details of my complaint against Yanez.

When I notified the Texas AG that I saw the file (containing copies of my website) in the possession Detective Delua and that I affirmed that he (Detective Delua) did not release the required documents, the Texas AG wrote that he has no enforcement powers under the Open Records Act. The reasons that the files are important are, in part, that the Delua files show that he unlawfully withheld the records in violation of the ORA and that the records in Detective Delua's possession support my contention that Yanez may have committed other crimes against my person under the direction of fbi operatives.

Today when I appeared at the Harlingen, Texas, Police department in efforts to gather more information of possible judicial misconduct by Judge Robert Guerra regarding the instant case, Detective Delua appeared with his absurd witness, Detective Noyola, in the lobby of the PD. The two were obviously making a menacing presence in my face which event also supports my complaint that detective Delua is not a good guy in my humble opinion, and that he may have violated the law and police rules as summarized above. I have this date attempted to file complaints against both Guerra and Delua.

The efforts by the fbi to send thugs to provoke me into a violent confrontation have been ongoing for over a decade and are always covered up by police. See, for example:


Finally, the fbi made sure to place Yanez in the downtown public library where Yanez could continue his antics; both the Mayor & the Director of the Library (Mr. Rendon) allow Yanez and one other fbi operative to harass me as of today. The other stalker is Ms. Rodriguez concerning whom the security staff at the library have verified harassed me. A third possible fbi operative at the libraries in Harlingen is one Mr. Gaugh.

The Texas State Commission on Judicial Conduct trash my complaint against the judge who dismissed the assault/battery case against fbi operative Yanez. Here are the facts of the case followed by my letter to the Commission:


August 30, 2012

Seana Willing

State Commission on Judicial Conduct

P.O. Box 12265

Austin, Texas 78711-2265

Re: CJC No. 12-0815-MU


Your letter to me dated 8-28-12 reflects the incompetence or corruption of the Commission, as I submitted a prima facie case of court corruption.

The absurd highlight of the words one time only , as well as the general ‘ form letter’ tenor of your message also reflect the condescending or simplistic mentality of the person who wrote the above referenced letter on your behalf. BTW- maybe he could spell my name correctly if he (your crack chief investigator) or your legal staff paid the slightest attention to the cogent facts I presented.

Review the data if you like, but the result will be the same: a complete whitewash of the court corruption that I documented in order for your office to protect the assassins of the fbi (the federal burro of investigation) who run an operation ag/me 24/7, 365, for over a decade in efforts to arrest or kill me.

Geral Sosbee

P.O. Box 3374

Harlingen, Texas 78551

 War, politics and the perceived justification for the next attack on US
category picture12 Apr 2012 @ 17:37
War, politics and the perceived justification for the next attack on US

The world is in a state of crisis (largely hidden by media) even as the general population globally is now becoming aware of the macabre and murderous methods used by USA (the enemy of Mankind) to threaten, torture, imprison and murder people on a grand scale. Below are two of my reports on this subject; the first report is written in response to contact by young Iraqi men disgusted with the corrupt government in Iraq as established by the fbi/cia/dod. The second report intimates for the world to see that after conquest of all peoples and nations, the fbi/cia's exotic weaponry of directed energy assaults are used to maintain control and kill or maim dissidents.

First Report:

On the subject of war, including the one waged against our own troops upon their return home, I have a report for the world:

The fbi/ia have exotic methods to silence whistleblowers and defenders of Liberty globally. After I posted the following statements on line, the fbi/cia hit me quite hard with the exotic weaponry.[Symptoms:
[link] ]
To the men of Iraq:

You are the historic resistence to the invading, occupying forces of Nazi America spearheaded by fbi/cia/dod mass murderers; your brave struggles are exemplary of the strength of men and women everywhere in efforts to stop the brutal insanity of the enemy of Mankind, the United States of America and its alles (such as the prince of England) from world inhumane domination:
world in a box- the killing machine:


psych forum:


high tech assaults:



Second Report:

The president 'presides' over fbi/cia sponsored chaos, murder and global terror.

The world's population must focus on the real problem:
the fbi/cia cointelpro which in one form or another threatens all peoples:

For the layman, 'cointelpro' may be loosely defined as information and
technology systematically used by government agents and operatives
(particularly fbi/cia) who, while asserting powerful influence over all
branches of government at all levels (including the judiciary), engage in
torture, imprisonment or murder of an expanding number of Targets.

A form of genocide is apparently in the making whereby a massive program
(sometimes referred to as 'cointelpro') is now underway to
remove/kill/control large numbers of people. Only a few Targets have
credibility because an integral part of the deadly operation is to
discredit people who try to report the crimes associated with such
Death threats against this reporter:


24/7 surveillance and harassment by thugs and their electronic weaponry:


Prepare to meet the tsunami of assassins sweeping over the USA and the


The fbi criminal activity:


 Hartwell On Hate Mail, Death Threats, etc., From fbi Punks:
category picture3 Apr 2012 @ 16:42
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Former FBI Agent Geral Sosbee: Standing for Liberty for We the People



It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong.

Have mercy on me, O LORD, for I am in trouble;
my eye is consumed with sorrow,
and also my throat and my belly.

For my life is wasted with grief,
and my years with sighing;
my strength fails me because of affliction, and my bones are consumed.

I have become a reproach to all my enemies and even to my neighbors,
a dismay to those of my acquaintance;
when they see me in the street they avoid me.

I am forgotten like a dead man, out of mind;
I am useless like a broken pot.

For I have heard the whispering of the crowd;
fear is all around;
they put their heads together against me; they plot to take my life.

But as for me, I have trusted in you, O LORD.
I have said, "You are my God.
My times are in your hand;
rescue me from the hand of my enemies,
and from those who persecute me.
Make your face to shine upon your servant,
and in your loving-kindness save me."

Psalm 31: 9-16

On Palm Sunday, as I sat in church reading this psalm aloud, I thought about how true were the words of the Psalmist, and how clearly these words have resonated in my own life. More specifically, I was thinking about the terrible price a person always pays for standing up against evildoers, especially when those evildoers are the ones wielding power over a country which is being systematically destroyed by the corruption and rampant criminality from within.

I was also thinking about my friend Geral Sosbee, about the price he has paid for becoming a whistleblower, simply for standing up and exposing the truth, which it seems very few people in this country really want to acknowledge.

No, most would rather live in a state of denial, burying their heads in the sand. Maybe, they think, if they simply ignore the truth about what is happening in this country, it will all just go away.

As for those of us who are able to provide truthful, accurate information, based on facts and supported by reams of evidence, rather than even being willing to consider the information we furnish, many people find it easier to shun us, to accuse us of being "radicals" or "anti-government extremists".

We are treated as pariahs, even as lepers were treated in the Middle Ages; treated as if we are diseased, as if that disease were contagious. People don't want to associate with us, or do business with us; they don't want to be friends with us; they don't even want to know us, for fear that they could be "tainted" by association.

What is the problem here? Is it simply "denial"? In part, yes. But far worse, I believe the problem is cowardice. For if people were willing to face the truth (which is staring us all in the face, whether we want to see it or not) they would then, in good conscience, have to DO SOMETHING about it. They would have to take a stand.

Over a course of many years, I have seen the same scenario repeated, over and over and is also repeated throughout the history of the world.

People think they can hide from the truth, that they can hide themselves from evil, just as a child may think he can hide by pulling the covers over his head, thinking that the bogeyman can't see him; meanwhile there is the lump sticking out from under the bedclothes, for all with eyes to see.

Then, there was the latest missive sent to Geral Sosbee from a government goon, which I had seen posted on one of Geral's sites. I was thinking about that too, with no small amount of outrage.

This e-mail message was apparently a "response" from one of the goons to two reports which Geral and I had recently collaborated on.



and Cyber Stalker:

Cyber-Stalker Goon: Criminal Harassment of Decorated War Veteran, Former FBI Agent Geral Sosbee

fbi goon:


The e-mail sent to Geral was from a person using the name "John Smith". And no doubt about it, it was a death threat.



Here is what Geral posted:

fbi psychopath sends the following threat via gmail in response to recent success of my work:

Very Soon My Friend


John Smith
9:47 AM (1 hour ago)

to me

Geral Sosbee,
Born on a Monday,
Christened on Tuesday,
Married on Wednesday,
Took ill on Thursday,
Grew worse on Friday,
Died on Saturday,
Buried on Sunday.
That was the end,
Of Geral Sosbee

Poor little Sosbee, chip in the head and a foot in the grave.
Making trouble for those who run the world.
Why do you cause so much trouble for us little Sosbee?
If you'd just conformed it'd be so much easier.
We'd take that little chip out of your head and we'd stop keeping you up at night!
But if you keep being bad we'll have to turn out your light.
Soon soon soon, you'll have to decide to play or disappear.
Have you ever noticed that guy on the corner? Or the woman watching you in her rear view mirror? Of course you have, you're not stupid. Just crazy right? At least, that's what they say.

A Message to "John Smith" from Barbara Hartwell

Dear Mr. Smith:

Upon reading your little poem, I decided it deserved more publicity than it had received. So, I read it aloud on a radio show on Sunday, April 1. The topic for discussion was, fittingly, FBI/CIA black operations, and COINTELPRO. You know what that is, don't you, Mr. Smith? It's an operation for targeting "dissidents", activists and whistleblowers. People like Geral Sosbee. People who took their oath to defend the Constitution seriously, and honored it. But you wouldn't be concerned about anything like that, would you? No, I didn't think so.

But anyway, when I read your poem and accompanying message to Geral Sosbee, the listening audience got an earful of the stuff of which tyranny and oppression are made, so thanks for providing me with more ammunition to use in exposing you and your ilk.

I see that you, like your accomplices, are hiding behind a pseudonym. "John Smith". Your originality is stunning! How typical. Last week, I had occasion to address one of your pals, a Mr. J. Robert Upton. Perhaps you are the same person? We'll probably never know, as you people operate from the shadows, making sinister threats, but are too cowardly to step forth into the light and face Geral Sosbee like a man --something you will never be.

You know, Mr. Smith, such tactics really do not reflect well on you, or your colleagues. And do you really think you are intimidating anyone by making death threats?

Do you actually believe that Geral Sosbee will "play the game" and "conform" because of a threat from a lowlife like you?

Think again, Mr. Smith. Actually your message was extremely helpful in demonstrating the mentality of a psychopath. Yes, we talked about that too, on the aforementioned radio show. Not only talked about it, but had a great time laughing about it. Yes, you are laughable, Mr. Smith. And your methods are ludicrous, despite the evil which emanates from you like a noxious miasma.

As I stated on the air, Geral Sosbee is one of my personal heroes, in fact my Number One Personal Hero. He is a Defender of Liberty and a Messenger of Truth. But you have no use for such things as "truth" or "liberty", do you, Mr. Smith? I guess that's why you people have taken such a strong dislike to him; why you stalk him, harass him, persecute him, why you write your little poems and issue your cowardly death threats.

I can only make a guess that you don't care for patriotism, either. No, you'd like nothing better than to see us all enslaved under your New World Order, your global police state.

And tragically, the cowardice of many Americans is helping your cause along very nicely --those who would "conform", who would comply, who would "play the game", who would "just follow orders", who would do just about anything but stand up for the Truth, for Liberty and Justice, just to keep from incurring the disapproval of the likes of you.

They'll find out soon enough that all their efforts to be "safe" have been in vain. But when they finally realize that Geral Sosbee was there for them, was fighting for them, was fighting to save our country from the evildoers, the psychopaths, the demonic tyrants, when they finally change their minds about supporting him and standing with him, it may just be too late.

Barbara Hartwell Percival
April 3, 2012

To listen to the aforementioned radio show, with guest Barbara Hartwell, hosted by James Freeland, click on the links below.


