Geral W. Sosbee    
 Medical Update
picture21 May 2016 @ 17:16
This medical update is presented in first person and for the record by Geral Sosbee, and is intended to highlight efforts by the fbi and company to again cause serious bodily injury by stealth assaults as they seek to complete their vendetta against me.

Lately, I have struggled with the symptoms of severe sleep deprivation caused by DEW (directed energy weaponry) which is employed secretly by the cowardly assassins of the fbi. Some symptoms associated with DEW assaults are listed here:

Others include 1) skin cancer 2) Diabetes 3) hypertension 4) occasional blisters on exposed skin caused by microwave assaults 5) episodes of nausea and vomiting 6)severe hearing loss in either ear.

I have struggled with these conditions for years, partly because I have no energy to exercise due to near complete exhaustion daily. In effect I am a ‘prisoner of war’ in my own bed up to 15-20 hours daily, and weight loss is very difficult to achieve. The fbi assumes the roles of warden, torturer and possible executioner.
In addition to the DEW assaults the fbi adds stress to the medical equation by sending thugs and provocateurs (assassins all) to assault me regularly and to sometimes physically attack me. The fbi also directs the police to threaten and assault me. Many of my online reports document these crimes by so called law enforcement.

In several of my reports online I have presented a prima facie case of criminal conduct or public corruption by the very authorities responsible for upholding the law. Some of the names of such high ranking police and other public officers are: Saenz, DeLauney, Posada, Martinez, Wilson, Bleier, Trevino, Cruz, Knipfing, Rodriguez. One notable street thug sent by fbi and UT police to provoke a violent response to his assault and battery is one Alonzo Yanez.

The reader may notice that I have never been accused of any offense, civil or criminal, in my life that I am aware of; but that the fbi and their police associates and street thug/operatives are guilty of many felonies against me, including conspiracy, assault with a deadly weapon, attempted murder, burglary, torture, etc., falsification of police reports, refusal to accept police reports, etc.

They and their kind nationally are indeed the real criminals in society and most have never served this country, except as professional killers and domestic terrorists. Few, if any served in the US military, but if they did serve then they are unworthy to be in the company of patriots who served. I doubt that any of the thugs in the fbi, police, etc., who try to kill me ever served in the front lines in combat duty, anywhere, anytime. In short these fbi and police hoodlums are traitors of the USA which is today an overthrown regime hell bent on world inhumane domination at any cost and which depends on low minded mafia type figures to instill fear and trembling in the general public.

Regarding my medical records and clearances see the following link and the attached letter from a recent exam by a M.D. Note that the fbi engages in widespread lies regarding my health.


So, let’s set the record straight: I am clear of any form of communicable disease and I present absolutely no public health issue; see the report from Dr. Walther. recent papers on topic are available at

See especially the reports entitled:

1)fbi's "Future Crime" Project

2)Evidence of a new, unheralded, illegal, quasi 'Criminal Justice System' (CJS) forged by fbi

Thank you.


Portland Indymedia or Fraud falsely characterizes my reports, condescends and insults me. Here are his misguided remarks:



geral ... 21.May.2016 09:26
imc Workerbee link

++ Your article is not banned!

++ Its been moved to the Open Compost folder - scroll to link at bottom of the Newswire.

++ Your daily posts and rants are really "not local news".

++ Your articles are still visible on the internet but are not on the front page Newswire.

++ You pretty much have been posting the same information for years sometime everyday or more.

++ Here is an informing article on indymedia posting that might help  [link]

++ [link].  More >

 USPI Corrupted by fbi Assassins, II
picture21 May 2016 @ 14:18
Crimes & Cover-up continue on behalf of fbi assassins by USPI

After years of harassment and cover ups of crimes by the fbi and the USPI, that corrupt group of USPI thugs continue to threaten me for my posting articles online regarding fbi crimes against my person.

The USPI refuses for three years to release their fraudulently inspired report on me because they know that I will publish the report in its entirety in order to expose their role in the many crimes committed against me by the fbi and USPI over the past three decades.

See the following and related links for background information on USPI Knipfing's outrageous visit to my home three years ago , whereupon he and Texas DPS fool Rodriguez sought to find a way to intimidate or arrest me. I have increased my work online since their unlawful *intrusion into my life. To this day USPI Knipfing apparently continues to monitor all of my articles and posts online. He and his overlords at fbi cannot ever silence this voice of freedom from murderous oppression.


For additional information on the fbi's unending crime spree against this author see:

Finally, this month I renewed my previous demands for USPI records on me and I will publish the results of my submission upon receipt of any data from USPI.


[link]  More >

 Message for YOU!
picture20 May 2016 @ 16:50

This message is for all the world's population, especially those who think that they have no responsibility to stop murderous tyranny as sponsored by USA,fbi,cia,police,mi6,surete,ss,etc: For those in stupor who do nothing in the face of evil encourage the unconscionable crimes that I outline.
Beware The Twiight

"As nightfall does not come at once, neither does oppression. In both instances, there is a twilight when everything remains seemingly unchanged. And it is in such twilight that we all must be most aware of change in the air -- however slight -- lest we become unwitting victims of the darkness."
~ Justice William O. Douglas



Portland Indymedia (PI) wrongfully and anonymously plays games with my unique work (he hides them) as my articles are significant to all people on earth, now and in the future.

The word "rant" that PI uses to incorrectly label my work more appropriately describes the *PI's little verbal attack. He produces nothing while he pretends to criticize the events that I document regarding fbi's efforts to silence or kill me.

See the remarks above by PI moderator and note my additional comments here:

Portland Indymedia or Fraud falsely characterizes my reports, condescends and insults me. Above are his misguided remarks, as he presumes to slyly and falsely label my work as his own hidden agenda dictates.

Shame on PI for allowing such a small mind to assault me.

[link]  More >

picture18 May 2016 @ 21:08
Introduction :

This is a first hand report by ex fbi agent on the secret and inhumane program by fbi to fabricate criminals, using a kind of alchemy. The implications of my studies on fbi abuses are quite nightmarish for the general population who inappropriately trust the fbi and the police. Failure of the American people to realize the fraud that sweeps across the land under the guise of law enforcement portends ill for the world.

The fbi is a juggernaut of outrageous operations in violations of every criminal law on the books whereby the fbi intends to assert itself as the supreme authority in all matters of criminal law.

The fbi also has authority and a mandate to stop crime before it happens; this fact alone gives the fbi plenary authority to conduct otherwise illegal surveillance, search and seizures and arrests in ‘exigent’ circumstances. Add to this unprecedented power by a police group the fbi also uses the theory of “Future Crime” to justify sweeping and barbaric assaults on their suspects and Targets. I am one such Target.

The fbi also has a new, secret and unheralded program of ‘brain scan predictors’ of crime. In this program the fbi studies the brain scan of the Target and looks for physiological indications of patterns consistent with the brain scans of convicted criminals, including violent & sex offenders . Some problems with the Future Crime predictor are that

1) …the subjective interpretation of the data and the complete lack of validity of the exercise allows the fbi to make fraudulent cases against innocent and unsuspecting persons.

2) … such absurd pseudoscience fails to consider that the fbi employees who run the secret operations are in fact sociopathic torturers, serial killers and covert assassins who have motives to imprison or kill their Targets.

3) …fraudulently conceived sting operations and patently illegal police and fbi assaults and provocations on selected persons may reasonable be expected to cause neuroses and possibly a situational reaction in defense of the crimes against them.

4) …as in the fbi laboratory the fbi case agent prejudices the findings by providing personal data on the subject under attack, and the agent advises the technician in Future Crime readings that the suspect is a known criminal and is a threat to the public.

5) *…in some instances the brain scan predictor of future crimes is linked to the medical reports of the suspect, so that any infirmity that is potentially infectious and deadly are also used to identify the subject as a threat to the public. In other words any suspect or subject who has a communicable disease is automatically deemed by the fbi as homicidal threat and a future criminal.

See my reports at the bottom of this page for more data on how the fbi manipulates the general population into thinking that the fbi protects and defends; the truth is that the fbi destroys lives and daily commits heinous offenses under the guise of law enforcement. Note that all law enforcement in the USA are directly controlled and programmed by the fbi at the very dangerous and popularized fbi National Academy.

*See my report on


Finally, as I am a Target of the fbi’s hit squads, the information that I present is first hand. See the links at number 5, “A” and “B” below regarding the extreme measures used by the fbi in their efforts to fraudulently profile me as a candidate for handling under the Future Crime program.

Thank you.

The following links to my recent reports and papers are intended to
alert the public concerning abuses by the fbi of their sweeping and at times corrupt power.

