19 Sep 2007 @ 17:53
From Brownsville, Texas
October 26, 2006
This update is presented in four parts in order to distinctly separate the actions described herein:
A)Recently, the fbi repeats an assault which was previously used to prevent the Target (T) from access to a computer; see the following link for the details of the 2003 assault:
In a similar scenario the fbi sends two 'muchachas'into the library's computer room just before T's arrival; also, the handler or his representative is present in the room and possibly another anglo female. As T enters he avoids the trap and later confirms with a confidential source that in fact these two dimwits (ages between 16-18 years)attempted to have T banned from using the computer; the two pseudo "cuties" (one of whom was scantily clad; the other displaying a pretentiously precocious demeanor which belied the giggly, immature character beneath)were caught in a lie and their report was ignored. After the incident the fbi unlocked T's car doors as a reminder of the operation that just transpired.
For 2009 update on fbi's efforts to prevent T from use of a computer see:
B) On the evening of October 25, 2006, the fbi assaults T with extremely intense directed energy, causing the usual symptoms.
For 2009 update on psychoelectronic assaults see:
C) Over the past few weeks the fbi interferes with the *Sprint PCS phone by disabling the Vision (internet) services. T attempts on many ocassions to have the unit repaired by the Sprint technical services department; however, most of the representatives (rep)are unable to locate the cause of the Error # 500; instead of fixing the problem, Sprint reps begin responding to T with the usual, "the fbi is doing nothing to you". Finally, after several reps stated that T must continue to report the problem from a different phone (other than the malfunctioning Sprint PCS unit)a very competent, polite and conscientious rep fixed the problem overnight without T being on the line and without T's assistance in a so called 'trouble shooting process'. This same rep confirmed that the Error #500 is fairly difficult to address and only affects a small number of Sprint customers. T notes that the fbi has repeatedly disabled and otherwise interfered with the Sprint PCS unit for several years; when T spoke with the Sprint Corporate Security Office a few years ago, the rep stated that if the fbi is involved in any way, then Sprint can do nothing to stop the harassment. The fbi and the cia, in their usual gaslighting operations, almost always manage to fit their Target into a rarely noticed Error number, with respect to their hacking and disabling efforts. T meanwhile asks Sprint PCS reps to cease or refrain from insulting and ignorant statements such as , "the fbi is doing nothing to you".
* For more information on the failure of Sprint Corporation to honor its contractural obligations in the face of fbi activity, see parts 2,3,and 13 of "My Story In Detail" at www.sosbeevfbi.com,
See also:
D) The Target hereby informs the reader of these updates that the reader (and the public at large) are the real *victims of the fbi and the cia 'TORT U R ous' games, not Geral W. Sosbee ( T ). For T the waiting, the struggle to comprehend, the sorrow he feels for the people of the world, and the pain he endures at the hands of these little monsters , are small losses compared to the suffering of those who may follow; for they (T's successors) will face an even more ghastly array of mental dwarfs and remotely controlled weaponry than even this Target has come to recognize. For those who have no idea of the horror that may await selected Targets, perhaps these reports can better prepare their psyches for the ordeal. In any event the choices for the Target are tough ones, unless the Target may identify himself with the whole of Humanity and thereby universalize his suffering in a manner that removes T personally from the accompanying mood swings that may otherwise bring more tragedy into T's existence.
* Victims: those persons under attack by the government and those who fear that they could someday be targeted for terror.
From Brownsville, Texas
November 7, 2006
This evening at about 6:30 PM as Sosbee began to eat cereal in his home, he bit down on a small tack which had been placed by the fbi in the box of All Bran cereal; the tack was dark in color and was similar in size and color to the cereal in the box; Sosbee was in a hurry and very hungry, so he paid little attention to the usual precautions regarding inspection of food. The box of cereal had been in the apartment for about a month and he had previously consumed cereal from the same box. The fbi intended to send Sosbee to the hospital again, or possibly intended that Amiga swallow the tack; either way, the fbi delivered the message that their dirty tricks have only just begun and that the fbi would continue their assaults with even greater intensity and variety than ever before in efforts to silence the Target by whatever means necessary.No police report is filed because the Brownsville, Texas, Police Department is appropriately (as viewed from the eyes of the fbi overlords) incompetent and corrupt and therefore unable to process another crime report from Geral W. Sosbee.
From Harlingen, Texas
November 21, 2006
Sosbee often reports the continuing fbi ELF (or microwave )assaults and the subsequent notices of such assaults sent to him by the fools and cowards of the fbi. On the evening of November 20, 2006, the ELF assaults are extremely intense and cause great pain and sleep deprivation all night. Then, the next morning the fbi sends the confirmation of the assaults via the usual site meter entries as shown below:
Note that previously the fbi uses land based websites; now, howvere, the fbi is using a Satellite based method in order to make tracing of the user more difficult (or impossible).
Geral W. Sosbee vs. fbi, Whistle Blower, ex-FBI Ag
Referring URL [link]
Search Engine google.com
Search Words sleepy assaults
Entry Page [link]
Exit Page [link]
Visitor's Time Nov 21 2006 8:09:42 pm
Sosbee writes: note that the entry and exit pages are the sleep deprivation page of the site, and that the search words are, "sleepy assaults".
The fbi and the cia thugs who engage in the low assignments (as set forth in my websites) actually believe that they are very tough, that their ability to destroy the lives and the sanity of the selected Targets is evidence of their mental powers and their heroic resolve to complete the assignments for the good of the uSA. This fbi tendency to rationalize their psychopathic behavior is widely seen by the fbi and cia bosses as an important and valuable trait of law enforcement and intelligence officers; after all , in accordance with their demented reasoning, the fbi must appear to the public to be meaner and stronger than the accused criminals whom they fight; the fbi and their sick and misguided police in all jurisdictions see themselves as overlords of the world, with mental resolve to destroy anyone , anytime, anywhere, and to do so for the "public good". The fbi thereby encourages and promotes violence for two purposes:
1) To justify their own existence to the media and the public, and
2) to confirm to themselves that their work (against the Target/Accused) renders them heroic and at the same time provides them with a false sense of self worth.
Thus, the public must begin to understand why so many well meaning persons around the world presently devise ways to show the fbi and the cia (and the uSA) that toughness of mind is not properly measured by violent propensities, but is more appropriately seen through an intelligent and humanitarian approach to issues facing all of mankind. The difficulty facing all of us is that the fbi/cia and their low associates and allies globally do not understand any language that is not based in violence, torture, destruction, etc. So, a few groups around the world succumb to the temptation to give the fbi, the cia and their colleagues exactly what they (the pseudo warriors of the uSA) understand and desire: massive violence.
From Brownsville, Texas
January 8, 2007
"fbi gone ballistics"
Recently the fbi fires a precision 22 caliber (low load) round into the windshield of Sosbee's car, causing a clearly defined bullet hole that did not fully penetrate into the vehicle; the purpose of the assault (which occurred while Sosbee was traveling at low speed in the downtown area of Brownsville, Texas) was to cause him to pay the deductible insurance amount (currently at $500.00) required to replace the windshield. In response Sosbee this date decreases the deductible to zero. This is the second time that the fbi sends out their sharpshooters trained in ballistics to damage the vehicle; the first instance occurred in Dallas, Texas, in about the year 1999 (at which time the fbi shattered the driver's side window using the same technique). As is customary in such pathological fbi terrorists' assaults , the fbi then sends Sosbee a message to replace the present windshield ; the message is subliminal and is sent via the site meter of
as shown below:
Geral W. Sosbee vs. fbi, Whistle Blower, ex-FBI Ag
IP Address 64.12.117.# (America Online)
Referring URL [link] windshield%22
Search Engine google.com
Search Words "public safety" texas "broken windshield"
Visit Entry Page [link]
Visit Exit Page [link]
Visitor's Time Jan 6 2007 9:48:45 pm
This information may be useful to others who may find that reporting such crimes by the nation's top law enforcement agency is difficult due to the incredibility associated with such gaslighting (with a bang) techniques.
From Harlingen, Texas
January 29, 2007
I receive many strange messages through e-mail and through the site meter of www.sosbeevfbi.com. Some may be threats and others are sent by fools and sadists. This is the most recent e-mail:
This message is not flagged. [ Flag Message - Mark as Unread ]
From: "Agatha F. Parrish" Add to Address BookAdd to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
To: gsosbee@yahoo.com
Subject: Also, we treated another patient whose genetic disease caused vision damage.
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2007 14:31:42 -0800
From Matamoros, Mexico
January 31, 2007
Respiratory infection is confirmed in Sosbee the previous day by a M.D. in Brownsville, Texas, who says that the infection in the lungs has been brewing for an indefinite period of time.* Sosbee takes antibiotics as follows: 1 tablet daily for three days of Azithromycin (500MG),aka Zithromax. Walgreens prescription number 1481108-02896, dated 1-30-07, Brownsville, Texas. Also, for one week, Sosbee takes one tablet twice daily of Mucinex ( 600 mg guaifenesin) and one tablet daily of Claritin (10 mg). As of February 7, 2007, the Bronchitis problem seems to be under control.
See the following link for evidence of prior fbi planting of bacterial infection in Sosbee at a dentist`s office:
* Meanwhile, see:
From Brownsville, Texas
February 2, 2007
Over the past week the fbi enters Sosbee's vehicle and removes a part from the glove compartment mechanism, so that the handle falls off during opening. The fbi also remove the small screws from his sunglasses, so that the two prongs fall off when used.
As Sosbee prepares the forthcoming "Medical Clearance 2007" for inclusion in www.sosbeevfbi.com , the fbi assaults him with nausea inducing directed energy; meanwhile, the ELF assaults continue, as do the subsequent notices to Sosbee that he has again been attacked as reflected in the following site meter entry (note that the same site has been used in the past to send subliminal messages to Sosbee):
Geral W. Sosbee vs. fbi, Whistle Blower, ex-FBI Ag
Search Words psychotronic defense
* Entry Page [link]
* Exit Page [link]
Visitor's Time Feb 2 2007 1:23:52 pm
*the links from the 'entry and exit' page above are to:
From Brownsville, Texas
February 3, 5,etc., 2007
Intense ELF assaults cause sleep deprivation last night. On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the most severe to date) the symptoms are guaged as a 9.
Sosbee now deduces that his immune system is severely affected by the effects of the sleep deprivation ( the ELF assaults). The bronchitis emerged, apparently, as a result of a weakened immune system which could not resist the bronchial assault.
For information regarding the February 18, 2007 statement on fbi interference with duties of Homeland Security, see article at this site , even date.
From Brownsville, Texas
February 27, 2007
Sosbee reports extensive and intense escalation of fbi assaults on his person. The ELF sleep deprivation intensifies causing serious disruption of normal functions (i.e. impossible to get out of bed) on this day. Theft of mail, interference with e-mail, and harassing inspections daily by the Mexican International Federal Police ).
9 Sep 2007 @ 18:42
From brownsville, Texas
September9, 2007
This message is for:
Dr. Haleh Esfandiari and all there at the wilsoncenter.
(Woodrow Wilson International Center For Scholars)
Please note that your self-proclaimed great genius and pseudo-work is worthless to the victims of uSA sponsored torture, imprisonment and murder; for you (and your associates at public policy institutes across the land) have sold out your conscience for the comforts that the enemy of Mankind (united states of america) affords you for your slovenly work in the global public policy arena. While you suffer under the delusion that you love your work, many of you there at the wilsoncenter (and similar groups)are detestable to one another as you abandon a broader duty to all of Humanity to address and to correct (at least in theory) the ongoing worldwide bloodbath initiated by united states intelligence services (fbi/cia/nsa); you therefore are devoid of grace and are in fact abominations to the true intellectuals of our time who are in a war zone 24/7 at the direction of the torturers and assassins of the fbi/cia. You all thus are guilty of aiding and abetting (at least by your silence and indifference, if not by your active assistance to the hoodlums in power) in the outrageous commission of crimes against Humanity. History records your names as they should be recorded: as FRAUDS and COWARDS.
geral sosbee
*To my critics who say that calling names won´t change things I respond that these high flying frauds (and those who adore them) change things by the very names they call themselves (i.e.: scholars, thinkers); these fools change things by forcing others into submission unto their warped, depraved ideas and methods; remember that the public policy created by these political primadonas are the law of the land (though usually less visible than court decrees, statutes, and executive orders) . [Public policy, for example, prevents the reporting of fbi/cia covert criminal operations both foreign and domestic; at the same time, public policy encourages the fbi/cia's use of names, labels and other profiling atrocities to destroy Targets everywhere on earth]. Besides, I feel that much is in a name as I use it, especially when the name applies to those who pretend to serve the public good (and interest) while exclusively serving their own petty interests and those of the corrupt government which rewards them.I see nothing issuing from think tanks and public policy institutes regarding fbi/cia atrocities that I and others document; DO YOU! Finally, I use my methods, you yours; God´s speed to the righteous namecaller and may his heckler cease.
For More On 'tink stanks' see:
7 Aug 2007 @ 18:59
From brownsville, Texas
August 7, 2007
The USA continues to be at risk of imminent terrorist attack in part because the fbi and the cia obsessively continue their criminal, covert, and inhumane assaults on people worldwide.
As I have documented on my website at [link]
the fbi and the cia conducted criminal operations against my person from about 1998 to the present time, 24/7, worldwide, without cessation, without the slightest hindrance from Congress, the Courts, or the legal system. See my letter dated
August 9, 1999, at:
Also note that in March of 2001, I reported that, due to fbi and cia corruption and incompetence, the United States faces a dangerous crisis with respect to intelligence failures.See
In 1999, I reported fbi and cia crimes to the United States Attorney in Honolulu, Hawaii.See:
Then, I filed a lawsuit in the United States Court in the year 2000.See:
I pursued all legal channels to report gross incompetence and corruption in the fbi and the cia, as reflected in the appeal dated July 9, 2001, as seen at:
Then, in the same month I filed the Writ to the U.S. Supreme Court, again detailing the gross abuse of power and criminal operations committed against my person by the fbi and the cia. See the Writ at:
and see the implications of the denial of the Writ at:
The U.S. Supreme Court had my Writ under consideration at the time of the 911 attack on the United States; the high court subsequently denied the Writ on 10-1-01. See
Throughout the entire period of time during which the 911 terrorists planned and executed the attack on the United States, the fbi and the cia were running covert criminal operations globally, 24/7, in efforts to silence me from reporting their crimes. Not a single government official, not a single judge, and not a single representative of Congress commented on the fbi and the cia criminal operations as one of the causes for the attack on the country.
Further, in about 1998-1999, the FAA discovered through its own intelligence operations that Bin Ladin and al Qaeda posed a hijacking threat to the United States; the FAA also stated that the FAA was aware that a part of the plot on 911 included the "...possibility that the terrorist group might try to hijack a commercial jet and slam it into a U.S. landmark." See 911 Commission Report, page 632, published by Barnes and Noble, 2006.[ Members: Kean, Hamilton, Ben-Veniste, Kerry, Fielding, Lehman, Gorelick, Roemer, Gorton, and Thompson].See also:
The conclusions to be drawn from the sorry record of inaction by the government (vis a vis 911) are in part that the officials are afraid (for a number of reasons)to directly hold the fbi and the cia responsible for their criminality and incompetence that led to 911; that the secret and criminal fbi and cia attacks on citizens of the USA are not subject to any government oversight, even when the national security is threatened by intelligence failures, especially as such failures are attributable in part to fbi and cia obsessions to silence (or force into suicide) certain whistle blowers (and others) who seek to stop these hideous agencies from a continuation of their worldwide commission of crimes against Humanity, as well as other high crimes and misdemeanors.
Finally, nothing has changed in the fbi and the cia concerning their obsessive continuation of criminal offenses which I have outlined over the past decade. See:
and see:
The failure of our leaders to address these issues signals to the world that the United States of America is a nation in decline and that the civilization that permits the atrocities advanced by such low minded and homicidal groups is failed.
From Harlingen, Texas
October 26, 2013:
As a result of fbi/cia crimes globally (including rendition, imprisonment, torture, mass murder & assassinations, and generally stirring up trouble on the planet), many freedom lovers send *messages to me and to the fbi that such crimes against humanity must not go unanswered.
Note also that the **main stream bans or blocks me from posting my reports and that few Americans are paying attention to the many crimes and provocations that I and others relay.See for example:
In the site meter entry shown below the visitor from India echoes these notions and suggest that the 911 attack on USA was the direct result of fbi/cia gross incompetence and murderous/macabre corruption.
Here is the message referenced above where the visitor directs the readers attention to Page1 of my Writ where I repeat my observation about some of the causes for the 911 attack and its possible sequel:
Return to<>911 can easily revisit USA, as fbi and cia incompetence and corruption continue
www.sosbeevfbi.com/page1.html - Cached
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6 Aug 2007 @ 18:05
The purpose of this report is to attempt to focus attention on the fbi's (and the cia's)use of doctors (both MD, DDS, PhD and other health care providers) to torture and possibly kill Targets. The topic is somewhat difficult to address because misdiagnoses, mistakes and honest errors, might inappropriately in some instances account for (or obscure) certain medical atrocities which are intended to leave the patient dead, maimed, or insane. Few patients dare to criticize their doctors (or other health care providers) for fear of retaliation, or for fear of being labeled 'psychotic'.
False report by MD:
Thus, the following information may best be considered as an alternative view to popular acceptance of human error as the cause of death (or prolonged illness) in some patients. All scenarios mentioned below represent the actual experiences of this writer.
The fbi and the cia often use a variety of tricks to torture or kill the targeted patient. Many psychiatrists, for example, are directly in the employ of the intelligence agencies and provide the fbi and the cia with a medical or psychiatric report that is completely fabricated in order to institutionalize the Target. An example of this can be found in the medical charts of patients seen by *Waldman, M.D., of New York. In such cases,the fbi and the cia conduct psychological operations on the Target who then shows symptoms which the doctor falsely asserts are not inconsistent with psychosis; further , the intelligence services then feed the doctor (in a kind of 'ex-parte' frenzy)false or misleading data which cause the already predisposed doctor to pre-judge and even pre diagnose the patient. For more on this topic see:
[link] .