April 1, 2012

Parts 1 &2



Against the Wall with JJink
4/1/2012 4:00:00 PM

Against the Wall with JJink
4/1/2012 3:00:00 PM

Barbara Hartwell Percival
Legal Defense & Research Trust
PO Box 22
Old Orchard Beach
Maine 04064
Barbara Hartwell Vs. CIA


During the days and nights of April 5-7, 2012, the directed energy assaults escalate to extreme levels (on a scale of 1-10,with ten being the most severe, about a 9) after fbi efforts to shut down this and other sites fail; the symptoms of the assaults take on a more sinister tone than those symptoms described earlier at:


Present symptoms now include: extreme fatigue, weakness in legs, difficulty walking, short term memory loss, jump in high blood pressure, brief incapacitating headaches, nausea, dizziness. The reader should also note that the fbi continues to 1) watch this target 24/7 in real time as he struggles to stay alive and 2) send notices to Sosbee (via telephone messages and via remote electronic manipulation of car doors and tv devices). Evil is USA.

See Also:


 fbi/cia murderers, a cesspool of assassins and the human genome
category picture31 Mar 2012 @ 18:26
Throughout my websites I identify by name in some instances (or by general description or photo in other cases) the individual doctors, dentists, lawyers, laymen and others who assist the fbi and the cia in the calumny, torture and attempted murder of Geral Sosbee. In all scenarios which I chronicle, the police, courts and legislators in all jurisdictions also unlawfully turn their backs on reports of crimes committed against my person. Many of the individual citizens who assist the fbi thugs in their heinous criminal offenses against me pretend to live otherwise respectable lives in their communities; their patients and fellow church and synagogue members are almost certainly not aware of the criminal (and nazi type) minds lurking beneath the phony smiles and false façades of the perpetrators whom I describe because many of them are doctors of medicine and dentistry who are greedy and self centered misanthropes lacking any true sense of human decency (or respect for the rights of others) and seeking fbi /cia approval. Thus these dangerous and evil individuals assist the fbi/cia on queue in the criminal assaults on the unsuspecting victim (in this report, moi).

The government's use of members of the general population (sometimes referred to as gang stalking) to attack the target of the fbi/cia neutralization campaign is now a crime wave of epic proportions and no end to the madness is in sight.


“Never co-operate with secret services.
The first thing they do is turn you
into a murderer
(by making you accessory to their crimes).”



Further, the convolution of sentiment of the general population from civility to barbarity now spreads across the earth (like an **artificially synthesized disease) under the authority of and in concert with USA sponsored wars which are vehemently pursued by the fbi/cia, et al. The result of the program to turn ordinary individuals into occasional government assassins and torturers is a world in chaos because the individual’s will power is often undermined by corrupt and murderous government agents and provocateurs. The world is become in a sense a battlefield for all inhabitants, not just those wearing military uniforms; the inimical animosity spreading across our global village portends ill for the future of mankind due to the willingness of the citizens to join in the fbi/cia's ever growing cesspool of assassins.See:


Thank you.

“Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it.”
- John Lennon

"They speak of a republican form of government, they speak of democracy; but the despotic spirit of slavery and mastership combined pervades their whole political life like a liquid poison. They do not dare to be free lest the spirit of liberty become contagious. The system of slavery has enslaved them all, master as well as slave. What is the cause of all this? It is that you cannot deny one class of society the full measure of their natural rights without imposing restraints upon your own liberty. If you want to be free, there is but one way--it is to guarantee an equally full measure of liberty to all your neighbors. There is no other...."

--Carl Schurz (l829-1906)

Sosbee notes:

As the United States has proven to be the world's leader in waging unjust wars (both on foreign & domestic soils) we now may see a pattern of genetic origin that shows the 'killer' or 'angry' gene in living colors as the police, fbi, cia, prison guards, judges, social workers, probation authorities, arms manufacturers, and private industry, etc., all become affected by societal forces associatesd with brutality, imprisonment and murder. The homicidal genetic *switches are activated perhaps by the daily lifestyles of the people who live their lives hurting others; these goons survive and pass their genes on to the next generation to insure an ever expanding source of sociopaths and serial killers in government and in the private sector; at the same time, the pacifists & critics are killed off systematically.

All persons (including doctors, police, university officials, and individuals in the general population) who assisted the fbi in their efforts to kill Sosbee are accomplices to attempted murder and numerous other felonies. Further, in the event of Sosbee's premature death by causes associated with such assaults, all individuals who assisted the fbi assassins are liable for murder charges. In any event my reports are representative of the kind of torture, violent assaults, and attempts at murder that are ongoing in the USA by the covert killers of the fbi/cia.See the following links for more information:






fbi/cia/police/vigilante message to Target is,




* chemical switches human genome

"These switches have previously been shown to be affected by a person's lifestyle and environment, with some changes being passed on to subsequent generations."


 fbi operative J. Robert Upton Continues Online Harassment
category picture26 Mar 2012 @ 18:02
Monday, March 26, 2012
Cyber-Stalker Goon: Criminal Harassment of Decorated War Veteran, Former FBI Agent Geral Sosee

It is the duty of every patriot to protect his country from its government.

--Thomas Paine

I recently posted this article by Geral Sosbee and Barbara Hartwell:



Geral then posted the article on a number of websites, including Philly Indymedia:



"Below Geral's article, which consists of links to various reports, you will see just a few of the comments posted by some of these FBI/CIA minions. In particular, a Mr. J. Robert Upton.

Mr. Upton, if you are the best the government rat bastards have in their stable of cyber-stalking provocateurs, they are surely in trouble. And by the way, does your mother know what you do for a living? Why don't you get yourself a real job, something that would make your mother proud of you. Try being a man for a change, instead of a pathetic little government flunkey. Shame on you, Mr. Upton."

This same Mr. J. Robert Upton, who has been harassing Geral Sosbee online for quite some time, and whose comments had been included in the original article as a typical example of a government-sponsored cyber-stalker, once again (within an amazingly short time) emerged from his wormhole with this piece of profound wisdom:

Laughing My Ass Off:


LOLOLOLOLOL, whew you crack my ass up gerbil, you simpering, whining ass crybaby. "Waaaaa, waaaaa that mean ole J. Robert Upton won't let me post my lies and bullshit on Philly Indymedia without pointing out what a slime ball liar I am, waaaaaa, waaaaaaaa".
Your attempts to have Mr. Gardner censor my free speech because it is critical of your stupid bullshit shows that you are a fascist piece of slime in addition to being a delusional liar, gerbil.

Fuck you percival. Anybody that believes and supports this sosbee liar is too gullible and stupid to warrant any more attention.

So, whine on gerbil, you little attention whore, while you lack any kind of credibility, your "poor little me shit" is funny as hell.

You never explained how a trombone player in the USARPAC band was legally awarded the CIB without holding an 11 series MOS, nor have you explained how a rear echelon motherfucker like you came in contact with agent orange. Your whole life is a lie, gerbil, it must suck to be such a wanker.

So, since Mr. Upton took the time from his busy schedule to fire this salvo, and especially since he has now included "percival" (that being me) as a recipient of his misplaced malice and childish verbal assaults, I will be happy to take the time to answer him.

Dear Mr. Upton:

You made the following statement:

"Fuck you percival. Anybody that believes and supports this sosbee liar is too gullible and stupid to warrant any more attention."

It is my policy to take a person at his word. I give him the benefit of the doubt that he says what he means, and means what he says. So I now know that you do not deem me worthy of any more of your attention. And although I'm glad to hear that, I find it necessary to pay additional attention to you, given your obsessive efforts to discredit my professional colleague, Geral Sosbee, who also happens to be my best friend.

So let's start with some questions for you, Mr. Upton. Naturally they are rhetorical, as I don't expect a response.

1) Why are you hiding behind a pseudonym? We know that J. Robert Upton is not your real name. Why don't you stand up like a man and let us know who you really are, instead of displaying the behavior of a yellow-bellied coward?

2) What is your motive in harassing and stalking Geral Sosbee? We know you have the means. You certainly have plenty of opportunity. But what's the motive? Would you like to share that with us?

Why are you hell-bent on discrediting Geral Sosbee? Why do you follow him from place to place, attacking him whenever and wherever he posts his reports?

What's in it for you? Do you derive some kind of sick thrill from this pathologically aggressive behavior? Or, are you "just following orders"? What's the deal, Mr. Upton? What do you hope to gain with your harassment?

3) With all the "fuck you, sosbee" and the constant spewing of the F-word, are you, perhaps, a victim of Tourette's syndrome? Are you unable to restrain yourself? Is that your problem? Or is it just that your intellect is so limited in scope that you are not able to express yourself in any other way?

4) Why do you not present some actual FACTS in your commentaries? Why only accusations, filthy slurs and unwarranted assumptions? And why not address the actual ISSUES, instead of just limiting your comments to name-calling? Is this because you are not in possession of any facts? Because you don't concern yourself with facts? Because in your agenda, facts are irrelevant? What's really going on here, Mr. Upton?

Because you are obviously in need of some accurate information, some FACTS with which to be given an opportunity to reassess your position regarding what you call the "stupidity" and "delusions" of Geral Sosbee, whom you have also called a "liar", I will be more than happy to oblige you.

Since you made a point of trying to discredit him in relation his military service, let's start with Mr. Sosbee's military record. It is posted on his website, as a matter of public record:


Geral Sosbee is not a "slime ball liar", but rather a decorated war veteran, in addition to his service with FBI. He served with honor, Mr. Upton.

Here is a list of some of the medals awarded to Geral Sosbee:







And here is just a brief summary written by Geral Sosbee, describing his experience of serving the U.S. Government.

I served in the Army during the Viet Nam War; upon return I also served the fbi as a Special Agent. My service in the fbi was terminated after I reported crimes by the fbi.

Subsequently the fbi began an extreme vendetta against me toward the goal of incapacitating or killing me. Additionally, the directed energy and other assaults by the fbi aggravated the injuries I sustained in Viet Nam in 1967, including injuries associated with Agent Orange.

The fbi also added insult to injuries by mocking the service connected injuries that were and are today disabling; the fbi sent insulting messages to me regarding the injuries, even while the criminal assaults against me by the fbi continue to date for over a decade.

I realize that the Army does not care about my reports of fbi/cia crimes against me; however, the young men and women who seek to serve their nation might care if they cannot determine which United States Of America that they are considering serving: the real United States of America, or the overthrown fascist dictatorship USA held in hostage by the intel services (fbi/cia).



Back to you, Mr. Upton. I have just a few more things to say to you, even though you've made it clear you will ignore me, as according to you I am too "gullible and stupid" to be worthy of any notice by someone with your penetrating insights and vast knowledge of the issues we are addressing: Persecution campaigns against whistleblowers and "dissidents", otherwise known as sincere and genuine patriots who love our country but have been given every reason not to trust its government.

Are you a military veteran, Mr. Upton? If so, why don't you show us your own DD214? Oh, that's right, silly me, your name is not J. Robert Upton.

You, Mr. J. Robert Upton, do not exist. Except as a predatory stalker, a government shill, in cyberspace. So why would anyone award an "anonymous coward" like you any degree of credibility?

Unlike you, Mr. Upton, Geral Sosbee is a real person. He uses his real name and has furnished a large body of evidence and documentation to support his claims.

Unlike you, Mr. Upton, he is a truthful, decent, honorable man, a patriot who, from his own experience in serving this country, as a soldier, FBI agent and lastly, as a courageous whistleblower, finds it a moral imperative to DO SOMETHING about the corruption and the rampant criminal behavior which is destroying this nation. He works hard to inform the people of this country about the TRUTH, because he CARES.

What about you, Mr. Upton? Do you care even the slightest bit that the U.S. of A has become a veritable police state? That the Constitution is now considered nothing but a "g--damn piece of paper", an irrelevant document which needs to be neutralized so that the same people who hired your sorry ass to stalk and harass Geral Sosbee can complete their New World Order lockdown without having to worry about us "anti-government extremists" (read: patriots) throwing a wrench into their plans?

What about your family, Mr. Upton? Do you care anything at all about what will happen to them?

Or are you so far gone in the loss of your humanity and integrity (assuming you ever had any of either, which seems doubtful) that instead of supporting those who would defend Liberty and pursue Justice for We the People, you will engage your energies in a no-holds-barred campaign to destroy us all?

Keep laughing your ass off, Mr. Upton...laugh your way straight through the Gates of Hell.

I pray that God's Justice will be visited upon you, Mr. Upton, you and all your fellow government-sponsored thugs. The sooner the better.

