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 The Irrepressible Rothbard0 comments
picture24 Apr 2007 @ 17:37
"I don't think that the crucial difference is that we're smart and the others are dumb; after all, if we may let this secret out to the world, we're not all that smart! We are a glorious movement to be sure, but we have hardly achieved perfection. The difference between us and the Democrats and Republicans is not that we are so much smarter than they are, but that we are deeply concerned with ideas, with principles, whereas they are simply concerned with getting their places at the public trough. We are interested in principles, they in power; and, gloriously enough, our principle is that their power be dismantled."
---Murray N. Rothbard

anarcho-capitalism has recently had the greatest impact in the United States, where the Libertarian Party has taken it up as the house ideology, and where Republicans like Ronald Reagan wanted to be remembered for cutting taxation and for getting "the government off peoples' backs".

The first well-known version of anarcho-capitalism was developed by Austrian School economist and libertarian Murray N. Rothbard (1926-1995) in the mid-twentieth century.

Edited with an introduction by Lewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr., and touring the work of Rothbard, the essays presented in this volume combine "libertarian anti-government economics, decentralist local patriotism, anti-war isolation, and a dissident/reactionary cultural outlook that saw the growth of government as the key to the loss of the Old Republic. Rothbard defended land-rights groups against environmentalists, citizen militias against gun grabbers, isolationists against imperialists, paleoconservatives against neoconservatives, populists against party regulars, anti-New World Order conspiracy theorists against the establishment, nationalists against internationalist planners, states righters against libertarian centralists, the Christian right against its own leadership, and much more."

Rothbard writes here from an unambiguously new right-wing perspective, his essays address political strategy, war, nationalism, culture, feminism, and much more.
They include:

* A Strategy for the Right
* The Religious Right: Toward a Coalition
* A New Strategy for Liberty
* Right-Wing Populism
* Pat Buchanan and the Menace of Anti-Anti-Semitism
* Working Our Way Back to the President
* Gang-Stabbing the President: What, Who, and Why
* The "Watershed" Election
* Education: Rethinking "Choice"
* The New York Political Circus
* Big-Government Libertarians
* Stop NAFTA!
* Why the Pro-NAFTA Hysteria?
* Mr. Bush's War
* U.S., Keep Out of Bosnia!
* The New York Times, Communism, and South Africa
* On Resisting Evil
* Guilt Sanctified
* "Tolerance," or Manners?
* Behind Waco
* America's Most Persecuted Minority
* Hunting the Christian Right
* The Menace of the Religious Left
* Saint Hillary and the Religious Left
* Kulturdampf!
* Liberal Hysteria: The Mystery Explained
* King Kristol
* The Women/Ladies/Girls/Spoiled Brats of Mills
* The Kennedy "Rape" Case
* Marshall, Civil Rights, and the Court
* Their Malcolm... And Mine
* The Clintonians: "Looking Like America"
* Is Clinton a Bastard?
* Clintonian Ugly
* Those Awards
* PC Cinema: Psychobabble Gets Nasty
* The Oscars
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 The Russians Are Coming. The Russians Are Coming.1 comment
picture23 Apr 2007 @ 20:45
Since the environment affects all peoples, everywhere, all the time, it became the obsessive cause of the old line Marxists including former communist dictator Mikhail Gorbachev. Gorbachev is the president of the International Green Cross, an organization he founded in 1993 to prevent the world from committing ³eco-suicide² with headquarters in San Francisco. Some call it the watermelon effect because it is green on the outside and red on the inside.

Gorbachev and Strong have been unrelenting in their long march to achieve the redistribution dreams for absolute equity for the masses in hopes of positioning themselves and their friends as the ruling elite. And they have had a lot of help from wealthy American Steven Rockefeller who joined in writing and then pushing with evangelical zeal this redistribution agenda in a constitution-like document for a New World Order called the Earth Charter (http://www.earthcharter.org ).

This over-arching plan is the reason why the muesli-munching, environmental-wacko crowd will never be satisfied with the ideals of clean air and water...

---The New Marxism: Green on the outside, red on the inside

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category picture23 Apr 2007 @ 20:14

So let me get this straight... It is the position of the governments of the Earth that we? can not afford to save humanity???????
It would cost to much?

Alrighty then ?????

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 Renew America0 comments
picture23 Apr 2007 @ 17:28
"The founders sought to avoid this path to tyranny. So they declared a direct tax on the income of individuals unconstitutional. The reversal of that wisdom came during the "progressive" era at the beginning of the 20th century. A mentality of class warfare prevailed at the time, a first flush of socialism in American life, and the income tax movement was one of its results. Setting farmers against industrialists, urban folk against rural, poor against rich, everyone was led to expect that an income tax would hit the other group harder. Chiefly, of course, the argument was that the rich would pay a disproportionate share. What they didn't tell us was that in this socialist scheme anyone with a private dollar is suspected of being too rich.
The income tax expropriates the independence that made possible American prosperity, American character and ultimately American self-government. By keeping the income-tax, we are inexorably encouraging moral poverty---the poverty of motivation, of discipline and of responsibility---that we all sense has deepened in the America of recent decades.
By wisely turning back to the wisdom of our founders, we can renew an economic environment of wholesome motivation in which responsibility makes a difference. Real tax reform can help us make an historic break with the servile and passive habits of recent years and begin a new era of confident liberty. If we still believe we deserve--and have the capacity--to be free, ending the income tax is a duty to ourselves and to our posterity."
--- Alan Keyes, Copied from The American Legion Magazine, March 2002, pages 40, 42, & 44

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 Gaias' Ring...1 comment
category picture22 Apr 2007 @ 16:36
Well I was fixing to power down here and then lights on
I remembered a recording I had made in Dec of 2004 after the tsunami
It seems I was sort transfixed by what some said was the
"ringing" of the planet after the big earth quake and tsunami
Apparently scientists said the planet was ringing like a bell since
the quake was a very powerful one. Enough to add a second to the clock
and effect the earths spin.
Anyway I seemed at the time somewhat transfixed by something
and wrote this song or maybe "jammed" with Gaia

heres "Gaias' Ring..."

Source = [link]

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An introduction to the science and art of perception management.

The phrase "perception management" is filtering into common use as a synonym for "persuasion." Public relations firms now offer "perception management" as one of their services. Similarly, public officials who are being accused of shading the truth are now frequently charged with engaging in "perception management" when disseminating information to media or to the general public.

Although perception management operations are typically carried out within the international arena between governments, and between governments and citizens, use of perception management techniques have become part of mainstream information management systems in many ways that do not concern military campaigns or government relations with citizenry. Businesses may even contract with other businesses to conduct perception management for them, or they may conduct it in-house with their public relations staff.

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  • Perception management is a term originated by the U. S. military. The U. S. Department of Defense (DOD) gives this definition:

    Actions to convey and/or deny selected information and indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning as well as to intelligence systems and leaders at all levels to influence official estimates, ultimately resulting in foreign behaviors and official actions favorable to the originator's objectives. In various ways, perception management combines truth projection, operations security, cover and deception, and psychological operations.
