Xanadu 2012    
 Dreamer: Supertramp0 comments
category picture22 Sep 2007 @ 05:41
youtube = [link]

 today International Peace day 0 comments
category picture21 Sep 2007 @ 18:23
Ho there...

heres my contribution to International Peace day
a happy uplifting movin kinda music video

youtube = [link]

Joyful Peace to all

sir ed

 16september20071 comment
category picture17 Sep 2007 @ 11:44
Sept 17, 2007

For Lovin You

16september2007 = [link]

sir ed  More >

 Harmonious Diversity4 comments
picture11 Sep 2007 @ 12:16


har·mo·ny (har'ma-ne)
n., pl. -nies.

1. Agreement in feeling or opinion; accord: live in harmony.
2. A pleasing combination of elements in a whole: color harmony; the order and harmony of the universe. See synonyms at proportion.
3. Music.
1. The study of the structure, progression, and relation of chords.
2. Simultaneous combination of notes in a chord.
3. The structure of a work or passage as considered from the point of view of its chordal characteristics and relationships.
4. A combination of sounds considered pleasing to the ear.
4. A collation of parallel passages, especially from the Gospels, with a commentary demonstrating their consonance and explaining their discrepancies.

[Middle English armonie, from Old French, from Latin harmonia, from Greek harmoniā, articulation, agreement, harmony, from harmos, joint.]


di·ver·si·ty (di-vur' si-te, di-)
n., pl. -ties.

1. The fact or quality of being diverse; difference.
2. A point or respect in which things differ.
2. Variety or multiformity: “Charles Darwin saw in the diversity of species the principles of evolution that operated to generate the species: variation, competition and selection” (Scientific American).

and to me this is what it would look like:

[link]  More >

 BRAVE NEW EARTH!5 comments
category picture10 Sep 2007 @ 01:20
Sept 10, 2007


For Immediate Release and distribution

At this the 6th anniversary of the event of 9/11 and unprecidented world wide media
broadcast of such that has lent to us this tumultuous world
that has consecquented, we must look deep in our souls and hearts to birth
a new world and earth like as phoeix rising out of the ashes of the old.
How do we envision a new world and day in the midsts of our sorrow and confusion
and mistakes.
We must and do rise above and rework and revision the old into a new and better
Here is my contribution then to that task and awakening.
I call it
The Birth of Love and Joy...
youtube = [link]

enjoy and take up the gaunlet and uphold the honor and dignity of old.


May we all come to live in peace harmony joy and love...

sir ed  More >

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An introduction to the science and art of perception management.

The phrase "perception management" is filtering into common use as a synonym for "persuasion." Public relations firms now offer "perception management" as one of their services. Similarly, public officials who are being accused of shading the truth are now frequently charged with engaging in "perception management" when disseminating information to media or to the general public.

Although perception management operations are typically carried out within the international arena between governments, and between governments and citizens, use of perception management techniques have become part of mainstream information management systems in many ways that do not concern military campaigns or government relations with citizenry. Businesses may even contract with other businesses to conduct perception management for them, or they may conduct it in-house with their public relations staff.

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  • Perception management is a term originated by the U. S. military. The U. S. Department of Defense (DOD) gives this definition:

    Actions to convey and/or deny selected information and indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning as well as to intelligence systems and leaders at all levels to influence official estimates, ultimately resulting in foreign behaviors and official actions favorable to the originator's objectives. In various ways, perception management combines truth projection, operations security, cover and deception, and psychological operations.