1) Counterintelligence Campaign:



2) Unforgiveable Crimes :



3) Gaslighting :



4) Irony of our police state :


5) fbi circumvents US Constitution to facilitate the imprisonment of innocent persons and to *hijack the lives of credible witnesses:






Republication :

FBI Future Crime Project
Listed: FBI Future Crime Project
FBI Future Crime Project

Description This is a first hand report by ex fbi agent on the secret and inhumane program by fbi to fabricate criminals, using a kind of alchemy. The implications of my studies on fbi abuses are quite nightmarish for the general population who inappropriately trust the fbi and the police. Failure of the American people to realize the fraud that sweeps across the land under the guise of law enforcement portends ill for the world. For more information on the corruption of the fbi, see my main website at sosbeevfbidotcom, and see my thousands of articles/reports online.
Domain title Academia
Meta Keywords Fbi's "Future Crime " project
Website IP
Date added May 18, 2016  More >

 Crimes committed by the fbi against me and the American people
picture18 May 2016 @ 00:48
Here is a summary of fbi's crimes against me and the American people:

The following links to my recent reports and papers are intended to
alert the public concerning abuses by the fbi of their sweeping and at times corrupt power.

1) Counterintelligence Campaign:



2) Unforgiveable Crimes :



3) Gaslighting :



4) Irony of our police state :


5) fbi circumvents US Constitution to facilitate the imprisonment of innocent persons and to *hijack the lives of credible witnesses:





Affidavits 2007 & 2014:

[link]  More >

 Irony of our police state
picture17 May 2016 @ 20:35
Here is my report on low USA turning against its very own Veterans.
The supreme *irony of the political regime that calls itself the USA is the unlawful manner by which this nation uses, exploits, discards and forgets its very best citizens, the Veterans who defend the USA at risk of death.

Furthermore, as I have documented, many returning war Veterans are singled out in political vendettas to be treated as human experimentees; they are harassed, tortured, forced into suicide and murdered by the fbi and police who are blindly supported by the public.

*The clear irony in this disturbing social phenomenon is that our brave men who confronted the enemy on the battlefield in difficult and painful defense of the country often come home to fight the cowardly thugs of the fbi and police.

I have shown how the fbi engages in unconscionable crimes against me and others, how the lethargic Congress allows fbi atrocities, how the SCOTUS disregards petitions from this tortured combat veteran and how the general public is kept in the dark by the media regarding high crimes committed and approved by all branches and departments of this pathetic regime.

Many fbi hoodlums sent at me try to provoke a response so that I may be arrested or killed. When I see these thugs assaulting and physically attacking me, I recall my service in the USA and the men I served with. None of us would ever engage in assaults against each other, nor against an American because the defense of the nation was the mission and because no one in his right mind would seek to harm our own. This patriotic notion (born of common sense) is turned upside down today as the fbi, police, and their assassins/thugs/operatives are paid to taunt, provoke, arrest and kill the Veteran and other innocent Americans. For these reasons, inter alia , I describe all fbi, police and their operatives who engage in such crimes as criminally insane.

Geral Sosbee, Viet Nam, 1967


My service:


Fbi destroys my life in its vendetta:

Statistics reflect a corrupt and irresponsible nation:

In 2013, the United States Department of Veterans Affairs released a study that covered suicides from 1999 to 2010, which showed that roughly 22 veterans were committing suicide per day, or one every 65 minutes. Some sources suggest that this rate may be undercounting suicides.



Unforgiveable Crimes Against Veterans in a Vendetta By USA Intelligence Agencies:


About me and my intellectual battles at home against the real enemy, the police state USA:


Thank you.  More >

 Gaslighting, The Devil's Pitchfork (and often the fbi's preferred weapon)
picture17 May 2016 @ 13:04
The fbi regularly and ritually slays their victim by first incapacitating him by DEW, chemical poisoning, or other extreme assaults that render him defenseless; then, watching the victim react to the inhumane physical attacks, the fbi brings down an avalanche of concurrent psychological operations which are intended to force the victim to seek a final exit.

In my recent articles, papers and reports I have shown how the fbi in furtherance of their gaslighting games actually employs police, medical doctors, assassins, a federal magistrate judge, and members of the community to pile on against a given Target. See for example my report on 'gaslighting' at this link:


Then, consider how the fbi, in efforts to cover up their crimes against the Target, also recruit as accessories to fbi's crimes the DA, the DA Investigator and police officers who insanely threaten the Target for trying to file a police report on the crimes. The police then insult the victim by saying on the record that no offense occurred, and telling the victim of fbi/police felonies to, "take the medication ". So, the illegal and unconscionable gaslighting methods that are designed to drive the victim crazy have no limits in this society.

Report on fbi's Corruption of police, DA, et.,al.:


Fbi Corrupts entire CJS:


Fbi corrupts a doctor who writes a patently false medical report in order to enhance the gaslighting assaults on the victim and to provide the police and others with a fictitious cover for their own crimes against the Target.


For additional examples of the crimes associated with gaslighting, see "My Story In Detail " and

The disintegration of society and the collapse of any sense of human decency are evident in the way the fbi and company torture and ultimately murder the Target, often using the gaslighting phenomenon as a fulcrum upon which to launch other life threatening assaults.

Thank you.


See Also:


[link]  More >

 Fbi continues its practice of the dark art of gaslighting on me
picture17 May 2016 @ 02:34
The fbi's use of gaslighting on their innocent, political Targets is among the most heinous methods used in covert intelligence operations.

After my recent articles and posts on the criminally insane fbi, their thugs perform their ritualistic *gaslighting to remind me of their great power over my life. The most recent example of the fbi mind game is reported in the end of my short article at the following link ( note that the fbi engages in these inhumane mind games in order to induce paranoia or madness). Today, I discovered the fbi's infamous gaslighting game upon return home from the doctor.



More on gaslighting:

Gaslighting takes many forms and includes many of the assaults described in “My Story In Detail” at The psychological effects of gaslighting can be harmful. Such low maneuvers may also include theft of identity, destruction of my car and other personal property, home invasions and tamperings therein, extensive and blanket surveillance, repeated medical and dental malpractice of a serious nature, widespread calumny, attempts on my life, etc. For more information on truly evil gaslighting by fbi, see my reports on the kidney stone assault and substandard medical care, etc., at the two links shown below; note that fbi efforts to kill or maim their victims are often impossible to prove; only a slight 'little' light points to the ** human monsters in the fbi who practice the dark art.





Below is a portrait of the real fbi, a group of psychopaths who enjoy supreme power in the USA and who are answerable to no one. Their kind seeks to spread their terror globally in pursuit of world inhumane domination at any cost.

[link]  More >

 Fbi continues its practice of the dark art of gaslighting on me
picture17 May 2016 @ 02:34

The fbi's use of gaslighting on their innocent, political Targets is among the most heinous methods used in covert intelligence operations.

After my recent articles and posts on the criminally insane fbi, their thugs perform their ritualistic *gaslighting to remind me of their great power over my life. The most recent example of the fbi mind game is reported in the end of my short article at the following link ( note that the fbi engages in these inhumane mind games in order to induce paranoia or madness). Today, I discovered the fbi's infamous gaslighting game upon return home from the doctor.



More on gaslighting:

Gaslighting takes many forms and includes many of the assaults described in “My Story In Detail” at The psychological effects of gaslighting can be harmful. Such low maneuvers may also include theft of identity, destruction of my car and other personal property, home invasions and tamperings therein, extensive and blanket surveillance, repeated medical and dental malpractice of a serious nature, widespread calumny, attempts on my life, etc. For more information on truly evil gaslighting by fbi, see my reports on the kidney stone assault and substandard medical care, etc., at the two links shown below; note that fbi efforts to kill or maim their victims are often impossible to prove; only a slight 'little' light points to the ** human monsters in the fbi who practice the dark art.



Below is a portrait of the real fbi, a group of psychopaths who enjoy supreme power in the USA and who are answerable to no one. Their kind seeks to spread their terror globally in pursuit of world inhumane domination at any cost.

[link]  More >

 Counterintelligence operations by fbi
picture16 May 2016 @ 12:43
A summary of the fbi's methods to destroy, imprison, or kill the innocent political Target at will and with total legal impunity:

Commence an unlawful and intense harassment campaign with the intent to destabilize the Target's life and serenity (see "My Story In Detail " ); send operatives to assault the Target under various pretenses;
report to a federal magistrate judge (who is a de facto sociopathic operative of the fbi's covert, counterintelligence operations) any situational reaction by the Target to the aggressive assaults; obtain an abusive and secret civil court order against the Target from the same corrupt judge; continue and expand, under the authority of the sealed court order, a series of serious felonies against the Target and his property in order to completely disrupt his life and tax his equanimity; engage incessantly and relentlessly 24/7/365 globally for life in discreet attempts to kill/imprison the Target, or to at least drive him insane by systematic and aggravated attacks by fbi thugs who also use high tech DEW (directed energy weaponry ), psychological operations and other techniques, all such dirty tricks being unprecedented in human affairs.

Conclusion :

No wonder why the fbi needs to keep all such inhumane attacks secret, lest the world discover the unacceptable threat to all from psychopathic serial killers in the fbi who are bent on world inhumane domination at any cost.

