26 Mar 2016 @ 17:16
March 26, 2016
AG File # 598043
Office of the Attorney General
Open Records Division
P. O. Box 12548
Austin, Texas 78711-2548
Re: My letter to the AG, dated February 27, 2016
Enclosed is one copy of correspondence from Janie Carrizales showing email from Investigator Delaunay to fbi
Dear Mr. Attorney General,
The Cameron County DA and investigator George Delaunay intentionally violate the Texas Open Records Act (ORA) by withholding the contents of the email from Delaunay to the fbi. Please note that I and my wife were victims of crimes which the Brownsville, Texas Police covered up and subsequently the DA and his investigator (Delaunay) also refused to allow us to make a report with the DA.
The enclosed document is an admission from Delaunay that he in fact has the item that ORA includes as public information and as pertaining to public business; Delaunay is prohibited by law from destroying, removing or altering the information. Texas Gov. Code 552.351. The material is used in the transaction of public business Tex. Loc. Gov. Code 203.041, 203.025. Also Gov’t Code section 551.001 (2) clearly defines the data wrongly withheld by Delaunay because the data is within the jurisdiction of the government body and is public business.
Emails wrongly withheld by Delaunay are covered under the ORA by OR 2005-06753 relating to official business OR 2003-0951. Any effort by Delaunay and the DA to continue to withhold is a violation of Tex. Gov. Code 552.302 because they both waived any such claim as per the enclosed admission from Delaunay that he communicated with the fbi about “Sosbee”.
Please order the DA and Delaunay to comply with ORA and provide me with the contents of the Delaunay’s email to fbi and any subsequent emails to or from the fbi regarding me (Sosbee).
Regarding the fbi’s retaliation against me in their vendetta please see:
Thank you.
Geral Sosbee, Attorney
Texas State Bar License # 18855625
P.O. Box 1548
Brownsville, Texas 78522
Enc: 1
Letter to Texas AG, dated April 18, 2016:
April 18, 2016
AG File# 598043
Office of the Texas Attorney General
Open Records Division
P. O. Box 12548
Austin, Texas 78711-2548
Re: My previous letters to AG in February and March, 2016
Enc.: One copy each of the following documents: 1) Memo from Janie Carrizales, dated 1-15-16; 2) Memo from Janie Carrizales, dated 1-5-16; 3) My letter to AG, dated 3-3-16.
For background information already in the possession of AG, please see the above referenced letter to AG from me and the Carrizales memo dated 1-5-16 which are enclosed herewith.
For evidence of the DeLaunay refusal to release data in his possession in violation of the ORA please see the memo from Carrizales, dated 1-15-16.
I request that the AG order the DA and DeLaunay to release the contents of DeLunay’s email to the fbi at ‘ryan.flint@ic.fbi.gov’ as shown in the Carrizales enclosed herewith and dated 1-15-16. In my previous letter to the AG shown above I explained why the Delaunay email to the fbi is subject to disclosure under the ORA and that DeLaunay intentionally violates the law by not surrendering it. Please note that this matter was precipitated when Detective Adrian Posada et. al., of the BPD refused to take a report of a crime, threatened me for reporting the crime and insulted me in his office. Subsequently, Posada wrote a false police report in order to cover up his original violation of law, and now the DA also covers up the violations of Posada. The thugs who have damaged my vehicles for over 25 years (totaling about $25,000 in out of pocket losses) are operatives for the fbi. So, when DeLaunay withholds the email (referenced above) from me he in effect is an accessory to the offenses by the BPD, the crimes by the fbi operatives and is in violation of the ORA.
I ask the AG to carefully consider this request and issue an order to the DA and to DeLaunay to comply.
Thank you.
Geral Sosbee, Attorney
Texas State Bar License # 18855625
P.O. Box 1548
Brownsville, Texas 78522
Enc: 6
Sent Certified Mail, RETURN Receipt Requested
26 Mar 2016 @ 02:10
The USA is a bestial and lawless nation seeking world inhumane domination.
As I have proven over the past thirty years in thousands of posts, reports and documents, the fbi and all police groups at all levels are corrupt; all engage in crimes on a regular basis and all are subservient to the fascist and murderous USA intelligence community,
Even the United States Army assisted the fbi in unlawful threats against me when I tried to report crimes by the fbi and police against my person at the campus of the University of Texas. In the community of my residence I have proven corruption and threats by intimidation by the local police department and by the elected District Attorney (DA) and his investigator, all of whom covered up and prevented me from proving that fbi operatives regularly destroy or vandalize my car and assault me at various locations. All such authorities thereby assist the fbi in their felonies. Regarding the DA Investigator, he admits to communicating with the fbi against my interests at the direction of the DA and he also refused to allow me to report to him high crimes by fbi operatives against me and my wife.
Recently, I have also demonstrated how fear of the fbi by the general population, by congress and by the members of the judiciary turn all such officials into 'quislings' and de facto accomplices to fbi crimes. In "My Story In Detail" on line I name several citizens who decided to assist the fbi in terrorizing me on behalf of the fbi. Doctors and dentists are among the terrorists who eagerly joined in the fbi assaults on me.
Federal Magistrate Judges arm the fbi with a fraudulently obtained civil court order by which, by virtue of my articles and law suit against the fbi, these so-called judges are accomplices to fbi torture of my person and attempts on my life. Such thugs in black robes, sitting in their fortress-offices in US Courthouses and protected by homicidal and paranoid US Marshals , are criminals who are never accountable for the crimes they authorize against me and others. The fbi has been terrorizing me from the time I quit the fbi to this day; even as an attorney in El Paso, Texas, the fbi directed a Magistrate Judge there to authorize the terror campaign in retaliation for my reports of fbi high crimes (see my sworn affidavits 2007 & 2014).
Thus, I suggest that indeed the USA is a true terrorist state that is run and controlled by thugs, torturers and assassins with the full support of the citizenry en queue ( See my site at 'FBI/CIA Are Terrorists ).
After the decades long crime spree against me continuing to date by the fbi hoodlums, the fbi brazenly and insanely comes online in efforts to label me as a murderer because I defended this nation in combat. See my reports at Academia.edu.
What may one do upon discovery that the all powerful global regime which seeks to control the world and dictate the destiny of our species is intent on torturing or attempting to kill him at every turn of his life and every step he makes 24/7/365 for life.
Thank you and weep not for me ,but for mankind whom is metaphorically targeted for conversion into beasts. The lowest form of our species now violently take control of our lives and force us all to pay homage to their inhumanity by supporting their atrocities.
As W. B. Yeats accurately observed :
"The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity." More >
25 Mar 2016 @ 06:03
Lessons from the Ages are reflected upon in this report.
"It is better to create than to learn! Creating is the essence of life."
Julius Caesar
Creativity is the last goal of murderers.
*The greatest calling of mankind today is to create a world free of killing, torturing, imprisoning and vile slandering; all the learning of the classical sages and modern scholars fail in this singularly vital duty.
My experiences over seventy years move me to observe the utter decadence of our epoch as governments destroy and kill globally.
