Geral W. Sosbee    
category picture21 May 2008 @ 00:11
Admin: Brain Entrainment, An Admission:



Many of us are presently being tortured by the fbi, cia and other United States government groups; I do not complain much-though I experience great pain- because I realize that most people do not want to read about the sufferings of others and because I seek action against the government criminals, not sympathy for my plight. Nevertheless, when this chapter of world history is recorded, all persons who refuse to listen to our reports (and all who refuse to hold their government responsible for the crimes that I and others report) will be recorded as silent supporters (by default) of human torture.
[Torture, the infliction of pain to break the will of the victim or victims.]
The slovenly & corrupt United States Congress/Courts should therefore beware.
For the record, some of the following data is borrowed from the site
and I am grateful for their work:

MKULTRA, The CIA’s Top Secret Program in Human Experimentation and Behavior Modification by Andrews, Ph.D. Healthnet Press
This is an extensive list of informational web sites relating to the crimes of organized stalking, directed energy weapons, psycho-electronic mind control, and related topics.
. [link]








































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IMPORTANT SITES (///http////

category picture17 May 2008 @ 19:24

Egyptian cleric's wife testifies in CIA torture case
In Italy, 26 Americans believed to be agents are on on trial in absentia for abducting the man in Milan as part of the CIA's extraordinary-rendition efforts.
By Colleen Barry
The Associated Press
Article Last Updated: 05/14/2008 07:41:20 PM MDT

MILAN, Italy — The wife of an Egyptian cleric taken from a Milan street, allegedly as part of the CIA's extraordinary-rendition program, wept Wednesday as she described her husband's alleged torture in an Egyptian jail.

Heavily veiled and speaking through a translator, Ghali Nabila testified in the trial of 26 Americans charged in Italy with kidnapping in the disappearance of Osama Moustafa Hassan Nasr in February 2003.

"They put him on a cross, they beat him on the ears and all over his body," she told the court, citing a letter from her husband and conversations with him.

"They positioned him on a chair, tied up his hands and his feet," she said, before breaking into tears. "And they gave him electrical shock all over his body, even his genitals."

Nabila, 39, said the torture continued over 14 months.
Sosbee writes:
The fbi generally has guilty knowledge of many USA sponsored torture sprees,
but the thugs in the fbi do not report the atrocities because they too are involved in torture, false imprisonment , forced suicides and murder here at home and around the globe. See:
Report faults FBI handling of agents' Gitmo complaints:Reuters
"... faults the bureau's for responding slowly to complaints from its own agents about the ..." torture .
Torture Defined:
See also Sosbee's report three years ago on this subject, dated and entitled as follows:
"fbi indicts self"
[Category: Articles] 23 Mar 2005
For More On cia Assassins' Killing Spree See:
CIA death squads killing with “impunity” in Afghanistan
By Joe Kay
19 May 2008

"“Sending prisoners overseas to extract information through water torture, removal of toenails and fingernails, beatings, and electrocution at the request of US officials is inhumane and must be stopped.” — US Congressman Edmund Markey, 12 March 2005.

 fbi hacks most of my messages as I type them.
category picture8 May 2008 @ 19:11

I usually type my reports on line at the public library because the fbi destroys any computer that I buy. Regularly the fbi hacks into my NewCiv website in order to delete all or parts of my reports. The Webmaster of NewCiv apparently tried to deal with the fbi interference, but with limited results; now, the fbi continues to follow every word I type; the thugs then modify or change the spelling of some words.In some instances the fbi renders ineffective some of my links in the reports. I try to catch the intentionally created 'typos' so that I can copy and paste my reports onto some Indymedia boards around the world. However, in many instances all of my efforts to correct the errors created by the fbi's hacking as they occur are not effective; thus, when I copy and paste the data onto the Indymedia boards, errors show up. For example in my recent article on "EVIDENCE OF COPS' CRIMINAL INTENT" (this date) , the fbi changed the word "investigating" in the first sentence to "investigation"; in context the word "investigation" did not make good sense.

Submitted For Information Of Interested Parties.

“We need a program of psychosurgery for political control of our society. The purpose is physical control of the mind. Everyone who deviates from the given norm can be surgically mutilated.
The individual may think that the most important reality is his own existence, but this is only his personal point of view. This lacks historical perspective. Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We must electronically control the brain. Someday armies and generals will be controlled by electric stimulation of the brain."
Dr José Delgado.
Director of Neuropsychiatry, Yale University Medical School Congressional Record, No. 26, Vol. 118 February 24, 1974.

category picture8 May 2008 @ 15:59

I continue to report evidence of the violent and criminal mindset of cops; in this report the corrupt cops (or their sycophantic supporters) themselves provide the evidence.

About a month ago I invaded the police forum for the purpose of investigating the mentality of the police, federal agents, etc., who post their ideas on the board. My main goal in doing so is to better understand the violent and decadent character of those cops (i.e., all commissioned officers nationwide, at every level, armed and licensed to kill) in whom the people entrust their most valued possessions, their lives and their freedoms. My work was well conceived and I posted the representative writings of the thugs in blue in the report dated and entitled as follows at this site:

An Introduction To Social Pathology Of Police And Federal Agents.
9 Apr 2008 @ 15:44

Shortly after I began my study of the criminal mind of the cops, several of the retardates on the POLICE board began to verbally attack me. This is to be expected; however, three items from the cops on the board are an unexpected treasure trove of data on the mental illness of the cops in the Brotherhood. The following three entries are taken from the above referenced article and the three statements were originally posted by the cop forum members at:

"I was just bored enough to actually read some of the stuff from his link in his first post. It is a quote from the article/info item he posted. I got to that part and got hung up on what kind of benefits you might get in the psychopath kill know: differentials, full-time or adhoc, are you essential personnel, get holidays off, what hours, on call pay, ect..."

"where did you see that? did he write that? if that's the case then I think he would've been taken care of a long time ago, before he could blow the whistle on the fbi's sinister operation."

"Originally Posted by KapsFB View Post
A village somewhere HAS to be missing an idiot.
Actually, after seeing some recent posts on here.....there are a few villages missing their idiots.....including where this nutty dude came from....

Note that the first cop references my reports of secret codes in the cop community which authorize the murder of suspects by psychopathic cops AND FBI AGENTS. Then, “IAmJeff” chimes in and suggests that Sosbee should have bee “taken care of” (killed) long ago BY the fbi. Finally, the foolish Bearcat adds his take on village idiots.

As of today the entry by IAmJeff and possibly the other two have been removed by Internal Affairs (“IA”, or other cop official) due to the criminal nature or intent apparent in the material (Note that I use the expression ”IA” to capture the identity of the administrator of the cop forum). The cops’ suggestion that the fbi should have killed Sosbee long ago is a good example of the police (and fbi/cia) mindset. Thus, my work in presenting the data is a complete success. Note also that when IA removed the evidence of criminal intent, the damage was already done: I had already recorded the vile entries (quoted above) and I had already lured the ignorant and cowardly cops into my sting operation. The IA's removal of the suspect posts constitutes evidence of a cover up of the very conduct I seek to expose,i.e., 1) Cops verbally assaulting me ,and 2) Cops suggesting that the fbi should kill me for reporting their secret “killing” codes.

I would like to thank the IA officer (possibly a federal agent) for providing me with the evidence that I needed to indict the law enforcement community by using their own words which reflect their murderous predispositions; and I am also grateful to the three cops who posted their insane ideas as quoted above. If IA had not removed the quotes I would have less evidence to use against them in the world court of public opinion.To see the posts of some of the cops , go to the links shown below:
Finally, note that from my personal experiences with cops I find the following traits to be universally accurate and applicable to cops (save a few exceptions):low intelligence, liars, *cowards, traitors, falsifiers of police reports,often violent and childish in nature ["No human being, past the thoughtless age of boyhood, will wantonly murder any creature which holds its life by the same tenure that he does." (Henry D. Thoreau)], **dangerous to encounter and generally not helpful when victims (except those victims in ruling class) need assistance, etc. Often when I reported the crimes against my person by the fbi thugs, the police ignored my reports, or mocked me, or threatened to arrest me.Many of the police reports are referenced or duplicated on my website: [link]
As of May 8, 2008, the little anonymous cop/fbi armed and dangerous men in blue write of geral sosbee (in an apparent quandary):

"He's Back: Geral W. Sosbee - Police Forums & Law Enforcement enforcement and police forums, web discussion and interactive bulletin boards. - 16 hours ago - Similar pages -"
Sosbee to the punks in blue (and their cowardly supporters): Your names are known and you will be remembered in history for what you are: criminals and Unidentified Felonious Offenders.
* Note that the Los Angeles Deputy Sheriff whom I previously identified by his silly pseudonym sends a hate message (see entry and exit links below) to me via the site meter entry shown below:

By Referrals > Visit Detail
IP Address 66.120.226.# (LA County Sheriffs)
State : California
City : Pomona
Time of Visit May 8 2008 8:24:22 pm
Referring URL
Visit Entry Page [link]
Visit Exit Page [link]

**On some ocassions the corrupt police help the fbi run illegal attempted stings on my person.See:

At about the same time that the above mentioned L.A. sheriff deputy sends his hate mail from the LA County Sheriffs office, his little rat companions on the opposite side of the uSA sends his hate message using the same technique:

By Location
IP Address 68.37.15.
State : New Jersey
City : Trenton
Referring URL http://www.sosbeevfb...atemail-partten.html
Visit Entry Page
Visit Exit Page

Then another from the Bronx sends a more subdued message:

By Location
IP Address 150.108.232.
State : New York
City : Bronx
Time of Visit May 8 2008 8:06:10 pm
Referring URL http://www.sosbeevfb...atemail-partten.html
Visit Entry Page
Visit Exit Page

The above visits appear to be coordinated and reflect a discussion between the police/fbi hate mongers and calumniators. Conspiracy takes many forms and the police are top offenders in the slander category.

As of May 10, 2008, the following data is noted :
The individuals named below use the corrupt cop forum located at the following link to spread their lies; see the statement below and visit the link to see the fraudulent portrayal of this author in the photo submitted by mental dwarf "IAmJeff" ; also note that his companion , dwelch1503 (another cop forum member), joins him in the poorly conceived attempted smear campaign on the national cop forum:

The following link shows a photo of an unidentified man wearing a tin foil hat; the cop forum allows the two members to falsely state that the photo depicts Sosbee:
cache link:

The two Frauds are identified by their pseudonyms as follows; note that the two liars seem to be same two persons referenced above from Trenton and Bronx:
Forum Member
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Northeast

Forum Member
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: New York City

category picture6 May 2008 @ 21:10
The following message is sent to me this date by the *editor of Indymedia , Miami; I consider (IMHO) the message "Hate Mail", even though the pretentious sender veils his message in the form of a general critique of all of my work. Note one glaring lie (among several others) in his message (in the fourth paragraph) where he writes as follows:"You saying they agree with you because they looked at your site is just plain crazy."
The so-called editor knows that the above statement is false as he contradicts himself in the third paragraph as follows:
"...that you claim the NRC, frustrated with the fbi and the cia for their atrocities may agree with Sosbee as shown by their double visit to the site this date."

On 5/6/08, imcmiami indymediamiami(at) wrote:

" Hello Geral,

As an editor of our local indymedia site for several years I am someone who is familiar with all kinds of wrongdoings done to americans by the government. We, indymedia in general, are attempting to present the real side of the story versus the government side. We are basically a social justice newswire telling the stories of protests to reveal the truth because the capitolist media is not.

Your postings of articles seem to say the same thing over and over. That is, the fbi and other agencies are harrassing you by commiting dirty tricks against you. I have been patient in the fact that I have not deleted or hidden your articles because I believe that if you are a victim you should have somewhere to post your side.

But Geral, I have just looked at you posting today and have discovered in your site rantings, that you claim the NRC, frustrated with the fbi and the cia for their atrocities may agree with Sosbee as shown by their double visit to the site this date.

I have to tell you that here is the first opportunity I have to show you that you need to reflect on this campaign of yours against the government. Just because some agency person has looked at your site does not mean what you say it means. There are various reasons why govt agencies look at people's websites. You saying they agree with you because they looked at your site is just plain crazy.

There are many different types of issues people are dealing with, like bringing the troops home, 911 was an inside job, fbi in NYC hired Emid Ali Salem in 1992 to conduct the 93 bombing of the World Trade Center, chemtrails in the sky, the diebold election machine scandals, the North American Union, etc, etc. Why are not working with these activists to reveal the truth about these injustices against the American people. Why are your articles always about what they are doing to you? What about, what are they doing to the American people.

Geral, they are doing to us what they are doing to you. This is why other imc's are not sympathetic to your plight.

Peter Graves-Goodman "

* Sosbee writes to the editor, Peter Graves-Goodman, as follows:I do not ask Indymedia to publish my reports; I offer the reports to those groups who may publish them; I certainly do not appeal in my posts to fools who pretend to be editors.
""First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win."
-- Mahatma Gandhi

 “Committed To Healing: Involuntary Commitment Procedures” : A Fraud
category picture5 May 2008 @ 18:52
"Those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience".
C.S. Lewis

See for example:

The law invites the ruling class, the government, the intelligence services, etc., to silence their adversaries while pretending to 'heal' them.