In another example, the patient reports to the doctor that he has a small growth on his right testicle; the doctor (after receiving an fbi fabricated and inflammatory rumor) then records on the chart that this patient must have the right testicle removed. On the day scheduled for the surgery, the patient sneaks a view of the medical chart and notices that someone has changed the record to read, " today's procedure is the removal of the left testacle." The patient then runs for his life, consults two additional doctors and confirms that neither testicle contains a malignant growth and that no surgery is indicated. This incident occurred about twenty (20) years ago and the patient is doing fine with both testacles in tact.
In yet another possible example of fbi macabre influence of a medical team with regards to the targeted patient, note the following scenario (which occurred in El Paso, Texas):
The patient is diagnosed with and set for surgery for a deviated septum; the procedure is successful, but after the patient exits the surgery room and regains consciousness, a new and potentially deadly challenge confronts him. A member of the nursing staff (or an fbi operative on the scene)re-writes the instructions for the care of the recovering patient. The original chart reads that no solid food is to be given to this patient for the customary time period (usually about 12 hours following surgery);the new, re-written instruction reads, "full meals are to be given the patient immediately". The problem then erupts as the patient eats the food, vomits all that he eats and nearly suffocates on his own fluids because he has no open air passage for breathing. The nasal passage is completely sealed off and stuffed following the surgery (for the deviated septum) and as the patient vomits, he cannot breathe.
I will spare the reader **additional examples of fbi and cia manipulation of medical staff (designed to torture or kill the Target); I invite you to post your own experiences of this nature for educational purposes. You and I may help save lives by discouraging the torturers and assassins at the hospitals from continuing their devilish trade; at the same time we may suggest to all patients the need to have an intelligent and courageous friend at the side of the patient for as long as possible during the medical procedure/surgery.Note that during my most recent hospital visit
see my reports on the fbi fabricated kidney stone in my person
an unidentified health care provider actively assisted me by monitoring all procedures in my case to insure that I not be tortured or killed. This person is truly a Guardian Angel.
*For more on this subject see articles by Ed Schooling and Barbara Hartwell dated (respectively) and titled as follows:
2002, and December 08, 2006
KGB-style Punitive Psychiatry for American Dissidents
**For additional examples see the report dated and titled as follows at this website:
2005-05-07 Projects identities of perpetrators (and their supporters) of crimes against Humanity
25 Jul 2007 @ 18:28
The fbi is now training youths in the art of deceit and destruction; the program has taken hold in the uSA and will also be employed worldwide in the near future. I refer to the fbi indoctrinated child as a Little Atrocity Doer (LAD) because the programming of the young mind by fbi assassins and torturers directly,adversely and permanently influences the child's view of the world and the child's role in it. After all the child is indeed the father of the man (Wordsworth).
The headline today:
"FBI runs hands-on camp in Erie
Article Last Updated: 07/25/2007 10:45:51 AM EDT"
As in the Hitler youth program of Nazi Germany the children of similar age groups are now being indoctrinated in fbi values, techniques, and political interests; the Jungmadelbund and the Deutsches Jungvolk of Hitler's Germany now have their counterparts in the fbi's youth movement where they receive some training in intelligence operations and where they also learn of fbi high-tech career opportunities therein. Thus, the uSA, under this fbi program, boldly seizes the minds of some LADs with the intent of turning them into fbi agents, operatives, thugs and murderers.In Hitler's own words we now see the fbi's own designs for our LADs:
"I want young men and women who can suffer pain. A young German must be as swift as a greyhound, as tough as leather, and as hard as Krupp's steel."
Note that in order to protect the LAD (who later becomes a Big Atrocity Doer,or BAD),
the fbi will need to provide them with aliases, because the global fascist efforts of the fbi and the cia will certainly not go unchallenged.Mothers Beware.
Finally, to the LADs I say this: When you someday awaken from the trance or the spell put upon you [by the torturers and hoodlums of the fbi] in your early and formative years,you may yet have time to redeem yourselves to mankind and to God by coming over to the side of the angels (as my friend Barbara Hartwell suggests) and by working for the improvement of all God's children, not just those with guns, laser weapons and sharp/forked tongues. However, LADs don't wait too long; never torture, imprison or kill your Brothers and Sisters, EVEN IF SUCH EMPLOYMENT MAY REMOVE YOU FROM *'PAUPER' STATUS; and do not expect the world to completely forgive you for selling out your soul to the dark forces associated with fbi and cia BESTIAL
Love.geral sosbee
* "Nearly everybody is a pauper who is not a Ruler." Plato.
26 Jun 2007 @ 16:46
Recently, Washington D.C. Indymedia (hereinafter referred to as 'Wash') refused to publish my reports. Then, yesterday Wash again deletes my article, visits www.sosbeevfbi.com, and publishes in place of my article the statements quoted below.
News :: Media
Washing D.C. Indymedia Is Corrupted by fbi/cia
25 Jun 2007
by geral sosbee
Deleted by the editors with code: Empty
Notes: P'wah, hah. I've seen your all-night speed-freak conspiracy theorist Web site. Failure to publish your "documentations" at the Washing DC (not a bad idea) Indymedia is an indication of your being a goddamn' k00k."
For more on the corruption of media see the following link from which the following statement is noted:
"But we all know how few micro-seconds it takes
a new reporter to learn what subjects are taboo and what are "safe",
and that experienced reporters don't have to ask."
*Wash's message to me is located at:
Wash states:
"The requested content was deleted with notes: P'wah, hah. I've seen your all-night speed-freak conspiracy theorist Website. Failure to publish your "documentations" at the Washington D C (not a bad idea) Indymedia is an indication of your being a goddamn' kOOk."
Sosbee states: Seldom does one have the opportunity to expose the very dangerous minds of internet publishers who claim to be independent; in this instance the Wash group admits (impliedly) through the above quoted material that Wash is run by propagandists,sycophants,cowards, and hate mongers. Yet, more importantly the above quoted message to Sosbee reflects the general corrupt tone in Washington D.C. where traitors and punks (like the author of the above quote) find haven under the protective umbrella of the murderers and torturers of the fbi and the cia. Wash is of no use to a free society, except to exemplify in its low and decadent methods the hideous nature of fbi and cia homicidal influences in our world.
*P.S.: Wash hastily removes the above link as soon as this article is published on other indymedia boards. The link that Wash is now afraid to show is formerly at:
http:// dc. indymedia. org/ newswire/ display /139579/ index. php..............
Also note that the Indymedia in Boston sends Sosbee the following message:
"boston-tech@lists.indymedia.org" to me
Your article entitled "washington dc indymedia is corrupted by fbi/cia" has been hidden from the newswire by editor.
The hide code was: Policy Violation.
The article is still available at the original URL, or on the hidden newswire page.
Feel free to reply to this message if you have any questions regarding this action.
Thank you, The IMC Editorial Collective.
More from the DC Indymedia Minderbinder who anonymously seeks to discredit www.sosbeevfbi.com:
From Google Search Engine:
"DC Indymedia: newswireby geral sosbee. Hidden by the editors with code: Other Notes: I don't know what this guy's deal is. I went to the URL in the article and it's just this ...
dc.indymedia.org/newswire/hidden/index.php - 72k - Jun 27, 2007 - Cached - Similar pages ."
Chicago Indymedia also refuses to publish the above report on 'Washington D.C. Indymedia Corruption' and states:
"The requested content was deleted with notes".
LA Indymedia hides the same report:
"The following post has status hidden"
San Francisco Indymedia also hides the report.
Sosbee notes:
The Indymedia groups who refuse to publish my material are run by cowards and traitors; they use their so-called "Policy Standards" as a de facto
"wall of silence" to support the fbi and the cia in torture, forced suicides, and murder campaigns at home and abroad. The names of the leaders of these fraudulent indymedia groups will be published someday and we shall see the vested interests that control these hideous personalities. Mainstream media and many Indymedia groups share the same immoral bond that ultimately must be see as responsible (via cover ups, lies, and direct links with fbi/cia terrorists) for the torturing, imprisoning and killing of our Brothers and Sisters globally.
From Brownsville, Texas
July 2, 2007
The Washington D.C. Indymedia Group (hereinafter 'Wash')continues its harassing campaign against this writer. Note that a different reader asks the following question about the Wash group:"Is Indymedia DC Incapable Of Publishing Articles Which Expose FBI/CIA Corruption?"
See the question at:
Wash responds as follows to the above question:
"No, but Indymedia D C __ is__ capable of deleting whiny, ass-spanked conspiracy nutcake posts."
See the Wash statement at:
Sosbee responds to the cowardly fool at Wash who continues his demmented and disturbed diatribe:
Continue your guttural and anonymous verbal assaults; all the world is watching; Wash is washed up.
For More on this topic see:
Summary of article written by James F. Marino :
Thursday, June 28, 2007
"Is DC Indymedia Incapable Of Publishing Articles Which Expose FBI/CIA Corruption?
In Geral's case it was more than just the removal of his post. One of its moderators actually called him a Kook for simply stating his opinions."
From Brownsville, Texas
August 28, 2007
In a continuing display of institutional madness at Washington D.C. Indymedia the anonymous message (shown below) appears again as a kind of editorial attack on one of my reports (i.e.:US Judiciary serves the fbi and the cia.) at the following link:
"Hidden with code "Other"
(I don't know what this guy's deal is. I went to the URL in the article and it's just this mess of conspiracy stuff, his "personal story" that goes on forever -- with _updates_ -- real woo-woo stuff. The fact that it's designed like a pair of clown's pants doesn't help.)"
Regarding the ominous title,
anyone who tunes in to the corrupt fbi/cia/mosad controlled FOX News stations readily discovers the need to stop FOX from broadcasting, at least until the truthtellers have equal time on the air.
27 Feb 2007 @ 21:26
On this 27th day of February, 2007, appeared before me Geral W. Sosbee, an individual known personally to me to be the person who affixed his signature to this document below and who, being by me first duly sworn on his oath, deposed and said:
“My name is Geral W. Sosbee; I am over the age of 18 years. I am fully competent in all manner to make this affidavit.
The information contained in this affidavit is within my personal knowledge, and is true and correct. I am referred to below as Affiant.
I have documented by direct and incontrovertible evidence and personal testimony the criminal activities of dozens (or perhaps hundreds) of agents, operatives and handlers of the FBI and the CIA of the United States of America, including, but not limited to the following:
A. Obstruction of Justice, Suppression of Evidence, Perjury, Fabrication of Evidence, Criminal Conspiracy, Conspiracy to Violate and the Violation of Civil Rights, Attempted Extortion, Attempted Blackmail, False Arrest, False Imprisonment, Fraud, Burglary, Robbery, Felonious Assault and Battery, Destruction of Personal Property, Petty Theft, Theft of and Tampering with U.S. Mail and a variety of other high crimes and misdemeanors as further described in paragraph “B” below.
B. Abuse of civil process, home and car invasions facilitated by physical and wireless electronic surveillance in home and car and further enhanced by the use of a tracking device implanted in the person of the human experimentee, the Affiant; the surveillance of Affiant is ineffect as this affidavit is written and has been in effect twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, three hundred and sixty-five days a year, without cessation and without interruption for well over nine years world wide; all such invasive surveillance is accompanied by various terrorist acts against the Affiant as further described in paragraph “C” below.
C. Repeated assault and battery on the person of the Affiant by street thugs and by the use of high technology authorized by the United States Government under a program known as Non-consensual Cover Research and Human Experimentation; in this program the FBI and the CIA perform a wide variety of terrorist assaults on the Affiant; one such assault is accomplished by the injection (or placing) into the Affiant various chemicals, bacterial and viral infections; concomitant with the chemical and biological assaults the FBI and the CIA activate against the Affiant advanced Remote Electronic Human Behavior Influence Technology including psychoelectronic and directed energy assaults sometimes coordinated with fraudulently conceived and illegally carried out (with local police authorities world wide) attempted criminal sting operations designed to lead to the imprisonment or death of the Affiant; also in conjunction with such hi- tech experimentations the Affiant is subjected to FBI and CIA psychological operations (including conditioned response and operant conditioning techniques) which are all designed to cause the Affiant to have a nervous breakdown, physical collapse or to otherwise seek final exit from the torturous campaign, the effects of which are often viewed in real time by the FBI & CIA tormentors who actually watch on computer screens the Affiant react to the injurious and painful dirty tricks and provocations described herein; all such treasonous, inhumane and covert operations are carried out with the full support of all government entities at every level of society as further explained in paragraph “D” below.
D. All three branches of the United States Government (and segments of the community at large) are compliant with the mandates of FBI and CIA terrorist assaults as described above and all government officials at the local, state and federal levels pretend that no such criminal activity as described in the instant affidavit may occur; thus, to date the Congress of the United States, the entire Judiciary and each and every employee of the Executive branch of the government of the United States of America may directly or indirectly support the terrorist activities of the FBI and the CIA as set forth herein and as further amplified in paragraph “E” below.
E. I hereby incorporate by reference into this affidavit and thereby make a part herein as though fully reproduced herein for all purposes the contents of my website (and related links and statements by Affiant therein) located at www.sosbeevfbi.com; this incorporation includes all statements, documents and other corroborating evidence provided, obtained or authorized by Affiant, including all updates by Affiant at www.newciv.org and any other internet site to date.
I hereby further certify and affirm under penalty of perjury of the laws of the United States and the laws of the state of Texas that all statements, including those incorporated by reference and made a part herein for all purposes as though fully reproduced herein are true and correct, and that all documents (including those incorporated by reference) are true and correct copies of originals and that they are what they purport to be to the best of my knowledge and ability.
Further, Affiant sayeth Naught.”
Notary Seal
Sylvia A. Lopez
My Commission Expires October 10, 2007 _______________________
Geral W. Sosbee
Sworn to and subscribed before me on the 27th day of February, 2007, to witness which I place my hand and official seal of office.
Notary Seal
Sylvia A. Lopez
My Commission Expires
October 10, 2007 _________________________
Sylvia A. Lopez, Notary Public
In and for Cameron County,
The original, signed and updated affidavit may be seen at the following link:
For more compelling information on the subject of:
Inner Voice, Target Tracking, and Behavioral Influence Technologies
John J. McMurtrey, M. S.
Truth Is Beauty, Beauty Truth; That Is All You Can Know On Earth And All You Need To Know .
[Idea from P.B. Shelley]
18 Feb 2007 @ 21:33
From Brownsville, Texas
February 18, 2007
[link] ]
Over the past four years the U.S. Border Patrol, Customs and now Homeland Security (hereinafter, ' HS ') have harassed Sosbee upon his re-entry into the uSA from Mexico at the Matamoros Mexico/ Brownsville, Texas international checkpoints. Most recently Sosbee regularly sleeps in Mexico in order to avoid fbi's continued poisonings, etc.
In order to facilitate Sosbee's re-entry into the United States from Mexico on a regular basis, Sosbee applied for and received admission into the "Sentry" program administered by HS at the border check point. HS and the U.S. Immigration, Customs, Border Patrol and other federal authorities approved of Sosbee's clearance after criminal background checks, interviews, fingerprinting, etc. Admission into the "AIS" (Sentry program's automated inspection service) gives Sosbee access to the express lane daily (not weekends) from Mexico into the U.S. No other rights are intended to be conveyed by the pass. However, the pass indicates that the person of Geral w. Sosbee and his car are recognized by HS as worthy of the trust implied by the granting of the pass. HS in this regard issues a photo ID
(#980088216) to Sosbee and *HS places a specially incripted, bar coded, identification card on the front windshield inside Sosbee's vehicle (for easy access by HS). All such ID s were properly displayed by Sosbee at the check point, as was his US Passport.
On this date, at approximately 1:30 PM, as Sosbee was entering the uSA from Mexico he was told by the Homeland Security at the point of entry that his car has been selected by computer for inspection; prior to the inspection order, the officer asked Sosbee if he had anything to declare; Sosbee replied, 'No'. Then, the officer of HS ordered Sosbee to pull over into the inspection area, open all doors and hood, get out of the car, sit in a specified area, not use his phone for any purpose, and await the results of the inspection.
Sosbee complied; upon the termination of the inspection, Sosbee asked the two inspecting officials of HS as to why Sosbee was regularly harassed unnecessarily by HS at the check point (Note that the previous inspection involved the use of dogs and an extensive search of the vehicle). The HS official responded, there are many reasons why a person can be ordered for inspection; in this instance the official stated that Sosbee's vehicle is not from this area as evidenced by the license plates. Sosbee then responded that this statement is false. The license plates are issued to Sosbee who lives in Brownsville, Texas, by the State of Texas; the plates on Sosbee's vehicle are registered to a State recognized Texas Disabled Veteran, and as such the plate is easily identifiable as locally based. the Texas license plate number on Sosbee's vehicle is DJX 1DV .
When Sosbee reported to the HS official that the stated reason for stopping Sosbee was false, Sosbee proved on the spot that the plates are local and state approved and that the * HS security pass on the windshield also contradicts the HS official's statement. Then, Sosbee asks to speak with a supervisor in order to determine exactly who placed Sosbee's license plates on the security point's computerized mandatory inspection list; the officer refused this request. Then Sosbee asked the officer to report this incident to his supervisor ; he again refused. Sosbee identified himself by the fbi identification shown at
and Sosbee explained that he believes that the fbi and the cia are interfering with HS work by distracting HS from its duties for the purpose of harassing a former intelligence officer of the fbi. Sosbee also explained that all statements by Sosbee could be confirmed by visiting Sosbee's website. The HS officer stated he cannot report this to his supervisor because no one is interested and that he can't be seen by his supervisor as an officer who makes such a report.
Sosbee adds that the HS official who entered the order to search Sosbee and his vehicle this date is corrupt and is therefore a threat to the security of the United States.
This update is being forwarded to as many government officials as possible.
[Also note that during the time that Sosbee reports this information as set forth in this update to "A Snapshot of My Typical Day", the fbi assaults Sosbee with nausea producing directed energy weaponry at the public library in Brownsville, Texas.]
As Sosbee attempts to report this abuse ( fbi corruptive influence on HS) Sosbee notices that the only way to report the incident is to contact the fbi itself, as shown below on the HS contact page:
Report Incidents
Everyone should take notice of their surroundings and report suspicions items or activities to local authorities immediately.