Barbara Hartwell Percival
March 26, 2012

GERAL SOSBEE'S MEDALS are shown here:







As a result of continuing harassment of me on line, I filed two (2) separate police reports against individuals who may be guilty of a Class B Misdemeanor, Harassment on line. See the data below on the bases for the reports.
1) On September 26, 2011 I filed a police report number 0911-1642, concerning the criminal harassment efforts against me by one who identifies himself alternately as 'anonymous' and ' j. robert upton'.

The police report was accepted by the Cameron County Sherff''s Office, Deputy Victor Alvarado, at Harlingen, Texas, (956)427-8060, fax: (956)412-1404, and the facts therein constitute a possible class B misdemeanor under the laws of the state of Texas.

Here are some of the links where the disgusting & vile comments by the above named cyberstalker/thug are available for all to study. Thank you Indymedia Philadelphia for any cooperation that you may afford to the Sheriff in connection with the criminal investigation:


also see:








Barbara Hartwell Percival
Legal Defense & Research Trust
PO Box 22
Old Orchard Beach
Maine 04064
Barbara Hartwell Vs. CIA

See more comments from Grinning Jokers Here:


 fbi threat delivered to geral sosbee via gmail, in response to my success
category picture25 Mar 2012 @ 16:05
fbi psychopath sends the following threat via gmail in response to recent success of my work:


Very Soon My Friend


John Smith
9:47 AM (1 hour ago)

to me

Geral Sosbee,
Born on a Monday,
Christened on Tuesday,
Married on Wednesday,
Took ill on Thursday,
Grew worse on Friday,
Died on Saturday,
Buried on Sunday.
That was the end,
Of Geral Sosbee

Poor little Sosbee, chip in the head and a foot in the grave.
Making trouble for those who run the world.
Why do you cause so much trouble for us little Sosbee?
If you'd just conformed it'd be so much easier.
We'd take that little chip out of your head and we'd stop keeping you up at night!
But if you keep being bad we'll have to turn out your light.
Soon soon soon, you'll have to decide to play or disappear.
Have you ever noticed that guy on the corner? Or the woman watching you in her rear view mirror?
Of course you have, you're not stupid. Just crazy right? At least, that's what they say.

geral sosbee writes: SEE ALSO:




On April 4-5,2012, the fbi sends notices that sosbee's recent reports on line is not acceptable 'conduct'; such notices are delivered by locking or unlocking car doors remotely, or by changing channels on the tv prior to the increased directed energy assaults (principally ELF). Then, after a night of exhaustive sleep deprivation (causing a dangerous jump in blood pressure, etc.) the fbi operative in Hong Kong sends a confirmation of the increased sleep deprivation as follows:

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Time of Visit Apr 5 2012 6:48:08 am
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Visit Number 117,096

 *Must Prosecute fbi/cia Assassins For Clandestine Murders
category picture21 Mar 2012 @ 16:07
Report On Need To Prosecute fbi/cia For Clandestine Murders (by Hartwell & Sosbee)
Posted by geral sosbee on March 23, 2012 at 1:05pm in Untitled Category
View Discussions
.Barbara Hartwell

Curriculum Vitae
Independent Investigator, Intelligence Analyst, Journalist. Former CIA (NOC, Psychological Operations.) Black Ops Survivor. Sovereign Child of God. Believer in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Exposing Government Lies, Crimes, Corruption and Cover-ups.
View my complete profile

Friday, March 23, 2012

Former FBI agent Geral Sosbee was forced to retire from the FBI in 1978, after only seven (7) years of service. He was targeted while still inside the FBI because he refused to "go along to get along" with the corrupt practices, refused to "play the game"; because he was true to his oath to defend the Constitution; because he defended the God-given, unalienable, constitutionally protected rights of ALL, including suspects.
But Geral Sosbee did not back down after he was forced out of the FBI. Instead, he became a whistleblower. As a result he was targeted for even worse persecution, still ongoing to this day.

Geral Sosbee is not just any whistleblower. He is the primary whistleblower ever to come out of the FBI, and certainly the most controversial. He reports the atrocities --in detail-- that nobody else formerly in FBI service will cover: mind control tactics; electro-magnetic antipersonnel weaponry deployed against Targets; implants placed in the bodies of some of the FBI/CIA agents (which both Geral and I have had inflicted on us); chemical/biological warfare tactics used against Targets; synthetic kidney stones; psy war tactics, and on and on it goes....
Name it, if it is happening, he has exposed it. Not only exposed it, but presented evidence from his own experience. These atrocities were perpetrated upon HIM PERSONALLY.

Anyone doing research on the Internet will find numerous websites of people who claim to be "Targets", or "Targeted Individuals". Often, these persons will talk about COINTELPRO, an operation initiated by J. Edgar Hoover in 1956, and which has continued even after it was exposed and "officially" discontinued.
But most of the people making these claims have no credibility. FBI and CIA do not just go around randomly "targeting" people. Real Targets of the fed government would have to be deemed a "threat" in some way. This is something that all former intelligence professionals know.

Targets are legitimate whistleblowers, those who actually KNOW what they are talking about, and have been INVOLVED in the operations they are exposing. Or, they could be legitimate professional journalists who are actually in possession of accurate information which the government does not want exposed.
The COINTELPRO exploits a large number of minions and stooges, in a loosely organized network, most of whom claim to be Targets, but who are actually attacking and attempting to discredit REAL Targets. They are amateurs, mostly uneducated, they are 'wannabes" and they are seeking attention and approval for themselves, rather than being concerned with defending Liberty or pursuing Justice. Many of them are racists, bigots and misogynists. And though some claim to be "journalists", they are just parroting (even in some cases, plagiarizing) the work of others, be it legitimate or not. Both Geral and I have been targeted by this gaggle of COINTELPRO stooges.

[See reports on this site for names of these government stooges.]

The late Ted Gunderson, FBI Chief and COINTELPRO Kingpin, exploited a large network of these COINTELPRO minions, who continue their attacks on genuine whistleblowers, journalists and activists.

Geral Sosbee has documented the fact that at the time he reported FBI crimes, before he was forced out, Ted Gunderson was Chief Inspector, but IGNORED Sosbee's reports and did nothing at all in response to his legitimate complaints.
Geral Sosbee also told me in 2001, when he and I first began working together, that Gunderson had made an approach to him, trying to get Geral "on board" with him to "expose" government corruption. When I heard this, I said, Stay away from Ted Gunderson!

I told Geral that I myself had been hoodwinked by Ted, that I had worked cases with him, gone on the lecture circuit with him, and explained why I had broken off my association with him in 2000. In short: Ted is COINTELPRO, in reality Mr. Super Spook, NOT a "whistleblower".

Geral trusted me because, as he later said in his public reports, all the information I had given him about Gunderson was truthful and accurate and was backed up by his own experience and further investigations.

A few days ago, I had a telephone conversation with Geral, in reference to a report he had written which was repeatedly tampered with and even deleted from certain websites where he posted it. So I am reposting it here.

The subject is clandestine murders by FBI and CIA. The fact that most of these murders are not even designated as homicide is the worst problem. And then, when Geral tries to alert the public to what is really going on, that the government is killing people in their secret operations and getting away with it, the minions of FBI and CIA come out of the woodwork to harass and stalk him in cyberspace.

These thuggish characters try to discredit Geral Sosbee's reports, by calling him "stupid" or crazy. Most hide behind pseudonyms, and being cowards, never use their real names in their attacks. And even though the subject matter is deadly serious, whenever we get to talking about these creeps, we end up mostly laughing about their transparent idiocy.

Below Geral's article, which consists of links to various reports, you will see just a few of the comments posted by some of these FBI/CIA minions. In particular, a Mr. J. Robert Upton.

Mr. Upton, if you are the best the government rat bastards have in their stable of cyber-stalking provocateurs, they are surely in trouble. And by the way, does your mother know what you do for a living? Why don't you get yourself a real job, something that would make your mother proud of you. Try being a man for a change, instead of a pathetic little government flunkey. Shame on you, Mr. Upton.

Barbara Hartwell Percival March 23, 2012

*[Because otherwise, wholesale extermination of dissidents becomes public policy.]
See AUSA Sara Robinson's assertion of "Public Interest" as legal justification for torture & attempted murder of Sosbee]:


The central question of our time is to determine how many people globally have been murdered by fbi/cia operatives in covert, illegal, counterintelligence programs, etc., by methods (among others) described in the links below.As the crime of murder has no time limits for court prosecutions, we must prosecute the criminals in the fbi/cia who are responsible for the crimes suggested herein.

whistleblower hatemail:

kidney stone:

My Story:

World in a box:

action needed in world forum:

bacterial war:

Hate mail:

Non consensual:

Directed Energy Assaults:

Tracking Device:


Police Crimes:

Doctor lies:

Sworn Affidavit:

Paul Wolf:

Jailed Heroes:

J. Robert Upton wrote:
More Stupid Bullshit
Where you been sosbee, I figured that your ass had been committed to the nearest mental institution, which is certainly where you belong.
So, perfect posting sosbee, illiterate and stupid as a box of rocks didn't just leave a word out of his narrative, the fbi hacked it and deleted the word. LOL, you stupid fuck, do you really think that the fbi gives one rats ass what some loony fucker like you posts? Get over yourself you fucking moron, and get some mental help, because you sorely need it.

Geral Sosbee wrote:
For more insight on the sick mind of fbi operative J. Robert Upton, see:
The cyber stalker here may be a serial killer. His diction offers a hint of his lunacy.

J. Robert Upton wrote:
To peek into the mind of delusional stupidity just follow any link to gerbils blog. You will find a huge collection of the stupidest shit ever written. Hey sosbeemoron, want some cheese with that whine. Fucking crybaby whines about being controlled by the fbi, but the first thing the idiot does is run to the cops to report that the bad ass J. Robert Upton is commenting unkindly to his posts and he wants me prosecuted. LOL Fuck you sosbee.

Rich Gardner wrote:
If you have more evidence of Upton being a stalker than I see here, then it's okay to call him a stalker. Based on the evidence I see here, he shouldn't be referred to as anything more than a critic.

Geral Sosbee wrote:
Well Erm- I don't recall asking your opinion on any subject; your friend (the coward j robert upton) whom you pretend to defend exemplifies all that is ugly, corrupt and evil in our culture and in our government. You are now permanently associated with his filthy and homicidal mind.

Rich Gardner wrote:
I was simply pointing out that since y'all are both making use of a public forum, he's not following you around in any sort of legally actionable sense. He's doing nothing to violate your privacy. Is he being mean and nasty towards you? Sure, but that doesn't make him a stalker, it just makes him a critic.

The fbi/cia/police have a simple message for the Target:


Barbara Hartwell Percival Legal Defense & Research Trust PO Box 22 Old Orchard Beach Maine 04064 Barbara Hartwell Vs. CIA http

 Free My Brothers & Sisters From Their Prison Cells
category picture19 Mar 2012 @ 19:21
Sosbee's Tribute To Our Brothers And Sisters Jailed Anywhere On Earth:

We all owe a debt to the millions of persons imprisoned by the corrupt criminal & civil justice systems worldwide, for THE IMPRISONED have surrendered their lives so that we may pompously pursue our demented imaginings on the progress of a failed civilization. The fbi et al set people up for long prison sentences or death. Almost always the measure of punishment given a man is disproportionate to the presumed gravity of the alleged offense. See:




["You must contrive for your future Rulers another and a better life than that of a Ruler, and then you may have a well ordered State; for only in the State which offers this, will they rule who are truly rich, not in silver and gold, but in virtue and wisdom, which are the true blessings of life." Plato, The Republic.]

The real criminals in our society are the so-called law enforcement officials and judges (and their comunity citizen informants & political pimps) who, within a complex system controlled by lawyers, illegally and immorally set people up for convictions of non extant crimes conceived and implemented by the criminals in the *fbi/cia/police, etc.See:


Folsom Prison has far more good men within their walls than do the insulated and marbled suites of fbi/cia offices across the globe.

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 May God Bless & Protect Barbara Hartwell
category picture4 Feb 2012 @ 19:06
This is a message from my dear friend and professional colleague, Barbara Hartwell, who is under severe attack from the assassins of fbi/cia and their minions, operatives and street thugs.
I pray with and for Barbara with the full knowledge that Providence & GOD ALMIGHTY may bless & protect her, so that she can continue her humanitarian work against the evil doers of our time:

Excerpted from:


Barbara Hartwell

Curriculum Vitae
Independent Investigator, Intelligence Analyst, Journalist. Former CIA (NOC, Psychological Operations.) Black Ops Survivor. Sovereign Child of God. Believer in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Exposing Government Lies, Crimes, Corruption and Cover-ups.