Fbi's torturous & destructive assaults on their victims are
felonious, calculated, considered and carefully orchestrated.
Nazi America:
Can we see what is happening!
"You must contrive for your future Rulers another and a better life than that of a Ruler, and then you may have a well ordered State; for only in the State which offers this, will they rule who are truly rich, not in silver and gold, but in virtue and wisdom, which are the true blessings of life." Plato, The Republic. More >
24 Mar 2016 @ 07:21
Below is a description of the apparatus of terror & intimidation used by the USA's Central police authority which is the fbi.
Today, the fbi enjoys the same dictatorial authority that was Adolf Hitler's in his time and place.
A few observations in the next paragraph are borrowed from Jarred Boyles who addressed the high crimes committed by Adolf Hitler. Boyles reported on some of the confessions of Nazi war criminals who operated with the implied consent of the people of Germany.
"What is it about a dictator that makes men set aside their own morality and so heedlessly slaughter other human beings? Do their cries of pain fall on deaf ears?
Fear is a perfect motivating factor, but how can fear paralyze millions of people so thoroughly? "
Today in the USA all Americans are afforded the opportunity to read my reports of fbi atrocities against me and others, but no one tries to stop the crimes because the fbi as dictator instills such extreme fear as to practically paralyze the members of government and most in the general population. In other words the people of the USA impliedly consent and often approve of the fbi hideous offenses that I chronicle.
Extensive documentation of my allegations against the fbi are on line, as are items of proof that Congress and the Courts pretend that the fbi is innocent and is collectively Mr. Wonderful protecting the USA from criminals; nothing could be further from the truth.
We have few or no confessions today from the human monsters of the fbi, but if we did here are a few of the outpouring of 'mea culpa' that would be forever inscribed in the annals of sickening American Real History :
Regarding ex fbi agent whistle-blower Geral Sosbee and many others targeted by the fbi for torture and death, here are a few of our assaults against him:
We tortured him in his home with a variety of methods:
Drove him into bankruptcy, homelessness and neuroses; sought as we monitored him in real time to force him into final exit and sent him messages to do so;
poisoned him extensively and watched him collapse and seek emergency hospital care; made sure his doctor was incompetent and that he would need to flee the hospital for his life; frequently entered his home and destroyed some of his clothing; tampered with certain items so he would know that we watch him 24/7/365 in order to devise ways to drive him crazy; destroyed his cars when warranties expired, and took over by remote control the electronics of his car and his home for harassment purposes; attacked him relentlessly with directed energy weaponry (DEW) including microwave (causing blisters and cancers) and with extremely low frequency (ELF) sound waves causing disturbing sleep deprivation permanently; watched him in his car and home in order to plot new psychological assaults; sent street thugs to provoke him in order to try to arrest him on any charge for over decades; notified all police and all of his contacts that he is under investigation and is a dangerous mental case; repeatedly tortured him while he was in the hospital for treatments of injuries that we caused, or that he suffered in the army.
When he attempted to report our attacks, we used his writings as evidence that he is dangerous, angry and a possible mass murderer (and that due to his combat service to USA he is by definition a murderer); orchestrated a crime scene where we planted his name as a prime suspect and subsequently directed high level police from state and federal agencies (not fbi) to open an official, full field criminal case on him.
All of this is even now conducted by our counterintelligence group and is authorized by federal judges/magistrates based on ex parte sworn fraudulent statements from our operatives.
Geral Sosbee somehow survived decades of these little atrocities even into his seventies and we plan to continue the macabre program against him until he dies.
"The more we do to you the less you seem to believe we are doing it". Joseph Mengele More >
23 Mar 2016 @ 06:12
Hopeless fascism (where money & power are supreme values over men)
spreads across the world at the direction of the USA intelligence community.
Fbi corrupts federal judge:
Federal Magistrate Judges act as thugs-operatives for fbi
Secret courts and armed judges assist fbi in inhumane vendetta against this fbi whistle-blower :
Overthrow of our nation by intelligence community :
Our people are at a distinct disadvantage in that they are in delusional trust of their leaders:
The Cogress is a group of cowards & fools. See my report on "This Congress Will Live In Infamy".
The courts are out of touch with reality and in bed with the terrorists of the fbi/cia/nsa/police, etc.
See my reports on the "Law Of The United States And All The world Under The NWO" and the *encroaching next 911 attack.
* [link]
Our country is lost amid a sea of murderous scoundrels and the quislings who serve them. America, see what you have become.
From William Butler Yeats
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
Our country is in shambles even as it seeks to rule the world:
[link] More >
22 Mar 2016 @ 22:02
After 3 years of USPI unlawful investigation and USPI crimes on bahalf of fbi in its vendetta, the thugs of USPI continue their threats and intimidation program in efforts to silence me. Mach 22, 2016.
Today, Inspector Knipfing and his foolish and dangerous sidekick Rodriquez continue to violate FOIA, in order to prolong their threats against me and in order to cover up fbi crimes and USPI crimes in support of the fbi assassins.
The uspi and the fbi are engaged in unconscionable crimes and cover ups, even as their criminal agents try to provoke this Target. Weep for this nation & for all the world, not for me, because fear of the fbi/MAFIA grips all.
Submission to the authority of hoodlums & assassins of the overthrown government of the United States of America (i.e., fbi,cia,dod,police) establishes at once one's identity and his legacy. Thus, as the present regime is ruled by criminals and sociopaths all citizens are of questionable 1) integrity and 2) in some instances sanity.
FOIA Ignored By USPI
Top cops in USA continue their illegal denial of my FOIA request . Why ?
Because the fraudulent investigation is intended to continue from 2013 to an indefinite time in order to threaten this writer with arrest for showing the fundamental and pervasive corruption of the fbi, uspi, texas dps, etc, and the *overthrow of the US government by the intelligence community.
* https://www.academia.edu/16086427/Overthrow_Of_United_States_Government_By_fbi_cia
More >
21 Mar 2016 @ 21:00
Summary of Salient Events Portend Ill For All The People
This evil regime that I, as a young soldier defended on the battlefield in combat, now in its efforts to cover up unconscionable offenses committed by fbi/cia, etc., continues its decades long torture attempted murder and related crime spree (with DOD participation) against me!
My Service:
My life's professional work:
My eternal struggle to educate the world about fbi/cia crimes against humanity and on behalf of all who suffer at the hands of the cruel, homicidal sociopaths in the fbi/cia/police,etc.:
The insanity of the thugs who run this country and who seek by their own words and actions to similarly control the world via the NWO:
Fbi sends an army of thugs from US military, cops and and professional assassins (including federal Magistrate Judges ) to threaten and assault me. To mention a few names: Bleier, Wilson, Wolf, Posada, Knipfing, Rodriguez , street hoodlum Alonzo Yanez:
...the fbi with DOD support attack me 24/7/365 with high tech torture weaponry unheard of before our generation:
...fbi operative with medical license who is now ironically employed to care for disabled and wounded returning war Veterans issues a false report in efforts to label this Veteran as crazy:
...meanwhile, the truly mentally ill expand their unending crime spree across this land, unfettered by conscience or law and unprecedented in human affairs :
Thank you. More >
21 Mar 2016 @ 19:26
More elaborate & laudable efforts from
Cliff Huylebroeck, Belgium:
[link] More >
19 Mar 2016 @ 19:36
Throughout the history of the fbi (hereinafter referred to as the ‘burro’) that agency carefully ensures that the public not see its ugly face (or alter ego). Only those poses which the public ‘eats up’ are submitted to the press. For example, the often unnecessary killing of fugitives, or the brutal handling of wanted men by fbi/police are almost always accepted by the blood thirsty public who after dinner want to see their burro and police at work.