See an example of the modern day Living Dead (LD), those who want to heal you; and awaken to discover that you and I are alive in the midst of countless and camouflaged LD all around us:




“Committed To Healing: Involuntary Commitment Procedures” is the title of a law journal article recently published in the Texas Bar Journal, May 2008, Vol.71,No.5, and invites the public to consider paying an attorney to ‘ put someone away. ’

In my opinion the article immorally proposes a legal method to be used by the truly mentally ill in our society to threaten, torture, imprison and kill perfectly sane human beings in furtherance of financial or political interests, or in order to perpetuate a favored ideology or other egregious agenda.See:

Note that the true objective of the law of involuntary commitment is not to heal, but to destroy a life ; further, those who use the law for involuntarily commitment purposes are among the most predatory, dangerous and psychopathic human beings in society.According to the article, the mental illness warnings to be used as a factual basis for involuntary committement are as follows:
1)change in thinking, mood, or behavior
3)depression...sleeping pattern changes
5)inappropriate emotional responses
6)feelings of losing control
7)addiction to...people or events
7)thinking or talking about suicide
10)substance abuse

In reality the above list is most probably indicative of signs of sound mental health when the Targeted individual (of the Commitment order or other predatory agenda) is pursued by the deranged relative, corrupt police or fbi/cia operatives, or other public policy stooge.See:
A human being who responds to psychological and physical assaults, psychoelectronic and related assaults, or other powerful stimuli is likely to show some or all of the above so-called warning signs.See:

Indeed, as I have shown in my reports, any failure to show signs consistent with the the first eight (if not all ten) of the above listed ‘signs’ may reveal a truly disturbed personality(i.e.: one incapable of adjusting to the violence directed at him often 24/7, for decades).See:

The real issue that is being obscured by the legal community in the article is this: How do we as a people stop the most corrupt individuals among us (including those in powerful positions-such as those in the fbi/cia and the legal community in general ) from driving our Brothers and Sisters insane; and why do the legal professionals, the state bar administrators , and the supreme court justices around the country and at every level pretend that reports such as this one are irrelevant, delusional, or insignificant. The answer is that these so-called ‘leaders of the community’ are pitifully corrupt and at times inhumane both in their legal theories and in the applications thereof. These high rolling socialites often support (in their stupor)
the perpetrators of crimes against Humanity, even as they (the legal community)have the authority and the responsibility to expose the atrocities committed here at home and around the globe by their silent co-conspirators. Instead these leaders (often in the legal community as evidenced by the “Committed” article referenced above) pretend that reports such as this one are too graphic (or too realistic) for the public to digest. Thus corrupt public policy is established by the lowest form of human intellect and encourages slander, imprisonment and killing of many insightful individuals who sometimes point out the decadence (or lunacy) of modern public policy administrators and legal professionals. So, the next time the reader encounters such absurd ideas as expressed in the above “Committed” article, this reporter suggests reading “My Story In Detail” by Geral Sosbee and asking how anyone in his right mind and under similar circumstances would fail to show some or all of the falsely classified “mental Illness warnings” listed in the “Committed “ article. Indeed, the ultimate question may not be seen/heard:
How do the people stop the insane rulers and power brokers (in government and private sectors) from a continuation of their unconscionable behavior , their patently absurd actions, and their clearly perverted dogma.See:
This report is repeatedly hacked by the fbi.
To the two twerps who recorded their false allegations after reading my report,
the article is located on page 432 of the Texas Bar Journal, May 2008, Vol. 71, No.5, under the heading of the "Client Page" and is specifically addressed as, "Information For Clients Of Texas Attorneys" (in other words, to the general public).
Many Indymedia groups such as San Diego Indymedia and others refuse to publish the report of this dirty Secret of American Jurisprudence because the people must be kept in the dark, lest the attorneys, judges and their predator associates in the ruling class suffer a REVOLT. In reality the laws which encourage Involuntary Commitment are nationwide and for this reason I tried to file my report around the country at different Indymedia groups.
Best Wishes.geral sosbee
See also "The US psychological torture system is finally on trial"
author: Naomi Klein of the Guardian (via Jody Paulson)
See Also Jody Paulson's link at:
and see:
"The practice is now being revived in Russia" :
See also:
See Barbara Hartwell's report entitled, "KGB-style Punitive Psychiatry for American Dissidents " [Friday, December 08, 2006 ] at:
For More See Studies On Mind Control :
For more on my personal experiences with this legal 'illegality' see third paragraph,Exhibit 1,p39, at :

category picture3 May 2008 @ 19:08
As an apparent result of the fbi's use of directed energy weaponry (pulse microwave , ELF, or similar technology) which bombards my brain 24/7 (now into about the fifth year), I now have evidence of some *beneficial effects therefrom. I cannot here explore the details of my discovery because the fbi does not deserve to know the full truth associated with the scientific effects of their macabre plot; of course the thugs may infer some positive effects from observation of their specimen. [To be sure, however, the high tech assaults also produce severe pain and multiple other physiological symptoms that require medical attention].
Nevertheless, I by the grace of God (or by the power of the Force of Good)now have a renewed source of psychological energy and acumen as never before realized.
Of course I would like to be able to sleep at night, so the fbi should turn off the assaults in the name of Humanity. Yet, if the fbi does not allow a break from their ill conceived brain campaign I expect to continue to discover a re-birth of innate capabilities in me by which I am apparently increasingly better able (or equipped, both *intellectually and emotionally) to bring the fbi/cia and their punk associates to Justice in this life or the next, as I have plenty of time and eternal resources to do so.
For More Info See:

"Exercise Your Brain, or Else You’ll ... Uh ..".
Published: May 3, 2008

Dr. Cohen ... the plasticity of the brain is directly related to the production of new dendrites, the branched, tree-like neural projections that carry electrical signals through the brain “Every time you challenge your brain it will actually modify the brain,” he said. “We can indeed form new brain cells, despite a century of being told it’s impossible.”

* If this report reflect wishful thinking, then I am still inspired by my ideas and those of Dr. Cohen. Either way I win.Note that as this report is typed the fbi reads same and delivers a nausea-inducing high tech assault.
* "There is another class of defenses. Brain imprinting over time rewires the brain of the target. The fundamental frequencies change. Some people have been able to break the hypnotic entrainments and allow normal brain functioning rhythms just by using sound files for a month with special binaural and other beat frequencies in them. The brain is shielded in this way because it is not following the radio frequency patterns that the system is trying to force the target brain into. Neurofeedback techniques and training would also do this. All senses can be stimulated in patterns that can break the lock."
For the latest fbi subliminal notice to Sosbee regarding 'Increased Sleep Deprivation' see the bottom of page at:
And see brain entrainment, an admission:

 fbi and cia
category picture17 Apr 2008 @ 17:00
The following statements by the fbi and the cia are their public statements of their "PRIORITIES" AND * "MISSION".

"FBI Investigators with FBI seal in the backgroundFollow the links below for details on each of our investigative priorities."

• Terrorism
• Counterintelligence
• Cyber
• Public Corruption
• Civil Rights
• Organized Crime
• White Collar Crime
• Major Thefts/Violent Crime

"The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is an independent US Government agency responsible for providing national security intelligence to senior US policymakers."
Sosbee writes:


The fbi and the cia engage in criminal offenses of the macabre type in each and every category listed above, both in foreign and domestic operations; they do so with complete and total independence from governmental oversight; **the Congress and the Courts (and the mainstream media) publicly aid and secretly abet these assassins and torturers in their global crime spree of torture, imprisonment,and murder .
Regarding the above list of priorities the following information is noted:

• Terrorism- Both the fbi and the cia are together the most serious threat to Mankind
• Counterintelligence- The two groups are experts in terrorizing, torturing and killing the Target by high tech methods (including space based weaponry & advanced bio/chem/viral new science) and by low minded street thugs in their employ as operatives.
• Cyber- Both agencies use Cyber as a tool for the planned total subjugation of human beings on earth and space permanently.
• Public Corruption-By selective prosecution, the fbi and the cia insure that friends will be protected, especially those in Congress, the Courts, and key employees in the executive and administrative departments and agencies.
• Civil Rights- The fbi's charade of investigating civil rights violations are more and more apparent as the people's rights are violated across the land every day by police, fbi, and cia outrageous trangressions.
• Organized Crime-The fbi and the cia are preeminently organized crime; their snitches, informants and assassins on the street (and a few others) know this.
• White Collar Crime- The fbi and the cia often wear white shirts in public to obscure their dark and homicidal personal characters.
• Major Thefts/Violent Crime- Both the fbi and the cia benefit from and relish violence and these government agencies often provoke violence in order to arrest or murder their Targets.

Finally, short of international criminal and civil courts convening to put thousands of members of the United States government (and popular media) on trial for crimes against Humanity, the world's population has no viable peaceful recourse against the government beasts whom I and others describe in our websites, etc.
*The real fbi/cia mission is total subjugation of all peoples and nations.
See recent USA threats of 'obliteration' of countries like Iran, Syria, North Korea, etc.,when freedom fighters resist control by the USA or Israel.
fbi/police pretend to honor their fictitious heroes:

See excerpts below in quotes.

"Salute to fallen FBI agentTribute to honor hero slain in 1935 By Brenna R. Kelly • .//.b..kelly..@nky..///.com • August 17, 2008

gsosbee's comment has been removed for violating the terms of service...

Seventy-three years to the day after Klein was killed ... 100 FBI agents, police officers and family stood on a hill ... and remembered the 37-year-old agent.
Nelson Klein paid the ultimate price that any law enforcement officer can pay," said... a retired FBI agent."Klein was the first FBI agent killed in the line of duty after Congress made it a capital offense to kill an FBI agent."
Sosbee responds:

For the record the coward who removed my statements from the above article about falsely honoring fbi thugs exemplifies the corruption of the media for not allowing informed comments that the fbi/cia assassins find unacceptable.

My comments which were removed from the article were as follows:

fbi agents and operatives are thieves, liars, cowards, assassins, terrorists, traitors and calumniators; cry not for the fbi nor their operatives and sympathizers; rather cry for and honor the victims of fbi atrocities of years past (including those victims who were labeled by the fbi as 'criminals') and lament for those casualties of fbi/cia crimes ongoing and yet to come.For,
as people discover the immoral, cowardly and macabre character of the agents, operatives, handlers and associates of the fbi/cia (as manifest globally in the killing/torture techniques used by these sociopathic assassins to insure compliance to new world order dictates) we may not reasonably expect a merciful redress from foreign and domestic freedom fighters forced from desperation to employ against US equally aggressive and abhorrent stratagems. Geral Sosbee
*[The refusal of the dotcoms to publish my reports are hereby recorded as evidence of their complicity in fbi/cia crimes against Humanity and for the collapse of the usa into a totalitarian state.]
The fbi and the cia, uneasy about my recent documentations of their crimes, apparently urges the US Office of Patent and Trademark to analyze my work:

Domain Name ? (U.S. Government)
IP Address 151.207.240.# (U.S. Patent and Trademark Office)
ISP U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
State : District of Columbia
Time of Visit Aug 26 2008 1:38:41 pm
Last Page View Aug 26 2008 2:36:40 pm
Visit Length 57 minutes 59 seconds
Page Views 13
Visit Entry Page
Visit Exit Page http://www.sosbeevfb...art5-updatefor2.html
Sosbee to uspto:
Help the torturers and terrorists, if you may, and remember you are now a part of the decadent history of the USA that I presently record; so, make no mistakes.  More >

 The Military Family Network-A National Disgrace To Servicemen
category picture14 Apr 2008 @ 21:32
Regarding The Military Family Network

The forum team leader at The Military Family Network located and entitled as follows sends Sosbee, *a combat veteran of Viet Nam, the message shown below and apparently terminates his membership without notice and for no stated cause:
Military Family Network Home

Community Connections Forums Message To Sosbee

surattinia has sent you a new personal message entitled "Cute range of PORN movies. Best selection of PORN video. New range of PORN galleries.".
You can read this personal message by following the link below:

The Community Connections Forums team.

Sosbee to the administrators of [link]
You are the same cowardly fools who pretend to be concerned about the welfare of the soldiers and the security of the United States; the truth is you are traitors to the Constitution of this country and you are **mental dwarfs living in the shadows of the ***living dead. I cannot forgive you for your twisted minds and wicked hearts. Your message to me, shown above, is now permanently displayed in order for the world to come to know your filthy mindset and fraudulent purposes.
Now, another of your degenerate associates who calls himself 'pcorrea' from the same forum, assumes the role of parent on the forum and posts the following verbal assault against Sosbee yesterday[note his avatar -self described, deliberate descent into lower realms of existence, confirming his mental dwarf status as he resides in the shadows of the Living Dead]:

"ATTENTION ALL.....PLEASE IGNORE THE GARBAGE BY GERAL SOSBEE. I have reported it. There always has to be one.[size=3] (IMG:"

post Yesterday, 07:26 PM
Comment #8
Advanced Member
Group: Members
Posts: 96
Joined: 21-September 04
Member No.: 1,492


*** See Living Dead Article At This Site Entitled And Dated As Follows:
6 Apr 2008 @ 19:04

The following charade by the Secretary of Defense reflects the lunacy and pathological lies of the man who once led the cia; note that he and his colleagues in the fbi torture or otherwise abuse American combat veterans of the various wars who report crimes by their government:

April 22, 2008
From Jamie McIntyre
CNN Senior Pentagon Correspondent
WASHINGTON (CNN) --"I encourage you to take on the mantle of fearless, thoughtful, but loyal dissent when the situation calls for it," Gates said.
Gates appeared near tears as he choked out the words, "I feel personally responsible for each and every one of you, as if you were my own sons and daughters."

Sosbee to Gates: please stop pretending; accept responsibity for the torture and abuse that you and the fbi put upon me and other veterans! You are too pathetic to stand in the shadows of true patriots of the former United States of America.

 Plea Bargains- Unethical, Torturous and Abominable
category picture14 Apr 2008 @ 19:04
Plea bargains (PB) are a staple in American prosecutorial jurisprudence.