Saturday, February 4, 2012
My Prayer for Deliverance from Spiritual Demonic Attack

All those ungodly beings who bear false witness against me; who threaten my life and my well-being; who threaten to ruin or destroy me by any means; who attempt to disrupt my Christian life with their demonic schemes to harm me; who call me vile names; who invade my privacy and violate my God-given rights and liberties; who invade my life, the sanctuary of my home and attempt to desecrate my life in Christ with blasphemy, cruel abuse and lies,


In the name of Christ and by the power of the Holy Spirit, who deliver me from all evildoers.

"No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgment you shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is from me,” says the Lord.

Isaiah 54:17

 "Radio Waves are used as Weapons"
category picture31 Jan 2012 @ 18:17
Does the reader understand that, "Radio Waves are used as Weapons" against our own people!


See as reference:


From Geral Sosbee to Chris- thanks for this important link regarding neuro weapons and pls permit this observation:

You, I and many others are presently targeted for torture and death by the fbi/cia and their associates and operatives and the primary tools used against us include those mentioned in this link:


No one can legally and with impunity suggest the need to defend against governmental violent attacks because if one does he goes to jail or is killed outright, as the thugs of the fbi/cia deem appropriate. Thus, I can suggest to the leaders of this sorry nation that your inhumane assaults on the people of the world (including drone bombings and neuro assaults on our brains) will not stand; your crazy efforts to brutally colonize the world and to inhumanely subjugate all peoples cannot be sustained because whatever needs to be done to stop it

will be done.

I trust that this humble message will be understood by the psychopaths, homicidal sociopaths and serial killers of the fbi/cia and military units globally who continue to use the civilian population of the United States as a shield behind which to hide and launch hideous and murderous attacks in the name of America, from 'sea to shining sea'.

See also:
Cliff Huylebroeck,Eleanor White
Hearing voices = voice to skull:



 International Day of Solidarity with Leonard Peltier, February 4, 2012
category picture29 Jan 2012 @ 21:46
As a result of my experience as an fbi agent and my battle with the fbi assassins over the past few decades, I can confirm that the following report is based upon valid premises and that in all likelihood Leonard Peltier was wrongfully convicted as set forht below; further, he is in my opinion a hero who stood as man against the fbi psychopaths and serial killers (both within the ranks of the fbi gang and within the civilian community that the fbi controlled) who were sent to kill him.

Also, I served in the fbi during the time of the violence at the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota; I recall that the fbi across the nation maintained a feverish or psychotic obsession to take vengeance in the case against anyone involved the deaths of the agents. Today, the fbi continues gross violations of constitutional rights (including murder, torture and false imprisonment) against political dissidents. I believe that Leonard Peltier was such a dissident and he is a defender of liberty against the murderous fbi agents who ran amuk at the reservation .

Few men can say that they faced off against the hoodlums of the fbi; few stand tall against the community vigilantes directed by cops and fbi assassins; and fewer still now come to the defense of this American Legend, Mr. Leonard Peltier.



"Background: Native American activist Leonard Peltier was wrongfully convicted in connection with the deaths of two agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

The evidence shows that the FBI was the aggressor in the firefight that occurred on June 26, 1975. From 1973 to 1976, Indigenous People on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota were victims of beatings, drive-by shootings, and stabbings carried out by local vigilantes who collaborated with the FBI. Peltier and other Indigenous activists were forced into a defensive posture to protect not only their lives, but the lives of others who were present-elders, women, and children. Indeed, Mr. Peltier's co-defendants, tried separately, were acquitted on grounds of self-defense."

 Insider Trades By Congress And Other Little Atrocities
category picture25 Jan 2012 @ 22:37
This report focuses on two areas of popular interest as follows: 1) FBI's Failure To Address Insider Trades By Congress 2) Guantanamo Bay Torture and Cover Ups Thereof By FBI.

As a preamble to the data shown below, the reader is invited to see my sworn affidavit at


[This statement serves as a suggestion for how to begin correcting the excesses of government corruption:

"You must contrive for your future Rulers another and a better life than that of a Ruler, and then you may have a well ordered State; for only in the State which offers this, will they rule who are truly rich, not in silver and gold, but in virtue and wisdom, which are the true blessings of life." Plato, The Republic.]

1) Congress does not investigate fbi crimes that I have documented in the above affidavit because many in congress engage in unethical or criminal activities and because corrupt public policy allows such. Here is evidence that congress is hopelessly corrupt from fear of fbi and fbi's blackmail methods. [link] Sources of fbi/cia Financing For Global Criminal Intel Operations


The fbi/cia thugs, kidnappers, torturers, assassins, burglars, etc., obtain all the money they need for their criminal operations from multiple sources: Congress, Illegal drug operations and money laundering schemes, theft and seizure of Targets' assets, blackmail, theft (including burglary & robbery) and the stock markets around the globe. The two corrupt groups regularly tap into the equities,commodities and futures markets for guaranteed huge profits. the SEC and other federal agencies ignore these criminal market manipulations because the fbi/cia are "securing the USA from terrorist attacks and are at the same defending freedom." The corrupt congress of the USA (under threat of blackmail or harassment by fbi thugs) is aware of and allows market manipulations under the authority of its various intel, budgetary and oversight committees (indeed many in congress now also engage in criminal trades on insider information); also the intel courts (owing their allegiance to fbi/cia assassins) have inside scoop regarding fbi/cia fraud in the money markets (including the futures markets) as a result of the secret courts' reviews of the global criminal activities of the fbi/cia assassins and torturers. These courts 'sign off' (or authorize) the illegal trades. *See:




2)See this report from me and another FBI Insider who corroborates some of my statements against the FBI.


 cia and fbi cowards and assassins send our young into unjust wars
category picture18 Jan 2012 @ 20:59
Wake up to discover that no roses are on the barren landscape of the lives of many soldiers & combat vets.

cia and fbi cowards & assassins force our brave young into unjust wars

The cia directs our young, brave men and women into useless battles and unjust wars, while the fbi threatens, arrests, imprisons, tortures and kills the soldier/citizen (whether decorated or fatigued) upon return home. Thus, no wonder *West Point and other military academies frequent my reports in search of an answer to this question,"Who will follow us into the next battle"?


















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 American Lack Of Intelligence
category picture15 Jan 2012 @ 19:52
Summary of some of the illegal methods and practices of fbi/cia assassins globally.

Many Americans are in the dark regarding the unlawful (and indeed murderous & criminal) covert intel operations of the fbi/cia globally, while foreigners are ironically awakening to and informing themselves of the USA sponsored atrocities around the globe.The lack of intelligence of Americans is thus partly responsible for 911 and its possible sequel because the American people ignorantly accept their leaders (in the executive offices of government) and the secret agenda that they pursue.

For example, see the following links for evidence of exotic weaponry used to maim, torture, force suicide or kill the Targets of American intel community [Note that the judges who authorize the assaults (as evidenced in the links below) on this reporter are guilty of attempted murder, felonious assaults, or subornation of these criminal offenses]:








Then consider my reports on the fbi/cia practice of eliminating their critics:


Note that combat veterans are often also destroyed or murdered by the very same government that sent them into phony wars:




I hope that the reader may use this information to help educate the American people of the hopeless leadership of the USA and of the need to stop the carnage and suffering imposed on the world by the fbi/cia and their affiliates (i.e.: mi6, mossad, etc.)

Thank you kindly.


 University Of Texas And the fbi Continue Years Of Harassment Of Me On Campus
picture12 Dec 2011 @ 18:36
See my continuing reports and documentations of crimes committed against me by UT, police, fbi, and others, over the past several years contining to date.

*The University of Texas (UT) continues to harass, stalk and malign this reporter of their crimes (in concert with and at the implied direction of the fbi assassins). As I previously documented, the UT officials and police fabricated a false police report against me, even while they sent one of the UT contract employees to criminally assault me in efforts to provoke a violent confrontation. The only violence on campus was perpetrated by the UT staff and the UT police. See the actual fraudulent UT police report against me at:


See my report on the UT criminal assault at:


Other supplementary reports of UT harassment against me are available at



See admission by an fbi operative at the UT campus in Brownsville, Texas, confirming a coordinated illegal surveillance of this reporter:


The UT officials and police are on mandatory alert for any signs of disruptive campus activity by any suspicious person, especially in view of the high profile “occupy’’ movement across many continents. In this regard the UT police (and other so-called law enforcement agencies at colleges and universities) are on guard to identify and to arrest anyone who may pose some kind of security concern on campus.

-Anyone except, that is, the criminals in the UT administration and police department itself-

The problem is that the falsely presumed great minds at the UT campuses in Austin and San Antonio, etc., are regularly committing assaults, provocations, implied threats, and uncivil conduct against me for the sole purposes to discourage the use of the university’s computer and to help the fbi arrest me. Absolutely no effort is made by the faculty, staff and police at UT to address its own illegal conduct.

The recent efforts by the UT staff in Harlingen, Texas, to remind me that I am unwanted on campus is a reminder to all that the Age Of Madness is not likely to go away anytime soon; and that the threats of arrest of innocent persons by the criminals in high places portend more injustices for us all. Here are two of my recent reports on some of the effects of corrupt government on society in general and on its people:



*Telephone: (956) 365-8650 Fax No.: (956) 365-8753 Regional Academic Health Center UT Health Science Center at San Antonio 2102 Treasure Hills Blvd. Harlingen, Texas 78550  More >

 THE AGE OF MADNESS & A Critical Review of fbi/cia Operations
category picture10 Dec 2011 @ 20:36


THE AGE OF MADNESS & A Critical Review of fbi/cia Operations

This report represents a summary of my reflections & analysis on fbi/cia/police/societal egregious agendas.


As I reflect on the past two decades of vicious assaults on me by agents and operatives of the fbi and the cia, I sometimes in my quiet moments seek to comprehend the cause or genesis of the evil that characterizes many of the horrid events that I describe in "My Story In Detail" and related data and links at


This report is a summary of some of my conclusions regarding the decadent public policy rationale that supports atrocities by government, including the imprisonment, torture (physical and psychological) and killing of human beings for no justifiable cause. I hope that an enlightened populace may someday look inward and demand to know how many deaths and how much needless sufferings have been caused through episodes (such as those I describe in my reports) of government barbarity, gross insensitvity and macabre methodology; in the understanding of the injustices perhaps we can end them.

As most persons have no insight into the criminal minds and operations of government intelligence agents, little opportunity exists to address their crimes against humanity. Similarly, police authorities assist the intelligence services in the coverup of many felonies committed by the agencies and by the police themselves. Whistleblowers and others who try to expose egregious government crimes are outnumbered, out gunned, and portrayed as outlaws or madmen by the government predators who are trying to harm them.

For the average citizen, furthermore, society in general is unresponsive to pleas for guidance from those persons who are , at the hands of government predators and perpetrators, needlessly suffering and dying. The same systemic treachery that often greets the whistleblower is waiting to ensnare the average citizen in crisis, as I pointed out to the court in my Writ at 534US894.

The common threads of public malice and inhumanity towards the object of government predatory agendas run throughout many social institutions today; such widespread animosity is now mainstream and serves as a kind of mind programming for the general population who very often plays an integral role in the planned and orchestrated assaults on the Targets who are sometimes labeled as madmen.

As we are born into a complex world that changes from moment to moment in terms of advances in technology, scince, law, and contemporary standards for human conduct, no single individual can keep abreast of all the strictures (or expectations) that are brought to bear on our modern lives; even though we may think that we are experts in our own culture, we are not. Medical doctors do not know all the answers associated with causes forillnesses and diseases; lawyers often have no fast clue to finding remedies for legal issues that evolve from fast changing social mores; engineers and scientists must forever adjust design and focus of their work to deal with ever changing technologies, new discoveries and emerging societal forces and human needs.