Fact checks by the media of burro press releases is a rarity, but almost never does the press cover the range of crimes committed by the burro in pursuit of their Targets who in many cases are viewed by the burro as potential future misdemeanants (or possible suspected felons).
Below are some of the actual dirty and dastardly deeds committed by the burro’s agents and operatives/informants who are often hidden from public view:
--- torture, force suicide, falsely imprisonment and murder selected victims for a variety of purposes (including intelligence goals).
---porno addiction
---wife swapping
---wife beating
---ramped alcoholism (including drunkenness on airplanes where the agent is unarmed in order to avoid the stewardess from seeing his illegal sips).
---psychopathic and serial killings of Targets by burro agents who are advised by burro psychiatrists that as long as the agent is killing in the performance of his duties, the illness that moves him to murder people is acceptable, but should be toned down.
---*Insider trades in the global financial markets, especially in the largely unregulated futures and commodities markets
---child sexual molestation
---sex clubs participation
**---robbery, theft, extortion, and a variety of other felonies as outlined in my sworn affidavits 2007 and 2014
---use of IRS,military, USPI, police and universities to threaten and slander the Targets of burro agents (see my reports on Knipfing,Rodriguez,Posada, Wolf, Bleier, Wilson, et. al. online and see parts 19, a,b,c of “My Story In Detail”.)
---sworn false affidavits by burro agents (see the Monica Mclean affidavit).
The burro learned to protect J. Edgar Hoover from public scrutiny of his strange sex life because
1) he was the most powerful man in government and could destroy any person who exposed him by sending an army of thugs to provoke and spy on the ‘troublemaker’ 24/7 until the poor soul breaks (a counterintelligence technique that often seeks to drive the Target crazy).
2) And the public would not accept any kind of sex scandal in the burro; killing of Targets was and is perfectly acceptable by a perverted public.
See my diary entries and the burro threat to break me as reflected in the broken toothpick report dated 1999:
Hoover’s insanity and inhumanity live on today in the burro, though any good that he may have done is interred with his bones.
More data on the burro’s obsession to destroy an innocent person’s life, even as the burro engages in a wide range of unconscionable offenses:
See the alt Links for my recent revelations on the purely evil and insane burro:
Thank you. More >
17 Mar 2016 @ 21:04
US Magistrate Judge Corrupt Beyond Measure
United States magistrate judges empower and embolden the fbi to engage in unconscionable crimes against our people, including torture and murder of selected political Targets.
I have tentatively identified one such federal magistrate judge (hereinafter referred to as mj) but the name is not mentioned here for obvious reasons. That mj is not a real judge as we normally think of them, but he often has the power of a federal judge. He is a de facto operative of the fbi who regularly issues secret orders and other abusive and corrupt civil process as the fbi dictates against persons whom the fbi seeks to destroy.
One must recognize that the fbi approves of and issues clearances for each such mj who is paid very well and who often aspires to and achieves higher positions in the federal judiciary. Their careers are largely enhanced by their fbi friends, so they seek to please the fbi by honoring fbi requests.
In civil cases the jm sits in private chambers with fbi agents, hears reports by fbi assassins and torturers who often request expanded authority over their victims, and the mj eagerly gives these fbi/mafia types any order that they request.
I believe that I am one such Target who has nevertheless been able in the past 30 years to expose the fbi and the mj as bestial thugs who engage in crimes against humanity and who enlist many others in government to serve the overthrown regime that today calls itself the United States of America.
Of all the quislings in government who help the fbi silence whistleblowers and dissidents, the mj is the most dangerous and vile of all because the mj undermines fundamental human, civil & constitutional law and manipulates traditional public policy by serving as a rubber stamp for fbi assassins and torturers. As I have demonstrated, all police accept and help enforce the dirty orders issued by the fbi's mj.
Some of my reports on topic are available in the links below. Thank you.
17 Mar 2016 @ 01:15
May I have your attention for a few moments please!
Many readers globally have read and verified my documentations of high crimes committed against me and others by the fbi and police, et.al.
So, this brief announcement should come as no shock to such interested readers; for all others I encourage you kindly to study my material and to awaken to the madness caused in our society by the assassins of the federal bureau of investigation , i.e. : the 'burro' (fbi). Failure to consider my material is in itself a reflection of the pervasive and inexcusable irresponsibility of our citizenry toward others who are being arbitrarily tortured, imprisoned and murdered by cops and fbi in our Age of Madness.
In short the fbi agents, operatives, informants, assets and contacts (including all police at every level who assist the fbi) are
Note also that doctors, lawyers, judges, teachers and many scholars ( as well as members of the general population ) and media personalities are as I have shown duped by the burro to join them in various unlawful operations; and then they (the presumed neutral parties) also become accessories to the crimes that I chronicle in my thousands of posts online.
In many instances I name the pathetic burro supporters, and I sometime summarize their crimes against me, even as I take the photos of apparent assassins sent at me in the employ of the burro.
See my court pleadings, affidavits (2007 & 2014) online, my main website where I document psychopathic attempts on my life (and torture, etc.) by the 'burro', my papers at https://ttu.academia.edu/geralsosbee and my short reports on many *Indymedia forums. See the fbi history book and documents from the burro, cia, USPI, etc. for additional background data. For information about me see:
I trust that each brave reader here need no statement from me on the horrible implications of this report, especially as I indict all who support the extremely and murderously corrupt criminal justice system (and the new cjs secretly and illegally forged by the burro). All who so assist the burro should recognize that you each contribute either actively or by your silence and acquiescence
to the unconscionable crimes ongoing and committed by the burro and by their half witted police quislings and sycophants everywhere. For more on this topic see my statements on the dilemma facing civilized man and on the absurd need for government to fraudulently create criminals.
Thank you and sleep well, NOT, because we all could tell the burro and those in Congress who pay and praise them, "NO MORE".
[link] More >
15 Mar 2016 @ 18:02
Rumors are like a virus spread by character assassins (*such as we see in fbi/police/some medical doctors) and are accepted and acted upon as fact by fools, quislings and 'rats.' They (the rumor mongers) tear down the pillars of civilization with their pathological animus.
Those who commit character assassination are sociopathic killers of another’s character and often become actual murderers of the same Target of their unbridled malice.
See my reports which suggest that the fbi,
police and their operatives recruit many, perhaps most, people in our general population into the demented ranks of character assassins at will.