After all, the accuser (the DA, USA,Etc.) enjoys (via PB) forcing the innocent accused to choose between the possibility of long or severe prison sentences
(or death) and lighter punitive measures allowable under the PB.
The fbi particularly use the PB to threaten the accused in order for the fbi to gain from the accused names and other information about other innocent citizens who may be outspoken against fbi/cia criminal operations. *Today, many so-called allies of the uSA begin to notice that the fbi and the cia presume to impose the PB practices on other countries for intelligence purposes; the problem that the fbi/cia encounter is that other cultures reject the oppressive function of the PB process because the accused should not be used by a bunch of torturers and assassins in the fbi/cia for political gain, or for purposes of world inhumane domination.For example, fbi mental dwarf director,...
"Mueller, who visited London last week, said a law banning plea bargains prevents interrogators from obtaining key information from suspects." (Stephen Grey:
Mueller clearly seeks to force upon the English (and others around the world) the same unethical and often criminal PB system used in this country. [ Note : In many instances the prosecutor knows (or has reason to know) that the accued is innocent, but the guilt/innocense of the accused is irrelevant when the DA or the USA seeks intelligence data from the accused.Thus, the actions of the prosecutor are theoretically more severely criminal in nature than those alleged actions against the accused].Many innocent men are in prison today as a result of the tyranny of the PB system.
*For Broader Implications Of fbi's Corruption Of CJIS SEE:

 *Introducing The United States Department Of Health And Human Services (HHS)
category picture12 Apr 2008 @ 18:43
The United States Department Of Health And Human Services (HHS) is a misnomer for a top Cabinet level group of assassins and torturers who operate with the authority of the President of the USA, and who sponsor , support or condone human atrocities committed by the fbi and the cia. **The more correct name for this group of dangerous sociopaths and felonious offenders should be The United States Department Of Human Torture, Forced Suicides, False Imprisonment, And Murder. For other similar groups see:
HHS assisted the fbi and the cia in the decade long terrorists' assault on the person of Geral Sosbee as he documents at:
and at this site. No court, no member of Congress, and no member of the United States government checks on the activities of this band of government miscreants; no media , no civil liberty group, no lawyer, and no other human being reports on the secret activities of and atrocities committed by HHS until now.
See the HHS visit to the website of Sosbee (a central Target of the HHS goons)
and note that the authorities there, behind the bureaucratic walls in Washington, D.C., continue as this report is typed to torture this reporter of fbi/cia atrocities by 'DEW' and by 'Psyops' as previously documented by Sosbee; and they do so in the name of the country that brags about its Constitutional Liberties, Equal protection of Citizens and Due Process of Law guaranteed by the United States of America. For unexpected message of support from HHS see bottom of page at:

The HHS site meter visit image is summarized below (Note that the thugs of HHS visit the history book page of the site, so that Sosbee can see their visit and may reasonably wonder about their motives):

The site meter image:

By Location > Visit Detail
IP Address 158.70.24.# (U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services)
ISP U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services
State : District of Columbia
City : Washington
Time of Visit Apr 10 2008 2:46:09 pm
Visit Length 0 seconds
Page Views 1
Referring URL
Visit Entry Page

News Release

Monday, July 21, 2008

Contact: Pat Elhinnawy
(202) 253-0458
New Members Appointed To Human Research Protections National Advisory Committee
** "Those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience".
C.S. Lewis
See Also:
See my medical clearances at:
For more on the fbi's corruptive influence on other agencies, see my reports on medical and dental boards; then, see:

 This Congress Of The USA Will Live In Infamy For Their Crimes.
category picture10 Apr 2008 @ 19:00
*This Congress Of The USA Will Live In Infamy For Their Global Crimes


The present United States Congress encourages the fbi and the cia to torture, imprison, force suicide and murder American war veterans and others at will and with total ** legal impunity. Below is a partial list of elected representatives whom Sosbee personally contacted ( at the time and over the past ten years that he resided in their respective districts); Sosbee provided each person named (through the representative's assistant) the details of the ongoing fbi terrorist assaults against his person. Following the names listed below is a brief description of the response provided to Sosbee by the assistant to the representative:

Daniel K. Inouye, Senator- " Can't hep you."
Pete Sessions- Congressman- His assistant Fran says, " The congressman suggests that you attend a town Hall meeting, stand up and tell the people that the fbi is after you." We will keep your complaint on file, but we cannot help you.The Congressman suggests that you go to your representative in the U.S Senate."
Maxine Waters,Congresswoman- Her assistant states "We have nothing for you..." (White Boy),..." & don't bother coming back here."
Phill Gramm,Senator -"The fbi denies your allegations. I cannot help you any further."
Xavier Becerra, Congressman- His assistant (Mr. Nielson) states, " Your allegations are rather large. There is nothing we can do for you."
Henry Waxman, Senator- "Your problems with the fbi are your problems with the fbi."
Barbara Boxer, Senator- Her Assistant states, " The only way to stop the fbi campaign against you is by an act of Congress."
Kay Bailey Hutchison, Senator- Her assistant states, " You are being denied housing by the fbi? Even convicted killers don't have this type of problem. The Senator can't help you." [note: as of June, 2008, Hutchison ignores all of my messages to her office.]Little Ms. pretentious Kay (like mental dwarf Pete Sessions) is also aware of many reported crimes by the fbi against my person for the past ten years:
Dianne Feinstein, Senator- "We can't help you."
Howard Berman- made limited inquiry:
Ron Paul (Congressmen) - refers me to another member of Congress.
John Cornyn (Senator) provides no response,except to harass me:

Sosbee concludes that each member of the U.S. Congress mentioned above are (like their sick colleagues on the Hill)co-conspirators with the fbi and the cia in the commission of high crimes and misdemeanors against Sosbee and others worldwide, and that these representatives should be tried in a public forum for their malfeasance and crimes as outlined in
[link], and other sites.

The systemic torture program begun by the fbi/cia in efforts to silence Sosbee from reporting fbi/cia crimes is well documented by Sosbee (and others), is well known to ***Congress, and continues today (into at least the tenth year) against Sosbee and others.See

**"Senate excludes intelligence employees from whistleblower bill"
( Jonathan Marino June 26, 2006)
***One Congressman (Neil Abercrombie) attempted to assist Sosbee, but later turned hostile and gave up.See:
Note the Senate sends Sosbee a response via site meter as follows:

Domain Name ? (U.S. Government)
IP Address 156.33.86.# (U.S. Senate Sergeant at Arms)
ISP U.S. Senate Sergeant at Arms
State : District of Columbia
Time of Visit Jun 4 2008 4:05:02 pm

May 7, 2010

From my personal and professional experience I find that the two United States Senators named below are the most cowardly and corrupt members of the Senate in modern times:
1. United States Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison

2. United States Senator John Cornyn,

See: [link]

and: [link]

and: [link]

and: [link]
The current members of Congress who run the Senate Intelligence Committee and who therefore are responsible for encouraging, abetting, and covering up the fbi/cia murders and tortures globally are:
111th Congress (2009-2010)


Dianne Feinstein, California
Christopher S. Bond,
Vice Chairman

John D. Rockefeller IV,
West Virginia
Orrin Hatch, Utah
Ron Wyden, Oregon
Olympia J. Snowe, Maine
Evan Bayh, Indiana
Saxby Chambliss, Georgia
Barbara A. Mikulski, Maryland
Richard Burr, North Carolina
Russell D. Feingold, Wisconsin
Tom Coburn, Oklahoma
Bill Nelson, Florida
James Risch, Idaho
Sheldon Whitehouse, Rhode Island

Harry Reid, Nevada, Ex Officio
Mitch McConnell, Kentucky, Ex Officio
Carl Levin, Michigan, Ex Officio
John McCain, Arizona, Ex Officio


Congress searches for a way to help the fbi terminate this government whistleblower because this reporter shows how Congress willingly accepts fbi's blackmail program across the board (ie, all branches of government) and Congress seeks to protect the fbi as long as the fbi protects the dirty little secrtes of members of Congress:

Who's On? > Visit Detail
Domain Name ? (U.S. Government)
IP Address 143.231.249.# (Information Systems, U.S. House of Representatives)
ISP Information Systems, U.S. House of Representatives
Location Continent : North America
Country : United States (Facts)
State : District of Columbia
City : Washington
Visit Entry Page [link]
Visit Exit Page [link]
Visitor's Time Nov 15 2011 2:31:36 pm

 An Introduction To Social Pathology Of Police And Federal Agents
category picture9 Apr 2008 @ 15:44
The police and federal cops are out of control in the uSA; in order to fully understand the low mindset and near total corruption of the men in blue (and their cowardly counterparts in fbi/cia) you and I may benefit from a study of their perverse and abusive thinking patterns (and those of other forum members who aspire to become cops or their idolators).


All citizens of the uSA need to understand the sickness that permeates the law enforcement community here. In order to facilitate the study of the deranged (or retarded) men in blue one needs to study the individual profiles and thoughts of these armed and dangerous thugs-as represented in their postings- who pretend to defend our lives, our liberties and our Constitutional Rights. Begin the pathological cop review by signing up on the police and federal agents' forum at:

Then begin studying the profiles and writings of the various law enforcement personnel who are active members of the forum. Soon after you post your first critical article of police methods and practices, you are likely to be banned, especially if you present evidence of fbi and/or police corruption and criminality. If you are not banned, then some foolish LA police sergeant, such as "IMACHU" may verbally assault you, or otherwise attempt to smear your work. Note that most or all of the cowardly cops (and federal agents) on the board post and assault you anonymously, as expected.For instance creepy cop degenerate supporter known as 'Bearcat 357' sends a threat to me as follows:
"Perhaps I should call the FBI and let them start re-tracking your nonsense...?
Oh...your time is short here....very short...." See:
[Sosbee to Bearcat357: you are the Living Dead. Your veiled death message reflects your cowardice and your violent mentality; if you are not a cop, submit your application as you are assured a spot on the sniper squad]

As I suggested above, you,the reader of the police posts may soon discover that the unprofessional conduct by the police and federal agents on the forum (such as 'Bearcat357')is exactly the same low minded reactions you are likely to encounter when you try to report police and fbi crimes (or other offenses) in person at your local police stations. Thus, you and I learn from the study that the quasi state action of repression of free speech is achieved by corrupt cops (and federal agents) in their private capacities through the internet, as they engage in wholesale verbal assaults and threats.

After I submitted my application to the cop forum for membership, I was accepted and I posted * two articles (outlining evidence of fbi crimes); then,I was promptly banned the next day from the forum. Before the ban, I posted a few statements in my defense, as the cops (and federal agent punks) continued to anonymously harass me; then, I posted my now famous article on the **'Living Dead' as such topic seems to perfectly apply to law enforcement officers who enjoy killing and imprisoning my Brethren.*** Below, see the message that the forum sent to me after the police and federal agents complained of my posting the evidence of their crimes.



"These Are Private Forums for Law Enforcement. We Reserve the Right to Remove Non-LEO Members, Anti-LE or Inappropriate Posts and Users Without Warning.
vBulletin Message
You have been banned for the following reason:
No reason was specified.
Date the ban will be lifted: Never "
Sosbee writes:
This information will not be a surprise to the intelligent reader, but should serve as a reminder that "We The People" must now by vital necessity inform these sociopathic killers, or rude and uncivil public servants that their services are no longer needed; further, these illiterate cops and federal agent punks must begin to learn the meaning of humility; I am giving them a primer on the subject. For a more in depth insight into the mental illness of the fbi, etc., see their activities as reported at
Here are a few of the cop posts directed at me; read and weep for your lost country and in some instances your lost freedom and lives at the hands of these fools and retardates in police and federal law enforcement agencies across the land (some are written by cop-wanna-bees or cop/fbi sycophants)
"Who said few people care to be around them? I care to be around them you insensitive *****, lay off the angel dust and go back to the mental institution they shouldn't have let you go."

Originally Posted by TheChef
"Holy Sh*t!!!, Google this nutbars name in quotation marks & you get 500+ hits."
"And 497 of those hits refer to him as a nut job."

"Holy Sh*t!!!, Google this nutbars name in quotation marks & you get 500+ hits.
GERAL W. SOSBEE image from the interwebz:" ....
[Sosbee's note: The Chef fraudulent states that the above image is of geral sosbee; thus, the chef is a proven liar.]

Guams ( a sheriff deputy, or park ranger):
"I think we scared the troll away."
See more on Guams and note the total failure of his intellect;this cop is an ignorant and cowardly punk and best continue to hide his identity:
See more on Guams from the forum; this cop needs careful handling and a wide berth; also read some of the writings from these armed, cowardly and homicidal fools in blue who say (with tongue in cheek) that they are the 'good guys':
Old 04-08-2008, 10:57 PM #29
Forum Member
Guams's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Wisconsin
Posts: 1,664

"Geral Sosbee appears out of thin air. Everyone stops mid-stride, "Is he... is he really here?!, they think. Geral begins to fill the air with blatant, and comical, fallacies regarding the federal government. He unfolds a thin hat, silver in color, that makes a funny crinkling noise and places it atop his head. Everyone around him diverts their eyes so that the rays from the CIA satellites don't extract the contents of their brains. Geral says "


"I was just bored enough to actually read some of the stuff from his link in his first post. It is a quote from the article/info item he posted. I got to that part and got hung up on what kind of benefits you might get in the psychopath kill know: differentials, full-time or adhoc, are you essential personnel, get holidays off, what hours, on call pay, ect..."

"where did you see that? did he write that? if that's the case then I think he would've been taken care of a long time ago, before he could blow the whistle on the fbi's sinister operation."

"Originally Posted by KapsFB View Post
A village somewhere HAS to be missing an idiot.
Actually, after seeing some recent posts on here.....there are a few villages missing their idiots.....including where this nutty dude came from....
Sosbee writes: See 'Bearcat's' self portrait as he records it on the forum:
"Bearcat...? Oh, he's very popular Smurfette! The sportos, the motorheads, geeks, sluts, bloods, waistoids, dweebies, dickheads - they all adore him. They think he's a righteous dude!"

From Harlingen, Texas
August 30, 2008
For more insight into the low mentality of cops (so-called law enforcement officers) see:
Note that the law of the jungle is the only language the police/fbi/cia understand; for this reason the world's turmoil continues as the usa with its pretense of a land under 'the rule of law' violates Human Rights and the laws of other nations with complete abandon; the law of 'rule by assassins' permeates the usa in all jurisdictions and no peaceful remedy seems apparent to date. Intensified directed energy assaults continue as a result of Sosbee's recent reports; the symptoms are consistent with a possible 8 or 9 level (on a 1-10 scale of intensity), causing severe sleep deprivation, dizziness and headaches, etc.
The police assist the fbi at evry turn of the murderous agenda; this means in part that the police employ against the Target at every opportunity:
harassment, false arrest or fraudulent stings,slander, threats, etc. The police regularly steal, lie, falsify reports, create false evidence, murder selected Targets, and assist the DA or the USA in arresting innocent men in order to gain plea bargaining scenarios for entrapment of the accused Innocent .
Thus, the violent gangs that call themselves police (fbi/cia) are thugs of the lowest order and must be viewed and dealt with as such. Blind trust in the local police is the domain of the ruling , elite class, not of the poor, the disenfranchised nor the targeted. This report does not represent a call for violence, but the police are on very shaky grounds as they continue to flaunt with outrageous arrogance their unlawful and tyrannical power over the people. "To Serve And To protect", is a false slogan of the police across the nation and the men in blue need to stop the charade.
If they do not, then I will stop it for them.
"...the individual cannot delegate the task of defending his basic human rights-to dignity,liberty, and responsibility-to any group of protectors,..." be they clergy, doctors, legislators, fbi, police, judges. "For if the protectors are successful, they inevitably become oppressors...."

Instead the individual must as I have demonstrated muster all the resources in heart, mind and soul to resist and overcome as best he can the bestial tyrants of his time; in the struggle the fortunate fighter maintains his dignity and prepares the way for successors to advance (with even more fury, resolve and purpose) the search for enduring Humanity in this often barbaric world.

Thomas S. Szasz, M.D., The Age Of Madness , Jason Aronson, New York, 1974, p.361.

Finally, see the infirm preoccupation of cowardly "Trooper82" as he hides his own identity while celebrating mine:


geral sosbee
P.O. Box 3374
Harlingen, Texas 78551
(956) 371-5210
I can be found almost daily at the US Post Office in Harlingen, Texas 78551, at around noon.