The average individual human being may at times find himself adrift in an unfamiliar and alien sea filled with incalculable dangers. We have discovered that we cannot always cope with the stresses that we encounter on a daily basis. Returning war vets, or otherwise traumatized persons sometimes seek advice , treatment and comfort to ease medical conditions orpsychological pressures. When no effective assistance is available, some of our fellow citizens may suffer, collapse and die, even while we watch on some popular cop or quasi news shows. In extreme cases the confused or disoriented citizen is imprisoned, tortured, forced into suicide, or shot dead by the very same government agents who pretend to defend our liberties.

This is an important point because no one among us is immune from neurosis when tragedy strikes. We should therefore reconsider our societal relationship with those we condemn (to prison or death), lest we abruptly someday join their numbers. Actions against a citizen by government agents and their citizen action committees often provoke the Target into wild conduct; such intentional assaults are intended to cause the Target to respond violently so that he may be arrested or killed.

We see examples of this on our streets almost daily; and I have presented numerous instances of such intentional provocations in many of my reports.Further, no attention is focued on psychological operations against a targeted person even though a growing number of persons worldwide now testify that they are targeted by ruthless and painful campaigns. No law exists that may stop the type of violent activities in which the fbi andthe cia engage regularly against their Targets, foreign and domestic. Even civil court judges routinely ignore the criminal actions of police and fbi against the accused. Thus the person portrayed as a madman on some TV shows is in reality a product of a corrupt public policy standard that authorizes the torture, imprisonment and killing of a given Target. One plausible explanation for the apparent lunacy of government officials and their civilian supporters and followers is offered by Thomas Szasz, M.D. in his book THE AGE OF MADNESS, Jason Aronson, New York, 1974, Library of Congress , Catalogue Number 74-8401.

As I read his comments and analogies, I recall the hostilities against me (continuing to date for about twenty years) by the fbi; I believe that the most dangerous and destructive human beings in society are the members of the fbi, cia, police and their operatives throughout society who provoke, threaten, torture, malign, poison,libel, slander and attempt to kill (or to drive insane) the objects of their misguided misanthropy. Society in a sense has become its own worst enemy; those otherwise innocent citizens (including doctors, lawyers and laymen) so engaged against their fellow citizen are accomplices to murder (or felonious assault) by aiding the murderers of the agencies of government we all rely upon. In this way we have become a nation of assassins.

Below is the explanation by Szasz which I find most compelling in the context of my review of the atrocities committed against me and others by the fbi and cia thugs. Italics are mine as are all brackets and contents therein:

As ""in the Age of Faith political power was the monopoly of Church and State, so in the Age Of Reason, it is the monopoly of Science [Law] and State. The former celebrated its values by constructing cathedrals and religious shrines", while the latter does so by constructing hospitals" insane asylums [ and prisons] and by forcibly treating madmen [and accused criminals].

In the Age of faith, men confirmed the existence and glory of God by creating witches who worshipped the devil, and confirmed the power of God by multiplying the number and magnifying the dangerousness of witches; in the Age of Reason, men confirm the existence and glory of Reason by creating madmen who worship unreason, and confirm the power of Reason by multiplying the number and magnifying the dangerousness of madmen [criminals]." Men ""regarded themselves as most faithful when they were surrounded by heretics; and that they regarded themselves as most reasonable when surrounded by madmen [criminals].

Today we have tens of millions of persons imprisoned (or under threat of imprisonment) worldwide by men who regard themselves as "most reasonable''; the more people that they imprison, the more they fancy themselves as "most reasonable''. This is why, as Szasz writes, the Age of Faith was teeming with heretics; why the Age of Reason is teeming with madmen [criminals] and why I [Szasz] rename The Age of Reason, in honor of its victims,

The Age Of Madness.(Szasz, page4).

See Also:


See Also:





Thomas Szasz, M.D. in his book THE AGE OF MADNESS, Jason Aronson, New York, 1974, Library of Congress , Catalogue Number 74-8401.

"The genius of insanity is opposed, usually, by the feeble-mindedness of psychiatry." Karl Kraus, ID., p.130.

Psychiatry feeds the individual's hunger for power and, like journalism,carries within itself vast potentialities for abuse. Karl Kraus. ID., p.129.


The crimes ongoing globally by the fbi/cia assassins reflect in my considered judgment a severe mental illness that spreads invisibly by contact with others in the general population; the genesis for the infirmity may be deeply embedded in the human genome by which all human beings appear predisposed to join in certain atrocities when prompted to do so. This theory would also account for the relative ease by which the fbi/cia/dod assassins manipulate world and local opinion against a person who is metaphorically being beaten to death by the torture techniques that I have described for two decades. Excerpted from my logs dated 2002:

As few call for the medical treatment of the carriers of the disease, some action must be taken to control or perhaps to cure the affliction; failure to do so invites the members of the infected class to 1) continue globally to torture, imprison and murder millions of human beings in the name of 'Democracy' and 2) ceaselessly induct and thereby enslave the rest of the world's population into their demented and flagitious ranks.



 The fbi is Mafia today
picture17 Nov 2011 @ 21:07
In the early years of the fbi Hoover discovered that his agents were generally not quite capable (for a number of reasons) to deal with the murderers and psychopaths of organized crime in the United States; so, Hoover and his associates set out to correct this inadequacy in a calculated and systematic manner: his agents when deemed appropriate would (by training and mind programming) become themselves homicidal sociopaths.

His plan worked so well that in today's fbi, one cannot always determine which agents (and operatives) are cold blooded murderers and torturers.For example:

People who knew H. Paul Rico (ex-fbi agent)"... recall him as a cop who dressed and talked like a gangster. Only much later would it become clear that it was not an act."

"Hitman", Howie Carr, Tom Doherty Associates,LLC,175 Fifth Avenue, New York,NY 10010,2011, p.63.





See joint crimes committed against 'moi' BY THE FBI/UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS ON CAMPUS:

[link]  More >

category picture3 Nov 2011 @ 14:06
The homicidal evil that is apparent throughout the fbi/cia's unlawful and immoral campaign against this author (and other defenders of liberty globally) over the past decades is truly a force to be reckoned with because human beings are being controlled, tortured, murdered by the same bestial aggression that I have captured in my work for the better part of a half century. In a sense the individuals who engage in the evil deeds, whether on behalf of government or on their own, represent a force for bad that shapes the final direction for the species and that seems to accelerate and expand perhaps out of control even as many of us seek to stop it. Such force may be termed for now, DARK ENERGY.

 Courts & fbi torture, maim or kill wrongly accused
picture3 Oct 2011 @ 14:42
Courts & fbi torture, maim or kill wrongly accused

See also:


An emerging evil now threatens people around the globe, especially in the United States of America. Fraudulently obtained court ordered commitment and psychoactive medications are being forced on our fellow citizens who are innocent , or who do not merit the kind of gross abuse put upon them by the fbi and other agencies.

The fbi and associates now armed with less process than would be necessary to seize a refrigerator gain access (via abusive court orders) to the Target's body in a dental office, a doctor's examing room, a coffee shop, or in the Target's own bed and thereupon infuse or inject disabling drugs and poisons (or assault him with brain entrainment technology), in complete disregard for his fundamental human, civil and constitutional rights.

I have learned by personal experience that , as a whistleblower against the criminals in the fbi, certain agencies of the US government (such as fbi,cia,irs,hhs, etc.) as well as local authorities at every level have managed to convince the legislators and courts to secretly ‘set people up’ for involuntary civil commitment or non-consensual monitoring and involuntary medication based on false statements and other data that are contrived or fabricated. The statements used against the citizen are submitted by paid (or otherwise compensated) informants and operatives of the agencies. The goal of such underhanded operations is to end the productive life of the wrongly accused (i.e.,the Target) and to destroy his standing and reputation in the community, or to incarcerate and ultimately end his life by forced suicide or by causes that appear to be ‘natural’.


The agency fabricates a bogus criminal profile on the Target who is labeled as a sex offender within the CJIS, even though the Target is completely innocent [Note: no criminal case is opened on the Target because the phony allegation is on face a fraud]. See "My Story In Detail" in nineteen parts at [link]

Also see "government must create criminals" in order to cover up crimes, or for another political or economic interest:


Notwithstanding the innocense of the Target, the fbi or its operatives begin to spread the message that the Target is a mental case and a carrier of a deadly STD; this combination of lies has devastating results on the Target as shown in this report and related links. All the while the Target is unaware for many years of the awful games being played on him. His life, his profession and his family ties are destroyed, and his sanity is taxed to the limit by the hidden agenda set in motion against him. The target has no constitutional protections against the corrupt civil proceedings ongoing against him and his own conduct is undersatndably affected. See




The accusers use every tool available to make sure that the Target has no way to defend against the program designed to destroy him because all assaults are performed in secret and are even choreographed for the adverse psychological effect in some instances. Integral to the assault program is the court order which authorizes the monitoring for so-called "public safety" purposes all of the activities of the Target around the clock.


This provides the bases for the operatives to spread disabling calumny and defamatory statements against him everywhere he goes, literally. The court order also allows (or ‘orders’) that drugs be planted in the Tragets food anywhere he eats. Soon the Target learns that he is the object of general scorn by the public and he also begins to to suffer symptoms associated with the dangerous drug (in many instances, medroxyprogesterone acetate): diabetes, blood clots, gall bladder problems, gastrointestinal complications, weigh gain, etc.

Broad accusations of sexual misconduct or deviancy are vague, but the connotations are inflammatory and very harmful as applied to the Target. Nevertheless, with an almost fervid pathology the government agent or operative ensures that the Target is publicly painted in a perfecly horrid manner. To be sure the innocent Target in many instances has no criminal record and no evidence exist regarding sex offenses of any kind, except for the secret and false statenments entered by the fbi in their hidden private files. As suggested earlier, the specific goal of the accuser is to fabricate a file or profile on the Target for later presentation to the judge in closed meeting; all the while the operatives are engaged in the commission of multiple felonies against the Target.

The court allows only the perjurious accusers access to the judge who may or may be aware that innumerable serious crimes are being perpetrated against the Target daily as though he is an enemy of the state and a threat to all.


Another abusive tactic used against the Target is to have the civil court issue a commitment order and involuntary hospitalization as a mental patient; given the great stress on the Target by the criminals sent to destroy him, the Target may show signs of neurotic behavior from time to time. The team of potential assassins use every such instance to further pad their false claims that the Target is crazy. Yet in no sense is the conduct of the Target considered to be extensively neurotic or psychotic by any objective standard.


As suggested above, concurrent with the abusive civil process which are obtained against the Target, efforts are made to provoke him into a violent reaction to the unending assaults against him. I have been literally threatened on the street by fbi operatives and in one instance I was knocked off my feet in the Los Angeles public library by an operative who sought a violent reaction to his battery of my person. I have also documented a few other examples of assault by fbi and police operatives.




I intimated above that the government agents seek to drive the Target insane, or to mame and kill him by esoteric and macabre methods.




Amazingly, the assassins of government even begin sending harassing messages on public forums; and in one instance an apparent homicidal sociopath (an fbi agent or operative)sends the message, " kill yourself geral sosbee."


See also these two links for more examples of devious and potentially deadly tricks used against the Target.




Actually, the Target does not have a chance to effectively resist the onslaught against him because he is busy trying to stay alive and sane amidst the barrage of high tech assaults by low minded thug-operatives.










If the Target initially survive the assasults (as I have for example)he may have the rare opportunity to seek legal counsel, but this too is largely in vain and very expensive, for most Targets are barely able to meet their basic needs. Most attorneys have no interest in assisting such a Target. After all any legal action requires great skill and professional standing on the part of the lawyer; also, any suit against the fbi is expensive, time consuming and in some instances probably destined to fail. I know because I tried.


Also the general fear by attorneys and doctors to have any association with a person accused of sex offenses often militate against helping (or representing) most Targets who are usually deemed unsalvageable social derelicts. In this regard the reader might imagine his own possible reaction to being falsely labeled as one or more of the followwing: hypersexual, poor sexual impulse control, developmental disability, aggressive sexuality,homosexual pedophilia, multiple paraphilias, predatory patterns of inappropriate sexual behavior, sex offender,rapist,pedophilia, exhibitionist, serial sexual predator with STD, etc.

Given the extreme prejudicial effect of such descriptions, even professionals try to avoid a legal battle with the cards stacked so heavily against the accused. No great profit is common in such cases for the attorney and public policy does not offer favorable outcome for the Target.