*See also my documentations on line of more ruthless and destructive rumor mongering by fbi, U.S. Postal Inspector Knipfing, Texas DPS Rodriguez, Brownsville Texas Police Posada, UT Police Bleier & Wilson, Dr. Holder, et al, all of whom gang up on queue from fbi assassins in efforts to intimidate, discredit and fraudulently ruin my standing.
Attached image is borrowed from:
[link] More >
15 Mar 2016 @ 00:49
"History of mental illness " is displayed by fbi, police and their friends and operatives in every walk of life.
Preface: https://www.academia.edu/14337221/what_would_you_do_if
I believe that we all have heard enough lies from fbi/police/media as they gang up to label their victims (of police & fbi abuse, slander, disinformation and assassination by so-called law enforcement ) as follows: "He has a history of mental illness".
*See my reports which depict real mental illness, psychopathology and apparent insanity of the fbi, police, their operatives, etc.
1) how the torturers of the fbi destroyed my life in their vendetta piece by piece, methodically and with malice
2) the fraudulent report of a medical doctor (fbi operative) which aims to label me as paranoid after 30 years of my documentations of fbi assaults
3) police at every location where I have lived for 20 years threaten, harass, attempt to discreetly murder me and refuse to accept my reports of felony crimes against me
4) United States Postal Inspector and Texas Department of Public Safety come to my home to insanely threaten me and my wife with arrest for crimes committed by the fbi (using my name), knowing full well that the fbi has me under a blanket surveillance 24/7/365 for 20-30 years
5) University of Texas police, chancellor, president, counsel, staff, security guards, and street thugs set up and choreograph physical and criminal attacks on me in bold but failed efforts to provoke a response so the police and fbi may arrest me
6) how the fbi has tortured me with their psychological and covert physical warfare in efforts to portray me as "mentally ill", and in efforts to kill me or force a final exit
7) how the fbi obtains a fraudulent civil court order from a corrupt judge (probably federal) so that the fbi can legally terrorize me in my home, poison me regularly, imprison me via DEW in my own body, and slander me everywhere I go
8) how the fbi has in place a secret and macabre human experimentation program which ensnares me and which is sometime referred to as 'non-consensual human experimentation', or 'cover research'
9) the fbi, accustomed to forcing men into neuroses in order to imprison or kill them, comes on line to announce that, as I defended the USA in combat on the battlefield, I am therefore a "murderer and a possible mass murderer "
Such insane conduct by fbi and police at every level as described above truly reflects a long history of mental illness and psychoses in the police and fbi communities whose members lie, beat, threaten, imprison, torture ( and sometimes force suicide while monitoring their victim), kill or otherwise covertly assassinate our people at will and with no accountability in most cases.
Then ask how many of our people have been and are now being tortured by this regime's psychopathic thugs by the use of the above described tactics; these government sponsored crimes could only be performed by homicidal sociopaths who earn a nice salary by engaging in unconscionable deeds which can only be characterized as insane in most instances.
So, listen not my fellow citizens to false attributions of 'long history of mental illness' whereby the police, fbi, and media often seek to obscure their own heinous offenses against our fellow citizens.
*Below are links to some of my reports.
Sun 13 March 2016
The end of fbi is near
America: See what you have become
Sat 12 March 2016
Modern Eugenics, A Perspective Drawn From My Experiences
Wed 9 March 2016
Attorneys are urged to aggressively defend against fbi liars
Tue 8 March 2016
The dirty fbi's overthrown United States of America
Sun 6 March 2016
Fbi has no real Academy at Quantico
Sat 5 March 2016
Fbi assassins have the support of Congress
Thu 3 March 2016
*A Secret War Against USA by fbi / cia
Fbi disinformation agents
Tue 1 March 2016
Fbi co-conspirators
Mon 29 February 2016
To all who are persecuted
Societal Threats
Sat 27 February 2016
Thu 25 February 2016
The Posada Adventure Continues
Tue 23 February 2016
Fbi is washed up
Mon 22 February 2016
Torture is as American as apple pie More >
13 Mar 2016 @ 22:42
As the people learn of the murderous and criminal minds that dominate all fbi operations, that dirty agency ceases to exist.
The fbi cannot continue to exist as the people learn of the murderous and criminal minds of its agents, operatives and employees. Indeed, all so called law enforcement in USA is corrupt, decadent and unfit to serve the people *because the cops at every level are programmed by the homicidal sociopaths of fbi.
From inside the belly of the bestial fbi, I report:
The fbi retaliates against me in a most 'grim' manner:
Thank you.
Books on Google Play
Society of Former Special Agents of the Fbi, Inc
Front Cover
Turner Publishing Company Staff
Turner Publishing Company, 1996 - 256 pages
0 Reviews
This is the compelling, never before told story of the FBI. Explore the adventures of former Special Agents through the personal stories that could only be told by them. This volume includes the history of the FBI & Special Agents, biographies & photographs of former Special Agents, personal stories, a roster containing more than 7,000 names, awards & decorations, memorials, index & hundreds of photographs.
More »
What people are saying
My review - Edit review
This book contains some biographical information on geral w. sosbee, and in the context of [link] the fbi history book also serves as foundation for 1)establishing the bona fides of Sosbee (one of the few living former agents featured in the book)as a credible fbi whistleblower and 2)understanding the perceived need for the fbi to discredit, torture and ultimately kill Sosbee who is currently a Target of fbi/cia goon squads for reporting the widespread criminal activities and macabre culture of the fbi/cia.
Turner Publishing Company (TBC) cannot properly continue to prevent the viewing of the 'Sosbee' page in the book, and therefore TBC should restore the full article with photo, etc., on line for public viewing, now. In the alternative, Turner Publishing Company may want to follow the Nazi tradition of a public burning of all books and articles which feature legitimate critics of the fbi/cia sociopathic personnel and homicidal hit squads.
http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part4-worldinabo.html More >
13 Mar 2016 @ 20:16
America: See what you have become
By gsosbee, submitted on Sun, 03/13/2016 - 3:01pm
Remember this: the USA has become in its national character ...
...a composite of the distorted personality of its soldiers and emissaries who are sent out around the world to threaten, intimidate, imprison, force suicide and murder human beings. Then, such Americans return home to USA to discover that they, like their nation, have often become instruments of the same tyranny and oppression as the government bureaucrats who deployed them for the purpose of ending tyranny.
The United States of America thus has no heroes, but
is awash in cowards and fools who conform to the insanity of their rulers.
One example of the unconscionable nature of this regime is the use by fbi/cia/nsa, etc., of directed energy weaponry (DEW) to torture, subdue and assassinate people. Other nations join with USA in this despicable assault on people, and all government officials & all main street media globally deny or refuse to examine the inhumanity that impel such attacks.
Other examples of the criminality of the USA government are the use of 1)federal, state and local police to threaten those among us who dare defy or publicly question the madness of these government operations; 2) fbi agents, operatives and their street thugs to engage provocative criminal and often felonious assaults and terrorist practices against political Targets who refuse to submit to corrupt authority; 3) secret and macabre human experimentation programs on selected victims; 4) other attacks by high technology from the fields of electronics, medicine, and pharmaceuticals to guage the effective parameters of classified weaponry now covertly used by military groups.
