22 May 2007 @ 00:43
With no more human flesh to cannibalize, the infected have starved to death... More >
21 May 2007 @ 12:24
May 21, 2007
Victoria Day
This new piece combines the masculine and feminine archtectures
along with Platos description of Atlantis in the center.
A.G. Jonas More >
18 May 2007 @ 04:46
May 18, 2007
Well maybe there is money or cost recovery in caring but perhaps only in "reasonable or effective caring."
Effective or reasonable caring thus takes the money and or accounting and expenses process into consideration while haphazard or "magical caring" doesn't usually and as a consequence doesn't get the caring job done or done in an effective or sustainable way. Cause there is not to much point to caring if it doesn't achieve something constructive and sustainable results or outcomes, although sometimes care is necessary just to get some through a rough patch or the day. People for instance with permanent disabilities have a hard time finding the will to live and part of caring for them requires that others give them reason and hope just to brighten there day and make their lot a little sunnier but even these people I have oft found can give the most amazing "acts of grace" in times of their caretakers rare or occasional times of their own struggles.
So I guess then theres educated, experienced, effective and sustainable caring and the other less effective sorts.
True you do not necessary care for the money or profit but you have to accept the realities of covering your own necessities, legalities, overhead, taxes and expenses, even though it could be said to take a bite out of your caring effect and effort but given the fact that the heart in this wisdom pumps back a little blood to itself while it is pumping blood to power and sustain the rest of the body suggests that this is just basic caring physics. How much well I'm not sure I suppose it depends on the total load at different times but may be say 10 or 20 % depending.
So then you have the reality that caring is not easy and it is not cheap or free either but it is still mostly the right thing to do but must be done in a way as to accommodate the realities of modern life to be done in a logical, effective and sustainable way.
So then caring starts with giving but remembering to give a portion of what is given back to ones self. This then is meant to cover the "caring costs" or the cost of caring.
So then if we say we care and we profess to care then in true fashion and in order to care effectively and sustainably we must make and consider the effort to recover the 10 or 20 % caring costs or effective caring costs. Generally such costs can be written off for business and tax purpose as expenses and or as basic personal exemptions.
Darn who would have thought caring could be so complicated but I suppose even caring has some basic standards.
Alfred G. Jonas More >
17 May 2007 @ 11:06
May 17, 2007
Well the data of our global systems audit would seem to indicate the main cause of human global warming effect is the human cooling factor. The major source of the warming or emissions production is now China and America. The major use of energy in the USA is to air condition. So we have a cascading effect or negative loop wherebye the more one tries to use energy to keep cool the hotter it gets.
ed More >
16 May 2007 @ 16:21
May 16, 2007
Well before we can know whats what
we've got to know whats what....
so I've undertaken a global audit of some of the earth systems
and other considerations and this is what it looks like.
anyway its probably incomplete but at least we have a first draft.
ed More >
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