The popular view toward a person who is portaryed as a sex offender is expressed by LaLaunie Hayes as follows:

" Sex offenders…commit crimes that put fear into the general public….[They] should be punished…and not forgiven…just because they have gone through a treatment program….castration is an ideal punishment for sex offenders."

When an innocent person is so accused, great injustice follows and the lynch mob mentality ensures that no fair treatment is afforded him. A kind of lunacy in the public at large subserves the very criminals of government (i.e., fbi) who are trying to end the life of the Target. Thus, the accused understandable begins to view the criminal stalkers of government and their supporters as members of a community somewhat dead in their sensibilities.




The accused then at every turn of his travails discovers that all who come under the influence or sway of the government assassins and slanderers are small in their thinking patterns and are therefore also dangerous when they aid the assassins in the mission.


Throughout the gauntlet of assaults which the Taget is subjected to , he begins to realize that he is being pushed perhaps to is death by small minded vigilantes who are empowered by the government’s own teams of assassins; these individuals in the government are thus the real threat to society because they are traitors to their country, to their citizens and to humanity. Many of them are found today within the marble hallways of the Congress




the courts


and the executive branch of the United States government






Meanwhile, this author discovers :

Extended directed attacks cause death by hypertension, diabetes, or other illnesses resulting from collapse of immune system. The torturers watch these infirmities unfold in their victims.

[link]  More >

category picture23 Sep 2011 @ 13:46
A nation and its people who deliberately engage in the systematic conquest, subjugation, torture, imprisonment and killing of others must by the laws of physics and divine nature have the same calamities delivered upon themselves.



 DOJ is nervous about my reports of their crimes and coverups
category picture20 Sep 2011 @ 16:21
DOJ receives vibes from my reports of their crimes (and coverups of same) on behalf of the assassins of the fbi and the cia. See the link shown in the site meter entry below and discover that our work to expose the assassins & torturers of this government (principally the fbi/cia/DOJ) is tremendously successful as evidenced by global awareness of our work. The link below is:


By Location > Visit Detail
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Domain Name ? (U.S. Government)
IP Address 149.101.1.# (US Dept of Justice)
ISP US Dept of Justice
Location Continent : North America
Country : United States (Facts)
State : Virginia
City : Arlington
Lat/Long : 38.8782, -77.1054 (Map)
Distance : 1,440 miles

Language English (U.S.)
Operating System Microsoft WinXP
Browser Internet Explorer 7.0
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; DOJ3jx7bf; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; InfoPath.2; .NET4.0C)
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  FBI HOMICIDAL SOCIOPATH ORDERS::"kill yourself geral sosbee"
category picture20 Sep 2011 @ 01:31
This post is repeatedly hacked by the fbi thugs over the past week (9-18-11)

FBI HOMICIDAL SOCIOPATH ORDERS:"kill yourself geral sosbee"
by geral Tuesday, Sep. 13, 2011 at 10:10 PM (email address validated) 9565360439

In a rare moment of candor an fbi associate sends the "kill yourself" message to me (the Target); then when I try to post this report the fbi deletes or hacks same report.Here it is again:

Due to success of this and my other websites (i.e., etc,) the fbi is suffering heartburn from my revelations regarding the collapse of the USA's constitutional government.

Here is the message sent to me this date via site meter entry,- the original of which may also be seen at the bottom of page at-:

as entered by the desperate fool & apparent associate of the fbi assassins.

By Location > Visit Detail
Visit 104,241
[] [>>]
Domain Name ? (Network)
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Location Continent : North America
Country : United States (Facts)
State : Indiana
City : Indianapolis
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Distance : 1,103 miles

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Location Continent : North America
Country : United States (Facts)
State : Indiana
City : Indianapolis
Lat/Long : 39.8062, -86.1407 (Map)
Distance : 1,103 miles

Language English (U.S.)
Operating System Microsoft WinXP
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Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20110902 Firefox/3.6.22 ( .NET CLR 3.5.30729)
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Time of Visit Sep 10 2011 10:06:42 am
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Visitor's Time Sep 10 2011 11:06:42 am
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See also:

fbi/cia use fear as a weapon:


geral sosbee files a criminal complaint against the author of the harassing message shown above on 9-19-11; the class B misdemeanor complaint was received by Sheriff Deputy Roberto Oyervidez, Cameron County Sheriff's office, 7300 Old Alice Road, Olmito, Texas 78575, case # 0911-1183; this case is also being coordinated with the following police agency:MikeMichael HornbrookSergeantIndianapolis Metropolitan Police DepartmentDepartment of Public Safety3229 North Shadeland AvenueIndianapolis, IN, 46226

 fbi/cia Controls San Francisco Bay Area Independent Media Center
category picture19 Sep 2011 @ 00:35
Over the past several years I have attempted to post reports on the San Francisco Indy Media (SFI) site, but all of my reports regarding the fbi assassins are blocked by the moderator there; below is the most recent example of how the SFI helps the assassins of the fbi/cia by preventing all of my documentations of police brutality & 'police state' abominations. Note that my report is entitled below as follows:

fbi homicidal sociopath orders:"kill yourself geral sosbee". The SFI moderator in his typical and cowardly manner draws a line through the title and deletes the article. Great shame on you San Francisco for allowing the thugs and terrorists of fbi/cia to control your Indymedia grouop.



U.S. | Police State and Prisons
The following post may have been a test post, a duplicate, or could have been hidden if it violated this site's Points of Unity. If you think this item should not have been hidden, first make sure it wasn't posted twice and you were just unable to find the other copy of the post. If that was not the case, you can contact the editorial collective by e-mailing

FBI HOMICIDAL SOCIOPATH ORDERS:"kill yourself geral sosbee"
by geral Wednesday Sep 14th, 2011 9:56 AM
In a rare moment of candor an fbi associate sends the "kill yourself" message to me (the Target); then when I try to post this report the fbi deletes or hacks same report.Here it is again:

The San Francisco Bay Area Independent Media Center is a non-commercial, democratic collective of bay area independent media makers and media outlets, and serves as the local organizing unit of the global Indymedia network.

 fbi psychopath sends new macabre message of death
category picture17 Sep 2011 @ 17:47
fbi psychopath sends new macabre message

fromfirst last

dateFri, Jul 1, 2011 at 7:07 AM more could i forget something like this

hide details Jul 1

i have a RUSSIAN WHORE who i injected with fatal diseases. her old man was
killed in action leaving this lovely whore with 15 kids to raise. we
approached her
with a splended package of benefits...for her kids only. she accepted
(smart whore).

what did she 'ACCEPT' ? well we told her that you, Sir G. Sosbee,
requested a fine
whore to help you pass the time in your lonely life of misery. we gave her your
address. we gave her an elite passport. we supplied her with credit
cards & cash.
and we injected her with fatal diseases so that after she fucks you to death she
too will die. but hey look at the good part of this event...her kids
will be cared for.

do you think the whore we sent to your porch/lap is pretty ?

geral sosbee files a criminal complaint against the author of the harassing message shown above on 9-19-11; the class B misdemeanor complaint was received by Sheriff Deputy Roberto Oyervidez, Cameron County Sheriff's office, 7300 Old Alice Road, Olmito, Texas 78575, case # 0911-1183.

Another sociopathic fbi thug sends the message shown below; note that the fbi coward makes sure to anonymously contact me with his message of death:

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Dec 12 2012 2:54:18 pm
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 FBI HOMICIDAL SOCIOPATH ORDERS::"kill yourself geral sosbee"
picture14 Sep 2011 @ 14:18
FBI HOMICIDAL SOCIOPATH ORDERS:"kill yourself geral sosbee"

FBI HOMICIDAL SOCIOPATH ORDERS:"kill yourself geral sosbee"
by geral Tuesday, Sep. 13, 2011 at 10:10 PM (email address validated) 9565360439

In a rare moment of candor an fbi associate sends the "kill yourself" message to me (the Target); then when I try to post this report the fbi deletes or hacks same report.Here it is again:

Due to success of this and my other websites (i.e., etc,) the fbi is suffering heartburn from my revelations regarding the collapse of the USA's constitutional government.

Here is the message sent to me this date via site meter entry,- the original of which may also be seen at the bottom of page at-:

as entered by the desperate fool & apparent associate of the fbi assassins.

By Location > Visit Detail
Visit 104,241
[] [>>]
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ISP SBC Internet Services
Location Continent : North America
Country : United States (Facts)
State : Indiana
City : Indianapolis
Lat/Long : 39.8062, -86.1407 (Map)
Distance : 1,103 miles

Language English (U.S.)
Operating System Microsoft WinXP
Browser Firefox
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20110902 Firefox/3.6.22 ( .NET CLR 3.5.30729)
Javascript version 1.5
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Time of Visit Sep 10 2011 6:52:08 am
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Location Continent : North America
Country : United States (Facts)
State : Indiana
City : Indianapolis
Lat/Long : 39.8062, -86.1407 (Map)
Distance : 1,103 miles

Language English (U.S.)
Operating System Microsoft WinXP
Browser Firefox
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20110902 Firefox/3.6.22 ( .NET CLR 3.5.30729)
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Time of Visit Sep 10 2011 10:06:42 am
Last Page View Sep 10 2011 10:09:42 am
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Time Zone UTC-5:00
Visitor's Time Sep 10 2011 11:06:42 am
Visit Number 104,283
See also:

fbi/cia use fear as a weapon:


geral sosbee files a criminal complaint against the author of the harassing message shown above on 9-19-11; the class B misdemeanor complaint was received by Sheriff Deputy Roberto Oyervidez, Cameron County Sheriff's office, 7300 Old Alice Road, Olmito, Texas 78575, case # 0911-1183; this case is also being coordinated with the following police agency:MikeMichael HornbrookSergeantIndianapolis Metropolitan Police DepartmentDepartment of Public Safety3229 North Shadeland AvenueIndianapolis, IN, 46226  More >

 Secret Courts & Armed Judges Corruptly Wreak Havoc On Targets
picture9 Sep 2011 @ 15:10
Discover the secret laws & courts used by the fbi to terrorize people, including USA combat vets.


The Star Chamber courts of the past centuries now are de facto present with a vengeance (literally) in the United States of America and are being used as a political weapon which allows for actions against opponents to the policies and practices of the corrupt & murderous United States government.
Now, the corrupt courts rule in secret against Targets who suffer multiple injuries from cruel and provocative assaults by government agents and the general public.


As I have documented, secret hearings are now held between the fbi/cia/police/government operatives and the secret courts wherein the judges authorize the use of drugs on or incarceration of the Target based upon fraudulent data in the possession of the fbi (or its CJIS), the police, and other agencies as well as other quasi government groups. All constitutional rights (and civil as well as human rights) are ignored in the star chamber meetings.

The problem for the average citizen is that he has no defense against the rulings of the judges who remain under the control of the predatory and murderous agencies that I have described. Today all states now expand the ability of the secret courts to deliver drugs or directed energy assaults, or incarceration, against a given Target.

See the laws in your states which compare to those in Texas and discover for yourself how this nations’ lawyers and judges abandon all pretense of fairness and human decency in their outrageous and sometimes murderous actions. For example, probate judges in Texas (and their newly empowered associates on the bench) now regularly and with the click of the mouse (and another click for email notices) order the use of so-called ‘psychoactive medications’ against the Target.

The victims of these court ordered assaults often have no idea that they are being poisoned with a variety of dangerous drugs, including a *few of which even the judges are unaware. Almost all of the judges are also now allowed to carry concealed handguns to protect against the possible backlash of their abuses (another of which is the handling of some adults, until the age of 21, as juveniles in order to deprive the young adult of constitutional safeguards against summary orders of incarceration/medication).

Meanwhile, the federal representatives in Congress (such as John Cornyn, Lloyd Doggett and Kay Bailey Hutchison) ensure that grant money is paid to the states to guarantee full compliance with the secret rules & star chamber type courts that allow the complete circumvention of the conventional & constitutional protections of the accused or targeted.