For evidence in support of the above comments see my site at www.sosbeevfbi.com and my related reports at many websites (including academia.edu) and awaken to the reality of the dawn of the 'Living Dead America' where you and I are starring .
Thank you. More >
13 Mar 2016 @ 03:04
Fbi, police and their operatives, judges, etc., are the living dead among us. We often see them advancing with arms extending, fingers pointing, mouths wide opening and evil proclivities protruding :
12 Mar 2016 @ 02:25
The world pays attention, even if our own people do not:
Psychological warfare by fbi thugs is inhumane and, as applied against me and many others, represents a microcosm of this nation's murderous assaults on all mankind:
*Overthrown USA regime now attacks the very veterans who risked life, limb & sanity on the battlefield at the direction of the filthy & treasonous US officials who now seek to kill him.
[link] More >
11 Mar 2016 @ 12:39
Extreme psychological assaults are increased against me as are other covert and invisible physical attacks such as the ever present bombardment in my ears by extremely low frequency sound waves (ELF, causing rapid hearing loss). Another related high tech painful attack is difficult to explain for two reasons: 1) The method is unheard of, incredible and impossible to prove 2) Any effort to present evidence of such a torturous technique may be misinterpreted as evidence of paranoia. The fbi as I have demonstrated exploits the willingness of people to accept the label, especially when a M.D. records same in the records.
During my Army service my ears suffered injuries which are aggravated by ELF and which today require hearing aids. The VA provided me with Widex A/S, Nymoellevej 6, DK-3540 Lynge, Denmark www.widexdotcom hearing aids which are programmed for each ear by a specialist. The remotely operated device has an operating range of three feet and all functions and all settings are thus remotely controlled. The frequency of the device is easily available to the fbi via satellite as a result of the tracking device implanted in me.
Occasionally I notice that the settings on the hearing aids are remotely and dramatically changed, not by me, to loud and unbearable levels. So, I deduce that my remote control device on the aids is compromised.
The fbi is notorious for taking over other remote control devices for harassment purposes (i.e.: TV, car).
The other assault referenced above is psychological as follows:
A former fbi agent (hereinafter referred to as 'NS') regularly visits my website on the page where I document the fbi's synthetic production by chemical combination of a kidney stone in my body as set forth in part 16 of "My Story In Detail". The reason for the visit by NS is not clear, but NS has previously sent ugly messages to me as though NS monitors my posts online and at the same time shows an obsessive interest in fbi attempts on my life. I can only speculate, as may the reader, as to the possible subliminal message which NS seeks to impart.
Finally, as I have shown in other reports, the fbi's psychological attacks are of an heinous nature and are so unbelievable that I do not want to believe that this government would use such against anyone.
This report is submitted for the record.
Thank you. More >
10 Mar 2016 @ 03:34
See my notice in the Texas Bar Journal (in the following link ) to attorneys 15 years ago regarding the murderous corruption of fbi. *To date, the assassins of fbi and their police subordinates expand unchallenged their unprecedented violent crime spree against our people:
*This year, in the *attached advertisement, 2016, I urge attorneys to aggressively defend against fbi assassins and liars.
*Attached advertisement :
Vol. 79, No. 2. Texas Bar Journal 183
Sosbee's Affidavit:
False sworn statement of fbi agent:
[link] More >
8 Mar 2016 @ 20:32
The VA sends a message of death & hate to me as they also review my claim on the same day. In the following VA visit to www.sosbeevfbi.com see the subliminal message to me as shown in their visit at page *
In a related effort by a M.D. (now working at VA clinic) see
Nurse Ratched from "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" (1975) is alive and well in real life and is shown on the same above link; the fbi assassins search for a discreet way to end life of this Veteran, or to manufacture a case for civil/criminal imprisonment (see "My Story" in 20 plus parts).
Based upon my reflection of thirty years of felony crimes committed against me by fbi, I conclude that the fbi, police at all levels, their operatives, quislings and accomplices are (like Nurse Ratched and her underlings) criminally insane and that their criminal minds infect society across the board, including all agencies of government and the general population.
We truly live in an Age of Madness.
See also my efforts to understand Detective Adrian Posada, Brownsville Texas Police, as he aggressively demonstrates hostilities toward me and my wife when we tried to report crimes.
For more examples of apparent criminally insane assaults on me by UT police, chencellor, president, dean, counsel, and library staff (as well as US Army Intel officer) see parts 19, a, b, c of "My Story In Detail " at sosbeevsfbi.
Such is the unmitigated treachery in response to a lifetime of my service to this nation which is now exposed as an overthrown fascist regime detested by all human beings of conscience and good will for fellow man.
Thank you.
By Location > Visit Detail
Visit 190,353 [<<] [>>]Domain Name va.gov ? (U.S. Government)IP Address 152.130.15.# (Department of Veterans Affairs)ISP Department of Veterans AffairsLocation Continent : North AmericaCountry : United States (Facts)State : District of ColumbiaCity : Washington
Time of Visit Mar 8 2016 9:26:46 amLast Page View Mar 8 2016 9:26:46 amVisit Length 0 secondsPage Views 1Referring URLhttp://www.google.co...MRLYryuhkxWc-3T0plew* Visit Entry Page
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Time Zone UTC-5:00Visitor's Time Mar 8 2016 10:26:46 amVisit Number 190,353 More >
7 Mar 2016 @ 21:55
Our stories present for historical review a kind of jigsaw puzzle for analysts to study. This means that the individual reports, articles and testimonials of our fellow citizens under attack by fbi,cia,nsa,police, etc., form a mosaic of unprecedented complexity never before recorded in one single work. Each member of the community of individuals targeted for death or destruction , if each survive and maintain capacity for communication, may present in his/her own style an account of the grotesque assaults by the most detestable people on earth: the perpetrators of heinous offenses which include physical and psychological attacks designed to incapacitate or murder the Target.
A small part of the picture, or story, which upon assembly of its diverse and sometimes irregular shapes, design or narratives reveal the true and macabre (quasi demonic) nature of all government employees (and their citizen operatives) who participate in the modern eugenics program against human beings.
I use the analogy of the puzzle because most citizens who hear bits and pieces of our reports generally do not comprehend the *big picture that we try to capture. Perhaps the next generation will pay attention to our individual reports of atrocities because in the end the sub humans (as I name the assassins in the story) must, by their own perverted nature passed on to succeeding generations, continue to use and to expand upon their macabre and evil methods.
Now, I hope that the evidence we provide, often ignored in our time, may tell the whole story of the disintegration of society and the degeneration of our species.
Thank you.
*Modern Eugenics :
[link] More >
6 Mar 2016 @ 22:11
Fbi has no real Academy at Quantico
I urge people everywhere to investigate what is really going on at the fbi's killing school.
One must understand that the center of training for all fbi agents and all police leaders in the nation (and for many other cops around the world) is at Quantico's fbi Academy. The word 'academy' is a euphemism for the actual assassination indoctrination facility that creates serial killers, torturers, abusers, pathological liars and traitors. No other learning occurs there.
