6 Apr 2007 @ 20:04
Supreme Court ruling on global warming: There they go again
On Monday, the Supreme Court once again demonstrated it has no regard for the constitutional limits on its judicial overreach by meddling in issues that were designed by the Founders to be handled by the legislative and executive branches of government.
The Court essentially ordered the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to regulate carbon dioxide emissions and other greenhouse gases, or face further legal action.
The Justices, evidently now fancying themselves the not-to-be-questioned arbiters of science along with just about everything else, ruled that CO2 is a pollutant. But it is not. CO2 is plant food, and higher concentrations of CO2 are beneficial to plant growth and therefore a positive boon to human life. During photosynthesis, plants convert CO2 to carbohydrates and release oxygen into the atmosphere in the process.
The Court's ruling ignores the fact that for the last 30 years, the EPA has been ordering automakers to find ways to eliminate every other emission from tailpipes except for CO2, for the obvious reason that it is not a pollutant.
Once again the left, unable to achieve its agenda through the democratic process, has resorted to the autocratic power of the Supreme Court to get what it wants.
---------> Read entire article here by Bryan Fischer on Renew America More >
6 Apr 2007 @ 17:45
it is good that they are doing this because behaviour to addictions is very difficult to change
and that seems to be the case in the current climate change and human crisis.
link = [link]
I think to face the fact of this as an addiction problem can help in ways out.
climate change as fact
link = h t t p : // w w w . spiegel.de/international/0,1518,476074,00.html
climate problem as addiction
flying addiction link = [link]
Ceo $ addiction link = [link]
Oil Addiction link = [link]
sir ed More >
6 Apr 2007 @ 14:38
April 6, 2007
Good Friday
Morning , well I thought the children would save humanity but alas they have been silent, perhaps to far removed though not as much as we from the Planet.
I was thus in ponderation? New Climate Report out, somewhat disturbing but...
The animals, the birds and bees thus, they should know as they "knew" about the Tsunami in 2004, we must follow their lead.
It is perhaps backed by the realization that climate change has occurred before.
The 10 to 12,000 BC the climate was changing. Some nomadic tribes in Asia moved to the North and then to the East perhaps following the buffalo herds or ? their food . Then and there they found the land bridge at the Bering Sea and the aboriginals "discovered" America. They over the years thus found refuge here until the climate change that conquered the Mayans and Incas.
Let us watch then the animals and birds and bees and ants and live more like them. They are still more in touch and intuitive with the planet. They might act as guides as how to live in a sustainable and climate freindly manner. Apparently though we may lose 1/4 of the earths 50 million species but perhaps new ones will emerge.
sir ed More >
5 Apr 2007 @ 17:49
Picture: Brazil (Terry Gilliam - 1985) Tag-line: "It's all about flights of fantasy. And the nightmare of reality. Terrorist bombings. And late night shopping. True love. And creative plumbing. It's only a state of mind."
Yellow Alert!
Very serious and alarming stuff from the Executive Director of the International Council for Economic Development here:
"I spent three days searching the Internet for articles and websites about disinformation, 99 out one hundred sites were communist propaganda about so-called conspiracy theories, and only one site was moderate in its approach. Nowhere I could find references to the most deadly weapon used by the old Soviet Union to weaken the US and discredit American Institutions for over four decades: the KGB disinformation war.
After September Eleven, for a brief moment, the patriotic spirit, spurred by that tragedy and pain, cleared the minds of media reporters, politicians and most of the public. Now the constant repetition of well-designed lies, contorted logic, and half-truths is clouding the minds and the judgment of many, including many prominent people. The Internet is becoming the platform where lies can be multiplied and spread like highly infected viruses. Its primary target hosts: younger people. Being an emotional triggered program, its easiest hosts: people with emotional imbalance such as, resentment, fear, hate, and frustration. The new Department of Home Security should try to install confidence and peace of mind, and not fear and uncertainty. Even the economy can work better only if surrounded by confidence and trust, while fear, lack of trust and insecurity can only bring depression… as in the Great Depression.
But the root is the same: brainwashing through highly emotional issues, and constant repetition of simple intellectual concepts."
---George Lombardi
Executive Director
International Council for Economic Development
More Here: The Twin Towers, Babylon and Saddam
Now you know and you have been warned. Britney Spears said it best, remain confident and trust in our President. Have you heard about the secret: Do not add to the negative energy. More >
5 Apr 2007 @ 13:43
Sept 11, 2001
It is morning, I am surfing on the computer, suddenly I get a pop up out of nowhere, It is from the US Army? What have I got to do with the US Army? I close it and continue surfing. My budgies are chirping quietly in the background. I am facing the East from out West in Alberta. I check my email and theres a news bulletin from the prime ministers office saying something about a plane crashing into the building or some how I hear about a plane crashing into a building and think poor sods another plane accident. I continue surfing. Not sure what I was up about at the time. Looking for amusement perhaps or hmmm where was I?.... good question where was I before the towers? Anyway its about 8 or 9 AM I go back to check my email and theres another? one from the PMs office. This one loudly condeming the plane crash or a second plane crash. Bingo. What I say? Somethings up.... At this point I wander off and turn on the TV bam bam bam every channel is phrenetic I sense not news but panic... bam bam bam again... the towers in New York have been hit by two planes. What the heck? Whats going on?
Theyre playing the footage over and over again. The media is in not glory but its own kind of disarray. They don't know either it seems. Theyre looking for ? What was the media thinking? Was this just another news story or no this was bigger than news so why the heck were they boardcasting it on public tv. This was "history" happening before my very eyes. the history of what? Who authorized the boardcasts of the towers?
But then again where was I before the towers...
hard to recall.
ed More >
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