See Also:

PS:The day after the above report is posted, the fbi assassins enter my home and destroy the sunglasses that I used on the day of the report. The fbi thus reminds me of their 24/7 surveillance and of their gas lighting crimes, all integral parts of inhumane psychological operations against me.  More >

 The fbi and company cannot hide
picture14 May 2016 @ 16:06
I have proven over the past 16 years (based on about one half century of study) that the United States of America is an overthrown, murderous regime held hostage in all departments of government tripartite as directed by the traitors and homicidal sociopaths in the fbi. The proof of my case against the monsters of the fbi is available on my several websites, including sworn affidavits, WRIT, "My Story In Detail" in 20 parts, and thousands of my documented reports. All of the leaders in Congress pretend that my evidence does not exist because they fear fbi reprisal if those in Congress lift a finger to challenge the police state created by fbi.

Indeed, the Senate and House of Representatives are comprised of cowards and quislings who often engage in crimes and cover ups for their own self enrichment (e.g., Feinstein's insider trades on financial markets). The courts, including the SCOTUS, do nothing to stop the fbi/cia from railroading all 'public servants' into conformity with unconscionable and criminal standards of conduct necessary to achieve world inhumane domination.

While I work diligently and persistently to illuminate fbi's relentless crimes against me and others, the fbi sends one cop after another to threaten me by opening fraudulent cases against me (See my reports on the offenses committed by USPI Knipfing, Texas DPS Rodriguez, Brownsville Texas Police Posada, Cameron County District Attorney )
All of these fools sent at me by the hoodlums of the fbi are now historically recorded as corrupted half wits who are not for the sustainability and longevity of this nation.

Here is my message from the year 2002 to the thugs in the fbi:

Some individuals may be judged by the size and strength of their enemy and even though countless dozens of you (armed with your high tech killing toys) have over the past several years ceaselessly attacked and hounded me, I cannot claim to be judged by such a standard because you are mental dwarfs and because your small minds render you unfit to be counted as my adversary. I must accept the duty, however unflattering to me, to defeat you for the eternal benefit of the human race. I take no pride in my preordained victory over you; indeed, I feel a sadness for having to show the world the evidence of your shallow mentality and barren souls. I am nevertheless richly rewarded for my efforts by the emergence in me of an enlightenment such as few gifted poets ever attempted to capture in verse. Finally, my little ones, I must confess to having an unfair advantage over you; I have prepared for millennia for this skirmish; I was bred for it; I trained for it in this life and I am rejuvenated in battle with every wound that you inflict upon me; be assured therefore that upon completion of my work I will rest and you will eternally toil in each other's exclusive and repugnant company as I then watch the rest of the world's population awaken to an unfamiliar and glorious renaissance of the human intellect.

Below are a few examples of my work which haunts and ultimately destroys the 'Burro' (the federal bureau of investigation )

Fbi forces VETS into suicide


Corruption of the CJS


Corruption of POLICE, DA, ICE


Corruption of USPI & TEXAS DPS


Corruption of local police


Thank you.  More >

 Fbi forces Vets into suicide
picture13 May 2016 @ 15:51

This report from me (a Vet) presents evidence that the fbi ritually and often for sport engages in unconscionable crimes against our veterans.
(The "KILL" image attached to this report is a de facto message to Vets from the fbi as follows, "We Intend To...")


The Veterans Administration (VA) recently continues an in depth study of my material on line, especially at * Their main focus appears to be on my documentations of fbi torture, harassment, surveillance,  attempts on my life and **psychological assaults with sinister motives.

Thousands of Veterans kill themselves each year and many like me are objects of fbi/cia and possibly DOD/HHS/NIH forced suicide projects. The fbi leads the other agencies in identifying Veterans whom the fbi, for whatever reasons, determines to kill.

One method used by the fbi and the above mentioned government agencies is falsely to allege mental instability such as may be associated with TBI and PTS. See an example of this sneaky maneuver by AUSA Sara Robinson at 


The fbi is quick to falsely portray the vet as a threat to society; so,  fbi agents and operatives set out to manufacture  evidence supporting their defective proposition which is always politically motivated.  

In many instances the fbi also deprives the vet of the right to own a firearm; slowly the vet may sense that he is no longer welcome in our society. See another fbi program that  illegally and unconscionably  destroy the vet's life:


Another  technique used by the fbi to cause more stress on the vet is to hound him, poison him, send street thugs (fbi agents & operatives ) to assault & threaten him, try to discreetly kill him and pursue secret and unconstitutional civil process against him. See my reports on these topics at

See also for information on my experiences with the fbi and their macabre culture. See also the following site and links to reports by Cliff Huylebroeck. 


Note also dirty messages sent to me by fbi operatives online:

'Pack it up':


'Kill yourself':


The fbi has over the past 30 years tried 'every trick in the book" to silence me from reporting their high crimes against the American people.  For specific data see "My Story In Detail" at 

See how fbi sends corrupt cops to my home to threaten me and my wife (note comment by fbi assassin, aka James Duval):


Finally, the reader should note that the VA should take their report of the fbi's  forcing suicide on our vets directly to Congress and to the public. However, even the VA and Congress are generally corrupted or mesmerized by fear at the mere mention of fbi; so, I expect nothing will be achieved to hold the hoodlums and assassins in the fbi accountable. 

Thank you.


See also my report on mind control wherein the fbi delivers traumatic events onto their victim intended to cause emotional or neurotic reactions:


By Location > Visit Detail
Visit 192,312
Domain Name ? (U.S. Government)
IP Address 152.132.10.# (Department of Veterans Affairs)
ISP Department of Veterans Affairs
Continent : North America
Country : United States  (Facts)
State : California
City : Los Angeles
Time of Visit May 8 2016 12:16:43 pm
Last Page View May 8 2016 12:29:47 pm
Visit Length 13 minutes 4 seconds
Page Views 18
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Visitor's Time May 8 2016 10:16:43 am
Visit Number 192,312


The murderous fbi of today was the creation of J. Edgar Hoover and his psychopathic, sadistic and traitorous buddies of about a century ago. No way is possible to clean up the filth in the fbi, but the people can demand that the fbi be dismantled, that the records be opened for public edification and that the names of all agents and operatives (together with their respective crimes) be widely publicized.

I expect that, inasmuch as murder has no statute of limitations, many fbi agents/operatives /informants/special investigators, federalmagistrate judges. al., will be tried in absentium for capital crimes and that their departed victims will receive the justice demanded by the heavens and by Providence because 'in morte ultima veritas '.  More >

 Cliff Huylebroeck educates all the world
picture13 May 2016 @ 01:34
Few individuals provide insights into the most subtle form of homicide, torture, forced suicide and discreet murders as Mr. CLIFF HUYLEBROECK. Here are selected passages from Cliff's work to educate the world. I find his insights most compelling, even as his style and diction are uniquely informative and clearly articulated. Thank you, Cliff.


2016 Cliff Huylebroeck, Belgium

Part One:


Excerpts from Cliff's Home page on the subject of 'Gang Stalking':


"Gang stalking wiki

Gang stalking is a destructive activity like mobbing and bullying. As the world is larger than the workplace and the school, gang stalking is also happening at a larger scale than mobbing and bullying"

"Some quick facts:

80% of all people who commit suicide do this because of gang stalking.

It is however, not possible to forget about gang stalking, and get on with your life because the stalkers use electronic weapons. You never get used to it, just like you never get used to toothache and headache.

The stalkers don’t kill you directly. They aim to destroy your life to the point that you are better dead."

Part Two:

Excerpts from Cliff's superb efforts as seen at the above website:


Supporting doctors

Former Professor Alfred Webre (Doctor of Jurisprudence in International Law) prepared a video appearance for the first Covert Harassment Conference in Brussels in 2014....

Dr. Anna Fubini (Doctor of Medicine and psychiatrist) helps victims who suspect that they have implants.

Michael Segalov claims that he visited Professor Brian Sharpless (Ph. D. clinical psychology) because of exploding head syndrome....

Dr. Cheryl Welsh (Doctor of Jurisprudence) is the author of She’s recognized by the UNO as an expert.

Dr. Corkin Cherubini (Ph. D. education) wrote on his website: “I knew something was amiss, and afloat, when I kept seeing military type helicopters hovering over my home, and government vehicles everywhere — following, waiting, stalking in legions....

Former Professor Eric Karlstrom (Ph.D. geography) talked about gang stalking on the radio.


From Geral Sosbee :

The supreme gang stalkers in USA are fbi and their operatives & supporters.
[link]  More >

 On my behalf and perhaps for many others
picture11 May 2016 @ 22:19
I present here a metaphoric indictment of the main street media and of the fbi,police,etc. , who presume to have the authority to torture or kill me and others who similarly defend human rights globally. I charge the government miscreants and media figures with high crimes.

Each of us here has worked intensely in our lifetime to accomplish some degree of success, as defined by everyman in his/her own way. Today, many individuals discover that all of our efforts, all of our accomplishments and all (or most) of our dreams are stolen/destroyed/mocked by the very government responsible for protecting and safeguarding our fundamental human, civil and constitutional rights.

In my case I served the now overthrown regime that calls itself the United States of America (USA), and my only regret in my life is that service.