My experience with fbi, police and their kind in this nation reveals one central academic truth: that the USA is today a murderous police state because the people are clueless about the true agenda of this government which is world inhumane domination as sponsored by fbi/cia/dod, et al.
See my papers at academiadotedu. Then, review if appropriate the evidence of crimes committed against me for 30 years by fbi in its vendetta -EG: UT police thugs, chancellor, president, dean, employees as I show in parts 19 (a,b,c) of
"My Story In Detail"-.
Thank you.
[link] More >
5 Mar 2016 @ 07:11
Another former fbi agent echoes my presentation of the fbi as a criminal enterprise (Agent Swearingen):
The fbi is
"...riddled with corruption, incompetence, and inefficiency, composed of men who may have once been patriots, but who have been reduced to common criminals, whose crime fighting activities are limited at best and largely for show, with political repression being the primary mission."http://www.constitution.org/col/mwswear.htm
Why does congress do nothing to stop the fbi crime spree across the country!
Because fbi blackmails Congress.
[link] More >
4 Mar 2016 @ 19:37
Alt link:
usa as overthrown by fbi/cia:
The two premier murderous agencies in the world, the fbi/cia, in their dirty deeds are so far beyond control that no one, no legislator/judge/president, citizen can disrupt or challenge their destructive and murderous methods and rule. All other authorities in the USA (including the police) submit to cia/fbi authority as needed.
The chief tools used by the fbi/cia to control people globally are: threat of retaliation, torture, forced suicide, harassment, character assassination and killing/mass murder. The Iraq/Afghanistan wars are examples of how the cia (in the name and by the authority of the USA) caused close to a million and one half deaths, including thousands of US soldiers. The wars were based primarily on cia (et.al.) intelligence operations which were coated with lies and fraud. The current Middle East crisis where millions are displaced, suffering or dying are the awful consequences of the work of cia and company, including those listed on the *Memorial Wall .
The secret agenda of the cia requires that the cia remain as an unheralded/unspoken nation unto itself, answerable to no outside authority and no individual.
In furtherance of the cia propaganda machine the cia maintains a special place of so called honor to celebrate and exploit the deaths in service of their own agents, operatives, assets and assassins. That place of so-called honor is the
*Memorial Wall which is ostensibly created for this purpose:
In reality the cia and their celebrated dead serve the overthrown regime that seized control of the USA by a secret and stealth coup which appeared in the form of a cia intelligence operation which to achieve the objective depended on the fbi. Today, these two groups imprison, torture, and kill people at will globally as though they, not we, are legal guardians of inalienable rights to life, liberty and property. I see no honor in such atrocities.
From time to time the cia thugs, punks, section chiefs, etc., send messages to me that they do not like my work as set forth in the link below. Last night, for example I endured severe assaults by DEW and today the usual cia 'punk' who regularly cyberstalks sends me the message that my report here ...
... is considered "fbi misconduct" and that I may infer that the increased torture by DEW is in retaliation for that report. The two links within the above Austin Indymedia post (entitled 'A Secret War Against USA by fbi / cia' ) are the Barbara Hartwell article on the cia and my post on the collapse of the constitutional government of the USA. The contents of the two links are the topic of wide spread discussion on the internet, as are my thousands of other reports on the crimes committed by the fbi/cia.
The overthrown regime of the USA just cannot seem to comprehend that they cannot get away with their plan for world inhumane domination, that men and women will not surrender to their tyrannical authority, and thugs of those two USA agencies have failed... (as mentioned by my dear and best friend Barbara Hartwell) ... "In this war for hearts, minds and souls".
I must remind the reader that these two filthy groups of men and women (fbi/cia) have destroyed the USA and threaten all the world with their unconscionable and homicidal methods; that no man or woman of conscience yet endowed with an ounce of self respect and human dignity can submit to fbi/cia brutal control.
Finally, I like to believe that I (and many of my friends and associates online) are living examples of individuals who resist the outrageous schemes and crimes committed by the sub humans in fbi/cia (including those listed on their 'Wall') all of whom I also sometimes refer to as the Living Dead.
The cowardly cia visitor to my site delivers her message of "fbi misconduct" in reference to the Barbara Hartwell report referenced above in my Austin Indymedia post.
By Location > Visit Detail
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Continent : North America
Country : United States (Facts)
State : Virginia
City : Norfolk
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Operating System Macintosh MacOSX
Browser Safari 1.3
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Time of Visit March 4 2016 10:41:09 am
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3 Mar 2016 @ 21:04
The assault on mankind now underway by fbi/cia et.al., is not just begun; the world's population is kept in the dark about the extreme evil of the USA that many of us document today and that some tried to expose a half century ago. The twin dirty pair fbi/cia is filled with homicidal, sadistic sociopaths who have managed to frighten (sometimes to death), imprison, incapacitate or assassinate anyone who questions their insane authority.
In this war for hearts, minds and souls, the Central Intelligence Agency has been on the wrong side, the dark side, since Day One when the spy agency was formed in 1947 from its precursor, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) and staffed with Nazi scientists brought to the United States of America under the auspices of an operation codenamed Paperclip. These Nazi scientists and S.S. officers --some of whom formed the original core of the CIA-- brought with them the atrocities perpetrated during Hitler's Third Reich, in the death camps and beyond, including the use of human subjects in genetic engineering experiments, known as "eugenics"; the practice of nefarious occultism; horrific psychiatric abuses for purposes of behavior modification, brainwashing and various forms of mind control. These and many other human rights violations can only be described as Crimes against God as the perpetrators attempt to usurp the power of God for an unholy agenda."
*http://lissakr11humane.com/2012/09/08/collapse-of-the-constitutional-government-of-the-united-states-of-america-by-geral-sosbee/ More >
3 Mar 2016 @ 05:11
Fbi misinformation agents:
The fbi are specialists at disinformation in efforts to publicly paint their Target in false lights. Below is an example of the fbi efforts to portray Geral Sosbee as crazy. The general connotation of the phrase "hearing voices" in the context of fbi operations is that the person so presented is a potential public threat. Add to this false portrayal another online fraudulent statements that *GERAL SOSBEE is a murderer and a possible mass murderer; the picture then may arise in the mind of a neutral observer that such a portrayal demands suspicion of the person so slandered.
In the following link to a biography written by a friend of Geral Sosbee the anonymous fbi assassin using the name 'broccoli' places a link falsely showing a reference to 'GERAL SOSBEE hearing voices.'
"broccoli wrote on 2/3/16 — 19:03:50 CET
The fact is that fbi uses DEW against me, Geral Sosbee, and I have publicly described the symptoms of such assaults. Regarding voice to skull assaults, I support those persons who report being assaulted by that technology and I suggest that all such reported attacks must be investigated and made public.
The very fact that the fbi goes to great length to impugn the sanity of whistleblowers is evidence that outrageous attempts to mislead the public is intended to turn all public officials (such as Brownsville Texas Police Detective Adrian Posada ) hostile against the Targets. Add to all of this the false medical report written by apparent fbi operative Dr. Holder and the damage to the Target is palpable.
Liars & sociopaths of fbi/cia: [link]
I am amazed that the US CONGRESS allows the fbi to engage in this kind of dirty character assassination against anyone and I suspect that a new Age of Witch Hunting ( a la Salem) is underway nationally.
