Geral W. Sosbee    
 the french connection
category picture12 May 2005 @ 20:45
Now enter the fbi's French connection whose goal is to discredit by encyclopedic definition the victims of fbi, cia (inter alia) torture campaigns; the entry on my site, is as follows:

Domain Name ? (France Map | Flag | Facts)
IP Address 83.114.187.# (Unknown)
Language Setting English
Operating System Microsoft WinXP
Browser Internet Explorer 6.0
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; Wanadoo 6.2; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
Time of Visit May 12 2005 2:41:23 pm
Last Page View May 12 2005 2:44:45 pm
Visit Length 3 minutes and 22 seconds
Page Views 5
Referring URL
Visit Entry Pagehttp://
Visit Exit Page
Time Zone UTC+1:00
CET - Central European Time
Visitor's Time May 12 2005 9:41:23 pm
* see message from perhaps the same cowardly Frenchman.
The apparent interest of the Frenchman is the following passage from my site which the Frenchman made sure that I see:

Mise à jour Spéciale Janvier 5, 2002:

L'information suivante représente l'opinion de Geral W. Sosbee et n'est pas prévue en tant qu'avis juridique.
For the English version see: [link]
The apparent message to the Target from the Frenchman is as follows:
paranoia (pr'ənoi'ə) , in psychology, a term denoting persistent, unalterable, systematized, logically reasoned delusions, or false beliefs, usually of persecution or grandeur. In the former case the paranoiac creates a complex delusional system that purports to show that people want to hurt him; in the latter, he sees himself as an exalted person with a mission of great importance. Other types of delusions include somatic delusions, as in the case of hypochondria, and jealous delusions. The term paranoia was first used by German psychiatrist Karl L. Kahlbaum in 1863. The condition, often known as delusional disorder, is found among individuals suffering from paranoid schizophrenia, paranoid personality disorder, and any of several paranoid disorders. Minor instances of paranoia are also commonly found among older people. Most individuals who suffer from some form of paranoia tend to be suspicious of the motives of others, leading them to be hypersensitive, tense, and argumentative. Jealousy and vengeful emotions are also common, and can lead to violent confrontation in the most severe cases. In most paranoid delusions, the individual believes that there is a pattern to random events which is somehow connected to him. Individuals with paranoid schizophrenia often suffer from delusions in conjunction with more severe symptoms, such as hallucinations.
sosbee to the would be perpetrators who intend to discredit victims of government sponsored torture and murder around the world: the textbook definition does not apply to true reporters of atrocities; my reports are fully documented in case law, personal experiences (logs) and scientific evidence.The job of the apparent French critic of such Targets is to discount all the evidence presented by the Target, then to suggest that the Target is insane. Such an endeavor as yours, Mr. Frenchman, is at once barbaric, cruel, sinister, cowardly, and grossly absurd. Get Lost Punk.
by : geral sosbee
* Perhaps the same foolish servant of Satan wrote concerning sosbee's reports:
Liens douteux Cet article n'est pas l'oeuvre d'une personne isolée mais de plusieurs qui se renvoient la balle et se "valident" mutuellement. Les liens entre les différents sites ont une fâcheuse tendance à déboucher sur la paranoia généralisée, voire vers des sites de groupes musicaux nationalistes.

A vous de vous faire une opinion plus complète sur ce curieux personnage si le coeur vous en dit.

le 25/08/2004 à 09h28
--------- --------------
sosbee to luz: ouvrir vos yeux et peut-être alors vous pouvez entendre la musique
From Brownsville, Texas
August 23, 2007

Never expect a cowardly fool to stop his slanderous campaign, especially when he has a motive (and possibly a reward) for his unbridled and anonymous libel; see the link below for the 'paranoia' and 'delusion' data referenced above which this homicidal operative wants us to view. He writes:

"Geral Sosbee: the french connectionOther types of delusions include somatic delusions, as in the case of hypochondria, and jealous delusions. The term paranoia was first used by German psychiatrist Karl L."


 identities of perpetrators (and their supporters) of crimes against Humanity
category picture7 May 2005 @ 18:36
This is neither a solicitation of information, nor an offer/acceptance pertaining hereto.
*I seek the names, aliases, dates of birth, social security numbers, military identification numbers,photos, other descriptions, and all other identifying data which may lead to the identities and locations of individuals (living or dead) who may be (now, or in the past) witnesses to high crimes and misdemeanors and crimes against Humanity under the laws of the United States and under the laws of Nations. The purpose of my search is purely educational and I do not intend herein to compromise the activities of the fbi or the cia ( or other agencies ) or their agents, operatives and assassins/handlers.
Response on May 8, 2005
Aiutiamolo, e' un'opera meritoria! AntiSion Sunday, May. 08, 2005 at 5:38 PM
Egregio Signor Sosbee,

ho letto con vivo interesse il Suo appello e, nell'intento
di contribuire alla Sua meritoria ricerca, Le segnalo i
nominativi delle persone - tutt'ora viventi - che si sono
in anni recenti macchiate dei peggiori CRIMINI contro l'umanita':

- Bush, George W.- Presidente degli stati uniti d'America

- Sharon, Ariel - Premier dello stato d'israele.

Con distinti saluti

From Brownsville, Texas
July, 2006

To the next potential Target ('T') of the United States Intelligence agencies (primarily the fbi and the cia), as reported from first hand actual knowledge of the events described below:
T makes an appointment with an urologist for a routine vasectomy; he enters the doctor's office alone on the scheduled day and remains in the waiting room; soon, another patient who has just undergone the vasectomy procedure exits the operating room with his wife; on the way out the man comments to T, " Don't worry, the procedure is totally painless and quick." Then, T is called by the secretary to enter the room for the vasectomy. T enters and prepares for the procedure. The doctor enters the room alone; T then realizes that no nurse will be in the room (usually the doctor's wife assists him, as T recalls), just T and the doctor. The doctor begins the procedure: he opens the sack with an incision on either side; then, as the patient (T) lies vulnerable on the table, the doctor states, "now, I will need to test each cord to see if I need to apply an anaesthetic. I will thump the cord to see if you have any feeling; if you do I will apply the anaesthetic.If you do not feel the thump, I will not need to use an anaesthetic.Then, I will do the same to the other side of the sack (i.e.thump the cord on the other side). T is a bit confused because he recalls the other patient's word, "painless" and begins to question in his own mind the possible implications of the doctor's explanation. The doctor then says, " I will now thump the cord". Immediately as the thump occurs, T's body bounces involuntarily and spontaneously from the table, as T experiences tremendous pain, followed by consternation and anguish. Then, T (unable to exit the table due to the open sack)raises himself from the waist forward, stares at the doctor, but says nothing. At that point, T's facial expressions of anger, confusion and suspicion speaks (without words) directly to the doctor. The doctor then states, " OK, I will apply the anaesthetic, and I will not repeat the thumping procedure on the other cord". T is grateful for the concession, but realizes that something quite out of the ordinary has just happened to him, causing great pain and anxiety. T later confirms with a Urologist in Dallas, Texas (Dr. Schonevogle-phonetic spelling)that the above described procedure is unheard of in his experience. **T also notes that the same doctor who performed the above described vasectomy had previously stated out of context and with no apparent reference, "Many men who can't have an erection, commit suicide". T had no idea as to why the doctor would make such a remark, but years later the comment would have an ominous meaning especially to T.
T has a tooth ache and sets appointment for relief.*** The dentist ('d')and his assistant (who identifies herself as a relative of d ) receive T with a smile and usual platitudes; a few minutes into the procedure d begins to file down the troublesome tooth, but T does not pay much attention, thinking that the tooth is being prepared for a crown. However, d begins to play with the tooth : he files, steps back and looks at the tooth, then resumes filing a bit, steps back and looks at his art work again(as though he is a sculptor); so, when d leaves the room T picks up the little mirror on the dental tray and looks at his tooth which is now shaped in the form of a pointed fang, or a demonic shaped projectile. T , suspicious, but not sure even then as to what exactly is going on, says nothing and allows d to complete the work. As d returns to the room, he and his assistant are heard laughing in apparent reference to T . d then makes a light joke, and T laughs with d and with the assistant; at that point d states, " well, at least you have a sense of humor". Now, T becomes more suspicious, but allows d to close the tooth and finish the procedure. As d finishes he asks T the following question:
"Would you like for me to prepare all of your teeth the way I am preparing this one for crowns?" T states , "why would I want to do that?" d then responds that some of his patients want all of their teeth prepared for crowns. T states , "no, thanks" (at that moment T imagines what he would look like if he permitted d do perform his dirty work on all of T's teeth).
As the procedure is almost complete, d uses a dirty tool on T, thus insuring that a slow growing bacteria will eventually cause an abscess in that now infected tooth; sure enough about a year later T suffers great pain and visits a professor of the Baylor Dental College in Dallas, Texas, by the name of Dr. Gutman (phonetic spelling). Dr. Gutman (in private practice) confirms that whoever previously worked on the tooh (lower front) caused a "septic mess". Dr. Gutman corrects the problems associated with the torturer's handiwork and T is restored to good dental health (minus a little damage to psyche in the manner of shaken faith in Humanity)).
3) While the doctor and the dentist are torturing and terrorizing the Target, a certain El Paso highly respected female terrorist had another agenda: drive the Target out of town by using a local network of thugs who, with the assistance of local realtors, regularly burglarize his home, destroy his personal property ( and re-arrange his furniture ) , stalk him everywhere he goes and routinely drive nails into his vehicle's tires, etc.
The fbi office in El Paso, Texas, was fully aware of the events described above because the actions were conducted at the direction of the fbi Handler.
*** See:
The above information is true, correct and complete, and may be of value to any person who is targeted by the fbi, cia or other government agency for torture. July 1, 2006.Geral Sosbee
From Brownsville, Texas
July 15, 2006
Poisoning on 07/13/06 at DOLCE RISTORANTE BROWNSVILLE , $29.54
The fbi and the cia over the past decade have routinely poisoned Sosbee at restaurants around the world; seldom, however, do the Restauranteurs aggressively and enthusiastically pursue the task of lacing Sosbee's food with toxic chemicals. The owner and the manager of the Dolce Restaurant, Ruben Torres and Paredes Line Rd, Brownsville, Texas, are apparently willing operatives of such attempted poisoning and they do their low deeds with a zeal that is quite uncommon; as the owner or manager complete their assignment (as licensed goons for the fbi) the two add a little insult and provacative assaults to Sosbee (and his guest) as they are leaving the restaurant. To be kind to the two wannabe goons, they do not realize that they are being used by the United States Intelligence services to attempt to force the Target into suicide, even as the government half wits record such in real time. This update represents the opinion of geral sosbee.
See also Sosbee's statements regarding , "the meaning of T", dated February 24, 2005,
Sosbee notes: the thugs who use the directed energy (and related high tech war and torture games) on the Targets, expecting and encouraging the Target to commit suicide, are guilty of crimes against Humanity.
* A careful reading of my websites at and at this newciv site will reveal the names of several doctors who are in my opinion possible perpetrators of crimes against Humanity.
For additional information on how the fbi and the cia kill or torture people in hospitals see my report , this site, dated and titled as follows:

2007-08-06 Projects Notice to Activists and Others Regarding FBI Designs On Medical Patients

Health care workers shoulde be prosecuted as felons when they assist the fbi/cia in the torture/killing of patients.


Last Updated: June 07, 2010

Doctors helped CIA perfect 'torture' technique

From: NewsCore
June 07, 2010 8:52PM

MEDICAL professionals helped the CIA perfect legal but harsh interrogation methods for terror suspects during the George W. Bush administration, according to a new report.

So-called "enhanced" questioning methods such as waterboarding were monitored and varied by medics in order to produce maximum effect while remaining within the limits established by government lawyers, according to the report released by Physicians for Human Rights.

The report described "Waterboarding 2.0" in which doctors apparently recommended adding saline to the water used to simulate drowning so as to reduce the risk of suspects falling into a coma induced by hyperhydration.

Health professionals allegedly also had a hand in monitoring sleep deprivation of up to 180 hours and experimentation on how to increase a subject's "susceptibility to severe pain".

"Any health professional who violates their ethical codes by employing their professional expertise to calibrate and study the infliction of harm disgraces the health profession and makes a mockery of the practice of medicine," lead writer of the report Dr Scott Allen said.

The group calls on US President Barack Obama to initiate a federal investigation into the claims and prosecute those responsible. It also asks Congress to amend legislation passed in 2006 that allows a "more permissive definition of the crime of illegal experimentation on detainees".

"The CIA appears to have broken all accepted legal and ethical standards put in place since the Second World War to protect prisoners from being the subjects of experimentation," said Frank Donaghue, PHR's Chief Executive Officer.

"Not only are these alleged acts gross violations of human rights law, they are a grave affront to America's core values."

