9 Apr 2007 @ 17:40
The brave pioneers who refuse to jump on the consensus "reality" of the global warming bandwagon are like Galileo, who also went against the repressive cultist scientific establishment of his day.
The IPCC is a creation of the United Nations ("a socialist organization, bent on world domination) and we have all seen how corrupt that institution has become, failing to fulfill its mandate for a more peaceful world while seeking to become a world government that would destroy the sovereignty of the United States and all other nations.
Charles Darwin, no stranger to source material for lefty bloggers, believed that cranial size and geometry (bumps and that sort of thing) could explain the superiority of the caucasian race over that of the other races. This was the fad science of Darwin's day. Of course, we laugh at such absurdity these days much as our decendants will probably laugh at this feeble GW fad science of our day.
When people are willing to base an entire belief system on corrupt and selected data, it makes them Cultist, not legitimate scientists.
According to Grant Reichert "We need to actively ignore global warming for the time being — to get inaction in action. We simply cannot put off procrastinating any longer. Or, as Carbon the Bear would say, 'Only you can’t prevent global warming.'":
Global warming is not a problem we should be worried about when fixing it would take such an incredible investment of money for such a low return on such a distant problem. There are more immediate problems such as AIDS and malaria.
Scientific progress is exponential. There’s no telling what the world of fifty years from now will hold. Presently, we are on the verge of startling breakthroughs in nanotechnology, which will allow us to manipulate the world at its most basic level. After crossing this threshold, nearly anything will be possible.
We’ve already discovered ways to use nanoscopic particles of gold as catalysts to remove carbon monoxide from the environment. Within the next hundred years, we will be able to purge chemicals from our environment with the push of a button, not through economically devastating and largely ineffective treaties. More >
9 Apr 2007 @ 15:58
April 9, 2007
Well google continues to progress, now offering an opportunity for its map and google earth community to create detailed maps of almost any area. The catch is that it requires a little html proficiency, but you can add photos and text and links.
So in the spirit of cooperative enterprise, I shifted the data from the map I made about a year and a half ago to the google program and am fairly pleased with the results. The accuracy seems to be quite good its just sort of a matter of trial and error to learn the programing.
Red Deer Site Link = [link]
PS check out the crop circle from 2001 by Penhold
ed More >
9 Apr 2007 @ 00:34
"Of course, what should we expect? Sports Illustrated is part of the Time Warner AOL conglomerate that has fallen hook, line and sinker for the global warming fraud. Through all of its media tentacles, this communications beast spreads the lie that man's activity on the planet is responsible for changing the climate, specifically producing too much carbon dioxide that leads to global warming."
Urgent heads-up from Joseph Farah here on World Net Daily:
"The rest of us just need to remember this is not science; it's religion.
It takes faith to believe in global warming.
You need to pretend the sun is not the major factor in how warm Earth is at any given time.
You need to pretend that your choice of light bulb can really impact the temperature of the planet.
You need to pretend deviating temperatures of the past, before industrialization, didn't mean anything, while deviating temperatures in the industrial age spell doom and gloom.
You need to pretend that buying carbon credits from Al Gore will actually save the planet.
You need to pretend massive, government-forced redistributions of wealth can reduce the temperature of the planet.
That's a lot of pretending.
Personally, I think I'd prefer to just go watch a ballgame.
By the way, no trees were cut down to bring you this message. Can Sports Illustrated make that claim?" More >
9 Apr 2007 @ 00:08
"And for those who do not share our faith, let us at least together be deeply grateful for the legacy of Judeo-Christian ethical teachings, which have so civilized the conduct of human and international relations, and of governmental institutions, that barbarism and slavery need not be our lot."
Alan Keyes and
The Renew America,
Declaration Foundation &
Declaration Alliance Families More >
8 Apr 2007 @ 15:33
This is the body...
Link = [link]
your humble servant
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