Additional Resources
Report any suspected criminal or terrorist activity to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
Online report to FBI Tips.
Local FBI Field Offices
International FBI Offices
Addendum, February 20, 2007, 12:45 PM:
About one hour after Sosbee appears in person at HS [Veterans International Bridge and check point at Ft. Brown, Texas (Brownsville, Texas)] where he files the above statement with the official on duty, the HS office visits www.sosbeevfbi.com to begin verification process. Note that just a few minutes after HS visits Sosbee's site, the fbi apparently also visits the same page (Saudi Arabian button)which was exited by HS as reflected in the following summary:
Saudi Arabia Riyadh, Ar Riyad
United States Washington, District of
The actual site meter entriy for the HS visit is as follows:
Geral W. Sosbee vs. fbi, Whistle Blower, ex-FBI Ag
By Location > Visit Detail
Visit 35,410
[<<] [>>]
Domain Name customs.gov ? (United States Government)
IP Address 63.167.255.# (Sprint)
ISP Sprint
Location Continent : North America
Country : United States (Facts)
State : District of Columbia
City : Washington
Lat/Long : 38.9097, -77.0231 (Map)
Language English (United States)
Operating System Microsoft Win2000
Browser Internet Explorer 6.0
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)
Javascript version 1.3
Monitor Resolution : 1024 x 768
Color Depth : 32 bits
Time of Visit Feb 19 2007 10:13:30 am
Last Page View Feb 19 2007 10:15:13 am
Visit Length 1 minute 43 seconds
Page Views 4
Referring URL [link]
Search Engine search.yahoo.com
Search Words sosbeevfbi.com
Visit Entry Page [link]
Visit Exit Page [link]
Out Click [link]
http://www.google.co...AD%D8%AB Google&meta
Time Zone UTC-6:00
Visitor's Time Feb 19 2007 9:13:30 am
Visit Number 35,410
Then about 30 minutes later the fbi visits Sosbee site (via saudi Arabia) for the purpose of sending Sosbee notice that his visit and report to HS will be punished by "increased sleep deprivation"
as reflected by the following site meter entry :
Geral W. Sosbee vs. fbi, Whistle Blower, ex-FBI Ag
By Location > Visit Detail
Visit 35,411
[<<] [>>]
Domain Name (Unknown)
IP Address 212.24.224.# (Gulfnet KSA ZAJIL)
Location Continent : Asia
Country : Saudi Arabia (Facts)
State/Region : Ar Riyad
City : Riyadh
Lat/Long : 24.6408, 46.7728 (Map)
Language Arabic (Saudi Arabia)
Operating System Microsoft WinXP
Browser Internet Explorer 6.0
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; InfoPath.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
Javascript version 1.3
Monitor Resolution : 1152 x 864
Color Depth : 32 bits
Time of Visit Feb 19 2007 10:53:26 am
Last Page View Feb 19 2007 10:53:26 am
Visit Length 0 seconds
Page Views 1
Referring URL [link] assaults&FORM=SSRE2
Search Engine search.arabia.msn.com
Search Words sleeping assaults
Visit Entry Page
Visit Exit Page
Time Zone UTC+3:00
Visitor's Time Feb 19 2007 6:53:26 pm
Visit Number 35,411
Note that the fbi viewed the HS visit to www.sosbeevfbi.com and that HS exited the site at the button labeled 'Saudi Arabian'; the fbi then entered the site from a Saudi Arabian
location to send Sosbee the following subliminal suggestions:
1)The fbi is unhappy with Sosbee's visit to HS
2)The fbi will now punish Sosbee with increased sleep deprivation for his conduct at HS's office; the entry and exit pages used by the fbi was the sleep deprivation page at
http: // www.sosbeevfbi.part4-increasedp.html
3)The fbi controls HS at will and boldly proclaims to Sosbee by the site meter entry that no one will review the brazen and unlawful assaults on Sosbee by the fbi.
Sosbee writes: A well known characteristic of serial killers and torturers (including those in the fbi and the cia) is their need to leave a hateful or a macabre message or threat for their intended victims; the fbi regularly does so via the site meter entries or e-mails to Sosbee. In this instance, on the evening of February 19-20, 2007, the fbi in fact assaults Sosbee (as threatened) with the ELF sleep deprivation technology.
Finally, Sosbee writes for the record that the fbi also regularly dominates the United States Marshal's officers at will; anytime that Sosbee enetrs a federal building anywhere in the uSA, the federal U.S. Marshal routinely harasses Sosbee at the direction of the fbi. the most recent examples are as follows:
1) Sosbee routinely visits the law library at the federal courthouse in Brownsville, Texas, and is followed every minute by the Marshal.
2) Sosbee visits the federal building in Honolulu, Hawaii(in 1999)and is harassed be the U.S. Marshal in the lobby.
From Brownsville, Texas
February21, 2007
Sosbee recently posted the above article at the following site:
Naval Postgraduate School Center For Homeland Defense And Security [*Securing the Homeland Through the Power of Information], HSDL(Homeland Security Digital Library); the article was promptly **removed to prevent public reading. Sosbee notes that this kind of arbitrary censorship reflects the HSDL's cowardly approach to this nation's security problems and is evidence of a general institutional corruption by the intelligence agencies of all educational institutions.The link:
*Sosbee's message to HSDL : The claim of ''power through information'' is a lie when you prevent the airing of information.
**the link (Google Cache) for the original article which was deleted by HSDL:
From brownsville, Texas
April 18, 2007
This date the Department of Homeland Security again stops Sosbee as he enters the uSA from Mexico; the search of Sosbee's car is another waste of time by the US government and the fbi has a duty to tell the Border Patrol, Customs, etc, that Sosbee is under 24 hour physical and electronic surveillance in his vehicle, home and anywhere he goes.
Sosbee reported the harassment to the authorities at the checkpoint.end.
From Brownsville, Texas
May 28, 2007
Sosbee (S) fills prescriptions on the previous day; this date the fbi notifies Homeland Security (HS) to search S's car as S comes into US; HS is looking for any undeclared drugs in the possession of S. The HS official orders S out of the car, searches the car, and asks whether S has any prescription drugs. Answer:, "NO". HS permits S to enter US and to retain the AIS pass. Later that day the fbi enters S's car and tampers with interior.
Addendum to May 28, 2007 UPDATE
From Matamoros, Mexico
On the same day HS visits the site of www.sosbeevfbi.com
in an effort to confirm the emerging picture of fbi interference with HS duties:
By Location > Visit Detail
Visit 38,109
[<<] [>>]
Domain Name customs.gov ? (United States Government)
IP Address 63.167.255.# (Sprint)
ISP Sprint
Location Continent : North America
Country : United States (Facts)
State : District of Columbia
City : Washington
Lat/Long : 38.9097, -77.0231 (Map)
Language English (United States)
Operating System Microsoft Win2000
Browser Internet Explorer 6.0
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)
Javascript version 1.3
Monitor Resolution : 1280 x 1024
Color Depth : 32 bits
Time of Visit May 28 2007 1:26:56 pm
Last Page View May 28 2007 1:30:43 pm
Visit Length 3 minutes 47 seconds
Page Views 3
Referring URL [link] vs.fbi
Search Engine us.search.yahoo.com
Search Words sosbee vs.fbi
Visit Entry Page [link]
Visit Exit Page [link]
Out Click
Time Zone UTC-6:00
Visitor's Time May 28 2007 1:26:56 pm
Visit Number 38,109
From brownsville, Texas
July 20, 2007
This date at approximately 8:45AM the fbi alerts Homeland Security to single out Sosbee's car for search for bomb and related terror devices. A full fledged high tech, electronic sweep of Sosbee's car, together with a protracted background check at the border crossing at Matamoros, Mexico/Brownsville, Texas entry point, wasted HS's time and manpower in order to satisfy fbi harassment motives.
For more on the fbi's corruptive influence on other agencies, see my reports on state medical and dental boards; then , see:
20 Dec 2006 @ 19:55
I receive almost daily *messages of good cheer and tidings of joy from around the world; I also receive other messages of friendship from people who **contact me to let me know that they too seek peace on earth and good will toward men. I thank you all for your sharing this 2006 ****Christmas with me and I trust that you know the profoundly positive impact that your thoughtful communiqués have on my life. I am indeed rejuvenated with each such intimation as conveyed through my site at [link]
I also express my special thanks to Barbara Hartwell
for her continued support, even while she suffers from the painful effects of fbi and cia continuing assaults on her.
****Fractal generated by
Dr. John Hamal Hubbard
Dynamical Systems Laboratory, Cornell National
Supercomputer Facility and provided by
18 Dec 2006 @ 17:20
As I and others have documented the uSA is the first nation to use space based weaponry to track, torture and kill human beings on earth; the current focus by the uSA administration on protecting space based assets is in part a programming ploy played by people in power purposefully to achieve the following:
1)To prepare the world for uSA domination of space
2)To dictate the terms to other nations regarding their activities (including their placements of assets) in space
3)To insure that uSA weaponry now used against earthlings (and later space bound explorers)can continue to be available to track, warn, or kill any person in the universe who shows signs of activism against the uSA, Israel, or other close allies
4)To dominate the universe once and for all by uSA sponsored economic and political programs; after centuries of world wars, the uSA and its allies can now pretend to offer the world a 'peaceful' outer space, so long as no one challenges the uSA's goals or methodologies.
Note that the space police are the fbi/cia and other intelligence agencies which operate with the permission of uSA.
see also world in abox :
Note that Northrop Grumman Corp. (NG) sends Sosbee the following subliminal message (via a double entry at the site meter of www.sosbeevfbi.com) :
Geral W. Sosbee vs. fbi, Whistle Blower, ex-FBI Ag
Domain Name northgrum.com ? (Commercial)
IP Address 155.104.37.# (Northrop Grumman Corp.)
ISP Northrop Grumman Corp.
Search Words "the price of freedom is"
Entry Page [link]
Exit Page [link]
Visitor's Time Dec 18 2006 2:48:24 pm
Sosbee writes: the message delivered to me this date by NG is possibly this: killing and torture and perpetual war is the price of freedom; that Sosbeevfbi.com (its author and contents) reflect but one price to pay for freedom and that the following systems (from NG site) guarantee that Freedom will prevail (note that a failure of leadership here in the uSA now subjects mankind to inhumane enslavement throughout the universe):
Future Combat Systems
Homeland Security
KC-30 Tanker Transport
Missile Defense
Space Radar
Unmanned Systems
Battle Management
Sosbee responds: state more clearly your objective; otherwise, I must assume that you wish me well in my war on the fbi and the cia. The logic of your apparent assumptions is twisted.
...And from Yale, the home of future assassins comes the message from Ms. Anonymous that, * ' T is Happy ' :
Geral W. Sosbee vs. fbi, Whistle Blower, ex-FBI Ag
By Location > Visit Detail
Visit 33,828
[<<] [>>]
Domain Name yale.edu ? (Educational)
IP Address 128.36.97.# (Yale University)
ISP Yale University
Search Words "t is happy
Entry Page [link]
Exit Page [link]
Visitor's Time Dec 18 2006 9:49:49 pm
...to which T responds: Yes, T has learned to make a heaven of hell, while you labor to perpetuate your own special breed of macabre hell here on heavenly earth.
See Also:
July 3, 2007
Re: Psychoelectronic Assaults
During the past two days Sosbee has been quite busy posting the message (shown at the bottom of this update) on message boards around the world. The fbi counters this effort with intense ELF ( sleep deprivation) assaults nightly; then, as usual, the fbi threatens to deliver more such assaults for Sosbee's continued activism/troublemaking. The fbi delivers their threats to Sosbee by visiting the *site at www.sosbeevfbi.com on the specific page relating to psychoelectronic assaults, and increased sleep deprivation. Note that the cowardly fbi and cia bring upon the uSA in terms of atrocities committed (as I have often pointed out) equal and opposite painful reactions from Freedom Fighter the world over.
*The site meter entry today looks like this (note that the entry and exit page is to
IP Address 90.227.41.# (Unknown Organization)
Referring URL http ://www. sosbeevfbi.com/ part4-increasedp.html ...
Search Engine images.google.se
Search Words envelope % 2
Entry Page http :// www.sosbeevfb...... art4-increasedp.html
Exit Page http :// www.sosbeevfb...... art4-increasedp.html
Visitor's Time Jul 3 2007 6:26:31 pm
The article that the fbi and the cia are saddened by is as follows:
The intelligence (intel) agencies of the United States represent the heart beat of America; every aspect of American life is affected by intel operation: the economy, politics, public policy. Even the power to wage war is directly affected by cia operations in targeted nations.
When the intel services , such as the fbi and the cia, engage in widespread covert criminal operations (i.e.: conduct strictly proscribed and unconstitutional under our laws and the laws of nations) the government in all branches is tainted. Failure to demand accountability is often the result of a corrupt Congress of the United States; the courts are also complicit in the illegal activities of intel groups as I and others have shown in many cases.
At last the people must also share the responsibility for its homicidal intel groups because some members (and sectors) of the general public benefit from the immoral and criminal intel activities.
Now, here's the rub: when the intel mob is out of control (which is presently the case) its agents, operatives, thugs and assassins are free to engage in widespread criminal actions and is free to violate the United States Constitution with total impunity. They have become in effect traitors, but few among the population will label them as such for fear of reprisal. The intel mobsters are indeed an organized crime syndicate, destroying any individual at will and with no recourse. The traitors whom I refer to are primarily associated with the fbi and the cia; they are largely responsible for the current collapse of our constitutional government.
"The traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation...he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. "
Marcus Tullius Cicero, Roman orator, statesman 42 B.C.
P.S.: the following statement by Perino is a lie :
By LARA JAKES JORDAN, Associated Press Writer , October 4, 2007.
"This country does not torture," White House press secretary Dana Perino told reporters. "It is a policy of the United States that we do not torture and we do not."
[Sosbee affirms that the US 'DOES' torture and forced suicides, etc.]
From Harlingen, Texas
September 19, 2007
The fbi now partially incapacitates this Target with the directed energy weaponry, while also employing psyops (such as destruction of property). See:
See the following link for info on the COINTELPROGRAM (and note that COINTEL is still in use and is now enhanced by the use of high tech weaponry):
7 Dec 2006 @ 16:14
As of December 7, 2006, Sosbee notices that the fbi and the cia have apparently corrupted the search engines, particularly *****Google and ***Yahoo. One piece of evidence of this undue influence on global search engines is seen in the failure of these two pretentious groups to consistently cover the fbi history book data described below. Yahoo has no coverage of the book, while Google shows sporadic and limited interest in the history book. As the people of the world discover that search engines have selectively abandoned their duties to provide fair and objective ****coverage of worthy information (especially from fbi and cia whistleblowers regarding fbi and cia crimes against Humanity ) these high flying wall street money makers must lose their clout as former leaders in the information technology sector. A summary of the fbi history book:
From Brownsville, Texas
December 4, 2006
The following data attempts to summarize the fbi history book wherein Geral Sosbee is featured on page 211:
See the fbi history book,"Society Of Former Special Agents Of The Federal Bureau of Investigation" . Published 1996 by Turner Publishing Company, 412 Broadway, P.O. Box 3101, Paducah, KY 42001-0121.
Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 95-60549
ISBN: 1-56311-205-1
The FBI History Book contains an historical view of the FBI from its inception to the date of the publication of the book; the front cover shows the seal (with a badge) in gold of the Society Of Former Special Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation; the inside cover shows another full page picture of the badge; page one of the book shows a full page picture of the same seal, as does page 2, with the added information of the title and the publisher; the back side of page 2 of the book shows the image of Hoover and his years of life; page 3 shows a full page, color photo of Hoover and page 4 shows more information about the publisher and a photo of the FBI building (stretching across pages 4 and 5); page four also shows the following additional data:
Historical Committee: George C. Moore, Donald E. Walker,
Fern C. Stukenbroeker;
Page 5 of the book also displays the table of contents, and page 6 has a forward by Dean Elson, wherein he explains the historical context of the book.
Then, on page 7, the publisher's president, Mr. Dave Turner, elaborates on the historical basis and significance of the book with repeated use of the word, 'history'.
Pages 8 and 9 show a photo of the historic year (1937) when the Society was founded; then, also on page 9, the seal of the Society appears as do the following words in large, bold print :
The introduction to the FBI History Book (referenced on www.sosbeevfbi.com) contains on page 10 a full page, color seal that reads as follows:
The next page (p. 11)commences with the words:
H i s t o r y o f t h e FBI
Finally, from pages 35 to 69, the former special agents' stories are presented and then from page 71 to page 234 the book contains the individual biographies. The complete history of the fbi can only be understood by a careful study of the material not contained in the history book, as the life of Geral Sosbee ( as partially summarized in his website and at
[link] )
proves. For more see:
The following pages of Sosbee's website at www.sosbeevfbi.com contain legitimate references to the history book (as shown below) and all data in the history book (referred to below as 'book') have been confirmed and approved by the FBI and by the other agencies of the United States Government (i.e.: the Department of the Army); the first link below is to the Hoover appointment letter to Sosbee; the fifth link is to the message to Sosbee from Director Kelley:
See photo of J. Edgar Hoover- in book, page 3
referenced in book, page 211
[link] referenced in book, page 211
[link] referenced in book ,page 211
[link] photo of Director in book, page 254
For information regarding former fbi chief *William Webster, see the article at this site dated September 20, 2004. Note that Webster assisted the fbi assassins in 1978 in their efforts to neutralize Agent Sosbee. Webster is mentioned in the history book.
* For a photo of Mr. Webster see the actual fbi history book (page 29), summarized at:
For evidence of fbi/cia tampering with and control over Google Search Engine results see:
From Brownsville, Texas
December 15, 2006
Sosbee notices over the past few days that google changes its posture by now consistently including the fbi history book in the search engine; also, in an apparent effort to show its good faith, google now also carries (in its search engine) two versions of the [*same] above article entitled, "Google and Yahoo".