For supportive data on the above report see some of the links below:




stuartbramhallJanuary 10, 2011 at 2:32 pm

"To be honest, Starla, the control is indirect or “soft” control. It’s mainly drug companies that control mental health – but the government allows them to do it, by preventing the FDA from regulating some of the criminal behavior of the pharmaceutical companies. Where US intelligence comes in is that they do seem to have a lot of control over the media – and use the media extensively to portray intelligence whistle blowers and people who disagree with the government as mentally ill to discredit them. The reality is that it’s not really necessary for the government to control psychiatrists. For the most part they are happy to believe what the drug companies tell them – and to go around locking up activists and whistle blowers based on a belief (that they get from the media) that people only do such things because they are mentally unbalanced."

Some judges are paid off:


The following report is hacked by fbi:

FBI HOMICIDAL SOCIOPATH ORDERS:"kill yourself geral sosbee"
by geral Tuesday, Sep. 13, 2011 at 10:10 PM (email address validated) 9565360439

In a rare moment of candor an fbi associate sends the "kill yourself" message to this me (the Target); then when I try to post this report the fbi deletes or hacks same report.Here it is again:

Due to success of this and my other websites (i.e., etc,) the fbi is suffering heartburn from my revelations regarding the collapse of the USA's constitutional government.

Here is the message sent to me this date (*via site meter entry, the original of which is shown below) by the desperate fool & apparent associate of the fbi assassins.

By Location > Visit Detail
Visit 104,241
[] [>>]
Domain Name ? (Network)
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ISP SBC Internet Services
Location Continent : North America
Country : United States (Facts)
State : Indiana
City : Indianapolis
Lat/Long : 39.8062, -86.1407 (Map)
Distance : 1,103 miles

Language English (U.S.)
Operating System Microsoft WinXP
Browser Firefox
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20110902 Firefox/3.6.22 ( .NET CLR 3.5.30729)
Javascript version 1.5
Monitor Resolution : 1280 x 1024
Color Depth : 24 bits

Time of Visit Sep 10 2011 6:52:08 am
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Visitor's Time Sep 10 2011 7:52:08 am
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Finally,I have a very special message to the so called judges who sign the fraudulent orders against innocent Targets such as me; listen carefully your (dis)honors: you are criminals and you will be hunted down in an historical sense and called to answer for your crimes against humanity. You will not be able to plead that the fbi or other similar agency lied to you and that you were unaware of the torture and murder orders that you validated; this is because your courts were secret, closed to the public and not available to your victim or anyone other than the torturers/murderers and their professional lying witnesses whom you welcomed into your little chambers. When the toll be counted of the hundreds or thousands of human beings subjected over the decades to your inhumane orders authorizing torture, experimentation, forced suicide and murder, your names will forever be recorded as vile mass murderers like those here:

and your filthy sociopathic genetic characteristics will be analyzed and marked as the most degenerative and bestial human traits ever to appear in the homo sapien on earth.

Those of us who call you out will never rest until you, little dangerous fools, receive the justice you deserve; don't expect to enjoy the constitutional, human or civil rights that you denied your victims. I'm afraid that such benefits truly do not accrue to your kind:

See fbi as mafia:

Intel services castrate disparate enemies

The names of the doctors who assist the fbi/cia in thier crimes must be added to this list:

[link]  More >

 fbi deletes this: Consent of the governed, NOT!
picture7 Sep 2011 @ 14:37


Inasmuch as this government and the culture that supports it has become over time a murderous oppressor of people and nations and simultaneously continue to engage in high crimes and misdemeanors against all of the world's inhabitants, I cannot in good faith consent to its rule.

Consent of the Governed

At one time in my life when I was much younger and more trusting in those leaders who ruled the nation, I consented to the government’s handling of social, political, and economic affairs and my role in such activities. I impliedly accepted the idea that authority vested in the agencies of government was somewhat sanctified in that all of the people must for the benefit of the world and in pursuit of peace recognize law and public policy standards as outlined by all appropriate agencies of government.

Inasmuch as government has now become unduly oppressive, murderous and inhumane (as evidenced in part by an uninterrupted string of local and global atrocities and crimes against humanity over the past century) I can no longer give my consent to be ruled by the illegitimate authority that calls itself the United States of America.
From my personal experience I find that the criminal and civil laws of this nation (and the cultural standards that support them) are impossible to honor in many instances because they are secret in their making, arbitrary in their enforcement and insufferably oppressive in their application. Such obscure laws, standards and secret rules are used by political fiat to imprison and to destroy lives of people in a kind of game where prosecutor, defense attorney, judge and citizenry all conspire to ruin, imprison or kill the individual for alleged offenses that do not approach in severity the crimes and unlawfully brutal tactics used against them by their detractors; neither do the actual offenses alleged against a person generally compare in degree of severity to the crimes committed against him by the accusers. Those government agents (and their paid killers in uniform or in the private sector) who seek to selectively apply their contrived and illegitimate rule of law against unsuspecting citizens now advance against the people with unwarranted malice, tortuous brutality, and advanced cruel weaponry.

No free man who yet has an ounce of will power and self-respect may therefore submit to the completely out of control government of the United States of America. Any judgment or levy against any citizen or resident of the United States by any current officer of the three branches of government, or by any administrative agency thereof, is by definition corrupt, devoid of legitimacy and intolerable to men and women of good conscience because those who (with evil intent, malice aforethought and wickedly selfish heart) wield the bloody ax of law against our people are the real criminals far more dangerous and threatening to humanity than the millions of men and women imprisoned under Nazi like orders of this hideous regime.

In good conscience and by the remaining will power afforded by Providence I do not give my consent to be ruled by the present United States government because it is a global murderous and criminal enterprise bent on world inhumane domination at any cost.

geral sosbee


How does one defend against brain entrainment and directed energy assaults?


____________________________________________________________________________________“Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it.”
- John Lennon


[link]  More >

 PayPal Withholds funds from Wikileaks at behest of fbi assassins
picture26 Aug 2011 @ 01:20
I just received this message from Taiwan and I am pleased to present the material here & now:

"Dear PayPal, its customers, and our friends around the globe,

This is an official communiqué from Anonymous and Lulz Security in the name of AntiSec.

In recent weeks, we’ve found ourselves outraged at the FBI’s willingness to arrest and threaten those who are involved in ethical, modern cyber operations. Law enforcement continues to push its ridiculous rules upon us – Anonymous “suspects” may face a fine of up to 500,000 USD with the addition of 15 years’ jailtime, all for taking part in a historical activist movement. Many of the already-apprehended Anons are being charged with taking part in DDoS attacks against corrupt and greedy organizations, such as PayPal.

What the FBI needs to learn is that there is a vast difference between adding one’s voice to a chorus and digital sit-in with Low Orbit Ion Cannon, and controlling a large botnet of infected computers. And yet both of these are punishable with exactly the same fine and sentence.

In addition to this horrific law enforcement incompetence, PayPal continues to withhold funds from WikiLeaks, a beacon of truth in these dark times. By simply standing up for ourselves and uniting the people, PayPal still sees it fit to wash its hands of any blame, and instead encourages and assists law enforcement to hunt down participants in the AntiSec movement.

Quite simply, we, the people, are disgusted with these injustices. We will not sit down and let ourselves be trampled upon by any corporation or government. We are not scared of you, and that is something for you to be scared of. We are not the terrorists here: you are.

We encourage anyone using PayPal to immediately close their accounts and consider an alternative. The first step to being truly free is not putting one’s trust into a company that freezes accounts when it feels like, or when it is pressured by the U.S. government. PayPal’s willingness to fold to legislation should be proof enough that they don’t deserve the customers they get. They do not deserve your business, and they do not deserve your respect.

Join us in our latest operation against PayPal – tweet pictures of your account closure, tell us on IRC, spread the word. Anonymous has become a powerful channel of information, and unlike the governments of the world, we are here to fight for you. Always.

Signed, your allies,

Lulz Security (unvanned)
Anonymous (unknown)
AntiSec (untouchable)"
See Also:
[link]  More >

 *shill reveals purpose as fbi sociopathic perpetrator
category picture14 Aug 2011 @ 19:20
An fbi perpetrator recently stalked me at the phillyIndymedia forum where I posted my reports. In the comment section of my report the shill (the fbi low level operative) describes the food that I recently ate in my home as he writes: "Want some cheese with that Whine":

I in fact consumed wine and cheese in my home two days ago, and Shill delivers his message to me that he is one of the perpetrators who is involved in multiple crimes against my person as summarized at:

Thus, in order to better understand the very sick minds of the fbi/cia/police assassins and serial killers, one need look no further than the hateful and vulgar comments of the little guy who pretends to be Mr. Upton; for I consider him to be a perpetrator. Read his posts carefully (and consider my comments) to discover that he may be involved deeply in the assaults on me as set forth in my website at:

See his other hate messages at:

Below is the link to my original report where Shill (i.e.,alternately one fraudulent Mr. 'Upton', and 'anonymous') engages in repeated verbal assaults and he also inadvertently reveals his capacity as stalker and peeping Tom; Shill begins this attack of my post with the words,
"Poor geral"; note that the shill is almost certainly a low level fbi minion & operative who is engaged in many offenses against my person as evidenced by his intimate knowledge of my personal life and his repeated assaults:
---------------- -------------------- ------------------------ ---------------------------

Poor geral
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 08/04/2011 - 9:27am

Want some cheese with that whine, sosbee? LOL
I realize that truth and facts to a pathological liar like sosbee is like holy water to a vampire. But lets look at some truth and facts, shall we. First of all sosbee from texas came to me posting his idiotic bullshit on the Philadelphia indymedia site that I read and sometimes comment to. The only place that I have commented on sosbee's garbage is here on philly indymedia. That can only be classified stalking in the mind of an idiot. Second of all I could have posted as anonymous since that is what the Your name field defaults to. What would you have said to that, moron, that someone named anonymous is posting anonymously? LOL You won't find anything on me sosbee cause unlike idiots like you, I don't post my personal info on the net. Any person who posts his DD214 to the internet has got to be an absolute fool, sound like someone you know? Lastly, the thought of me being exposed to the world as the "GASP" man who posted a comment calling sosbee out as a liar has got to have the world just champing at the bit and me shaking in my boots. LOL you absurd old turd.


Here is my response to the shill & perpetrator. First, I quote Shill and then I enter my response in parentheses:

"First of all sosbee from texas came to me posting his idiotic bullshit on the Philadelphia indymedia site that I read and sometimes comment to." (Shill came to my post here and at other Philly posts).

"The only place that I have commented on sosbee's garbage is here on philly indymedia." (Repeated ad hominem and gutteral verbal & harassing assaults are not legitimate comments on a public forum).

"That can only be classified stalking in the mind of an idiot."
(Let the reader decide who is the idiot here, as the readers in the past have done with Shill's associate:
[link] )

"Second of all I could have posted as anonymous since that is what the Your name field defaults to." (Shill admits here to using false name (upton) by preference)

"What would you have said to that, moron, that someone named anonymous is posting anonymously?" (Shill's evil & underhanded predisposition protrudes at his every attempt at verbal smear)

"LOL You won't find anything on me sosbee cause unlike idiots like you, I don't post my personal info on the net." (Shill admits to hiding his personal biographical data from public view while he engages in a vile public assault campaign on his intended victim)

"Any person who posts his DD214 to the internet has got to be an absolute fool, sound like someone you know?" (The reader may want to see both my DD214 and yours, Shill; here is mine, and if you served in combat in defense of your country, I challenge you to present yours here:
[link] )

"comment calling sosbee out as a liar" ( By Shill's own words he at once admits to his mundane and fraudulent objective, while he also reveals in his last gasping utterance his own unethical nature).

"LOL you absurd old turd."
(Shill is a degenerate misanthrope not unlike the torturers and assassins of the fbi/cia and their operatives & minions whom I present in my work;
See Shill's other remarks at:
[link] )


Here is my (Sosbee's) final response to the shill (on the same forum)when I realized that he is one of the perps who apparently is engaged in the 24/7 surveillance and assault program against me :

Submitted by geral (not verified) on Thu, 08/04/2011 - 2:01pm

Shill is possibly an fbi operative who is involved in the 24/7 surveillance and harassment program, as he sends a message with special hidden meaning to Sosbee as follows:
"Want some cheese with that whine, sosbee?"