Weep for America as this nation is under siege by evil and murderous fbi thugs. More >
1 Mar 2016 @ 23:03
This is a notice to all who assist the fbi assassins against me.
I invite all police at every level, all doctors in every field and all laymen to consider the following material the next time each of you cooperate with the fbi against my interests.
First, see the false report from a M.D. who apparently serves as a key operative for the torturers, calumniators and assassins of the fbi:
Now, about fbi:
Now, about how the fbi, the most powerful agency of government domestically, in its grotesque vendetta hijacked my life in plain view, destroyed all aspects of my existence using 24/7/365 hideous assaults, executed a blanket surveillance and psychological warfare on me (for three decades globally) & continues its unprecedented crime spree against me today and apparently for the rest of my life:
About me:
Everyone who in conspiracy listens to or assists the fbi in any way is an accessory to the crimes of the fbi, including torture , attempted murder and multiple other felonious offenses described in my sworn affidavits of 2007 and 2014.
Thank you.
Geral Sosbee
[link] More >
1 Mar 2016 @ 01:31
*Unde's unul nu e putere; unde's dos, puteria creste y dusmanul nu sporeste.
Where there's one no power; where there's two power grows and the enemy does not increase.
For those who seek advice from me concerning abuses delivered upon you by the confused and at times evil police/fbi/population, I can relate my own philosophy which may not serve you. I hold a mirror up (in my reports) that in its reflection shows the names, places, events, etc., of the murderous operatives and sympathizers of fbi/police.
They, the subhumans, cannot escape from what they have become. They and their supporters (who cower at their feet for favors) are captured in my reports as embracing their same macabre character: They are the living dead who, with mouths wide opening, fingers pointing, and evil proclivities protruding, seek out others for torture, imprisonment and death. These are the people who rule this world. They cannot be stopped, but they can be exposed because all the world in its awakened state finds them repulsive and quite filthy when their character is illuminated.
God Bless and protect each of you and help you to make a heaven of hell when the lowest form of human beings come after you to turn your life upside down.
*Join with others where you may in order to not face the ordeal alone.
Best Wishes To Each Of You In The Most Fascinating Part Of Life:
The journey discovered upon tapping into the universal powers of your beautiful psyche
may bring to you an unfamiliar and beneficent world which would not have been possible had you not been pushed to open its gates.
Thank you.
Geral More >
1 Mar 2016 @ 00:18
These notions ,
"Lift the fallen, restore the broken, heal the hurting",
are answered by tne fbi/police thugs and their kind in the 'for profit' CJS as follows:
force the fall, aggravate the injuries, torture/imprison /force suicide/murder those who are hurting from abuses delivered upon them by the thugs of fbi and their followers & supporters in society at large.
[link] More >
28 Feb 2016 @ 02:04
We, the world, face in this generation an unprecedented test of the human mind and soul that to date shows an utter failure of most persons to effectively address.
Wicked men ambitious of power & corrupt at heart now direct our lives (and plot the destiny of our species), imprison or kill us at will, and impose their otherwise immoral and quasi demonic values globally on mankind to further the insane goal of world inhumane domination.
Many among us have no time, no interest and no capacity to resist the tyrants in power; alas, some also evince no sense of duty toward their fellow man. In this link I outline some of the unconscionable crimes committed by this overthrown regime and its friends; all such crimes are largely ignored by the people:
Here I explain the corruption of law and society by the very authorities in whom we place our trust:
My work captures the dilemma facing people globally under the most hideous and murderous assaults on human kind ever. The fbi and the cia spearhead the egregious attack on the world that I describe :
In this link I show how the fbi corrupts our society by crimes and implied threats of *torture committed against us in our name and by the authority we blindly grant:
Here I illuminate a few of the other invisible bullets used by the fbi assassins against
me and others:
Finally, as the ruling class (i.e.: courts, congress, executive authority, and the wealthy) allow the exploitation of most of the rest of the population, only you and I may defy their subversive schemes by which they routinely commit crimes against humanity.
Thank you.
* [link]
Alt link:
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March 18, 2017
Our efforts (mine & my associates)reveal the macabre destiny of mankind, unless we prevail in the pursuit of a general enlightenment of the populace. In any event we are the unacknowledged legislators of the world by awakening in others a fundamental respect for humankind and by indicting the torturers and assassins of our era. The United States of America, by virtue of our work here, is now forever known as a BEAST (Brain EntrAinment State) , a country w/o conscience, a people w/o heart who are cursed with a national character predominantly w/o soul :
For Compelling Reports, See The One And Only
Official Site Of
Barbara Hartwell vs. CIA
This is the real fbi which uses the methods and incorporates the values of the notorious Mafia:
Sosbee reports from the field:
get your own fbi/cia terrorist badge at:
See cia data:
...and see my documentations of fbi/cia crimes at:
The greatest threat to mankind are the murderers and torturers of the fbi/cia. Sosbee comments:
Invade my country (or alienate me in it) I will invade yours;invade my *brain, all bets are off.
A slogan to be remembered:
The Few, the Proud, the Brain Entraining Fiends of the US Marines.
*Regarding Brain Entrainment,
[Note: The perennial search for peaceful solutions to the fbi/cia torture & killing spree globally is the paradox of my life under attack.]
"I suspect that all the crimes committed by all the jailed criminals do not equal in total social damage that of the crimes committed against them."
Karl Menninger, M.D.
The Crime Of Punishment
The Viking Press, NY, 1969
"The laws are like cobwebs: where the small flies are caught, and the great break through."
"...the individual cannot delegate the task of defending his basic human rights-to dignity,liberty, and responsibility-to any group of protectors,..." be they clergy, doctors, legislators, fbi, mafia, police, judges. "For if the protectors are successful, they inevitably become
O P P R E S S O R S..." who should be publicly categorized as
NOTE: The inmates, prisoners, and accused in custody around the world have redeeming qualities that should allow them their freedom in most cases; the fbi, police, all cops at every level, have no such redeeming characteristics; for they kill, stalk, lie, steal, falsify records and calumniate for a living (a profession) 24/7, for 20 to 30 years..
-------------------Caution: Adult Content:
See Robin Head's data:
Note that Robin refused to join in the illegal fbi sting against innocent persons:
Sosbee's Tribute To Our Brothers And Sisters Jailed Anywhere On Earth:
We all owe a debt to the millions of persons imprisoned by the corrupt criminal & civil justice systems worldwide, for THE IMPRISONED have surrendered their lives so that we may pompously pursue our demented imaginings on the progress of a failed civilization. See:
and see:
["You must contrive for your future Rulers another and a better life than that of a Ruler, and then you may have a well ordered State; for only in the State which offers this, will they rule who are truly rich, not in silver and gold, but in virtue and wisdom, which are the true blessings of life." Plato, The Republic.]
The united states of america is a government of torturers & traitors supported by cowards and fools who often can be heard echoing the sentiments of the torturers and assassins of the fbi/cia/pentagon against their victims as follows:"We have Little tolerance for losers and those constantly whining or needing attention."b>
June 6, 1944: The D ay that Enslaved the world.