Sosbee responds:Thank you Google. g e r a l
As for Yahoo, well, I would not put much of my spare cash into their stock.As of December 22, 2006, Yahoo continues to pretend that the history book described above does not exist; perhaps Yahoo will begin to cover the book after Sosbee's death, or perhaps Yahoo will decide on its own authority the meaning of the word 'history' and the role of the fbi and the cia in the shaping (or controlling) of world events [if this be the case, then Yahoo converts from the clerical role of cyberspace librarian to the newly created status (approved by their fbi and the cia Handlers) of Dictator Of Archived Materials]; in any event Yahoo won't get away with the charade. I promise, geral sosbee.
and See:
From Brownsville, Texas
December 26, 2006
This date Yahoo places the photo of Robert Hanssen on the 'Yahoo Image Search for Geral Sosbee'. See:
So, the fbi and Yahoo now want the reader to see the photo of Robert Hanssen at the same time that the reader sees the image of Sosbee.
For more on Hanssen, See:
As Sosbee has pointed out Hanssen is probably innocent of the charges (forged against him by the fbi yahoos) ; the media make no effort to interview Hanssen because the fbi and the cia do not permit the truth to be told. Thus, the intelligence agencies of the uSA are in fact the heart and soul of the country and the fall of the uSA (into Totalitarian rule) is directly attributable to the massive corruption of our society in all major areas by these evil groups.
As for Yahoo, the nature of the beast (with the less than human mentality) can best be seen in the 'yahoo' characters presented in the book Gulliver's Travels (J. Swift); or the reader can simply make a long and serious study of the violent historical background of the mental dwarfs of the fbi and cia (and their underlings, such as those in Yahoo, Inc.) for a more contempoary view of their absurd and unacceptable antics.
Finally, Sosbee accepts the perverse actions of Yahoo as suggested herein and seizes this opportunity to announce that Mr. Hanssen indeed has a friend/associate in Geral Sosbee; see:
Google is redeemed as of September 18, 2007, as the internet search engine LEADER now includes documentation of the history book at:
At the time the following photo was taken, the fbi synthesized kidney stone was forming within Sosbee; twelve hours later Sosbee would collapse from the painful effects of the kidney stone.
From Harlingen, Texas
July 8, 2008
MSN.COM now deletes from its search engine reference to the home page of Geral Sosbee,
This intentional misrepresentation of the website of this reporter reflects the fbi/cia control over MSN.COM, or alternatively such sneaky action represents the corruption of MSN.COM's staff and owners who seek to cover up the global crimes by the fbi & cia that I and others present through our home pages, etc.
July 10, 1008
This date the MSN staff correct the above described fbi/cia hacking episode.
As of today (March 2, 2009) Yahoo prevents Sosbee from posting on any Yahoo message board; for more see:
See fbi apparent manipulation of Google search engine results (scroll down):
*Note that as of August 5, 2009, Turner Publishing Company ( the publisher of the fbi history book in 1996 ) now in apparent association with the fbi assassins remove from public display the page number 211 (page 230 on the former internet display) where Sosbee (and nine others) are featured.
Turner Publishing Company states:
"No Preview Available For This Page"
5 Dec 2006 @ 20:38
From Brownsville, Texas
December 5, 2006
Over the past several years Sosbee has tried unsuccessfully to have medical doctors, dentists and others to assist in locating the tracking device. All efforts have been disappointing; in some instances the doctors or the dentists become angry, offended, or they just continue the fbi's modifications of or adjustments to the tracking device implanted in his skull. [For example, after Sosbee discovered the location of the tracking device the fbi contacted Sosbee's former dentist in Brownsville, Texas, Dr. Manfred L. del Castillo--See evidence of subsequent related suicide of Castillo at:
who put Sosbee to sleep in the chair during a root canal treatment and then turned Sosbee's body over to the fbi ]. So, as of today the fbi may have implanted Sosbee with another tracking device, the latest implanting incident not causing mastoid effusion .See update of August 1, 2010 at:
Sosbee now concludes the following with regards to the original implantation of tracking device :
The dentist , Stefan Zweig, in San Marino California, [see:
[link] ]
first placed the device into Sosbee's skull at the following location:
Just behind tooth # 31, in the muscule area, deep into the fluted (or grooved) fiber muscule section in the lower right jaw. When Zweig performed the implantation, he caused the mastoid effusion which then aggravated the transverse artery and set into motion a serious disruption of the nerves leading around the skull; this in turn caused the facial numbness in the left head and necessitated doctor's attention. Please see the six page report from Dr. Gandhi at:
see also:
and see:
Also, note that neither Dr. Gandhi, nor any other doctor, addressed Sosbee's repeated questions regarding the cause of and the implications regarding the right mastoid effusion. Indeed, Dr. Gandhi was most elusive in response to Sosbee's concern over the mastoid effusion; she simply stated that Sosbee should seek counseling. So, the present report is partially conjecture necessitated by the complete failure of negligent or cowardly doctors who refuse to attempt to address the issues presented by Sosbee.
Also note that without the occurrence of the mastoid effusion, Sosbee would probably never have understood where the tracking device was located and he perhaps would not have suspected *Zweig of the dastardly, dirty and potentially deadly deed. All statements represent the opinion and carefully considered judgement of Sosbee.
[ Note,however, the following additional evidence that points to Zweig as the culprit:
Sosbee visits the office of a Dentist on Wilshire Blvd., Loas Angeles, California, for a routine check up and cavity ailment; the dentist (after the second visit to his office) refers Sosbee to an Endodontist (Zweig) to address a root canal issue; clearly the fbi asked the dentist to refer Sosbee to Z W E I G. Zweig performs his macabre art, and Sosbee subsequently discovers that he is 'tailed' by the fbi every minute, at every location. Sosbee returns to Zweig's office for a different dental issue, but Zweig states that Sosbee's insurance does not cover the service and that, therefore, Zweig cannot perform the work. This statement by Zweig is completely false; The insurance was in effect and was the same insurance that the FBI agents use across the country. The name of the insurance company that covered (and covers today) all of Sosbee's needs is SAMBA (Special Agent Mutual Benefit Association, an fbi group). Finally, Sosbee recalls that during the last visit to Zweig's office, Zweig seated Sosbee in a dental chair for about 45 minutes prior to examination; during that time Sosbee noticed that Zweig had placed on his wall a notice to patients that reads as follows:
"keep your mouth shut"; the picture was in the form of a joke, but under the circumstances Sosbee could not help but interpret the notice as a warning to him. Finally, Zweig's own receptionist commented to Sosbee as follows when Sosbee reported to her that Zweig falsely stated that the insurance company would not pay the bill:
"Why would he (Zweig) do that ? "].
*[ As of September 12, 2007, I am sure that the tracking device is used to direct the energy assaults 24/7 which cause sleep deprivation and possibly death from heart attack or stroke]. Meanwhile as of 1-29-08, the fbi torturers and calumniators continue to torture and slander Sosbee. Doctors, dentists and lawyers seem to generally welcome the slander; after all, these professionals operate under the implied consent and protection of the federal and state authorities.
As of today, June 25, 2008, the directed energy assaults continue uninterrupted and are painful both physically and emotionally; also note that future Targets will experience adverse state action to terminate drivers license privileges due to passing out at the wheel from severe sleep deprivation].
From Brownsville, Texas
December 6, 2006
Shortly after Sosbee wrote the above Follow-up Report (dated 12-5-06) the fbi visited www.sosbeevfbi.com as shown in the site meter entry at the bottom of this report. The site meter entry suggests a preposterous conclusion subliminally. Sosbee hereby affirms categorically that he is in good health (except for back injury in Vietnam), and that anyone who cares to can contact Dr. Lowe (location shown at...:
[link] )
and others at:
...to confirm this statement.
**The tactic used by the fbi in the image shown below reflects the desperation of the fbi and the cia in their efforts to justify torturing and killing this Target. The site meter entry:
The link was removed by the fbi; throughout this website all or most of Sosbee's articles have been hacked by the fbi thugs to prevent documentations.
Sosbee has routine medical exams on a recurring basis and has done so for the past twenty (20) years ; all medical evidence to date suggests that he is in good health and is free of disease. Sosbee will continue to document his medical clearances as appropriate to dispel the rumors and innuendos fomented by the fbi and the cia.
Sosbee also suggests that the United States Congress review the medical records of Sosbee; then the Congress should take a long study of the *medical records (particularly hidden records on mental/personality disorders) of all fbi/cia agents, operatives, handlers, assassins and thugs globally. Sosbee's records are far more pure than those the Congress is likely to find in such a study.
As for the twerp/fool who caused the above site meter entry, Sosbee says, tell us all your name, your profession, your reasons for making the libelous suggestions documented herein, and your apparent mental problems (or bias) that unjustifiably lead you to seek to harm this Target. You, little one, exemplify the decadent heartbeat of the slovenly and cowardly intelligence community of the uSA.
For more on the health of this Target , vis à vis the fbi/cia efforts to kill him, see the image (at the bottom of the following link) which the intelligence agencies have come to accept as most representative of Sosbee's war time character [and good physical and mental health] which is currently employed against them:
Also, see Medical Clearance 2007 at
See also:
and see the original medical clearance dated in 2002 at:
For more information on this the tactics use by the fbi/cia to torture the Targets see:
Inner Voice, Target Tracking, and Behavioral Influence Technologies
John J. McMurtrey, M. S.
For more evidence on the virtually invisible tracking device used by the fbi/cia to terrorize the Target see:
From Harlingen, Texas
August 1, 2010
This update is partly speculative and is based upon additional evidence and symptoms of which I am now aware .
My previous report that the apparent suicide of Dr. Castillo (Dr. C) was the result of his cooperation with the fbi assassins appears to be correct in most respects;
I also reported that the fbi may have implanted yet another tracking device in me during my visit with the late Dr. C. See "Special Notation" at:
Today, I surmise that the fbi in fact placed a new tracking device in my skull during the above referenced treatment by Dr. C. Here are the bases for my current suspicion:
When I learned of the location of the original tracking device...
...I contacted many doctors in efforts to find a way to remove the tracking device; I would not give up in such efforts.
Indeed, I later began trying to remove it by myself and with a friend [one method that seemed to work in this regard was the use of a sonic pik which stimulated the gums deep behind tooth # 31 and at the same time the pik partially dislodged the device. A small piece of the device exited during one of my dislodging attempts.]
The new tracking device was apparently placed deep in my left sinus, possibly behind or near the optical nerves as other persons have reported; for the past one or two years I have experienced a near constant drainage from the left sinus. Also, the psychoeletronic assaults have intensified over the same time period, so that I am at times completely incapacitated from exhaustion and from the effects of the induced sleep deprivation. The corner of my eyes are now permanently blued (and painful upon application of slight pressure) with swollen and puffy skin under the eyes, from the sleep deprivation and a doctor recently documents an unusual asymmetry to my face, confirming my observation of an indentation of my left facial area beneath the left cheek bone.
For more on the original left facial numbness
Also, extremely painful headaches often cause me to stay immobilized for moments in place without movement until the pain passed. For more symptoms see:
Finally, the fbi could not risk the removal of the tracking device, so the thugs made sure to put one in place that could not be reached or located:
The recent MRI brain scan shown in the above link did not interrupt the functions of the tracking device.
11 Nov 2006 @ 15:09
Name: Barbara Hartwell
Location: Legal Defense & Research Trust, P.O. Box 7487, Ocean Park, Maine 04063
From Brownsville, Texas
December 15, 2006
For several years a former acquaintance whom I once briefly and mistakenly respected has been using various aliases to both harass me and to malign my good friend, Barbara Hartwell. The same person is now resuming such low minded verbal assaults on this message board. I am always at a loss to understand why talented men sometimes squander their innate gifts , thereby depriving the world of the good deeds that could have been offered.
For an article by Barbara Hartwell click here:
My tribute To Barbara Hartwell:
Aug 3, 2005
From about the time I first posted my story about the fbi/cia torture campaign to silence me until now , at least two individuals emerged from the seemingly intangible and infinite spaces of the internet to announce their considered belief in my reports: Giovanni Flores of Italy and Barbara Hartwell of USA. I paid tribute to the inimitable Giovanni on my site; now, I salute the truly remarkable (for her courage) Barbara Hartwell.
She came out of nowhere (to use a worn but true cliche) to befriend me when the fbi in Los Angeles, California, taxed my sanity to the limit with their sinister assaults and inhumane provocations. Barbara tutored me almost daily on survival techniques necessary to overcome the fbi's psychological operations.
Most of all Barbara offered me her friendship
and her understanding of the nightmare life thrust upon me, and for that I am grateful to my dying breath. I was never really able to do much to help Barbara in her on going battles with the punks and thugs of the fbi and the cia , due to the unending trauma that I was and am dealing with in my life as a result of rough and treacherous methodologies of these rogue and out of control agencies.
Today, I pray that all of God's forces touch graciously the heart and soul of Barbara to remind her that all the world benefits from her work and from her friendship to those under attack by the hooligans of the intelligence services of the United States. In return for her dangerous work on behalf of freedom lovers of all times , Barbara receives no tangible benefit. She continues to be harassed, assaulted and financially abandoned by the nation she served.
While Barbara could not be properly compensated for the losses she has suffered at the direction of the thugs and the assassins of the fbi/cia, she deserves a redress of her grievances; and even though she could never be made whole by efforts to address the injuries put upon her, she deserves the chance to try to gain some semblance of a normal life (i.e.: one free of torture.)
This nation will not see another of her kind anytime soon, and I am most fortunate to have had contact with her during my own ordeal. I hope that all who read this note will say a silent prayer for Barbara and be sure to include as I do regularly a heart felt 'THANK YOU BARBARA for all you gave in defense of liberty'. *The following article by Barbara [affidavit on political persecution] explains more succinctly the effects of fbi and cia assaults on this national treasure, Barbara Hartwell.
Geral Sosbee
[* The article is available at the above site.]
Thank you Barbara for l i g h t e n i n g our day:
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Barbara Hartwell, Gunslinger or Mudslinger? Refuting Malicious Lies from Ken Adachi
Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe.
--Albert Einstein
7 Nov 2006 @ 17:16
From Brownsville, Texas
November 7, 2007
Little Noticed and Ominous Headlines:
"FBI steps up probes of politicians, might run sting
Chicago Tribune - Nov 06 5:12 AM
The new chief of the FBI's criminal division, which is swamped with public corruption cases, says the bureau is ramping up its ability to catch crooked politicians and might run an undercover sting on Congress. "
"Bill would put all warrants in FBI system
Boston Globe - Nov 07 1:08 AM
Governor Mitt Romney filed legislation yesterday that would require local police departments to put all felony and serious misdemeanor arrest warrants into a national FBI database. This would enable any police department in the state to check quickly whether a suspect has a recent history of troublemaking or violence, the governor's office said. "
Sosbee writes:
All "troublemaking" is a new category of federal offenses and subjects the accused to a new and non erasable label . The corrupt police in all jurisdictions can now destroy or otherwise 'set up' any person who discloses governmental atrocities or misconduct. Troublemakers beware.See:
In concert with the ever increasing and far reaching authority of the federal authorities over all local law enforcement, the fbi and the cia now expand their menacing presence inside the halls of the legislature (a formerly separate and now unequal branch of government which had originally been established to safeguard the constitutional rights of the citizens against possible abuses by the other branches of government). The parable of the fox in the hen house (the foxes being the fbi and the cia thugs, referred to below as foxies) takes on a new meaning as the foxies enter the House [of Representatives] to force (by blackmail or threat of arrest) compliance upon the high flying hens:
The foxies now enjoy a kind of free for all frolic at the funny farm where the hen house (occupied by congress and the courts) has become a very dirty and corrupt culture removed from the rest of the world by the luxuries afforded the occupants therein; the fbi and the cia turn this House stench to their political advantage ( See:
[link] )
and to the detriment of the general population. On the outside, the sitting ducks go about their lives, largely unaware that soon they too may be targeted (around the globe) for imagined offenses (such as trouble making, or activism) in all jurisdictions and in all countries; the foxies after all now enjoy by their global reach a certain unimpeachable authority wherever their guile may take them.See:
Indeed, many sitting ducks are now being clothed in fox attire and receive pay and other benefits from their ruthless benefactors (the fbi and the cia shrewd foxies). As expected therefore, as one glances at the broader landscape, many sitting ducks are now living in prisons, in war zones , or in poverty, all at the direction of the foxies and their little rat companions (i.e. foxies clothed as ducks but imbued with the minds of rats).
Those sitting ducks who have not yet attracted the attention of the foxies are oblivious to the suffering all around them; for they have their lucrative employment, their comfortable dwellings, their fancy vehicles, and their health benefits (and other perks) to keep them mesmerized. These hypnotized sitting ducks sometimes violently attack their brethren who may from time to time try to highlight the great suffering brought about by the liars and traitors who constitute the band of frolicking foxies and their little rat companions.
In essence today, only the disenfranchised and the imprisoned ostensibly stand to gain anything by attacking the standards established by the foxies. The vast numbers of sitting ducks refuse to see the encroaching enslavement of their kind for all times , as forecast by the troublemakers. Never mind that the foxies are themselves murderers, torturers and terrorists; never mind that the future of the world and indeed the destiny of the human species is presently being shaped and defined by the lowest form of human intellect as reflected in the characers of these foxies. The sitting ducks thus leave to their offspring the ever worsening task of dealing with the miscreant foxies and their little rat associates.
For now, the foxies are in complete control; and for as long as the sitting ducks at large remain lethargic in the face of widespread suffering and chaos, the concepts of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are long forgotten and unfulfilled promises once concocted in the hen house for the purpose of appeasing the troublemakers.
* [link]
** [link]
The indymedia ireland banned and made unavailable the above article for the reason quoted below :
"Document Not Available
Sorry, this story has been removed due to a possible breach of the editorial guidelines and is under review by the editorial group. If you think that this story should be allowed to remain on the newswire, please check our editorial guidelines and if you think that your article does not breach any of these guidelines, you can contact the editorial collective to make your case. "
[Sosbee responded to the sender as follows: permission from cowardly fools to publish.......NOT.]
[As of June 1, 2008, the Indymedia Ireland prevents all publication of Sosbee's material.]