The thugs and criminals who watch my activities in my home (and who also invade my residence and vandalize my property therein) know that I recently enjoyed

cheese and wine in my residence; thus, Shill reveals his inside knowledge of my food and drink, even as he pretends to engage in criticism of my work. For more on non-consensual cover surveillance and research see:


For more info on the demonic nature of fbi *shills see the statements from my friend Barbara Hartwell who writes:

"Some of us targeted by these satanic minions and demonic liars are former intelligence/law enforcement whistleblowers and/or professionals from other disciplines, but all of us are legitimate journalists who have exposed accurate, factual information. We don't publish our work using pseudonyms or screen names, because we stand behind the validity of our work with integrity and honor, and we have no reason to want to hide our identities.

The opposition, on the other hand, is comprised largely of amateurs who are being exploited by the professional FBI/CIA COINTELPRO operatives to do the dirty work of libeling, slandering, harassing, threatening and stalking the Targets.

These shills and provocateurs use multiple aliases, and in their cowardice, hide behind various idiotic screen names."

Barbara Hartwell Percival
Legal Defense & Research Trust
PO Box 22
Old Orchard Beach, Maine 04064
Barbara Hartwell Vs. CIA :


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March 18, 2017

Our efforts (mine & my associates)reveal the macabre destiny of mankind, unless we prevail in the pursuit of a general enlightenment of the populace. In any event we are the unacknowledged legislators of the world by awakening in others a fundamental respect for humankind and by indicting the torturers and assassins of our era. The United States of America, by virtue of our work here, is now forever known as a BEAST (Brain EntrAinment State) , a country w/o conscience, a people w/o heart who are cursed with a national character predominantly w/o soul :



For Compelling Reports, See The One And Only
Official Site Of

Barbara Hartwell vs. CIA


This is the real fbi which uses the methods and incorporates the values of the notorious Mafia:


Sosbee reports from the field:
get your own fbi/cia terrorist badge at:
See cia data:

...and see my documentations of fbi/cia crimes at:

The greatest threat to mankind are the murderers and torturers of the fbi/cia. Sosbee comments:

Invade my country (or alienate me in it) I will invade yours;invade my *brain, all bets are off.
A slogan to be remembered:

The Few, the Proud, the Brain Entraining Fiends of the US Marines.

*Regarding Brain Entrainment,
[Note: The perennial search for peaceful solutions to the fbi/cia torture & killing spree globally is the paradox of my life under attack.]


"I suspect that all the crimes committed by all the jailed criminals do not equal in total social damage that of the crimes committed against them."
Karl Menninger, M.D.
The Crime Of Punishment
The Viking Press, NY, 1969

"The laws are like cobwebs: where the small flies are caught, and the great break through."
"...the individual cannot delegate the task of defending his basic human rights-to dignity,liberty, and responsibility-to any group of protectors,..." be they clergy, doctors, legislators, fbi, mafia, police, judges. "For if the protectors are successful, they inevitably become
O P P R E S S O R S..." who should be publicly categorized as


NOTE: The inmates, prisoners, and accused in custody around the world have redeeming qualities that should allow them their freedom in most cases; the fbi, police, all cops at every level, have no such redeeming characteristics; for they kill, stalk, lie, steal, falsify records and calumniate for a living (a profession) 24/7, for 20 to 30 years..


-------------------Caution: Adult Content:

See Robin Head's data:
Note that Robin refused to join in the illegal fbi sting against innocent persons:

Sosbee's Tribute To Our Brothers And Sisters Jailed Anywhere On Earth:

We all owe a debt to the millions of persons imprisoned by the corrupt criminal & civil justice systems worldwide, for THE IMPRISONED have surrendered their lives so that we may pompously pursue our demented imaginings on the progress of a failed civilization. See:
and see:
["You must contrive for your future Rulers another and a better life than that of a Ruler, and then you may have a well ordered State; for only in the State which offers this, will they rule who are truly rich, not in silver and gold, but in virtue and wisdom, which are the true blessings of life." Plato, The Republic.]

The united states of america is a government of torturers & traitors supported by cowards and fools who often can be heard echoing the sentiments of the torturers and assassins of the fbi/cia/pentagon against their victims as follows:"We have Little tolerance for losers and those constantly whining or needing attention."b>

June 6, 1944: The D ay that Enslaved the world.

This is my News Log.
All statements in this site are the opinion of Geral W. Sosbee, except where otherwise indicated.

All work authored by Geral Sosbee in this website and at is registered with United States Copyright Office, For a Work of the Performing Arts, # PAu 2-587-209, effective 10-10-2000, entitled "Intelligence", in accordance with title 17, United States Code. All Rights Reserved.

All logos and trademarks in this site are property of their respective owner. FAIR USE NOTICE: This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. I make such material available in efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. I believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to:
The entire content of this site is subject to international copyright. Unauthorized reproduction will be vigourously pursued to the full extent of the law.
I believe that the **war mongers and cutthroats must not be allowed to rule the world any longer; their methods fail.
"And so long as they were at war, their power was preserved, but when they had attained empire they fell, for of the arts of peace they knew nothing, and had never engaged in any employment higher than war." Aristotle, Politics
Rick Stanley
Constitutional Activist:
RE: psychotronic torture being used on sosbee and others NOW (2008):

Read: Inner Voice, Target Tracking,And Behavioral Influence Technologies
See Project Zombie :
[link] sosbee&rnum=2&hl=en&safe=active

[Consistent with the COPPA laws anyone under the age of 13 (thirteen ) in the United States is required to have their parent's permission before sending any information about oneself using this site. Also, anyone who sends an e-mail or other personal data to Geral W. Sosbee is affirming that he/she is 13 (thirteen ) years of age, or older, or has parental consent, and accepts responsibility for all representations made.]

*Also See Report This Site Dated and Entitled:
'Every child belongs to us': today's unsung fbi slogan
25 Jul 2007
_________Spread the word. Get your own FBI/CIA TERRORISTS badge

Regarding ELF assaults see:

[link] -----------------------------

___ As President Theodore Roosevelt said in his 1906 State of the Union address, "No man can take part in the torture of a human being without having his own moral nature permanently lowered." ______________________________________
ATHOUSANDWORDS-for students of physiognomy:
**The cowards of the United States government who engage in (or who permit or fail to stop) the mind control, psychoelectronic harassment/torture, and other so-called cover research human experimentation programs are the same individuals who share the responsibility for the fall of this country; I intend to share with all of the world, until my death, the tremendous fraud that the U.S. has become in its efforts to colonize the world by murderous and inhumane methodologies; in my work, my primary goal is to expose these low life perpetrators and misanthropes for what they are : assassins and torturers who should face an international war tribunal for their crimes against Humanity. Equally important in my life are the efforts to help others through education and friendship. I extend to my associates everywhere my sincere gratitude for your courage in striking the evil ones with your hearts and souls.
Compelling history is in the making by you & me.
Finally, the general lack of interest by the public at large regarding the ongoing torturing and killing of Targets by the fbi/cia (and their operatives) at home and abroad provides fertile ground for expanded inhumane assaults on mankind by these and other agencies ( as well as the lunatics in the private sector who also engage in the torture of selected Targets).
Finally, we must all begin to take the hoodlums of the fbi, cia, and other police agencies ( and their supporters in the general civilian population) MOST SERIOUSLY (if individual liberties are to be regained).

See 'murder in progress' , Brussell Sprout :

and See:

"Presbyterian Book Of Order
Challenge to Presbyterians of Conscience"

...and consider


"You must contrive for your future Rulers another and a better life than that of a Ruler, and then you may have a well ordered State; for only in the State which offers this, will they rule who are truly rich, not in silver and gold, but in virtue and wisdom, which are the true blessings of life." Plato, The Republic.

How To Stop The uSA Global Killing And Torture Spree:
The Formation Of The
(This means that the people must throw out the merchants of death in every government on earth):

SOSBEE's message to punks and cowards: U.S. Senate Sergeant at Arms (little mr. Gainer),Senators Grassley, Leahy, Cornyn and their criminal associates in Congress:
This soldier is moved by your sickness, but you are all in the rear and not on the front lines; so, you are viewed as cowards and traitors to those of us fighting the battles. Thus, I will not be able to help you when the people arrive on the scene.
To Congressional Traitors/Cowards From Einstein regarding the corrupt and fraudulent MDs in the decadent and homicidal practice of Psychiatry:
For more on the corrupt fbi see:



The fbi falsifies records and spreads fraudulent reports in both civil & criminal matters. See my medical clearances at


and an update in the documents below.

Note please that my former employer (fbi) has for two decades falsely reported my medical records in their smear campaign; I wanted the PUBLIC to have the correct info on me. Appropriate medical records, including *recent blood tests and medical exam are documented by letter dated December 14, 2012, and are available at:


Previous entries
  • Fbi assassins rising

  • 2016-10-23
  • USA under fascist & murderous rule

  • 2016-10-21
  • Fbi/police community are a threat to our people

  • 2016-10-20
  • Shame on Portland Indymedia (PI) for trashing my reports

  • 2016-10-19
  • Hallmarks of f b i

  • 2016-10-18
  • Fbi as human monster

  • 2016-10-17
  • Horror Story In USA
  • Fbi interferes with protocol of search engines

  • 2016-10-16
  • Sociopaths Among Us
  • A Prayer in Prose

  • 2016-10-15
  • Tru,p, Crooked Hillery ( CH ) and fbi / cia are all in a battle to control W H
  • News from Geral

  • 2016-10-13
  • Implied Threats of Arrest & Imprisonment/Death Hang Over This Target

  • 2016-10-10
  • Fbi Agents, Operatives and Friends Are Seriously Mentally Ill

  • 2016-10-07
  • Creation of Artificial Kidney Stone In Vivo By Skilled Criminals with M, M, O

  • 2016-10-04
  • ...And Then They Came For Me ............... fbi is today's Nazi Gestapo

  • 2016-10-03
  • Biography

  • 2016-10-02
  • Today's Police/fbi Traverse the Lines of Human Decency

  • 2016-09-30
  • Evidence that USA is run by criminals

  • 2016-09-27
  • USA's President Has Almost No Power Over fbi / cia Assassins

  • 2016-09-26
  • This is your country, your people, not mine

  • 2016-09-24
  • Counterintelligence Operations Against A Target Are Global

  • 2016-09-23

  • 2016-09-18
  • Homo homini lupus

  • 2016-09-17
  • Fbi illegal methods and criminal agenda exposed

  • 2016-09-16
  • Republication in different format: University of Texas/fbi joint crimes ag/ me

  • 2016-09-15
  • Faculty & Students Awaken
  • Wrap Up From SOSBEE
  • USA's fbi/MAFIA, a real life monster

  • 2016-09-11
  • An Eternal Fraud

  • 2016-09-09
  • Nazi criminals live today in fbi/ cia

  • 2016-09-07
  • My message to the US JUDICIARY

  • 2016-09-06
  • Our World & People Under Attack

  • 2016-09-04
  • Global Mandate To Stop fbi/cia from their  torture & kill programs

  • 2016-09-03
  • Macabre Crimes Committed By fbi, Tacitly Approved By Congress/SCOTUS

  • 2016-09-01

  • 2016-08-31
  • The Reach of

  • 2016-08-29
  • Update on evidence against DA, fbi, et al
  • Wicked men of the fbi

  • 2016-08-28
  • American dismissiveness in the face of its own crimes against humanity

  • 2016-08-27
  • Biographical Data on Geral Sosbee by Mr Cliff Huylebroeck
  • Macabre USA, (a repost)
  • Casual reading of an urgent nature

  • 2016-08-25
  • Police State sponsored by fbi sends clear message to Targets in one letter ( T )

  • 2016-08-24
  • Medical Clearances of GERAL SOSBEE

  • 2016-08-23
  • To fbi Director James B Comey

  • 2016-08-20
  • fbi corrupts our nation
  • My L I F E !

  • 2016-08-18
  • The sick mindset of USA's population

  • 2016-08-17
  • I document more crimes against me by fbi

  • 2016-08-16
  • Fbi hacks my OPM account
  • A Dim View

  • 2016-08-07
  • Fbi reveals its filthy mind, followed by biographical data on me

  • 2016-08-06
  • Fbi hoodlums and criminal sociopaths at work 24/7

  • 2016-08-04
  • Capitalism is Dead

  • 2016-08-01
  • Unversality of geral's documentaries

  • 2016-07-31
  • American Terrorists
  • Fbi, police, army intel, et al are often criminals

  • More ..

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