7 Jun 2004 @ 13:54
Messrs. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs
Purveyors of Aids to Magical Mischief-Makers
are proud to present More >
25 May 2004 @ 10:51
"Jews did not return to their ancient homeland to oppress the Palestinian people, and Palestinians did not resist the creation of a Jewish state out of hatred of the Jews. In the long history of propaganda battles between Zionists and Palestinians, each side has at times told the story to make it seem as if the other side was consistently doing bad things for bad reasons. In fact, both sides have made and continue to make terrible mistakes. Yet it is also true that both sides can make a reasonable case for their choices, given the perceptions they had of their own situation and of those who opposed them. As long as each side clings to its own story, and is unable to acknowledge what is plausible in the story of the other side, peace will remain a distant hope.”
—Rabbi Michael Lerner, Healing Israel/Palestine
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13 May 2004 @ 13:07
"Of all the wars waged in the name of God, none has ever matched the arrogance and conceit of the Christian Crusades. For nearly two centuries (1095-1291), this medieval "holy war" variously raged, sometimes so spiritually misshapen by rapaciousness, murder, and political greed that to think it all had to do with Christian faith is absurd. (...) To understand the effects of the Crusades is to understand much of today's religious geography, and Mr. Jones and company can fairly lay claim to having helped set the record straight." — Jamie Friddle, Editorial Review (Amazon.com)
Clearly, the time of crusades is not over, and if we want to understand the troubles of our own times, a good place to start is with the troubles of the past. This documentary gives us a very clear idea of the darkest aspects of crusading, and may give us Americans pause as we hear calls to invade and occupy ever more Islamic nations in the Middle East. More >
28 Apr 2004 @ 12:14
The things we find on ebay:
For Sale: One Slightly Used Size 12 Wedding Gown. Only worn twice: Once at the wedding and once for these pictures.
Make: Victoria
Style: 611
Size: 12
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15 Apr 2004 @ 00:01
There is talk in some learned circles of our major cities about whether or not satyrs, centaurs, griffins and certain other fantastic beasts really exist, or are only the product of the popular imagination. I, of course, tend to side with the satyrs, centaurs, and griffins, especially when these beasts begin to doubt the existence of any learned circles in our major cities.
—from The Teaching of Ebenezum - Volume XXXVI
(Craig Shaw Gardner, A Malady of Magicks) More > |
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11 Apr 2004 @ 19:52
Below are a few questions from Utima IV: Quest of the Avatar, an outdated (but goodie) RPG game of old. You are asked to make choices. There are no good ones, but you must choose one good over another. More >
7 Apr 2004 @ 17:06
Tropico - Mucho Macho challenges you to build up the economy of your own little tropical island—as either a benevolent leader or a ruthless dictator:
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3 Apr 2004 @ 17:08
Le Ciel Traqué (The Hunted Sky) (1951), Yves Tanguy, Oil on canvas, 39x32 in.
"Is that which science call the ‘psyche’ not merely a question mark arbitrarily confined within the skull, but rather a door that opens upon the human world from a world beyond, now and again allowing strange and unseizable potencies to act upon man...?”
C. G. Jung: Modern Man In Search of a Soul
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1 Apr 2004 @ 12:15
This is the kind of movie you want to talk about afterward. Directed with sly grace and quiet elegance by Sally Potter, it is not about a story or a plot, but about a vision of human existence. What does it mean to be born as a woman, or a man? To be born at one time instead of another? To be born into wealth, or into poverty, or into the traditions of a particular nation? More >
31 Mar 2004 @ 19:14
What can change the nature of a man?
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