 The urge to discredit recognizes no limits.
category picture4 May 2005 @ 20:31
The following criticism attempts to discredit sosbee's work by using a low form of journalistic trickery: smear by perceived or imagined association. In this case the only legitimate reference the person (whoever he /she may be) records is that Barbara Hartwell is in fact my friend. The critical article :
"Origine douteuse Considérant les différents sites auquel est lié le sieur Geral Sosbee, notamment "Friends of Liberty" qui offre des liens sur les sites de "vraies" musiques : nationalistes, nazis etc. ainsi que d'autres prosélytes éclairés d'Internet : Barbara Hartwell et Todd Brendan Fahey, je recommenderais la plus grande prudence dans la lecture de la prose de M. Sosbee, qu'il soit ou non, comme il le prétend, un ex-agent du FBI.
le 26/07/2004 à 09h37
sosbee to luzvanvogt: your concern about my work tells me that many in France and around the world read and accept the evidence that I present; they do so not for me, but for concern about the future of the world, a sentiment only the most avant garde have the courage to explore.
See Also:
As of July 7, 2006, Sosbee notices that the fbi and the cia are busy on the internet placing false, misleading and outrageous references to geral sosbee on various search engines. *Please see the following links to dispel any concerns in this regard:
and others at:
Sosbee adds the following:
I will gladly provide the United States Congress or the Supreme Court, or the Press with all of my records, without exception, provided that the government (other than the fabricators and calumniators of the fbi and the cia) use such records in an official investigation of the many crimes committed by the fbi and the cia against me; further, I am eager to compare my personal record and my complete history with those of fbi/cia agents, operatives, punks, thugs (including female contract laborers), assassins, handlers, special investigators, etc, globally. I make this offer in the hopes that the cowardly congress and their evil sisters on the bench will reign in the fbi and the cia; of course, I realize that this will not happen, but my offer stands in earnest nevertheless. Finally, the fbi/cia efforts to discredit me, to demonize, to dehumanize and to vilify me are all evidence of the truth of my reports of fbi/cia evil and criminal agenda as outlined in my site at:
From Brownsville, Texas
August 20, 2006
Enter the alchemist who emerges from dark spaces onto the internet with the following data followed by a series of meaningless words and phrases intermingled with the name 'Geral Sosbee':
summary by Google of the data referenced in this update:

"Our Survey...
How do you feel about geral sosbee?
-Mne Poh?
GERAL SOSBEE - - geral sosbeeReading united kingdom geral sosbee royal and sun alliance toronto beaches ... Credit cards rebuilding credit pontiac aztek reviews geral sosbee ex jw costa ...

Sosbee's response to the little coward who invites a global response to the gibberish: you are a foolish one, but if I am wrong, then identify yourself by your true name, where you live, and a list of your biases. Then perhaps you will deserve the attention you crave, but do not use my name to satisfy your ugly longings. Note, por favor, that the use of the term, "Our Survey", in the context cited above reflects at once your collectivist mentality (though you may be one) and your individual (or group) psychopathology, particularly applicable if you be two or more (See the book , In Cold Blood, Truman Capote).
Sosbee further notes that the world is full of anonymous stalkers (such as the alchemist referenced above) who often use stalking as a subtle pretext for some sinister purpose, both on the web and on the streets; these lost souls are more aligned to the living dead than they are akin to the truly living among us as they seek out Targets to feed upon.
Absent a meaningful life of their own , these morbid 'hide and seekers' (those who cover up their own identities while casting their puny lights on others)latch on to an internet author for the apparent purpose of further exploitation. Come now, fiendish one, tell all who are listening who you are and what interests you pretend to serve.
From Brownsville, Texas
July 16, 2007
For important information from my best friend, Barbara Hartwell , see her article dated and titled as follows [Note her remarks therein regarding,Ken Adachi: Government stooge, New Age/government disinfo monger, liar ']:

Monday, July 16, 2007
YOU TALK TOO MUCH: Scandal-Mongering for Fun & Profit
From Brownsville, Texas
September 4, 2007

This date Sosbee attempts to document a continuing effort by the fbi and its supporters to slant public opinion. One such attempted slander campaign is to link the name of this author to pornographic websites. yahoo for example has the following link to a porno site linkd as shown below in the Yahoo Search Engine:
The link (http):
The Yahoo entry:
stevie wonder-lyrics to my Cherie Amore, repair guide 1990 mercury ...
stevie wonder-lyrics to my Cherie Amore, repair guide 1990 mercury mystique wiring harness sfp, cheer leader tryouts ... fittest geral sosbee weddings myspace ... - 23k - Cached
Several other similar links are directly made with the name of this author at primarily Yahoo (http as follows):
/////... yes / searc h.php?q=search
RSD305 dacor range, csi episode guides, aishwarya debonair com, outlook ...
RSD305 dacor range, csi episode guides, aishwarya debonair com, outlook conference rooms, bench press conversion, ... sbc-web geral sosbee musica, free ... - 101k - Cached
/////.... / search .php?q=search
versaPro Ge Fanuc torrent, liebe schwable sheet music, naseemalroh ...
versaPro Ge Fanuc torrent, liebe schwable sheet music, naseemalroh, Saiyuki reloaded gunlock episode summary, ... sheet music, geral sosbee musica pics ... - 59k - Cached
/////... 9uhuw-le-inf...rmazioni. cn /adult. php?q=adult+dating
dance ejay 3 no cd crack, bucyrus telegragh forum com, sexo-bears ...
dance ejay 3 no cd crack, bucyrus telegragh forum com, sexo-bears, Rotel RSDX02 ... forum com, hukilau resturant in chicopee massachusetts geral sosbee musica. ... - 22k - Cached
____I hereby give notice to Yahoo and any other search engine that you are in violation of my legal rights including but not limited to the following areas:
3) tortious or wrongful use of my name for commercial or other unauthorized purpose.
I also hereby order you to cease and desist from all use of my name (including linking of my name to unauthorized sites) without my prior written authorization. I reserve all legal rights, including the right to bring a law suit under the prevailing statutes and the right to bring a suit in equity. geral sosbee.
From Brownsville, Texas
September 12, 2007
Yahoo apparently makes no effort to stop the fbi/cia smear campaign on the net; neither does Yahoo seek to delete obviously corrupt influences on its search engine by the fbi/cia and their fellow 'associopaths' in reference to Geral Sosbee; though throughout all of the torture and smear efforts by the world's most despicable calumniators this idea will ultimately prevail:

"He deviseth mischief continually; he soweth discord. Therefore shall his calamity come suddenly; suddenly shall he be broken without remedy. These six things the Lord hates, Yes, seven are an abomination to Him: A proud look, A lying tongue, Hands that shed innocent blood, A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that are swift in running to evil, A false witness who speaks lies, And one who sows discord among brethren."

Prov. 6:14-19

From Harlingen, Texas
May 18, 2008

In a classic example of incredible immorality, unlawful trickery in court, unprofessional attorney misconduct, and libel in efforts to cover up the fbi's crimes, the US Attorney in the person of Sara R. Robinson engages in outright lies and despicable behavior in open court & pleadings as she verbally assaults Sosbee's character as shown below; Robinson is now recorded in history as a corrupt and bestial servant of the assassins and torturers of the fbi and cia, and she cannot be forgiven for her evil actions and decadent predisposition:
*See medical Clearances:

 attorney at law
category picture30 Apr 2005 @ 18:54
During the past week sosbee takes steps to activate his law license with the Texas State Bar; as the fbi learns of this effort to return to the legal profession, the hoodlums of the fbi intensify psychotronic assaults on sosbee thereby preventing sosbee from sleep and causing him to stay in bed 12-15 hours a day. Then, on this date sosbee discusses these renewed attacks with friend Brabara Hartwell , at which time the hooligans from the fbi enter sosbee's car and turn the rear view mirror down as though to remind sosbee that he is not allowed to practice law again. As a result of the fbi's actions to discourage sosbee from practicing law , he is now more determined to do so. However, sosbee has much work to do in preparation for his eventual return to the practice of law.
This update does not constitute an advertisement.
Sosbee is Licensed by the Supreme Court of Texas
Not Certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization
On May 2, 2005, sosbee adds the following: The contents of my website (much of which is documented) and all statements that I make on the site are true, correct, and complete to the best of my knowledge. Many readers do not want to take the time to study the evidence on my site, but prefer simply to dismiss my reports as incredible or unbelieveable.I record important events (often horrendous to me) as they happen, as I have done for the past seven years. I do not ask that anyone believe my reports (if they do not want to do so) and at the same time those who disbelieve my writings may keep their insults and ill-informed petty observations to themselves, unless they wish to make a spectacle of their ignorance. In that case I invite all such persons to join the long list of misanthropes who ignore or who cannot read/comprehend the overwhelming and relevant data that I have presented.
(In any case I present the data strictly FYI; those who disbelieve, stay away from me because I don't have the energy to deal with you, and I certainly do not submit to interrogations or harassing and insulting messages).
Finally, the most recent unwelcomed message to me is repeatedly posted under the May 4, 2005, urge to discredit article; the anonymous message is:
"5 May 2005 @ 00:13 by Connection @ : Geral Sosbee's IP-address - "
sosbee writes: a friend identifies the source of the anonymous message as follows:

Search results for:
OrgName: Asia Pacific Network Information Centre
sosbee writes: to the coward who harasses me on my news log, you appear to be the same person to whom I at one time offered my friendship due to my respect and admiration for our (then) mutual friend, Barbara Hartwell. I now consider you a low life mental dwarf as defined on my site.
Regarding my license to practice law:
Sosbee notes for the record that the State Bar of Texas intentionally misleads the public by indicating that this attorney is not eligible to practice law in Texas; no such limitation to practice law is written on the license issued by the Texas Supreme Court, except for the implied legal requirement that all Texas attorneys must satisfy the MCLE requirements. Sosbee is fully qualified and eligible to practice law immediately, without prior permission [from some of the tyrants who exercise unethical and perhaps illegal authority in some instances over the attorney], with the sole proviso that he notify the state bar and then insure compliance for the year. the State Bar of Texas in private acknowledges this fact;

further, in the event that Sosbee does in fact decide at his sole discretion to resume the practice of law, he will make sure to satisfy the MCLE requirements for the year, and to notify the state bar.

Also, Sosbee noticed in February, 2006, that the State Bar of Texas intentionally changed (on a date unknown) the color code of "attorney status" to the color red, from orange, thereby further falsely reflecting ineligibility to practice law in the State of Texas; this mean spirited tampering with the state bar web page for Geral W. Sosbee was done to mislead the public with regard to Sosbee's status. The state bar then again changed the color code to orange when he notified the state bar of the improper tampering, or hacking of the bar page regarding Sosbee. He also asked the President of the state bar to hold the officers of the State Bar of Texas responsible for such low tactics, or for incompetence.

*Finally, the officers of the State Bar of Texas owe a duty to its members, including Sosbee, to faithfully represent, free of corruptive influence, all attorneys in matters of public interest; this duty seems to have been repeatedly violated as briefly summarized above.
* The fbi and the state bar present the following false image on the internet as of August 24, 2006:
"[PDF] List of Licensed Texas Attorneys NOT eligible to practice law in ...File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
Sosbee writes: see contradictory evidence to the above misrepresentation:

 Ted Montouri-Staten Island Advance ( and related ideas)
category picture17 Apr 2005 @ 20:32
About six years ago, when the fbi/cia intensified terrorist retaliation against me for reporting crimes by agents and operatives of those two agencies, I contacted a reporter named, Ted Montouri, with the Staten Island Advance (SIA) , New York, a news organization; after I reported the fbi/cia's intense efforts to silence me, Ted asked me to brief him on the fbi fraud that I reported to Congress. Then, Ted invited me to New York for an interview in order to fully document my allegations. I agreed to come to New York to meet with Ted. However, the next day Ted revealed that the fbi (and the publisher) or some intelligence group advised him (presumeably under threat of losing his job) to stay away from Geral Sosbee and to have no further contact with Sosbee. The fbi successfully intimidated the press, by impliedly threatening Ted Montouri,or by attempting to discredit Sosbee.

I have no animosity for Ted Montouri; he wants to keep his job and feed his family. The problem, as I see the situation, is that the press cannot do its job if the threat of losing employment prevents the reporter from, among other functions, interviewing credible witnesses on a given story of public interest. The press, in short, cannot publish anything without the permission of the fbi/cia, unless the reporter is willing to risk losing employment.

Nevertheless, I credit Ted for having the initial courage to review my reports and for his offer (though later withdrawn) to interview me in person regarding my allegations against the fbi. Few reporters would have been so open to such a bomb shell against the world's two most deadly and corrupt terrorist organizations, the fbi and the cia.

