2 Apr 2007 @ 18:19
Come to the edge...
More >
2 Apr 2007 @ 15:16
April 2 2007
The Deindustrial Revolution
Given the data that suggests or proves that the current situation is the result or consequence of the Industrial Revolution originating in Britain in the 1850s that it then would suggest that what might reverse or better the fortunes and fate of the planet might be along the lines of a "Deindustrial Revolution" back to a better and more sustainable and climate freindly foundation.
sir ed More >
2 Apr 2007 @ 08:09
April 2, 2007
Is the current planetary dilemma about "choices?" Are we faced for instance with the choice to have our SUVs to roam a barren wasteland or do we want perhaps clean air, water and greenery. Is it our choice or do we think we can have it both ways?
I don't know it gets confusing.
We haven't thought things through very clearly it seems or far enough down the line.
1 Apr 2007 @ 22:50
The great divide?
when did it occur?
Was it the Greeks or
the invention of metal
or the invention of fire perhaps?
When was it that humanity seperated itself
no not church from state
but humanity from Earth.
When was the earth seen as "unclean" and humanity
and civilization and health seen as above Nature.
Was the separation on the pretense of health reasons.
But nature like any organism has its bouts of health and disease and has its immune responses. Humanity should have known this but choose instead a different course and built a house and cast nature out. Sure there are true sanitary considerations and proper places and treatments for certain things but to throw the baby out with the bath water?
For shame and very silly. Now human immune system have become so pampered that they can not withstand the simplest of things. Humanity is "prejudice" against nature. And then the manoquered and hypocondriac "suits" took the reins and the rest well is...
I wonder?
sir ed More >
1 Apr 2007 @ 20:27
okay put my money which I don't really have any of to spare, but put it where my mouth is...
10 Dollars to the well what is the project called okay
Plan 1850 ...
I pledge 10 dollars to plan 1850...
we thus need a trusted person to be treasurer to send the money to and if we form a society we can offer tax free status and charitable donations....
So we have a budget for Plan 1850 of ten dollars
any suggestions on how to spend it wisely?
sir ed
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