 THE LIVING DEAD (LD): The United States Congress, fbi/cia, etc.
picture6 Apr 2008 @ 19:04
Admin: See Brain Entrainment, An Admission:

The living dead (LD)... * A Frightful Lot :


The modern day living dead are those individuals (including their silent, behind- the- scene supporters) who seek out others for torture, imprisonment and death.See:
We the living recognize the dire circumstances confronting the heartily alive among us who are in numbers increasingly unarmed and at the same time unsuspecting of the atrocities inherent in the current stealthy onslaught. Blind trust in government often lures the innocent into the ranks of the LD, and they are all soon obsessed with and mesmerized by one and the same pragmatic, godless and collective goal: the conquest of Mankind by a singularly hideous and destructive creed . See:
Many of us among the living have come to view the reality of the LD phenomena as antithetical to human dignity and contrary to the laws of divine nature, because we recognize that the LD is characterized in his vile machinations by a macabre, immoral and murderous disposition from which no quick escape is apparent; ironically the LD shares a common fate with his new recruits: no way out of the labyrinth of hell created by the decadent and disturbed mind.See:
Finally, those remaining alive and strolling (on the surface placidly) amidst the turmoil created by the LD sometimes find comfort in the company of their own kind , as they welcome the inevitable return to grace offered by the heavens to the ever living and pure at heart who manage to avoid conscription into the ranks of the LD.
*" Men die of fright and live of confidence" (Henry D. Thoreau),and in our time
fright is at once the plague of the LD and the disease it seeks to spread.
[ "No man can take part in the torture of a human being without having his own moral nature permanently lowered."
President Theodore Roosevelt.]
See the following link for evidence that the living dead fbi spread their disease, at will, and thereby corrupt federal and state agencies :
See the Living Dead:


“I’m not going to murder you, Jed, Mr. Dark, whoever, whatever you are. You are going to murder yourself because you can’t stand being near people like me, not this close, not this long.”
"Something wicked comes this way"
[link]  More >

 Few Care To Listen, *Until They Discover That...
category picture3 Apr 2008 @ 18:10
Few care to listen to the pleas of the tortured among us, until they begin to realize that the names of the homicidal perpetrators (and their silent supporters) will eternally be known as the human beasts doing the torturing. Further, the murderous minds of the uSA's sociopaths which hold sway over the media and the general population now enjoy a certain sense of infallibility as they (the hoodlums engaging in global killing, imprisoning and torturing) meet with little resistence from their apathetic and sycophantic public. However, the uSA's reign of warfare over Mankind is fast coming to a close as the entire world takes aim at the assassins who serve the uSA war machine. **The fbi and the cia are for the most part, the brains behind the atrocities being plotted and waged globally; their participation in and sponsorship of war crimes on behalf of the United States is an indictment of all three braches of government; at the same time, the citizenry who do nothing to stop their out of control government in uSA are seen as cowardly fools, and the military of this nation is seen collectively as brazen criminals let loose on the world's people.


"To the depths of depravity that the United States has fallen to...", The New York Times compares themselves to last centuries Nazi Empire as follows:

"Our humanity has been compromised by those who use Gestapo tactics in our war. The longer we stand idly by while they do so, the more we resemble those "good Germans" who professed ignorance of their own Gestapo. It's up to us to wake up our somnambulant Congress to challenge administration policy every day. Let the war's last supporters filibuster all night if they want to. There is nothing left to lose except whatever remains of our country's good name."

In the madness of war and horrific destruction being visited upon the Muslim peoples of the World by the United States, and its dwindling allies, it is interesting, but sad, to note how far these once free people fallen in barely 100 years from their truest ideas as a new war with Iran looms before them , and as we can read:

* As President Theodore Roosevelt said in his 1906 State of the Union address, "No man can take part in the torture of a human being without having his own moral nature permanently lowered." See:


category picture18 Mar 2008 @ 18:45
"Four Senior Physicians Arrested for
Illegal Experiments on Elderly Patients
They Performed Non-consensual Medical Experiments on Their Patients
JONATHAN LIS & RAN REZNICK / Haaretz (Israel) 10oct2006
Four senior doctors at Kaplan Hospital in Rehovot and the Hartzfeld Geriatric Hospital in Gedera were arrested yesterday on suspicion of carrying out hundreds of illegal experiments on elderly patients without their consent.
The doctors ... Shmuel Levy; Nadya Kagansky; and Alona Smirnov - are suspected of wrongful death through negligence, abuse of helpless victims, aggravated assault, fraud, violation of a statutory obligation and interference in an investigation."

Sosbee writes: I have documented the following doctors in the uSA who I believe may have assisted the fbi/cia in nonconsensual human experiments on and torture of my person. Most of their names are found in my reports.Some of the names are:

Zweig, Achleitner,Waldman,Salome, Dickey;

Name of official who refused to assist:


Other doctors include:

Gandhi- saw the medical problems illegally caused by fbi thugs, but pretended otherwise.

**Castillo (deceased by possible suicide after I reported his apparent affiliation with the fbi).

Statman- aware of the fbi terror campaign, but prefers to stay away from fbi/cia.
Rosenstein- "

I believe that all doctors need to re-examine their conscience to find a sense of human decency and to rid themselves of their hideous contempt for the rights of others, regardless of the financial and political gains derived from their filthy practices. The professional boards and medical & dental schools are also corrupt in not voicing concern over the illegal practices of their favorite sons.
All victims of such abuse are encouraged to name the offending doctors.Any doctor who assists the fbi/cia in torture as I have documented are evil and despicable; they should be jailed as torturous murderers in some instances where the Target commits suicide, or otherwise dies as a direct result of the macabre program.
See Also:
** Note: When I first met Castillo, he was friendly and helpful;at that time, I briefed him on the fbi campaign against me. Later, after the apparent control of Castillo by the fbi, Castillo bacame belligerent/fearful toward me and at one point refused to see me as a dental patient. If he committed suicide, I believe that such was caused by the fbi's forcing him against his will to assist the fbi thugs (as I have outlined) in the torture game against me. Thereafter, this otherwise good and decent man may have realized that my internet reports of fbi/cia atrocities and torture programs could implicate him. He may have been unable to integrate the subtleties of such a realization into his rational thought processes, especially as his concerns may have understandably presented painful implications.
News on this issue:

JOSÉ BORJÓN/The Brownsville Herald
December 19, 2007 - 11:48PM
Police on Wednesday determined the accident that claimed Dr. Manfred del Castillo's life this week was caused when the local dentist veered into the path of a tractor-trailer, causing the head-on collision.

Apparent life insurance investigation as shown in the site meter image below:

By Location > Visit Detail
Domain Name ? (Commercial)
IP Address 167.127.163.# (Allstate Insurance Company)
Country : United States (Facts)
State : Illinois
City : Northbrook
Time of Visit Mar 11 2008 3:01:34 pm
Search Engine
Search Words
manfred del castillo
Visit Entry Page

* The fbi and the cia have a long list of doctors, dentists, lawyers, etc., who assist in torture, forced suicide, and other atrocities globally. Generally, all doctors in the USA fear the fbi/cia and refuse to respond to my requests for medical attention as treatment is indicated in the medical charts. The tracking device implanted by the fbi is used to torture and kill the Target, but the doctors allow (and some instances assist) the fbi/cia in the ongoing atrocities.
For more on the fbi's corruptive influence on other agencies, see my reports on state medical and dental boards; then , see:

 fbi seeks to intimidate (through CJIS) all who show NO 'RESPECT'
category picture14 Mar 2008 @ 18:56

The CJIS must be removed from fbi control.
See the following link for fbi's efforts to unlawfully orchestrate the arrest of the Target in 2009:

Regarding all who are imprisoned by the so called law enforcement community,

["I suspect that all the crimes committed by all the jailed criminals do not equal in total social damage that of the crimes committed against them."
Karl Menninger, M.D.
The Crime Of Punishment
The Viking Press, NY, 1969
p.28. ]

The fbi, nervous over the recent global attention to fbi/cia crimes against Humanity as Sosbee and others outline, sends a message (seen in the image below ) to Sosbee that the fbi demands "respect". Sosbee responds that VLAD demanded respect and when he received none , he impaled the Targets. Today the fbi/cia impale in a metaphorical sense (via physical and mental torture, forced suicide , murder, & disabling calumny globally-courtesy of fbi's CJIS) anyone who exposes fbi/cia atrocities anywhere on earth; these two evil and corrupt agencies (and their members, associates and ***supporters) control the *political parties in this country. The thugs who run the **fbi criminal justice information systems seek to instill fear in all citizens by threatening to ruin them with fabricated records (planted disinformation,rumors, half truths, lies, data from medical & other protected files)entered into the CJIS often for blackmail purposes. Members of the Congress are intimately aware of this fbi/cjis tactic of CONTROL. See how the fools at cjis remind me of their menacing and criminal presence twice here:

****GERAL W. SOSBEE vs. fbi
IP Address 153.31.119.# (FBI Criminal Justice Information Systems)
ISP FBI Criminal Justice Information Systems
State : West Virginia
Time of Visit Mar 14 2008 7:53:33 am
Search Engine
Search Words fbi respect
Visit Entry Page:
Visitor's Time Mar 14 2008 9:53:33 am
Visit Number 55,181
IP Address 153.31.113.# (FBI Criminal Justice Information Systems)
ISP FBI Criminal Justice Information Systems
Country : United States (Facts)
State : West Virginia
City : Clarksburg
Time of Visit May 3 2010 1:30:17 pm
Visit Entry Page [link]

[See original image at site meter of www.sosbeevfbi.comn, March 14, 2008, at the following domain:
"153.31.119.# 7:53:33 am"], or see original site meter entry at:


* "Party must not become the servant of the masses, but their master."
Adolf Hitler.

** How the FBI 'Criminal' Justice Information Systems works:
***Before you support the fbi and their sociopathic police associates, see:
****The fbi has no criminal record on this writer, but the goons (i.e., the 'criminals' in the 'Criminal' Justice Information Systems)would sure like to have one; see:

This update is repeatedly hacked by fbi punks, apparently by pre-programming.
Note: Washington D.C. not-so Indymedia now refuses to publish all reports by Sosbee.
April 29, 2008:
Today the 'superiors' at fbi's CJIS investigate the cowards of their own department who played the game as set forth above. See their new visit to and note their keen interest in the above article about their dirty handed tricks and low mentality:

IP Address 153.31.119.# (FBI Criminal Justice Information Systems)
ISP FBI Criminal Justice Information Systems
Country : United States (Facts)
State : West Virginia
City : Bridgeport
Time of Visit Apr 29 2008 4:21:07 pm
Referring URL :


Visit Entry Page
Visit Exit Page
Again in the site meter entry shown below the cjis impliedly admits to their awareness of and participation in the ongoing crimes ('fbimisconduct.html') committed by the fbi against the person of Geral Sosbee; note that the cjis mocks this Target by sending their subliminal and menacing message of contempt:

IP Address 153.31.113.# (FBI Criminal Justice Information Systems)
ISP FBI Criminal Justice Information Systems
State : West Virginia
City : Clarksburg
Time of Visit Jan 28 2011 5:02:09 pm
Last Page View Jan 28 2011 5:02:14 pm
Visit Length 5 seconds
Page Views 2
Referring URL unknown
Visit Entry Page :
Visit Exit Page :

See the following link on how the fbi fraudulently uses the FD302 to imprison/intimidate innocent persons:

The fbi's CJIS sends me a message (*via site meter entry) on their torture and experimentation against my person as shown in their visit to


By Location > Visit Detail
Visit 138,012
IP Address
153.31.113.# (FBI Criminal Justice Information Systems)
FBI Criminal Justice Information Systems
West Virginia
Referring URL
Search Engine
Search Words
human subjects research fbi
Visit Entry Page:

Visit Exit Page:


In the following visit to my site by the fbi cjis, the cowards there send me the message that they are monitoring reports of my performance, even as the fbi ignores evidence of crimes in the performance report itself:

By Location > Visit Detail
Visit 143,849
Domain Name (Unknown)
IP Address 153.31.113.# (FBI Criminal Justice Information Systems)
ISP FBI Criminal Justice Information Systems
Location Continent : North America
Country : United States (Facts)

State : West Virginia
City : Clarksburg

Time of Visit Jun 18 2013 11:46:39 am

Page Views 1
Referring URL

Visit Entry Page:

Seven years later the cowards of cjis continue their criminal harassment:

 Japan IndyMedia falsely claims article has nothing to do with Japan,"at all".
category picture4 Mar 2008 @ 20:38


To:Commissioner-General of the National Police Agency, the highest ranking police officer (警察庁長官 Keisatsu-chō Chōkan).

Japan is in the grips of uSA fascist rule. This means in part that Japan's once greatness as a potential leader of nations and peoples is controlled and limited by the uSA's intelligence and military services. Corruption of Japanese institutions at the hands of those who accept the inhumane dictates of the fbi/cia/nsa, etc., is evident across Japanese society. Of course, I realize that the high office of
警察庁長官 Keisatsu-chō Chōkan
has no interest in a description of his own fallible character,
yet the acceptance of the *uSA rule insures that his name and all who support or follow him are recorded forever as sycophants of cowardly uSA thugs, torturers, terrorists and assassins as represented in the fbi and the cia.
This message is not intended to insult, but is based upon 1)my experiences in Japan and with the Japanese authorities (both civilian and governmental) and 2) my conviction that the truth of how **Japan fails its own people and the world must not go unstated.

geral sosbee

Regarding the uSA :
"And so long as they were at war, their power was preserved, but when they had attained empire they fell, for of the arts of peace they knew nothing, and had never engaged in any employment higher than war." Aristotle, Politics

** A Japanese merchant of death responds with a message to Sosbee via sitemeter:


Domain Name ? (Japan)
IP Address 219.66.198.# (Open Data Network(JAPAN TELECOM CO.,LTD.))
Country : Japan
Time of Visit Mar 2 2008 9:01:12 am
Referring URL

Search Words death black rose%
Visit Entry Page :

Visit Exit Page:

Visitor's Time Mar 3 2008 12:01:12 am

***Note that Japan Indymedia refused to publish the above report for the following stated reason:
" 非表示にした人は the editors コード Policy Violation
Notes: rant without factual content. additionally, this posting is low priority because: - author did not log in or otherwise leave contact information - full copyright used - linked sites do not relate to jp at all, talk only to US audience
Sosbee responds that the so-called 'rant' is fully supported by facts referenced in the article at the above sites (Japan Indymedia falsely characterizes the basis for rejecting the above report and in doing so reveals its support for the fascist police in Japan).