Finally, if Ted were aware that he and other journalists may face the same torture campaign (as described by me in "My Story In Detail" at )as also endured by others around the world for exposing fbi and cia crimes against Humanity, then perhaps Ted would reconsider his retreat from the single most important story of his life . At least Ted should admit to the world that the facts stated in this clip are true. Do it, Ted.
geral sosbee
See Also: [link]
Note the desperate antics of Staten Island Advance as possibly reflected in the following entry on Google Search Engine (March 17, 2006) by
" statenislandadvance",

which challenges the reader at Google to find "compelling good judgment" by studying the following:

Staten Island Advance Find Compelling Factual Good Judgment ...Geral Sosbee: Ted Montouri-Staten Island Advance Ted Montouri-Staten Island Advance 17 Apr 2005 @ 20:32, by Geral Sosbee About six years ago, ... statenislandadvance/ - 23k - Cached - Similar pages
---------- --------------------
Sosbee writes:
The Staten Island 'Advance' is on the 'defense' as it suggests that good judgment is dictated to SIA by the fbi/cia assassins; the Google entry by condenastpublications may represent an admission by the SIA that Ted Montouri performed his unprofessional retreat from reality by reneging on his promise to interview Sosbee as a result of fbi/cia pressure. If the SIA has something to say, why not print it so the whole world can decide whether or not SIA exercised "good judgment". Do it , girls ! If Ted himself wrote/approved the "good judgment" statement, then Ted- you are a pathetic fool.geral sosbee.
Finally: to the Staten Island Advance, Towers Productions, and Paolo Guzzanti- you each had an opportunity to report the facts, but instead you chose to avoid your professional responsibilities as journalists and in some instances to verbally assault (or otherwise engage in ad hominum affronts) on Sosbee; you cannot in any event re-write the "compelling and factual " evidence in the FBI History Book and in the law books which I have referenced on my site,
Neither may you escape the global attention that your corrupt policies attract (in my opinion).
Be assured, therefore, that when the final chapter is written in this matter, those of you who cooperate with the assassins and torturers of the fbi and the cia , are forever known and condemned as dangerous fools and sycophants ,all in a kind of conspiratorial alliance with the enemies of mankind .geral sosbee
From Brownsville, Texas
October 3, 2006
Sosbee writes: Beware of Internet Message Boards which prevent the reporting of fbi/cia , police, and other fascist activities in the uSA. Some of these cowardly groups pretend to be a part of the free flow of data, but in reality they simply reflect the fraudulent standards of the old and dying mainstream media. Such groups prevent some of us from posting our ideas and our evidence.I recently tried to post with the following group, but I was prevented from posting a single article:
the group:
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Location: fascist uSA
Website: [link]
Occupation: Human Rights Against fbi/cia and punk killer cops
Interests: stop homicides
Sosbee writes: Then, on this date a visitor from the group visits my site at as shown below:

Geral W. Sosbee vs. fbi, Whistle Blower, ex-FBI Ag
By Location > Visit Detail
Visit 31,668
Domain Name ? (Network)
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Geral W. Sosbee vs. fbi, Whistle Blower, ex-FBI Ag
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Sosbee writes to the Herald-Dispatch Community Forum Index :
You girls are guilty of being little cowards at a time when our country is under attack by the fools & felons of the fbi, the cia, and the mindless killer cops in all jurisdictions across our land.

 Towers Productions: Wine and Farri
category picture17 Apr 2005 @ 18:48
In 1999 Geral Sosbee attempted to contact a writer with Towers Productions by the name of Ms. Weiner (hereinafter referred to as Wine) who, at the time, was gathering information for publication regarding
J. Edgar Hoover ; Wine was busy contacting fbi officials and had their permission to research the fbi's history, to conduct interviews with selected fbi employees, and to eventually publish a book or a documentary on the subject. Sosbee believed that the information in his possession regarding fbi retaliation against former fbi agents should be known by Wine, especially as the data was well documented by Sosbee; plus, at the time Sosbee was desperately seeking help from anyone who would listen. However, Wine turned bitter shortly after reading Sosbee's description of the nightmare life forced upon him and Wine then asked her boss at Towers Productions to stop Sosbee from trying to communicate with her or with Towers Productions. The VP of Towers Productions , one John Farrimond (hereinafter referred to as Farri),eagerly accommodated Wine and his letter to Sosbee can be seen at
The order from Farri to Sosbee was that Sosbee cease all contact and correspondence with her and with Towers Productions.
Sosbee notes that the complete corruption of Towers Production by the fbi is highlighted by the above summarized cowardly retreat from reality that Wine and Farri sought , even as they pretended to create a pseudo respectable historical article on the fbi and its director. Sosbee believes that the conduct by Wine and Farri exemplifies the abandonement of any semblance integrity by the media with regard to their coverage of fbi and cia activities and that the media does great damage to America and to the world by : 1)hiding or covering up important data regarding fbi fascist treatment of former Special Agents (and others) who are targeted for torture, forced suicide and murder by the fbi.
2)Supporting the black operations of the fbi and the cia through benign neglect and through direct prevention of the airing or publication of worthy news items.
3)Using their news and entertainment corporate offices to shield them (Wine and Farri)from responsibility for their conspiratorial roles in fbi and cia crimes against Humanity as Sosbee and others detail.
The record must now show that those individuals in the media such as Wine and Farri who profit from the suffering, imprisonment and death of whistleblowers and others will forever be remembered as the cowardly fools and enemies of human rights that they are.IMHO.
See Also: [link]

Warning: Adult Content.see:

2015 UPDATE:


 Paolo Guzzanti- Italian Journalist and punk
category picture15 Apr 2005 @ 20:09
On April 18, 2002, *Italian journalist Paolo Guzzanti (hereinafter referred to as 'Gut') wrote as follows :
"Conoscevo bene il sito di Sosbees, che è uno dei tanti monomaniaci americani in paranoico conflitto con le loro autorità."
the full article by Guzzanti is at
*Note:journalist Paolo Guzzanti - became in recent years a Berlusconi supporter and a Forza Italia party senator.
Gut does not know geral sosbee, has never met him, and has never spoken to Sosbee or anyone close to Sosbee who might be in a position to confirm Sosbee's reports of fbi/cia retaliation; further, Gut has not examined : volumes of evidence on Sosbee's website, the fbi fraudulent performance report, the scientific evidence of tracking device implanted in Sosbee, the overwhelming evidence contained in "My Story In Detail" (with accompanying data consistent therewith), and has certainly no credible evidence to support Gut's gratuitous and libelous assaults on Sosbee. In the event that Gut may have looked at such evidence, he dismisses all supporting documents without even making reference to them in his smear tactic. It is as though Gut works for the fbi and the cia and perhaps even has been fed fabricated and falsified information by the very agencies who engage in the atrocities Sosbee and others report.
For a professional journalist to engage in such low minded and obscene attacks on a person who reports evidence of fbi/cia crimes against Humanity is unforgiveable and Gut should get out of the profession even though every informed reader knows that the mainstream media is to some extent controlled by the fbi/cia and that many journalists are afraid to objectively cover stories such as Sosbee's regarding fbi/cia corruption.
Further, Gut is in a position to investigate the facts before he condemns the author of such; and Gut has the ability and the responsibility to do so. *In failing in his duties to the world's population Gut contributes to the ongoing efforts by the fbi and the cia to force into suicide or imprisonment those persons (including journalists) who expose fbi and cia crimes against Humanity and other high crimes and misdemeanors worldwide. Gut, in short, is a disgrace both as a journalist and as a man , for living in fear of (or in feigning respect for) the two most treacherous, homicidal and corrupt agencies on earth , the fbi and the cia.
You Gut are at last a coward and a punk; I use these words not to simply offend you, but because these words most adequately reflect who and what you represent. geral sosbee
See Also: [link]
And See:

*Warning: Adult Content.See:
July 7, 2006 news:
Italy's CIA probe widens to domestic espionage
Boston Globe - Jul 07
ROME -- What began as an investigation into the alleged CIA abduction of a radical Muslim cleric has mushroomed into a wider probe of possibly illegal domestic espionage by Italian intelligence agents compiling dossiers on judges, journalists, and prosecutors.

 New Director of U.S. Intelligence Agencies
category picture13 Apr 2005 @ 00:30
This update is brought forth by ' T ' who is defined in a February, 2005, update and whose real life adventures on the front line of the 'invisible war' (described by T in "My Story In Detail" at )continue to spark inquiry around the globe: T notices today that
John Negroponte (hereinafter referred to as ' N ' ) "vows to unify U.S. intelligence agencies, give `the unvarnished truth'." ( Frank Davies, Knight Ridder Newspapers ).
T notes that N presumes to assume the duties as Intelligence Director over some 15 agencies of the United States, a bold but unrealistic goal. T is in a unique position to report at a later date whether and to what extent N keeps his promise to the world (though ostensibly N makes the promise only to the American people). T continues to be under hostile fire from the main human rights offender in the U.S. , the fbi; T will soon know whether N truly intends to stop the torture and other human rights violations at home and abroad. However, T notes that if N does nothing to hold the criminals in the fbi responsible for the continuing assaults on T , then N may simply intend to imply that ongoing wholesale terrorist activity by the fbi domestically are excepted from the mandate to report the unvarnished truth to the people; further, the torture campaign now underway against T is in widespread use against other Targets globally and N may simply maintain that such atrocities (as forced suicides, murder, false imprisonment, psyops and psychotronic assaults) are all lawful in the U.S. as public policy and by executive orders. As T has shown in his law suit against the fbi
( [link] ) case 534US894
U.S. public policy becomes the law of the entire globe under the NWO and human rights issues always take a back seat to such public policy when the fbi/cia are involved.
So, in the next report from T we will learn exactly what N is made of; T does not have high expectations of the man who has a history of turning a blind eye to wholesale human rights abuses.
sosbee writes as follows on April 30, 2005: see my current update entitled "attorney at law" (and my April 25 , 2005, comment under this topic) for further evidence that Negroponte is a fraud.
See article dated March 18, 2005, on Porter Goss, cia Director

For more information on the murderous nature of intelligence agents see:
dated and entitled:
Monday, November 27, 2006
The Wreckers: False Lights and the Nature of Evil

and see:


The information in the above cited sites should be required reading for all Americans.
For more info on the cia see:

 Intelligence Data
category picture7 Apr 2005 @ 17:30
This date I received from an acquaintance the names and locations of several fbi/cia operatives who have intimate knowledge of murder, blackmail, and related psychological operations currently in use around the world. I believe the information is reliable, but if it is not, then no harm done. I requested permission to print the names worldwide, not as punks and thugs, but as material witnesses (mdmw-mental dwarf-material witness;for a definition of mental dwarf see: [link] )
the acquaintance refused to give permission stating that the operative (cia) would 'murder in cold blood' the acquaintance if I published the names.
*Therefore, all persons who can provide me with the names of such fbi/cia handlers, operatives and agents, please know that these people are possible mdmws to high crimes against the people of the U.S. and the world and may well be engaged in or witness to the commission of crimes against Humanity; what I want to do is to name them as possible mdmws, ask them to report the information in their possession, or to deny any knowledge thereof.Their names will then be on record for the world to see in the next century, as the killing machine of the U.S. is rejected by all of mankind. As far as being murdered, those who report these names may die on your feet; those who live in fear of these snakes will live and die on your knees.Best Wishes.
My message to Intelligence Officers in the yeat 2000:
Today, my message : you are not IOs; rather you are merchants of torture, mahem and death; and while you labor to hide your identities today, tommorrow all the world will know and despise you by name.
see Also:
Note to those companies and persons who profit from fbi/cia crimes against Humanity and other atrocities: you fail today in your responsibility to all of mankind and in the morrow your names are recorded for posterity as the selfish, cowardly and greedy fools you are.
See headlines March 15, 2006:Ross Perot's Outsourcing Company Hires Controversial Ex-CIA Agent By Paul McDougall
Wed Mar 15, 12:00 PM ET
Click below for the report from:
John St. Clair Akwei vs.
NSA, Ft. Meade, MD, USA

See also my statements on " the meaning of T ", dated February 24, 2005,
See my own efforts to identify awful miscreants at:
From Brownsville, Texas
August 23, 2006

The following headlines from By BARRY SCHWEID, AP Diplomatic Writer
caught my attention for reasons explained below:

"... the House Intelligence Committee issued a report that concluded Iran was a strategic threat and a country focused on developing nuclear weapons capability. It also linked Iran to Hezbollah, Hamas and other terrorist groups."

