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 Climate Change: Will America raise to the challenge?2 comments
picture7 May 2007 @ 22:05
"I want to send word to our American friends to tell them they can count on our friendship, which has been forged by the tragedies of history that we have confronted together. I want to tell them that France will always be at their side when they need her. But I also want to tell them that friendship means accepting that friends can have different opinions."
----Nicolas Sarkozy, first address, after his victory on May 6, 2007

As part of his first address as France's President-elect, Nicolas Sarkozy also strongly urged the United States to take the lead on climate change and said that the issue would be a priority for France:

"A great nation, like the United States, has a duty not to block the battle against global warming but — on the contrary — to take the lead in this battle, because the fate of the whole of humanity is at stake."

We shall see...

Last January (o1/17/07), the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (BAS), founded by in 1945 by former Manhattan Project physicists, and whose board periodically reviews issues of global security and challenges to humanity, has added climate change to the prospect of nuclear annihilation as the greatest threats to humankind. link

This is the first time BAS has included climate change as an explicit threat to the future of civilization.

"We foresee great peril if governments and societies don’t take action now” to offset climate change, said astrophysicist Stephen Hawking.

While the harm done to the planet by carbon-emitting manufacturing technologies and automobiles was more gradual than a nuclear explosion, nonetheless, it could also be catastrophic to life as we know it and "irremediable", the board said.
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 Biggest Supernovea2 comments
picture7 May 2007 @ 19:00
May 7, 2007

Chandra Xray Satellite report

NASA astronomers Monday reported the biggest and brightest star explosion ever recorded, a blast whose light began reaching Earth in the past year from 240 million light years away.

source = [link]

They say it poses no threat but ...? me gosh shes a biggy and a wonder.

Geez things are sort of a happening in space first Planet Gliese 581c,
Then the Mammality State Address and now this...

wonder of wonders... whats cookin?

ed  More >

 Poetic License0 comments
picture7 May 2007 @ 17:55

«Le poète est un mensonge qui dit toujours la vérité.»
Jean Cocteau, Secrets de Beauté (1948)


The poet is a lie that always speaks the truth

Often misquoted, misinterpreted or mistranslated as "The poet is a liar who always speaks the truth" or "I am a lie who always speaks the truth". (

Another quote from Jean Cocteau that I like:

"Il n’existe que deux manières de gagner la partie: jouer coeur ou tricher. Tricher est difficile... Jouer coeur est simple. Il faut en avoir, voilà tout. Vous vous croyez sans coeur. Vous regardez mal vos cartes.”
---Jean Cocteau, Lettre à Jacques Maritain (1926)


There is only two ways for one to play one's hand and win: playing heart or cheating. Cheating is difficult...Playing heart is easy. All one needs is some heart, and all follows. You believe yourself without heart. You're just not looking at you cards hard enough.
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 State Of Mammality Address7 comments
category picture7 May 2007 @ 02:47
May 6, 2007


Greetings and salutations to you, all mammality!

We come now and give to us all, this First State of Mammality Address, on this 6th day of May, in the year of our Lord 2007 AD, here from the Province of Alberta, in the Nation of Canada, to all of the planet Earth, here in the Sol Star System, of the Milky Way Galaxy.

After some 220 million years since the first inception of the Mammal Class or roughly one Galactic Year ago, we find the current state of Mammality now, to be,
though somewhat weathered, still in a fair and well established position here on this planet. Derived as we are, from the Phylum Chordata, the parent Mammal Class, Mammality has yielded to date approximately, some 4,800 Orders of species from it, one of which, Primates, we, our human species are descendant and derived of and from some 60 million years ago. Well done Mammality.

To note now, then, some of the achievements of the Mammal Class in this time, we see now that there are flying mammals, civilized and space going mammals, burrowing mammals, building mammals and aquatic mammals. As well mammals can range from quite small in size, to the very largest of creatures of life upon this Earth.

While the state of mammality thus, is practically and statistically in fair to good condition, we have had to, over these millions of years, face numerous hardships and challenges, and some of the species of our Class, are sadly not represented alive any more here today, and to them we pay our respects and thank them for the contributions made towards our current fair fortunes. May you rest in peace.

Looking forward though, to the next galactic year, the future looks promising thought daunting as well. Have you all heard? We have discovered a sister Planet, in the constellation Libra, around the Star Gliese 581, a planet called Gliese 581c or Aprilla as I like to call her. This should proof an interesting find to study and investigate and perhaps, God and time willing, one day for the mammals of the future to visit perhaps. Perhaps, in the fullness of time. Still though, we will sadly, face many of the same challenges we have faced before over these millions of years, like want for good food, clean air and water and healthy habitat and environment, and problems such as weather, earth quakes, fires, floods, tsunamis, climate change, war, disease, asteroids and other such. We pray and ask that good fortunes guide us and help us through once again.