Indymedia Switzerland at [link]
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fbi/cia world inhumane domination.the fox is in the hen Hous - geral sosbee 2006-11-09 21:51
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From Brownsville, Texas
November 9, 2006
On the evening of the 8th of November the fbi assaults Sosbee intensely with sleep assaults, apparently in retaliation for the above article; then, the fbi deletes an update from this site and blocks the site so that Sosbee cannot post any new updates until now (after the libray administrator unblocks the site). The fbi then sends Sosbee a notice that he was assaulted, as shown in the fbi's visit to www.sosbeevfbi.com.
From Brownsville, Texas
November 9, 2007
[The following update was deleted by the fbi yesterday, or today]:
Yesterday, as Sosbee was busy posting the "fox in the hen house" article at various message centers around the world, the fbi repeatedly delivered nausea producing directed energy 'assaults' while Sosbee was at the key board; then, the fbi sends Sosbee a message, simultaneous with the assaults, that he is being assaulted. See the message at the site meter entry below:
Geral W. Sosbee vs. fbi, Whistle Blower, ex-FBI Ag
By Referrals Visit Detail
IP Address 204.38.141.# (Northwestern Michigan College)
State : Michigan
City : Traverse City
Time of Visit Nov 8 2006 2:01:37 pm
Search Words assaults
Visit Entry Page //www.sosbeevfb///...art4-..///increasedp.html
Visit Exit Page //www.sosbeevfb//...art4-...///increasedp.html
From Brownsville, Texas
November 11, 2006
At about 1:AM on November 10, 2006, the fbi began interrupting the service on Sosbee's Sprint PCS phone, causing an audible notice each time; then, after about an hour of the notices (by flip on/off sound) Sosbee tried to sleep. The directed energy assaults continued into the next day; Sosbee deduces that the fbi is a bit concerned about sending subliminal messages of torture via the site meter entries (as documented in many of these updates); so, the fbi uses a new method (interruption of power to cell phone) to notify Sosbee that he is being assaulted. Such notices (or other memorabilia left at the scene of the cimes) to the victim of psychopathic and macabre criminals are not unusual (as well documented in the professional journals of psychiatric and forensic medicine). This means that the fbi and the cia (as documented by Sosbee in the past 10 years in the non-consensual cover research and other co-intel programs against Sosbee)turn loose on the population of the world some very, very sick human beings,...thus another reason to study the reports by our Brothers and Sisters under seige....
31 Mar 2006 @ 17:10
As I read the daily news reports of the corrupt and criminal fbi agents (as I have documented at www.sosbeevfbi.com), I must ask the nation a very common question ( in the minds of many activists ):
Where have all the true lawyers gone, long time passing ? Where are the JDs, the SJDs, the constitutional law scholars and thinkers in general (those who critically examined and took to heart the meaning of the Bill of Rights and the United States Constitutional safeguards against abusive and murderous government agents)? Then , I respond that these attorneys are busy in and out of court making money (hand over fist in some instances), striking plea bargains for innocent defendants,reaching settlement arrangements (in order to garner fast, easy money), seizing assets to cover legal fees, etc., so that by retirement age these prima donna guns for hire may continue the same comfortable life style that they have grown accustomed to over the years. They are seldom concerned with the destructive impact of corrupt law and policy upon the lives of those targeted for political persecution both under criminal and civil law.
The problem (in my opinion), aside from the obvious abandonment by these attorneys (including those in the law school and university ivory towers) of their civic responsibilities to their fellow man and to their profession (notwithstanding the puny pro bono records carefully documented for political show) is that the nation meanwhile is become a totalitarian state bent on the for-profit subjugation of all people by the strong arms (and weak minds) of the fbi and the cia (and others). The lawyers in the main have become tools of the emerging fascist state that even they now fear. The supposed defenders of our Rights at a most critical moment in history are in 'the other room ' (one that is soundproof and cut off from the reality of the inhumanity that is become the hallmark of the USA criminal justice system).
Specifically, the fbi for example recently charges a man with the newly discovered offense of:
"traveling in interstate commerce to engage in sexual activity with a minor and traveling in interstate commerce for the purposes of engaging in illicit sexual conduct".
The heart of such cases is the presumption by the fbi thugs that they may, by the use of an hypothetical construct, read the minds of the accused, predict his behavior with pinpoint accuracy, and determine the future course of events not yet clear to the otherwise objective mind, nor to the accused himself; in doing so the fbi predators have captured the supportive attention of the media which is always ready to get on board a moving freight train of decadent and destructive public policy.
* Note that the individual charged in the sex case referenced above has committed no offense, no plaintiff or complaining witness exists, no victim exists, no crime has been committed or reported, no evidence of any crime is extant, and no law has been broken (except for the imaginary one contrived in the perverse and often criminal mind of the fbi, or other accuser) who should himself be charged with false arrest or filing false charges, among other offenses, in connection with the preposterous charges against an innocent man. In essence the fbi and their minion police agencies pretend to safeguard the imagined rights of non-existent persons at the expense and destruction of real life human beings who are as innocent as may legally be conceived in a theoretical sense. See:
By studying this and similar cases the astute student may gain new and important perspectives from "inside the criminal mind" of the fbi and other accusing parties. For more on this see the links below.
Meanwhile, with regard to police and fbi misconduct, most lawyers are silent (out to lunch), or worse, the lawyers sometimes can be seen on TV also getting on board the popular movement which is profitable for all but the accused, or the targeted.
Alas, I have personally known many attorneys who, while representing drug dealers and other violent and dangerous types (often with real as opposed to imagined victims) in the general society, engage in the consumption of cocaine, marijuana, etc.,while publicly pretending to uphold the values of mainstream society. These same attorneys mostly avoid the truly difficult, complex and unpopular cases brought against the accused by a broken and corrupt regime headed by the fbi, or other incompetent police agency.
Attorneys also generally avoid Civil Rights and Human Rights cases against the fbi because the victim of the fbi criminal campaign has no money, and because the attorneys are fearful of fbi retaliation.[For examples of current violations see:]
Also see:
The instance cited above (regarding an imagined sex offense) is a hot potato with most lawyers because they do not want to be seen as apologists or defenders of an accused who may be facing a variety of illicit sexual conduct charges and the parade of horribles associated therewith. These attorneys do not mind representing murderers, drug king pins,or other despicable types; and these barristers boldly proclaim that their law firm does not ever represent defendants in alleged child sex abuse(and related) cases, period, even when no crime has been committed. Neither do many attorneys show any interest in prosecuting a civil case against the fbi or the cia because "there is no financial future in it".
Well, how convenient for these legal practitioners, as they now enjoy the best (from their perspectives) of both worlds: on the one hand they can join the lucrative freight train of popular opinion regarding the condemnation of any person falsely accused of largely imaginary sex related offenses; and on the other hand, these same attorneys can sell out their conscience (with handsome returns)in the representations of some extremely unsavory characters. When the smoke clears, these attorneys are left with one small problem (as I see it): they have allowed the fbi and the prosecutorial freight train to roll over and destroy the guarantees of personal freedoms and individual liberties afforded by the uSA constitution.
For more on imagined offenses and the criminal machinations of those who allege them,see:
Also see a summary of the crimes committed against a former fbi agent (Sosbee)and note that no attorney will come forward to prosecute the civil case inherent in the terrorists' assaults on Sosbee:
Thus , the lawyers, mostly silent on Human Rights issues, slink from their civic duties, abandon their sworn promises to uphold the constitution, and otherwise cower before the menacing shadow of the fbi (and others) who have turned this nation into a virtual prison for all but the torturers and assassins of the ruling class. Indeed, all criminal cases (and many civil cases) today contain Human Rights issues, not just for the supposed victim (if one exist), but for the accused as well; the failure of American Jurisprudence to take this fact into account represents the continuing deterioation of the U.S. judiciary.
The answer to the question posed in the first sentence above is that the lawyers have gone to the black hole of greed, self absorption and pusillanimous retreat. The damage to our nation (and its social fabric) resulting from their incompetence/indifference is incalculable.
The statements above do not represent legal advice.See:
* On 4-5-06 the following news item appears:
By MICHELLE SPITZER, Associated Press Writer
MIAMI - A deputy press secretary for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Brian J. Doyle, was charged with using a computer to seduce a child after authorities said he struck up sexual conversations with an undercover detective posing as a 14-year-old girl.
See recent article on
press secretary arrested
Sosbee writes:
As suggested above in the context of the phony criminal charges in a different alleged sex abuse case,Brian J. Doyle is obviously innocent.
For more on imagined crimes alleged by the criminals of the United States government see:
30 Mar 2006 @ 19:22
Nervous tension is reflected in the following headline statements by U.S. leaders:
Rice: World United Against Iran in Dispute .
Hawk John Bolton: the US will use all tools at its disposal.
Cheney:Israel might act first and "let the rest of the world worry about picking up the diplomatic pieces afterwards" *.
Sosbee responds: Careful girls , the world presently does not accept your (or the fbi/cia) menacing plans to subjugate the people of Earth (after all, if you for example put a gun to my head and ask for my cooperation and allegiance to your evil agenda, guess what I would do).
As for Cheney's irresponsible innuendos regarding the Jewish State's apparent threats of attack: You seem to shoot (now from the mouth regarding war, then from the shotgun regarding your real life recklessness) striking your own friends in the face (both at home literally and abroad figuratively)without asking yourself "why" ; try picking up their pieces, mR. Vice .
To Bolton I must say : you little sir, are a broken sparrow;watch and I will show you the meaning of the word, "Hawk" .
Rice- those who take you seriously are as befuddled as you and your boss.
Back to the topic:Any incendiary rhetoric (such as that quoted above)issuing from your mouths simply feeds the fires of distrust, over your inhumane global intentions, emanating from every corner of the globe. You three characters quoted above (and the reference to the Israeli 'act') invite the scorn of all nations who see the threats as another symptom of the uSA's hopelessly failed leadership.
* The same was said in Viet Nam; where were y'all during that bloodbath?
Ask not what you country can do for you; ask what your country can do TO you!
18 Jan 2006 @ 22:40
Until the United States' terrorists and assassins are stopped in their tracks, the world cannot rest. Human beings are presently tortured, imprisoned and murdered by the fbi and the cia worldwide for no cause; this will not stop until the global population demands the surrender of the homicidal sociopaths who dominate U.S. political and economic policies. The concept that if the U.S. is let alone (or with its *puppet allies) to be armed with nuclear weaponry in order to allow the rest of the world to live in peace is total lunacy. The United States used the nuclear bomb, threatens to use it again, and will in fact use it again to attack any nation which remotely threatens the U.S. stranglehold on the world.
Indeed according to Karl W B Schwarz (and others),"evidence is still piling up that they have done wrong for the past three presidential administrations in using depleted uranium weapons on Iraq twice, Bosnia and Afghanistan." *
See also for info on evidence consistent with this suspicion (scroll down page to 'depleted uranium'):
Consult with the individuals around the globe who have survived the torture camps now being run (in secret) by the fbi and the cia. Review the testimony of current Targets of fbi/cia torture campaigns for more insights on the barbaric and homicidal methodologies employed by the U.S. government at home and abroad.
Under the best of scenarios (as viewed from the perspective of non conforming-belligerent nations), however, the world cannot defeat the U.S. war machine. Any attempt to prepare to do so will be met with total destruction of the aggressor. Even today the U.S. has another weapon (other than conventional) which can theoretically wipe out, instantaneously, any cache or bank of unfriendly technologies which may pose a threat to the U.S. or its allies: the laser beam fixed in positon in outer space can accomplish this little task just fine (see world in a box at www.sosbeevfbi.com).
The real issue , I think, is how to stop all weaponry on earth and space from being used and at the same time to afford all human beings alive some hope for peace and stability everywhere and for all time. The formation of a one world , one people Humane global government must be studied and proposed. The tyrants of any given country cannot be entrusted with Human Rights and Individual Freedom issues ever again. This means that the people of the world, not their respective governments, must embark on mankind's most ambitious odyssey: the journey toward permanent peace and harmony on earth and the uncompromising realization of Human Rights for all. This can be done; such a goal is not simply a dream. What appears as an unattainable dream is that the United States or any other government on earth will someday stop killing and torturing people and allow them to live in peace , mutual respect and love.
_*Note the following statement by Benjamin Netanyahu (in a paper on "Fighting Terrorism: How Democracies Can Defeat Domestic And International Terrorism", 1995)wherein he unwittingly confesses to the character and nature of American and Israeli intelligence groups and their associates globally:
"By its very nature, the inhuman method chosen by the terrorists to achieve their aim disqualifies the aim from the start as one worthy of moral support....the methods reveal totalitarian strain that runs through all terrorist groups....terrorists are the forerunners of tyranny."
The intel groups torture, imprison, terrorize and murder at will (and then subsequently brag about it) and anyone who challenges these fools may be targeted for death.
Whereas the present government of the United States (feigning leadership) openly and without the slightest pretense of respect for human life and in complete disregard for universally accepted standards for basic human rights, engages under color of its national flag in murder, torture, imprisonment and terrorist practices against the peoples of the world, NOW THEREFORE SHOULD BE DECLARED AND HEREBY IS DECLARED A CRIMINAL AND ILLEGITIMATE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE PEOPLE OF THIS COUNTRY (THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA) and as such deserves not a respectable place among the family of nations and more significantly merits nil when the final account of Humanitarian efforts be tabulated by all that is holy and graceful in the universe.
We the people of the world hereby prevent the fbi, the cia, the militia, or any other government agency (or person) of the United States (or any other country) from dictating the terms of our surrender unto their authority, custom, culture, power now and for all times; in furtherance of this recognition, the world's population forthwith seeks to expose such dictatorial intent (and the techniques employed in support of same) by public investigation which serves on a continuing basis to protect and to defend the people of the world (now and in the future) from any form of inhumane governance. EVERY MAN/WOMAN.
As people discover the immoral, cowardly and macabre character of the agents, operatives, handlers and associates of the fbi/cia (as manifest globally in the killing/torture techniques used by these sociopathic assassins to insure compliance to new world order dictates) we may not reasonably expect a merciful redress from foreign and domestic freedom fighters forced from desperation to employ against US equally aggressive and abhorrent stratagems. Geral Sosbee .
All of the torture tactics used by the fbi and the cia require analysis and discussion. Among other websites see.... www.sosbeevfbi.com [link] http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/statement.html [link] http://miami.indymedia.org/news/2005/05/1347.php [link] http://www.deepblacklies.co.uk/remote_behavioral_techology.htm The failure of the global academic community to engage the topics included in the above listed sites reflects the decadent mentality of those who pompously and pretentiously presume to carry the banner of enlightenment for our civilization. Any questions ? geral sosbee
See Also:
See the above article in a different format at:
See Also:
*For evidence to support this statement by Schwarz see the following link from which this is excerpted:
And as evidence surfaces that Bin Laden had been making plans to go nuclear, some experts believe that in fact the US Air Force is deploying nuclear materials. Here is areport out of Australia on the use of weapons hardened with depleted uranium, a concern that surfaced in the Gulf War and later in Kosovo. I haven't read much about thisin the US presss:
Depleted Uranium Toxicity in Afghanistan
by Richard S. Ehrlich
"ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - American warplanes are attacking Afghanistan with depleted uranium weapons which could poison combatants and civilians, especially children, according to U.S. officials.
"The possibility of radioactive dust storms sweeping across Afghanistan and polluting rivers has meanwhile sparked fears in Pakistan.
"The radioactive dust released by the impact of these weapons can easily get into the food chain and the water supply through the Kabul River in Afghanistan and thus into Pakistan's Indus [River]," reported Dawn newspaper.
"There are simply no contingency measures to brace people against such a disastrous humanitarian fallout," Dawn added.
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Torture Warrants and Law: Justifying Torture and
Making it Legal?
Rosemary Horton, P.L. Duffy Resource Centre,
Trinity College, Western Australia
10 Dec 2005 @ 19:30
Important evidence suggests that the fbi and the cia are now causing the Insurgents in Iraq and around the world to reduce or to stop hostage taking in favor of outright killings of the **Targets. This means that the cia and the fbi are now further endangering the lives of our own U.S. personnel and diplomats. The opposing forces of the fbi and the cia now see the futility of the hostage taking business and the increased risk to their own people as a result of the use of fbi and cia high tech tracking devices (a FDA investment)implanted in the skulls (or other body parts) of members of the occupying forces. The adversaries to the United States are fully aware of the risk that these tracking devices pose to their members (see :
[link] )
Note the following visit to Sosbee's site by an Iraqi visitor who theoretically concurs with the above statements on this update:
---------- ------------ --------
Geral W. Sosbee vs. fbi, Whistle Blower, ex-FBI Ag
Domain Name uruklink.net ? (Network)
IP Address 84.54.3.# (SCIS)
Location Continent : Asia
Country : Iraq (Facts)
State/Region : Baghdad
Time of Visit Dec 10 2005 8:14:47 am
Last Page View Dec 10 2005 8:14:47 am
Referring URL [link]
Search Engine search.yahoo.com
Search Words jaw tracking device
Visit Entry Page [link]
Visit Exit Page [link]
Time Zone UTC-8:00
Sosbee notes that after he attempted to post the above update on Indymedia, the fbi and the cia apparently prevented the publishing of the article. * Also, the fbi and the cia may now allow some hostages to be murdered by opposing forces when U.S.Intelligence deems that such persons are undesireable and unsalvageable characters; or , alternatively, the fbi and the cia can simply murder all together (captors, hostages and others) .
In an apparent message to Sosbee (in the form of a visit to and subliminal message placed on the site meter at www.sosbeevfbi.com, as shown below) the fbi/cia or other operative may wish to convey the concept of 'hate' to Sosbee; With regards to the site meter entry shown below, note that the same person who sent the 'hate ' message also first visited the Indymedia message board and read the above message on fbi/cia killing of Innocent Hostages:
Geral W. Sosbee vs. fbi, Whistle Blower, ex-FBI Ag
State : California
City : Rancho Santa Margarita
Time of Visit Dec 10 2005 4:09:25 pm
Visit Length 30 minutes 40 seconds
Page Views 5
Referring URL la.indymedia....s/2005/12/141105.php
Visit Entry Page [link]
Visit Exit Page [link]
January 19, 2006
Geral Sosbee, USA
REF : Iraq captors threaten to kill journalist
As I have documented at my site located at [link]
the fbi and the cia have almost certainly placed tracking devices into the persons of many allied forces' translators ,as well as some diplomats and other personnel; the insurgents are aware of this high tech cat and mouse deadly game and are therefore predisposed to kill some Targets, rather than take them hostage.
