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 Unfastened Coins: Titanic Conspiracy0 comments
category picture5 Apr 2007 @ 02:28
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 Bear Baiting0 comments
picture4 Apr 2007 @ 21:29
Bait or Baiting is the act of worrying or tormenting a chained or confined animal by setting game dogs upon it for sport. In our Internet culture, and where humans activity online is concerned, people have referred to this practice as "button pushing."

According to Bill Maher, "one of the tenets of Scientology is that anyone who criticizes the religion is fair game for any and all kinds of retribution. You can harass them, you can spread lies about them, and it's OK because the critic is fundamentally evil."

Where Bill Maher went with that (11.09.2006) is outrageous, of course, as it is almost always the case which practically anything he touches, but not totally out of place either, all things considered:

"In fact, this attitude is only a matter of degrees away from the belief radical Muslims have that any wrong perpetrated against the "infidels" is justified.

This also ties into the so-called father of neo-conservatism, the philosopher Leo Strauss, who argued that the only way to stop liberalism from ruining society was for the elites (a.k.a his neocon followers) to exploit myths (religion) or create new myths (the Islamic Menace) that will unite the hoi polloi in an orgy of nationalistic fervor. Sounds like fascism? Yup. But an interesting feature of Straussism is that the elites don't care if the myths they are exploiting are actually true; that's irrelevant as long as they're effective."

I wonder what's the policy of the Church of Scientology with regard to "dissidents" or former scientologists who pursue activities that might be perceived by the Church as illegally borrowed from their teachings or a subversion of their religion. There is probably there some analogies with what went on when the Protestants broke off from the Catholic church, and all the splinted christian groups which split of afterward. Come to think of it, Christianity itself split of from what was in a way the "Church" of the time, which was itself pretty badly spliced. The same can be said of Islam and Hinduism...and also of the New Age.

More interesting, perhaps, is what become of the splinters. Having been themselves on the receiving end of intolerance and the repressive tactics of the mother church from which they split off, do they amend their way, and learn openness and tolerance of other, or are they bound to repeat towards those they perceive as their "infidels" the mistakes of the Church who persecuted them, like the abused who become abuser?

The question is particularly relevant on a site such as NCN, which prone diversity and people freely working, separately in subgroups, or together, and in any case, if not with (or in agreement with) each other, at least beyond their differences.  More >

 A body - free of religious mania - ?4 comments
picture4 Apr 2007 @ 19:03
I will soon leave this world only to return and complete my mission... Although I long to stretch my arms back in repose on some distant star in some distant galaxy, it appears that is one dream that will have to wait. But my return depends on people like you doing these materials thoroughly and completely so that there will be a genetically uncontaminated body for me to pick up and resume where I left off. A body free of religious mania, right/wrong dichotomy and synthetic karma...

I will return not as a religious leader but a political one. That happens to be the requisite beingness for the task at hand. I will not be known to most of you, my activities misunderstood by many, yet along with your constant effort in the theta band I will effectively postpone and then halt a series of events designed to make happy slaves of us all.

Saint Hill Manor. East Grinstead, Sussex

Found at Karin Spainks site: The Fishman Affidavit

In view of the fact that so many people here (including the founder of NCN) are Scientologists, or, at least, ex-scientologists, or neo-scientologists (members who at one point or another left the Church, but are carrying on with some of the work of "the Commodore"), this is probably a good place to ask. is this what you actually studied - I mean beside becoming "clear" and all the early Dianetic stuff? (Since this is supposedly OT VIII material, it would only apply to those of you who made it all the way to that level, I suppose.)

I wonder.

This is not intended as a criticism of Scientology or anything, or of anyone's faith or religious persuasion (or lack thereof), and I understand that "there is no Spiritual or Religious basis to NCN." Etc. Besides, if you are a Scientologist, "what is true for you is true for you", right? And "reality is a function of agreement" - or something like that? And to each his or her own and no disrespect intended.

The Church of Scientology officially denies the authenticity of the above material , and says it's a forgery to smear the Church.
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 The Crossing1 comment
category picture4 Apr 2007 @ 18:54
04 04 2007


I was intrigued by the word "the crossing" today for some reason.
Some how it had a certain ring to it and yet I couldn't quite place and then
ah yes I remembered my "Train Ride" in spring of 1977 accross Canada from London Ont
to Edmonton... Alberta

Ah yes it was a two or 3 day journey on the train and we pulled out and shared our
guitars and played and sang and watched the scenery unfold as we trekked slowly accross the "great lands."

A sense of fellowship soon developed with help of the music and we shared our meger resources, food and stories and the hopes and dreams of us young people returning home from school or just journeying to destinations anew.

Hadn't really realized the impact of it. Meeting people from every part of the country and developing close bonds in such short times and then each of us bidding adue and on to a different path but richer and "changed" perhaps for the meeting and sharing.

All and all though tedious at times a good adventure for a young soul on his own.
But I suppose wits are well advised to be on alert as some goods went missing but still the fond memories outweigh them by far and are still there I see.

ed  More >

 Never Mind5 comments
category picture4 Apr 2007 @ 13:46
Apparantly the previous story was just left over debris from April 1rst.

Belgium authorities in denial about global warming.  More >

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An introduction to the science and art of perception management.

The phrase "perception management" is filtering into common use as a synonym for "persuasion." Public relations firms now offer "perception management" as one of their services. Similarly, public officials who are being accused of shading the truth are now frequently charged with engaging in "perception management" when disseminating information to media or to the general public.

Although perception management operations are typically carried out within the international arena between governments, and between governments and citizens, use of perception management techniques have become part of mainstream information management systems in many ways that do not concern military campaigns or government relations with citizenry. Businesses may even contract with other businesses to conduct perception management for them, or they may conduct it in-house with their public relations staff.

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  • Perception management is a term originated by the U. S. military. The U. S. Department of Defense (DOD) gives this definition:

    Actions to convey and/or deny selected information and indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning as well as to intelligence systems and leaders at all levels to influence official estimates, ultimately resulting in foreign behaviors and official actions favorable to the originator's objectives. In various ways, perception management combines truth projection, operations security, cover and deception, and psychological operations.
