8 May 2009 @ 19:34
May 8 2009
ho there well thought to revisit this
A goal or objective is always helpful
and goals require plans and imagining.
Anyway without further adue the goal thus is the realization of a global ecosociety that is a source of global ecological and ecozonal health and harmony and the means of its achieval is perhaps by "PLAN 1850"
WELL .... I suppose its worth a shot and perhaps the reworking of the UNIECOBUDGET.
Representing Plan 1850
PLAN 1850
Plan 1850
earth Well after some study of the situation, the following plan and stradegy may help in the present Earthen circumstances. Data seems to suggest that the tipping point of the current global dilemna may have occurred in and or around 1850 AD.. It was after this point that the current cycle of events intensified.
This suggests that that time period around 1850 may serve as a sustainable "mean" or "norm" for which to aspire to. Therefore data and lifestyle, standards and quality of that time can or does represent a sustainable condition for humanity, mammality and the planet as a whole. Using that year as a norm and target thus produces roughly these results.
Target Year: 1850
Target Global Population: 2 - 3.5 Billion
Target Markets: Green, Ethical, and Sustainable
Target Econonmy: Some type of Gold Standard based, fair enterprise with profit and credit capping, Ecological Economics.
Target Diet: Low Gulten, Low Salt, Low Fat, trans fat and cholestrol, Low sugar, whole grains, low red meats, Fruits and vegetables and some organic methods and limited genetic modification
Target Occupations: Naturopathy Health, Space, Natural Science, Earth Sciences, Arts, Humanities, Environment, Research, Farming, Argosphere, Trades, ecological economics, green governance
Target Time: Current Standard Time System and calendar with daylight savings for energy savings.
Target Exploration: Moon Base Development, New Space Telescope, Mars Robot Missions
Target Design Standard: Phi standard and whole systems design iso 14000 LEED
Target Communication Network: Point to Point Internet, mail, phone and satellite
Target Transportation: Public Transit, Bus, Train, Ship, helicopter, stars air ambulance, limited car, air and space travel.
Target Authority: Rule of Law, World Court, Democracy, Multi party systems, Reformed UN
Target Enforcement: Green Police and Army, Global Disaster Response Reserves, Nuke Reduction
Target Architecture: Organic and Green Architecture and engineering,
Target Relations: Dept of Peace or harmony Establishment
Target Cultures: Mulitculturalism and or Multiglobalism
Target Green House Gases: 1850 Levels
Target Energy Production: Hydro, Solar, Wind, Ocean, Bio fuels, Methane digesters, limited and emergency oil,gas and nuke standby units.
Target Methods: Reduce, Recycle, Reuse
Target Religions: Multi-Faith, Ecotheology
Target Philosophy: Regeneration Development, Ecosophy , sustainabilty
Target Media: Responsible and Grassroots Media
These targets if adopted with reference to world state in and around 1850 should be able to produce a sustainable new civilization for the planet. (working draft 1)
Okay so we have a plan... so?
True plans are not enough unless they are turned into actions
So we need to convert the blueprint plan into an action plan
and the proceed to act on it.
Does anyone have any ideas on this....
How to we go from plan to actions (Earth Hour, Earth Day, Carbon Tax)
and then to results that can be measured and adjusted accordingly.
The problem is not living in a greenhouse. The problem is opitimizing
and managing the greenhouse to the best comprimise for all.
If we have come to live in a global greenhouse then that is our fate
but let us make the best of it.
So we perhaps need funding and a budget and some time lines
and some measuring tools or software program.
We can begin to see now that global warming is effecting the crops
so we must thus determine the "new" proper places for the best yield and quality
of the various crops. Californias crop was wiped out by cold, and the midwest is
beset with drought... yet some places may have had bumper yields.
As I stated long ago the effects of the tsunami would change the water patterns
due to the shift in the tectonic plates. Give this we have to "plot" the new norms
which are still in the process of stabilizing. This may take decades folks so rise
and shine the new day is upon us.
A. Jonas
2007 More >
30 Apr 2009 @ 01:18
Exercise Imagine: First find a quiet space and then slowly begin to imagine a world and lifestyles the benefit and serve as a source and sources of ecological health and harmony. Imagine all the planet living in a sustainable and regenerative way. Make it so and so it is. More >
13 Apr 2009 @ 22:22
april 13 2009
return of the ancestors event comin up quick
link = [link]
sir swan More >
5 Apr 2009 @ 19:21
april 5 2009
I don't know but an instant of it just occurred to me
Ed Jonas More >
4 Apr 2009 @ 21:51
The Move
So was the industrial revolution and the car society misguided and presumptuous?
Born of a lust for power and wealth void or lacking consideration for the cost and Karma to the mother world, Earth, from which we had arose and from which we sought to distance ourselves and economy from and then to bend and shape the living soil to our cold and unfeeling will. In defiance, denial and escape from all that final fate of made Kings, paupers and all. Deceiving and deluding our vain mortality with our pretense and illusions wrought all of the ill gotten profits greed and spoils of a too generous soil and sun.
And thus deceived and charmed, espousing and teaching our false virtues and spells unto our kin, condemning them and theirs in turn to these falsehoods, lies and sins in perpetuity. Forgetting, never grasping, the day, the hour, the joy, of hearts and hands more good, reconciled with a simpler lot and value. Values not measured in money formulas, gold and diamonds but by and of the fullness wonder and richness of ones senses, times and the soul and spirit.
Is this thus how we moved?
Moved from the grace and bosoms of Good Mother Earth and Great Father Sun to worship instead money, cold steel and wheels.
Instead though can there thus be a marriage of conveince of lands, nature, hands minds and hearts and from this then forge the brave new ecoanthroposphere and global ecovillage. The Global Ecovillage and City in which we can coexist in harmony and equality within the rights and laws of nature and humans living, regenerating and coexisting within the biocapacity and means of the Earth and Heavens.
This can be if the people and powers are willing and seize the century and day, and make it so.The future is now and awaits this realization and union.
A. Jonas
Jan 2009 (c)
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An introduction to the science and art of perception management.
The phrase "perception management" is filtering into common use as a synonym for "persuasion." Public relations firms now offer "perception management" as one of their services. Similarly, public officials who are being accused of shading the truth are now frequently charged with engaging in "perception management" when disseminating information to media or to the general public.
Although perception management operations are typically carried out within the international arena between governments, and between governments and citizens, use of perception management techniques have become part of mainstream information management systems in many ways that do not concern military campaigns or government relations with citizenry. Businesses may even contract with other businesses to conduct perception management for them, or they may conduct it in-house with their public relations staff.
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Perception management is a term originated by the U. S. military. The U. S. Department of Defense (DOD) gives this definition:
Actions to convey and/or deny selected information and indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning as well as to intelligence systems and leaders at all levels to influence official estimates, ultimately resulting in foreign behaviors and official actions favorable to the originator's objectives. In various ways, perception management combines truth projection, operations security, cover and deception, and psychological operations.
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