Thus, the fbi and the cia, pretending to have the upper hand in the intelligence business, sit back and watch the news reports that indeed confirm the outright and unnecessary killings of some potential hostages.
In this instance, the captive may or may not have such a tracking device implant (thought the translator may have had) ; the question for the U.S. intelligence agencies is this: at what point do the lives of the hostages (and potential hostages)become less important than preserving the covert operations which are designed to pinpoint the various locations where the captives are held from time to time. To date , the fbi and the cia have encouraged many killings of innocent persons for the purpose of protecting intelligence sources and methods.This information represents my opinion and is based on facts available to me at this time.
Caution, Adult Content:
[For information on threats and retaliation against me by the fbi for writing the above article, see addendum to "Snap Shot Of My Typical Day" , dated April2, 2005, Newciv.Org., Addendum dated January 19, 2006.]
** For an example of this see the news item dated June 20, 2006, summarized as follows:
By KIM GAMEL, Associated Press Writer
BAGHDAD, Iraq - "The bodies of two U.S. soldiers reported captured last week have been recovered, and an Iraqi defense ministry official said Tuesday the men were "killed in a barbaric way." The U.S. military said the remains were believed to be those of Pfc. Kristian Menchaca, 23, of Houston, and Pfc. Thomas L. Tucker, 25, of Madras, Ore."
"... Maj. Gen. Abdul-Aziz Mohammed, said the bodies showed signs of having been tortured.... "
Sosbee writes as follows:
American troops need not necessarily be tortured and brutally slaughtered by the opposing forces; the cia and the fbi have the technology that would offer the military alternatives to the kind of barbaric deaths sufferred by the above referenced soldiers. The media is aware of such alternatives; however, at the direction of the intelligence agencies who seek first and foremost to protect sources and methods, the media cowardly and irresponsibly run from the central issues/questions suggested by recent headlines:
1) Which troops have tracking devices in them;
2) If no tracking devices exist, why not (given the fact that the enemies assume such existence);
3) Which troops have cyanide pills to prevent their own suffering at the hands of enemy combatants;
4) If no such cyanide pills are offerred to our troops, why not( given the fact that the uSA tortures, imprisons and murders perceived enemies for cause or for no cause);
5) How many instances of cia and fbi sponsored killings of our own troops, or other Americans (or friends and allies thereof)have occurred in order for the intelligence agencies to protect sources and methods;
6) How many Friendlies have been rescued as a direct result of the use of tracking devices;
7) Where are the media and so called 'brave' reporters who in some instances have the answers to the above questions (and in all instances are aware of the issues touched on above), especially given the fact that the media is known for cover-ups and for misleading the public on a regular basis ?
For more on the culpable media see:
See also : 'A Snap Shot Of My Typical Day', dated April 2, 2005, this website.
Also note my notice (as appears on the home page of www.sosbeevfbi.com ) to the sleepy American public :
As people discover the immoral, cowardly and macabre character of the agents, operatives, handlers and associates of the fbi/cia (as manifest globally in the killing/torture techniques used by these sociopathic assassins to insure compliance to new world order dictates) we may not reasonably expect a merciful redress from foreign and domestic freedom fighters forced from desperation to employ against US equally aggressive and abhorrent stratagems.
From Brownsville, Texas
September 26, 2006
British troops kill top terrorist
The Daily Texan - Sep 26 12:34 AM
"British forces said they killed a top terrorist leader Monday, identified by Iraqi officials as an al-Qaida leader who had escaped from a U.S. prison in Afghanistan and returned to Iraq."
Sosbee writes: In all probability the Freedom Fighter (referred to above as " top terrorist leader") was implanted with a *tracking device and was permitted by the cia to escape for intelligence purposes. This scenario also suggests that all uSA POWs, all Detainees, all suspected or accused Terrorists, and others deemed 'of interest' (including common criminals locked up around the world for any offense) are implanted with a tracking device while in custody, or thereafter as the fbi/cia may desire. In the above cited news article, the cia let the Target out and then murdered him after the intel operation was finished. Future killings by the fbi and the cia (and their military goons) may be achieved by directed energy zapping, or by the use of cyanide (or other less traceable poison) implanted in the Target and activated by remote control.This means that once a person is in the custody of the uSA terrorists and torturers, that person may never go home, may never rejoin his old friends (clan), and may never again be truly free.
Note: the tracking device also monitors the pulse of the Target, so the fbi/cia know when the Target is dead.
See torture methods & symptoms:
News this date, June 4, 2007, tends to confirm that fbi/cia tracking devices lead to killings of our own troops:
"By ANNA JOHNSON, Associated Press Writer
CAIRO, Egypt - Al-Qaida linked insurgents killed three American soldiers after capturing them last month in Iraq, according to a militant video released Monday that claimed to show footage of the ambush. The video offered no proof for its claims. "
12 Oct 2005 @ 18:53
...hereby responds to the global telecast on October 11, 2005, by Oprah Winfrey (popular billionaire media mogul) who offers to assist (with resources and money) the fbi to track down, slander, and imprison individuals (many of whom are presumed innocent by law) on the fbi's most wanted list.
To those so hounded by Oprah and the fbi , please see
To all readers everywhere:
The above described *national witch hunt represents in my opinion a **"Real Life Dawn Of The Living Dead", starring Oprah Winfrey (leader of the creepy pack) , her lynch mob supporters and the fbi, all with arms extending, fingers pointing, mouths wide opening and evil proclivities protruding.
The real criminals,torturers and assassins in the fbi and the cia laugh as Oprah and her followers act out their hateful impulses against the accused. The Worldwide Network Of Friends Of the Accused And Terrorized must end the dirty campaign begun by ostentatious Oprah. The blood, pain and misery of any innocent Target (of the Oprah rampage) is forever on the hands of these sociopathic zombies. The compromise of the legal rights of all Targets is the direct responsibility of all who follow Oprah into the abyss of misanthropy. Sosbee's message: stop it Oprah !
This update does not represent legal advice.
October 14, 2005: In response to "Oprah's Child Predator Watch List, " the following is the Universal Predator/Goon list/tribe: Oprah Winfrey, all supporters of Oprah's possibly unlawful vigilante posse, all fbi agents (and their operatives, punks, thugs, assassins, and supporters),and all citizens who fear these low life hatemongers on the goon list.
See: [link]
See Also:
June 16, 2006
geral sosbee writes:
The Worldwide Network Of Friends Of The Accused And Terrorized
hereby gives notice to all goons , who represent metaphorically the **'the living dead' among us, that the most intelligent and informed individuals within the general population of the United States (and around the world) do not desire to live next door to 'the living dead ,' i.e., those who are identified as goons herein , including those who stalk and otherwise prey upon popular Targets (some of whom the goons say that they do not want as neighbors).
The following recent headlines help further define the goons as those who seek to label, condemn, and possibly kill some of the most heroic and worthy human beings alive today (note that the authors of the two articles partially excerpted below and anyone who supports them are goons and history records them as such):
1)Posted on Fri, Jun. 16, 2006
"No perverts need apply
The Kansas City Star
No one would relish living next door to a sex pervert.
So it’s easy to see where this new Lenexa subdivision might be popular. You know the one I’m talking about — where they’re going to refuse residency to anyone on the sex offender registry."
2)By Wendy Koch, USA TODAY
Fri Jun 16, 7:29 AM ET
"Private housing developers are joining a surging number of communities that are telling convicted sex offenders who need a place to live: "Not in my backyard."
A Texas-based company, I&S Investment Group, is breaking ground this summer on a 154-lot development in Lenexa, Kan., that will bar registered sex offenders. If someone is convicted of a sex crime while living there, the subdivision will fine the person $1,500 daily until he or she moves. The group has sold out all 150 lots in its first such development in Lubbock, Texas, begun 10 months ago, and plans to offer 250 more lots there this fall."
Geral Sosbee writes: * The national witch hunt has now become a commercially profitable exploitation (much like the current criminal justice system) of innocent persons who have every legal and moral right to live wherever they please; at the same time the general public is led to believe that by forming local and community goon squads as reflected in the above cited pathetic articles, they (the newly inaugurated goons) may benefit materially and financially from the practice of condemning targeted individuals.
Paradoxically, the growing numbers of those targeted for torture and condemnation will soon benefit (in unexpected ways) from the public exposure of the sociopathic goons and zombies who are on the media band wagon reflected in the two articles. Furthermore, all who invest in , or who seek to profit by, the commercial exploitation of our targeted brothers and sisters (in the manner described by the above cited misguided authors as well as the authors of similar articles around the country) are now seen as examples of the living dead because they and their followers (unlike the rest of us) proudly and vacantly strut their feeble and decadent mindsets (in the media and in the narrow confines of their closed communities) with arms extending, fingers pointing, mouths wide opening, and evil proclivities protruding. To the goons, I advise as follows: You are all quite easy to spot as members of the Universal Predator Goon Tribe. Your demise is contagious; stay away from the living, for you surely have nothing to offer in your present form. Thank you for identifying yourselves, and I will pray that you awaken from the dead and join mankind in the more appropriate and universally acceptable behavior sometimes characterized by acts of intelligence, love, compassion, understanding, and brotherhood. You fingerpointers have become by your own despicable conduct most deserving of universal contempt.
A word of caution: What you do to others will inevitably be done to you (or those close to you), partially as a result of your own willingness to be manipulated and partially by the effects of the events you set in motion against others.
For more information, please see:
From Brownsville, Texas
September 26, 2006
The tactics employed by the uSA's psychopaths (i.e.: fbi/cia maniacs) are destined to boomerang on our own citizenry (viz: 911 in response to uSA bombings of innocents globally over the past 100 years). Indeed, the efforts by uSA's homicidal fools to show their toughness can be seen in today's headlines:
Tiscali - Sep 26 2:43 AM
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - "The CIA officer who led the first American unit into Afghanistan after the September 11, 2001, attacks said on Wednesday that his orders included an unusual assignment: bring back Osama bin Laden’s head on ice."
Sosbee writes:
All such nasty orders (as quoted above) from the uNITED sTATES of aMERICA now serve as a prolepsis of the kind of atrocities that we may expect soon to be used against US.
Finally, due to the increasing numbers of persons targeted for torture, imprisonment by the fbi/cia (and other groups) I predict a new game show for the American people who permit the united states government to engage in atrocities at will:
The game is called, " Will the real terrorist ( and Osama bin Laden) please stand up." I and perhaps a hundred million others in time respond: "I am Osama bin Laden."
All above statements are the opinion, not legal advice, of geral sosbee.
Warning: Adult Content.see:
See Also:
Article # 88 , this site
Date: 10 Dec 2005 @ 19:30
By: Geral Sosbee
Titled: Killing of Hostages, a fbi/cia Sponsored/Permitted Atrocity
" I suspect that all the crimes
committed by all the jailed criminals
do not equal in total social damage
that of the crimes committed against them"
Karl Menninger, M.D.
The Crime Of Punishment
The Viking Press, NY, 1969
"The laws are like cobwebs: where the small flies are caught, and the great break through"
8 Oct 2005 @ 21:43
In the news: a most unworthy item of value only as an historical piece of evidence of fbi corruption/decadence:
By Howard Kurtz
Washington Post
Former FBI director Louis J. Freeh has denounced Bill Clinton over the scandals that marred his presidency and for his record on terrorism, saying the level of distrust was so great that he stayed in his post so Clinton could not appoint his successor....
Freeh says: "The problem was with Bill Clinton -- the scandals and the rumored scandals, the incubating ones and the dying ones never ended. Whatever moral compass the president was consulting was leading him in the wrong direction. His closets were full of skeletons just waiting to burst out."
Well, beleaguered little louie- The people would be more interested in the skeletons dancing around in your brain regarding the innumerable crimes that you directed throughout your career in the U.S. government. Few today are aware of the killing, torturing and imprisoning of good people at your direction; fewer still may realize that you played a heinous role in the collapse of this government into a fascist regime, even as you failed to prepare for the impending terrorist attack on this country; so, tell us about all the atrocities, violations of fundamental human rights, and gross infractions of U.S. Constitutional rights that you orchestrated, ordered and condoned, louie. **
Finally, my little mental dwarf, how can you speak of moral compass given your hideous record of abuses that will someday bring the people of the world to see you for what you are, a most horrendous and degenerative representative of the human race who by political manipulation and homicidal mindset, managed to attain by deceit and treachery, positions of great power over the people of the U.S. and the world. Print all the rumors, alleged scandals, skeletons, etc., that you can scrape from the fbi and the cia files on every human being on earth; even then your cowardly and torturous character will stand out as an example of the most despicable profile the world has ever known.*** You are remembered as a little man to be at once scorned and pitied for your smallness of mind, heart and soul. Go not in peace, foolish one, but in eternal disgrace.
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* [link]
** for specifics on how louie and gang attempts to force our brothers and sisters into suicide see:
*** Meet Defendant louie who, until the appearance of Sosbee's Writ, was yet an Unidentified Felonious Offender :
From Brownsville, Texas
June 6, 2007
Re: News from June 4, 2007
"PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) -- The FBI agent [Richard Rose, a Louie Freeh crony/minion] whose investigations brought down former Providence Mayor Vincent "Buddy" Cianci advises him to live below the radar. "
SOSBEE TO ROSE: Better follow your own advice ,PUNK, but that will not protect you from 'storm-the-fbi' scenario that I have set in motion. See the picture (saving me a thousand words)that appears at the bottom of the following link in order to comprehend exactly what the storm is made of:
Tell your fellow homicidal and degenerate friends and associates in the fbi worldwide that I am coming after them [and you] in an intellectual sense and that you have no where to hide. You see, R O S E , I have you all fixed on my cerebral radar for high crimes and misdemeanors against the people of the uSA, for violations of your oaths of office, and for being
"government rat bastards" ( quote from Barbara Hartwell).
From Brownsville, Texas
June 6, 2007
News from May 31, 2007
"By PAT MILTON, Associated Press Writer
Thu May 31, 4:07 PM ET
NEW YORK - Republican presidential contender Rudy Giuliani was endorsed Thursday by former FBI director Louis Freeh, whom he has known for three decades. "
Sosbee adds to the news release as follows:
Well thank you mR. Giuliani; previously I only suspected you of being a criminal (in spirit if not in deed). Now with your silly photo ops with the supremely unethical and conniving chief of the murderous and hideous fbi , Louie Freeh, I can put to rest my previously unanswered questions regarding your character and intentions; sleep with the beast, if you must Giuliana, but don't expect the people to mistake you for a human being.
14 Sep 2005 @ 18:25
Sosbee notes that today, President Bush may inadvertently admit/imply (perhaps subconsciously) that all the world now stands firmly against the terrorists of his very own fbi/cia who continue to kill, torture and imprison our brothers and sisters at every turn of the fbi/cia's twisted agenda.
As reported by AP's JENNIFER LOVEN, Bush urges the global community to,
"...crack down on terrorists plotting deadly attacks.... " Sosbee suggests that the 'crack down' statement above may be interpreted in a manner not ostensibly in the interests of the United States, given the fbi/cia continuing terrorist plots and criminal subversions and tortures worldwide. In the same Bush speech the President (acting as though he alone can define the word, 'terrorists')states (according to Loven): ** "...As we fight, the terrorists must know that the world stands united against them...."
Sosbee adds : Yes, Bush, the world does in fact stand united against the terrorists, but not just those identified by you.
* Visit the site meter daily at www.sosbeevfbi.com to follow the beginnings of the One World, One People Humane Global Government; also note that the failed leadership of the USA (and the subsequent collapse of the constitutional government here) is directly caused by the fbi/cia and those who support or fear them.
** "There are two enemies of the People: criminals and the government. Let us bind the second with the chains of the Constitution, so that it does not become the legalized version of the first."
--Thomas Jefferson
14 Sep 2005 @ 00:29
About a year ago I wrote the following article; the article is followed
by a news brief regarding fbi activity against an intelligence analyst;
after the article , my closing comments are presented:
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U.S. Commission pretends to investigates the fbi/cia
geral sosbee Jul 15 2004, 4:09 pm
Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour
From: gsos...@yahoo.com (geral sosbee) - Find messages by this author
Date: 15 Jul 2004 14:09:28 -0700
Local: Thurs, Jul 15 2004 4:09 pm
Subject: U.S. Commission pretends to investigates the fbi/cia
Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show original
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I recently contacted the U.S. Commission on 911 and I attempted to report gross abuse of power by the fbi/cia in foreign intelligence matters ; I wanted to point out that such transgressions involved blackmail and extortion by the fbi/cia against foreign governments and officials who fail to recognize the superiority of the fbi/cia in the NWO. This type of corruption by the fbi/cia must be addressed in order
to prevent another attack on the U.S. because foreign countries may begin to play the same game on US that we use on them in regards to sharing intelligence.The Commission ignored my two e-mails on this subject. I must
therefore conclude that the Commission attempts to conceal from the world certain intelligence data that could compromise intelligence sources and methodology even though the fbi and the cia engage in commodity-type trading of such information in international political negotiations/operations in a manner not necessarily in the best interests of presumed friendly nations. Specifically, for example, the fbi will withhold intelligence data that a foreign country needs to prevent a terrorist attack on that foreign nation, unless that country(or foreign official) fully cooperates with the fbi and the cia in covert operations design to kill or to imprison given Targets, or to
overthrow a given government.Indeed in some instances as history shows the terrorists in some attacks had cia tacit approval for attacks on certain targets.An appauling example of a different type fbi/cia incompetence and corrupt practices regarding intelligence sharing occurred in the
Philipines prior to 911. The Filipino government (and top law enforcement officials in Manila) advised the fbi and the cia prior to 911 that a number of the terrorists who were later confirmed as involved in the 911 attack on the U.S. were in the Philippines, possibly training there, and were en route to the U.S. The fbi and the cia ignored this data because the names , albeit associated with known terrorist groups, were Saudi Arabian, and that nation enjoys a cozy
relationship with the fbi/cia in terms of sharing intelligence data; presumably the fbi and the cia take no action (until now) against suspect foreign nationals of Saudi Arabia because such characters may in fact be assassins for the Saudi government. In other words the fbi and the cia protect the assassins of friendly nations. In this regard ,the police officials in Manila hold deep resentment
for the fbi and the cia for their heavy-handed controls over the Filipino government and these officials are at the same time afraid to report fbi/cia trangressions/incompetence to the U.S. Congress for fear of retaliation by the fbi/cia who could easily withhold the names of potential assassins bent on killing Filipino officials. Another common method of fbi/cia retaliation against a foreign government official is for the fbi and the cia to not share vital intelligence data with a sometimes friendly foreign government in order to allow a terrorist attack on that government when intelligence
tactics dictate the need for such back-stabbing. This , of course,causes serious political repercussions, especially as some foreign officials now recognize that the fbi and the cia lied to the U.S. Congress about the causes for U.S. invasion of Iraq (as well as other skirmishes around the world) and at the same time the U.S. expects friendly nations to send troops to die for our (U.S.)inhumane goals
there.geral sosbee
------ -------
news on 9-12-05:
By JEFFREY GOLD, Associated Press Writer Mon Sep 12,11:33 PM ET
NEWARK, N.J. - An FBI intelligence analyst with top secret clearance
was charged Monday with passing classified information about Filipino
leaders to current and former officials of that nation. The analyst,
Leandro Aragoncillo, sent some of the material to Michael Ray Aquino, a
former deputy director of the Philippines National Police who lives in
New York City, according to an FBI complaint made public Monday.