As we (you and I) provide multitudes of evidence on the corruption of our respective government, we discover that the entire main street media pretends that we do not exist. Indeed, the fbi/cia/police/mi6/surete/SS/mossad,et ., act as though our very existence is illegal. For this I charge such media personalities 1)with fraud and 2)as accessories to the ongoing felonies committed by the above agencies against us.
My message to the scoundrels in the media:

The specific details of the torture and attempted murder of my person repeatedly and incessantly are set forth on line in thousands of my (and your) testimonials, including sworn statements and court pleadings. Here is a brief introduction to my initial reports when the fbi early on sought to destroy my health and my sanity:

Here is a reference to the fbi history book where I am featured as a Special Agent in service to the fbi and to the USA:

For more details on the inhumane, unconscionable and criminally insane attacks on me, see "My Story In Detail" at my website and see my recent work to expose the fbi and their police associates as career criminals, thugs and assassins; see my reports at

Thank you.  More >

 Summary of my recent reports
picture11 May 2016 @ 17:30
Summary of my recent reports

Reputation for truthfulness: Excellent


The real fbi

Proof of criminals in charge of CJS

Fbi corrupts police, DA, ICE, etc.

Sworn Affidavits
Truthfulness :

Education :  More >

 The real fbi ('burro')
picture11 May 2016 @ 00:36
From inside the fbi these statements are often uttered : "If we want you, we will get you!" "We can be your best friend, or your worst enemy".

The fbi has mastered the arts of intimidation, character assassination,   fabrication and manufacturing of evidence, credible perjury/ plausible deniablity , false imprisonment, discreet assassinations, and outright murders machine gun style.

In this report I describe how the fbi labors to 'get' me, even though the fools of the 'burro' (fbi) have been unsuccessful for 30 years to date in their unconstitutional entrapment efforts against me. However, most of their Targets do in fact lose their freedom or their lives when the burro chases/snoops after them. One might discover in my articles that the fbi often  commits multiple serious felonies in their efforts to catch a possible future misdemeanant.

As a preview of the dirty tactics used by the burro against me, see the wild antics of hateful and uncouth AUSA Sara Robinson as she succeeds in fraudulently trashing my lawsuit against the burro:

She and the federal judge who is also controlled by the burro, abandon all decorum in their orchestrated ad hominem attack on me, and they truly make a mockery of the court hearing where I tried to stop fbi crimes against me in the year 2000.

As mentioned above, see how the AUSA Sara Robinson submits in open court, in her pleadings and at every stage of my civil action against the fbi, false allegations in order to portray me as a candidate for fbi torture:


In the next link. I show how the AUSA Robinson with the corrupt judge's blessing tries to fraudulently portray me as a mental case and threat to public safety. 

"...unbalanced mind..., public safety...public interest..."


They had no defense against my documented case on fbi crimes against me, so the AUSA and the judge stooped to lowest levels of 'dirty low down', unprofessional  verbiage to thwart my pleadings.

Similarly, when the fbi 'burro' can't arrest someone legitimately,  the fbi thugs have an infinite variety of other ways to destroy their Target. One such alternative method was used on me, and the method is so outrageous and patently unethical and unlawful that a person of normal sensibilities would be shocked to learn of its use by any  law enforcement official.

In the next paragraph I try to illuminate the disgusting method used by the burro to publicly and fraudulently destroy a person's rights as a human being and as a citizen. That method is institutional slander and libel. 

Many people are chosen as Targets  by the fbi for ruination. Some are targeted  for no legitimate  reason, other than political motives,  to be harassed, tnreatened, terrorized and killed by the fbi and company.  One falsely presumed justification used by the fbi against an innocent Target is to leak contrived and extremely prejudicial information that their Target poses a threat to public safety, or is insane, or both. The burro in its own irrationality has found that this kind of public lynching is sufficient to end the productive life of any Target. Federal Magistrate Judges help the fbi ruin anyone by this tactic en queue, and such magistrates are among the most dangerous traitors in this country.





Additionally the federal magistrate judges  regularly and impliedly authorize the fbi hoodlums to engage in a never ending stream of provocative crimes against a given Target; the local police, DA, etc., always  cover up and refuse to investigate such crimes and even gang up against the fbi's Target by committing more crimes and insults against the same Targets. 


Amazingly,  the federal magistrate judge also empowers the fbi to conduct macabre human experimentation on selected individuals:


These experiments often result in the suffering, forced suicide or unique  death by government. The fbi ritually expands these abominable experimentation programs  in order to terrorize and terminate the Target. See, for example,  the similarities between "Logan's Run" and my own experiences as one who is chosen by the central governing authority/fbi for termination and death. For specific data on this subject see "My Story In Detail " on line.

The Fbi routinely  uses fraudulent civil process to terrorize the political and innocent Target:

In one instance I documented the crime committed by the fbi, attributed to me, and turned over to other law enforcement thugs in USPI and Texas DPS to fraudulently pursue. See this and related links therein for specific information:


Finally, the Fbi criminally & systematically  abuses the global disease surveillance system in efforts to justify surveillance, harassment, torture, forced suicide, murder of their innocent, political Targets. Indeed, I have shown in many of my reports that the homicidal sociopaths of the fbi actually make a sport of their torture & killing spree against the Target.


See my medical records as potential evidence to show fraud by the fbi and by their attorneys (like Sara Robinson & Monica Mclean ):



Understand, if one will,  that the 'white collars'  and 'good guy' portrayals of the fbi on TV and in popular news and movie programs hide  the real fbi which is made up of psychopathic serial torturers, murderers and career criminals.

The general population is completely in the dark concerning the subhuman and cowardly  character of most fbi agents and operatives. 

About me:


Thank you.  More >

 My message to friends and interested parties
picture10 May 2016 @ 01:44
Never on planet earth have existed such destructive high technology in the hands of so many homicidal sociopaths as we see today in the United States of America and allies.

We here on the front lines of the invisible, cruel and often murderous assaults on innocent people worldwide  by government agents/police/soldiers (and their operatives) are making compelling  history that must live on for the next thousand years.

Our mandate from all mankind is to make the best effort possible to share with all the the world the terrible, wretched and purely evil minds of those who use directed energy weaponry (microwave, extremely low frequency sound waves, and other invisible assaults) on our fellow citizens. Add to this abomination the sinister mind games played on our people by the same miscreants under their other program referred to as 'psychological operations' which drive many people flat out crazy.

Thus, one may realize that we live on the crossroads of more than just the dawn of the well publicized New World Order; today low minded men in power force the entire global population to accept, under threat of suffering and bad death, an existence that is defined, enforced and perpetuated by the most brutal torturers, assassins and mass murderers of all time.

I accept the responbility to do my very best until the end to resist such diabolical government employees (and their followers) in their filthy design on our world's culture. I understand, however, that many men/women may not be prepared to deal with the physical and mental pain delivered upon them by the murderous regulators of this 'Age of Madness ', and that such 'Targets' may face a most awful, inevitable  dilemma.


Our police and fbi are standing by now 24/7/365 indefinitely to kill or to imprison anyone who cannot sink to knees in supplication before the psychotic killers whom I reference in my work online. Such fellow victims are often  the best among us, even though they may be labeled to the contrary as they in reaction to unmanageable stimuli and vehement emotions turn antisocial. My prayers are with them and against their tormentors. I hope that I have the strength to forcefully critique the ugliness that befalls our society as we try to adjust to the criminal Insanity and cowardice of this tyrannical and truly rotten regime.


Thank you.

[link]  More >

 Fbi corrupts police, DA, ICE, etc.
picture9 May 2016 @ 18:25
I present evidence of fbi's corruption of police, DA, ICE, etc.

This report is in two parts as follows: 1) Corruption of the Brownsville, Texas Police Department and the Cameron County District Attorney’s office by the fbi; fbi retaliation against me and my wife for my recent reports. Here is the report from which the fbi suffers indigestion:

2) Assaults on me and my wife by ICE.

In the first part of this report, I accentuate the lies, or blatant misrepresentations of high ranking police Sergeant Robert Martinez (M), Brownsville, Texas Police. Note that the DA deceitfully accepted the false reports of M and Detective Adrian Posada (AP), but made no record of the Police Commander’s statements which support my report of the crimes.

That commander of the BPD is James Paschal.Also of significance is the fact that neither M , nor AP made any effort to investigate the crimes that I and my wife tried to document. Yet, M falsely reports to the DA that no offense existed. I never had any contact with M regarding the report that he says is baseless. I also mention fbi retaliation against me and my wife for my reporting government crimes.

In the second part of this report I show how the fbi and ICE harass and assault me and my wife.

See my documentations that tend to prove that M is a liar:
Brownsville Police Department Sergeant Robert Martinez lies to cover up false report and other offenses by Detective Adrian Posada. .

"...Ultimately there was no offense to report. .."*l2E...