Sosbee adds: This is the same House Intelligence Committee that approves by rubber stamp the fbi and cia use of forced suicides, torture, imprisonment (with routine kidnappings) and murder of critics of USA's corrupt and homicidal policies globally. The United States now must allow the so called Security Council to carry out possible sanctions against Iran; this is exactly what Iran expects. Both Russia and China refuse to permit the world to destroy Iran; the USA will not rattle China's chains because the two corrupt, patriarchal and ruthless regimes (USA & China) are making amazing progress on the political front (except for matters relating to Iran and N. Korea)and in economic matters. Also, China has a larger time horizon than the USA and is willing to wait a million years if necessary to assert is superiority in the universe.
Therefore, we are witnessing today the greatest success story in modern times by a country, Iran, which stood up to the tyrants of the United States and her puny and misguided allies (mainly in western Europe) with style, cunning and true leadership. As I have pointed out in another context, look for global leadership to come from the most unexpected place, possibly from the great nation and people of I R A N.
From Brownsville, Texas
December 1, 2006

The reports of Russian government use of Polonium 210 to murder people are being carefully edited by the mainstream media in order to prevent the truth from surfacing. The murder of former Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko was in the best interests of the corrupt Putin regime and also protects the cia and the fbi from damaging revelations about international goon squads set up by fbi,cia,mi6,Italian Secret Police and Israeli Intelligence, for the purpose of eliminating resistance to the NWO; any sign of nationalistic patriotism that threatens the NWO is considered a small fire and must be put out. The
killing of Anna Politkovskaya and the threats on Mario Scaramella are consistent with this theory. Also, the Robert Hanssen spy case set up and choreographed by the fbi against one of their own was used to continue the charade of rivalry between the uSA and the former Soviet Union. The truth is that the Putin regime sleeps with the enemies of mankind (the uSA and Israel), allows the cia and the fbi to roam unfettered in Russia (where the the fbi actually has offices), and all of these intelligence services (or cells within) cooperate with each other in the killing, by whatever means, of those individuals who have information regarding their high crimes worldwide. Finally, journalists such as Paolo Guzzanti assist the intelligence services slandering any credible witness who may attempt to report the truth regarding the global conspiracy (See my article entitled and dated as follows):
Paolo Guzzanti- Italian Journalist and punk
15 Apr 2005

For more info on the cia see:
See also:
From Brownsville, Texas
March 24, 2007
Study the evidence that verifies the following quote; then, substitute the letters "fbi" for the leters "cia" (in the passage below), add a few additional ideas that fit the circumstances of current fbi activities, and behold the common thread of joint fbi/cia hideous corruption that poisons the emerging world culture :


"The CIA is not now nor has it ever been a central intelligence agency. It is the covert action arm of the President's foreign policy advisers. In that capacity it overthrows or supports foreign governments while reporting "intelligence" justifying those activities. It shapes its intelligence, even in such critical areas as Soviet nuclear weapons capability, to support presidential policy. Disinformation is a large part of its covert action responsibility, and the American people are the primary target of its lies."
Now enter fbi:
The fbi is not now nor has it ever been an intelligence agency. It is the covert action arm of the President's domestic and foreign policy advisers. In that capacity it corrupts legitimate USA institutions and assists the cia in its *support of foreign governments while reporting "intelligence" justifying those activities. It shapes its intelligence reports to meet the political mandates of the day, even in such critical areas national security capability, to support outrageous presidential policy. Disinformation is a large part of its covert action responsibility, and the American people are the primary target of its lies.
*The fbi also aids the cia in overthrowing or destabilizing foreign governments, as may be indicated by political needs, the fbi and the cia always work closely together to terminate a common enemy or to achieve a deadly coup of grave importance to the interests of the two agencies.
** Sosbee writes: the fbi and the cia always cooperate in the extermination of any threat ('common enemy') to either the fbi or the cia; after all, the perfidious government agents reason, the fbi and the cia are the
........... HEARTBEAT OF THE USA............

category picture5 Apr 2005 @ 17:58
Prepare your children (and yourselves) for the world as follows:

1)Value at once the teachings of God and a devotion to the protection of human rights, placing the survival of others as a priority interest.
2)Enter a chosen and beloved profession not for money or political advantage, but in order to fulfill the first interest stated above.
3)Disavow all material items that conflict with the first two items listed above.
4)Prepare the mind well in the chosen discipline and become the very best in that arena, or the very best that is possible.
5)Help the disadvantaged above all others.
6)*Listen to the cries of your brothers and sisters the world over, even if no one else is listening, and help them if you can.
7)Seek not the extremes of a comfortable life style until every human being on earth has a comfortable existence.
8)Seek out the **accused for friendship and aid.
9)Use the skills you have gained wisely and quietly to undermine the assassins and the terrorists of the world, especially those in the fbi,cia, or other government body.
10)Prepare to die, but live as though you will never die.
11)Lead in thought, and do not follow.
12)Accept hardship or comforts equally (in an emotional sense) and reject the temptation to exploit or to assault your fellow human in any endeavor ( business or personal ).
13)Where you fail in any duty to your fellow creature, do not be too hard on yourself, but never deny to your heart/conscience the truth of the error and the need to correct it.
See Also:
See also:

Finally, my friends, you and I entered this world as great works of divine creation; let us take care not to leave it as wrecked mental cases at the hands of the archfiends around us.
*"Cautious, careful people, always casting about to preserve their reputation and social standing, never can bring about reform. Those who are really in earnest must be willing to be anything or nothing in the world's estimation...", and must be prepared to be despised and persecuted, tortured and murdered for ideas. Susan B. Anthony

" I suspect that all the crimes
committed by all the jailed criminals
do not equal in total social damage
that of the crimes committed against them"
Karl Menninger, M.D.
The Crime Of Punishment
The Viking Press, NY, 1969

*"As for anyone stopping up his ear from the complaining cry of the lowly one, he himself also will call and not be answered" Proverbs 21:13

**Often, neurotic conduct may reflect attempts to escape from the madness of violence and crime put upon the Target.

"The laws are like cobwebs: where the small flies are caught, and the great break through"

 Hate Website sends Sosbee a death message
category picture5 Apr 2005 @ 00:33
Geral Sosbee recently responded to an article on the fbi academy written by Russell Sellers. The article is located at [link] (The Troy Messenger , Troy, Alabama).
In Sosbee's response to the above cited article he advises Mr Russell Sellers concerning fbi corruption and criminal activities as set forth on the site at Sosbee also suggests that the graduates of the fbi academy are programmed to violate the civil rights of the people, etc., and that the media bears some responsibility for the coverup of atrocities committed by the fbi/cia.*
Sellers angrily begins a personal smear campaign on a hateful website where Sellers continues his ad hominem assault, suggesting that others join him and...

"(Commence bludgeoning Sosbee to death with alien weasels grown from the hairs of barbershop victims...err customers.)"

Sellers also falsely attributes the following statement to Sosbee; Sellers states:
"as for you"...

"Hey, my name is Geral Sosbee. Look at me, I live in my mom's basement and have nothing better to do than send e-mail's telling everybody how the FBI and CIA are out to get us all. I'm a bastard. No, really I am."
------------ -----------------

Then, as Sellers is not quite through with his low minded and ill informed attacks , he again invites the public to join him in his cowardly mission as Sellers posts Sosbee's photo on the hateful site and Sellers states :

"If you think this guy is as retarded as I have made him sound, please e-mail him your thoughts and tell him that typing with one thumb up his ass is never a good idea.
Mr. Sosbee, you, and your Conspiracy Theorists brethren, suck quite loudly."
------------- -----------------

Sosbee adds: to see the verbal assault in its entirety go to : [link]
The above mentioned article was taken down (see same link, "no sense of humor" statements) by Sellers in his efforts to explain his serious lapse of reason.
To Mr. Sellers , Sosbee writes: You sir should be ashamed of yourself, but your lack of good sense and your absence of respect for personal decorum preclude such. Your hateful methods and your guttural diction tell the whole story about you , and the discerning reader asks how it is that you are given the authority to publish anything for a professional journal such as the Troy Messenger. Your big mouth and large microphone reflect your desperation; your demeanor and style confirm the mental dwarf ( defined on my site) that attempts to hide beneath a facade of pseudo respectability.
geral sosbee
April 11, 2005: Apparently the Troy Messenger journalist Sellers (who suggested that others bludgeon me to death) removed the post and Sellers explains as follows:

Tuesday, March 22, 2005
No sense of humor
It's come to my attention that some people just have no sense of humor and they take themselves way too seriously. That being the case, I've cleared this post because some people just can't take it.
It's too bad really. If you can't laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at?
posted by Russell at 6:27 PM 2 comments
Sosbee writes:
Be honest Sellers: who told you to take it down due to possible criminal and civil liabilities which may attach to public solicitation to kill and due to libel laws, etc., all associated with the low minded (and indeed filthy) verbal assaults you made. As I indicated you are now forever known as a tyrant, punk, and loud mouth.
May 14, 2005 sosbee writes: see Sellers recent verbal assaults on this topic, but notice he carefully avoids naming the subject of his vile and barbaric (intended) slander:
Sellers admits: "I happen to suck at times myself...." See this confession of a hate monger at
May 14, 2005 sosbee writes: for more on the mentality of Sellers see his 'hit list' statements at
For more media responses to see:
"Officers fired 110 rounds at man suspected in deputy's death in
Khaleej Times - Sep 30 8:44 PM
LAKELAND, Florida - Officers fired 110 rounds of ammunition at the man
suspected of killing a sheriff's deputy, killing the suspect,
according to an autopsy released by the sheriff's office."

Sosbee writes that the news headlines should more accurately read:

Killer Kops cowardly kill in cold blood an innocent man cowering
prostrate before them; then, as though to send a subliminal threat the
country, these same foolish deputies continue needlessly to fire their
weapons into the corpse. At least one hundred bullets were
unnecessarily fired at the Target after he was dead punctuating the
lunacy of those wearing the badge at the scene. The apparent purpose
for the overkill is to send a message to you and to me: DON'T KILL US,
regardless of what we do to you.

The above cited scenario is repeated regularly across the country and
the corrupt media never question in their reports the possibility that
these Killer Cops are quite ill mentally and that they pose a real and
present danger to the public and to our Constitutional government. The
fbi trains these Killer Cops (or their superior chiefs) to murder any
person who is accused of taking the life of a law enforcement officer (
or other 'heinous offense') ; the code word which the fbi uses is
subliminal and is found in the phrase, "cop killer" ( the code word
"kill" is contained in the word, "killer"). The police and all other
law enforcement officers (including the insane SWAT group) immediately
seek to kill any such accused , especially when no cameras are present
and when the media is on board the police death train.
geral sosbee
Another hate Website administered by Christopher Rose begins foul and slanderous personal assaults on Sosbee at:

Particularly revealing of the Living Dead who post their disgusting and vile garbage is the person of Jodan Richardson who is carried away with his own gibberish with his arm extending, finger pointing, mouth wide opening and evil proclivities protruding. Rose permits all of the verbal assaults, deletes Sosbee's responses,and secretly bans Sosbee with no notice. At the time of the Jordan Richardson (JR) attacks an unidentified person (probably JR) visits [link] from the following url as reflected in the site meter entry at

By Location > Visit Detail
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Note that Rose states on his site "Personal attacks are not allowed." Then he and Jordan proceed to violate their own rules and the standards of fundamental fairness and human decency in their little character assassination plot.

 a small number of psychopaths create global chaos
category picture3 Apr 2005 @ 18:43
During my years in the fbi and thereafter I have observed the following *characteristics of many Special Agents of the fbi and the cia and their operatives (including those thugs presently torturing me):Highly aggressive, asocial,unable to form lasting bonds of affection with other human beings, lacking in a sense of remorse, and suspicious of all persons (especially those who are outside the sphere of influence).As a result of the programming of these people (who consider themselves superior to the rest of us) by the fbi academy and by the corrupt and macabre culture that contains them ,these agents and their operatives look upon their Targets as criminals and where the various labels don't stick (to the Target) the fbi and the cia (and their supporters) forge upon the Targets new labels , such as sociopathic, schizophrenic, etc.

DOD criminal participation in the torture of this combat war vet:


Further, I have observed (and continue to do so today) that the daily activity of the fbi and the cia employees often enhance their individual/unique pathologies; for example, some of these individuals are extremely sadistic and controlling (short,stocky and muscular-reminiscent of a definitive mesomorphic type), while others of a definitive endomorphic persuasion seek advancement in the fbi/cia as a means for approval by the fbi heirarchy and by society at large; finally, the most intelligent and at times creative of the lot are the definitive ectomorphic-types who see the broad picture and who are most powerful in the fbi/cia because of their ability to 'handle' and to assign people effectively as the internal needs of the fbi/cia may dictate at any given time. All three distinct types mentioned above engage in assaults on various members of society with the stated objective of imprisoning or killing the Target.To be sure the true intellects in the fbi/cia never allow their genius to stop or to interfere with goon squad black operations because the job must get done and the culture of death must be upheld and protected at all times.

The society at large (you and I) are affected by such prosecution obsessiveness because the fbi and the cia, predators as they are, rely on the ignorance, fear, and corruption of members of the broader society to effect fbi/cia goals or objectives. Indeed, even the Congress and the President of the United States bow to the fbi and to the cia for fear of retaliation by the psychopaths who rule.

Thus, the world now faces critical choices:on the one hand , educate ourselves regarding the complex relationship between the governors (fbi/cia,etc)armed at once with demented thinking and with high tech weaponry not imaginable to many of the governed ;and on the other hand, determine how best to proceed to unravel centuries of rule by those whose primary motive for existence is to imprison, torture and kill anyone who may be selected for such treatment. In this regard we must remember that cruelty is often contageous in 'group think ' and we must not allow retribution to dominate our own thinking as we address the crimes against Humanity by the fbi, cia and their cronies. We must realize that the torturers have historically tried to prove their worth (as law enforcers)by becoming more brutal and more insensitive than their perceived enemies, often trying to outdo even their own brethren (within their respective agencies)in the outrageous killing and torture tactics employed. We must not duplicate their pathology as we attempt to end it.