Specifically, Japan permitted the fbi/cia to harass me at the Narita airport during my trip to Thailand (documented at my above website).
Japan's NOVA GROUP insulted me during the application process and improperly denied my application to teach English (documented at my above website). Then, the chief cop in Japan visited the history book page of my site (for zero second) in an apparent effort to somehow notify me of their involvement in the fbi/cia torture and harassment games, or in the derailed application to teach fiasco. Site meter entry:

By Location > Visit Detail
Visit 54,751
[<<] [>>]
Domain Name (Unknown)
IP Address 61.117.156.# (National Police Agency)
ISP KDDI Corporation
Continent : Asia
Country : Japan (Facts)
Lat/Long : 36, 138 (Map)
Distance : 6,770 miles
Language Japanese
Operating System Microsoft WinXP
Browser Internet Explorer 6.0
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)
Javascript version 1.3
Resolution : 1024 x 768
Color Depth : 16 bits
Time of Visit Feb 24 2008 11:45:47 pm
Last Page View Feb 24 2008 11:45:47 pm
Visit Length 0 seconds
Page Views 1
Referring URL
Visit Entry Page

Visit Exit Page
Out Click
Time Zone UTC+9:00
Visitor's Time Feb 25 2008 2:45:47 pm
Visit Number 54,751

 ivory towers cave as cowards cower.
category picture5 Feb 2008 @ 19:25
The news item is old in a sense, but sheds some light on how the fbi/cia and their friends in Congress (and city hall) control the oftentimes pretentious academia:
A week after blasting the Marines as "unwelcome intruders" in Berkeley, two City Council members (Betty Olds and Laurie Capitelli) want the city to back off the declaration that ignited the wrath of the nation's right wing and inspired Republican Senator Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C. to threaten to remove Berkeley's federal funding for lunch programs, ferry service, etc.
(story by Carolyn Jones, San Francisco Chronicle Staff Writer).

Sosbee to Berkeley:
The immediate problem is not with the Marines; they are simply paid professional assassins for the intelligence services and congressmen of the uSA (viz: the phony war in Iraq, with nearly a million killed, was started by the corrupt cia). The issue here is *freedom from fascist rule by city and federal politicians (like those mentioned above) who have sold out their country and become traitors to the constitution and to the people of uSA.

In any event Berkeley must not allow DeMint, Olds, or Capitelli to dictate terms of and limits on academic freedom and free speech because the entire academic community is similarly straightjacketed across the uSA and around the world, as I have previously documented; someone in the ivory towers (perhaps UC Berkeley) must take a stand for the end to the emerging fbi/cia led dictatorship in this country.
"Liberty is so precious that it must be rationed".
(Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov)

 Condoleeeezzza pleeeeazza
category picture1 Feb 2008 @ 22:12
The uSA is now the most serious threat to Humanity ever, due in part to the brutal killing spree that characterizes its global political posture for the past 100 years. The leaders of the uNITED sTATES reflect in their absurd speeches and comments the decadence of the country that seeks to rule the world and dominate the universe: the united states of america.


Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice says today that al-Qaida is "the most brutal and bankrupt of movements".*

Sosbee asks, just how brutal and bankrupt are Americans in their invasion, plunder, killing and rape campaigns in the Middle East? Just how brutal would Americans become if , say, the Chinese attacked our land with atomic laser guns and bombs (outdoing our own arsenal) and killed and plundered here as we do 'over there'. Well, Condoleeeezzza, you and little King george will never know (nor could you two imagine the answer to this) because you are not on the front line of any conflict, foreign or domestic, and because you are both Mental Dwarfs as defined at [link]

So, spare us your silly rhetoric which simply tends to further synch your place in history and as an incompetent fool.
*"If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy"
James Madison (1751-1836)
Fourth President of the United States
In a rare moment of honesty, Rice (the really racist highroller) admits to her bigotry and her mental illness, depression, as she states:
""I have lamented that I can go into a meeting at the Department of State -- and as a matter fact I can go into a whole day of meetings at the Department of State -- and actually rarely see somebody who looks like me. And that is just not acceptable," :
Note that Rice approved usa torture and must stand trial alongside her heinous homicidal Handlers for war crimes:

 Time to Stop Killer Kops & their fbi punk associates (end their reign of terror)
category picture1 Feb 2008 @ 00:05
The time is come to identify and to publish the names and background information of all law enforcement officials (and all military or para-military personnel) who participate in the ***killing of our fellow Americans, AS THOUGH IN THE LINE OF DUTY.

The data to be disclosed must include all members of SWAT, FBI agents and operatives, and all other badge toting assassins (INCLUDING ALL SUCH MEMBERS OF POLICE DEPARTMENTS, ALL SHERIFF'S DEPUTIES, ALL STATE POLICE TROOPERS, ETC.) who swoop in open faced, anonymously, or hooded and who murder (or who have killed in the past) so-called 'suspects' in their phony investigations. The names of the corrupt *judges who sign the bogus search or arrest warrants which thereafter impliedly authorize the de-facto assassinations must also be included in the public disclosure.**

Inasmuch as the media also cover up the killers' identities, the names of media staff who refuse to publish the identifying data must also be reported to the people.

This report (which is an hypothetical) does not solicit information; neither is this potential appeal an offer, nor an acceptance of the material referenced herein.

The time is NOW to STOP KILLER KOPS.

** Note that all such criminal participants share a universal character trait with thugs, torturers, and assassins around the world; they all pretend that their cause is right. The fbi/cia's (and their killer kop associates) form of terror, they presume is ,
"...nothing but prompt, severe, inflexible justice", and is therefore an emanation of their moral virtue.
Maximilien Robespierre, 1758-1794 (executed for his reign of terror).
* "To consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions is a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy."
-Thomas Jefferson
***"No human being, past the thoughtless age of boyhood, will wantonly murder any creature which holds its life by the same tenure that he does." (Henry D. Thoreau)
From Harlingen, Texas
June 25, 2008

To Sheriff Joe Arpaio (Maricopa County Arizona)
who describes himself as "America's Toughest Sheriff" and is known for feeding jail inmates green bologna, clothing them in pink underwear, and making them work on chain gangs,etc.;

Sosbee to tough little Joey:
careful, joey, not to suck up to the cowards and maniacs in your esteemed fbi. as for your treatment of prisoners, get your rest in this life, for in the next the devil himself claims you.

 fbi fictional movie paradoxically presents glympse of fbi's macabre criminality.
category picture29 Jan 2008 @ 20:54
The fbi's latest Hollywood fictional production called 'Untraceable' paradoxically reveals the macabre character of the fbi's own agents as they pretend to seek an internet predator who is displaying his graphic murders on his website; the fate of each of the tormented captives is left in the hands of the public.
The fbi engages in similar criminal conduct (as that depicted in the character of the torturer in the movie, Untraceable) and the public has no idea that the fbi (and the cia) have become therefore the most deranged homicidal predators amongst us.
See the following link (et al) :

The study of the evidence on the site,

presents a true story of the fbi and cia's use of torture of the captive ,though ostensibly free, individual who is chosen( by the intelligence agencies) for a torturous death.
The fbi and the cia predators in the *non-fictional story of '' are the very same government agents whom the public trusts to protect them against homicidal psychopaths roaming around at large in our society. Those among us who refuse to study the evidence are responsible for the continuation of the fbi/cia torture/killing program globally.

Do you now see the Irony , vis `a vis the movie 'Untraceable'? (hint:
the fate of each of the tormented captives is left in the hands on the public. )


 possible misleading ads on the web
category picture20 Jan 2008 @ 22:44
Popular search engines continue to inappropriately in my opinion associate commercial images under the name geral sosbee; especially interesting in this regard are products which, by linking their image with sosbee's name, may intimate to some uninformed viewers that geral sosbee uses, approves, or endorses such items as displayed on the web.
So, for the record:
*geral sosbee endorces no product, approves no ad in association with his name, and disclaims any support for any product so displayed by the search engines under sosbee's name. Finally, any product (or producer/advertiser) that pretends to market any product with sosbee's approval is thereby misrepresenting the facts to the extent that such ad states or intentionally implies sosbee's endorsement.
*geral sosbee hereby reserves all legal and equitable rights against any person who uses geral sosbee's name or his likeness for commercial purposes without sosbee's express prior written consent.

On March 18, 2008, I reported to the Google 'Abuse and Spam' office that the fbi (or its supporters) are using the Google image search engine to plant obscene or suggestive material which is offensive; the material contains a preposterous image which is then linked to a question which is also planted for the purpose of posing outrageous ideas subliminally.

 fbi employs terrorists and street thugs
category picture27 Dec 2007 @ 01:25
Sosbee notices the following visits to the site at apparently by former fbi associates and supporters (one of whom may be former Special Agent Ken Kaiser, now about 75 years of age). Note that these visits are by individuals who discover to their great chagrin that the world now accepts as fact Sosbee's reports that the fbi uses *terrorists against Targets (including US citizens and war veterans) in the uSA and around the globe(as evidenced by Sosbee's documentations and reports). See Google for more information about "fbi cia employ terrorists".

The site meter entries:

Domain Name ? (Commercial)
IP Address 67.79.217.# (Road Runner Business)
State : Texas
City : Austin
Time of Visit Dec 26 2007 9:43:09 am
Search Engine
Search Words fbi cia employ terrorists
Out Click Society of Former Special Agents of The Federal Bureau of


State : Illinois
City : Park Forest
IP Address 64.107.163.#
Time of Visit Dec 26 2007 2:32:19 pm
Search Engine
Search Words terrorists who work for the fbi
Visitor's Time Dec 26 2007 2:32:19 pm



State : Texas
City : Austin
IP Address 67.79.217.# (Road Runner Business)
Referring URL employs terrorist
Search Engine
Search Words fbi cia employs terrorist
Visit Entry Page
Visitor's Time Dec 26 2007 9:43:09 am
* Note that as this update is made the fbi delivers on Sosbee nausea inducing directed energy assaults. Then, as an apparent result of this update the fbi apply ***intense sleep deprivation on Sosbee all night on 12/26/07.
Sosbee to ken Kaiser- you will be remembered as a **mental dwarf, a fraud, a coward and a former Unidentified Felonious Offender;for as of today your identity is known the world over and part of the evidence that would have put you in prison is on my site:
Go not in peace, but recount the many crimes you orchestrated, condoned, approved, or directed during your long career in the bestial fbi.
And See MY Affidavit:
***The assaults continue intensely all day on the 27th, so that Sosbee hears a high pitch sound (somewhat maddening at times) throughout the day and much of the night; at one point the lack of sleep causes a jump in the pulse rate , and the heart beat changes from normal to increased. Then, during the night of the 27th the fbi lower the intensity of the directed energy assault and some sleep is realized, but Sosbee is bound to the bed for about 12-13 hours. The high pitch noise is in the form of white noise and is sometimes referred to as a ringing; but the so-called 'ringing' is sometimes confused with tinnitus and the complaints of the Target are thus often dismissed as imaginary. Note that if the fbi wanted to kill Sosbee, the fbi would simply not decrease the elf assaults, but would allow the pulse rate (monitored in real time by the fbi) and blood pressure to climb (simultaneous with directed energy bombardment) and the Target would presumably suffer from exhaustion and related life-threatening issues.
On the same day (the 27th), the fbi sends Sosbee a reminder that he is so assaulted as shown in the site meter image below:

IP Address 68.196.49.
State : New Jersey
****Time of Visit Dec 27 2007 10:30:16 pm
Referring URL Search
Search Engine
Search Words high pitched assaults
Visit Entry Page http://www.sosbeevfb...art4-increasedp.html
Visit Exit Page http://www.sosbeevfb...art4-increasedp.html

****Note that at the time of the visit (10:30PM) the fbi watches the Target in real time (under the non-consensual cover research and human experimentation program) as he struggles in his residence with the effects of the sleep deprivation; also note that the fbi diabolically uses the site meter to torment the Target in the hope that the Target will succumb. Indeed the fbi uses terrorists, but these men and women are serial killers and psychopaths on the loose, operating in our country under the authority of the fbi and the cia.
[Note that officers in all three branches of government and all the candidates running for President of the uSA tremble at the notion of becoming targets of fbi/cia covert criminal operations of the type I outline; furthermore, one of the candidates (Bill Richardson) actually asserted his 'security clearance' as a major qualification for the highest executive office. The silence that followed his statement revealed that all the contenders are mind controlled and that, by implication, the fbi/cia have the final authority (via security clearances) over vital matters of the State. The candidates fail to see that the people, not the fbi/cia, own the nation and that the people have the right to dismiss all fbi/cia employees at will. Finally, due to fbi/cia continuing crimes against Humanity, the uSA continues on a dangerous course toward world condemnation and self destruction].
From Harlingen, Texas
September 13, 2008

Sosbee sends the following message to US POstal Inspector:
The fbi continues to steal my mail selectively. The latest: The court in LA sent me a notice to provide proof of my purchase of ENRON stock, so that I could file as a member of the class action and participate in the distribution. I mailed the proof (my federal tax return) inside the US Postal Office at Harlingen, Texas 78551, on or about September 7, 2008; also Fidelity Investments mailed to me proof of my purchase on the same date, so that I could forward same to the court administrator. My letter to the court and Fidelity's letter to me were stolen by the fbi as part of their ongoing efforts to destroy my life. Though this may appear minor to you, the fbi is torturing and harassing me 24/7 with high tech weaponry and low minded street thugs who enter the US Post Office and steal my mail at will. A few years ago the fbi also stole the VA application for free life insurance ($10,000 whole life cash benefit); the fbi kept the application for about 9 (nine) months, then sent me the nine month old notice of my right to the free VA Life Insurance. The fbi has also stolen other time sensitive mail to harass me.
I realize that you will do nothing because you are afraid of the fbi. This makes you and your bosses cowards. Long after I am gone, the US Postal Servive will live with the record of fraud, deceit, and cover ups that your staff has performed for the fbi over the past 10 years as I have documented. The above info is true and correct.
geral sosbee

 Death of possible fbi operative Dr. Manfred Lother Del Castillo, D.D.S.
category picture18 Dec 2007 @ 18:41
Headlines 12/17/07:

Dentist Killed in Morning Car Accident
BROWNSVILLE - A Brownsville dentist died in a morning car accident. ... Police say 47-year-old Manfred Del Castillo died after crashing into a tanker truck. ...

For more information on Castillo's contact with Sosbee see:
and for evidence of fbi attempted murder of Sosbee, a possible crime causing Castillo considerable consternation:

The central focus of this report (by Sosbee) is on the possibility that the fbi's apparent contacts with Castillo may have influenced him in some manner, especially as evidence submitted by Sosbee (to state agencies and the *federal government) may have been the cause for an investigation by unidentified parties; and further, such inquiries may have identified a source (known to Sosbee) who was and is in a position to substantiate some of Sosbee's allegations of fbi terrorist assaults as outlined in Additionally, prior to Castillo's apparent suicide he appears to have communicated with another dentist in Dallas, Texas, named Gutman who was almost certainly contacted by the fbi at the time Gutman was treating Sosbee. However, Sosbee notes that other than a slightly hostile attitude to Sosbee by Gutman (following the fbi slander), the dentist performed excellent dental work for Sosbee prior to his trip to Thailand..