But let us remember though that together as we celebrate this first galactic year of our existence, together let us and we will strive to show the same spirit, will and strength as those mammals that have gone before us, giving thanks and praise to the our Good Host the Earth and the Lord and Great Spirit above for providing for all of us, for all this time and for now and hopefully the morrow. For your gracious gifts and grace we are grateful and now give thanks.

So thus thank you for your attention to this matter and here ends the Annual Galactic Year State of Mammality Address.

Sincerely and humbly...

A Fellow Human Mammal, AGJ.  More >

 Complementary Imbalance1 comment
category picture6 May 2007 @ 11:55
May 6, 2007


Consider the terms balance, antinomy, synergy, diversity, symbiosis, dynamic, complex, contradiction, health.

and of course "vie va la difference".

I was wondering why balance and health is such a difficult concept.
We too need conflict and tension to keep things moving.

So why is imbalance good?
or is it?

Well I think it revolves around the idea of "complementary imbalances".
Things not necessarily specializoing in certain things but being more suited or fit for them in concert with and engaging others who compliment what each other lacks.

Relationships. No they aren't perfect and perfection is perhaps overated though and stagnant. Systems and life is alive. If it weren't the case, things would never change or evolve.

And thats the thing too, things are ever in process and dynamic and evolving.
And is that good?
well yes and no.... at times its good and at times its bad.
The perfect or? real state is one of comfortable change then perhaps.
Change being the only real constant.
Accepting that then we can set about trying to build comfortable diversity and change. Until we accept the constant of change then ... well?

Any of this make sense.

We need change and we need constants and we need comfort but I guess we need conflict too. Its getting the balance and timing right that is the challenge.
Like learning the steps of a dance. And I guess its not an easy dance either.

It is afterall our adaptablity and flexibilty that has got us this far plus I guess our principles and truths.

Do principles and truths then change?

Maybe not so much change but become more refined or complex.

The principles of a cave person are perhaps more simple and basic than those of a civilization.

Which are better?

Well a lot of its sematics but I suppose all in all evolution is for the best.
Its trying to keep it all hanging together and coherant that is the challenge perhaps and yet not so together as to have it be unsustainable or static or overly chaotic.

Thus balance or its meaning evolves as well....

The balance of child is not the balance of an adult.

Life is experience and experience is learning and understanding and sharing.

We are such unique creatures though, each one slightly different yet looking at the whole we "imbalance" ourselves in a relatively nice way or dance.

No its not always pleasant and its not always fun and its not always fair, but these challenges cause us to not necessary be more the same but to be more complementary. Yes we all take our stands and sits but looking at the whole picture becomes more and more difficult going it alone and we thus realize we could not have got this far on our own.

It is the symbiosis and synergy thus that plays a big part. The mutualism. Mutual and complementary diversity.

So what do we call that....????

I guess complementary imbalance or life?

I guess thats what James Lovelock meant then that the reason the Earth is alive is because of imbalance but it isn't that simple. Life is also complementing the imbalance or imbalances. Life is adapting and being flexible. Gaia is adapting and being flexible? Life may be in imbalance but the imbalance seems to produce more than the sum of its parts but in a good and meaningful way.

So imbalance alone is perhaps not a good thing but complementary imbalances well thats perhaps what makes life the wonder and mystery it is.

How it does it or figures it all out would and will perhaps remain a mystery. That we are witness to it though is a miracle of sorts.

To witness this complementary imbalance called life then is well perhaps
the greatest gift we have and will ever recieve.

Alfred G. Jonas  More >

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An introduction to the science and art of perception management.

The phrase "perception management" is filtering into common use as a synonym for "persuasion." Public relations firms now offer "perception management" as one of their services. Similarly, public officials who are being accused of shading the truth are now frequently charged with engaging in "perception management" when disseminating information to media or to the general public.

Although perception management operations are typically carried out within the international arena between governments, and between governments and citizens, use of perception management techniques have become part of mainstream information management systems in many ways that do not concern military campaigns or government relations with citizenry. Businesses may even contract with other businesses to conduct perception management for them, or they may conduct it in-house with their public relations staff.

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  • Perception management is a term originated by the U. S. military. The U. S. Department of Defense (DOD) gives this definition:

    Actions to convey and/or deny selected information and indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning as well as to intelligence systems and leaders at all levels to influence official estimates, ultimately resulting in foreign behaviors and official actions favorable to the originator's objectives. In various ways, perception management combines truth projection, operations security, cover and deception, and psychological operations.