Finally, the world's population has largely allowed this abominable condition to evolve and is therefore responsible for the backlash now afoot.Respectfully.geral sosbee
* The following statement is true in a philosophical sense as it applies at all levels of law enforcement (federal, state and local) and is excerpted from:


"Most surveillance by the police state nothing more than entertainment and stalking by bored little punk losers. They just won't admit it." tommythebug, May 26,06.
the bigger picture:

 an example of lower education at American Universities
category picture1 Apr 2005 @ 16:34
This date the communications section of Weber State University (Utah) responded to sosbee's suggestion that the truth about the fbi be presented in Weber's future publications on the subject. Here is the response from Clemens, Travis. University Communications 801-626-7948 :

Date: Fri, 01 Apr 2005 09:27:20 -0700 From: "Travis CLEMENS" Add to Address Book To: Subject: Re: the real news

On April 1, 2005, Clemens apologizes for the above response and states that he thought my message to him about the fbi/cia assassins was an April Fools joke. I accept the apology.
For more info regarding the corruptive influence of the fbi and the cia on world educational centers see:

From Brownsville, Texas
July 17, 2007
Headlines this date regarding fbi background checks at colleges and universities:
"Law gives FBI checks go ahead
Associated Press
Published Tuesday, July 17, 2007"

Sosbee writes: the new law (sponsored by Sen. Larry Robinson) is an abomination in the making. The liars, fabricators, terrorists, assassins and traitors of the fbi are the keepers of the gate to academic freedom; the fbi files are outrageous volumes of inneuendos on top of lies and misrepresentations that directly destroy lives in a most unlawfully despicable and unconstitutional manner.
Attorney General Wayne Stenehjem falsely states of the new law:
“What we’re talking about are people’s criminal convictions,”.... A person with enough resources and time would be able to go around the country and get these records. These are not personal details about anybody. If I’m living in a dormitory, I’d like to know if my RA (resident attendant) is a convicted sex offender or a burglar.”
The statement above by Stenehjem is an outright lie. See "My Story In Detail" :
Also see my article dated and titled as follows at this website:
100 2006-11-07 17:16 Stories the parable of the fox in the hen 'House'
Understand that the fbi files on this and many others are civil in nature,
have no semblance of truth, are recorded to silence activists and 'troublemakers', and are accepted globally by governments and institutions (including academia) in order to comply with NWO inhumane mandates. The loss of personal freedom and privacy are now encouraged by universities in the uSA, and the future of academic opportunity is as dark as the black hole of deceit and trickery from which the fbi historically operates.
Shame on those who support and honor this law.

P.S.: The fbi is very unhappy with the above report regarding academic freedom, as the cowards intensely assault Sosbee all night with the ELF technology.
For more evidence of the fbi's corruption of colleges and universities, see my testimony at:
See also China's rejection of Sosbee's application to teach:
and Japan's Nova Group also rejects Sosbee as a direct result of the fbi's slander and libel campaign (link is forthcoming).
For more on the low mentality of our academic leaders, see the sycophantic UT respond in kind to fascist CSUN by sending a cleverly devised subliminal message to Sosbee, the Target of their misplaced loyalty to fbi/cia assassins:
Also, see UT's unlawful retaliation against Sosbee :

 fbi indicts self
category picture23 Mar 2005 @ 18:51
AP : March 22, 2005
"... FBI agent ...[sees]... detainees shackled hand and foot in a fetal position for 18 to 24 hours at a time, and that most had urinated or defecated on themselves. One had "apparently been literally pulling his hair out throughout the night...."
geral sosbee writes: The fbi knew of the atrocities and war crimes being committed at the facility and did nothing about it because the fbi/cia employs similar torture techniques designed to kill or to force suicide upon the Target. *The fbi finds very convenient timing to now admit to guilty knowledge of such crimes against Humanity, especially given the inevitable investigation of such atrocities by outside (non U.S. government)authorities and human rights organizations. The fbi, therefore, unveils the criminal intent of the agents involved as they attempt to cover up their participation in the atrocities. The people of the world do not accept the fbi's belated efforts to portray themselves in white knight gallantry.
This report on fbi guilty knowledge of torture is officially confirmed and verified by reuters on May 16, 2008 (three years after my report):
Report faults FBI handling of agents' Gitmo complaints:
Reuters via Yahoo! News - May 16 9:57 PM
"... faults the bureau's for responding slowly to complaints from its own agents about the tactics, The New York Times ..."
See Also:

For more evidence of fbi coverup/failure to investigate , see:
The following is excerpted:
"One e-mail, dated December 2003, describes an incident in which military interrogators at Guantanamo impersonated FBI agents while using "torture techniques" against a detainee. It concludes, "If this detainee is ever released or his story made public in any way, DOD interrogators will not be held accountable because these torture techniques were done [by] 'FBI' interrogators. The FBI will [be] left holding the bag before the public."
sosbee writes: whether or not the fbi was impersonated does not address the issue of guilty knowledge of the atrocities committed; indeed, the fbi is required to aggressively investigate any such alleged impersonation and then is also required to report same to the U.S Attorney General for a prosecutorial opinion.
Evidence:Defense: FBI ignored terror suspect's claims of torture
Hampton Roads Daily Press - May 11 9:44 AM
ALEXANDRIA, Va. -- FBI agents who obtained a confession from a Virginia man that he joined al-Qaida and plotted to assassinate President Bush ignored his claims of being tortured by Saudi authorities, according to defense motions.
Regarding one Target (known to fbi) : "His torturers did not only inflict on him physical pain in the form of beating and whipping, but used the most sadistic forms of psychological torture as well," defense lawyers Ashraf Nubani and Leonard Weinglass wrote.
sosbee writes: federal bureau of investigation and torture agents and operatives also hide their complicity in and sponsorship of macabre episodes where the victim often commits suicide while the fbi punks watch in real time.

"American FBI agents have been accused of "turning a blind eye" to the alleged torture of two US citizens of Pakistani origin by Pakistan's security services. "
see also:
"ISLAMABAD, Pakistan American FBI agents repeatedly interrogated two U.S. citizens who had been illegally detained and did nothing to stop them from being tortured by the Pakistani authorities, a human rights group said Tuesday".
See the following link regarding FBI e-mail reference to Presidential Order Authorizing Inhumane Interrogation Technique dated 12-20-04:
See also the following site in reference to the fbi's attitude on sleep deprivation (a torture tactic used presently against Sosbee in the United States by the fbi):
* Now, three years later the criminals agents in the fbi seek public adoration of the fbi ( which in reality is killing culture) by using all too willing ABC to spread the following pretentious headline:
FBI Holds First Blood Drive for Troops Overseas
posted 2:56 pm Fri March 28, 2008 - WASHINGTON
And See:

"...FBI agents for several years witnessed wide-ranging abuses at three military lockups in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay."

 fbi national academy
category picture22 Mar 2005 @ 17:44
Re: Jimmy Ennis graduates from FBI Academy
The Troy Messenger - Mar 22 , 2005

I trust that Ennis is the exception to the following rule regarding graduates from the fbi national academy:

All graduates from the academy are accepted into the brotherhood of the ruling elite of global law enforcement which means that total allegiance to the fbi's macabre ethics and standard operating procedure are honored without question; further, the graduate is deeply programmed (through state of the art mind control technology-enforced by sophisticated reward systems in place) to lie, calumniate, cover-up, falsely imprison, conspire to violate human rights and to murder as may be indicated by the fbi upon graduation and forever thereafter. The fbi has thousands of such programees in place throughout the United States (and around the world *)ready upon notice to perform instantaneously the fbi's assignment, not unlike the programming of the famous Manchurian Candidate character. **This is very dangerous because these graduates are often marked for positions of top leadership in law enforcement organizations and security firms throughout the globe. Thus, if the world is happy with the U.S. intelligence maneuvers (as reflected in fbi/cia black operations, covert actions by death squads, and unending efforts to overthrow governments around the world)then the graduate from the fbi national academy is the hero of the day; for he/she is ostensibly adorned with a badge of pseudo respect beneath which resides all the potential evil and horror, cowardice and lack of integrity that the fbi and the cia have come to symbolize in the world today.
*as reported by recent graduates[ Columbia, France, England, Romania, Philippines, Indonesia, United Arab Emirates, Pakistan, Jordan, Denmark, Korea, Hong Kong, Chili, Switzerland, Canada, Trinidad, Turkey, Germany, Saipan, South Africa, Tanzania, Australia and Malaysia].Note: curious entry of Hong Kong.
**academy's own statistics:3,433 deceased
9,9943 retired
1,719 out of law enforcement
22,898 actively engaged in law enforcement

The following figures show those occupying the position of heads of their agencies:

5,356 are chiefs of police
559 are sheriffs
107 are heads of state police agencies
276 others hold positions as heads of their respective agencies
A total of 39,473 fools have graduated from the FBI National Academy since it began in July 1935.

sosbee's note to all graduates of the fbi national academy:be not proud , boys and girls, of your programming there, as you will soon hide from public view any evidence of your association with the brotherhood of the world's most infamous group of ...
Unidentified Felonious Offenders and human rights violators.
After I wrote the above article, the author of the original piece on fbi national academy, by Russell Sellers.[see : The Messenger, Troy Alabama ,link: [link] ]
puts the following on the internet (excerpted from:

If you think this guy is as retarded as I have made him sound, please e-mail him your thoughts and tell him that typing with one thumb up his ass is never a good idea.
Mr. Sosbee, you, and your Conspiracy Theorists brethren, suck quite loudly.

(Commence bludgeoning Sosbee to death with alien weasels grown from the hairs of barbershop victims...err customers.)

"Hey, my name is Geral Sosbee. Look at me, I live in my mom's basement and have nothing better to do than send e-mail's telling everybody how the FBI and CIA are out to get us all. I'm a bastard. No, really I am."
From Brownsville, Texas
October 1, 2006

cops kill an innocent man and then use his body for target practice

"Officers fired 110 rounds at man suspected in deputy’s death in Florida
Khaleej Times - Sep 30 8:44 PM
LAKELAND, Florida - Officers fired 110 rounds of ammunition at the man suspected of killing a sheriff’s deputy, killing the suspect, according to an autopsy released by the sheriff’s office."

Sosbee writes that the news headlines should more accurately read:

Killer Kops cowardly kill in cold blood an innocent man cowering prostrate before them; then, as though to send a subliminal threat the country, these same foolish deputies continue needlessly to fire their weapons into the corpse. At least one hundred bullets were unnecessarily fired at the Target after he was dead punctuating the lunacy of those wearing the badge at the scene. The apparent purpose for the overkill is to send a message to you and to me: DON'T KILL US, regardless of what we do to you.

The above cited scenario is repeated regularly across the country and the corrupt media never question in their reports the possibility that these Killer Cops are quite ill mentally and that they pose a real and present danger to the public and to our Constitutional government. The fbi trains these Killer Cops (or their superior chiefs) to murder any person who is accused of taking the life of a law enforcement officer ( or other 'heinous offense') ; the code word which the fbi uses is subliminal and is found in the phrase, "cop killer" ( the code word "kill" is contained in the word, "killer"). The police and all other law enforcement officers (including the insane SWAT group) immediately seek to kill any such accused , especially when no cameras are present and when the media is on board the police death train.
From Brownsville, Texas
October 3, 2006
Sosbee sends the above notice to several law enforcement agencies in Florida; then, he receives the following e-mail response from

"Kathryn Ridgely" at
Brevard County Sheriff's office:

"The media tends to stretch the truth and I feel unless we were there we have no right to judge."

-----Original Message-----
From: geral sosbee []
Sent: Monday, October 02, 2006 7:12 PM
To: NorthPrecinct
Subject: killer kops- stop them

"Officers fired 110 rounds at man suspected in deputy's death in
Khaleej Times - Sep 30 8:44 PM
LAKELAND, Florida - Officers fired 110 rounds of ammunition at the man
suspected of killing a sheriff's deputy, killing the suspect,
according to an autopsy released by the sheriff's office."

Sosbee writes that the news headlines should more accurately read:

Killer Kops cowardly kill in cold blood an innocent man cowering
prostrate before them; then, as though to send a subliminal threat the
country, these same foolish deputies continue needlessly to fire their
weapons into the corpse. At least one hundred bullets were
unnecessarily fired at the Target after he was dead punctuating the
lunacy of those wearing the badge at the scene. The apparent purpose
for the overkill is to send a message to you and to me: DON'T KILL US,
regardless of what we do to you.

