Wheres the agenda?
and who is making it?
Now agendas can be problematic but without one not much gets done.
Boy its a real mess out/in/everywhere it seems.
Any volunteers to draw up a noble and perhaps "revolving" agenda, at least till something better comes along?
31 Mar 2007 @ 23:23
What we might want or choose or decide to do if interested
and financed is instead of building more extravangant and expensive syncrotrons try designing and building something a little more practical at the moment like a "SUPER GLOBAL CILMATE SIMULATOR" that has satellite and real time input feeds and try modeling and controlling dangerous climate changes by adjustments to human activity over time with a possible monitoring station at a moon base.
just a thought
sir ed
Unprecidented Change
Global warming though is not new. But global warming with the cognizance of the predominant species of the planet, that is perhaps indeed new and unprecidented. The occurrance of a global event unfolding with the scrutiny and observation of the inhabitants and in living memory. We have no pretest or pretrial to dictate our response. And how are we responding? Some still with denial, some with fear, some with indifference. But who are we? We are on the forefront, on the front lines of the change, the shift. If by the Universes will humanity survives and adapts will it not largely be because of how we the initial responders to unprecidented conditions fare and adapt. Yet we have no model or precidance. When faced with the new what to do?
Run and hide, seek the experts (there are none) consult the wise, ask the children, plan for the future, do more studies? How though can we respond if we don't know what the outcome may or will be and how can we know if it is unprecidented. The answer may thus lie in "simulation" or global simulators. A concerted effort might be made to construct an accurate and holistic global super computer or super quantum computer that we could use to project and anticipate the coming changes. If we can perhaps model a better probablity and predictablity then we would stand a better chance of adapting appropriate responses. It will mean in a sense gaining and controlling the weather to a degree though science has long said such has to many variables to ever dream of doing but we may have to adjust our living on a continual basis as a means of climate and weather control. Just a thought though but would a super quantum computer simulator be the way to go and to give us an edge to this unprecidented period.
Global warming though is not new. But global warming with the cognizance of the predominant species of the planet, that is perhaps indeed new and unprecidented. The occurrance of a global event unfolding with the scrutiny and observation of the inhabitants and in living memory. We have no pretest or pretrial to dictate our response. And how are we responding? Some still with denial, some with fear, some with indifference. But who are we? We are on the forefront, on the front lines of the change, the shift. If by the Universes will humanity survives and adapts will it not largely be because of how we the initial responders to unprecident conditions fare. Yet we have no model or precidance. When faced with the new what to do?
Run and hide, seek the experts (there are none) consult the wise, ask the children, plan for the future, do more studies? How though can we respond if we don't know what the outcome may or will be and how can we know if it is unprecidented. The answer may thus lie in "simulation" or global simulators. A concerted effort might be made to construct an accurate and holistic global super computer or super quantum computer that we could use to project and anticipate the coming changes. If we can perhaps model a better probablity and predictablity then we would stand a better chance of adapting appropriate responses. It will mean in a sense gaining and controlling the weather to a degree though science has long said such has to many variables to ever dream of doing but we may have to adjust our living on a continual basis as a means of climate and weather control. Just a thought though but would a super quantum computer simulator be the way to go and to give us an edge to this unprecident period.
31 Mar 2007 @ 15:40
March 31, 2007
Being Clear
Ah we stand on the otherside and sadly gaze back. Some may find my words disheartening but I feel they must be spoke not for my sake alone but for the sake of all, so that we may start at least from some point of clearness and or honesty.
We, humanity embark in this new millennium on a new course. In regards to caring or truth it is to late, Our fates are cast in this new strange land. It is to late for the luxury of caring or not caring. The changes are upon us. End of story. The quest now becomes one of minimizing or making the best of the situation in terms of the effects and changes due to the consequences or new reality we find. We must begin anew a process of readaption to a new, unfolding and emerging world.
We can look at this in a number of ways, a blessing, a curse, a problem, etc but the way I would have us see it is as an opportunity as the Chinese way of looking and a challenge.
The plan I present, Plan 1850 is just a projection of sorts to perhaps the minimal position that we could hope for from the changes that will occur to the current status quo. Even this though would not in the end look like it is planned because there are way to many variables to consider. It is simply a vision of the minimum change we could hope for and it has a fair probabilty of acheived outcome.
Most likely though such would not be adered to as we humans tend to resist such so the changes we will face will probably be greater than Plan 1850 accounts for.
Will we survive? Well the chances are we will but things can no longer be the same as they were. Change is definately upon us. The key is adapting to it in the most reasonable and best practice ways.
Will we have to change? Well yes I suppose we may have to do without in terms of certain things and such and we will have to make choices hard choices and sacrifices perhaps to forge a way in the new emerging and unfolding reality. It will be or require us to change in many ways. The key is to be flexible and fluid and cooperative and perhaps principled and integritous will most likely help with fairing the best.
Some of us were advising of this for most of our lives and our words went unheeded but that is besides the point and water under the bridge. We face now a new page in human history and it has only just begun. And as a fitting beginning thus as beginnings are foundations of sorts we should be honest, clear and true.
Mark or do not mark my words, it matters not, we are in the midsts of change as I speak, Whether some will continue to deny that is no longer an issue. Caring or not caring is moot.
Adapting and minimizing in accordance to the things we cherish and value most as a peoples and society can help us endure. I pray that we will value the right and good and worthy things and thus carry ourselves into this new age and time with dignity, honour, truth and love.
27 Mar 2007 @ 19:01
"People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do."
---Isaac Asimov
Seems like a lot of people feel very threatened, these days, by any review discussing any of the new Age world views from which pop-spiritual books like The Secret> have emerged. Julian Walker's blog at Zaadz, The Secret: Spiritual Cinema?, delves into that topic quite extensively. (Julian Walker also participated with Ken Wilber in a deconstruction of The Secret's Law of attraction and why it is, in their opinion, potentially damaging.)
The following video by Julian is about the power of intention, psychological depth work, the importance of inquiry-based practice and critical thinking in 21st Century Spirituality:
An introduction to the science and art of perception management.
The phrase "perception management" is filtering into common use as a synonym for "persuasion." Public relations firms now offer "perception management" as one of their services. Similarly, public officials who are being accused of shading the truth are now frequently charged with engaging in "perception management" when disseminating information to media or to the general public.
Although perception management operations are typically carried out within the international arena between governments, and between governments and citizens, use of perception management techniques have become part of mainstream information management systems in many ways that do not concern military campaigns or government relations with citizenry. Businesses may even contract with other businesses to conduct perception management for them, or they may conduct it in-house with their public relations staff.
Perception management is a term originated by the U. S. military. The U. S. Department of Defense (DOD) gives this definition:
Actions to convey and/or deny selected information and indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning as well as to intelligence systems and leaders at all levels to influence official estimates, ultimately resulting in foreign behaviors and official actions favorable to the originator's objectives. In various ways, perception management combines truth projection, operations security, cover and deception, and psychological operations.