See my report on corruption of DA and his investigator, both of whom accept the lies of the police officers who did not properly investigate the crimes that I reported:


The original false report by Detective Adrian Posada is in pdf form here (note that he wrote his misleading report about a month after he refused to accept my original complaint concerning which he stated in a threatening manner, “filing a false police report is a crime; take the medication”):


The fbi retaliates with severe DEW attacks on me and my wife in response to my articles proving that fbi, police, DA committed crimes which the AG ignores:


Fbi attacks with DEW:



Assaults by ICE (Immigration Customs Enforcement):
As a preface to this part of my report see the following link on the harassment by federal agencies as directed by the fbi:


On or about April 27, 2016, I and my wife were looking for a place to live; we drove around a neighborhood in Olmitos, Texas, and suddenly a white, late model Honda came roaring up at a high speed just behind us. About an hour later we visited the owner of the residence across the street from where the white Honda driver assaulted us. The owner of the house asked to see my ID as a precaution before showing the house. I showed her my driver’s license, but she took the license out of my hand. I did not object. Then, she began to photograph the license and to apparently send it over the internet via her smart phone. I stated, “I do not approve of your actions with my license and I do not do business this way; return my license.” She returned my license and stated, “ My husband is a Special Agent with ICE “ and he directs me to do this.

I reported the incident to the Border Patrol in Brownsville, Texas. Major Mares USBP advised me to report the incident to the police and to ICE. I did not report to the police because the BPD are corrupt and threatened me the last time I tried to file a report (see the above documentations on Posada and Martinez of the BPD). I file a report on the ICE incident with the Cameron County Sheriff (case number 0416-1864) and with Kevin W. Benson, ASAC, ICE, Homeland Security, 1800 Paredes Line Road, Brownsville, Texas 78521. The white Honda driver who lives across the street from the ICE agent is apparently a friend of the ICE agent who directed the neighbor to frighten me and my wife.

For additional, unrelated reports on fraudulent police reports and assaults on me by the UT police at the direction of fbi, see my site at sosbeevfbidotcom, parts 19,a,b,c.
For the false medical report used by Posada to insult me with his “take the medication “ statement see part 20 of My Story In Detail at sosbeevfbidotcom.

The reader may understand that police and DAs across the nation are corrupted by the fbi on queue and that I have presented exhaustive evidence and in some instances proof that this nation is under a police state as spearheaded by the fbi.

Thank you  More >

 Fbi corrupts entire CJS in USA
picture8 May 2016 @ 21:08
Here is how one proves that this government is run by criminals:
Proof of collusion by fbi assassins and local DA & police

In the links shown herein ,  I explain how the Cameron County District Attorney and his investigator knowingly violate the Texas Open Records Act with the implied permission or imprimatur of the Texas Attorney General.  This report seeks to punctuate these violations of law and professional legal ethics.


As I previously documented in the following link, the fbi/DA/DA investigator/Police joined together to commit or  to cover up a continuing series of felony  crimes and cover ups against me, my wife and our property. The AG ordered the DA and Police to release records, but the DA  Luis V. Saenz and his investigator George Delauney withheld the incriminating contents of an email from DeLauney to fbi's 

‘’ that would reflect prejudice against this victim of fbi counterintelligence crimes.

When I proved to the AG the withholding and 'removal' of the DeLaunay message to the fbi, the AG ignored and intentionally refused to respond. Such inaction by the AG signals that he does not want to go on record against the DA and the fbi because the AG knows that my interpretation of the law is correct as follows:

DA Saenz & Investigator  DeLauney  knowingly violated the law which carries criminal penalties as set forth below in the *Texas Government Code. 

Both DA Saenz and Investigator Delauney should be required to surrender the email that DeLauney sent to the fbi, or face criminal  prosecution. The AG has the authority and the responsibility to take court action against the DA and his investigator,  but the AG knows that the fbi would probably intervene in federal court (possibly 'Ex Parte') to stop the release of illicit data. In any event, I have proven that the criminals in the fbi corrupt all persons in the criminal justice system here and by extrapolation across the country.

The email to the fbi from Delauney is expected to prove collusion between the very thugs in the fbi who are terrorizing me (and committing crimes against me) and the DA & his investigator & several officers of  the Brownsville, Texas, Police Department.


Texas Government Code 552.351 and  551.001(2); Tex.Loc.Gov.Code 203.041, 203.025.

"Sec. 551.002.  OPEN MEETINGS REQUIREMENT.  Every regular, special, or called meeting of a governmental body shall be open to the public, except as provided by this chapter.

Added by Acts 1993, 73rd Leg., ch. 268, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1993."


*Texas Government Code  552.351

" (a) A person commits an offense if the person wilfully destroys, mutilates, removes without permission as provided by this chapter, or alters public information.
(b) An offense under this section is a misdemeanor punishable by:
(1) a fine of not less than $25 or more than $4,000;
(2) confinement in the county jail for not less than three days or more than three months;  or
(3) both the fine and confinement.
(c) It is an exception to the application of Subsection (a) that the public information was transferred under Section 441.204.
- See more at:"
See also my evidence online of the complete corruption by the fbi of the USPI Knipfing and Texas DPS Rodriguez.


Shine a bright light on fbi corruption,  criminality & gratuitous treachery...

...and on the fbi's total  corruption of the CJS and America :


Some of my recent documentaries, articles and comments, 2016:

To fbi agents






CJS gone mad



Fbi crime spree



Fbi murderous cowards



America the beautiful, NOT



Fbi torture and mayhem



Fbi corrupts entire CJS in USA 


Police state :

[link]  More >

 America The Beautiful, NOT!
picture7 May 2016 @ 23:48
Waging war and pretending to 'fight crime' are big business in USA. The military and its industrial suppliers, the fbi/cia/nsa budgets are so huge that they are largely kept secret, often relying on illegal and criminal acts to fund murderous agenda.

The domestic crime fighting apparatus is a fraud in that the police and fbi intentionally and sometimes for show kill people who are innocent, or who otherwise do not require on the spot death sentences.
In my work online I try to show that the fbi vendetta against me reflects the general violent and unconscionable tenor of this regime 's global political posture wich invites in some instances reprisals 'in-kind'.

So, I trust that as people discover in my reports the heinous torture and killing tactics used by the fbi/cia/police in USA, that the informed reader may better comprehend why the USA is always under some kind of security or 'terror alert' and why so many people seek to stop USA imperialism (see my 'world in a box' at

In a real sense the economy here depends in part on USA sponsored atrocities committed 'over there' ; the brutal and deadly police state here also seems to be accepted as a new 'norm' by the media and by the ignorant, uninformed public.

After all, the fbi/cia et. al., have discovered that they make a lot of money, expand their power base, pretend to defend the 'Homeland', lie to the American people and engage in 1) mass murder, 2)killings, 3) selective & discreet assassinations and 4) subtle eugenics , all at the same time the world over.


Thank you.

PS:  More >

 Torture, mayhem & murder = fbi covert operations globally
picture7 May 2016 @ 19:44
Torture, mayhem,  murder= fbi covert operations globally

In order to more fully describe the murderous evil of fbi agents and operatives I present the following additional evidence:

A few years ago the following medical group notified me indirectly that the fbi obtained the medical records from the hospital regarding my visits there as a young boy in grade school:

Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children
Main Campus
2222 Welborn Street
Dallas, Texas 75219

The attention that I received in the facility resulted in a medical evaluation of weak lungs vulnerable to toxic cigarette smoke, etc. The doctor indicated in his charts that I could not be exposed to any fumes from cigarettes.

The fbi then began a discreet program of pumping cigarette smoke (or other toxic fumes) into my residence everywhere I lived, continuing now about 15 years. I was thus forced out of my home about thirteen times over the past decade and a half. The record of my many residences  confirms this, and the record at Scotish Rite Hospital confirms the statements in the second paragraph above.

Additionally, the fbi has complete access to my medical records throughout my life; the fbi assassins are aware of a duodenal ulcer diagnosis while I served the fbi as a Special Agent. So, in apparent efforts to aggravate that condition, the fbi imposed severe psychological stress on me over the past 30 years. 

The nose deflection injury from my Army days also provided an opportunity for the fbi to attempt to kill me in the recovery room after survery. Their agent/assassin entered my room and changed the doctor's bedside note to read, "give food upon patient's awakening". I nearly suffocated in my own vomit in that attack. 

For additional data on the psychopathic fbi's expertise in serial killings see:


Regarding the decades long and painful assaults by DEW, see a false medical report here:


The entire federal judiciary assisted the fbi in the year 2000 in throwing out my petition for an injunction that might have stopped the torture and attempts on my life since that date. See my Writ where the infamous AUSA Sara Robinson successfully moved the judge to deny my petition with prejudice, thereby giving the fbi the 'green light' to expand efforts to kill or imprison me.


The filth that is the fbi across the landscape is supported by congress, the courts and the powerless & ignorant American public.


See my page on World in a box for more methods used by the fbi to destroy, imprison, and murder fbi's Targets.

Thank you.