The above cited scenario is repeated regularly across the country and
the corrupt media never question in their reports the possibility that
these Killer Cops are quite ill mentally and that they pose a real and
present danger to the public and to our Constitutional government. The
fbi trains these Killer Cops (or their superior chiefs) to murder any
person who is accused of taking the life of a law enforcement officer (
or other 'heinous offense') ; the code word which the fbi uses is
subliminal and is found in the phrase, "cop killer" ( the code word
"kill" is contained in the word, "killer"). The police and all other
law enforcement officers (including the insane SWAT group) immediately
seek to kill any such accused , especially when no cameras are present
and when the media is on board the police death train.
geral sosbee

Upon receipt of the above message from 'K', Sosbee sends the following final message to her:

Date: Tue, 3 Oct 2006 08:17:10 -0700 (PDT)
From: "geral sosbee" Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
Subject: RE: killer kops- stop them
To: "Kathryn Ridgely"
K- thanks for the response.

Failure to 'judge' reported atrocities/brutalities (even when the media stretches the truth, which in this instance they probably did not) may result in Nazi type fascism.

Best Wishes.
geral sosbee

In my work I put on notice a group of sorry low life thugs wearing badges around the country, the type that you may not recognize: the torturers, assassins, liars and thieves of the fbi and their brothers in law enforcement at all levels. I frequently tell these punks (as I informed twirp Sheriff Judge in Lakeland) that I am coming after them (in an intellectual sense) and that they (the cowardly and homicidal fools wearing badges) have no place to hide.
I hope that you may relay this message to all of your deputies.


 Kate Martin- Center For National Security Studies
category picture21 Mar 2005 @ 20:12
From the New York Daily News, March 21, 2005:
Giving the CIA a free hand in the United States is dangerous because it lacks the FBI's system of constitutional restraint, and oversight by Congress is also harder, said Kate Martin of the Center for National Security Studies.
"The CIA breaks the laws of the countries they operate in," Martin said. "The FBI doesn't break the law anywhere."
Geral Sosbee writes: Kate Martin is either a fool or a conspiratorial assassin as evidenced by the above statements. Perhaps she is in the employ of the fbi; if not, then the fbi terrorists receive her gross hyperbole gratis. For this reason Kate Martin cannot be trusted and the organization that she represents is a fraud.

 In the news is Porter Goss, cia director...
category picture18 Mar 2005 @ 22:59
Porter Goss states , "We don't do torture" (AP, March 18, 2005).
geral sosbee writes: Mr. Goss, you are a pathological liar and have personally approved a blanket program of torture and assassination ,but if you have not so approved then you are aware that torture is routine (both at home and abroad)and in use by the fbi and the cia globally. The cowards of the U.S. Congress might pretend to accept your lies, but those in the know reject every syllable that falls from your hideous mouth.
Your long history of close ties to the assassins of the cia tells the real story, Mr. Goss. You can see your shadows between the words of the timeline of cia atrocities written by a victim of cia atrocities, Steve Kangas.
If the world awakens in time , Mr. Goss, you will be tried for your participation in or approval of crimes against Humanity.
News: July 17, 2006
New CIA Chief Turns to Old Guard
NPR - "New CIA chief Michael Hayden has been firming up his leadership team, and there's hardly a new face among them. For all the top jobs, Hayden has either brought back CIA veterans who had left, or elevated long-serving deputies. Mary Louise Kelly reports."

Sosbee comments: The United States of America is defended by professional assassins, fools, and the cowards and sycophants who fear them. The Hayden incompetence factor will further endanger the lives of people around the world. They just don't learn.

category picture18 Mar 2005 @ 18:26
This update is in response to a threat delivered to me today from the fbi/cia agents and operatives in Thailand: "if you come back to Thailand you will again be treated as , 'insane criminal cases in Thailand' ". Reference is made in the threat to my remarks on Thailand at :

During my 3 months stay in Thailand these low life and cowardly punks terrorized me by kidnapping, drugging, surveilling, assaulting, provoking, etc. I was in effect under their control most of the time because I was often unable to get out of bed from the effects of their crimes committed on my person. I was in a sense blind folded with my hands bound behind my back as the Thailand punks came at me from all directions night and day, seeking a way to arrest me on any charge.All of this was at the direction of the fbi.
The fbi and the cia rule every aspect of the Thai society as may be deemed appropriate. The two corrupt agencies of the United States employ Thai citizens as assassins and as 'AGENT PROVOCATEURS '. Often the Thai operative for the fbi/cia is of Chinese ethnicity and the ones I met were sociopathic in their approaches to me. The astute Thai citizen is aware of the Chinese thugs operating as government assassins and the Thais don't like it. I suspect that when the Thai proletariat learns of the total corruption of their government , a nasty backlash will occurr. The fbi and the cia, however, are so entrenched in the Thai society that the people who seek to correct the inhumane abuses of power there will be murdered, imprisoned or tortured. The only real alternative for the Thai, in my opinion, is to remove the King and to throw out the fbi and the cia and any other hint of US imperialism in the country; I hope that this can be done peacefully; however, the fbi and the cia do not allow peaceful revolutions; there is no gain in that. Meanwhile, China is no doubt infiltrating Thailand with China's own and best double agents, so that the US control over all of SE Asia may become an illusion. The most cunning of all spies are those who can play both angles at the same time: cause a bloody revolution or kill specific Targets and simultaneously seek diplomatic and aesthetic solutions to complex socio-economic issues facing the nation.
To the cowards who threaten me again: you failed to arrest me there and the fbi/cia fail to arrest me here. I ask you, punks, the same question that you frequently asked me during many of your assaults: "Where you going" to run [when the people learn of your subversion of their country] ?

 U.S. Justice Dept. nervous and looking to imprison someone
category picture24 Jan 2005 @ 22:37
I have documented fbi criminal activities for several years and some of the evidence of such offenses are on my website; the U.S. Department of Justice is complicitous in some of the crimes ; officials of that Department actively aid the fbi in the cover-up of numerous felonies (as outlined throughout my site). See the non consensual cover research page of the site in a few days , or visit the site meter now to see the visit to my site by the Justice Department on 1-24-05, such visit reflecting a keen interest in the fraudulent performance report and the photo of the fbi supervisor -Ken Kaiser- who wrote and signed it in an attempted extortion scheme . Perhaps the Justice Department officials desire now to put someone in jail; the question for the corrupt fascist government of the U.S. is whom to prosecute and imprison, and on what charge; in other words , does the Department want to prosecute the fbi criminals and the corrupt officials in the Department, or does the Department prefer to explore ways to silence the Target/victim/reporter of the fbi/cia's hideous and inhumane assaults which continue as this update is written.
Note: As a result of the visit to the site by DOJ, the government cannot now claim that the prosecutors were/are unaware of the prima facie case of attempted extortion by Ken Kaiser (fbi-chicago). The site meter entry is summarized as follows:

Geral W. Sosbee vs. fbi, Whistle Blower, ex-FBI Ag
Visit Detail @ 1/24/2005 1:38:19 PM

Domain Name ? (United States Government)
IP Address 149.101.1.# (Various Registries)
Language Setting English
Operating System Microsoft Win2000
Browser Internet Explorer 5.5
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0; T312461; DOJ3jx7bf)
Time of Visit Jan 24 2005 1:38:19 pm
Last Page View Jan 24 2005 1:38:19 pm
Visit Length 0 seconds
Page Views 1
Referring URL [link]
Visit Entry Page [link]
Visit Exit Page [link]
see original site meter entry of U.S. DOJ at: [link]


On Prisons:

 homeland security threatens imprisonment for allowing sosbee to post
category picture8 Jan 2005 @ 16:27
The message boards recently deleted most of my posts, but allowed numerous slanderous and vile verbal assaults against me to remain on the boards; I then responded with the statement seen below in paragraph 1 (one). Shortly thereafter homeland security weighed in and sent the moderators of the board into a cowardly retreat as shown in paragraph 2 (two) below. I must therefore conclude that homeland security is ,like the fbi, a fascist arm of the executive branch of government as it capriciously theatens imprisonment for allowing sosbee to post; at the same time those who obey the gestapo dictates of atlanta (the mouse that roared in the article seen below) are quite simply cowards as they surrender our country into the hands of totalitarians and torturers.
------------ ----------------- -------------
1)sosbee writes: To those who post the vile bestial messages in apparent effort to outdo each other's filth of mind, "it's never too late to come over to the side of the angels" (as Barbara Hartwell reminds us), yet don't wait too long , lest you stumble in the final moments (of toying with our Maker) and fall back into the dark abyss of misanthropy where you otherwise make your habitat from cradle to grave.
2)Philosopher (administrator of writes to geral sosbee:
"Hiren Desai"
Joined: 23 Jan 2002
Posts: 497
Location: England
Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 1:46 am Post subject:
Your account has been terminated

This morning, I recieved the following email from the United States Department of Homeland Security. Suspecting that it may be a hoax, I contacted the Department for confirmation. They replied promptly, verifying the email, and stating that "any further delaying tactics will be regarded as an attempt to undermine Homeland Security efforts." I have conferred with the forum staff, and we have concluded that we have no choice but to comply with their instructions.

"Dear Site Administrator,

Under the below provisions of the USAPATRIOT Act (2001) you must forthwith terminate any electronic communications from the source identified as "geral sosbee." Failure to do so may result in prosecution and imprisonment. Furthermore, you must immediately surrender any and all records that could assist the Department in identifying and locating the source, including (but not limited to) IP addresses, Internet Service Provider details and access logs. You have 24 hours to comply, or further action will be taken.

Relevant Sections: Title I Sec. 105; Title II Secs. 201, 202, 206, 210, 214, 215, 220; Title V Sec. 504; Title VIII Secs. 811, 814, 816; Title IX Sec. 901; Title X Sec. 1003.

Many thanks for your cooperation.

Atlanta Hayes,
Department of Homeland Security"

geral sosbee writes an administrative note: recent assaults by fbi (now joined in spirit by homeland security ) apparently resuts from my recent resumption of work with Barbara Hartwell (see info on possible murder of Steve Kangas who reported a timeline of cia Barbara Hartwell button on my site).
Also: see March 7, 2005, entry below regarding's moderator apologizing to sosbee.sosbee accepts the apology.
On January 21, 2006, Sosbee sees the following data (in reference to at the site indicated:

Joined: 09 Oct 2005
Posts: 28

Dear all,

I guess this one has been milked as much as is humanly possible.

This ruse was brought to you courtesy of Atlanta Hayes and all other fictional characters created by the ILP Thinktank. Just a bit of fun at geral sosbee's expense.

Thanks for playing!


Sat Nov 19, 2005 1:26 am

minor deity

Joined: 07 Oct 2005
Posts: 1539

i hope you realise the true theorists (tm) will never let this one go.

when you earnestly belive you can compensate for lack of skill by doubling your efforts, there's no end to what you can't do.

Sat Nov 19, 2005 1:36 am

Joined: 09 Oct 2005
Posts: 28

Yeah you're right, but in some ways it gives me a little bit of evidence against such conspiracy theories. I know 100% that there is no 'conspiracy' here because a friend of mine and I made it up! So people like geral who went on for months on his website about how the FBI/CIA/MCdonalds had banned him from a philosophy website and most probably tapped his phone, just show themselves to be complete and utter fruitcakes.

I'm happy for the theorists to continue their search. I'll even give you Atlanta's email


 hate mail in response to McMurtrey article
category picture20 Nov 2004 @ 16:41
For the information of all interested parties:
After my last few postings (particularly regarding the McMurtrey article) numerous hate mails were sent to me from the Palestinian Indymedia boards. I find such profane and apparently angry responses (which I will not post here in respect for decorum) very interesting in the context of my efforts to report on the exotic weaponry used by the U.S. and its friends against selected Targets worldwide. I now seek to determine over the next several months the following:
1) The extent of Israeli Investment in and/or possible use of Mind Control technology; 2) The identity and/or source of any other nation or group which employ against the Palestinians (or any other peoples) high tech electronic weaponry related or comparable to those described in the McMurtrey article in efforts to curb Palestinian violence (or for any other purpose) ;specifically, I am interested to learn of mind altering or behavioral modification techniques possibly used on a massive scale, and in this regard I recall the ultrasound devices used by the fbi against the Davidians just prior to killing them all (see:; 3)The post mortem results on Arafat; 4)A complete listing of the nations that have or use such high tech electronic weaponry and the extent to which and the locations where they were used and against whom; 5)The degree to which the fbi/cia share or coordinate intelligence data (and satellite devices , or other hardware and funding thereof) with intelligence agencies of U.S. allies/friends including Great Britain and Israel.
After the hate mail was sent to me from the Indymedia Palestinian boards, the directors of Indymedia Palestine began to screen and to reject some of my articles and I suspect that the truth of my reports are deemed by such authorities as not politically acceptable at this time.
[I am grateful to Vaxen for his assistance and keen interest in this subject].

 A Response To Critics
category picture19 Nov 2004 @ 17:05
Human suffering is of universal concern to those of us who seek to reduce it through shared experiences associated with corrupt regimes and evil people.

