21 Apr 2007 @ 02:09
Sharing what a concept...
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21 Apr 2007 @ 01:16
You see, the way it works: the universe does not distinguish between positive and negative thoughts.
If one really, really starts raising concerns about Global Warming... the universe provides one.
And if enough people focus on the Global Warming issue, then they add more energy to it, and while their well-meaning but ill-guided purpose might be “NOT to have” a Global Warming, the universe will nevertheless provide one. The universe simply does not understand “no.”
The other caveat of manifesting reality is that if people focus on the “wanting” of something, peace, justice, equal rights, a clean environment, etc. the universe only provides more opportunities for people to continue to want, i.e. not have. The universe is simply being literal in noting how much energy people spend on desiring something, and assumes -- perhaps rightly so -- that what people earnestly desire is the opportunity “to want” something. This is as opposed to having something.
In Mark 11:24, Jesus Christ said, “What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.” So the key, see, is to believe you already have what you desire and to “know” that all is well in the world. Not to simply want it.
That’s what our spiritually minded president, a reborn Christian who understands the working of the Secret, had been trying to do with his attempt at underplaying the fear mongering of the Global Warming alarmists, and also with the MISSION ACCOMPLISHED positive affirmation after the liberation of Irak, but the vibrations of the nay Sayers created too much negative energies... More >
20 Apr 2007 @ 21:19
Global Warming is a classic example of a collective delusion that feeds on itself and which is getting alarmingly out of control. More >
20 Apr 2007 @ 20:22
Comparing the "covert totalitarianism" of the "liberal welfare state" to that of the Soviet Union, Keyes expose the "betrayal" of "the special moral identity of black Americans" by the established civil rights groups, which demand that the Feds materially succor the community, a reflex that Keyes believes mires people, and especially the black community, in "perpetual supplication." In his prescription, empowerment comes from the self, not subsidy programs.
It's a good thing now that besides Keyes (or Bill Cosby - bless his heart) more people, like Oprah, are speaking out. Far more than just about race the book really take appart the basic nature of the modern liberal mind. It explains why liberals are so seldom engaged with reality in a useful way, but are instead focused upon posturing instead of taking responsibility for their own life.
Thus, affirmative action only attracts negative thoughts vibrations. It leaves Whites in charge and promotes racist thinking on their part ("Blacks are so dumb that we have to lower our standards to accommodate them") and leaves Blacks angry because they feel that the Black opportunist leadership has sold them out.
Against the economic determinism of the slave system, in which the worth of a man was simply what he could be sold for, the enslaved blacks asserted the idea of the intrinsic worth and personal moral autonomy, the moment of real personal emancipation came when they took responsibility for their lives and with their willingness to create their own reality by assuming moral responsibility for their own actions.
It is deeply sad to see liberal America unable even to consider the possibility that, nowadays as in these times, black men and women will choose to pursue lives of personal responsibilty in accord with the deepest principles of revealed truth, the possibility that black men and women's happiness lies in their own hands.
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20 Apr 2007 @ 20:18
Climate and Probablity
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