The Brownsville Police Department needs to be careful to not falsely report the results of the alleged accident investigation. This possible suicide represents a kind of collateral damage typical of fbi/cia homicidal campaigns here in the home of the (not so) brave.

The above data represent the personal opinion and considered judgment of Geral W. Sosbee and are not intended as accusations against any person, except the fbi thugs, agents, operatives and assassins who are involved in the attempted forced suicide campaigns as set forth on this and other sites.
* Note the nervous twitching of the cia (as reflected in the State Department site meter entry below) as informed people begin to question the causes of the strange deaths of persons associated with Targets. , time:11:09:10 am , Dec.18, 2007

Domain Name (U.S. Government)
IP Address 169.252.4.# (U.S. Department of State)
ISP U.S. Department of State
Time of Visit Dec 18 2007 11:09:10 am
Visit Entry Page [link]

For more on the corrupt and deadly State Department, see:


For more on this subject see my report at this site dated and entitled as follows:
[Category: News] 18 Mar 2008

 who are the real dangerous predators : msnbc !
category picture17 Nov 2007 @ 21:16
The following statements do not represent legal advice, but are simply the personal opinion and considered judgment of geral sosbee:

"To Catch A Predator" stories on global telecast , November 16, 2007, by msnbc's Chris Hansen and followers/fans/goons.

Chris says:

"When we first began investigating potential predators trying to meet teens online, we had no idea it would lead us to *where we are today. Nearly 130 men have surfaced in our stories. 98 of them are currently being prosecuted."

Sosbee writes to Chris and msnbc, and staff :

Well , let's set the record straight, Chris:

The program you promote ensnares innocent men lured to your location by a police operative/decoy female who personally appears at the door (as an adult) and invites the men in. No child is present; no victim exists; no complaining witness or aggrieved party exist; and no law is broken (except in the sick minds of those who seek to profit or to gain attention from the contrived and illegal sting).

As the targeted men enter the 'party' house the self proclaimed (impliedly so) hero Chris Hansen lurks in the shadows , then leaps out as though he is the law maker, the police, the grand inquisitor, the judge, the jury, the prosecutor, the defense attorney, the counsellor, and the executioner. Indeed, Chris is everthing all the living dead among us strive to emulate in our society:one who seeks out the living with arms extending, fingers pointing, mouths wide-opening and evil proclivities protruding.Chris even suggests that all of the targeted ( yet innocent in this writer's opinion) men are similar (potentially) to the child murderers in the news of late; this analogy is most revealing of the sick and degenerate mentality of the accusers in Chris Hansen's mob.** [See addendum below, dated June 9, 2009.]
You should have been slapped in the face , Chris , by every man you insulted at the scene.

In actuality, all of the captive men are innocent, while the manipulators in the msnbc entertainment scheme are potential criminals who should face a variety of criminal and civil charges; the corrupt politicians/legislators who write the absurd laws (that permitted the phony sting) should be removed from office; and the viewers should be told that all of this was a serious mistake and represents a failure of our culture to stop the hatred and brutality caused in large part by the police and the media through such programs as , "To Catch A Predator".

Until that time, however, Chris, msnbc, and the mindless police have learned how to make money and garner dirty (in terms of tactics used) attention through their most despicable and decadent show of police/media lunacy. All of the players (in the msnbc/cop/Chris Hansen farse) will be remembered as supporters of the emerging hyper-police state where even the spectators are now invited to join in the lynch party.

Sosbee writes to Chris Hansen:
You're No Christ, Chris!

* 'Where we are today', Chris, is at a point where we must deal with your outrageous conduct as you create or perpetuate an insensitive world where violent methods and fraudulent legal process are the standards for USA public policy (viz: in Chris's melodrama police weapons are drawn, the men are assaulted and cuffed by the police, the devil woman/decoy herself sweet talks the men into her abode in order to destroy their lives, and the men are impliedly forced to submit without legal advice to the silly and imposing interrogation of the lowest form of human intellect ).

Such are the impressions of this writer regarding the undignified character of Chris Hansen and his cowardly police associates.

P.S. As of July, 2008, the Predator Hansen continues his violent and insane efforts to destroy mens' lives, at one point mindlessly criticizing one of his victims for driving a $50,000 Lexus at the Hansen scheme's scene.
Now MSNBC has corporate company in the "help fbi" and law enforcement for profit game. According to
Deborah Perelman

"Clear Channel Outdoor, an advertising company which operates more than 167,000 advertising displays in the United States is providing free billboard space as a public service to help the fbi catch the accused. "

Clear Channel should be advised that the fbi, the cia, and all law enforcement agencies in the United States of America are terrorist organizations who are prone to engage in slander, perjury, torture, false imprisonment and murder on a regular basis; thus, the marriage of MSNBC and Clear Channel to the fbi and her associates suggests to the intelligent reader that these corporations support terrorism and that their macabre greed is indicia of their fundamental lack of Humanity. For evidence of this, see my reports herein and and see my site at

This update represents the personal opinion of Geral Sosbee and is based on real life experiences.
** Addendum. June 9, 2009

In the above report I have shown the dark, hateful, greedy and cowardly sides of Hanson and his followers at MSNBC ; now, inasmuch as Hanson continues his demonic entrapment scheme for show and for profit at the expense of innocent men, Hanson represents the disease of the United States of America. See:

Hanson (in his flair for the dramatic)desperately & hysterically attempts to transfer and inflict upon others the very same homicidal traits and infirmity that he and his fbi/police criminal associates exude in their activities in the USA. See:

Hypothetically, in a moment of desperation Hanson and company (by inference from his own words & conduct) would in fact consider the killing of a rat or a potential witness againt them in order to preserve their own social status. "... a little more hate, an ounce [of instability] and [Hanson might have ] decided it [be] too risky to let her [the rat] live...." In such a moment (as many fbi/police serial killers can abundantly attest) "...ethics or fear of any sort do not exist: the beast is in charge."
The beast Hanson and his living dead associates in the police are in charge.
Carpenter, Don: Review of In Cold Blood by Truman Capote. Ramparts, April 1966, pp.51-52.

For more on the disturbed personality of Hanson and his kind, see:
See MSN.COM as Fascist oppressor of free speech:

 not legal advice: evidence in support of a writ of habeas corpus
category picture16 Nov 2007 @ 17:56
Due to fbi tamperings on this site, the following report(originally dated , June 15, 2005) is repeated below. [Also, as of this date the directed energy assaults on this Target are more extreme than ever, as are the effects therefrom].

The following Affidavit does not represent legal advice; each reader should seek legal counsel. The Affidavit shown below may assist some attorneys who seek to free their clients from imprisonment (or threat of imprisonment) when their testimony (or their exercise of 5th Amendment Right To Remain Silent) has been (or may be) discounted in the face of perjurious testimony by FBI agents, operatives, thugs and others.
Note: the drawing (below) entitled, "Psycho-Electronic Weapon Effects"
is borrowed from Raven:




On this 15th day of June, 2005, appeared before me Geral W. Sosbee, a person known personally to me to be the person who affixed his signature to this document, below, and who, being by me first duly sworn, on his oath deposed and said:

"My name is Geral W. Sosbee; I am over the age of 18 years. I am fully competent in all manner to make this affidavit. The information contained in this Affidavit is within my personal knowledge, and is true and correct.

I have documented by direct and incontrovertible evidence and personal testimony the criminal activities of dozens (or perhaps hundreds) of agents, operatives and handlers of the FBI and the CIA of the United States of America, including but not limited to the following:

A. Obstruction of Justice, Suppression of Evidence, Perjury, Fabrication of Evidence, Criminal Conspiracy, Conspiracy to Violate and the Violation of Civil Rights, Attempted Extortion, Attempted Blackmail, False Arrest, False Imprisonment, Fraud, Burglary, Robbery, Felonious Assault and Battery, Destruction of Personal Property, Petty Theft, Theft of and Tampering with U.S. Mail and a variety of other high crimes and misdemeanors as further described in paragraph "B" below.

B. Abuse of civil process, home and car invasions facilitated by physical and wireless electronic surveillance in home and car and further enhanced by the use of a tracking device implanted in the person of the human experimentee; the surveillance is in effect as this affidavit is written and has been in effect twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, three hundred and sixty-five days a year, without cessation and without interruption for well over seven years world wide; all such invasive surveillance is accompanied by various terrorist acts against the targeted individual as further described in paragraph "C" below.

C. Repeated assault and battery on the person of the targeted individual by street thugs and by the use of high technology authorized by the United States Government under a program known as Non-Consensual Cover Research and Human Experimentation; in this program the FBI and the CIA perform a wide variety of terrorist assaults on the target; one such assault is accomplished by the injection (or placing) into the targeted person various chemicals, bacterial and viral infections; concomitant with the chemical and biological assaults the FBI and the CIA activate against the human experimentee advanced Remote Electronic Human Behavior Influence Technology including psychoelectronic and directed energy assaults sometimes coordinated with fraudulently conceived and illegally carried out (with local police authorities world wide) attempted criminal sting operations designed to lead to the imprisonment or death of the targeted person; also in conjunction with such hi-tech experimentations
the targeted individual is subjected to FBI and CIA psychological operations (including conditioned response and operant conditioning techniques) which are all designed to cause the targeted individual to have a nervous breakdown,

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physical collapse or to otherwise seek final exit from the torturous campaign, the effects of which are often viewed in real time by the FBI/CIA tormentors who actually watch on computer screens the targeted individual react to the injurious and painful dirty tricks and provocations described herein; all such treasonous, inhumane, and covert operations are carried out with the full support of all government entities at every level of society as further explained in paragraph "D" below;

D. All three branches of the United States Government (and segments of the community at large) are compliant with the mandates of FBI and CIA terrorist assaults as described above and all government officials at the local, state, and federal levels pretend that no such criminal activity as described in the instant affidavit may occur; thus, to date the Congress of the United States, the entire Judiciary and each and every employee of the Executive branch of the government of the United States of America may directly or indirectly support the terrorist activities of the FBI and the CIA as set forth herein and as further amplified in paragraph "E" below.

E. I hereby incorporate by reference into this affidavit and thereby make a part herein as though fully reproduced herein for all purposes the contents of my website (and related links and statements by Geral Sosbee therein) located at; this incorporation includes all statements, documents and other corroborating evidence provided, obtained, or authorized by Geral Sosbee, including all updates by affiant at

I hereby further certify and affirm under penalty of perjury of the laws of the United States and the laws of the state of Texas that all statements, including those incorporated by reference and made a part herein for all purposes as though fully reproduced herein are true and correct and that all documents incorporated by reference herein are true and correct copies of originals and that they are what they purport to be to the best of my knowledge and ability.

Further, Affiant sayeth Naught."


(Notary Seal) Geral W. Sosbee

Sworn to and subscribed before me on the 15th day of June, 2005, to witness which I place my hand and official seal of office.


Sylvia A. Lopez, Notary Public

(Notary Seal) in and for Cameron County, Texas

Page 2 of 2
see and download original affidavit at:

In summary: the fbi and the cia now use high tech gadgetry and low life street thugs to imprison innocent Targets; this is done by assaulting the Target (who often has no idea of what is happening to him/her) with directed energy, followed by in person assaults/provocations by fbi and cia operatives (whose specific mission is to falsify a damaging report against the Target); the report by the operative (usually a female , if the Target is male )may be documented in a FD302, or Affidavit, which is then presented to a judge or magistrate (who is eager to show a commitment to support fabricated popular causes as defined by the fbi; i.e.: alleged :violent offenders, alcoholics, sex offenders, etc.); the judge then orders (on behalf of the fbi or cia) that the Target be medicated, or incarcerated. For many Targets this order constitutes a death sentence. The Target has no way of knowing that the drugs and the effects of the high tech assaults pose a direct threat on his life (let alone, his sanity).
"Los Angeles Herald Examiner, Section A, November 22, 1976

Mind-Altering Microwaves: Soviets Studying Invisible Ray

A newly declassified U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency report
says extensive Soviet research into microwaves might lead to
methods of causing disoriented human behavior, nerve disorders,
and even heart attacks."

See also: The Electromagnetic Manipulation of Consciousness, Behavior, Health and Evolutionary Potential at
This Target ( 'T' )of fbi/cia abuse and involunatry human experimentation makes the following observations regarding some of the uSA's Nazi-like torture program directed against him:
Each night T is assaulted with directed energy;
on some days he is assaulted with nausea inducing electronic assaults (for example, when he is in the library writing an article, or update);
Some nights the force of the assaults prevents sleep altogether, yet on other nights T drifts in and out of sleep;
T is implanted with a tracking device which gives the torturers easy access and which also serves as a pulse monitor;
T deduces that the punks of the fbi and the cia now chart and correlate on a computer screen the varying relationships between the levels of the microwave assaults(or other directed medium)applied against him, the accompanying changes in pulse rates, and the extent of the sleep deprivation; all such scores are then plotted against the age and health factors of T and an effort is made to assess the likelihood of T having a stroke or a heart attack; indeed on some days T wonders whether current symptoms may also foreshadow heart palpitations;
T is worn out every morning (with few exceptions) and this loss of energy is also a part of the Torture plan against T.
The assaults are all the more painful as the punks watch T in real time.
Add to these assaults the continuing drugs administered to T and one might begin to understand the frustration that T experiences.
For more on directed energy assaults, see:
See also site of James Marino:
For definition of "torture" see:

 Death Messages From fbi/cia Delivered Via Site Meter AT SOSBEEVfbi.COM
category picture10 Nov 2007 @ 21:01
I know my work is increasingly and adversely affecting the assassins and torturers of the fbi/cia globally as the hate mail and **death messages roll in voluminously. The so-called 'intelligence ' services of the uSA (including their agents, operatives, handlers, associates and supporters) have discovered how to anonymously transmit hate messages and death wishes to me. In response I must admit, however immodest this may sound, that I am heartened by each and every hate mail sent to me. The *contemptible and misguided miscreants who send the messages are exactly the same low minded hoodlums who run this country ( and who are incapable of defending it) and I am grateful for the opportunity to expose their hideous and weak mind-set to the world. A summary of the most recent death messages (in an apparently concerted effort) including one from a roach in China today and others from Florida, Pennsylvania, Sweden, Costa Rica, and Brazil, etc. (on subsequent dates) are shown below:

**GERAL W. SOSBEE vs. fbi
ISP CHINANET Shanghai province network
Search Words death black rose%
Visit Entry Page [link]



IP Address 70.9.69.#
State : Florida
City : Fort Lauderdale
Search Words death black rose%
Visit Entry Page [link]

IP Address 67.140.8.
State : Pennsylvania
City : Mather
Search Words death black rose%



IP Address 84.115.86.
Country : Sweden
Search Words death black rose%
www. contactinfo.html

IP Address 201.194.47.
Country : Costa Rica
Search Words death black rose%
http:ww. / contactinfo.