All message boards are one ; the conflicts and the associated sufferings of each human being on earth are of vital interest to all sensitive and alert persons who see the direction that corrupt governments and wicked hearts presume to pursue.The exotic weaponry used by the fbi/cia and their friends around the world now introduces advanced inhumane methods to dominate earth and space once and for all. Anyone who cannot or will not investigate the sources and methods associated with killing, torturing and imprisoning our brothers and sisters worldwide has little to offer by way of intelligent discussion. Those of us who seek to end the madness of war and hatred are always amazed from one generation to the next that our counterparts, the confused hate mongers, misanthropes and mental dwarfs ( defined on my site) violently oppose us. My language is not intended to insult or to offend, but may allow some introspection from each of us in our pursuit and comprehension of important information.
See critics message below:

This date Sosbee receives the following message:

Subject: Re.: "fbi/cia world inhumane domination"
Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2006 17:25:42 +0000

I read your rant and have this to say: Politically I support the Libertarian party. If somewhere on earth there existed a Libertarian government I would do one of two things: 1. Move to and live under that government or 2. Stop bitching about this government.
Since you seem to hate this government (and I am no fan of most of it) why don't you do what I would?
Jerry T. Searcy
The first lesson of economics is
scarcity: There is never enough of
anything to satisfy all those who
want it.
The first lesson of politics is to
disregard the first lesson of
Thomas Sowell

 not so fast !
category picture9 Nov 2004 @ 19:40
The U.S. violent overthrow of global governments (as now evident for example in the horrendous killing campaign in Iraq , etc.)is well on track and is spearheaded by the cia and the fbi ,with lies-deceit-treachery and murder as their stepping stones; North America, South America, Africa, Australia,the Arctics , Europe and outer space are well contained . The Middle East is also in the bloody bag, for now, but China and its friends presently and secretly question at once how it is that the hooligans and high tech cut throats of the U.S. have so quickly and comprehensively hog tied the various countries of the world, and how best to stop this inhumane and unacceptable assault on their own culture.The U.S. plan to bring China to its knees is meeting its match in the form of an equally analytic and potentially treacherous intellectual elite which until recently only theoretically questioned the motives and methods of the world's most apparently inhumane government: The United States of America. China now studies the best and most deadly weaponry that the U.S. may foreseeably employ against them (including nuclear , psychological and psychoelectronics, etc.)and then in a flash of genious seizes upon an opportunity (seen only by them ) to deal with the 'parvenu' nation in a most definitive manner. Meanwhile the fbi and the cia bask in their delusions of superiority and push the U.S. into ignoble world status.

 Never Abandon A Hostage
category picture29 Oct 2004 @ 15:44
In a recent AP article the following statement was published:
by:Yasunori Sone
Professor, Graduate School of Media and Governance
Faculty of Policy Management
Subject:24-year-old Shosei Koda
Sone states:
"Even if he is killed, people will feel sorry for him but they will also think it was his own responsibility," said Keio University political scientist Yasunori Sone.

geral sosbee writes to Sone as follows on October 28, 2004: attention :Yasunori Sone
Your statement above is unacceptable and should be retracted now. Your shallow reasoning and pompous insensitivity reflects poorly on the whole of Japanese culture and is also a reflection of your disrespect for human life.

geral sosbee amplifies as follows on October 29, 2004:

The 24 year old Shosei Koda must be defended by all of civilized society; he is a young man high in spirit and individual courage for embarking on his pilgrimage in pursuit of new experiences, perhaps in flight from his own decadent culture which now attempts to abandon him. He has done nothing wrong and his motives for visiting Iraq can best be viewed as brave and well-intentioned. Only a jaded journalist/professor could interpret young Koda's predicament as his own fault , and Japan's government should recognize that the survival of its own national character/soul is on the line ( in this instance of barbaric treatment in the world press by some of Koda's own people). Abandon this courageous man,government of Japan, and you confirm to all the world your callous insensitivity to the sufferings of Humanity.

geral sosbee
Now, almost two years later the world can deduce that the Japanese government planned all along (by popular demand in Japan) to withdraw its troops, even as the hotshots in Japan make no effort to save the brave Shosei Koda who represents the very best of the Japanese people:
Juyly 7, 2006
Japan begins withdrawing troops from Iraq
AP via Yahoo! News
The first batch of Japanese troops began pulling out of Iraq Friday, with about 30 arriving in Kuwait on their way home, news reports said Friday. A C-130 transport aircraft of Japan's air force carrying about 30 troops arrived at a Kuwaiti airport Friday afternoon, Kyodo News agency reported from Kuwait. Public broadcaster NHK had a similar report.
Sosbee writes: the national character of the government of Japan, like that of the uSA, is forever tarnished by the inhumanity and the pretentiousness of its decrepit leaders.

 A Modest Proposal
category picture19 Oct 2004 @ 17:27
The next vote should be cast globally, by each and every human being alive on the face of the earth, as though one nation encompasses all ; the issue to be decided may be framed somewhat as follows: Please vote 'Yes' or 'No' to the following proposition:
End by moratorium all war/conflict/violence on earth now and for all times , with no exception, no strings attached, and no room for negotiations.

Each person must let his/her vote be made public and each child is given the vote of "Yes" by the universal recognition that if not corrupted by parents, teachers and governments no child would vote in favor of torture, imprisonment, death, or war.

Please remember that our Maker (& Sons and Daughters of the Holy Spirit)
require that each of us, consistent with our capacity and experience, stand up to and intellectually confront with love in our hearts and with a brave soldier's resolve, those persons who torture, imprison or kill our Brothers and Sisters everywhere on this earth; we may not,for the most part, simply hide under the image of the Great One whom we pretend to worship and thereby presume to live eternally in God's graceful company.
To Billy Graham and others like him :
You are in spiritual and intellectual default as frauds against Humanity/God for sucking up and idolizing the most corrupt and homicidal regime ever known on earth.See this date the following statements by Graham:

Billy Graham on the death of Satan's Own 'Jesse Helms':
11:59 AM Sat, Jul 05, 2008
"Jesse Helms, my friend and long-time senator from my home state of North Carolina, was a man of consistent conviction to conservative ideals and courage to faithfully serve God and country based on principle, not popularity or politics. "

 United States Compensation For Its Atrocities
category picture19 Oct 2004 @ 16:06
I sometimes read the recommendations of distinguished scholars suggesting that the United States should once again compensate the families of those innocent individuals killed by U.S. and allied forces. The United States has not sufficient money in its treasury to do so; nor could the U.S. possibly borrow enough money to so compensate for the outrageous and murderous atrocities being committed by this country against our brothers and sisters worldwide for decades. The suggestion that money could make right or somehow ameliorate the wrongs committed by the United States against mankind simply insures that this fascist state will continue to run its war machine against the people of the world indefinitely , especially given the failure of the global population to demand an end to such homicidal aggression.The question should not be ,"how much money and to whom payable", but should read, " how much suffering and death do we endure at the hands of murderous tyrants, and when do we stop it".
The United States is become the global witch hunter, overthrowing governments, killing and imprisoning anyone deemed a threat to NWO designs, and finally ( & not unlike the witch hunts of Salem) working the populace into a feeding frenzie of any human being accused of misconduct.
See:the history of Salem.
Massachusetts as a whole ultimately repented the Salem witch-hunt ..., and in 1711 the legislature passed a bill restoring the rights and good names of some of the victims of “those dark and severe Prosecutions,” awarding restitution to their heirs. Massachusetts apologized again in 1957, and the city of Salem and the town of Danvers (originally Salem Village) dedicated memorials to the slain “witches” in 1992.
In all cases of state sponsored homicide, subsequent efforts to atone for crimes against Humanity are insufficient and in fact may encourage future atrocities by those of the same mind set. Thus, an apology from the United States to all of Humanity for the crimes committed by the fbi and the cia (among others)in their witch hunts will not be enough. Neither will compensation.
Warning: Adult Content.see:
See the following link:
Warning, graphic material, adult viewing only :

 A Failed Culture Attempts To Lead The World
category picture17 Oct 2004 @ 18:17
Ref :One-quarter of working Americans live in poverty

The United States is a failed government and culture from almost any perspective (especially : humanitarian, social, political);this is due primarily to the war ethics of the nation and its institutions; the few with jobs and social standing have sold out their conscience to protect/enhance their own material gains which are achieved in part by the killing , torturing and imprisoning of their brothers and sisters worldwide. Until this standard is corrected, all the world suffers under the hopeless imaginings of U.S. sponsored geo-political progress.

So, all peoples must learn to deal with their own corrupt governments and thus not look to the U.S. for leadership. Furthermore, the intellectual elite of the United States (as often represented by the faculty members of prestigious universities)also ignore the deafening cries of the world's oppressed population (For evidence of this , see hate mail from OSU professor). *Somewhere in the world is the seed of a new , humanitarian-based civilization.
See report by Paul J. Balles at:

* Maybe the country of Iran is the birthplace of that seed. Note that the people of Iran (and other nations) search for an understanding of the hideous nature of U.S. leaders, but that search yields to date no explanation for the torture, imprisonment and murder of Innocents worldwide by the U.S. killing machine. See, click on the Iranian flag, and witness the interests of the Iranians in Sosbee's work:

Search Web:

Web search results for ' geral sosbee '
Available results :52660 Items.
Note: a few minutes after Sosbee enters the above statement on Iran, the fbi cowardly punks (or their mental dwarf compan-minions)send him a hate message (via site meter entry)as follows:

Geral W. Sosbee vs. fbi, Whistle Blower, ex-FBI Ag
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Sosbee replies to the little ones: you don't hate me , girls, you fear me. And well you should because I am coming after you, in an intellectual sense and you have no where to hide.
See the link below (following this excerpt) for further insight:
"Unfortunately, in the years following World War II, after the collapse of Nazism, the West voluntarily succumbed to a new dictatorship of relativism that is no less evil than the fascism that preceded it. This new tyranny recognizes nothing as being definitive and whose ultimate goal consists solely of satiating one’s own ego and desires."


 The Voice Of The People
category picture30 Sep 2004 @ 19:31
Whereas the present government of the United States (feigning leadership) openly and without the slightest pretense of respect for human life and in complete disregard for universally accepted standards for basic human rights, engages under color of its national flag in murder, torture, imprisonment and terrorist practices against the peoples of the world, NOW THEREFORE SHOULD BE DECLARED AND HEREBY IS DECLARED A CRIMINAL AND ILLEGITIMATE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE PEOPLE OF THIS COUNTRY (THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA) and as such deserves not a respectable place among the family of nations and more significantly merits nil when the final account of Humanitarian efforts be tabulated by all that is holy and graceful in the universe. In My Humble Opinion. geral sosbee


We the people of the world hereby prevent the fbi, the cia, the militia, or any other government agency (or person ) of the United States (or any other country)
from dictating the terms of our surrender unto their authority, custom ,culture, power now and for all times; in furtherance of this recognition, the world's population forthwith seeks to expose such dictatorial intent ( and the techniques employed in support of same) by public investigation which serves on a continuing basis to protect and to defend the people of the world ( now and in the future) from any form of inhumane governance. EVERY MAN/WOMAN
Geral Sosbee

 The law of the United States and all the globe under the NWO
category picture25 Sep 2004 @ 15:51
I brought suit against the fbi to stop them from the painful and horrendous assaults employed against me in their efforts to silence me from reporting their crimes. The following excerpt from the court's decision in my case states the law of the land as currently upheld by the United States Supreme Court (which refused my simple request for a preliminary injunction to stop the assassins of the fbi from a continuation of their hideous campaign which continues to date uninterrupted for almost seven years); the ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals , ninth Circuit , stands at once as a disgraceful monument to United States government corruption and as a pronouncement of things to come to the people of all the world under the NWO ; the decision seen below (and also reproduced in its entirety at ) is dated 7-23-01 and is affirmed by the highest court in the land on 10-1-01 (see 534US894):
" The district court did not err in dismissing Sosbee's claims against the United States Department of Justice, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the individual defendants in their official capacities because agencies of the United States and federal agents in their official capacities are immune from suit for constitutional violations."
Sosbee writes:
The population of the earth must be told that the torturers/terrorists of the fbi/cia are now reaching into their homes, work, and play with the same outrageous and unacceptable authority/intention as that implied above and that, unless stopped now, great suffering of astounding proportions will ensue for generations to come at the direction of the fbi/cia and their operatives.
Note: the latest country to submit (under the auspices of the global terror threat) to fbi oppressive rule and to the law of nwo as set forth in is Australia; human rights watchers must be more vigilant there.
news:FBI to establish base in Sydney
ABC News via Yahoo! Australia & NZ News - Sep 21 10:15 PM
The New South Wales Government says the placing of an FBI officer in Sydney will be a major step forward in improving the flow of global intelligence to the state.
-------- ----------- ---------------
See Also:
Torture Warrants and Law: Justifying Torture and
Making it Legal?
Rosemary Horton, P.L. Duffy Resource Centre,
Trinity College, Western Australia


See also:
For more information regarding the NWO implications of fbi/cia global criminal enterprizes, see my article dated September 19, 2004, entitled:
Nations lose their character and soul to fbi/cia murderous tyrants
For more on the police state from a credible source, see the article dated and titled as follows:
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Message From A Desert Storm Paratrooper
A method for fbi to seize assets at will:

 fbi/cia punks and cowards and traitors.
category picture23 Sep 2004 @ 15:12

FBI / CIA : "sosbee 's a problem , We will fix it "

SOSBEE: " fbi /cia 's a problem, I will fix it "

For more info on the cia, see the following link from one who joins me in the direct confrontation of the fools and cowards of the fbi and the cia:
The intelligence (intel) agencies of the United States represent the heart beat of America; every aspect of American life is affected by intel operation: the economy, politics, public policy. Even the power to wage war is directly affected by cia operations in targeted nations.
When the intel services , such as the fbi and the cia, engage in widespread covert criminal operations (i.e.: conduct strictly proscribed and unconstitutional under our laws and the laws of nations) the government in all branches is tainted. Failure to demand accountability is often the result of a corrupt Congress of the United States; the courts are also complicit in the illegal activities of intel groups as I and others have shown in many cases.
At last the *people must also share the responsibility for its homicidal intel groups because some members (and sectors) of the general public benefit from the immoral and criminal intel activities.
Now, here's the rub: when the intel mob is out of control (which is presently the case) its agents, operatives, thugs and assassins are free to engage in widespread criminal actions and is free to violate the United States Constitution with total impunity. They have become in effect traitors, but few among the population will label them as such for fear of reprisal. The intel mobsters are indeed an organized crime syndicate, destroying any individual at will and with no recourse. The traitors whom I refer to are primarily associated with the fbi and the cia; they are largely responsible for the current collapse of our constitutional government.

