17 Apr 2007 @ 17:30
Well shes pretty much done and with a link perhaps to forward
we might have a plan.
Life = [link] More >
17 Apr 2007 @ 16:15
What is a climate friendly economy though?
Draft Def: A Climate Friendly Economy is an economy that monitors, controls and limits its' greenhouse gas emissions, to being under a certain standard or target.
What target?
Well as stated a previous less disruptive target say the year 1850. More >
16 Apr 2007 @ 18:55
Clearly, for 2008, the endless, unplanned war is the dominating issue on the landscape. Then comes the pocketbook. The environment still trails both of these, but it's an issue that's growing in importance...
...global climate mess is partly an individual responsibility and people tend to avoid that particular issue. Taking responsibility for changing wasteful habits means saying "mea culpa" and when it comes to the environment most people don't want to own their part of the problem. It's an "inconvenient truth," but it's real. But, if people start to take responsibility for their own contribution to the problem then you can bet politicians better start owning the problem as well.
---Phil Bailey, The Environment, 2008 Sleeper Issue?
Presidential candidates for 2008 mostly agree that global warming is a problem that merits government action, a signal that debate on the issue will be more practical than conceptual.
Democrats actively seeking the nomination or thought to be considering White House bids say climate change is real and promise plans to curb carbon emissions, a view shared by several Republican hopefuls.
---Christina Bellantoni, Washington Time
Global warming emerges as 2008 election issue More >
16 Apr 2007 @ 18:27
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16 Apr 2007 @ 18:19
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