10 Jul 2007 @ 18:48
"The wraith is a being of power, controlled by a greater spirit to do the creatures will. These creatures are shadows, floating amongst our realm with no purpose but that of their masters. They feed on humans..."
---J.R.R. Tolkien More >
10 Jul 2007 @ 00:38
The view of Michael Copps, like FCC fellow commissioner, Jonathan Adelstein, is that "Democracy is premised on giving people sufficient depth and breadth of information that they'll generally make intelligent decisions" for their own good or "for the good of the country."
"We are skating perilously close to denying folks that kind of information, in no small degree because of media consolidation," Copps says. More >
6 Jul 2007 @ 22:32
July 6, 2007
My Grandparents have all passed on except my Grandmother on my Mothers side
and now shes 98 and in hospital. I could sense her anquish of struggling
so I created this picture of her 55th Wedding anniversary in 1982.
Somehow I hope it will console and comfort her.
Thank both used to spend a lot of time and actually worked in the
Canadian Rockies. How lucky they were and blessed.
What ever you choose Oma.
pic = [link]
your grandson
Alfred More >
6 Jul 2007 @ 04:19
July 5, 2007
A marridge or remarridge of DNA might be occurring folks.
DNA is the oldest seed....
the oldest seed thus is uniting with the 2007 DNA and yielding
well what would that yield ?
about a 380 million year recombination or return to source?
hmmmm that maybe be plant wise as they have just found this
plant DNA in Greenland due to the melting ice...
on an animal level?
well.... hard to figure or compute....
source = [link]
Alfred g Jonas More >
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