16 Apr 2007 @ 18:12
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14 Apr 2007 @ 12:14
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12 Apr 2007 @ 18:41
A proposal has been made for a "DECLARATION OF WAR" against greenhouse gases with troops being diverted to use in the enforcement of a manditory global moratorium and freeze on greenhouse gas emissions. This may even constitute a "Just War" as it seeks to address climate change as a crime not only against humanity but against the whole planet as we know it. More >
12 Apr 2007 @ 11:25
oops spelling sorry
April 12, 2007
This thread is perhaps to be similar in tone to "Selfing Healing" Forum whereas if you have a practice or product you can reasonably assuredly "endorse" as climate friendly please share it so that we, in the failure of our governments to act, might act in the capacity as conscientious and climate friendly consumers ourselves.
Now by what is meant by climate friendly is somewhat problematic as even if we had acted thus five years ago we would still be in the same boat as we are today, as climate takes a long time to process through the system and even if we act now, we may not see and change and things may slightly worsen for the next 30 - 60 years. So given that reality we sort of have to anticipate beyond then and act in good faith that the small and large acts and friendly lifestyles of today will be for not our immediate benefit or result today but for the future but we may find we were "meant" to live in harmony with the planet so acting as such has the reward of "living right" or "smart living."
so first recommendations
1. well I have a solar unit consisting of a panel and a back up battery. it is portable though very low power but the battery is 120 volt and 60 cycle AC as it has a built in inverter but takes about a week to charge with my small 5 watt panel. it has an electrical AC grid plug in charger but cannot return power to the grid. I've used it for about a year and am quite happy with its performance except perhaps for a lo freq hum when used sometimes with audio systems.
note oh I suppose sequential numbering our tips can assist in there organization and reference.
2. I've changed the way I drive after going for five years without driving. Coming back to it I now read the lights and coast a lot more even if the buggers? behind me come right up on my tail light but I no longer care unless they of course want to pay for my gas , brakes and polluting.
3. Doing art or being an artist is a more or less climate friendly occupation.
4. Growing organic vegetables via perma-culture is a more or less climate friendly.
5. Take "electric holidays" is a good practice. What this is is turning off your power box for an hour or a day and taking a break from the grid. It saves power money and the climate.
6. Not immediately draining your hot bath can use the heat to heat and humidify your bath room for about 5 to 8 hours. And taking a bath when all the power is off with candles and an open bath room door is a rather pleasant feeling and experience as when the powers off the smoke alarms don't go off because of the high humidity.
Any way as they say the ball is now rolling so take it away Johnny but don't expect much for 40 or so years but rest in the assurance of "right and smart living".
ed More >
12 Apr 2007 @ 11:20
April 12, 2007
This thread is perhaps to be similar in tone to "Selfing Healing" Forum whereas if you have a practice or product you can reasonably assuradly "endorse" as climate freindly please share it so that we, in the failure of our governments to act, might act in the capacity as conscientious and climate freindly consumers ourselves.
Now by what is meant by climate freindly is somewhat problematic as even if we had acted thus five years ago we would still be in the same boat as we are today, as climate takes a long time to process through the system and even if we act now, we may not see and change and things may slightly worsen for the next 30 - 60 years. So given that reality we sort of have to anticipate beyond then and act in good faith that the small and large acts and freindly lifestyles of today will be for not our immediate benefit or result today but for the future but we may find we were "meant" to live in harmony with the planet so acting as such has the reward of "living right" or "smart living."
so first recommendations
1. well I have a solar unit consisting of a panel and a back up battery. it is portable though very low power but the battery is 120 volt and 60 cycle AC as it has a built in inverter but takes about a week to charge with my small 5 watt panel. it has an electrical AC grid plug in charger but cannot return power to the grid. I've used it for about a year and am quite happy with its performance except perhaps for a lo freq hum when used sometimes with audio systems.
note oh I suppose sequential numbering our tips can assist in there organization and reference.
2. I've changed the way I drive after going for five years without driving. Coming back to it I now read the lights and coast a lot more even if the buggers? behind me come right up on my tailight but I no longer care unless they of course want to pay for my gas , brakes and polluting.
3. Doing art or being an artist is a more or less climate freindly occupation.
4. Growing organic vegetables via permaculture is a more or less climate freindly.
5. Take "electric holidays" is a good practice. What this is is turning off your power box for an hour or a day and taking a break from the grid. It saves power money and the climate.
6. Not immediately draining your hot bath can use the heat to heat and humidify your bath room for about 5 to 8 hours. And taking a bath when all the power is off with candles and an open bath room door is a rather pleasant feeling and experience as when the powers off the smoke alarms don't go off because of the high humidity.
Any way as they say the ball is now rolling so take it away Johnny but don't expect much for 40 or so years but rest in the assurance of "right and smart living".
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