Being in more than one place at the same time5 comments
picture2 Feb 2004 @ 18:24
Ever felt like you have spread yourself too thin and that it would take two or three of you to attend to all the demands you face or all the events in which you wish you could partake in a day? Let your avatar or avatars (i.e. fully interactive digital images of yourself) take some of the burden away from you. With the advent of Artificial Intelligence and the ever growing integration of the Internet into everyday life, the concept of meshing knowledge and personality into a digital clone that can search the web for you, sort and send e-mail and interact with others does no longer seem as farfetched as it once was.
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 Usu no koe (The voice of the Wooden Mortar)0 comments
picture31 Jan 2004 @ 21:13
The koto is a long zither with movable bridges, characteristic of the East-Asian melodic zone. Often celebrated in literature, it is sometimes compared to a dragon lying on a beach and conversing with the waves— which are evoked by the undulations of the wood on the soundboard. The song below, traditionally accompanied on the koto, is based on a play on words and sounds, the term “Usu” being both a noun meaning “wooden mortar” and an adjective referring to “vague”, “pale”, “light” or “thin” depending on the context. This word, which appears in 12 different places in the original lyrics, gave the song its title, which evokes the passing of seasons.
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 I wouldn't want to die — Boris Vian1 comment
picture29 Jan 2004 @ 12:32
Before having known
The black mexican dogs
Who sleep without dreaming
The butt-naked monkeys
Gobbling up tropics
The silver spiders in
Webs riddled with bubbles
I wouldn't want to die
Not knowing if the moon
Behind its fake nickel look
Has a sharper side
If the sun is cold
If the four seasons
Are really only four
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 RADIOZ by luigi-bob drake0 comments
picture27 Jan 2004 @ 12:23
From Wr-eye-tings Scratchpad, an online laboratory and showcase dedicated to concrete, visual, sound, and performance poetry.  More >

 Cooperative Games7 comments
picture25 Jan 2004 @ 02:17
Unlike most games which require players to focus their efforts trying to bankrupt someone or destroy their armies, and basically try and get rid of one another, here are a couple of unusual games in which players must work together if they are to survive — there are no individual winners, all players win or all players lose:
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 NCN: 16% evil, 84% good ?5 comments
picture22 Jan 2004 @ 14:04

The Gematriculator is a service that uses the "infallible" methods of Gematria developed by Mr. Ivan Panin to determine how good or evil a web site or a text passage is.
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 Addams Family Values13 comments
picture30 Nov 2003 @ 17:03
Christina Ricci as Wednesday Addams/ Pocahontas in Addams Family Values

"Wait, we can not break bread with you. You have taken the land which is rightfully ours. Years from now my people will be forced to live in mobile homes on reservations. Your people will wear cardigans, and drink highballs. We will sell our bracelets by the road sides, and you will play golf. My people will have pain and degradation. Your people will have stick shifts. The gods of my tribe have spoken. They said do not trust the pilgrims. And especially do not trust Sarah Miller. For all these reasons I have decided to scalp you and burn your village to the ground."  More >

 A Judeo-Spanish perspective1 comment
picture4 Nov 2003 @ 09:11
La Serena

The songs of the Sephardim (Spanish Jews), handed down orally from generation to generation, tell the stories of their lives, their history, and their culture during their settlement in the Iberian Peninsula until their exile in 1492. The Sephardic language is known as Judezmo or Judeo-Spanish, which is the Spanish language of the middle ages.  More >

 Hallu-Ci-Nant!0 comments
picture1 Nov 2003 @ 02:43

Incroyable !
A faire, c'est hallucinant...
Vous êtes vous jamais demandé si votre esprit fonctionnait différemment ou non de celui du plus grand nombre d'entre nous ?

Alors, faites ce véritable exercice de réflexion et jugez par vous même de la réponse !!!!!!

Suivez juste les instructions, et répondez aux questions une par une, et aussi vite que possible, mais n'avancez pas avant d'en avoir terminé avec la précédente.

Maintenant, descendez (mais pas trop vite, vous pourriez rater quelque chose).

>>>  More >

 Samhain Poem1 comment
picture1 Nov 2003 @ 02:32
Samhain (The Lady Lisser)

let the night fall
for i am not afraid of the dark
or of imaginary evils
or of myself
and my own power
let the night fall
let it come with its dreams
its mysteries
its wonders
let the night fall
let the goddess drape her scarves of black
around me
and clear the cauldron's surface

so that i might remember  More >

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Creative Writing

In memory of Andy Lehman
(May 05, 1982 ~ Nov. 01, 2004)

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- Information: Entries relevant to the room itself,
- Music/Lyrics: Music related and/or Lyrics,
- The Journal: YOUR own writing,
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- The Muse-eum: Other people's writing (quotes, bios, tips and technique,)
- Roundtable (and Roundtable Chapters): Two or more people working together on a same project.

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