IP Address 200.175.37.
Country : Brazil
Search Words death black rose%
//http :///www.sosbeevfb.///


IP Address 217.74.221.
Country : Denmark
Search Words death black rose%

IP Address 88.28.167.
Country : Spain
Search Words death black rose%
// http///////



IP Address 62.117.25
Country : Germany //
Search Words death black rose%


IP Address 209.9.228.# (PullThePlug Technologies LLC)
State : Maryland
[see also the "pack it up" message, dated 5/12/2000 at]:



IP Address 203.175.64
Country : Pakistan
Search Words death black rose%


IP Address 80.4.187.# (DOW CORNING)
Country : United Kingdom
Search Words death black rose%


IP Address 83.27.42.I
Country : Poland
Search Words death black rose%



IP Address 201.8.77.
Country : Brazil
Search Words death black rose%
/... http:/w//w//w//.//sosbeev//fb/com//contact.//info.htm


IP Address 201.44.3)
Country : Brazil
Search Words death black rose%

IP Address 85.176.245.
Country : Germany
Search Words death black rose%


IP Address 201.18.122.
Country : Brazil
Search Words death black rose%
// h t t p:////www//.sos//beevfb//

Here is one (from a most cowardly type) that suggests how the Target might kill himself:

Domain Name ? (Commercial)
IP Address 207.237.15.# (RCN Corporation)
City : New York
Time of Visit Jan 12 2008 1:28:26 pm
Referring URL http---:// cuchillo&spell=1
Search Words suicidio con cuchillo
Visit Entry Page http--://www.--sosbeevfb..spanish/--spmystory.--html


Sosbee writes:
* ... to the little ones: you must ask this question:

WAS IT ......the multi-million dollar & decade long cowardly battle to silence me...
I know it was to me. Yours Truly, g e r a l
October 5, 2007.

P.S. For all who seek to understand the craven nature of America's intelligence agents in whom the security of the United States is entrusted, see the "Death Messages" above and prepare to deal with the fall of the uSA.

November 5-10, 2007
Death Messages continue (thanks to the success of my global campaign against the fbi and the cia assassins and punks) from:

Canada Richmond Hill, Ontario

South Africa Johannesburg, Gauteng

Turkey Istanbul

Vietnam Ho Chi Minh City, Ho Chi Minh Municipality

Spain Toledo, Castilla-La Mancha

Sweden Stockholm, Stockholms Lan

Brazil Florianpolis, Santa Catarina

Brazil Santo Andr, Sao Paulo

Brazil Uberlndia, Minas Gerais

SwedenLammhult, Kronobergs Lan

United KingdomHorsham, West Sussex

(Note: Apparently the fbi and the cia regularly delete or tamper with my reports on this site. geral)
Wife of missing former FBI agent arrives in Iran - Dec 19 11:24 AM

Tehran - *The wife of a former FBI agent whom the United States says disappeared during a visit to Iran has arrived in Tehran seeking information about her missing husband, the website of an Iranian news television channel reported Wednesday. Washington says Robert Levinson went missing in the southern Iranian island of Kish in March and the US government has asked Tehran to help determine his whereabouts.

Sosbee writes:
The next day (December 20, 2007) former fbi agent SOSBEE receives the following death message from Iran:

By Location > Visit Detail
Visit 53,520
IP Address 85.185.225.# (Research Network Jonoob Company.)
ISP Information Technology Company (ITC)
Continent : Asia
Country : Iran, Islamic Republic of (Facts)
State/Region : Khuzestan
City : Andimeshk
Lat/Long : 32.46, 48.3592 (Map)
Language Farsi
Operating System Microsoft WinXP
Browser Internet Explorer 7.0
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1)
Javascript version 1.3
Resolution : 1024 x 768
Color Depth : 32 bits
Time of Visit Dec 20 2007 5:49:04 am
Last Page View Dec 20 2007 5:49:04 am
Visit Length 0 seconds
Page Views 1
Referring URL
Search Engine
Search Words
death black rose%
Visit Entry Page
Visit Exit Page
Out Click
Time Zone UTC-7:00
Visitor's Time Dec 20 2007 4:49:04 am
Visit Number 53,520

Sosbee to missing fbi agent's wife , son and daughter (Christine, Daniel and Suzan Levinson):
I hope that you find missing agent Robert Levinson safe and sound. Note the death message from a cowardly fool whose mischievous heart parallels the same mean and ugly character of many fbi agents, active and retired, scattererd around the glorious earth.
The fbi assassins (& their supporters) in Thailand send "Death" message:

By Location
Country : Thailand
Language Thai
Time of Visit Apr 2 2008 4:37:45 am
Referring URL [link]
Search Words death black rose%
Visit Entry Page [link]

For more on the corruption of Thailand by the fbi/cia see:
See latest fbi message to Sosbee regarding their 'increased sleep deprivation assaults' at the bottom of the page at:
Note that hate statements in the form of death threats are not protected by the First Amendment; the fbi and the justice department are required by law to investigate interstate transmission of such threats to Sosbee.

 Homeland Security (HS) at the direction of the fbi/cia threatens Sosbee.
category picture20 Sep 2007 @ 14:46
From Brownsville, Texas
September 20, 2007

This date at about 9AM as Sosbee enters the USA from Mexico, using the AIS program and the express lane reserved for the participants, the Border Patrol (BP)officer again (for the third straight day) flags Sosbee for search; however, the officer then orders Sosbee to park the car for inspection, enter the main office for interrogation, and be prepared to surrender the AIS pass. Sosbee replied: *"Are you ordering me to enter the office for the interview ?" BP replied, "YES". Then Sosbee stated, "Why are you so angry with me, what have I done to you?" The BP officer stated , "I am not angry, you are **complaining all the time about the searches, etc.". Sosbee complied.
For the record the fbi/cia interfere with the duties of the Department of Homeland Security regularly as needed to harass Sosbee (in this instance the fbi/cia program the computers at HS to flag Sosbee for harassment). Then, as Sosbee reports the fbi/cia influence on Homeland Security to the Homeland Security officers, these same officers begin to harass and threaten Sosbee at the border.My message to fbi/cia: your tactics are a bit worn, do not work, and are now evidence of your gaslighting games, using federal officers to do your dirty work.

*The incident was tantamount to a threat and may constitute a de facto arrest (though no physical constraint was used by the armed BP officer)of Sosbee at the border point of entry. Finally, Sosbee has insured that the Director of HS is aware of the constant harassment by HS, but the Director is not interested in any instances where the fbi/cia unnecessarily interfere with the duties of BP officers for pseudo intel purposes. The fbi/cia do whatever they want, period.

**The statement about "complaints" is a lie; Sosbee always happily complied with all HS security measures, but advised the HS officials that the fbi and the cia are controlling BP agents at the check point in order to harass Sosbee. On this date about 5 BP officers were tied up with Sosbee, while a back log of other suspicious vehicles and persons were stacking up at the inspection center. Any terrorist who follows this gross incompetence by the BP (at the point) would have enjoyed a diversion (courtesy of fbi/cia) for smuggling arms, etc., into USA on the heels of the Sosbee adventure.
P.S.: fbi retaliates the next day by driving a screw bolt nail into the right rear tire (as promised).
On September 26, 2007, the HS officer at the same check point aggressively harasses Sosbee (with an abusive tongue lashing and a threatening body language) by indicating his intent (inter alia) to take away the AIS pass issued to Sosbee; the same officer makes reference to Sosbee's repeated complaints. At one point Sosbee expresses his contempt for the officer's conduct; this made the situation worse.

For more see article dated and entitled as follows by Barbara Hartwell:

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


 "snap shot" series of journal entries;part 2
category picture19 Sep 2007 @ 17:58
For more info on the ELF assaults used by the fbi against Sosbee, see:
and see:

From Matamoros, Mexico
June 16, 2007
The series of reports from Sosbee entitled , '' Snapshot of My Typical Day, ''
have evolved into a kind of daily journal to record important events. This Part Two of the Snapshot series is a continuation of the effort.

On the evening of June 14,2007 (prior to Sosbee`s scheduled interview and test the next morning with a **prospective employer from the far East), the fbi assaults Sosbee i n t e n s e l y with psychoelectronics and thereby prevents him from any sleep. The next morning Sosbee is not functioning at peak efficiency during the test and interview process. The fbi also sends Sosbee two notices just before the interview that he was assaulted all night (as seen in the following 2 site meter entries): Note that the entry and exit links for the two site meter references shown below are to
This http of increased sleep deprivation reflects (in its appearance on the site meter) the manner by which the fbi torturers toy with this Target.
The referring links to the two entries below are to
p s y c h o t r o n i c s and
p s y c h o t r o n i c b o m b a r d m e n t
City : Frankfurt Am Main
Referring URL
Search Words psychotroni
Entry Page
Exit Page
Visitor's Time Jun 15 2007 10:29:53 am

IP Address 63.229.216.# (Qwest Communications)
Referring URL
Search Words psychotronic bombardment
Entry Page
Exit Page
Visitor's Time Jun 15 2007 12:55:24 am

Sosbee notes that the fbi and the cia and like minded entities can hereby be seen as root causes for much human suffering by interfering with or otherwise preventing actualization (via covert operations, war mongering, etc.) of the work ethic inherent in all of mankind. One social class,or members therein, of our society (i.e.: the government and the wealthy) regularly prevent employment of large numbers of the working class worldwide, even as a selected few garner obscenely large incomes from relatively very small personal output.The reader should also note that the ELF assaults on Sosbee nightly by the fbi are one part of the United States government program to silence critics and to *remove them from the workforce. Furthermore, in a broader sense the United States government (through the fbi and the cia), ultimately and unexpectedly bring upon themselves and the American people a universal condemnation for sub-human ethics in the general handling of political, military and economic issues.
* Coincidentally, see the scientific studies on the indications and implications of periventricular white matter on the human brain (as well as other anomalies) often induced in the targeted person by the monsters in the government of the uSA.See:

**Nova Group of Japan rejects the application after the fbi's libel campaign spreads to Japan.
China also rejects all applications from Sosbee:
Meanwhile, the fbi continues the torture 24/7 against Sosbee as of August 27, 2007.
From Matamoros, Mexico
June 20, 2007
fbi again fraudulently charges an item on my secured credit card

This date I ordered an item on line through ("A"). A few seconds later "A" sends confirmation. However, the fbi enters my account at "A" by logging in ; the fbi changes or modifies the order by placing another item (from collegebooks89) into the shopping basket. Then "A" bills me for the additional item which the fbi *fraudulently ordered. I then tried to cancel the item by contacting all of the companies involved. None of the companies assisted me in my efforts to stop the fraudulent billing. One of the companies, American Watch Company, became particularly aggressive and stated as follows:
"" to me


Thus, I cancelled all items, closed my credit card, and asked the anonymous sender of the above quoted hate mail to never contact me again.
The fbi continues to tamper with my car and also assaults me with the ELF, now also delivering nausea inducing energy assaults.
* For evidence of previous similar fbi crimes see:

From Brownsville, Texas
June 22, 2007
This date the FTC responds to my complaint against the fbi as set forth above as follows:
"" to me
show details 11:32 am (3 minutes ago)

Thank you for contacting the Federal Trade Commission. We entered the information you provided into our shared law enforcement data base. We share this data base with Federal, State and Local law enforcement agencies. Attached is your electronic response, which includes your reference number. Any enclosures can be found at under Consumer Protection and Consumer Information section.
Information from consumers like you helps Federal, State and Local authorities investigate possible illegal practices and enforce our laws. Someone from the Federal Trade Commission or another law enforcement agency may contact you if they need additional information to help them in an investigation.
Please visit the FTC's web page,, to get free information to help you avoid costly consumer problems.

From Matamoros, Mexico
July 9, 07
This date the Dallas Morning News (DMN) denies Sosbee the privilege of posting a comment in response to false or fraudulent DMN coverage of a fbi story. The DMN sends Sosbee the following message , but does not follow up with a registration permit:

Welcome to Forums

Please keep this email for your records. Your account information is as follows:

Username: geral sosbee

Your account is currently inactive, the administrator of the board will need to activate it before you can log in. You will receive another email when this has occured.

Please do not forget your password as it has been encrypted in our database and we cannot retrieve it for you. However, should you forget your password you can request a new one which will be activated in the same way as this account.

Thank you for registering.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sosbee notes that the DMN , its administrator,editor and publisher, are demagogues parading in the colors of the American flag, all the while protecting and defending the assassins and traitors of the fbi and the cia. In reality the DMN is become as an extension of the fbi and the cia covert, criminal, and murderous global intelligence operations. The DMN, I charge, is like many other main stream media outlets such as the LA Times and hte New York Times ( ALL FEIGNING AMERICAN VALUES) traitors to the united states of america.

From Brownsville, Texas
July 10,2007
Yesterday Sosbee sends the e-mail shown below to a former friend in the fbi; the associate's name is not mentioned, but Sosbee confirms that the former fbi agent referenced below (with * ) worked in covert, undercover operations in the fbi; after Sosbee sends the message to the former agent, the fbi assaults Sosbee intensely with ELF, preventing sleep all night.
The message from Sosbee to the former fbi agent who quit the fbi in order to work for a different government agency:

The intelligence (intel) agencies of the United States represent the heart beat of America; every aspect of American life is affected by intel operation: the economy, politics, public policy. Even the power to wage war is directly affected by cia operations in targeted nations.
When the intel services , such as the fbi and the cia, engage in widespread covert criminal operations (i.e.: conduct strictly proscribed and unconstitutional under our laws and the laws of nations) the government in all branches is tainted. Failure to demand accountability is often the result of a corrupt Congress of the United States; the courts are also complicit in the illegal activities of intel groups as I and others have shown in many cases.
At last the people must also share the responsibility for its homicidal intel groups because some members (and sectors) of the general public benefit from the immoral and criminal intel activities.
Now, here's the rub: when the intel mob is out of control (which is presently the case) its agents, operatives, thugs and assassins are free to engage in widespread criminal actions and is free to violate the United States Constitution with total impunity. They have become in effect traitors, but few among the population will label them as such for fear of reprisal. The intel mobsters are indeed an organized crime syndicate, destroying any individual at will and with no recourse. The traitors whom I refer to are primarily associated with the fbi and the cia; they are largely responsible for the current collapse of our constitutional government.

