4 Apr 2007 @ 13:41
It is a story from Russian newspaper, after all, so truth(pravada) is suspect.
Belgium to impose tax on barbequing to fight global warming More >
4 Apr 2007 @ 01:56
Written by Dave Frishberg, Schoolhouse Rocker, in 1971.
You'll have to turn your volume up for this, after you click below the fold. More >
3 Apr 2007 @ 13:04
A repeat for repetions sake...
I think it is the citizenrys dilemna that they can not labor in the fields and have time to be involved in government at some point at the same time. There just isn't enough time or energy in a day to do it all. There are quite a few levels too of government, municiple, county, state, federal and international. And "Galactic"? well whatever. The sheer beurocracy is boggling. We rely pro bono on "elected" represented who are lobbyed by paid lobbyists and others who pay "lawyers" perhaps to act to the best interests yet the machinery doesn't always work or rarely works very efficiently. Take the UN it is not a "grass roots body". It was conjured to much degree by "statesmen" or less by "polititions". So essentially the grassroots has little day to day involvement in the democratic process but entrusts it to the elected, the lobbists and the lawyers and judges. I suppose a solution might be to creat a kind of "polictical duty" like jury duty where some would be selected to act in parliament for a certain period with pay as political jurors. Might work might not but then perhaps the grass roots citizen might have some "direct" influence and real "representation" by someone who is more or less in the same boat as they. people have busy lives afterall and who can stay abreast of it all.
sir ed
3 Apr 2007 @ 00:44
The Big Button More >
2 Apr 2007 @ 20:47
so the industrial revolution is the cause
climate change the effect...
and quantum weirdness the sucker punch or red herring.
is that how anyone else reads it?
sir More >
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