19 Apr 2007 @ 22:54
Picture: Mr Sarkozy and Miss Royal on Les Guignols de l'Info More >
19 Apr 2007 @ 18:53
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Article 12.
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his/her privacy, family, home or correspondence...
Article 19.
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
Et tu, Yahoo?
Wang Xiaoning cersus Yahoo! More >
19 Apr 2007 @ 18:17
Defendants [Yahoo!] willingly provided Chinese officials with access to private e-mail records, copies of email messages, e-mail addresses, user ID numbers, and other identifying information about the Plaintiffs and the nature and content of their use of electronic communications. This information, available only to the Defendants, was voluntarily provided to Chinese officials by Defendant Yahoo! Inc.
A Chinese political prisoner and his wife sued Yahooin federal court Wednesday, accusing the company of abetting the commission of torture by helping Chinese authorities identify political dissidents who were later beaten and imprisoned.
The suit, filed under the Alien Tort Claims Act and the Torture Victims Protection Act, is believed to be the first of its kind against an Internet company for its activities in China.
Wang Xiaoning, who according to the suit is serving a 10-year prison sentence in China; his wife, Yu Ling; and other unnamed defendants seek damages and an injunction barring Yahoo from identifying dissidents to Chinese authorities.
More here and here and here. More >
19 Apr 2007 @ 14:47
April 20, 2007
Its a commin folks
source = [link]
how to not do...
Its after all not so much what we should do
but what we shouldn't do
so I won't drive my solar car on earth day
care to join me for a walk?
ed More >
18 Apr 2007 @ 18:21
What would they think?
What could they possibly make of the human species, if they were out there observing Earth? More >
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