"The traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation...he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. "
Marcus Tullius Cicero, Roman orator, statesman 42 B.C.
I wish you and your wife well.
While you served the fbi rats (no doubt in covert and dirty ways) you at least had the good sense and sufficiently slight moral compass to get out of the murderous fbi.
From Brownsville, Texas
July 15, 2007
fbi applies Sleep Deprivation through i n t e n s e ELF assaults all night on the 14th; then, as usual the serial torturers send Sosbee a message (via site meter entry seen below) that he has been so assaulted.[ Note that the ELF assaults continue 24/7 and on selected nights such assaults are 'turned up a notch'].

P.S. The uSA is correctly seen around the world as a cowardly group of punks and assassins who invite and encourage violent response to their inhumane behavior. The symbol, '911' , is simply a prolepsis of the response that the fbi and the cia seek. Understand, however, that the will of man (i.e. the indominable human spirit)has always countered overwhelming forces with clever and prevailing machinations. Thus, the people here must not be surprised at the next volley of homicidal assaults.Then, the serial torturers send a message to Sosbee (via site meter) that he was so assaulted:

IP Address 72.27.173.#
Time of Visit Jul 15 2007 3:11:12 am
Last Page View Jul 15 2007 3:11:12 am
Referring URL [link]
Search Engine
Search Words sleep assaults
Visit Entry Page http: //www. sosbeevfb...art4- increasedp. html
Visit Exit Page http: //www. sosbeevfb...art4- increasedp. html
From Brownsville, Texas
July 19, 2007
ELF assaults are intensified against Sosbee for 12 hours on the nights of July 18,23,*31, 2007.
[For more information on fbi's use of high tech psychotronic weaponry see the report of James Marino, dated and entitled as follows:
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Today The FEDS Use Directed Energy To Attack My Balance
[link] ]
__*Note: the fbi modifies the notices to the Target of impending ELF assaults via the "increased sleep deprivation" page of, because many readers are tuning in to the mind games that the Target reports; now, instead of visiting the 'sleep deprivation' page to remind the Target of intensified forhtcoming (or recently effected)psychoelectronic assaults, the fbi unlo
This date (September 18, 2007) fbi deletes data from "snapshot of my typical day"

From Harlingen, Texas
September 18, 2007
The fbi (at the direction of the cia) *intensely assault Sosbee with pulse microwave or ELF (directed energy weaponry) on the 16th and the 17th of September, 2007. Also, for two days in a row ( on the mornings of the 17th and the 18th of September) the fbi manipulates the Department of Homeland Security to order Sosbee out of his vehicle for official searches of his person and his car at the Veterans Bridge checkpoint as Sosbee enters the USA from Mexico on these two dates. The interference with the duties of Customs and Border Patrol at the check point has reached the point of absurdity, given the fbi's total surveillance (24/7) both electronic and physical of the person, vehicle and property of Sosbee. This increased torture and harassment follows Sosbee's messages to the cia as follows:
That Sosbee and others are aware of the fbi/cia torture and killing spree globally and that the two corrupt and homicidal agencies need to know how Sosbee and others are responding. Namely, that the identities of fbi/cia agents, operatives, handlers and 'associopaths' (i.e.: associates ) who engage in torture and killing will soon be made public; that anything I can do to assist in the public exposure of these murderous lunatics will be done until I die; that my comments here and elsewhere are not threats, but by all that is holy and graceful in the universe I never fail in my work as promised. The fbi and the cia should know this by now, but their collective pathology prevents intelligent response to patriotic rebellion to a criminal regime out of control.

*Note that directed energy assaults continue nightly, unterrupted for several years, but with increasedf intensity when more torture is indicated.

<< Newer entries  Page: 1 ... 30 31 32 33 34 35   Older entries >>
March 18, 2017

Our efforts (mine & my associates)reveal the macabre destiny of mankind, unless we prevail in the pursuit of a general enlightenment of the populace. In any event we are the unacknowledged legislators of the world by awakening in others a fundamental respect for humankind and by indicting the torturers and assassins of our era. The United States of America, by virtue of our work here, is now forever known as a BEAST (Brain EntrAinment State) , a country w/o conscience, a people w/o heart who are cursed with a national character predominantly w/o soul :



For Compelling Reports, See The One And Only
Official Site Of

Barbara Hartwell vs. CIA


This is the real fbi which uses the methods and incorporates the values of the notorious Mafia:


Sosbee reports from the field:
get your own fbi/cia terrorist badge at:
See cia data:

...and see my documentations of fbi/cia crimes at:

The greatest threat to mankind are the murderers and torturers of the fbi/cia. Sosbee comments:

Invade my country (or alienate me in it) I will invade yours;invade my *brain, all bets are off.
A slogan to be remembered:

The Few, the Proud, the Brain Entraining Fiends of the US Marines.

*Regarding Brain Entrainment,
[Note: The perennial search for peaceful solutions to the fbi/cia torture & killing spree globally is the paradox of my life under attack.]


"I suspect that all the crimes committed by all the jailed criminals do not equal in total social damage that of the crimes committed against them."
Karl Menninger, M.D.
The Crime Of Punishment
The Viking Press, NY, 1969

"The laws are like cobwebs: where the small flies are caught, and the great break through."
"...the individual cannot delegate the task of defending his basic human rights-to dignity,liberty, and responsibility-to any group of protectors,..." be they clergy, doctors, legislators, fbi, mafia, police, judges. "For if the protectors are successful, they inevitably become
O P P R E S S O R S..." who should be publicly categorized as


NOTE: The inmates, prisoners, and accused in custody around the world have redeeming qualities that should allow them their freedom in most cases; the fbi, police, all cops at every level, have no such redeeming characteristics; for they kill, stalk, lie, steal, falsify records and calumniate for a living (a profession) 24/7, for 20 to 30 years..


-------------------Caution: Adult Content:

See Robin Head's data:
Note that Robin refused to join in the illegal fbi sting against innocent persons:

Sosbee's Tribute To Our Brothers And Sisters Jailed Anywhere On Earth:

We all owe a debt to the millions of persons imprisoned by the corrupt criminal & civil justice systems worldwide, for THE IMPRISONED have surrendered their lives so that we may pompously pursue our demented imaginings on the progress of a failed civilization. See:
and see:
["You must contrive for your future Rulers another and a better life than that of a Ruler, and then you may have a well ordered State; for only in the State which offers this, will they rule who are truly rich, not in silver and gold, but in virtue and wisdom, which are the true blessings of life." Plato, The Republic.]

The united states of america is a government of torturers & traitors supported by cowards and fools who often can be heard echoing the sentiments of the torturers and assassins of the fbi/cia/pentagon against their victims as follows:"We have Little tolerance for losers and those constantly whining or needing attention."b>

June 6, 1944: The D ay that Enslaved the world.

This is my News Log.
All statements in this site are the opinion of Geral W. Sosbee, except where otherwise indicated.

All work authored by Geral Sosbee in this website and at is registered with United States Copyright Office, For a Work of the Performing Arts, # PAu 2-587-209, effective 10-10-2000, entitled "Intelligence", in accordance with title 17, United States Code. All Rights Reserved.

All logos and trademarks in this site are property of their respective owner. FAIR USE NOTICE: This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. I make such material available in efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. I believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to:
The entire content of this site is subject to international copyright. Unauthorized reproduction will be vigourously pursued to the full extent of the law.
I believe that the **war mongers and cutthroats must not be allowed to rule the world any longer; their methods fail.
"And so long as they were at war, their power was preserved, but when they had attained empire they fell, for of the arts of peace they knew nothing, and had never engaged in any employment higher than war." Aristotle, Politics
Rick Stanley
Constitutional Activist:
RE: psychotronic torture being used on sosbee and others NOW (2008):

Read: Inner Voice, Target Tracking,And Behavioral Influence Technologies
See Project Zombie :
[link] sosbee&rnum=2&hl=en&safe=active

[Consistent with the COPPA laws anyone under the age of 13 (thirteen ) in the United States is required to have their parent's permission before sending any information about oneself using this site. Also, anyone who sends an e-mail or other personal data to Geral W. Sosbee is affirming that he/she is 13 (thirteen ) years of age, or older, or has parental consent, and accepts responsibility for all representations made.]

*Also See Report This Site Dated and Entitled:
'Every child belongs to us': today's unsung fbi slogan
25 Jul 2007
_________Spread the word. Get your own FBI/CIA TERRORISTS badge

Regarding ELF assaults see:

[link] -----------------------------

___ As President Theodore Roosevelt said in his 1906 State of the Union address, "No man can take part in the torture of a human being without having his own moral nature permanently lowered." ______________________________________
ATHOUSANDWORDS-for students of physiognomy:
**The cowards of the United States government who engage in (or who permit or fail to stop) the mind control, psychoelectronic harassment/torture, and other so-called cover research human experimentation programs are the same individuals who share the responsibility for the fall of this country; I intend to share with all of the world, until my death, the tremendous fraud that the U.S. has become in its efforts to colonize the world by murderous and inhumane methodologies; in my work, my primary goal is to expose these low life perpetrators and misanthropes for what they are : assassins and torturers who should face an international war tribunal for their crimes against Humanity. Equally important in my life are the efforts to help others through education and friendship. I extend to my associates everywhere my sincere gratitude for your courage in striking the evil ones with your hearts and souls.
Compelling history is in the making by you & me.
Finally, the general lack of interest by the public at large regarding the ongoing torturing and killing of Targets by the fbi/cia (and their operatives) at home and abroad provides fertile ground for expanded inhumane assaults on mankind by these and other agencies ( as well as the lunatics in the private sector who also engage in the torture of selected Targets).
Finally, we must all begin to take the hoodlums of the fbi, cia, and other police agencies ( and their supporters in the general civilian population) MOST SERIOUSLY (if individual liberties are to be regained).

See 'murder in progress' , Brussell Sprout :

and See:

"Presbyterian Book Of Order
Challenge to Presbyterians of Conscience"

...and consider


"You must contrive for your future Rulers another and a better life than that of a Ruler, and then you may have a well ordered State; for only in the State which offers this, will they rule who are truly rich, not in silver and gold, but in virtue and wisdom, which are the true blessings of life." Plato, The Republic.

How To Stop The uSA Global Killing And Torture Spree:
The Formation Of The
(This means that the people must throw out the merchants of death in every government on earth):

SOSBEE's message to punks and cowards: U.S. Senate Sergeant at Arms (little mr. Gainer),Senators Grassley, Leahy, Cornyn and their criminal associates in Congress:
This soldier is moved by your sickness, but you are all in the rear and not on the front lines; so, you are viewed as cowards and traitors to those of us fighting the battles. Thus, I will not be able to help you when the people arrive on the scene.
To Congressional Traitors/Cowards From Einstein regarding the corrupt and fraudulent MDs in the decadent and homicidal practice of Psychiatry:
For more on the corrupt fbi see:



The fbi falsifies records and spreads fraudulent reports in both civil & criminal matters. See my medical clearances at


and an update in the documents below.

Note please that my former employer (fbi) has for two decades falsely reported my medical records in their smear campaign; I wanted the PUBLIC to have the correct info on me. Appropriate medical records, including *recent blood tests and medical exam are documented by letter dated December 14, 2012, and are available at:


Previous entries
  • Fbi assassins rising

  • 2016-10-23
  • USA under fascist & murderous rule

  • 2016-10-21
  • Fbi/police community are a threat to our people

  • 2016-10-20
  • Shame on Portland Indymedia (PI) for trashing my reports

  • 2016-10-19
  • Hallmarks of f b i

  • 2016-10-18
  • Fbi as human monster

  • 2016-10-17
  • Horror Story In USA
  • Fbi interferes with protocol of search engines

  • 2016-10-16
  • Sociopaths Among Us
  • A Prayer in Prose

  • 2016-10-15
  • Tru,p, Crooked Hillery ( CH ) and fbi / cia are all in a battle to control W H
  • News from Geral

  • 2016-10-13
  • Implied Threats of Arrest & Imprisonment/Death Hang Over This Target

  • 2016-10-10
  • Fbi Agents, Operatives and Friends Are Seriously Mentally Ill

  • 2016-10-07
  • Creation of Artificial Kidney Stone In Vivo By Skilled Criminals with M, M, O

  • 2016-10-04
  • ...And Then They Came For Me ............... fbi is today's Nazi Gestapo

  • 2016-10-03
  • Biography

  • 2016-10-02
  • Today's Police/fbi Traverse the Lines of Human Decency

  • 2016-09-30
  • Evidence that USA is run by criminals

  • 2016-09-27
  • USA's President Has Almost No Power Over fbi / cia Assassins

  • 2016-09-26
  • This is your country, your people, not mine

  • 2016-09-24
  • Counterintelligence Operations Against A Target Are Global

  • 2016-09-23

  • 2016-09-18
  • Homo homini lupus

  • 2016-09-17
  • Fbi illegal methods and criminal agenda exposed

  • 2016-09-16
  • Republication in different format: University of Texas/fbi joint crimes ag/ me

  • 2016-09-15
  • Faculty & Students Awaken
  • Wrap Up From SOSBEE
  • USA's fbi/MAFIA, a real life monster

  • 2016-09-11
  • An Eternal Fraud

  • 2016-09-09
  • Nazi criminals live today in fbi/ cia

  • 2016-09-07
  • My message to the US JUDICIARY

  • 2016-09-06
  • Our World & People Under Attack

  • 2016-09-04
  • Global Mandate To Stop fbi/cia from their  torture & kill programs

  • 2016-09-03
  • Macabre Crimes Committed By fbi, Tacitly Approved By Congress/SCOTUS

  • 2016-09-01

  • 2016-08-31
  • The Reach of

  • 2016-08-29
  • Update on evidence against DA, fbi, et al
  • Wicked men of the fbi

  • 2016-08-28
  • American dismissiveness in the face of its own crimes against humanity

  • 2016-08-27
  • Biographical Data on Geral Sosbee by Mr Cliff Huylebroeck
  • Macabre USA, (a repost)
  • Casual reading of an urgent nature

  • 2016-08-25
  • Police State sponsored by fbi sends clear message to Targets in one letter ( T )

  • 2016-08-24
  • Medical Clearances of GERAL SOSBEE

  • 2016-08-23
  • To fbi Director James B Comey

  • 2016-08-20
  • fbi corrupts our nation
  • My L I F E !

  • 2016-08-18
  • The sick mindset of USA's population

  • 2016-08-17
  • I document more crimes against me by fbi

  • 2016-08-16
  • Fbi hacks my OPM account
  • A Dim View

  • 2016-08-07
  • Fbi reveals its filthy mind, followed by biographical data on me

  • 2016-08-06
  • Fbi hoodlums and criminal sociopaths at work 24/7

  • 2016-08-04
  • Capitalism is Dead

  • 2016-08-01
  • Unversality of geral's documentaries

  • 2016-07-31
  • American Terrorists
  • Fbi, police, army intel, et al are often criminals

  • More ..

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