----- ---------
Sosbee's additional comments:
From the data released as of October 6, 2005, the fbi clearly controls Gloria Arroyo by the use of blackmail, so that the Filipino people have a president who follows the NWO dictates of a terrorist group (fbi intelligence)and does not place the welfare of her own people first in the national agenda. The information stolen from the fbi files shows that:
Leandro Aragoncillo stole personal files
"not flattering to Arroy " in order to force her out of office. The fbi understands all too well the significance of the breach of US security, but now the fbi and the cia must deal with an unexpected backlash: the use for blackmail purposes of the same personal data that the fbi and the cia used (for blackmail purposes)to control the national political agenda.
The dirty methods regularly used by the fbi and the cia now ironically can be used to undermine the US interests in that region. Note also that the popular misconception that the fbi and the cia are at war with our enemies abroad obscures a fundamental and salient fact of life : that these two agencies are at war with all the globe and in such a confused state (as suggested in this metaphor) the wholesale and indiscriminate torture, imprisonment and killing of our own people is seen (by the fools ) as acceptable.see:
Finally, the corruption and incompetence of the fbi and the cia is known to many governmnets around the world and they are busy with their own double agents and operatives here in the United States and elsewhere in efforts to save their native countries and their countrymen from the murderous American global infiltration. [For evidence of the emerging global boycott of US products see:
[link] ]
The American people do not know what is happening and by the time the public here becomes aware of the failure of their own intelligence agencies (to win friends and to influence people in a humane way) the time will have long since passed to repair the damage caused by unchecked fbi and cia criminal operations in every country where Americans do business.As I recently pointed out to the National Security Council: the fbi and the cia turn friends into enemies, enemies into demons ( agents of evil, harm, distress, or ruin-Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary) , patriots into harsh critics, and men and women like you into cowards and fools.
See world in a box:
Also, see evidence that the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission shows interest in Sosbee's statements as set forth above, and Commission sends subliminally a message of criticism to the punks in the fbi/cia for their criminal assaults against Sosbee.
See:if link below is not working:
or go to //http//://www.sosbeevfbi.com/nukings/nukings.//html
See Also:
From Brownsville, Texas
October 3, 2006
In the news is a little noticed explanation for fbi incompetence in connection with protecting the security of the uNITED sTATES:
"WASHINGTON, Oct. 4 (UPI) -- The FBI is tracking down former congressional pages to determine if they received any sexual advances from former Florida Rep. Mark Foley, ABC News reports."
The fbi d' tectives are living up to their new motto, " be all you can be." Well, ok, fbi girlies, I am still on your case wherein I charge you with high crimes (including false imprisonment, bearing false witness, fabrication of evidence, torture, forced suicide, and assassinstion) against the people of the world as I have delineated at
* Also see my report , this site, dated and titled as follows:
2007-08-07 Diary "911 can easily revisit USA, as fbi and cia incompetence and corruption continue"
12 Sep 2005 @ 20:51
AP -
WASHINGTON - "Supreme Court nominee John Roberts said Monday that justices are servants of the law, playing a limited government role...."
John Roberts' words quoted above contradict the fundamental premise of the one document that is in theory the supreme law of the land, that the government (in all three branches) is created by, for, and of the people and that the Bill of Rights requires judicial activism at all times in order to secure the blessings of liberty implied in those rights. As we have learned at great cost, eternal vigilance is the price of freedom (as Lincoln says) and the long absence of such vigilance in the United States is in part the doing of the United States Supreme Court Justices over the past fifty years. Furthermore, the so-called limited role of the justices which Roberts pompously and confidently touts is designed to allow continued fascist rule by the very corrupt politicians who fail in their duty to serve the people and who instead pass inhumane laws for the purpose of insuring that the people stay oppressed.
The idea that a Justice serves only the law is abhorrent to all who seek redress of this nation's continuing injustices. The Supreme Court is no longer of any use to the people if the Roberts' statement is fact.
On April 27, 2008, Justice Anthony Scalia states on the program "60 Minutes" that torture of an accused or suspect is not 'punishment' and therefore does not violate the constitutional mandate against "cruel and unusual punishment". Thus, Scalia implies that the current torture of Sosbee and others by the fbi/cia is tacitly approved by the highest court in the uSA. Sosbee will not attempt to further analyze the insane and convoluted reasonings of Scalia; his silly and pompus disreagrds for Humanity (and the inalienable Rights of all living persons) speak volumes, as he also (in a different context) states that a condemned person being executed has no constitutional guarantee that he will be executed by a pain free method of killing.
9 Sep 2005 @ 15:51
Whenever the media and the medical community get together for the purpose of saying, "we just cannot pinpoint the cause of death", as occurred in the Arafat death investigation, red flags should fly around the world to alert the global population that the very best medical minds on earth have no clue; the truth is that these doctors, reporters and political hacks have good reason to obscure the real cause of death because the intelligence services of the US, Israel, England, and other countries have an urgent need to keep secret the high tech lethal gadgetry that killed (or led to the death of ) Arafat.
The McMurtrey article (inter alia) on the subject of remote human behavior manipulation (and related directed energy weaponry)is not mentioned as the doctors pretend to address the various medical indications surrounding Arafat's death. The cooking of the brain or the intestines of the Target by remote control (such as may have occurred to Arafat) is common knowledge in the intelligence community; so the current media report summarized as follows is absurd given the total absence of any mention of exotic weaponry as a possible cause of death:
"Arafat's Death Remains a Mystery
By JOSEF FEDERMAN, Associated Press Writer Fri Sep 9, 6:50 AM ET
French doctors who treated Arafat concluded he died of a "massive brain hemorrhage" after suffering intestinal inflammation, jaundice and a blood condition known as disseminated intravascular coagulation, or DIC."
I can personally attest that directed energy assaults (which continue against me to date by the fbi and the cia) cause numerous symptoms not dissimilar to those mentioned in the Arafat report, the most recent symptom being a semi-shut down of my digestive or intestinal tract. The sleep deprivation and the implanted tracking device cause severe pain in the skull , followed by stroke like symptoms in the left head and face, all documented in the website: www.sosbeevfbi.com. The French doctors arrogantly presume that the world at large does not care how Arafat died and that any legitimate effort to release the true cause of death would be met with violent reaction as the people of the world realize that the intelligence agencies use high tech and Satellite based weaponry to do the job.
Shame on you all because future and past murders similarly shrouded in fabricated mystery in order to protect intelligence mehods and sources will not be solved, and the nwo Illuminati will continue to take the lives of leaders, thinkers, and visionaries as the fbi, cia and Israeli intelligence may dictate.
Finally, yesterday I asked a Jewish news organization the following question (to which I have received no reply to date): why is it that the Jews and Israel like, accept or favor the current global fascist state formed by the fbi and the cia.
Let the world be informed that this global cover-up is unacceptable and that any country or people that benefit materially from the fascist and murderous operations worldwide of the United States [as spearheaded by the fbi and the cia] is equally guilty (as the US) of crimes against Humanity and other high crimes and misdemeanors.
For more info see:
See:Scientific Papers
See Also:
For the probable effects of USA's depleted uranium see:
* See report of Paul J. Balles at:
20 Aug 2005 @ 17:19
To the wealthy of the world (and to those who have a wealth of love for humanity): you are men and women in this life and in the next Gods as you join in the world's greatest adventure.
The object today is to free all prisoners in one prison (say, Folsom), then to use the same refined techniques (as gained from the enterprise) to do the same for all prisons and jails on earth until at long last our brothers and sisters are no longer caged and tortured by our misguided brethren. Any person confined for inability to stop killing, torturing and otherwise destroying human lives will need special attention. All the rest have the chance to participate in the emancipation of human kind from the grips of a raging and out of control tyrannical global regime which must be stopped.
Gather the richest philanthropists on earth, set a goal of a hundred billion for the initial funding, gain pledges of support from teams of lawyers, doctors, teachers and laymen (including former prisoners), etc., and set out on the most ambitious humanitarian project of all times, the goal of which is no less than to create a new civilization born from the highest ideals of mankind and from the kindred spirit (soul) that links us all together as one.
Do this and all the world will salute you, not just as the success of the mission becomes known in our time, but for generations to come as far into the future as one can possibly imagine. Put this idea into a supercomputer model, apply social, economic, and political implications that may be associated with such an endeavor, and note the factored results of your accomplishments in our very own world. God's Speed.
From Brownsville, Texas
September 22, 2006
Sosbee writes: Private prisons are an abomination and should be put out of business.
From the lcs site shown below:
LCS Corrections Services, Inc. is an industry leader in the development and operation of privatized correctional facilities. The company offers a complete range of prison and correctional related services to local, state, and federal agencies. "
See also info on Wackenhut:
For definition of "torture" see:
18 Aug 2005 @ 16:55
The following information represents the opinion of Geral Sosbee and is submitted for educational purposes and for the record. Each judge named herein may be acting in a perfectly normal and legal manner and Geral Sosbee could be wrong in all of his statements as set forth below. For my view of the global significance of this update see:
--- --- --- --- ---
Also, note the following headlines:
Associated Press
Published December 7 2005
NEW HAVEN, Conn. -- A federal appeals court denied a newspaper's seven-year-old request Tuesday for internal Justice Department documents regarding FBI agents who made false statements on sworn affidavits.
*Pervasive Corruption and Terrorist Culpability in the
Federal Courts of the United States of America
Over the past several years, during which time I have been continuously and systematically assaulted by the fbi and the cia goon squads around the world, I have documented by uncontested evidence (submitted to various federal courts) high crimes and misdemeanors by agencies of the United States government (see the Affidavit-2005 for summary at [link] ) ; in many instances I have also documented actions and inactions by various judges which indicate apparent cover-up of the very crimes that I and others seek to uncover in courts for the good of the nation and the world. Occasionally, the courts have impliedly threatened me with sanctions , if I appeal their oppressive rulings. In every instance of perceived judicial incompetence and possible criminality of the judges on these federal courts , I believe that these judges and so-called justices are responsible for aiding and abetting the global terrorist activities of the fbi and the cia by unlawfully ruling at every turn in their favor . See for example ,
[link] .
In all instances in the cases set forth herein , my pleadings have been summarily thown out of court hastily in order to prevent the airing of the truths regarding crimes committed by the fbi and the cia. Not a single court attempted to inquire about the covert and illegal operations of the fbi and the cia. Some of the courts that I now indict for their conspiratorial roles as set forth herein include the following:
Los Angeles Federal District Court, Judge Manuel L. Real, Federal District Court 05910-R, 7-6-2000.See:
For specific evidence of the corruption of Judge REAL,
See article dated June 22, 2007, by Geral Sosbee, entitled, " REAL CORRUPTION ."
Federal Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit, Judges Kozinski, T.G. Nelson, Tallman, 00-56179, 7-9-01.
See [link] .
See also:
United States Supreme Court, All Justices 534US894,10-1-01.
See: [link]
See also: [link]
Merit Systems Protection Board Administrative Judges as set forth below:
JoAnn M. Ruggiero (NY 752B05026621), 2005; this judge perfunctorily and prejudicially glanced at parts of www.sosbeevfbi.com, then dismissed as irrelevant all evidence therein, knowing that she would also soon advise the fbi how to win summary judgment in the matter before the court.
Anthony L. Ellison (SF 0831020133-I-1), 2002
U. Sidney Cornelius, Jr. ( DA 0831040499-I-1 (2004)
Neil A.G. McPhie and Barbara J. Sapin (DA -0831040499-I-1), 2005
Today the courts with their prima donna judges anxiously and admittedly protect the fbi and the cia from responsibility for their crimes (see the Rodriguez case at [link] ). See also [link] . The result of the corruption of the United States Judiciary is the surrender of all peoples of the world unto a cowardly group of fools who now have the authority to give blanket pardon to the real criminals among us : the fbi, cia, the DOJ and similarly motivated agencies, all of whom participate in the new expansion of the 'torture industry.'
The fascist standards established by the government of the United States of America under the tyrranical and corrupt grips of the fbi and the cia and their subordinate federal courts are hereby noted as addendum to the website http.wwww.sosbeevfbi.com.
Regarding JoAnn M. Ruggiero mentioned above, on this date I sent a motion for her to recuse from hearing my case for the following reasons:
case number NY752B05026621
password code for filing electronic pleadings: 4746416
Unprofessional conduct and bias against Sosbee (hereinafter " Appellant" ) by inviting the Agency (DOJ and fbi) to assert an equitable defense to Appellant's claim of duress; the Court is well aware that in order for a party to legitimately seek equitable relief, that party must do equity and be fair in all dealings. The central feature of the case brought by the Appellant (with overwhelming evidence) is fbi and DOJ corruption and terrorist practices (including attempted murder, torture, fraud, perjury, etc), and sufficient evidence is presented to the Court to preclude any viable assertion by DOJ for court ordered equitable relief.
The Court also permits the attorney for the DOJ to lie, to attack ad hominum the Appellant and to falsely characterize Appellant's pleadings as 'bizzare', 'disingenuous', and lacking 'one iota of evidence'.
The Court abandones all decorum by ignoring all the evidence in support of Appellant's claims.
The Court serves the interests of the intelligence communty, not the interests of Justice, by aiding the DOJ and the fbi to avoid and cover up responsibility for their atrocities; for this the Appellant suggests to the Court that failure to recuse may constitute a criminal offense given the outrageous conduct of the judge in this case.
The above information does not represent legal advice.
geral sosbee
______________ __________________
As of November 23, 2005, the fbi manipulates a federal magistrate (or other judge) into ordering continuous poisonings of Sosbee at every opportunity. This currently anonymous judge and the secret laws that permit the tyrants to engage in such abominations are in part responsible for the fall of the U.S. government into a fascist and inhumane state.
P.S.: Thankfully, this year has been good to me by delivering at a critical time messages of support from thousands of keen intellects and sensitive hearts worldwide .
See the site meter daily at www.sosbeevfbi.com (also note simultaneous hate and death messages ).
*Among the many offenses committed by the above named judges is the one at 18 U.S.C. Section 4 (misprision of felony); the Texas State officials mentioned in the website (www.sosbeevfbi.com) may be similarly charged under the same statute , or under Tex. Penal Code Section 38.171.
This info does not represent legal advice.
See Also:
Headlines,AP, 6-26-06:
"Alito breaks tie, Kan. death penalty
law is constitutional [and is not] cruel and unusual."
Sosbee writes: the death penalty is by definition cruel and unusual and Alito's stand in support of killing our brothers and sisters reflects his hideous character.
For more on america's corrupt and cowardly courts see the following site from which this statement is quoted:
" I've written a ...paper... which shows how the courts have bent the rules for the CIA, creating new legal theories that other agencies are now keen to use to protect their own secret information." Paul Wolf.
Sosbee submits that to the extent that the judges/justices/courts cover up the atrocities committed by the fbi, cia and others, these arrogant government officials on the Bench are torturers. See:
5 Aug 2005 @ 20:00
I hear much talk today from the president and his stooges (such as Rumsfeld) who proclaim that we Americans are fighting for world freedom; world freedom is exactly what the United States government seeks to end in order to tighten the stranglehold on the globe. See:
[link] .
Indeed, most nations of the world now begin to recognize that the United States offers no effective leadership that would give assurances that the people may realistically expect to live free of government sponsored wars, terrorism, and fascist tactics against the civilian population . John F. Kennedy sought to stop inhumane and unconstitutional killing and torturing both here in the U.S. and around the globe; he was *shot dead by elements of this nation that want to keep the people in chains; the mentality of the assassins who shot Kennedy (and who covered it up, or failed in their responsibility to get to the bottom of the murder) is the same as that mind set which rules today: the atrocious and flawed thinking by current officials of the U.S. government may be seen in the criminal activities of both the fbi and the cia as set forth in My Story In Detail at :
*On November 11,1963, James Reston of the NY Times captured the awful tone that dominated America then and now as he wrote: " America wept tonight, not alone for its dead President, but for itself; the grief was general, for somehow the worst in the nation had prevailed over the best. The indictment extended beyond the assassin, for something in the nation itself, some strain of madness and violence, had destroyed the highest symbol of law and order."
The strain of madness and violence mentioned above in the 1963 article can be seen unfetterd today and speeding in high gear as shown in the hideous and criminal antics of the fbi and the cia at home and abroad.
See Also:
See Also:
from which the following data is noted:
America convicted of being a war criminal in 1986
Date: Sun, 11 Nov 2001 - From: Richard - Subject: Did you know this?