This is my News Log.
All statements in this site are the opinion of Geral W. Sosbee, except where otherwise indicated.
All work authored by Geral Sosbee in this website and at www.sosbeevfbi.com is registered with United States Copyright Office, For a Work of the Performing Arts, # PAu 2-587-209, effective 10-10-2000, entitled "Intelligence", in accordance with title 17, United States Code. All Rights Reserved.
All logos and trademarks in this site are property of their respective owner. FAIR USE NOTICE: This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. I make such material available in efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. I believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml
The entire content of this site is subject to international copyright. Unauthorized reproduction will be vigourously pursued to the full extent of the law.
I believe that the **war mongers and cutthroats must not be allowed to rule the world any longer; their methods fail.
"And so long as they were at war, their power was preserved, but when they had attained empire they fell, for of the arts of peace they knew nothing, and had never engaged in any employment higher than war." Aristotle, Politics
Rick Stanley
Constitutional Activist:
RE: psychotronic torture being used on sosbee and others NOW (2008):
Read: Inner Voice, Target Tracking,And Behavioral Influence Technologies
See Project Zombie :
[link] sosbee&rnum=2&hl=en&safe=active
[Consistent with the COPPA laws anyone under the age of 13 (thirteen ) in the United States is required to have their parent's permission before sending any information about oneself using this site. Also, anyone who sends an e-mail or other personal data to Geral W. Sosbee is affirming that he/she is 13 (thirteen ) years of age, or older, or has parental consent, and accepts responsibility for all representations made.]
*Also See Report This Site Dated and Entitled:
'Every child belongs to us': today's unsung fbi slogan
25 Jul 2007
_________Spread the word. Get your own FBI/CIA TERRORISTS badge
Regarding ELF assaults see:
[link] -----------------------------
___ As President Theodore Roosevelt said in his 1906 State of the Union address, "No man can take part in the torture of a human being without having his own moral nature permanently lowered." ______________________________________
ATHOUSANDWORDS-for students of physiognomy:
**The cowards of the United States government who engage in (or who permit or fail to stop) the mind control, psychoelectronic harassment/torture, and other so-called cover research human experimentation programs are the same individuals who share the responsibility for the fall of this country; I intend to share with all of the world, until my death, the tremendous fraud that the U.S. has become in its efforts to colonize the world by murderous and inhumane methodologies; in my work, my primary goal is to expose these low life perpetrators and misanthropes for what they are : assassins and torturers who should face an international war tribunal for their crimes against Humanity. Equally important in my life are the efforts to help others through education and friendship. I extend to my associates everywhere my sincere gratitude for your courage in striking the evil ones with your hearts and souls.
Compelling history is in the making by you & me.
Finally, the general lack of interest by the public at large regarding the ongoing torturing and killing of Targets by the fbi/cia (and their operatives) at home and abroad provides fertile ground for expanded inhumane assaults on mankind by these and other agencies ( as well as the lunatics in the private sector who also engage in the torture of selected Targets).
Finally, we must all begin to take the hoodlums of the fbi, cia, and other police agencies ( and their supporters in the general civilian population) MOST SERIOUSLY (if individual liberties are to be regained).
See 'murder in progress' , Brussell Sprout :
and See:
"Presbyterian Book Of Order
Challenge to Presbyterians of Conscience"
...and consider
"You must contrive for your future Rulers another and a better life than that of a Ruler, and then you may have a well ordered State; for only in the State which offers this, will they rule who are truly rich, not in silver and gold, but in virtue and wisdom, which are the true blessings of life." Plato, The Republic.
How To Stop The uSA Global Killing And Torture Spree:
The Formation Of The
(This means that the people must throw out the merchants of death in every government on earth):
SOSBEE's message to punks and cowards: U.S. Senate Sergeant at Arms (little mr. Gainer),Senators Grassley, Leahy, Cornyn and their criminal associates in Congress:
This soldier is moved by your sickness, but you are all in the rear and not on the front lines; so, you are viewed as cowards and traitors to those of us fighting the battles. Thus, I will not be able to help you when the people arrive on the scene.
To Congressional Traitors/Cowards From Einstein regarding the corrupt and fraudulent MDs in the decadent and homicidal practice of Psychiatry:
For more on the corrupt fbi see:
The fbi falsifies records and spreads fraudulent reports in both civil & criminal matters. See my medical clearances at
and an update in the documents below.
Note please that my former employer (fbi) has for two decades falsely reported my medical records in their smear campaign; I wanted the PUBLIC to have the correct info on me. Appropriate medical records, including *recent blood tests and medical exam are documented by letter dated December 14, 2012, and are available at:
Previous entries
Fbi assassins rising
USA under fascist & murderous rule
Fbi/police community are a threat to our people
Shame on Portland Indymedia (PI) for trashing my reports
Hallmarks of f b i
Fbi as human monster
Horror Story In USA
Fbi interferes with protocol of search engines
Sociopaths Among Us
A Prayer in Prose
Tru,p, Crooked Hillery ( CH ) and fbi / cia are all in a battle to control W H
News from Geral
Implied Threats of Arrest & Imprisonment/Death Hang Over This Target
Fbi Agents, Operatives and Friends Are Seriously Mentally Ill
Creation of Artificial Kidney Stone In Vivo By Skilled Criminals with M, M, O
...And Then They Came For Me ............... fbi is today's Nazi Gestapo
Today's Police/fbi Traverse the Lines of Human Decency
Evidence that USA is run by criminals
USA's President Has Almost No Power Over fbi / cia Assassins
This is your country, your people, not mine
Counterintelligence Operations Against A Target Are Global
Homo homini lupus
Fbi illegal methods and criminal agenda exposed
Republication in different format: University of Texas/fbi joint crimes ag/ me
Faculty & Students Awaken
Wrap Up From SOSBEE
USA's fbi/MAFIA, a real life monster
An Eternal Fraud
Nazi criminals live today in fbi/ cia
My message to the US JUDICIARY
Our World & People Under Attack
Global Mandate To Stop fbi/cia from their torture & kill programs
Macabre Crimes Committed By fbi, Tacitly Approved By Congress/SCOTUS
The Reach of www.sosbeevfbi.com
Update on evidence against DA, fbi, et al
Wicked men of the fbi
American dismissiveness in the face of its own crimes against humanity
Biographical Data on Geral Sosbee by Mr Cliff Huylebroeck
Macabre USA, (a repost)
Casual reading of an urgent nature
Police State sponsored by fbi sends clear message to Targets in one letter ( T )
Medical Clearances of GERAL SOSBEE
To fbi Director James B Comey
fbi corrupts our nation
My L I F E !
The sick mindset of USA's population
I document more crimes against me by fbi
Fbi hacks my OPM account
A Dim View
Fbi reveals its filthy mind, followed by biographical data on me
Fbi hoodlums and criminal sociopaths at work 24/7
Capitalism is Dead
Unversality of geral's documentaries
American Terrorists
Fbi, police, army intel, et al are often criminals
More ..
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