Over the past 15 years, several fbi operatives including a beast of a woman and and sly female cop moved into an adjoining apartment and pumped cigarette fumes into my residence in obvious efforts to cause serious bodily injury, knowing full well of my medical history of weak lungs. On one occasion the fumes were extremely heavy and I awoke with an acute bronchitis attack requiring medical attention.  More >

 To all fbi agents
category picture7 May 2016 @ 11:30
To all fbi/cia agents ( present, past & future ):

This (and your felonious crime spree) is your legacy and shame:


 A review of fbi's own crime spree
picture6 May 2016 @ 22:10
A Review of fbi's own crime spree hidden by media and captured by this material witness/victim:

USPI and Texas DPS  at the direction of fbi continue the charade of threatening me for unspecified crimes which were set up by fbi. DPS Rodriguez fancies himself a supreme profiler, but I recognize him and Knipfing as quislings and fools

( see also a comment by fbi assassin, aka 'James Duval'):



Fraudulent investigation launched by UT at the direction of fbi assassins:



Fraudulent BOLO (2009) issued by UT at the direction of fbi assassins:



Fbi/police thugs engage in provocative assault and battery of my person with police standing by and hoping to arrest me on behalf of fbi, if I defend myself (2009-2010):



Painful DEW assaults continue for the past 15 years 24/7/365 apparently for life:



Brain entrainment technology used by this fascist regime against many veterans who defended the USA in war:



Full scale, illegal operations and crimes against me by fbi/police/DA, etc.:


Thank you.  More >

 The CJS and its members truly gone mad
picture6 May 2016 @ 14:17

This report is directed to astute readers, students and teachers in law, pre law and social science.

The fbi, police and judges at all levels (and their assorted comrades in covert government sponsored crimes) are on a roll, a crime spree against our people which is unprecedented in human affairs and in law.

In the few links below I invite students and teachers to discover the murderous tenor of the Criminal Justice System (cjs), its members and at times the general public (including jurors). In short the fbi, police, judges, etc., have gone *mad.

If the victim of their crimes tries to seek any form of judicial relief, then he/she will likely be further threatened by the powerful federal judge, tortured by the sick fbi assailants and maligned by the public which is mesmerized and discreetly subdued. For examples of their crimes against me see my sworn affidavits, dated 2007, 2014, and see

The members of the CJS are, as I have demonstrated, often guilty of more serious crimes than most of the defendants sent to prison, or sentenced to death. See additional examples of unconscionable crimes committed or covered by reputable officials who pretend to serve as police and judges in our country:


The fbi cleverly and with no objection from lawyers developed its own secret, illegal and abusive quasi CJS that no one can challenge:

*Madness of our trusted officials:


Thank you.  More >

 USA belongs to cowardly & corrupt fbi assassins, not to the people
picture5 May 2016 @ 19:48
A tragic lesson potentially facing our young men is the one I deal with and report as summarized here:

I served the *USA as a young, naive soldier in combat on the battlefield; and, together with other soldiers who gave or risked all, I believed in our nation and in our leaders. Not Now. Upon return home to work and study in a free America, I discovered that the hoodlums employed with the fbi (i.e.,the 'burro') and the police engage in high crimes in a most cowardly manner against our people, against our veterans, and against me. Low thugs of the fbi attack the best that America produces.

The United States of America is an insupportable regime which I denounce.


Sleep deprivation and other unconscionable offenses are the sportive activities of low, subhuman creatures in the 'burro' (fbi):



About me:
[link]  More >

 Sleep: "Nature's soft nurse"
picture2 May 2016 @ 23:38
As I and others have proven by extensive evidence, some circumstantial and most from direct testimony and scientific documentation, the United States government under the direction of the fbi and other agencies engage in widespread assaults of human beings with *Directed Energy Weaponry (DEW) which includes assaults by microwave and by extremely low frequency sound waves (ELF), etc.

Particularly targeted for such torture are activists, whistleblowers and others whom the fbi and their associates deem “not welcome” in the society. Thus, the fbi has decided to assault me 24/7/365 apparently for life and the assaults started about 15 years ago and continue to this moment. I have suffered extreme pain as a result of the DEW attacks, and I have listed many of the symptoms at the following link:

Another symptom of the ELF attacks is sleep deprivation which is sometimes incapacitating and always emotionally painful. See this link for more:


Alt. Link:
fbi attacks with DEW:


When I tried to seek medical help, the doctor seemed as though he worked for the fbi. The fbi are the very assassins who torture me and try to kill me on different occasions in their vendetta. So I consider the doctor’s chart regarding the DEW attacks as totally false and perhaps fraudulent. Here is his false report:


I have now verified that many individuals suffer from the sleep deprivation attacks and I have become friends with them online. Some victims (or Targeted Individuals) have been driven to the brink of distraction from the attacks; perhaps even some have contemplated a final exit as a result of the physical and psychological trauma intentionally inflicted on them by the fbi and their associates. I have at long last realized that someday I will sleep, even if only by the hand and blessing of God.

"To die: to sleep;
...and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep;
O sleep! O gentle sleep!
Nature’s soft nurse, how have I frighted thee...."


So, while I labor to expose the subhumans who engage in torture, forced suicide (often while being monitored), and murder, I am optimistic that my work will live on and the very evil and sadistic people who perpetrate these crimes will be exposed for exactly what they are: Satan’s kin incarnate.

Here are a few more symptoms that I have recently experienced: Microwave cause cancer on my left neck area (not from the sun, though the fbi may plausibly assert to the contrary); rapid loss of hearing in either ear (left ear being a near total loss of hearing and the right ear indicates about a 70% loss).

I have also concluded that the world is under assault by the USA, not just by the conventional weaponry as used for example in the Middle East, but by high tech assaults which are classified and used by many governments (especially the USA) to kill political adversaries to regimes friendly to the USA.

In the following links I present evidence of the decadence of civilization which is furthered by the murderous activities and corruption of the United States of America .

I have also shown how the fbi guarantees that the laws are ignored when the fbi sees the need:
Subversion of laws:


I conclude here that the USA is in fact a police state:
Police state USA:


The real fbi (the 'Burro') is not known until now:


In my recent work I outline an example of pervasive corruption of the criminal justice system by the assassins of fbi:

Dirty fbi/police/DA/judges/USPI

I show here evidence that torturers abound in our society:


…and here I suggest that many of us face a ‘Dilemma’ :


Finally, in the following link I show how the fbi and their covert death squads try to justify their otherwise fraudulently obtained court orders to torture and kill people as authorized from federal magistrate/judges


In conclusion the USA which I once defended on the battlefield is today the enemy of mankind and exemplifies in its unconscionable crime spree unprecedented in human affairs that man’s inhumanity to man is the main method by which the USA intends to enslave the world’s population.

No human being should be inhumanely deprived of life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, nor happiness by the lowest form of human intellect (i.e.: the fbi/judges/legislators, etc.) who all circumvent the fundamental human, civil and constitutional laws . See my paper on this topic here:

My medical records are available in the attached document and on my main site at I defend all persons who are attacked by the criminals in the fbi, et. al. , because no medical chart can be interpreted by sane persons as a basis for torture, forced suicide and murder.

Thank you  More >

picture2 May 2016 @ 01:30
I invite the astute reader to become acquainted with my wonderful & best friend for fifteen years, the Splendid BARBARA HARTWELL :

[link]  More >

 A police state USA unfettered by moral / legal constraints
picture29 Apr 2016 @ 03:15
A police state USA unfettered by moral/legal constraints:

I have shown for about the past 30 years that the nation that calls itself the United States of America is in reality an *overthrown regime in the tradition of Germany in the 1930-40s; that all the signs of a murderous and cruel group of thugs in historically overthrown regimes are present in today's America: wild imprisonment, torture, forced suicide, selective assassination, control of media, global expansion, macabre human experimentation,  shooting down innocent people on the streets, etc.

The primary culprits in the secret out of control government are the fbi,cia,police,nsa,dod, et al. As I am intimately familiar with the homicidal sociopaths in service to the tyrants in power, I have presented evidence of the crimes committed by the evil men in the fbi and of the atrocities committed in the name of the American people. See my 

'World in a Box':

See also and my papers at

The fbi in retaliation for my reports on their mayhem, torture and killing activities have engaged in severe assaults and attempted murder of my person repeatedly and incessantly. The high tech electronic weaponry available to the fbi/cia at once empowers and enables the fbi and company to 'get away with' torture, forced suicide and murder perpetrated invisibly on a wide variety of their Targets/Victims. The fbi and their associates are on a stealth &  global crime spree unprecedented in human affairs. Perhaps such a dirty and unconscionable program  is partly responsible for the 911 attack on USA.

In domestic operations the fbi is the unquestioned force whose authority is law, even when the fbi and their police comrades break the law. Indeed, the entire law enforcement community is now corrupted by the fbi and engage in crimes on behalf of the fbi, often in efforts to cover up the  fbi's own crimes. See, for examples my reports in the following link on this subject:


One  problem facing  this overthrown and unsustainable regime is that men of conscience may not always accept decadent and murderous mandates of this police state; then, some  brave men may find that conscience and circumstance  move them to rebel, whereupon with their integrity and sanity  yet  intact they face  a 'life event' decision:


In my case the fbi has taken all from me, except my last breath, and I feel blessed to peacefully work against them to the end, especially in concert with other talented and similarly motivated humanitarians; and, as I understand that my purpose in this 

world is apparently and irrevocably  defined, against my will, by the lowest form of human beings on God's good earth (i.e., the fbi ), I am privileged to labor for decades until death, if necessary,  to intellectually destroy the fbi for the benefit of all. At the very least, I will be listed with others who sought, in the words of my friend Lissa Mires, "a Humane life" for all.