Did you know that in 1986 the World Court convicted America of being a war criminal for its crimes committed in Nicaragua in '83 and '84? They insisted that America face the music, and the American government refused. And the only reason that no one could enforce the decision that the World Court came to is because America is currently the foremost superpower in the world. If that wasn't the case though, maybe America would have been bombed, and some of the people in other countries would have felt that we deserved it, just like many Americans now feel that it's unfortunate but necessary that innocent Afghani civilians are killed in the current bombings if it means that maybe bin Laden and the Taliban will be killed in the process.
For more on fbi murderers see:
26 Jun 2005 @ 19:05
The following form of a hypothetical writ of habeas corpus is a working draft and should not be used , except for educational purposes, because specific data such as individual circumstances of the accused/convicted and the location of court to which the potential writ is directed are missing; other elements of the draft are also too vague for submission, but the idea is to learn how to bring to the attention of the proper court (and ultimately as well to the people of the world) the inhumane and corrupt methodologies of the criminal justice system which is dominated by the terrorists and the assassins of the fbi and the cia. The information below does not represent legal advice.
-------------- ----------------
In The United States District Court
In The Matter of the Application of Iam Inocente
for a Writ of Habeas Corpus
Comes now the Petitioner, Iam Inocente, pro se, and hereby moves this Court, pursuant to the Constitution of the United States, to issue a Writ of Habeas Corpus. In support of the motion the Petitioner shows and alleges as follows:
...that Petitioner Iam Inocente is being illegally and unlawfully imprisoned by prison guards, the warden, law enforcement officers and others;
...that Petitioner was arrested, tried and convicted of offenses that he did not commit, that evidence introduced in the trial was fraudulently obtained, or was fabricated, and that exculpatory evidence was suppressed at the direction of the FBI, its agents, operatives, handlers and professional assassins and liars (including law enforcement officers and their informants at the local, state and federal levels);
...that any search or arrest warrant issued as a predicate for charges against the Petitioner were obtained by fraud, perjury, or manufactured evidence and that any exculpatory evidence was suppressed at trial by the FBI, its agents, operatives, handlers and professional assassins;
...that Petitioner's attorney was ineffective in that the counsellor did not properly investigate the fraud and corruption that permeates the government's case against the Petitioner;
...that any statement, or any lack of statements, by Petitioner which may have been interpreted by the government as an alleged admission, was in reality evidence of coercion and further that the illegal and inhumane tactics employed by the government were designed to cause an innocent person to be cast in an unfavorable light;
...that mind control or remote human behavior influence technology was used by the government in efforts to provoke a defensive or involuntary response from the Petitioner who is not familiar with the advanced high technology used against him, but who is certain that such was in fact employed;
...that the Petitioner has been denied the constitutional protections of due process;
...that in support of this application, the Petitioner hereby incorporates by reference and hereby makes a part herein for all purposes as though fully reproduced herein the contents of the Affidavit of Geral W. Sosbee, dated June 15, 2005, and located at :
Wherefore the Petitioner prays that a Writ of Habeas Corpus may issue and that the Court grant same without delay.
Dated this 26th day of June, 2005.
Signed Iam Inocente____________________________
Sworn and subscribed to before me on this 26th day of June, 2005.Signed__________________________________
Notary Public
See also:
25 Jun 2005 @ 16:57
The fbi and the cia prevent me from delivering the following message to individual university professors around the world in the fields of anthropology, law, political science, English and classical languages, philosophy, sociology, et al :
Some of the torture tactics used by the fbi and the cia require analysis and discussion. Among other websites see....
non-consensual cover research (and torture)
fbi and cia terrorists at work in USA
Electro Magnetic Murders...
psychotronic tyranny
Deep Black Lies
----------- ------------ ------------
See also: [link]
The failure of the global academic community to engage the topics included in the above listed sites reflects the decadent mentality of those who pompously and pretentiously presume to carry the banner of enlightenment for our civilization.
Any questions ? geral sosbee
25 May 2005 @ 19:56
The following represents my opinion and is based on years of experience as a human experimentee of the us government:
Non-consensual human research is a euphemism for a torture campaign so horrible in its design and implementation that most individuals (not familiar with it) refuse to acknowledge its use or its possible existence. The *Target is under constant surveillance and assault and may have a tracking device implanted in the body and is subjected to a wide variety of psychological operations (including the injections into the body of chemicals, viral and bacterial infections, and psychoelectronic assaults, etc.)which are all intended to force the Target to commit **suicide, or to otherwise flee for his life . See:
See also:
The US department of justice, the cia and the fbi, the department of health and human services and other agencies are privy to the program, and the US congress tacitly approves such activity in the name of national security; the courts have no interest in the wholesale violations of constitutional and human rights inherent in the program, and the president of the US authorizes the research by a wink and a nod or by executive order.
The companion research tool to non-consensual human experimentation is more purely scientific; that is to say that researchers and scientists seek at once to 1) map the human brain and 2) catalogue genetic characteristics of individual experimentees with regard to specific qualities; often siblings are subjected to the research when genetic samplings of more than one member of the family are needed for verifications of codings and comparative analyses thereof. The end result of such is to identify those genetic characteristics most often associated with genious/insanity/retardation/aggression,etc, so that the global genetic data bank can screen out all potential threats to new world order (nwo) political standards.
Of particular interest to the geneticists are the correlations between intellectual and intuitive abilities on the one hand and the kind of activism or non-conformity to public policy dictates that could threaten political stability , on the other hand.
The global design of the new world order discounts today the military domination of all nations; the scientific inroads towards a kind of purification of the species (consistent with the dogma of the new world order kingpins) means that the future of mankind as a thinking,intuitive,and creative individual is directly determined and defined by the scientists of the nwo government.Thus the unnecessary killings by so-called wars of millions of people over centuries of conflict are simply a prologue to the real horror awaiting our species.
* This Target reports that he has suffered a kind of emotional 'drawing and quartering' in a metaphoric sense and that he presently seeks to recover from the effects of the abuse though the wherewithal to do so (as the torture campaign continues) is illusive.
geral sosbee May 26, 2005.
However, this Target is invigorated at the realization that the fbi and the cia (and their hundreds of attackers against this one person over the past decade) is historically viewed as puny and degenerative as compared to the increasing influence in exponential terms of the work of geral sosbee.
--------- --------------
**For more on current events, see:
Special annotation, March 25, 2006, from Brownsville, Texas, by geral sosbee:
Some of the assaults (both physical and psychological) are difficult to describe because of the personal and private nature of the intrusions. The chip implanted in this Target allows the fbi and the cia to track him and at the same time to monitor his pulse, heart beat, etc.
----Now, pay close attention: if the Target attempt an intimate experience, the fbi monitors him/her in real time on the computer screen which reflects the data regarding vital signs , even though the Target may be under the cover , and at the same time the fbi observes this Target via the wireless surveillance technology (which covers 24/7 the Target's activities in home, car , and any other appropriate locations).Thus no activity is unavailable to the monstrous monitors; the next day the fbi sends a messge to the Target (usually via the site meter, or by tampering with the Target's vehicle, or additional poisonings) indicating that the Target's conduct is not acceptable; the most recent example of this type of messaging occurred recently as the fbi reminds the Target of the ability to conduct "fbi undercover" operations anywhere , anytime. The high tech devices used by these torturers offer the world a new interpretation of the idea of "fbi undercover" investigations.
Thus, this Target deduces that the overall purpose of the conditioned response techniques employed against him is to drive him insane. This update offers a glympse of the fbi and the cia use of low life thugs and tormentors and the high tech gadgetry that provides them with tools of their trade (i.e.:to destroy the life and sanity of the Target). After nearly a decade of such aggressive hostilities against this Target, no end is in sight; this observation in and of itself is exactly anticipated by the fbi and the cia in their overall evaluation of the effects of their assaults on the mind of the Target. Finally, this Target embraces the trauma put upon him as a kind of learning experience which may be of use to future generations.Thank you.
and also see:
See Also:
The Invisible personnel and criminal life control surveillance system
A Nation In Denial , Part 1
America is a nation in denial. There are things no major publication dares to print, no major broadcaster dares to discuss. Working largely through dummy "private" agencies, American military and intelligence authorities are violating human rights with absolute impunity, using 21st-Century technology to advance an inhuman, totalitarian agenda. Those who know won't speak. Those who speak are not heeded. Those who hear do not listen. Those who listen will not act."
Article # 88 , this site
Date: 10 Dec 2005 @ 19:30
By: Geral Sosbee
Titled: Killing of Hostages, a fbi/cia Sponsored/Permitted Atrocity
For definition of "torture" see:
*** See united states government message to Sosbee that the us government is torturing him with the sleep deprivation technology:
<< Newer entries Page: 1 ... 31 32 33 34 35 Older entries >> |
March 18, 2017
Our efforts (mine & my associates)reveal the macabre destiny of mankind, unless we prevail in the pursuit of a general enlightenment of the populace. In any event we are the unacknowledged legislators of the world by awakening in others a fundamental respect for humankind and by indicting the torturers and assassins of our era. The United States of America, by virtue of our work here, is now forever known as a BEAST (Brain EntrAinment State) , a country w/o conscience, a people w/o heart who are cursed with a national character predominantly w/o soul :
For Compelling Reports, See The One And Only
Official Site Of
Barbara Hartwell vs. CIA
This is the real fbi which uses the methods and incorporates the values of the notorious Mafia:
Sosbee reports from the field:
get your own fbi/cia terrorist badge at:
See cia data:
...and see my documentations of fbi/cia crimes at:
The greatest threat to mankind are the murderers and torturers of the fbi/cia. Sosbee comments:
Invade my country (or alienate me in it) I will invade yours;invade my *brain, all bets are off.
A slogan to be remembered:
The Few, the Proud, the Brain Entraining Fiends of the US Marines.
*Regarding Brain Entrainment,
[Note: The perennial search for peaceful solutions to the fbi/cia torture & killing spree globally is the paradox of my life under attack.]
"I suspect that all the crimes committed by all the jailed criminals do not equal in total social damage that of the crimes committed against them."
Karl Menninger, M.D.
The Crime Of Punishment
The Viking Press, NY, 1969
"The laws are like cobwebs: where the small flies are caught, and the great break through."
"...the individual cannot delegate the task of defending his basic human rights-to dignity,liberty, and responsibility-to any group of protectors,..." be they clergy, doctors, legislators, fbi, mafia, police, judges. "For if the protectors are successful, they inevitably become
O P P R E S S O R S..." who should be publicly categorized as
NOTE: The inmates, prisoners, and accused in custody around the world have redeeming qualities that should allow them their freedom in most cases; the fbi, police, all cops at every level, have no such redeeming characteristics; for they kill, stalk, lie, steal, falsify records and calumniate for a living (a profession) 24/7, for 20 to 30 years..
-------------------Caution: Adult Content:
See Robin Head's data:
Note that Robin refused to join in the illegal fbi sting against innocent persons:
Sosbee's Tribute To Our Brothers And Sisters Jailed Anywhere On Earth:
We all owe a debt to the millions of persons imprisoned by the corrupt criminal & civil justice systems worldwide, for THE IMPRISONED have surrendered their lives so that we may pompously pursue our demented imaginings on the progress of a failed civilization. See:
and see:
["You must contrive for your future Rulers another and a better life than that of a Ruler, and then you may have a well ordered State; for only in the State which offers this, will they rule who are truly rich, not in silver and gold, but in virtue and wisdom, which are the true blessings of life." Plato, The Republic.]
The united states of america is a government of torturers & traitors supported by cowards and fools who often can be heard echoing the sentiments of the torturers and assassins of the fbi/cia/pentagon against their victims as follows:"We have Little tolerance for losers and those constantly whining or needing attention."b>
June 6, 1944: The D ay that Enslaved the world.
This is my News Log.
All statements in this site are the opinion of Geral W. Sosbee, except where otherwise indicated.
All work authored by Geral Sosbee in this website and at www.sosbeevfbi.com is registered with United States Copyright Office, For a Work of the Performing Arts, # PAu 2-587-209, effective 10-10-2000, entitled "Intelligence", in accordance with title 17, United States Code. All Rights Reserved.
All logos and trademarks in this site are property of their respective owner. FAIR USE NOTICE: This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. I make such material available in efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. I believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml
The entire content of this site is subject to international copyright. Unauthorized reproduction will be vigourously pursued to the full extent of the law.
I believe that the **war mongers and cutthroats must not be allowed to rule the world any longer; their methods fail.
"And so long as they were at war, their power was preserved, but when they had attained empire they fell, for of the arts of peace they knew nothing, and had never engaged in any employment higher than war." Aristotle, Politics
Rick Stanley
Constitutional Activist:
RE: psychotronic torture being used on sosbee and others NOW (2008):
Read: Inner Voice, Target Tracking,And Behavioral Influence Technologies
See Project Zombie :
[link] sosbee&rnum=2&hl=en&safe=active
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*Also See Report This Site Dated and Entitled:
'Every child belongs to us': today's unsung fbi slogan
25 Jul 2007
_________Spread the word. Get your own FBI/CIA TERRORISTS badge
Regarding ELF assaults see:
[link] -----------------------------
___ As President Theodore Roosevelt said in his 1906 State of the Union address, "No man can take part in the torture of a human being without having his own moral nature permanently lowered." ______________________________________
ATHOUSANDWORDS-for students of physiognomy:
**The cowards of the United States government who engage in (or who permit or fail to stop) the mind control, psychoelectronic harassment/torture, and other so-called cover research human experimentation programs are the same individuals who share the responsibility for the fall of this country; I intend to share with all of the world, until my death, the tremendous fraud that the U.S. has become in its efforts to colonize the world by murderous and inhumane methodologies; in my work, my primary goal is to expose these low life perpetrators and misanthropes for what they are : assassins and torturers who should face an international war tribunal for their crimes against Humanity. Equally important in my life are the efforts to help others through education and friendship. I extend to my associates everywhere my sincere gratitude for your courage in striking the evil ones with your hearts and souls.
Compelling history is in the making by you & me.
Finally, the general lack of interest by the public at large regarding the ongoing torturing and killing of Targets by the fbi/cia (and their operatives) at home and abroad provides fertile ground for expanded inhumane assaults on mankind by these and other agencies ( as well as the lunatics in the private sector who also engage in the torture of selected Targets).
Finally, we must all begin to take the hoodlums of the fbi, cia, and other police agencies ( and their supporters in the general civilian population) MOST SERIOUSLY (if individual liberties are to be regained).
See 'murder in progress' , Brussell Sprout :
and See:
"Presbyterian Book Of Order
Challenge to Presbyterians of Conscience"
...and consider
"You must contrive for your future Rulers another and a better life than that of a Ruler, and then you may have a well ordered State; for only in the State which offers this, will they rule who are truly rich, not in silver and gold, but in virtue and wisdom, which are the true blessings of life." Plato, The Republic.
How To Stop The uSA Global Killing And Torture Spree:
The Formation Of The
(This means that the people must throw out the merchants of death in every government on earth):
SOSBEE's message to punks and cowards: U.S. Senate Sergeant at Arms (little mr. Gainer),Senators Grassley, Leahy, Cornyn and their criminal associates in Congress:
This soldier is moved by your sickness, but you are all in the rear and not on the front lines; so, you are viewed as cowards and traitors to those of us fighting the battles. Thus, I will not be able to help you when the people arrive on the scene.
To Congressional Traitors/Cowards From Einstein regarding the corrupt and fraudulent MDs in the decadent and homicidal practice of Psychiatry:
For more on the corrupt fbi see:
The fbi falsifies records and spreads fraudulent reports in both civil & criminal matters. See my medical clearances at
and an update in the documents below.
Note please that my former employer (fbi) has for two decades falsely reported my medical records in their smear campaign; I wanted the PUBLIC to have the correct info on me. Appropriate medical records, including *recent blood tests and medical exam are documented by letter dated December 14, 2012, and are available at:
Previous entries
Fbi assassins rising
USA under fascist & murderous rule
Fbi/police community are a threat to our people
Shame on Portland Indymedia (PI) for trashing my reports
Hallmarks of f b i
Fbi as human monster
Horror Story In USA
Fbi interferes with protocol of search engines
Sociopaths Among Us
A Prayer in Prose
Tru,p, Crooked Hillery ( CH ) and fbi / cia are all in a battle to control W H
News from Geral
Implied Threats of Arrest & Imprisonment/Death Hang Over This Target
Fbi Agents, Operatives and Friends Are Seriously Mentally Ill
Creation of Artificial Kidney Stone In Vivo By Skilled Criminals with M, M, O
...And Then They Came For Me ............... fbi is today's Nazi Gestapo
Today's Police/fbi Traverse the Lines of Human Decency
Evidence that USA is run by criminals
USA's President Has Almost No Power Over fbi / cia Assassins
This is your country, your people, not mine
Counterintelligence Operations Against A Target Are Global
Homo homini lupus
Fbi illegal methods and criminal agenda exposed
Republication in different format: University of Texas/fbi joint crimes ag/ me
Faculty & Students Awaken
Wrap Up From SOSBEE
USA's fbi/MAFIA, a real life monster
An Eternal Fraud
Nazi criminals live today in fbi/ cia
My message to the US JUDICIARY
Our World & People Under Attack
Global Mandate To Stop fbi/cia from their torture & kill programs
Macabre Crimes Committed By fbi, Tacitly Approved By Congress/SCOTUS
The Reach of www.sosbeevfbi.com
Update on evidence against DA, fbi, et al
Wicked men of the fbi
American dismissiveness in the face of its own crimes against humanity
Biographical Data on Geral Sosbee by Mr Cliff Huylebroeck
Macabre USA, (a repost)
Casual reading of an urgent nature
Police State sponsored by fbi sends clear message to Targets in one letter ( T )
Medical Clearances of GERAL SOSBEE
To fbi Director James B Comey
fbi corrupts our nation
My L I F E !
The sick mindset of USA's population
I document more crimes against me by fbi
Fbi hacks my OPM account
A Dim View
Fbi reveals its filthy mind, followed by biographical data on me
Fbi hoodlums and criminal sociopaths at work 24/7
Capitalism is Dead
Unversality of geral's documentaries
American Terrorists
Fbi, police, army intel, et al are often criminals
More ..
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