Mining the Mind    
 Where the limits lie12 comments
category picture17 Sep 2003 @ 13:53
Here is something that occurred where I live. Coincidentally, I was watching "The Negotiator" at the time that this occurred:

I live with five other people. One of my roommates had some crumpets. Someone else ate them. When asked, everyone in the house denied having taken them. Unless someone else came in and took them, which is a very remote possibility, somebody here is lying. Not a big deal really, only crumpets. If I took them, shouldn't I just say so? What is there to be afraid of? I realize that fear can cut deeper than the sharpest knife, but why be afraid of the consequences of a few plucked crumpets? Regardless, the culprit is silent. In the silence, I am suspect. In fact, by mentioning this here, I am now suspect to you, the reader. Why? Because I was born with the ABILITY to lie. Until the one stands up, the truth will not be known to the rest. Until that time, the guilt is shared amongst the rest. Innocence has been stripped unwillingly because a communal trust has been broken. Faith in one is damaged by the actions of another one. Am I free? Has the clarion call of the trumpet been silenced by a crumpet?

I choose to let the faith in my will carry me forward. Faith in THE will. I know my own worth. You are the only one who can truly measure yourSELF. All other measures are false.  More >

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  • jeffolsen: Caught a tigger....
  • shawa: Hey, hey!

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    May questions be your walking stick, reason your measure.