See my report dated 2002:


The responsibility for the  collapsed government of the United States is described here:

In the fbi's campaign to destroy all semblance of my normal life, the assassins of the fbi turn all authorities against me; then, their quislings everywhere hound, harass, threaten, malign and sometimes criminally assault me in my home on behalf of the fbi. Here are a few federal  agencies whose employees have assaulted me:










Census Bureau 






Senate/House of Representatives 

Sergeant at Arms, Senate/House

Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts






Department of  State

               "            Energy

                *          Treasury


National Geospacial Intel Office


State agencies also rob me of my rights as a citizen and are directed by fbi to harass me at every turn:


For information about my life and work, see:

my affidavits 2007 & 2014 at:


and personal data:


My medical records :


Thank you.  More >

 Examples of fbi/police/DA/AG subversion of laws
picture28 Apr 2016 @ 00:40

This report serves as an indictment of all who protected the fbi by covering up their crimes against me. Anyone who is interested in the collapse of law and order might read this report and all links for specific data on how the cops and fbi have ruined this country, subverted the laws, and trashed fundamental human and civil rights.

For more information on these topics see my papers at:

See the following report for relevant background information :

Dirty fbi, police, DA, AUSA, Judges, USPI, etc.


The players in this post are as follows:

Fbi agent/operative:


Unidentified fbi agents/operatives/thugs/assassins on assignment from the fbi office in Brownsville, San Antonio,Texas, and a few in Washington D.C. (I identify some fbi operatives by name or by photo online). See “My Story In Detail” for the names of many individuals who helped the fbi terrorize me over the past 30 years:


I have also identified at least one female cop who tried to discreetly and seriously harm me.


Ken Paxton

Assistant AG:

Neal Falgoust


Luis V. Saenz

DA Investigator:

George DeLauney

Brownsville, Texas PD:

1)Detective Adrian Posada (Posada)

2)Internal Affairs Officer Rolando Vasquez

3)Sergeant Robert Martinez

4) Commander James Paschal

My report:

In November of 2015 the fbi continued vandalizing my car and I tried to file a report with the Brownsville, Texas Police Department (BPD). The police officer who listened to my report refused to accept it, though he pretended to accept the report. That officer is Detective Adrian Posada.

He impliedly threatened me and my wife (during the initial meeting in his office on or about 11-20-2015) when he stated that “filing a false police report is a crime’’. Posada also incredibly and with hostility stated to me, “take the medication.” Posada also asked my wife away from my hearing where she met me.

For more data see:

The Posada Adventure, Continues ( attached to the following report is proof of DA unethical and prejudicial contact with fbi’s ryan.flint)


I subsequently filed an incident report with the Cameron County Sherrif’s office, and I filed a verbal complaint with the BPD Internal Affairs officer Vasquez who ignored my request for assistance. I also asked the DA Saenz to allow me to file a complaint against Posada for the cover-up, threat, etc. I also gathered information from the DA, BPD and the DA investigator DeLauney, under the Texas Open Records Act (ORA). The information provided to me by order of the Texas Attorney General (AG) showed that Posada and Sergeant Martinez lied and tried to discount the report of fbi crimes against my person.

I asked that a public integrity case be opened against Posada et al.

Public Integrity Case Is Requested Against Detective Adrian Posada, Brownsville, Texas PD


I also notified the AG that the BPD , DA, and DA investigator continues to violate the ORA. The AG ignored my repeated requests for specific data withheld by DeLauney, and I cited the law which has criminal sanctions against any public official (including police, DA, etc.) who violated the strictures of the ORA. Again, the AG ignored my proof of violations of the law by the parties described herein. Specifically, the laws supporting my accusations include (but are limited to) Texas Government Code 552.351 and 551.001(2); Tex.Loc.Gov.Code 203.041, 203.025. I explained to the AG that Delauney intentionally withheld the content of his email to ‘’ (flint)


DeLauney’s contact with flint is a travesty because flint is an agent/operative with the very group of fbi thugs responsible for many felonious assaults on me and on my wife over the past 25-30 years. No reason existed for DeLauney to contact flint except to prejudice my report of the cover up of the fbi’s crimes as I have documented. Indeed, I consider the cover up by Posada, DA, DeLauney, Martinez, Vasquez, Paschal as tantamount to subversion of law by the members law enforcement community, violations of ORA, suppression of evidence, manufacture of evidence, and other offenses. Such cops/fbi persons also are accessories to the many felonies that I document.

On 4-25-16, I tried to reach Falgoust telephonically , but he refused to return my call. Then, he or one acting for him in the office of the AG sends me a “non-message” via the internet as he visited my site as follows:

Domain Name ? (U.S.)
IP Address
204.64.50.# (Texas Attorney General)
Time of Visit
Apr 26 2016 11:25:17 am
Visit Entry Page
The above 'non message' in the context of my several efforts to obtain the contents of the DeLauney email to the fbi appears to be a statement that the AG is finished with this ORA case, and that nothing is forthcoming with regard to the apparently illegal withholding of the email to the fbi. Of course, I also asked for the email to DeLauney from the fbi’s flint. That request was also ignored.

Flagrant *violations of the ORA by these officials is a serious problem for liberty interests, especially when cops, fbi, etc., engage in crimes & cover ups, threats etc. against the victims of fbi/police crimes as I have documented for 30 years. The police state unfolds right under our nose and is authorized by the fools who pretend to protect and serve.

*Open Records Act Violated By BPD, DA and others


Finally, the fbi with the full awareness and authority of a corrupt federal magistrate/judge (under the control of the fbi intelligence community) continues the Directed Energy Assaults on me 24/7/365, possibly for life; these assaults are made by pulse microwave or extremely low frequency sound waves and are sometimes disabling in their effects. For more data see part 19 of “My Story” and see:


Thank you.

Alt. Link:
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 Tribute To The Imprisoned
picture27 Apr 2016 @ 12:04
All prisoners are largely innocent on a relative basis:

See my reports on the fbi/cia/police high crimes and unconscionable torture & killing operations (foreign & domestic) and understand that the millions of our countrymen imprisoned (behind bars and in their own bodies/homes)  in the USA have done little to nothing in most instances  that would compare to the macabre offenses committed against them and others by the truly guilty fbi/cia/nsa/police, etc.


World In A Box:


The fbi, police and their operatives terrorize their prey until they break and seek final exit, even as their government tormentors watch the gruesome ordeal in real time.

Retaliation for exposing the filth in this overthrown regime :




A Nuremberg type trial is needed, but the general population is in denial of the reality of heinous offenses committed in their name; so, nothing is done and the fbi/cia/police crime spree expands right before our eyes.

[link]  More >

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March 18, 2017

Our efforts (mine & my associates)reveal the macabre destiny of mankind, unless we prevail in the pursuit of a general enlightenment of the populace. In any event we are the unacknowledged legislators of the world by awakening in others a fundamental respect for humankind and by indicting the torturers and assassins of our era. The United States of America, by virtue of our work here, is now forever known as a BEAST (Brain EntrAinment State) , a country w/o conscience, a people w/o heart who are cursed with a national character predominantly w/o soul :



For Compelling Reports, See The One And Only
Official Site Of

Barbara Hartwell vs. CIA


This is the real fbi which uses the methods and incorporates the values of the notorious Mafia:


Sosbee reports from the field:
get your own fbi/cia terrorist badge at:
See cia data:

...and see my documentations of fbi/cia crimes at:

The greatest threat to mankind are the murderers and torturers of the fbi/cia. Sosbee comments:

Invade my country (or alienate me in it) I will invade yours;invade my *brain, all bets are off.
A slogan to be remembered:

The Few, the Proud, the Brain Entraining Fiends of the US Marines.

*Regarding Brain Entrainment,
[Note: The perennial search for peaceful solutions to the fbi/cia torture & killing spree globally is the paradox of my life under attack.]


"I suspect that all the crimes committed by all the jailed criminals do not equal in total social damage that of the crimes committed against them."
Karl Menninger, M.D.
The Crime Of Punishment
The Viking Press, NY, 1969

"The laws are like cobwebs: where the small flies are caught, and the great break through."
"...the individual cannot delegate the task of defending his basic human rights-to dignity,liberty, and responsibility-to any group of protectors,..." be they clergy, doctors, legislators, fbi, mafia, police, judges. "For if the protectors are successful, they inevitably become
O P P R E S S O R S..." who should be publicly categorized as


NOTE: The inmates, prisoners, and accused in custody around the world have redeeming qualities that should allow them their freedom in most cases; the fbi, police, all cops at every level, have no such redeeming characteristics; for they kill, stalk, lie, steal, falsify records and calumniate for a living (a profession) 24/7, for 20 to 30 years..


-------------------Caution: Adult Content:

See Robin Head's data:
Note that Robin refused to join in the illegal fbi sting against innocent persons:

Sosbee's Tribute To Our Brothers And Sisters Jailed Anywhere On Earth:

We all owe a debt to the millions of persons imprisoned by the corrupt criminal & civil justice systems worldwide, for THE IMPRISONED have surrendered their lives so that we may pompously pursue our demented imaginings on the progress of a failed civilization. See:
and see:
["You must contrive for your future Rulers another and a better life than that of a Ruler, and then you may have a well ordered State; for only in the State which offers this, will they rule who are truly rich, not in silver and gold, but in virtue and wisdom, which are the true blessings of life." Plato, The Republic.]