"The traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation...he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. "
Marcus Tullius Cicero, Roman orator, statesman 42 B.C.
* See Hidden Evil:
fbi counter-intelligence operations:

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March 18, 2017

Our efforts (mine & my associates)reveal the macabre destiny of mankind, unless we prevail in the pursuit of a general enlightenment of the populace. In any event we are the unacknowledged legislators of the world by awakening in others a fundamental respect for humankind and by indicting the torturers and assassins of our era. The United States of America, by virtue of our work here, is now forever known as a BEAST (Brain EntrAinment State) , a country w/o conscience, a people w/o heart who are cursed with a national character predominantly w/o soul :



For Compelling Reports, See The One And Only
Official Site Of

Barbara Hartwell vs. CIA


This is the real fbi which uses the methods and incorporates the values of the notorious Mafia:


Sosbee reports from the field:
get your own fbi/cia terrorist badge at:
See cia data:

...and see my documentations of fbi/cia crimes at:

The greatest threat to mankind are the murderers and torturers of the fbi/cia. Sosbee comments:

Invade my country (or alienate me in it) I will invade yours;invade my *brain, all bets are off.
A slogan to be remembered:

The Few, the Proud, the Brain Entraining Fiends of the US Marines.

*Regarding Brain Entrainment,
[Note: The perennial search for peaceful solutions to the fbi/cia torture & killing spree globally is the paradox of my life under attack.]


"I suspect that all the crimes committed by all the jailed criminals do not equal in total social damage that of the crimes committed against them."
Karl Menninger, M.D.
The Crime Of Punishment
The Viking Press, NY, 1969

"The laws are like cobwebs: where the small flies are caught, and the great break through."
"...the individual cannot delegate the task of defending his basic human rights-to dignity,liberty, and responsibility-to any group of protectors,..." be they clergy, doctors, legislators, fbi, mafia, police, judges. "For if the protectors are successful, they inevitably become
O P P R E S S O R S..." who should be publicly categorized as


NOTE: The inmates, prisoners, and accused in custody around the world have redeeming qualities that should allow them their freedom in most cases; the fbi, police, all cops at every level, have no such redeeming characteristics; for they kill, stalk, lie, steal, falsify records and calumniate for a living (a profession) 24/7, for 20 to 30 years..


-------------------Caution: Adult Content:

See Robin Head's data:
Note that Robin refused to join in the illegal fbi sting against innocent persons:

Sosbee's Tribute To Our Brothers And Sisters Jailed Anywhere On Earth:

We all owe a debt to the millions of persons imprisoned by the corrupt criminal & civil justice systems worldwide, for THE IMPRISONED have surrendered their lives so that we may pompously pursue our demented imaginings on the progress of a failed civilization. See:
and see:
["You must contrive for your future Rulers another and a better life than that of a Ruler, and then you may have a well ordered State; for only in the State which offers this, will they rule who are truly rich, not in silver and gold, but in virtue and wisdom, which are the true blessings of life." Plato, The Republic.]

The united states of america is a government of torturers & traitors supported by cowards and fools who often can be heard echoing the sentiments of the torturers and assassins of the fbi/cia/pentagon against their victims as follows:"We have Little tolerance for losers and those constantly whining or needing attention."b>

June 6, 1944: The D ay that Enslaved the world.

This is my News Log.
All statements in this site are the opinion of Geral W. Sosbee, except where otherwise indicated.

All work authored by Geral Sosbee in this website and at is registered with United States Copyright Office, For a Work of the Performing Arts, # PAu 2-587-209, effective 10-10-2000, entitled "Intelligence", in accordance with title 17, United States Code. All Rights Reserved.

All logos and trademarks in this site are property of their respective owner. FAIR USE NOTICE: This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. I make such material available in efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. I believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to:
The entire content of this site is subject to international copyright. Unauthorized reproduction will be vigourously pursued to the full extent of the law.
I believe that the **war mongers and cutthroats must not be allowed to rule the world any longer; their methods fail.
"And so long as they were at war, their power was preserved, but when they had attained empire they fell, for of the arts of peace they knew nothing, and had never engaged in any employment higher than war." Aristotle, Politics
Rick Stanley
Constitutional Activist:
RE: psychotronic torture being used on sosbee and others NOW (2008):

Read: Inner Voice, Target Tracking,And Behavioral Influence Technologies
See Project Zombie :
[link] sosbee&rnum=2&hl=en&safe=active

[Consistent with the COPPA laws anyone under the age of 13 (thirteen ) in the United States is required to have their parent's permission before sending any information about oneself using this site. Also, anyone who sends an e-mail or other personal data to Geral W. Sosbee is affirming that he/she is 13 (thirteen ) years of age, or older, or has parental consent, and accepts responsibility for all representations made.]

*Also See Report This Site Dated and Entitled:
'Every child belongs to us': today's unsung fbi slogan
25 Jul 2007
_________Spread the word. Get your own FBI/CIA TERRORISTS badge

Regarding ELF assaults see:

[link] -----------------------------

___ As President Theodore Roosevelt said in his 1906 State of the Union address, "No man can take part in the torture of a human being without having his own moral nature permanently lowered." ______________________________________
ATHOUSANDWORDS-for students of physiognomy:
**The cowards of the United States government who engage in (or who permit or fail to stop) the mind control, psychoelectronic harassment/torture, and other so-called cover research human experimentation programs are the same individuals who share the responsibility for the fall of this country; I intend to share with all of the world, until my death, the tremendous fraud that the U.S. has become in its efforts to colonize the world by murderous and inhumane methodologies; in my work, my primary goal is to expose these low life perpetrators and misanthropes for what they are : assassins and torturers who should face an international war tribunal for their crimes against Humanity. Equally important in my life are the efforts to help others through education and friendship. I extend to my associates everywhere my sincere gratitude for your courage in striking the evil ones with your hearts and souls.
Compelling history is in the making by you & me.
Finally, the general lack of interest by the public at large regarding the ongoing torturing and killing of Targets by the fbi/cia (and their operatives) at home and abroad provides fertile ground for expanded inhumane assaults on mankind by these and other agencies ( as well as the lunatics in the private sector who also engage in the torture of selected Targets).
Finally, we must all begin to take the hoodlums of the fbi, cia, and other police agencies ( and their supporters in the general civilian population) MOST SERIOUSLY (if individual liberties are to be regained).

See 'murder in progress' , Brussell Sprout :

and See:

"Presbyterian Book Of Order
Challenge to Presbyterians of Conscience"

...and consider


"You must contrive for your future Rulers another and a better life than that of a Ruler, and then you may have a well ordered State; for only in the State which offers this, will they rule who are truly rich, not in silver and gold, but in virtue and wisdom, which are the true blessings of life." Plato, The Republic.

How To Stop The uSA Global Killing And Torture Spree:
The Formation Of The
(This means that the people must throw out the merchants of death in every government on earth):

SOSBEE's message to punks and cowards: U.S. Senate Sergeant at Arms (little mr. Gainer),Senators Grassley, Leahy, Cornyn and their criminal associates in Congress:
This soldier is moved by your sickness, but you are all in the rear and not on the front lines; so, you are viewed as cowards and traitors to those of us fighting the battles. Thus, I will not be able to help you when the people arrive on the scene.
To Congressional Traitors/Cowards From Einstein regarding the corrupt and fraudulent MDs in the decadent and homicidal practice of Psychiatry:
For more on the corrupt fbi see:



The fbi falsifies records and spreads fraudulent reports in both civil & criminal matters. See my medical clearances at


and an update in the documents below.

Note please that my former employer (fbi) has for two decades falsely reported my medical records in their smear campaign; I wanted the PUBLIC to have the correct info on me. Appropriate medical records, including *recent blood tests and medical exam are documented by letter dated December 14, 2012, and are available at:


Previous entries
  • Fbi assassins rising

  • 2016-10-23
  • USA under fascist & murderous rule

  • 2016-10-21
  • Fbi/police community are a threat to our people

  • 2016-10-20
  • Shame on Portland Indymedia (PI) for trashing my reports

  • 2016-10-19
  • Hallmarks of f b i

  • 2016-10-18
  • Fbi as human monster

  • 2016-10-17
  • Horror Story In USA
  • Fbi interferes with protocol of search engines

  • 2016-10-16
  • Sociopaths Among Us
  • A Prayer in Prose

  • 2016-10-15
  • Tru,p, Crooked Hillery ( CH ) and fbi / cia are all in a battle to control W H
  • News from Geral

  • 2016-10-13
  • Implied Threats of Arrest & Imprisonment/Death Hang Over This Target

  • 2016-10-10
  • Fbi Agents, Operatives and Friends Are Seriously Mentally Ill

  • 2016-10-07
  • Creation of Artificial Kidney Stone In Vivo By Skilled Criminals with M, M, O

  • 2016-10-04
  • ...And Then They Came For Me ............... fbi is today's Nazi Gestapo

  • 2016-10-03
  • Biography

  • 2016-10-02
  • Today's Police/fbi Traverse the Lines of Human Decency

  • 2016-09-30
  • Evidence that USA is run by criminals

  • 2016-09-27
  • USA's President Has Almost No Power Over fbi / cia Assassins

  • 2016-09-26
  • This is your country, your people, not mine

  • 2016-09-24
  • Counterintelligence Operations Against A Target Are Global

  • 2016-09-23

  • 2016-09-18
  • Homo homini lupus

  • 2016-09-17
  • Fbi illegal methods and criminal agenda exposed

  • 2016-09-16
  • Republication in different format: University of Texas/fbi joint crimes ag/ me

  • 2016-09-15
  • Faculty & Students Awaken
  • Wrap Up From SOSBEE
  • USA's fbi/MAFIA, a real life monster

  • 2016-09-11
  • An Eternal Fraud

  • 2016-09-09
  • Nazi criminals live today in fbi/ cia

  • 2016-09-07
  • My message to the US JUDICIARY

  • 2016-09-06
  • Our World & People Under Attack

  • 2016-09-04
  • Global Mandate To Stop fbi/cia from their  torture & kill programs

  • 2016-09-03
  • Macabre Crimes Committed By fbi, Tacitly Approved By Congress/SCOTUS

  • 2016-09-01

  • 2016-08-31
  • The Reach of

  • 2016-08-29
  • Update on evidence against DA, fbi, et al
  • Wicked men of the fbi

  • 2016-08-28
  • American dismissiveness in the face of its own crimes against humanity

  • 2016-08-27
  • Biographical Data on Geral Sosbee by Mr Cliff Huylebroeck
  • Macabre USA, (a repost)
  • Casual reading of an urgent nature

  • 2016-08-25
  • Police State sponsored by fbi sends clear message to Targets in one letter ( T )

  • 2016-08-24
  • Medical Clearances of GERAL SOSBEE

  • 2016-08-23
  • To fbi Director James B Comey

  • 2016-08-20
  • fbi corrupts our nation
  • My L I F E !

  • 2016-08-18
  • The sick mindset of USA's population

  • 2016-08-17
  • I document more crimes against me by fbi

  • 2016-08-16
  • Fbi hacks my OPM account
  • A Dim View

  • 2016-08-07
  • Fbi reveals its filthy mind, followed by biographical data on me

  • 2016-08-06
  • Fbi hoodlums and criminal sociopaths at work 24/7

  • 2016-08-04
  • Capitalism is Dead

  • 2016-08-01
  • Unversality of geral's documentaries

  • 2016-07-31
  • American Terrorists
  • Fbi, police, army intel, et al are often criminals

  • More ..

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