The united states of america is a government of torturers & traitors supported by cowards and fools who often can be heard echoing the sentiments of the torturers and assassins of the fbi/cia/pentagon against their victims as follows:"We have Little tolerance for losers and those constantly whining or needing attention."b>

June 6, 1944: The D ay that Enslaved the world.

This is my News Log.
All statements in this site are the opinion of Geral W. Sosbee, except where otherwise indicated.

All work authored by Geral Sosbee in this website and at is registered with United States Copyright Office, For a Work of the Performing Arts, # PAu 2-587-209, effective 10-10-2000, entitled "Intelligence", in accordance with title 17, United States Code. All Rights Reserved.

All logos and trademarks in this site are property of their respective owner. FAIR USE NOTICE: This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. I make such material available in efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. I believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to:
The entire content of this site is subject to international copyright. Unauthorized reproduction will be vigourously pursued to the full extent of the law.
I believe that the **war mongers and cutthroats must not be allowed to rule the world any longer; their methods fail.
"And so long as they were at war, their power was preserved, but when they had attained empire they fell, for of the arts of peace they knew nothing, and had never engaged in any employment higher than war." Aristotle, Politics
Rick Stanley
Constitutional Activist:
RE: psychotronic torture being used on sosbee and others NOW (2008):

Read: Inner Voice, Target Tracking,And Behavioral Influence Technologies
See Project Zombie :
[link] sosbee&rnum=2&hl=en&safe=active

[Consistent with the COPPA laws anyone under the age of 13 (thirteen ) in the United States is required to have their parent's permission before sending any information about oneself using this site. Also, anyone who sends an e-mail or other personal data to Geral W. Sosbee is affirming that he/she is 13 (thirteen ) years of age, or older, or has parental consent, and accepts responsibility for all representations made.]

*Also See Report This Site Dated and Entitled:
'Every child belongs to us': today's unsung fbi slogan
25 Jul 2007
_________Spread the word. Get your own FBI/CIA TERRORISTS badge

Regarding ELF assaults see:

[link] -----------------------------

___ As President Theodore Roosevelt said in his 1906 State of the Union address, "No man can take part in the torture of a human being without having his own moral nature permanently lowered." ______________________________________
ATHOUSANDWORDS-for students of physiognomy:
**The cowards of the United States government who engage in (or who permit or fail to stop) the mind control, psychoelectronic harassment/torture, and other so-called cover research human experimentation programs are the same individuals who share the responsibility for the fall of this country; I intend to share with all of the world, until my death, the tremendous fraud that the U.S. has become in its efforts to colonize the world by murderous and inhumane methodologies; in my work, my primary goal is to expose these low life perpetrators and misanthropes for what they are : assassins and torturers who should face an international war tribunal for their crimes against Humanity. Equally important in my life are the efforts to help others through education and friendship. I extend to my associates everywhere my sincere gratitude for your courage in striking the evil ones with your hearts and souls.
Compelling history is in the making by you & me.
Finally, the general lack of interest by the public at large regarding the ongoing torturing and killing of Targets by the fbi/cia (and their operatives) at home and abroad provides fertile ground for expanded inhumane assaults on mankind by these and other agencies ( as well as the lunatics in the private sector who also engage in the torture of selected Targets).
Finally, we must all begin to take the hoodlums of the fbi, cia, and other police agencies ( and their supporters in the general civilian population) MOST SERIOUSLY (if individual liberties are to be regained).

See 'murder in progress' , Brussell Sprout :

and See:

"Presbyterian Book Of Order
Challenge to Presbyterians of Conscience"

...and consider


"You must contrive for your future Rulers another and a better life than that of a Ruler, and then you may have a well ordered State; for only in the State which offers this, will they rule who are truly rich, not in silver and gold, but in virtue and wisdom, which are the true blessings of life." Plato, The Republic.

How To Stop The uSA Global Killing And Torture Spree:
The Formation Of The
(This means that the people must throw out the merchants of death in every government on earth):

SOSBEE's message to punks and cowards: U.S. Senate Sergeant at Arms (little mr. Gainer),Senators Grassley, Leahy, Cornyn and their criminal associates in Congress:
This soldier is moved by your sickness, but you are all in the rear and not on the front lines; so, you are viewed as cowards and traitors to those of us fighting the battles. Thus, I will not be able to help you when the people arrive on the scene.
To Congressional Traitors/Cowards From Einstein regarding the corrupt and fraudulent MDs in the decadent and homicidal practice of Psychiatry:
For more on the corrupt fbi see:



The fbi falsifies records and spreads fraudulent reports in both civil & criminal matters. See my medical clearances at


and an update in the documents below.

Note please that my former employer (fbi) has for two decades falsely reported my medical records in their smear campaign; I wanted the PUBLIC to have the correct info on me. Appropriate medical records, including *recent blood tests and medical exam are documented by letter dated December 14, 2012, and are available at:


Previous entries
  • Fbi assassins rising

  • 2016-10-23
  • USA under fascist & murderous rule

  • 2016-10-21
  • Fbi/police community are a threat to our people

  • 2016-10-20
  • Shame on Portland Indymedia (PI) for trashing my reports

  • 2016-10-19
  • Hallmarks of f b i

  • 2016-10-18
  • Fbi as human monster

  • 2016-10-17
  • Horror Story In USA
  • Fbi interferes with protocol of search engines

  • 2016-10-16
  • Sociopaths Among Us
  • A Prayer in Prose

  • 2016-10-15
  • Tru,p, Crooked Hillery ( CH ) and fbi / cia are all in a battle to control W H
  • News from Geral

  • 2016-10-13
  • Implied Threats of Arrest & Imprisonment/Death Hang Over This Target

  • 2016-10-10
  • Fbi Agents, Operatives and Friends Are Seriously Mentally Ill

  • 2016-10-07
  • Creation of Artificial Kidney Stone In Vivo By Skilled Criminals with M, M, O

  • 2016-10-04
  • ...And Then They Came For Me ............... fbi is today's Nazi Gestapo

  • 2016-10-03
  • Biography

  • 2016-10-02
  • Today's Police/fbi Traverse the Lines of Human Decency

  • 2016-09-30
  • Evidence that USA is run by criminals

  • 2016-09-27
  • USA's President Has Almost No Power Over fbi / cia Assassins

  • 2016-09-26
  • This is your country, your people, not mine

  • 2016-09-24
  • Counterintelligence Operations Against A Target Are Global

  • 2016-09-23

  • 2016-09-18
  • Homo homini lupus

  • 2016-09-17
  • Fbi illegal methods and criminal agenda exposed

  • 2016-09-16
  • Republication in different format: University of Texas/fbi joint crimes ag/ me

  • 2016-09-15
  • Faculty & Students Awaken
  • Wrap Up From SOSBEE
  • USA's fbi/MAFIA, a real life monster

  • 2016-09-11
  • An Eternal Fraud

  • 2016-09-09
  • Nazi criminals live today in fbi/ cia

  • 2016-09-07
  • My message to the US JUDICIARY

  • 2016-09-06
  • Our World & People Under Attack

  • 2016-09-04
  • Global Mandate To Stop fbi/cia from their  torture & kill programs

  • 2016-09-03
  • Macabre Crimes Committed By fbi, Tacitly Approved By Congress/SCOTUS

  • 2016-09-01

  • 2016-08-31
  • The Reach of

  • 2016-08-29
  • Update on evidence against DA, fbi, et al
  • Wicked men of the fbi

  • 2016-08-28
  • American dismissiveness in the face of its own crimes against humanity

  • 2016-08-27
  • Biographical Data on Geral Sosbee by Mr Cliff Huylebroeck
  • Macabre USA, (a repost)
  • Casual reading of an urgent nature

  • 2016-08-25
  • Police State sponsored by fbi sends clear message to Targets in one letter ( T )

  • 2016-08-24
  • Medical Clearances of GERAL SOSBEE

  • 2016-08-23
  • To fbi Director James B Comey

  • 2016-08-20
  • fbi corrupts our nation
  • My L I F E !

  • 2016-08-18
  • The sick mindset of USA's population

  • 2016-08-17
  • I document more crimes against me by fbi

  • 2016-08-16
  • Fbi hacks my OPM account
  • A Dim View

  • 2016-08-07
  • Fbi reveals its filthy mind, followed by biographical data on me

  • 2016-08-06
  • Fbi hoodlums and criminal sociopaths at work 24/7

  • 2016-08-04
  • Capitalism is Dead

  • 2016-08-01
  • Unversality of geral's documentaries

  • 2016-07-31
  • American Terrorists
  • Fbi, police, army intel, et al are often criminals

  • More ..

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  • Dreams (31)
  • Information (105)
  • Inspiration (65)
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  • Rumors (11)
  • Stories (150)
  • Thoughts (205)

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